4520 •� -f3� c�oC�-},z�� ORDINANCE NO. 452 for said City, 'and the instal- The, -in d"Ar O" ,ADINANCE CALLING AND la ion of casing therein, the solidatedpolling VotingaPrecInc shall, J;AbVIDING ac uisition..ancl installation of be at the Anaheim Union: Hi h' FOR AND GIVING NOTICE OF A SPECIAL ELEC- i a water, pump to be operated School, at the Northwest: corner of TION TO BE .HELD IN THE therein, ,the acquisition and installation the intersection of West Center and 'Citron CITY OF ANAHEIM, STATE 9F of an electric' NO I motor for 'the operation of Streets. The polling place in and for Con- CALIFORNIA, ON TUESDAY, said pump, the acquisition, solidated Voting Precinct "B" shall THE 20TH, DAY OF MAY, 1924, THE OBJECT BEING TO SUB- construction and' installation be at the office of the Ford-Lincoln Fordson MIT TO THE Q U A L I F I E D; of water:mains and pipes and the acquisition and installa- &: Agency at No. 3'20 North, Los Angeles Strcet. ELECTORS OF SAID CITY THE tion of fire hydrants for said Thc- pulling place in and for Con- PROPOSITION TO INCUR A I City. solidated Voting Precinct "C" shall BONDED DEBT. BY SAID CITY SECTION 3. Any qualified elec- beat, the office of the Johnson Auto, FOR THE FOLLOWING PUR- POSE: THE for of the City of Anaheim may Paint Shop at No. 415 East Centel ACQUISITION, 1 CONSTRUCTION AND CAM vote at said special election .for or Street. 1, PLETION OF EXTENSIONS }at,ainst the proposition herewithThe submitted. To vote in favor of and ollin p g place in and for Con- -solidated Voting Precinct "D" shall AND IMPROVEMENTS TO THE I authorize the incurring of a bonded be in the Citron Strcet School at WATER WORKS OF SAID CITY,,debt for the purpose set forth in th+ No. 124 Sowth Citron Street. CONSISTING OF THE DRILL- proposition herein stated, lie shall The polling place in and for Con- ING OF A WATER WELL FOR stampa. cross (X) in the solidated Voting Precinct E" shall SAID CITY, AND THE INSTAL- OF CASING THEREIN,"YES', :voting square to the right of the word g� be at the City I Tall' Buildi"n' a't No. ,LATION THE ACQUISITION AISdD IN- printed opposite such prop- 204 East Center Street. STALLATION, OF., A WATER osition, and to vote against and re- fuse to aothorize the incurring of a The polling place in and for Con- solidatedVoting Precinct "F" shall' PUMP TO BE .OPERATEDbe THEREIN, THE ACQUISITION l A QU bonded debt for the ppset at the office of the Gibbs Lumbar Ci ` AND INSTALLATION OF AN forth in the said proposition here- omanrpose P Y at No. 2, 5 South Vine ELECTRIC MOTOR FOR THE I in stated, he shall stamp a cross (X) in the to Street: The City, Clerk is hereby ' Y<dircctbe" OPERATION OF SAID PU*1P, THE ACQUISITION, .voting .square right of the word "NO" printed op- p- ,to procure ail sup that may be' CON-, STRUCTION AND INSTALLA- posite such proposition. Each cross necessary to properly and lawfully TION OF'WATER MAINS AND (X) stamped in the square to the conduct said special election. PIPES AND THE ACQUISITION right of the word "YES"; shall be '✓hen the polls'are closed, the oft AND INSTALLATION OF. FIRE counted as a vote in; favor of and ficers' of election shall count the HYDRANTS FOR SAID CITY. t0 authorize the incurring of a ballots cast at such special election WHEREAS, the Board of Trus- bonded indebtedness for the purpose and canvass the votes cast respec- 'against tees of the City of Anaheim, at a ! set forth in the proposition o p opposite tively for and the ro osi- A regular meeting held on the I to which said cross' (X) is stamped; tion herein stated and make return e .13th day of Uarch, 1924, by a vote of i and each cross (X) stamped in the thereof to the Board of Trustees .bf , the,City more than, two-thirds of the mem- iword voting square to the right of th( "NO" shall be counted as a of Anaheim, in time, form` and manner ,required for the count-,; bers of said Board of Trustees; did pass and adopt a resolution deter- vote not in favor of and a. refusal " Ing, canvassing and