443AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA unty of Orange ss. -�Z Q C�. .. . .... of saidcounty, being first duly sworn, says: ---that he is a male citi- zen of the United States, and of the State of California, over the age of eighteen years; that he has no interest in, nor is he a party tothe atter herein entioned; Pat he is tly�" " Q �X,:Z:'.....U..1.1�h`•�•"2•'ofthe l ..newspaper printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orange; that said s%r! is a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and general news and intelligence of a general character; that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it has been printed and published in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto at- tached; that the f ............................................... of which the annexed is a printed; copy, was published in said newspaper at least ........ .. :t.:?2t e.-- • • • • • • • • • • • • • . YI/ commencing on the... 11 .. .,�.{{........day of ... ;2 "• �:2_.... . 192. and ending on the...` .�.. t-- •:..day of..% . • . 192. and that said.....-- •Q ��� •••••••• was published on the followin d y$: d \ /tomes u....-:...... ................. e Subscribed and sworn to before me this. l .1^/�".....day of 92 67 ............................ Notary Pu 1,��AL :NOTICE - t obiNANGE NO."443 AN- CYRIIIN#,NICE DEFINING. AND ITTABLIE�HI,NG CERTAIN GAR - A GE 1jfSTI CTS IN . THE CITY nL. Crdxy G.r t" nrtnUrRITING E CTAI'fd GA£AGB DISTRICTS, . >iSCIIING A PENAL- i is pR TfIE VIO'LATICIN The Board of Trustees cf the City of Anaheim do ordain as fol- fowt Sedtlon.'L' For the purpose of this ordinance, ce`rYaln garage districts aro,',hereby created and established j in 'the.,.City of Anaheim, which are' respectively dosig'nated„Garage Dis- trict,No.' :4Gfi a' a `District No. 2, Garage DistrliA,i7o. 3. f4arage Dis- trict No. • 4, and Garage District No, 5, ­the, e,xterioC boundarie n of which said several� garage districts ar# •hereasfter,• iii Sections 2, 3; 4, 6 ah11= 6, 'of,this, ordinance defined; deet+ion 2. The exterior bounclar- les' of Glftrao” District -'1% 1 ar@` hereby: defined and established as foligws, totwit: I ,RftjantnVi ;t„a' pbiltt ori the West eriy„ ilne'lo �. t 1. Block- "A", Ilei - mann ,& George. Addition, as shown an 9L >naP:,reot .ded Sn Book 2, Pags i &49 1Wliscelianeous Records of Lost Ai[geles , G$turkty, California, - 100,1 feet Sopthelly from "the Ngrth6rlX 1iW Of safd Lot l; thence iRaaterly pd , Ilei to tlie`Northerlyhne of said Lotto a.pAlht, o feet Westerly of flee Easterly lfile of said; lot; thence . soptherly• para;ltel to said Easterly line:" aild parallei to the Easteriy Bike of Lot 4 of said Block "A” and Bald Easterly ,lftie extended to the Northerly line 4 -Lot 68; Block "U of td Heithdrip &c George Addi tach; 'thence Easterly along, the" Xoi therly -ifine of said Lot 63 to this N7kheasteriy cor.her"of said Lot 63;` Yl+�he"SoUltfireflya.lone;the F7asterly iii4 of �sa3d Lot_ and the Easterly line of Lot 64 :of said subdivision, to the Sotithtaste,rly corner of said thence. Westerly alol,194 the Southerly line cf said Lot 64'to .the Easterly, line 4f Lot 37'ot said sub diV,W,1 0,1 1ftUtherly, alOn ; sats jastqj4j, Yne and the E4sterl'y and unstabliahed in l and estab rdiM,L1' Peal--, section 9• Any Whoshall violate orporat'OnVlaiona of this Dfpf the .p rned guilty of shall 68. -dee upon convietion< shall be Punished by a to meanor and Ijundrte Of, lot m©re than oT rby iinvoo, 1n $t13�0 °y� '� ninety, 9i0) .id not less than d irnprio by boli such ,Line art Section 1Q• ordinance n of �naeim, the 1 the City roliibitng or r f i1 rdihes e tabli ehmenteertain l/i�any garag and in a °f_..ioa iP, and defy Gt let± a ORDINANCE NO. 443 (the Southerly line of East genter said Lancenberger Tract; thence Street; thence Easterly along said Southerly a3`ong said extended East - AN ORDINANCE DEFINING AND 'Southerly line to the Northeasterly l erly line and along said Easterly ESTABLISHING CERTAIN GAR- corner of the Rimpau Square, as line to the Southerly line of said AGE 'DISTRICTS -IN THE CITY shown on a map recorded in Book .Lot 5; thence Easterly along said OF ANAHEIM, PROHIBITING -, Page -- Miscelleaneous I Southerly line extended and along THE MAINTENANCE, ESTAB- Maps, Retards of Orange County, the Southerly line of Lot, 1 of said LISHMENT ,OR CARRYING ON California;. thence Southerly along Langenberger Tract to the present OF ANY GARAGE BUSINESS i the Easterly line of said Rimpau xx'esteriy line of South Lemon IN SAID 'CITY EXCEPT IN'Square to the Southeasterly corner Street; thence Southerly along said CERTAIN GARAGE DISTRICTS, of I at 5 of said Square; thence Westerly line to a point 199.75 feet AND PRESCRIBING A PENAL- Easterly along said Southerly line Southerly frorn the monumented TY `,FOIL ' THE VIOLATION and along the Southerly line, of lots centerline of Nest Center Street; THEREOF. 14, %, 2, and 1 of said square, thence Easterly parallel to said The Board of Trustees of the i and said Southerly line extended to monumented centerline and paral- City of Anaheim do ordain as fol- ! the Southeasterly corner of Lot 13, lel to the monumented, centerline fows: Block •'C", (:enter Tract, as shown of East Centel, Street to the place Section 1: For the purpose of this on a map recorded in Book 14, of beginning. ordinance, 'certain garage districts Page 13, Miscellaneous Records of Section 5. The exterior boundar- are hereby created and established Los Angeles County, California; ies of Garage District No. 4 are In the City of Anaheim, which are thence Westerly along the South- hereby defined and established as respectively designated Garage Dis- erly line of. Lots 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, follows, to -wit: trict No. 1, Garage District No. 2 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2; and 1 of said Block Beginning at a point on the Garage. District No. 3, Garage Dis- "C" to the Westerly line of said'Northerly line of Last Center Street trict. No. 4, and Garage District Block; thence . Westerly to the 1156.25 feet Easterly from the point No_.5, the exterior boundaries of Southeasterly corner of Lot 13, of intersection of the present which said several garage districts Block "B" of said subdivision; Northerly line of xx est Center Street are hereafter, in Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, thence Westerly along the South- and the present Easterly line of and 6, of this ordinance, defined. erly line of Lots 13, 12, 11, 10, and North West Street; thence -Northerly Section 2. The exterior boundar- 9 to. the Southwesterly corner of parallel to said Easterly line of ies--of Garage District No. 1 are said Lot 9; thence Northerly along North West Street 360 feet; hereby defined and established as the Westerly line of said Lot and thence to the point of int: - follows, to-wit:sortherly line' of East Center )North Westerly line extended to the ersection of the Easterly line of N Beginning of a point on the West- West Street and the Southerly erly line of Lot 1, Block "A", Hei Street; thence Westerly along saidI line of Diamond Street; thence , mann & George Addition, as shown Northerly line to the place