456----------- ---­-------------- F - ­------------- . .................. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 414Y__ day of ...... _ 192_t�_ ----------- No Public. 3. T. 4 S., It. 10 W., S. B. B. & Al.; thence East along said North line to the Southwest corner of the N ` ortneast one-quarter of the North- east one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter of-. said ; Section 3; thence North along tie West line qt the Northeast one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of the South - one -quarter of said Section 3' to a point on the East and -West Center line of said Section 3: thence East along said center line to the center of said Sectiorl 3;1 thence along the oi•th and South- ., A�;41 Section 3 to the Center center lines o,; Orangethorpe Avenue; thence Hast along : said fig,! center Tine of Oiangethorpe Avenue (t? to the- Northeast corner of the West one-half of the Northeast ti one-quarter of said Section $; the lice South along the East line of the West one-half of the Bast one-half _ of said Seyai1'!'tn ta, Na ,the 1 �I�.i ti•eet; once West along said center line r g of Ls Patin ya Street to the point rtl t$ (5 i'au.i ra is c*x:y d ORDINANCE NO. 456 L 1N ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO 'SAID CITY OF AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION � ANAHEIM js li{lADDIION1N NDiS S.b;T PING L'ORTH THE PRINCI- ! i� PAL ACTS CONSTITUTING THE $TAFTts, I 1 l tr�r , t PROCEEDINGS HAD RELATIVE rHL:RL PO. P 1 WHEREAS, the Board of Trus' - tees of the ;2ity of Anaheim did op the 17th day of June, 1g t receive written petition ---------- ...- ------ ----- --2tL `-�'�4�t asking that eery taiii territory situate to Che Cc t.rtY ct v.aneo, :State uI l;alifc•rn.a, stnd of said county, being first duly sworn, says:—that he is curtciguous to said city of _' nahe.nt i be annexed tc said city, a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of and which said territory is particularly dQ- VA, lif9rula,, aver. the, aise.. of. eiW teen. years.;. that he h,aa, so -'be' a; t l!o�ti to-, it: no 'interest in, nor is a arty to the matter herein men- P Beginning at the point of intcf- section of the How$ tinned; that he is the P ,TF�p of the , THE ORANGE center of Putt 1 Street and La _ Palma Street as COUNTY PLAIN DEALL a ily newspaper printed, i "sho"wn on a map of the Gresswell published and circulated in the said County of Orange; Subdivision recorded in Book e, �`,• asge 4'l, ,Miscellaneous 1YTaps, Rue - that skid TIrW OR.ANQ,1F CONN Y B AItN D �VV is 'g4lieE31 ords of Orange County, California, and running a illB : Sp>eR of CiPCiil h a i3 . thence Northerly along the subscribers, and is publisheli for the di semination of j center line of I att Street at tete extended Northerly line of that both local and general news and intelligence of a gen- ,. x certain East and West alley dis- tint eral character; that it is not devoted to the interests or 195 feet Northerly. from the published for the entertainment of a particular class, 1 center line . of La Palma Street as shown on said map of the profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of Gress'- (veil Sutrdivision; thence westerly 'aloi any number thereof; that it has been printed and pub- g the extended Northerly line lished in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, Stateof said alley and along ,the North- erly Iihe of said of California, for more than one year next preceding the alley and tea extension westerly to tite point first day of the publication hereto attached; that the with the extended Northex-W y� ------ f --------• ,ane of the 15 foot all lying Northerl ' of fIts shown 'o the Hart Su'b!vision oLots 1 to 7 of on a. map recorded to Book 7, .Page 20, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published of Orange County, California; thence ------- Northwesterly along „the extended Northerly line of said alley to in said newspaper at least --------C•i.__�_�_.___ the center ,Line of Lemon Street as shown on a map of the commencing on the _._.__.�..