returning of votes east mining that the public interest and to authorize the incurring . of a bonded indebtedness at other special municipal elections held said City of rAna- also the, Public necessity demands ,for thb pur- pose set forth in the proposition op- ,in helm.' the acquisition and, construction by posite to which such cross' (X) is S.IJ`CTION 6. If, at such special the City of Anaheim of a:- certain stamped. P election, ,it shall appear tliat two- ; municipal improvement,_ to-wit: the acquisition, construction and c0m- SECTION 4, For the purpose of thirds of "a11 the voters voting .at such, election are `in favor pletion of 'extensions and improve- I such special election th© ,`tweiv( of and! Luthorize' the incurring of bonded ments to the water works of said voting precincts heretofore created a lebt for. the purpose set forth in the City, consisting of the drillin a g of water for City; the and established by the Board' of Supervisors of the County of,Orang proposition herein stated, then. such :well said and installation of casing therein, the ! as the election precincts for ,the said, City Anaheim propositio n.'.shall be deemed'to, have seen accepted by the. elector's and acquisition and installation of a of and adopted by or= bonds 'Will be ` s'sued to defray Ofe' water pump to be operated there- der of said Board of Supervisor,, shall be and are hereby consolidate(. . post •of ,t11e improvement. speclfied In, the acquisition and installation hof an electric motor for the opera-+ Into six consolidated election pre. In .such . proposition and to the! irneunt stated therein. Such Londs tion of said q a' pump, the acquisition cincts,. as follows, to-wit: shall be'of the form and character construction and installation of Anaheim Precinct No. Id Ana- 'mown as "Serials" at-`least i water mains and pipes and the helm Precinct No. 11 shall be and ,and one-fortieth part of the `princi`pal acquisition and installation of fire , the same are hereby consolidated cum 'OE such indebtedness will be hydrants for said City.ach 1 and shall be known and designated and evert P $ y°year 'until •all The cost of the completion oP as "Consolidated Voting Precinct >f said bilids'shall have been paid; which said municipal improvement p p A principal and interest shall be J `paid was estimated at One Hundred Ten Anaheim Precinct No. 2 and Ana" 'n gold.coln of the United States of Thousand ($110,000:00) Dollars, 1 heim Precinct No. 3'-shall' be ono \ merica. which said cost was and is too great I the same aril, hereby. consolidated SECTION 7. The Board of Truts- to be paid out of the ordinary an-' and shall be known anColesigna.ted tees shall meet at 'their usual'placc nuai income and revenue, of said as "Consolidated Voting Precinct 'of meeting, to-wit: the- Council City. B' " 'hamper in the City Hal Building' NOW THEREFORE,the Board of Anaheim Precinct No. 4 and Ana- it No. 204 East Center Street;".'In ,Trustees of the City of Anaheim' do helm -Precinct No. 12 snail be and ;aid City, on the, Monday next'sUc- ordain as follows: the, same are hereby consolidated' ,eeding said election, - to-wit: on ' SECTION is A special election is and shall be known and designated Monday, the 26th day of Ma ,2 y, 19-4 '+t'the' hereby.�alled and ordered to be held as "Consolidated Voting Precinct hour of seven., thirty"Ooloc - i in the _City: of Anaheim,. State of C 'Ana- '..M., .then and there to canvass the,*,returns and ascertain, deter- 1 California, on Tuesday, the 20th day Anaheim Precinct No. 6 and nine and declare the result ­of of May, 1924, .the object being to heir, Precinct No, 6r shall be, and said Iee Ion.' ' submit to the qualified electors of the same are hereby y consolidated .