of be- Westerly along said Southerly line an A map recorded in Book 2, Page, ginning, I of Diamond Street 120 feet; thence j 249, Miscellaneous Records of Los I Section 4. The exterior boundar- Southerly parallel to the Westerly Anglelea County, California, loo I ies of Garage District No. 3 are line of North lx'est Street 284.18 feet Southerly from the Northerly! hereby defined and established as feet to the Northerly line of Lin- lin'e'of said Lot 1; thence Easterlyfollows, to -wit: coln Avenue; thence Easterly along parallel to the Northerly line of said I Beginning at the Northeasterly said Northerly line If)its intersec- LoVto a point 10 feet Westerly of corner of Lot 9, Block "A", Center tion with the Westerly line of the Easterly line of said lot; thence Ttact, a:a shown on a map recorded North West Street; thence South - Southerly parallel to said Easterly j in Book 1, Page 91, Miscellaneous erly along the extended Westerly line and parallel to the Easterly Maps, Records of Orange County, line of North West Street to its line of Bot,,4 of, said Block "A" and California; thence Southerly along intersection with the extended said Easterly line extended to the the Easterly line of Lots 9, 10, 11, Northerly line of West Center Northerly line of Lot 63, Block "E" 12, and 13 of said Block "A"; thence Street; thence Easterly along said i of said Heimann & George Addi-' Southerly along the Easterly line of extended Northerly cine and along tion; thence Easterly along the Lots 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, the Northerly line of said West Northerly line of said Lot 63 to the,: 31, 30, 29, 28, 27 and 26, Block "A", Center street to the place of be - Northeasterly corner of said Lot 63; 1 Center Tract, as shown on a Wrap ginning. thence Southerly along the Easterly (recorded in Book 14, Page 13, Misce1 Section 6. The exterior boundar i line of said Lot and the Easterly laneous Records of Los Angeles les of Garage District No.' 5 are line of 'Lot' 64 of said subdivision, I County, California, to the Southerly 'hereby defined and established as j to the Southeasterly corner of said I line of Lot 26; thence Westerly follows, to -wit: Lot. 64; thence Westerly along the along said Southerly line of Lot 26; Beginning at the Southeasterly' Southerly line of said, Lot 64 to the thence Westerly along said South- corner of Block "B", Wilke Addi= Easterly line, of Lot 57 of said sub- erly line to the Westerly line of said tics, as shown on a map recorded divislon tSence Southerly along Lot; thence Southerly to the North- in Book. 11, Page 38, Miscellaneous said Masterly line and the Easterly westerly corner of Lot 1, Block "N",; Maps, Records of Orange County, line ©P Lots 58, 59, 60 and. 61 and of Center Tract; thence Southerly California; thence Easterly along said, Easterly line; .extended and l aloirg the said 547esterly-line of saidI the Southerly line of Block "B" and along the Easterly line of Lots 8, I Lot 1 and said Westerly line extend- Isaid Southerly line extended and 9, i 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, Block, ed to the Northwesterly corner of j along the. 'Southerly line of Block "D" of Vineyard Lot "133", as. Lot I. of Konig Subdivision, a' 'A" of said Addition to the Easter- shotitn on a snap recorded in Book shown on a map recorded in Book ly line of North Lemon Street; 34 of Deeds, "Page 592, Records of 6, Page 20, Miscellaneous MapK, thence Northerly along the said Los Angeles County, California, to Records of Orange County, Califor. Easterly line and said Easterly,) the . Southerly line of said Block nia; thence Easterly along the line extended to the North - "D"; thence Westerly along said Northerly line of said Lot 1 to the erly line of North Los Angeles Southerly line and said Southerly Northeasterly corner of said Lot; Street; thence Easterly r along said j line extended and along the South- thence Southerly along the Easterly Northerly line to the Easterly line erly, line of building lot 21, Original line of said Lot 1 and along tile of Lot 1, Hart Subdivision, as City, as shown on a mall recorded I Easterly line of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, !shown on a map recorded in. Book in Book 4 of Deeds, Pages 629 and and 9 and said Easterly line extend- 17 Page 20, Miscellaneous Maps, 630, (records of Los Angeles County, ed to the Southerly line of BlocicRecords of Orange County, Califor- California to the Southwesterly cor- `1N", Center Tract; thence Wester- I nia; thence Northerly along the ner of said building: thence South- ly along said Southerly line of BIock Easterly line of said I:ot 1 and said , erly 234 feet to . the Southeagterly I "N" and said Southerly line ex- i Easterly line extended to its inter - corner of building lot 26, as ownI tended to the Southeasterly corner section' with the Northerly line of on said map; thence Westerly along ,of Guiding Lot 61, Original City, as i the 15 -foot alley lying North of the Southerly line of Lots 26, 27, shown on a map recorded in' BOO({ j Lots l to 7 of the Hart Subdivision; and 28 and said Southerly line ex- 4 of reeds, Pages 629 and 630, Rec- thence Easterly along the extended tended to the Westerly line of North ords of Los Angeles County, Cali- North line of said 15 -foot alley to Lemon street; thence Southerly forinia; thence Southerly to the i its intersection with the extended' along said Westerly line to a point point of intersection of the South= Northerly line of that certain East 126.00 feet 'Northerly from the erly line of West Santa Ana Street and West alley distant 195 Peet point of intersection of said Wester- and' the present Westerly line 'bf Northerly from the centerllhe of, ]f _line and the centerline of West South Los Angeles Street; thence `La Palma Avenue, as shown on a, Ctnt;ei• 'Street; thence Westerly Southerly along the said Westerlyl map of the Gresswell Subdivision aap, pll'ei to said center line 154 line of South Los Angeles Street to,1 recorded in Book 6, Page 47, Mis fogt;. thence'' Northerly parallel a.:, Point 198 feet. Southerly, from- thev:....w_. I cellapeou5 Maps, Records of Orange. tl : dlsw tv"iRrl„o .,e �r.,..s '- lrUn,•+1. r;-- ,,:s �� ,r -. - _-- - ed, approved and atte,, this 27th day of Deceml WM: STARK; President of th Trustees of tl. Anaheim. (SEAL) Attest: EDWARD B, MERRI' Clerk of the City of An STATE OF CA COUNTY OF ORANGE ANAHEIM: SS. I, Edward B. Merritt, Of the City of Anaheim, certify that the foregoing No. 443 was introduced ing of the Board of Tru! City of Anaheim, held ( day of December, 1923, a same was passed and a' meeting of said Boar tees, held on the 27th , camber, 1923, by the folk AYES, Trustees Sta Gates and Mann. NOES, Trustees None. ABSENT AND NOT Trustee Gibbs, And I further certif3 President of the Board tee:; of said City' signed a ed said Ordinance on th of December, 1923. IN WITNESS WHERE hereunto set my hand a the seal of the City of An. 27th day of December, 1 (SEAL) EDWARD B. R Clerk of the City of A Tfn6 of sa7ock n a; thence .asterly a 6rl the line "xtendad to the "D"; thence thence Westerly along svd Northerly line of sail Lot 1 to the ti-ly line of North Los Angeles! Southerly line and said