__ __- day of _�-14,_aid' said Hart Subdivision; thence North along the center Itne of Lemon Street ,b the Southeast corner of Lot 5, �/ 192__..yand ending on the__- ______-day of___��_=_-�_�e__&l4 ides 'Rancho as sholuh on a map acorded in Book .4, Page 'r, Mis- 4, ads 192_ - and $hat said -.--,---------- ------------------- eiifttps; o! r- nge County, California; thenea ast along the extended South; line f said Lot rsaid published on the following da es: 5, 190 feet; thence orth parailel to the East line of Lot 5 to a Point on the Northwas o,"b n�tJ "' "' ' = line - t on@-na+ rter Qr. of of the utliwestaosa r• of Section ----------- ---­-------------- F - ­------------- . .................. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 414Y__ day of ...... _ 192_t�_ ----------- No Public. 3. T. 4 S., It. 10 W., S. B. B. & Al.; thence East along said North line to the Southwest corner of the N ` ortneast one-quarter of the North- east one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter of-. said ; Section 3; thence North along tie West line qt the Northeast one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of the South - one -quarter of said Section 3' to a point on the East and -West Center line of said Section 3: thence East along said center line to the center of said Sectiorl 3;1 thence along the oi•th and South- ., A�;41 Section 3 to the Center center lines o,; Orangethorpe Avenue; thence Hast along : said fig,! center Tine of Oiangethorpe Avenue (t? to the- Northeast corner of the West one-half of the Northeast ti one-quarter of said Section $; the lice South along the East line of the West one-half of the Bast one-half _ of said Seyai1'!'tn ta, Na ,the 1 �I�.i ti•eet; once West along said center line r g of Ls Patin ya Street to the point rtl t$ (5 i'au.i ra is c*x:y d i• L k400 hhHEI'UAS, on the 26th day of June, 1924, scribed, the number of votes cast in i>RY)YIYAl\CE NO, 444 the said legislative body, of the City favor of such annexation and the of Anaheim did pass , number of votes cast therein lti Oi DlN:1NCL' Oh THE CITY OF and adopt an Ordinance designated Ordinance No. against such annexation, and AN-A11Lf 1 AP!190YING THE ANNEXATION Til-ShID-CITY OF , O 454, entitled, "An Ordirianee of the City of Anaheiml !-a WHEREAS, the said Board of Trustees of the. City of Anaheim. calling a speical election to be; held on Tuesday, the . which is the legislative body of 1'Oli1 LiESCP.iBEDlAS "INDUS- 29th day of'' 'July, in said City, did find the total num- I!0, . SITE ADDITION," AND curtain unincorpor.- errs territory in the County of ger of votes cast at said special election in the territory. hereir- 61;1' 1NG FORTH THE PRiNCI- Y�\.L ACTS CONSTITTJT11Via 11iTJ.° Oraate Orange, State of California, axis before described, to be 13, and the YliOlr'EDl.NGS HAD FtELA'1'1Vl] contiguous to the City of Anaheim, proposed to be total number of votes case thereat fIiLR1:T0• annexed to saws City; providing for the holding of in Payor of the annexation of the hereinbefore described territory 4w WHEREAS, the Board of Trus-' such election and submitting to the electors residing in to be 11, and the ' the 1 th day of the ity of of An helm iv on said territory : the question whether said territory votes against said annexation to be 2: and the result to be that. receive' a written petition asking that cer-- shall be annexed to, incorporated in, and made a part of said Cit- of a majority or the votes cast at said special election were in favor tain territory situate in lire Cr unty of Cahforn.a, .: Anaheim, designating said territory, of said annexation, and did, on the O.ange, Stale of =iod', by the name of-l"ustiial Site Ad- 4th day of• Aub ust,_1924, pass and contiguous to said City or Anahen i pe annexed tc said city, and which ; dition," establishing an election precinct adopt a resolution setting forth the , territory is particulariy de- scribe.l as dol and polling Place in said ` territory, appointing the officers of results of said election as ascer- tained from its canvass -made at oc—, tv-tilt: election far• s'tid special