` SECTION' 8. This Ordinance said City the proposition to,Incur :a bonded indebtedness as and shall be 'known and dasignated ' Consolidated Voting Precinct {hall bepublished bnce a day for by the' City of Anaheim to the D, " it least seven days in the Anaheim amount of One Hundred Ten Thousand ($1i0,- Anaheim Precinct No. 7 and Ana newspaper ',ro 000.00) Dollars for the purpose of helm Precinct No. 8-shall be, an circulation,, �ral circulation; published in said, In said .itY of Anaheim, and thisOedinanee' 'the construction and completion of the same are hereby --consolidated ;znd , such 'publication shall ^be the a, certain municipal 4nrprovement by and shall, be known and designated "Consolidated Votice ;of Election. ' the City of Anaheim, viz.: the as Voting Precinct E.., SECTION 9:' This ;`Ordinance acquisition; construction and com- shall take effect, immediately. Lpletion of extensions and improve- Anaheim Precinct No. q, and Ana- The ,and foregoing Ordi- �• ments to . the water works of said heim Precinct No. 10 'shall be and .above .,, _ k, : , r„ ,_ _,___ _ , _ - . in the City, of, Anaheim, State of ,C , California, on Tuesday, the 20th day Anaheim Precinct No. 5 and /tnar of May, 1924, the object being' to heir Precinct No, 6 shall be a' � . ia1 44 submit to the qualified electors of the same are hereby consolidated ' said City the proposition to incur a and shall be known and d0..signated bonded indebtedness by the City of as "Consolidated Voting Precinci D, s ila(18t IY�+irl4ti Anaheim to the amount of One ' Hundred Ten Thousand ($1i0,_ Anaheim Precinct No. 7 and Ana�IIa 000.00) Dollars for the purpose of heim Precinct No. 8 shall be an¢s the same are hereby ltY 9l' the construction and completion of y consolidated' a cand shall be known and designated' e.r•tain municipal improvement b ..} ' � the City of Anaheim, viz.: the as "Consolidated Voting Precinct. ; r acquisition, construction and coni- 'E'."'�`"r� P i hem Precinct No. 9 and Ana sail i>xE pletion of extensions and improve- Ana ments to the water works of said heim Precinct No. 10 shall be and 1 City, consisting of the drilling of a the same are liereby consolidated; and shall be known and desi (ii`¢tllBd >e water well for said City, and the gnated �" installation of casing therein, the as "Consolidated Voting precinct acquisition and installation of a F' t�reatiint `�P!e water pump to be operated therein, SECTION 5. The following" t ,. `the my of the acquisition and installation of named persons, each of whom is a itto8, an electric motor for the operation qualified elector of the consolidated Of said pump, the acquisition, con- election precinct in and for which ii ry1Qi i struction and installation of water he is appointed, are hereby ap- mains and pipes and the acquisition pointed Board of Election in Con- ;D ky, Off'(JBA3 1 and installation of fire hydrants for solidated ,Voting Precinct "A," tc il, said City, the estimated cost oP serve in the capacity herein desig I; Edryartf =$ 3VIgr which improvement is One Hundred nated and to conduct said election >t aQ' AilBk Ten Thousand ($110,000.00) Dollars, therein as required by law: eftif�i'tlfiatte fore] in gold coin of the United States of Inspector Frank Tauseh. tvst}'itti#nodit America, said sum of One Hundred Judge, H. W. Lewis neet�»g p� the-�oa�� Ten Thousand ($110,000.00) Dollars Clerks, Frieda Janss, Harry I, kle of being the amount of the principal of. Horn. 37th daYy qft te#,` the indebtedness to be incurred The following named persons' - tnagl�afYtfjc 7m therefor, the rate .of interest to be each of whom is a qualified elector thirds o of''Xild" i id of the cons 1•d ` t)i �#'tlet8e49 ` IcitlelT#i: " TTI f h$� pa on said indebtedness will be o r aged election precinct eest� a n%eti 0f,6a4d 9r$ of I not to exceed six per cent (6 olo) in and for which ,he is a pp are hereby appointed Board, rrUstees heltfiob the zlotb "clay�pf- per annum, payable semi-annuall y, the "interest of, Elea tion in Consolidated Voting Precinct Lpril, " 1924, .sad that the-,-votef "". On: principal and of said indebtedness to be paid gold coin B," to serve in the capacity herein he pas of Spic Qrdr*nt7e was follows: r j of the United States of America, designated and to - conduct said >s AYES, �TrUstees ":iterk, �,, St$Ck SECTION 2. The special election election therein as required by law:, Jat6s*-an&kAnn,.. hereby called and ordered to be held Inspector, Mrs, Emma S. Seale. , XORS •Trustees, B: one - ' i shall be held and conducted Judge, H. Nelson White. Clerics, Mrs. Ada Dibble, Susie J A13S1JP1T AND NOT VOEINi3,' and the votes thereat received Jayne• rrurfee Gibbs,.: }, and canvassed, and the returns thereof The following named persons W�TNVSS: WHEREOF, -i hai�e made and the results each of whom is a qualified ;iereunto set My hand aild affixed thereof ascertained, determined and declared, herein elector of the consolidated election precinct the sial of- the City • of-Anaher.n < as provided and ac - cording to the laws of the State �oP in and for which he is appointed � this loth day of April, l9$. (SEAT'- �E1?WA"FCT7 8 i.K,Bl��E�IT'l'," California providing for and gov- are hereb a Y ppointed Board of Elec- tion in Consolldated ,",Clerk ofthe City of Anahyiiri. erasing elections in the City of Ana- Voting Precine' C' to , nub: X37, T8, 19 ;-20, 2,'22,• 23, ' j beim, and the Polls for. such serve in the capacity herein .elec- tions shall be and remain open dur_ designated and to conduct said elec- t ing the time required by said laws tion therein as required by law: 'and as follows: Inspector, Fred B. Kern. I From seven o'clock A. AT., when Judge, Henry A. Neff, Clerks, Mrs. Ida C. Lake, Mrs. said polls shall be opened, and said Genevieve Fording. polls shall remain open until seven The foll()Iving named persons. o'clock I'. 1%T, of said day, when they each of whom is a qualified 'elector shall be closed, except as 'provided -)f the consolidated election precinct by Section 1164 of the Political Code ' in and for which he is appointed, Of the State of California. ; ire hereby appointed Board of Elec- Thee ballots to be used at such election shall be such as may be re- 'ion in Consolidated Voting Precinct 'D," quired bylaw to be used thereat and to serve in the capacity herein " I in addition to any other matter Iesignated and to con;Iuet said elec- re- quired by law to be printed there- cion therein as required by law: Inspector, Frank Baum. on, shall appear the follo;ving: Judge, C. C. Lamb; "MUNICIPAL TICKET" To vote on any proposition here- ( Clerks, Mrs. Ethel H. Chamber - lain, Ardis Ann Chambers. i irt,�rfter set forth, stamp a cross (X) The following named persons. in the voting square after the word each of whom is a qualified elector YES" or after the word "NO." All of the consolidated election precinct marks except the cross (X) are for- in and for which lie is appointed bidden. All distinguishing marks are hereby a, pointed Board of Flee - or erasures are forbidden and make'tion in Consolidated Voting Precinct the ballot void. If you wrongly l to "E," to serve in the capacity herein stamp, tear or deface this ballot, ! and to conduct said elec- t return it to the Inspector of Stec- I tion therein as required by law: tion and obtain another. ! Inspector, Oliver Hill. � QUESTION AND PROPOSITION I Judge, Eva Merritt. SUBMITTEDTO VOTE OF ELEC- TORS: Clerics, Mrs. Bess Hannum, Eliza - I Shall the City of Anaheim I beth A. Huntington. incur a bonded debt to the amount of One Hundred Ten The following named persons, each of whom is a qualified elector of the consolidated el^ction precinct' Thousand ($110,000.00) Dol- tars for the, construction and in and for which he is appointed, 1 completion of a certain mu- are hereby appointed Board of Elec- nicipal improvement by the tion in Consolidated Voting Precinct "F," to serve in the capacity herein! City of Anaheim, to -wit: the YES designated and to conduct said elec- acquisition, construction and tion therein completion of extensions and as required by law: Inspector, Adolph Maas. improvements to the water Judge, Alice M. McCann. � works of sa­A Cit}. c,)r isi:n;ry 1 Clerks, Stephen A. Itimpan, Chas. of Lhr t�,7[�i,tat; ��1 i 4i:�ilt:! if1'41 !J,'PI•el"nble) i 2 i 3 `II 4 �I 5 I' 6 7 8 9 � 10 i 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE CALLING AND PROVIDING FOR AND GIVING NOTICE OF A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN TFF CITY OF ANAHEIM, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ON TUESDAY, THE 20TH DAY OF MAY, 1924, THE OBJECT BEING TO SUBMIT TO TFE QUALIFIED EIJECTORS OF SAID CITY THE PRO- POSITION TO INCUR A BONDED DEBT BY SAID CITY FOR THE, FOLLO17ING PURPOSE: THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF EXTEN- SIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO THE WATER WORKS OF SAID CITY, CdNSIST- ING OF THE DRILLI' G OF A TATER WELL, FOR SAID CITY, AND TNF IN- STALLATION OF CASING THEREIN, THE ACQUISITION AND INSTALLATION OF A 'MATER PUMP TO BE OPERATED THEREIN, THE ACQUISITION AND IN- STALLATION OF AN FLECTRIC MOTOR FOR THE OPERATION OF SLID PUMP, THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF WATER IfAINS AND PIPES AND THE ACQUISITION AND INSTALLATION OF FIRE HYDRANTS FOR SAID CITY. IHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, at `aimeeting held on the 13th day of March, 1924, by a vote of more than two-thirds of the members of said Board of Trustees, did pass and adopt a resolution determining; that the public in- terest and also the public necessity demands the acquisition and «, construction by the City of Anaheim of/certain municipal improve- ment , to -wit: the acquisition, construction and completion of extensions and improvements to the water works of said City, con- listing of the drilling; of a mater well for said City, and the installation of casing therein, the acquisition, and installation of a water pump to be operated therein, the acquisition and in- stallation of an electric motor for the operation of said. pump, the acquisition, construction and installation of water mains and pipes and the acquisition and installation of fire hydrants for said City. The cost of the completion of which -said. municipal 'improvement was estimated at One Hundred Ten Thousand ($110,000.00 Dollars, which said cost was and. is too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said City. NOW THEREFORE, the Board of Trustees of the City of 30 Anaheim do ordain as follows; 31 j SECTION 1. A special election is hereby called and. 32 "lordered to be held in the City of Anaheim, State of California, on'' -1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Tuesday, the 20th day of May, 1924, the object being to submit to the qualified electors of said City the proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness by the City of Anaheim, to the amount of One Hundred Ten Thousand ($110,000.00) Dollars for the purpose of the construction and completion of a certain municipal im- provement by the City of Anaheim., viz.: the acquisition, con- struction and completion of extensions and improvements to the water works of said City, consisting of the drilling of a water I well for said City, and the installation of casing therein, the acquisition and installation of a water pump to be operated. I therein, the acquisition and installation of an electric motor I for the operation of said pump, the acquisition, construction end. installation of water mains and pipes and the aca,)isition and installation of fire hydrants for said city, the estimated cost l of which improvement is One Hundred Ten Thousand 0110,000.00) Dollars, in gold coin of the United States of America, said sum j of One Hundred Ten Thousand ($110,000.00) Dollars being the amount of the principal of the indebtedness to be incurred therefor, I' the rate of interest to be paid on said indebtedness will be not to exceed six per cent (611,) per annum, payable semi-annually, the principal and interest of said indebtedness to be paid in gold coin of the United States of America. SECTION 2. The special election hereby called and order- ed to be held shall be held and conducted and the votes thereat received and