Southerly j Northeasterly corner of said Lot; Street; thence Easterly along said line extended, and -along the South- thence Southerly along the Easterly Northerly line to the Easterly line erly line of building lot"21, Original line of said Lot 1 and along the of Lot 1, Hart Subdivision, as p City, as shown on a map recorded I Easterly line of Lots 2, 3,, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, shown on a map recorded in Book in Book 4 of, Deeds, Pages 629 and and 9 and said Easterly line extend- 7, Page 20, Miscellaneous Maps, 630, Records of Los Angeles County, ed to the Southerly line of Block Records of 'Orange County, Califor California. to the Southwesterly cor- I "N", Center Tract; thence Wester- nia; thence Northerly along the nor of said building: thence South- I ly along said Southerly line of Block Easterly line of said Lot 1. and said erly 234 'feet to . the Southey terly N" and said Southerly line ex- Easterly line extended to its inter; corner of building lot 26, as sown I tended to the Southeasterly corner section with the Northerly line of on said map; thence Westerly along of Buiding Lot 61, Original City, as I the 15 -foot alley lying North of the Southerly line of Lots 26, 27, 'shown on a map recorded in Book L, Lots 1 to 7 of the Hart Subdivision; and 28 and said Southerly line ex- 4 of Deeds, Pages 629 and 630, Ree- �i thence Easterly along the extended tended to the Westerly line of North ords of Los Angeles County, Calc- lNorth line of said 15 -foot alley to Lemon street; : thence Southerly fornia; thence Southerly to the , its intersection with the extended" along said, Westerly line to a point point of intersection of the South- Northerly line of that certain East I,Q6.45 feat +Northerly frem the erly line of West Santa Ana Street and West alley distant 195 feet 1�oint of intersection of said Wester- and the present "Westerly line of [I Northerly from the 1 eenterlihe "of! 1k ,line and the centerline of WestSouth Los Angeles Street; thence -I La Palma Avenue, as shown on a Centcr 'Street; thence Westerly Southerly along the said Westerly !map of the Gresswell -Subdivision pltrallel to said center line 154 line of South Los Angeles Street to recorded in Book 6, Page 47, Mis feet; th6ce Northerly parallel 'a:.point 198 feet. Southerly from the l,cellaneous Maps, Records of Oranges to the Westerly line of North North line of Vineyard Lot "G4",'County, California; thence Easterly'' Lenton Street "to, the Southerly as shown on a map recorded in I'along the extended Northerly line line of West Chartres Street; thence Book 4 of Deeds, Pages 629 and I of said alley to a point 200 feet Easterly -along said 'Southerly line 1630, Records of Los Angeles County, Westerly from the West line of to the; 146rtbeasterly corner of I California; thence Westerly parcel- Temp Street, as shown on said Original 'Building Lot 28; thence I lel to the Northerly line of said i Subdivision; thence Southerly par - Northerly along the extended East- I Vineyard Lot to the Westerly line allel to said West line to the North erly line of said Lot 28 and along of said lot; thence Northerly along �erly line of La Palma Street; thence the Easterly line of Building Lots said .Westerly line to the North- nSoutherly to the Ngrtheasterly ccr- 24 ani! 20 and said Easterly line westerly corner of said lot; thence ner of Lot 13, Block 4, _Mills Park extended and along the Easterly line Northwesterly to the Southeasterly Tract, as shown on a map record - of Building Ldt 16 to the Northeast- corner of Lot 1 of the Mary Stro- led in Boole 14, Page 50, Miscellane- eriy corner of aaid Lot; thence bels Estate as shown on a map Ious Maps, Records of Orange Coun- Easterly ,along the Northerly line recorded in Book 3, Page 75, Mis- I ty, California; thence Southerly of Original Building Lot 15 and cellaneous Records of Los Angeles along the Easterly line of said Lot, Original Building Lot 14; thence County, California;" thence Westerly 13 along the Easterly line of Lots Northerly along the Easterly line along the Southerly line of said Lot 12, 11, 10, 9 and 8 of said Block "4 of Original Building Lot 10 and said 1 and the Southerly line of Lot' 3, to the Southerly line of said Lot 8; Easterly line extended and along as shown on said map, to the West- thence Westerly along said Souther -'I the Easterly line of Original Build- erly line of said Lot 3; thence ly line to the Easterly line of ing Lot, 6 to the Northeast corner Northerly along said Westerly line I �North' Los Angeles Street; thence of said tot; thence Easterly along and along the Westerly line of Lots"I'W,esterly to the place of beginning. the Southerly line of Original Build- 7 and 11 and said Westerly line ea- Section 7. The word "gat -age", as Ing Lot I :anal said Southerly line tended to a point 135 feet Southerly the same is used in this ordinance, extended to the Southwesterly cor- from the present Southerly line cf is defined to mean and include a ner of Lot 1, Block "A", Heimann S West Broadway Street; thence place of business where motor ve- George Addition; thence Northerly Easterly parallel to the present hiales are sold or kept or *exhibited along the Westerly line of said Lot j Southerly line of West Broadway I for sale, as a business, or a place 1 to the place of- beginning. Street to the present Westerly line of husiness, where such motor. ve- Section 3 The exterior boundaries I of South Los Angeles Street; thence hicles are kept or "received for hous- of,Garage'lbistrict No. 2 are hereby Northerly along said Westerly line ing ,storage, or repair; for compen- defined and -,established as follows, to the Southerly line of Building station; but it shall not mean nor to-vjt: Lot 41, as shown on a 'map record- include any open lot or parcel of 1 e4;inthIng• at the 'point of inter- ed in Book 4, of Deeds, Pages 629 land where the business of parking eectlon of the Northerly line of East and 630, Records of Los Angeles or leaving motor vehicles is con- Cent+er Street and the Easterly line I County, California; ,thence Wester- ducted or carried on, unless motor of , Emily ., Street, as the same is j ly :along the Southerly line of" vehicles are sold, kept for sale, or shown on Subdivision: of Block "F", Building Lots 41, 42, 43, and 44 to repaired on such open lot or parcel Vineyard Lot "D3", recorded in the Westerly line of said Building j of land. Boole l; Paige •24, of Licensed Sur- I Lot 44, thence Northwesterly to the i Section 8. It shall be unlawful for veyoks, 'Maps, Records of Orange Southwesterly corner of Lot 3.I any person, cYirm or corporation, County, Cal'lfotnia; thence Norther- Chestnut Street Subdivision, as either as owner, manager, servant, ly'-; along the Westerly line of Lot shown on a, map recorded in Bookemployee, or otherwise, to erect, 15 of said subdivision to the North- 6, Page 35, Miscellaneous Records establish, maintain, conduct or car - westerly corner of said Lot 15 thence of Orange County, California; thence ry on, any garage within the City Easterly along the Northerly line Westerly along the said Southerly of Anaheim, except in Garage Dis- of Cots 15 14; 13; 12, 11, and 10, line of Chestnut Street Subdivision t11rict No. 1, Garage District No. 2, as shown oa said map, to the North- and said Southerly line extended 4:arage District No. 3, Garage Dis- easterly cornet of said Lot, 10 of and along the Southerly line c8 Lots trict No. 4, and Garage District No. said subdfvis 6h;"- thence Easterly 42, 43, 44, and 46 of the Langer- 5, as defined and established in this to the Northwesterly corner of Lot berger Tract, as shown on a map ordinance. 