election, said meeting. Beginniug at the point of ilitcr- and providing for the pub:ication tit>`V i'I1FRF:FOF,F,• the Board of section of the center lines of Putt of [[otic e of said special election," Trustees of the City of Anaheim Street and La Palma Street as and do ordain as follows: shown on a map of the Gresswell WHEREAS, in pursuance of the SFCT70N 1. That the Board of Subdivision recorded in Book 6, provisions of said Ordinance_ No. Trustees of the City of Anaheim :Page Ii 10iscebaneous Maps, Hee- 454, and in accordance with the Moes hereby approve sif - the an- orus of Orange County, California, 'provisions of an Act of the i,egisla- nexation to and the incorporation anu ruun,ng trience Northerlyalong ture of the State. of. California, en- in the. City of _\naheirn of that the center line of Plitt Street to titled "An Act to, provide for tire• certain territory which is herein - the extended Northerly lin of that 'West alteration of the boundaries of and, before more particularly described, Certain Last and alley dis- for the annexation of territory to and does herebv declare that frolu taut 193 feet Northerly from the municipal corporations, for the in-= and after the date of the filing in center line of La Palma Street as corporation of such annxed terri- the office of -the Secretary of State shown on said Wrap of the Gress- tory in and as a part thereof, and of the State of California, of a well Subdivision; the -nee ti�'esterly for the districting, government and certified Cony of this Ordinance, along the extended Northerly line municipal control pit' such annexed giving the date of its passage, the. of said" alley and along the No territory," approved June 11, 1913, annexation of such territory here- erly line of said alley and and all acts amendatory thereof inbeforc described shall be deemed its extension Westerly to the point, and supplementary thereto, and to be and shall be complete and of intersection with the extender; Nortlierly line designated and referred to as the h'rinexation thenceforth such timrexed territor- of tit, iB toot ahoy Act of 1913, notice of which is hereinbefore deSerrbd lying Northerly of Lots 1 to 7 of said special election was published shall be to all intents and ptiroposes the Hart Subdivision as shown on for a period of not less than four a part of the City of Anaheim, ex - a map recorded in Book 7, Page 20, successive weeks immediately pro- cept only that no property within Miscellaneous Maps, Records of ceding the date of said election in 'The such annexed territory shall ever Orange County;„ California; thence Fullerton Tribune," a news- be taxed to pay any portion of Northwesterly along the extended paper of, general circulation, print- any indebtedness or liability of Northerly line of said alley to the ed, published, and circulated in the said City of Anaheim contracted center line of Lemon Street as City of Fuile.rton, County of Or= prior or existing at the time of shown on a map of the said Hart ange, State of California, and out- such annexation, except as other - Subdivision; thence North along the side of the incorPorated limits' of wise provided by law. said center line of Lemon Street the City of Anaheim, the affidavit SECTION 2. The City Clerk of to the Southeast corner of Lott' of the publication of which said the City of Anaheim is hereby di - Miles Rancho as shown on a leap notice is on file in the office of the ' rected to make and certify under "+ i corded in Book_ 4, Page 7, Mis- City Clerk of the City of inaheim the seal of the City of Anaheim, cellaneous Maps, Records of Or- ; which, said notice did distinctly and transmit to . the Secretary of ange County, CaUfornia; thence state the date of said election and State of The. State of California, a' Last along the extcnded South lisle the proposition to be submitted to he electors certified copy of this Ordinance, _ of said Lot 5, 190 feet; thence thereat, to -wit: That it was immediately after the passage North parallel to the Last line of Proposed to annex to, ill thereof. said Lot 5 to a Point on the North corporate