canvassed, and the returns thereof made and the re- sults thereof ascertained, determined. and ddclared, as herein provided and according to the laws of the State of California pro- viding for and governdmg elections in the City of Anaheim, and the polls for such elections shall be and remain open during the time required by said laws, and as follows: From seven o1clock A. <<., when said polls shall be open-'. led., and said polls shall remain open until seven o'clock P. M. of Mc 1 I'' said day, when they shall be closed., except as provided by i 2 Section 1164 of the Political Code of the .State of California. 3 The ballots to be used at such election shall be such 4 as may be required by law to be used thereat and in addition to 5 !I any other matter required by law to be printed thereon, shall i 6 I� appear the following: I � 7 "MUNICIPAL TICKET" 8 To vote on any proposition hereinafter set forth, stamp �!I 9 a cross (X) in the voting square after the word "YES" or after 10 1; the word "NO". All marks except the cross (X) are forbidden. 11 All distinguishing marks or erasures are forbidden and make the 12 ballot void. If You wrongly stamp, tear or deface this ballot, i I 13 return it to the Inspector of Election and, obtain another. 14 QUESTION AND PROPOSITION SUBMITTED TO NOTE OF ELECTORS: j 15 Shall the City of Anaheim incur a bonded 16 debt to the amount of One Hundred Ten 17 Thousand ($110,000.00) Dollars for the 18 construction and. completion of a certain 19 municipal improvement by the City of Ana - 20 helm, to -wit: the acquisition, construc- 21 1, tion and completion of extensions and im- 22 23 24 provements to the water works of said City, consisting of the drilling of a !water well for said City, and the install - 25 lation of casing therein, the acquisition 26 sand installation of a water pump to be 'I 27operated therein, the acquisition and in - 28 stallation of an electric motor for the ! 29 ,Ioperation of said pump, the acquisition, 30 (construction and installation of eater 31 (,mains and pipes and the acquisition and 32 installation of fire hydrants for said City.- -3- YES NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 S7CTI0N 3. Any qualified elector of the City of Anaheim may vote at said special election for or against the ;Pro- position herewith submitted. To vote in favor of and authorize the incurring of a bonded debt for the purpose set forth in the proposition herein stated, he shall stamp a cross (.X) in the vot- ing square to the right of the word "YES" printed opposite such proposition, and to vote against and refuse to authorize the in- curring of a bonded debt for the purpose set forth in the said proposition herein stated, he shall stamp a cross (X) in the vot- ing square to the right of the word 11?%T0" printed opposite such proposition. Each cross (X) stamped in the square to the right of the word "YES" shall be counted as a vote in favor of and to 13 I: authorize the incurring of a bonded indebtedness for the purpose 14 I;i set forth in the proposition opposite to which said cross (X) 15 j is stamped, and each cross (X) stamped in the voting square to 16 (; the right of the word "NO" shall be counted as a vote not in 17 18 19 favor of and a refusal to authorize the incurring of a bonded indebtedness for the purpose set forth in the proposition opposite to which such cross (y) is stamped. 20 SECTION 4. For the purpose of such special election the 21 t"welve voting precincts heretofore created and established by the 22 Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange as the election pre - 23 Icinets for the said City of Anaheim and adopted by order of said 24 1l Board of Supervisors shall be and are hereby consolidated into 25 !'Isix consolidated election precincts, as follows, to -wit: 26 Anaheim Precinct No. 1 and Anaheim Precinct No. 11 shall 27 'be and the same are hereby consolidated and shall be known and de - 28 ;signa.ted as "Consolidated Voting Precinct "A"." 