1 of Mps16 Hall Subdivision, as recorded in Book 1, Pages 551 and Section 9, Any person, firm or shown` on a map fecorded in Book' 552, Miscellaneous Records of Los corporation who shall violate any 10, Page 11,I of Miscellaneous Maps, Angeles County, California, to the of the provisions of this ordinance Records of. Orange County, Califor- Westerly line of said Lot 46; thence shall be deemed guilty of a misde- nia; thence Easterly a -long the Northerly along said Westerly line rneanor,, and upon conviction there - Northerly line of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and along the Westerly line of Lot of, shall be punished by a fine of 6, 7, and S. of said subdivision to 145 and said Westerly line extended j not more than Three Hundred Doi - the Northeasterly corner of said and along the Westerly line of Lots Lars ($300.00), or by imprisonment Lot 8; thence Easterly to 28 and 27, and said Westerly line I in the City` Jaid of said City for the Northwesterly corner of said extended and along the Westerly 'not less than ninety (90) days, or Lot 7 of Nemetz Addition, as shown line of Lots 12 and 11, all as shown by both such fine and imprisonment. on a •map recorded in Book 4; Page on said Langenberger Tract, to the Section 10. Ordinance No. 391 of 54, Miscellaneous Maps, Records 'of centerline of West Center Street;;a the City of Anaheim, entitled "An Orange County, California; thence thence Easterly along the sal<i Ordinance prohibiting the mainten- Easterly along+ the Northerly line centerline to the centerline of North once, establishment or carrying on of Lots 7 and 8 to the Westerly line -Clementine Street; thence Norther- of any garage, and certain other in - of Lot 9 of said Addition; thence ly along said centerline town inter- dustries in, and defining and estab- Northerly along said Westerly line section with the extended South- I lishing residence districts in said toAhe Northwesterly corner of said erly line of the alley, running East- city and prescribing a penalty Lot 9; thence Eagn�rly along the erly anirWesterly in Block "K", of for the violation thereof" pass - Northerly line of , said Lot to the •a subdivision of Vineyard Lot "D5", ed and adopted by the Board of Easterly line of said Lqt; thence as shown on a map'recorded in Book Trustees of said City on the 10th j Southerly along sW.d Easterly line 17, Page 72, Miscellaneous Records day of January, 1921, and all other of said Easterly line extended to l of Los Angeles County, California; ordinances or parts of ordinances in thence Easterly along said extended I conflict with the provisons of this Lettuce Merl Unaffected Southerly line and along the South- ordinance are hereby repealed if 11iT _._ l�_. !\i rots limn _f'a ;A . 11r - +i itT.....,... c,... _ - n �. r, 71rection meanor ,as shown on a map record- include any open lot or parcel of ginning at the point of inter- ed in Book 4, of Deeds, Pages 62'9 land where the business ofparking of the Northerly line of-East and 630, Records of Los Angeles orleavingmotor vehicles is con-r Street and the Easterly line County, California; thence Wester- ducted or carried on, unless motor mily Street, as the same is Iy along the Southerly line of vehicles a.re sold, kept for sale, cr n on SubdivTston. of Blocic "F", Building Lots 41, 42,43, and 44 to relraired on such open lot or parcel eyard Lot "D3", recorded in the Westerly line of said Building of land. Book It .Page 24, of Lieen'sed Sur- jLot 44, thence Northwesterly to the Section 8. It shall be unlawful for veyors Maps, Records of Orange Southwesterly corner of Lot 3, any person,' ifirm or corporation,` County, California; thence Norther- Chestnut ly along the westerly line of Lot Street Subdivision, as either as owner, manager, servant, shoNvn on a map recorded in Book j;employee, or otherwise, to erect, 15 of said subdivision to th+e North- 16. Page 35, Miscellaneous Records j establish, maintain, conduct or car- westerly corner of said Lot 15 thence of Orange County, California; thencery on, any garage within the City Easterly along the Northerly line Westerly along the said Southerly I'of AnQheim, except in Garage Dis- of Lots 15, 14, 18, 12, 11, and 10, line of Chestnut Street Subdivisiontrict No. 1, Garage District No. 2, as shown on said map, to the North- and said Southerly line extended IGarage District No. 3, Garage Dis- easterly corner of said Lot 10 of and along the Southerly line of Lots trict No. 4, and Garage District No. said subdivistan; thebee Easterly 142, 43, 44, and 46 of the Langen- 5, as defined and established in this to the Northwesterly corner of Lot berger Tract, as shown on a map ordinance. 1 of Music Hall Subdivision, a recorded in Book 1, Pages 551 and . Section 9. Any person, ft or shown` on & map recorded in Book` 552, Miscellaneous Records of Los � corporation who shall violate any 10, Page 19, of Miscellaneous Maps, _Angeles County, California, to the of the provisions of this ordinance Records of Orange County, Califor- Westerly line of said Lot 46; thence shall be deemed guilty a mie- nia; thence Easterly a�tong the Northerly along said Westerly line � meanor,, and upon conviction there- Northerly line of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,' and along the Westerly line of Lot of, shall be punished by a fine of 7, and 8 of said subdivision to 45 and said Westerly line extended j not more than Three Hundred DoI the Northeasterly corner of said and along the Westerly line of Lots I tars ($300.00), or by imprisonment Lot 8; thence Easterly to 28 and 27, and said 'Westerly line i in the City Jaid of said City for the Northwesterly corner of said extended, and along the Westerly not less than ninety (90) days, or Lot 7 of Nemetz Addition, as shown line of Lots 12 and 11, all as shown by both such fine and imprisonment. an a `map recorded in Book 4, Page on said Langenberger Tract, to the j Section 10. Ordinance No. 391 of 54, Miscellaneous Maps, Records 'of centerline of West Center Street; the City of Anaheim, entitled "An Orange County, California; thence thence Easterly along the said Ordinance Easterly along the Northerlyline prohibiting the yang n- centerline to the centerline of North � once, establishment or carrying on of Lots 7 and 8 to the Westerly line I Clementine Street; thence Norther- of an of Lot 9 of said Addition; thence { g Y garage, and certain other in- of said centerline town inter- dustries,in, and defining and estab- Northerly along said Westerly line section with the extended South- lishing residence districts in said to the Northwesterly corner of said erly line of the alley running East- city and Lot 5; thence Ei n ly along the violation ibin a penalty erly ancT�Vesterly in Block "K", of 'for the violation thereof" ass- Northerly line of said Lot to the a subdivision of Vineyard Lot "D5", I ed and adopted by the Board of Easterly line of said Lqt; thence as shown on a map'recorded in Book Trustees of said City on the 10th I Southerly along sa?d Easterly line 17, Page 72, Miscellaneous Records day of January, 1921 and all other ' of said Easterly line extended to of Los Angeles County, California; ordinances or parts of ordinances in ithence Easterly along said extended conflict with the provisons of this Lettuce MN Unaffected Southerly line and along the South- j ordinance are hereby repealed. B�, 1�1@W Ir$te Change$ erly line of said alley to the Wester- i Section 11. The City Clerk of the ly line of Lot 11, Block "K" of City of Anaheim shall certifyto the , EN CENTRO.