in, and make a part of t SECTION 3. The City Clerk of tery the satttone-qua of Anaheim the territory suurht sought rthis hereby ofrthelNorthtcigofrthe to be -annexed designated as Industrial sect dittoofpublishOrd Ordinance Southwest one-quarter of Section 3, T. 4 Site Addition," the., boundaries with the names of the Trustees S_, It. 10 tie., S. B. B. & 1,1•; thence Last along said North line of which are herein- before described, and which i'otiug for or is ainst the passage, - of the same, once in the '"Orange; to the Southwest corner of the Northeast one-quarter of the North. said boundaries were specifically de- scribed in said notice, County Plain Dealer," a newspaper: of general circulation, east one-quarter of the Southweo one-quarter and in which '`aid notice the electors :n such ter- ritory were directed printed, Pub"shed and circulated in the City of Anaheim_ of Said Section 3i thence North to vote uP ,n such question The foregoing along the lirust ane in the manner pro_ ! Ordinance No. 456 of the. Northeast otic -quarter of the Northeast vided by law, and which said no- tree is signed, approved and atteste3 s one: -quart.°, of the South_, contained all other matter,, by me this 14th day of August,- west one-quarter of slid Section 3 and things requires] b y law to be 1924• to a point oil the Fast and "6t'est : given therein, aq (Seal) E. H. METCALF Center line of said Section 3; vc lir i, EAS, there -,vas held on ", President of the Board of ;? thence Last along said center line to the u -sday the 29th day of July, ,Trustees of the City of Anaheim. q Attest: center of said Section 3• 1921, within the boundaries of the i thence along the North and Sot17 territory hereinbefore described the I EDWARD B."MERRITT,' Center line of said Section 3 to Said special election and the judgea 1 City Clerk of the City of Anaheim the center line of Orangethorpe; and iusp ctors at such election did =: Avenue, thence East along said intinedia ely upon the closing of STATE 11F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY + center line of Orangethorpe Avenue ' the polls thereat count the ballots, OF ORANGE, CITY Obi ANA - to the Northeast corner . of the make up, certify and seal the. bat- FLU, IM --ss,. - West one-half of. the Northeast lots and tally sheets of the. gal- I, Edward B. Merritt, City Cleric one-quarter of said ' Section 3; Place of dots cast at the Pollingeel. the Cit y, ° y of Anaheim, do hereby the rice South along the. East line? such election, in the manner pro- certify that the foregoing Ordi- Of the West- one-half of the E^_ tI vided by the laws of the State of ,' nance No. 456 was intro.due6d at a= One-half of said Section 3 to the; California, and did thereupon' de- regular, adjourned meeting of the center line of La Palma Street;} _ liver the said ballots and tally Board of. Trustees of the City of thence West along said center in(, `sheets of the ballots cast at the j Anaheim, held on the 4th day of j of La Palina Street to the point Polling place at such election and ; August, 1924, and that the same' of beginning, and the returns and deposit the same " was passed and adopted at a regu- WHlEREAS, said Board of Truss with the Clerk of the legislative lar meeting of the Board of Trus- tees, as the Iegislative body of the body of said City of Anaheim,- and" •tees of said City held on the 14th City- of Anaheim, found and de- WHEREAS, the said legislative day of August, 1924, by the fol- terniiried that said petition wars- body of the City of Anaheim; did, vote: (signed than inhynumberless qualifies} .levying regu-eandleStocic,. lar next[ othe exp � tcalf Flasson, Knipe, Slaback of then electors residing within the above meeting afterded ai= tion of three days from NOES—Trustees none. .described territory, as shown ]ay and after[, date .of .said elections 'to wit.., ABSENT 11ND NOT VOTING— _the the registration of voters on file in on the 4th day of August, 1924,3' Trustees none. the office of the County Clerk of meet and . proceed to and did can -f And I"further certify that the the County of Orange, State of Vass said returns -and that such President of the Board of Trus - California, and WHEREAS, the said petition con-, canvass of said returns was Com -t tees of the City of Anaheim signed` pleted on the said 4th day. of Au -,1 and approved said Ordinance, No.: talus a request that the said legis-' gust, 1924, and 1 456 on the 14th day of August, ,/[\ lative body of the City of Anaheim WHEREAS, said, legislative -body 1924. cab a special .election 4 Rhin the 'did'. on the said 4th day of Au- ._ IN WITNESS ZVHEREOF. 