29 Anaheim Precinct No. 2 and Anaheim precinct No. 3 shall 30 !1be and the same are hereby consolidated and shall be known and de - 31 Isigna.ted as "Consolidated Voting Precinct II 32 Anaheim Precinct No. 4 and. Anaheim Precinct No. 12 shall -4- 1 2 3 � I 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 be and the same are hereby consolidated and shall be known and de signated as"Consolidated Voting Precinct "C".►' Anaheim Precinct No. 5 and Anaheim Precinct No. 6 shall be and the same are hereby consolidated and shall be known and de signated as "Consolidated Voting Precinct ►►D►►," Anaheim Precinct No. 7 and Anaheim Precinct No. 8 shall be and the same are hereby consolidated and shall be known and signated as "Consolidated Voting Precinct "Elf." Anaheim Precinct No. 9 and Anaheim Precinct No. 10 shall be and the same are hereby consolidated and shall be known and de- signated as "Consolidated Voting Precinct "F"." SECTION 5. The following named persons, each of whom is a qualified elector of the consolidated election precinct in and for which he is appointed, are hereby appointed Board of Elec tion in Consolidated Voting Precinct "A", to serve in the capacity herein designated and to conduct said election therein as required! by law: Inspector Frank Tausch Judge H. W. Lewis Clerks Frieda Janss, Harry I. Horn 20 The following named persons, each of whom is a qualified i 21 elector of the consolidated election precinct in and for which he 22 is appointed, are hereby appointed Board of Election in Consoli- 23 ;I dated Voting Precinct "B", to serve in the capacity herein desig- j 24 ;nated and to conduct said election therein as required by law: :25 Inspector Mrs. Emma S. Seale Judge H. Nelson White 26 " Clerks yrs. Ada Dibble, Susie J. Jayne 27 I The following named persons, each of whom is a qualified 28 Ilelector of the consolidated election precinct in and for which he 29 I is appointed, are hereby appointed Board of Election in Consoli- 30 ',,dated Voting Precinct "C", to serve in the capacity herein desig- 31 mated and. to conduct said election therein as oequired by law; 32 Inspector Fred B. Kern � -5- 1 �I Judge Henry A. Neff rs. Genevieve Fording Clerks Mrs. Ida C. Lake, " 2 I The following named persons, each of whom is a qualifies 3 j elector of the consolidated. election precinct in and for which he 4 is appointed, are hereby appointed Board of Election in Consoli- 5 iIdated Voting. Precinct I'D", to serve in the capacity herein desig- nated elig- nated and to conduct said election therein as required by law: 7 I'! Inspector Frank Baum g j'; Judge 0. 0. Lamb Clerks Mrs. Ethel H. Chamberlain, Ardis Ann 9 Chambers I 10 �I The following named persons, each of whom is a qualifie I � 11 I elector of the consolidated election precinct in and for which he 12 is appointed, are hereby appointed Board of Election in Consoli- 13 dated Voting Precinct "E", to serve in the capacity herein desig;- 14 nated and to conduct said election therein as required by law: 15 �' Inspector Oliver Hill Judge Eva Merritt 16 Clerks yrs. Bess Hannum, Elizabeth A. Hunting-- ton' 17 The following: named persons, each of whom is a qualifiedi! 18 elector of the consolidated election precinct in and. for w'r_ich he 19 II. is appointed, are hereby appointed Board of Election in Consoli- 20 dated Voting Precinct "F", to serve in the capacity herein desig- 21 nated and to conduct said election therein as required by law: 22 23 �I 24 25 j 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Inspector Adolph Maas Judge Alive M. McCann I Clerks Stephen A. Bimpau, Chas. J. Trembley The polling place in and for Consolidated Voting Pre- cinct "A" shall be at the Anaheim Union High School, at the North -I, west corner of the intersection of ""est Center and Citron Streets.' The pplling place in and for Consolidated Voting Pre- cinct "B" shall be at the office of the Ford -Lincoln & Fordson Agency at No. 320 North Los Angeles Street. The rolling place in