-Lettuce men Vineyard Lot `D5"; thence South- Passage of this ordinance' and cause throughout 'the valley today are erly along Westerly line and said the same to be Published once in phased with' le . receipt of. news Westerly line extended to the cen- the Anaheim Daily Herald, and et ' that newly announced refrigerator l ter of West Center Stre; thirty (30) days from and after its rates will in no way effect the let- thence Easterly along said center- final passage, it shall take effect and i Luce shipments. The old rates wilt line to its intP_rsection with the ex- be In full force. Apply until March 10, I tended Easterly line of Lot 5 of J The foregoing Ordinance is sign= 1 a 43 the Southerly line of East Crentar laid Langenberger Tract; thenceled, approved and attested by me; Street; thence Easterly along said Southerly along said extended East- I this 27th day of December, 1923. NG AND�Southerly line tc the Northeasterly erly line and along said Easterlyl WM. STARK, 'IN GAR- corner of the Rimpau Square, as line to the Southerly line of said I President of the Board of E CITY I shown on a map recorded in Book .Lot 5; thence Easterly along said. i Trustees of the City of IBITING I -, Page -- Miscelleaneous 1 Southerly line extended and along Anaheim. ESTAB 'flaps Records of Orange County,( the Southerly line of Lot, 1 of said (SEAL) ING ON California;- thence Southerly along Langenberger Tract to the present Attest: SINESS , the Easterly line of said Rimpau Westerly line of South LemonI EDWARD B. MERRITT, / PT IN 1 Square to the Southeasterly corner Street; thence Southerly along said Clerk of the City of Anaheim. TRICTS, ; cf Lot ii of said Square; thence Westerly line to a point 199.75 feet STATE OF CALIFORNIA, �iPENAL Easterly along said Southerly line Southerly from the monumented ( COUNTY OF ORANGE, CITY OF LATION and along the Southerly line of lots centerline of West Center Street; 1 ANAHEIM: SS. ;14, 3, 2, and 1 of said square,, thence Easterly parallel to said I 1, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk c-f theiand said Southerly line extended to monumented centerline and poral- of the City of Anaheim, do hereby as fol- the Southeasterly corner of Lot 13, lel to the monumented centerline 1 certify that the foregoing Ordinance Block: "C", Center Tract, as shown of East Centel Street to the place+ � No. 443 was introduced at a meet- s of this on a map recorded in Book 14, of beginning. ing of the Board of Trusteesof the districts Page. 13, Miscellaneous Records of Section 5. The exterior .boundar- I City of Anaheim, held on the 13th tablishetl Los Angeles County, California; ies of Garage District No. 4 are , day of December, 1923, and that the hieh are thence Westerly along the South- hereby defined and established as I same was passed and adopted at age Ibis- 0rly line of Lots 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, follows, to-wit: - meeting of said Board of Trus- 't No 2 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 of said Block" beginning at a, point on the tees, held on the 27th day of De- "C" to the Westerly line of said Northerly line of East Center Street y the following vote: `age Dis y cember, 1923, h District Block; thence Westerly to the 156.25 feet Easterly from the point AYES, Trustees Stark, Stock, aries of Southeasterly corner of Lot 13, of intersection of the present � Gates and Mann. I districts Block "B" of said subdivision; Northerly linrne cf `pest Center Street NOES, Trustees None. 3, 4, 5, 1 thence Westerly along the South- and the present Easterly' line of ABSENT AND NOT VOTING, efined. erly line of Lots 13, 12, 11, 10; and, iNorth West Street; thence Northerly Trustee Gibbs. oundalr_ 9 to the Southwesterly corner of parallel to said Easterly ]in(- of And I further certify that the l are said Lot 9; thence Northerly along North West Street 360 feet; President of the Board of Trus- the Westerly line of said Lot and point of int- tees> of said City signed and approv- shed as thence to the said Westerly line extended to the exsection of the Easterly line of ed Said Ordinance on the 27th day Northerly line• of East Center of December, 1923. e West- North West Street and the Southerly Bei S` I Street; thence Westerly along said I line of Diamond Street; thence IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have s1shownNcrtherly line to the place of be- Westerly along said Southerly line hereunto set my hand and affixed 2, Page gaining. of Diamond Street 120 feet; thence the seal of the City of Anaheim, this of Los ( Section 4. The exterior boundar- Southerly parallel to the Westerly 127th day of December, 1923. ia, 1001 ies of Garage District No. 3 are line of North Nest Street 254.18 (SEAL) EDWARD B. MERRITT, ortherlyI hereby defined and established as feet to the Northerly line of Lin- 1 Clerk of the City of Anaheim, iEasterly I follows, to-wit: Coln Avenue; thence Easterly along e of said Beginning at the Northeasterly said Northerly line to ifs intersee- terly of cornea of Lot 9, Block "A", Center tion with the Westerly line of j thence Tract, as shown on a map recorded North West Street; thence South- ! ,Easterly in Bock 1, Page 91, Miscellaneous erly along the extended Westerly 'Easterly Maps, Records of Orange County, line of North West Street to its "A" and California; thence Southerly along intersection with the extended � to the 'tire Easterly line of Lots 9, 10, 11, Northerly line of West Center oek ,E,, 12, and 13 of said Block "A"; thence Street; thence Easterly along said e Addi- Southerly along the Easterly line ofex tended Northerly line and along ng the Lots 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35,''34, 33, 32, the Northerly line of said West 3 to the i 31, 30, 29, 28, 27 and 26, Block "A", Center street to the place of 'be_ Lot. 63• i Center Tract, as shown on a map ginning. EasterlyIrecord edinBook 14, Page'13, Mkscel- Section 6. The exterior boundar- easterly I laneous Records of Los Angeles ies of Garage District No. 5 are ivision, (County, California, to the Southerly hereby defined and established as! of said line of Lot 26; thence Westerly follows, to-wit: Ong the along said Southerly line of Lot 26; Beginning at the Southeasterly' 4 to the thence Westerly along said South-corner of Block "B", Wilke Addi- id sub- erly line to the Westerly- line of said I tion, as shown on a map recorded along Leif; thence Southerly to the North !in Book. 11, Page 38, ,Miscellaneous 44asterly I westerly cornor of Lot 1, Block "N" Maps, Records of Orange County, .61 and I of Center Tract; thence Southerly California; thence Easterly along I ed and aJopg the said Tjn. ,ant ,_lips g1 said the Southerly line of Block "B" and Lots 8, I Lot l and said Westerly line extend- ( said Southerly line extended and j Block ed to the Northwesterly sorrier of along the .