'T_h ��, v= � ,vw+ g snau oe annexed to in ted ;a 'majority of the, votes cast at a written petition asking that c c r --g; in, and made a part of sa� said epeeiel e election were in _favor tarn territory situate in he Cc unty r Anaheim, designating said tePri U3 of -.sold annexation, 'and did on the Of , Stare of fe , n.a, and i by the Haute of "Industrial Site Ad 4tii day of. August, T924, pass and conOi'Utiguous evntiguous to said a,ity of Anaheim ity ,lie annexed tc said --city, and which ; • dition," establishing , an election i adopt"a resolution setting forth the precinct and Polling results said territory -is Particularly de- sctibec' Lvllov:'•. place in said of said .eleetl&i as ascer- territory, appointing the officers of I tamed, from its ;canvass made at as tv-wit: Beginning at the point eY inter- election for smog special election, 1 said me6ting. ; and providing for the publication i NOW T1TEREF0PM,-the Board of seclron Of the center lines of Patt Street and La Palma Street as of notice of said special election," Trustees , of the _ Ctt7 of Anaheim shown on a map of the Gresawell' ,subdivision recorded in Book 6, and do ordain as foliaws•: WHEREAS, in IA Pursuance of the SECTN 1. That "+Che Saard, of provisions Page 47, :iliseellaneous Maps, Rec- of said Ordinance. moo, Trustees of the, City of Anahoim 454, and in accordance with the does -'Ire�"'eby approve "-df' Tft' -&n- Oros of Orange County, California, "along provisions of an Act of the Legisla_ nexation to and the incorporation anti running thence Northerly ture a.f the State. of California, en- in the. City of Anaheim. of that the Center line of Patt Street tip the extended Northerly line of that titled ".fin Act to. provide for the, certain territory 'which is herein- alteration :of the boundaries of and` before more particularly`describers, certain East and 'Vest alley di 8 - for the annexation of territory to and does hereby declare that from taut 195 feet Northerly from the municipal corporations; for the in-, and after the date of the filing' in center line of La Palma Street as shown on said snap of tire Gress- corporation of such annexed terra= the office of the Secretary -of State tory in and well Subdivision; thence Westerly as a part thereof, and of the State of California of a for the districting, government and certified copv of this Ordinance, along the extended Northerly line municipal control Of such annexed giving the date of its passage. the, of said alley and along the North- erly line of said alley territory," approved June 11, 1913, annexation' of such territory here- and and It. extension Westerly to tite point, all acts amendatory- thereof inbefore described shall be. deemed and supplementary thereto, to be and shall be and of intersection with the extended and complete desiggated and referred to as the thenceforth such anrrexed territom- Northerly tine of tnc 1;, l( -t airy A'nnexation Act of 1.913, notice of 'which . is hereinbefore described lying Northerly of Lots 1 to 7 of said special election was published shall be to all Intents and puTppses the Hart subdivision as shown On for a period of not less than four a Part of the City of Anaheim, ex- -a map recorded in Book 7, Page 20, iscellaneous Haps, Records of successive weeks immediately pre- cept only that no property within ceding the date of such annexed territory Orange County. California; thence said election in shall ever "The Fullerton Tribune," a nets,- be taxed to pay any portion of Northwesterly along the extended .Paper of general circulation, print- any