and for Consolidated doting Pre- cinct "C" shall be at the office of the Johnson Auto Paint Shop �at No. 415 East Center Street. -6- 1 2 3 4 5 6 i 7 8 The polling place in and for Consolidated Voting Pre- cinct I'D" shall be in the Citron Street School at ,,,To. 124 South Citron Street. The polling place in and for Consolidated Voting Pre- cinct "E}1 shall be at the City Hall Building at No. 204 East Center Street. The polling place in and for Consolidated Voting Pre- cinct IIFfI shall be at the office of the Gibbs Lumber Company at 9 No. 225 South Vine Street. ii 10 The City Clerk is hereby directed to procure all suppl i 11 II ies that may be necessary to ,properly and lawfully cond.o.ct said. 12 13 14 15 16 17 W 19 20 21 22 special election. When the polls are closed the officers of election shal count the ballots cast at such special election and canvass the votes cast respectively for and against the proposition herein stated and make return thereof to the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, in time, form and manner required, for the count- ing, canvassing and returning of votes cast at other special municipal elections held in said City of AnaheMm. SECTION 6. If, at such special election, it shall appear that two-thirds of all the voters voting at such election are in favor of and authorize the incurring of a bonded debt for 23 i', the purpose set forth in the propo,eition herein stated, then such 24 , proposition shall be deemed to have been accepted by the electors 25 and bonds will be issued to defray the cost of the improvement 26 dpecified in such proposition and to the amount stated therein, 27 Such bonds shall be of the form and character known as "Serials" 28 and at least one -fortieth part of the principal sun of such in - 29 I!debtedness will be paid each and every ,year until all of said 30 !bonds shall have been paid, principal and interest shall be paid 31 lin gold coin of the United States of America. 32 SECTION; 7. The Board of Trustees shall meet at their -7- 1 1: usual place of -meeting, to -wit: the Council Chamber in the City 2 Hall Building, at No. 204 Fact Center Street, in said City, on 3 the Monday next succeedinF said election, to -wit: on !,,�onday, the 4 26th day of Jay, 1924, at the hour of seven thirty otclock P. 5 then and there to canvass the returns and ascertain, detern.iine, 6 and declare the results of said. election. 7 SECTION S. This Ordinance shall be published once a 8 j day for at least seven days in the Anaheim Daily Herald, a news - 9 Paper of general circulation, published in said City of Anaheim, 10 and this Ordinance and such publication shall be the Notice of 11 i Election. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 SECTION 9. This Ordinance shall take effect immediate- ly. The above and foregoing Ordinance No. Lt4-2--is eigned and approved by me, this lo day of 1924. Presi ent of --th"o a rd --o_Tf ruFfFe-s of the City of Anaheim Attest: Clerk of the City of—kni-6heim fi 1 j' STATE OF CALIFOR�IA, } j 'I ) 2 ;i COUNTY OF OTRA CE, ) SS. I' ) 3 CITY OF ANAH'EPIDi ) 4 I, Edgard B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of 5 I Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No -LI S-- 6 was introduced at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of 91, 7 the City of Anaheim held on the Z day of t a_ 124, I!, g and was finally passed by more than a two-thirds vote of said. �i 9 Board of Trustees at a, meeting of said Board. of Trustees held. on 10 the to day of _ , 1924, and that the vote on the --- - ,- - 11 ! passage of said Ordinance was es follows; ,C `fie 12 AYES, Trustees /�(a../C,���.e�lo - `h'La,�.^�• 13 NOES, Trustees -Tn' 14 ABSERT AUTD NOT ?rOTTNO Trustees 15 IN °"IT7,ESS '" RrOF, I have hereunto set my hand and 16 l affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim, this l day of 1924. 18 19 Clerk o e Cl t y o Ana eim -' 20 21 22 it 23 24 25 ,26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -9- li