`Southerly line of Block 3", as Lot 1 of Konig . Subdivision, 4A "A" of said Addition to the Easter- In Book shown on a map recorded in Book ly line of North Lemon Street; ords of 6, Page- 20, Miscellaneous Maper, thence Northerly along the said rnka, to Records of Orange County, Califor- Easterly line and said Easterly Block II nia; thence Easterly along the line extended to the North- i '71g said Northerly line of said Lot 1 to the erly line of North Los Angeles utherly Northeasterly corner of said Lot; Street; thence Easterly along said South- thence. Southerly along the Easterly Northerly line to the Easterly line ;Original I line of said Lot 1' and along the of Lot 1, Hart Subdivision, a ecorded Easterly line of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, shown on a map recorded in Bool 629 and and 9 and said Easterly line extend- I7, Page 20, MiscellaneousMaps> County, ed to the Southerly line of Block Records of Orange County, Califor- rly cor "N", Center Tract; thence Wester- I nia; thence Northerly along the j South fly along said Southerly line of Block: I Easterly line of said Lot 1 and said �ea.Tterly ' teand said Southerly line ex- Easterly line extended to its inter- "n (tended to the Southeasterly corner , section' with the Northerly line of y along of Buiding Lot 61, Original City, as the 15-foot alley lying North of 26, 27, shown cri a map recorded in Book Lots I to 7 of the Hart Subdivision; ine ex- 4 of Deeds, Pages. 629 and 630, Ree- thence Easterly along the extended f North ords of Los Angeles County, Cali- North line of said I5-foot alley to utherly forrnia; thence Southerly ` to the,1 its intersection with the', extended' a point point of intersection,of' the South:INortherly line of that certain 'iJ'ast 6 7 9 10 19 20, 21 22 23 24 25 26. 27 28 29 30 31 32 ORDINANCE NO. *,W-3 AN 07DINANC', DEFINING A ESTABLISHING CERTAIN GARAGE. DISTRICTS IN ..t CITY OF ANAHEIAI PROHIBITING THE MAINTENANCE ESTABLISH- ME'NT OR CARRYING ON Ot ANY GARAGE BUSINESS IN SAID CITY EXCEPT IN CERTAIN GARAGE DISTRICTS, AND PRtSCRIB1NC A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION T77EPEOF. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. For the purpose of this ordinance, certain garage districts are hereby created and established in the City of Anaheim, which are respectively designated Garage District No. 1, Garage District No. 2, Garage District No. 3, Garage Dis- trict No. 4, and Garage District No. 5, the exterior boundaries of which said several garage districts are hereafter, in See - tions 31 4s 5, and 6 of this ordinance, defined. SECTION 2. The exterior boundaries of Garage District No. 1 are hereby defined and established as follows, to -wit: Beginning at a point on the Westerly line of Lot 1, Block "Aff, Heimann & George Addition, as shown on a map record- ed in Book 2, page 249, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, California, 100 feet Southerly from the Northerly line of said Lot 1; thence Easterly parallel to the Northerly line of said Lot to a_PjiT1t 10 feet Wester- ly of the Easterly line of said Lot I thence Southerly parallel to said Easterly line and psfrallel to the Easter- ly line of Lot 4 of said Block "A" and said Easterly line extended to the Northerlyiline of Lot63, Block REt' of said Heimann & George Addition' thence Easterly along the North- erly line of said Lot 63 to the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 63; thence Southerly along the Easterly line of said Lot and the Easterly line of Lot 64 of said subdivi- sion, to the Southeasterly corner of said Lot 64 1 thence Westerly along the Southerly line of said Lot 64 to the Easterly line of Lot 57 of said subdivision; thence South- erly along said Easterly line and the Easterly line of Lots 58s 59, 60 and 61 and said EasteTly.lins oxtended and along the Easterly line of Lots 8o 9, 10, 11, 120 13, 14s and 15,, Block "D" of Vineyard Lot ffD3", as shown on a map recorded in Book 34 of Deeds, Page 592, Records of Los Angeles County, California, to the Southerly line of said Block "D"j thence Westerly along said Southerly line and said Southerly line extended and along the Southerly line of building lot 21, original City, as shown on a map re- corded in Book 4 of Deeds, Pages 629 and 630, Records of 8 9 ,3 !1 10 11 ,i '1 12 13 14 159 16 i 17 18 19 i 20 1 21 22 23 24 25 26 ii 27 11 28 29 30 31 32 i! Los Angeles County, California, to the Southwesterly corner of said building lot; thence Southerty 834 feet to the Southeasterly corner of building lot 26, as show on said map; thence Westerly along the Southerly line of ':ors 26, 27 and 28 and said. Southerly line extended to the Westerly line of North Lemon Street; thence Southerly along said Westerly line to a point 126.25 feet Northerly from the point of intersection of said Westerly line and the centerline of West Center Street; thence Westerly parallel to said centerline 154 feet; thence northerly parallel to the Westerly line of North Lemon Street to the Southerly line of west Chartres Street; thence Easterly along said Southerly line to the northeasterly corner of original Building Lot 28; thence Northerly along the ex- tended Easterly line of said Lot 28 and along the Easter- ly line of Building Lots 24 and 20 and said Easterly line extended and along the Easterly line of Building Lot 16 to the Northeasterly corner of said Lot; thence Easterly along the Northerly line of Original Building Lot 15 and Original Build:i_ng Lot 14; thence Northerly along the East- erly line of original Building Ldt 10 and said ;easterly line extended and along the Easterly line of original Building Lot 6 to the Northeast corner of said Lot; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of Original Building Lot 1 and said Southerly line extended to the Southwesterly corner of Lot 1, Black "A", Heimann & George Addition; thence Northerly along the ';Festerly line of said Lot 1 to the place of beginning. SECTION 3. The exterior boundaries of Garage District No. 2 are hereby defined and established as follows, to --wit; Beginning at the point of intersection of the Northerly line of East Center Street and the easterly line of Emily Street, as the same is shown on Subdivision of Block "F", Vineyard Lot "D31', recorded in Book 1, Page 84, of Licensed Surveyors Maps, Records of Orange County, Calif- ornia, thence Northerly along the Westerly line of Lot 15 of said subdivision to the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 15; thence Easterly along the Northerly line of Lots 15, 14, 1, 12, 11, and 10, as shown on said map, to the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 10 of said subdivision; thence Easterly to the Northwesterly corner of Lot 1 of Music Hall Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 10, Page 