indebtedness or liability. of Northerly line of said alley to the ed, published, and circulated in the maid City of Anaheim 'contracted City center line of Lemoit Street as shown on a map of the said Hart of Fullerton, County of Or•= grior or existing at the time of ange, State of California, such annexation, Subdivision; thence North along the said center line Lemon and out- except' as other - side of the incorporated limits` of wise provided by law. the City of Street to the Southeast_' corner of Lot 5, of Anaheim, the affidavit SECTION 2. The City Clerk of of the publication of which the City. of Ana -helm is hereby di- -Wiles Rancho as shown on a map r. corded in Book 4, Page 7, Mis- said notice is on file in the office of the reefed to make and certify Ander City Clerk of the the 'the cellaneous Baps, Records of Or- City of Anaheim, seal of City of Anaheim, 1 whichk said notice did distinctly and transmit to . the Secretary of i ange County, California; thertae sate the date of said election, and State of The State of California, a! East- along the extended South line Of said Lot 5, 190 the proposition to be submitted to certified Copy of this Ordinance, the electors thereat, feet; thence North parallel to the East line of immediately after the passage; to -wit: That. i It was Proposed to thereof. said Lot 5 to a Point on the North line the annex to, in=: ! corporate in, and make a part of j SECTION 3. " The City Clerk of t`ie City of. Southu est one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of the of Anaheirrr the territory 2 etet Cit toofpublish aliefi t Js hereby sought to be annexed Aesignated me ns Southwest one`-qu trier of Section 3, T. 4 S., It. 10 `ti S. B, B. Al.-, is ole } IItdustrial Site Addition," the. with the names of the Trustees i boundaries of votuig for , gy thence East along said. North ling 'which are herein- i or a}ainst the passage": before described, and which said, of the same once in the "Orange'; to the Southwest corner of the boundaries were specifically de_ County Plain Dealer,'" a: newspaper; Northeast one-quarter of the North- east one-quarter of the :;outhw scribed in said notice, and in which Of general ' circulation, printed, i laid notice the electors :n Pubiished and circulated in one-quarter of aid Section 3;. such ter- i the City' ritory were direch;d to vote upon j of Anaheim. thence North along the iYcst line such question in the manner pro_ i The Foregoing Ordinance No. -45&11 of the Northeast one-quarter of the Northeast one -quaff t ti aced contained anal other sltatLers by rnened 14 edaq and AUgt3gtd,_`' , of the South., west one-quaiter of said Sectione­3 tlisa h And things required by law 1324. to a point on the Last and West to b� given therein t�nA (Seal) E. H. METCALF, Center line of said Section 3 'v tib ,uilAs the was held on , President of the Board of,Trustees 1 thence East along said center line 17utsday the 29day of July, of the City of Anaheim, ' to the center of said Section 3 1921, within the boundaries of the Atttest-B. thence along the North and South, territoiy hereinbefore describedthe EDWARD MEItRITT; Center line of said Section 3 to the said special election and the judges City Clerk of the City of- Anaheim center line of Orangethorpe Avenue; thence East along said and inspcctor, at such election did immediately upon the closing of STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY center line of Oiangethorpe Avenue the Polls thereat count the ballots, OF ORANGE, CITX OF, ANA- to ,the Northeast corner . of the make up, certify and seal the. bal- IiE7iT—ss,. Nest one-half of the Northeast lots and tally sheets of the. bal- I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk one-quarter of said ' Section 3; thence South logs cast at the polling place of of the City of Anaheim, do here!' along the East line j of the West such election, -in the manner pro- certify that the_ foregoing Ord one-half of the Es; °t l vided by tite laws of the State of nonce No. 456 was introduoM at a% - one -half of said Section 3 to tbej California, and did