19, of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California; thence Easterly along; the Northerly line of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of said subdivi- cion to the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 8; thence Easterly to the Northwesterly corner of Lot 7 of Nemetz Addition, as shown on a map receded in Book 4, Page 54, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California; thence 'Easterly along the Northerly line of Lots 7 and 8 to the Westerly line of Lot 9 of said Addition; thence Northerly along said 'Westerly line to the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 9; thence Easterly along the northerly line of said Lot to the Easterly line of said Lot; thence Southerly along said Easterly line of said Easterly line extended to the Southerly line of East Center Street; thence Easterly along said. Southerly line to the North- easterly corner of the Rimpau Square, as shown on a asap recorded in Book , Page Miscellaneous Maps, Re- cords of orange County, California; thence Southerly along the Easterly line of said Rimpau Square to the Southea6ter- -2- 1' ly corner of Lot 5 of said Square; thence Easterly along said 2 Southerly line and along the Southerly line of Lots 41 3, 2 and 1 of said Square and said Southerly line extended to the South - 'd easterly corner of Lot 13, Block "C", Center Tract, as shown on 3' a u p recofded in Book 14, Page 13, miscellaneous Rwoords o'f Los Angeles County, California; thence Westerly along the South -1 41 erly line of Lots l3s 12t lls 10s 9s 8t 7 61 5s 40 3 2 and 1 of said Block "C" to the westerly line of said Block; thence 5; Westerly to the Southeasterly corner of Lot 13, Block "B" of } 6' said Subdivision; thence Westerly along the Southerly line of t Lots 130 120 11, 10, and 9 to the Southwesterly corner of said t 9; thence Northerly along the Westerly line of said Lot and Iii Lo said 17esterly line extended to the Northerly line of East Center', 8,s Street; thence Westerly along said Northerly line to the place of beginning. 9? SECTION 4. The exterior boundaries of Garage District] 10 s6 Ii No. 3 are hereby defined and established as follows, to -wit: � 11 l Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of Lot 91 Block "A", i Center Tract, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 91, Mis-+ 12€ oellaneous maps, Records of orange County, California; thence ' Southerly along the Easterly line of Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 133! of said Block "All; thence Southerly along the Easterly line of 14[ Lots 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 330 32, 21, 30, 29, 28, 27 and 26, Block "A", Center Tract, °.s shown on a map recorded in Book 15j 14, Page 13, miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, Calif- ornia, to the Southerly line of Lot 26; thence Westerly along 16'� said Southerly line to the Westerly line of said Lot; thence Southerly to the Northwesterly corner of Lot 1, Block "N" of 17 Center Tract; thence Southerly along the said Westerly line of ;; said Lot 1 and said Westerly line extenddd to the Northwesterly 18 i` corner of Lot 1 of Konig Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 6, Page 20, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of orange County, 191 California; thence easterly along the Northerly line of said. Lot 1 to the Northeasterly corner of said Lot; thence Southerly 20 along the Easterly line of said. Lot 1 and along the Easterly s j line of Lots 2, 3, 4, 50 6, 7, 8, and 9 and. said Easterly line 20 extended to the Southerly line of Block "N", Center Tract; thence" Westerly along said. Southerly line of Block "N" and said South - 22 erly line extended to the Southeasterly corner of Building Lot 1, 61, original City, as shown on a map recorded in Book 4 of Deeds,k 23 Pages 629 and 634, Records of Los Angeles County, California; I thence Southerly to the point of intersection of the Southerly 1 24' line of Fest Santa. Ana Street and the present Westerly line of � South Lays Angeles Street; thence Southerly along the said West - 25 erly line of South Los Angeles Street to a point 198 feet South- erly from the North line of Vineyard Lot 004", as shown on a map recorded in Book 4 of Deede, Pages 629 and 630, Records of Los 26E Angeles County, California; thence Westerly parallel to the 27�Northerly line of said. vineyard Lot to the Westerly line of said lot; thence Northerly along said westerly line to the Northwest - 28 erly corner of said lot; thence Northwesterly to the Southeaster- ly corner of Lot i of the Lary Strobels Estate as shown on a map 291 recorded in Book 3, Page 75, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles 11 County, California; thence Westerly along the Southerly line of 30°' said Lot 1 and the Southerly line of L&t 3, as shown on said map, ii to the westerly line of said L&t 3; thence northerly along said Westerly line and along the Westerly line of Ldts 7 and 11 and 31I said ,westerly line extended to a, point 135 feet Southerly from 32 the present Southerly line of West Broadway Street; thence East - 3 erly parallel to the present Southerlyerly line of 'Kest Broadway s� Street to the present westerly line of South Los Angeles Street; e ii 6 7; 81 9! 10''s llj 12-1 131 14 151 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 thence Northerly along said Westerly line to the Southerly line of Building Lot 41$ as shown on a map recorded in Book 4, of Deeds, Pages 629 and 830, Records of Los Angeles County,, Ca&if— ornia; thence 11,resterly along the Southerly line of Building Lots� 417 42, 43, and 44 to the ��,Iesterly line of said Building Lot 44, thence -Northwesterly to the Southwesterly corner of Lot 3, Chestnut Street Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 6, Page 35, Miscellaneous Records of orange County, California; Uence Westerly along the said Southerly 11ne of Chestnut Street Subdivision and said Southerly line extended and along the South- erly line of Lots 42s 43, 44, and 46 of the Langenberger Tract, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, pages 551 and 552, mis— cellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, California, to the 'Westerly line of said Lot 46; thence Northerly along said West— erly line and along the Westerly line of Lot 45 and said Wester- ly line extended and along the Itesterly line of Lots 28 and 27, and said.Westarly line extended and along the Westerly line of Lots 12 and 11, all as shown on said Langenberger Tract, to the centerline of 7e6t Center Street; thence Easterly along said centerline to the centerline of North Clementine Street; thence Northerly alongsaid.centerline to an intersection with the ex— tended-Southerly line of the alley running Easterly and 'Yesterly in Block "K", of a subdivision of Vineyard Lot "D5", as shown on a map recorded in Book 17, Page 72, miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, California; thence Ev.sterly along said extended Southerly line and along the Southerly line of said alley to the Westerly line of Lot 11., IIKIJ of Vineyard Lot "1511; thence Southerly along Westerly line and said lesterly line extended to the centerline of West Center