thereupon" de- regular adjourned mcetiiig of the center line of La Palma Street f thence West along said center lire, liver the said ballots and tally Board of, Trustees of the City of sheets of the ballots cast at the Anahcirti, held on the of La Palma Street to the point' 4th day of Polling place at such election and August, 1924, and that the same' of beginning, and WHEREAS, said Board of Truss the returns and deposit: the same 'vas passed and adopted at`a reg•u- with the Clerk of the legislative lar meeting of the Board tees, as the, legislative body of the of Trus- - .body of said City of Anaheim,< andtees of said City held on the 14th ` City of Anaheim, found and de- WHEREAS, the said legislative day of August, 1924, by the fol- , terniiried that said petition was^ body of the City of Anaheim, did, lowing vote: ' ssoflrttheon at the nextided tme eandl'Stdi� Hasson, (1/4)ignedinbynumberot ufourth qualified meeting after exp ta- I I``nipe,AYUSSlabacrusk electors residing within the above tion of three days from and after,, NQES—`Trustees none.: .described territory, as shown by', the registration of voters on file in the date of Said election, to -wit:'; ABSENT AND NOT VOTING -- on the 4th day of August, X924„', Trustees none. the office of. the County Clerk of the meet and . proceed to and did Can-' And I-,furtber certify that the: County of Orange, State of California, and vacs said returns 'and that succi • President of the Board of Trus - canvass of said returns was cont- tees of the City of Anaheim WHEREAS, the said petition con_; signed` pletcd on the said 4th day of Au-' and approved said Ordinance No: tains a request that tine said legis lative body of the City of Anaheim gust, 1924, and i 456 on the 1401 day of August,; WHEREAS, said` legislative, body, ; 1924. call a special •election within the boundaries of said territory for the did, on the said 4th day of Au -'IN WITNESS WHERk1OF, Y have' `rust, 1924, cause a record 'thereof,” hereunto seC my hand Purpose of submitting to the elec tors and affixed: to be made and entered upon its i the seal of the Citv of Anahei m therein residing the question rhiirutes, stating the proposition' this 14th day of August, 1924. Of whether said new territory shall be 'annexed sub=mitted, and showing the wholes (Seal) EDWARD )�, MERRITT, to, incorporated in and made nurnber of votes cast thereon in City Clerk of the City of. Anaheim, a part of the City of Ana- helm, the territory proposed to be annex- Pub. Aug. 16, 1924, and ed. .and 'which is hereinbefore de, _��,, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 z n 14 W o 3 < m 15 dna U i 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 O1JD`T��jC� IrU . .: ll OIl�JI11CJ 02 CIT' (: I. tjTT�:. 7�L.I7 ,3,1I1) CI'2�y OhLO $i�_�?? II OL' �;-i:�i '...IS�I! � ?F�I't'O �Y DE7 DLII 3E:',IJ A.13 "IITDIjJ .., �.T ,I 1' R�('-t I,2joiT , iT + T J J � IiT 'V_t l� ?1J ... .I .TOIPAIA LIC l' � V IT .j i t �T.I IT", .r.E ..• VU 3 -OD 1117� 13 the 'ord of 'irutee:� of t'r_e Citi- ofzaheirn did on the 17th day of June, 1924, receive a written petition ask - in that certain ter-ritor71 situate in the Counts of Oran'e, State of California, Saki coati,, uous to said. City of Anaheim be annexed to said cit -J, and which said territory= is particularly described as folloVvS, t0 -`:lit: ein:ain at the point o:' intersection of the center i lines of Patt Street and 7ja 'alma ;street as sho`in on a mat. of tine Cress�rell ;subdivision recorde in >oor� 6, Page 47, ,'iscell€neons 3, SOr1e�Otip, � e00r ii0�:a, a, and l'tua-iin" tiilence TTor therly along the center line of Patt street to the extended 7orth erly line of t'.at certai l Ii ast and. :lest alley distant 195 feet Nor. the-ri,,r f-ror,�i the center line of Ta Palma Street as Shown on said ma of the Cresswell 3-abdivision; thence '>Jesterly along the extended. Trorti�erly line of said alley -and along, the E?ortherl�,, line of seid alle,7r and its extension Iesterly to the point of intersection with the extended TTortherly line of the 15 foot alley lyinrr 17ortherly o cots 1 to -`l of the Tart .subdivision as shoim on map recorded in 5oor '7, e �2..'J, i"iscelli'.