Street; thence Easterly along said centerline to its intersection with the extended Easterly line of Lot 5...of said Langenberger Tract; thence Southerly along said extended Easterly line and along said Easterly line to the South- erly line of said Lot 5; thence Easterly along said Southerly line extended and. along the Southerly line ,of Lot 1 of said Langenberger Tract to the present esterlline of South 1,emon Street; thence Southerly along said Westerly line to a point 199.75 feet Southerly from the monumented centerline of ,Nest Center Street; thence Easterly parallel to said monumented cente3 line and parallel to the monumented centerline of East Center Street to the place of beginning. SECTION 5. The exterior boundaries of Garage District No. 4 are hereby defined and established as follows, to—wit: Beginning at r,- noint on the Northerly line of East Center Street W.25 feet Easteri,,Y t�heresen lipg y 1, ortherly s Center Street and the pr Eas er y ane 3"MORE 'West street; thence Northerly thence to the point of ir-t-reection of the Easterly line of North -lest Street and the Southerly line of Diamond Street; thence l,esterly along said Southerly line of Diamond Street 120 feet; thence Southerly parallel to the westerly line of ilioTth 1,4rest Street 284.18 feet to the Northerly line of Lincoln Avenue; thence Easterly along said Northerly line tolts intersection with the Westerly line of Nwrtb­-West St'fe#t thence Southerly along the extended erly line of North 'Nest Street to:ts intersection with the extend ed Northerly line of West Center Street; thence Easterly along said extended Northerly line and along the Northerly line of said Feet tenterStreetto the place of beginning. SECTION 6. The exterior boundaries of Garage District No. 5 are hereby defined and established as follows, to—wit: —4— 1 2 3 9 10!� 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19, 20, 21 22 23, 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Beginting at the Southeasterly corner of Block HBO. Wilke Addition, as shown on a map recorded in Book 11, Page 38,, mis- cellaneous maps, Records of orange County) California; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of Block "B" and said South- erly line extended and along the Southerly line of Block "All of said ..Iddition to the Fasterly line of North Lemon Street; thence', Northerly along the said Fasterly line and said Easterly line extended to the Northerly line of North Los Angeles Street; thence Easterly along said Northerly line to the Easterly line Of Lot ls Hart Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 7, Nage 20, Miscellaneous .,,.aps, Records of Orange 0"unty, Calif -i Ornia; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of said Lot 1 an� said 1,,asterly line extended to its intersection with the North- erly line of the 155 -foot alley lying North of Lots to 7 of the Hart Subdivision; thence Easterly along the extended North line of said 15 -foot alley to its intersection with the extended Northerly line of that certain East and West alley distant 195 feet Northerly from the centerline of La Palma Avenue, as shwon on a map of the Gresswell Subdivision recorded in Book 6, page 470 luliseellaneous maps, Records of orange County, California; thence Easterly along the extended Northerly line of said alley to a point 300 feet Westerly from the jest line of Kemp Street, as shown on said Subdivision; thence Southerly parallel,to said West 'Lite to the Northerly line of La Palma Street* thence Southerly to the gortheasterly corner of Lot 13, Block 4, mills Park Tract, as shown on a map recorded in Book 14, Pave 50, Records maps, ecords of llj,,:�ange County, California; thence Southerly along the Easterly _ line of said Lot 13 along the N:z:i.sterly line of Lot 12, 11, 10, 9 and 8 of said Block 4 to the Southerly line of said Lot 8; thence 1,ilesterly along said Southerly line to the Easterly line of North Los Angeles Street; thence Westerly to the place of beginning. SECTION 7. The word "garage"-, as the same is used in this ordinance, is defined to mean and include a place of business where motor vehicles are sold or kept or exhibited for sale, as a business, or a place of business, where such motor vehicles are kept or received for housing, storage, or repair, for compensation, but it shall not mean nor include any open lot Or r cel of lan,_' v7here the busineV of parking or leaving motor vehicles is conducted or carried on, unless motor vehicles are sold, kept for sale, or repaired on such open lot or parcel of land. SECTION 8. It shall be u#lawful for any person, firm or corporation, either as owner, manager, servant, employee, or otherwise, to erect, establish, maintain, conduct or carry on, any garage within the City of Anaheim, except in Garage District No. 1, Garage District No. 2, Garage, District No. 3, Garage District No. 4, and Garage District 1o. 5, as defined. and es- -5- tablished in this ordinzince. SECTION 9. Any person, firm or corporation who shall -71olate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than Three Hundred Dollars (2300.00), or by imprisonment in the City Jail of said City 71 for not more than ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and 81 imprisonment. SECTION 10. Ordinance No. 391 of the City of 1011 Anaheim, entitled "An Ordinance prohibiting the maintenance, establishment or carrying on of any garage, and certain other 121 Industries in, and defining. and establishing residence districts 131 In said City and prescribing- a penalty for the violation thereof, 14 passed and adopted by the of Trustees of said City on the 151 10th day of January, 1921, and all other ordinances or parts of i 16, ordinz,.Tices in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance 17�fl are hereby repealed. 1 1811 SATION,11. The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim 191 shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the 2011 same to be published once in the Anaheim Daily Herald, and 21 thirty (30) days from and after its final passage, it shall 2211 take effect and be in full force. 23 The foregoing ordinance is signed, approved and 1; 24 !q at sted by me, this 97 day of 1920. 25 261 I Vires i en t of the Board of Trustees 271, of the City of knahe im 281,1 Attest: 29 301 Clerk of the City of Anaheim 311 21 3' 5: 6! 71 Ei 9 i ml 11 121 13 14'i H 16 17 181 191 201 2111 221 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 STATE OF CALIFORRIAp COUNTY OF ORANG71 1ITY OF ANAHEIM I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance NO. was introduced. at a rmeeting of the Board. of Trustees of the 4 -- City of Anaheim, held on the 13 day of ,Ct c and that the same was passed and adopted at a meeting of said Board of Trusteeso held on the *7,�day of 192-3 s by the following vote: AYES, Trustees NOES, Trustees ABSENT AND NOT VOTING, Trustees .And I further ce.­1;1"-fy that the oresident of the Board of Trustees of said City signed and approved said Ord i-n4noe on the IZZ 4&- day of P 1923 . IN WITNESS WPEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand. and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim, this -t7 4-- day of 0 Clerk of the City of AntLheiii —7—