-7�le0US '_".Ecus, ecOrdS Of Or, "n e County, C bl- ifornia ; thence 7o .L-thuesterl -- lon- the extended Yortherly line of staid alle,-;T to the center li ie o` jeraon 3treet as sion axa€ —) of t ne said _'art Subdivision; t__ence TTor�h along the said cerite }� idle Of :jeT1i0n 3treet t0 t ?e joUt"] east— c0'.i:ner Of 'i0t 5, _"ile a]'1cr10 as Time , sho�In on v 2. _; recorded in `300:. I ,?iscellane0us 1.1aps, ecords of Gran -:e ""Ount , O'aliyornia; thence -East a lon the extended youth life o� said -jot 5, 193 ' e: t; thence "Tort}, parallel to the ;est line ai' 6fidd _'L-,Ot 5 t0 _)oiiit on th0 orth line of the Southwest One-quar- (1) > w z w 34w u Z 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ter of the 11ort'---east one-Tr--rter of the Southwest one-quarter of Sec ion 3, 2.4 J., 7'.10 J.t a. 3,3. r, 1' . t"I,-ence 7.astalon- D sait �Iorth L line to the -3oath,rest corner of IIorj-U',_east ojje_qu&Lrt��71- 0 e _1 I Uortheajt one-quaa':er of `,e 3o"utlhwest one-(uartor af ec u u I i on J; thence "ortul.,_ A.lOil le jest line 0 -2 ."or t1]-eu, s I one - ci-aa, rter of 'u -.,--)e 1'orthe,--,st one- (Iua!� the ono-Qu� Irter 0:Z S a i d. ae ct- to a )O i I on t� i e a jt al, I d :3 L, , �eA 1i:. �e of j a i Ue C t i C, 1 -.1 t 7, 1 e I I �� 0 1 j t- 10 n a i (I c e i c i i � i e I; o , t e 0 (z) j. -I t -0 1, u of s ,id Sect i o t -11 e n c 1 o 2 1, _:- the i o 1, f1f -_ar-L d. 3 ou t1l C e n t o r line 0f paid 3 e 0 t i I 'J" to a center a o of Cran, e tu h o -o e e i Hence .:.ja;3t alon,, uelAer line of 'I`'r­_n-:et-.,--_1or1pe .;'venL,,.e -Lo '-"-,e ,,,ror+IU ea -3t- Corne'l, of t'lae iei'U- one-h<a-_ of jG7_Ue "o t one - ou ter o- Jai.I Section 5; t".1ei-ice .3o -,-Lt- I-Iz 1 o,, t --e :,,ast o -f- e es one-htAl` of t',_e ­:.]z,3,. t o ne - -12 0f S -a i ul Section to t Ille ceni,er lane 15 ofJ-reet ; t'21 -c -lace ..7p-.z;t alojj. �, 8,,z idej L u -I LI 0r line 0- 16 3ureet to the ,o int o --L," azId 17 ITT -13, said 730ard of 'rustees, as the ler'-isla"C-live bod,77 18 U, A and de ter,,Alne d t �hat said.,petition .L, -e City of .�neur-_eir,(i -L ouj 19 was s ane _ -',)y not les,'than one -f ouxth 114) in nuImber of the ja 1 - 20 J_ -,. ied electors residin- within the above deacribed terr4 to],-, --,S D 21 shm-n-1 by the registration of voters on file in t"ie o L—A c e of tale 22 County Clerk of the C6unty of Orange State of California, and 23 t -,--,e said petit ion contains a request that the 24 3aid. legislative 'body of the kC',iG-,7- of A] , i,,?heiri call a special elec- 25 ion witIlin the boundaries of said. territor-7 for' t"!Ie _y1"Ur'IDO'le O -L" 26 juomitting to the electors fherair reoid.1,1c, the ouestio-,'i o-Lr� -,",fhet'aer u 27 aid new ,er:-:itory shall bean_-ioxdI to, vivid -:lade a 28 of t1 -le CVL -,-Y o -L 29 I-"- of Jume, 1�-J',4 t e rr i on t' -',-,e 26th 30 ive '.,)od,,, of the Cite.", of ."'aso 31 si,�nate' d as Ordi-liance I -To 4154 entitleil, Crdin,,,,,aice of t! e Cit: 32 (2) 1 �" da7,, the o.-2' L1aThei,,,a cL"llinL, :eclul elocion to ee I d on Ilue e) 2 day of 1924, L.ri cea.-t-An anincor-o-_:,_;'terl territo-..,-,,, in the Uj 'ount-,T o--'L' of '.Ialifoi­nia, amnd conti�o-,s to O"it- 4 of pro ,ose(i to be _-qne<:ed to j,--:id C"ity; pro-vidinEr -for t-1-le 5- a7. to the electors re3idi-_ri;-- )-oldinj Of S�Ic'a olect-Ion J�_L kjLL_I U 6 u u V-7 aid territor-T s�,,a"! be an- in said territory '"ie, (11 b I u 7 I to, incor-oo-1-ateu iii, �-nd of Said ity of nexe u u J_ 11 � "_L 8 ,ieal priat in 3 t1Q te r rL U0 ry t n e Of 9 tion", ejtablishi-1_1_T a election -precinct .Collin:-_' ")lace in 0 ai J- 10 ue ror,� aoi of-fioerL3 of electi on for 3al Op e 11 elecl 0.11, Id T077id-inI-, for t"Ic -:,ublicatlion 0`2' 110 t i cc, 01' -,aid. 3-ec- t­'_; 12 ial election," and i 13 n -,-)u2:uuai_1c e 0 -L' e r ovisi ons o -L' s jai d ce I za W< u 14 Yo. 434, and in accordance V.Titli t'rje, orovisions o-LE' a-.,i o-f the a w 0 K 1 I 4 w 15 T,e'",islatare of t7le .3tate of lliforiii--'�I entitle Act to -pro- a: 0 Z 16 -,,,-ide -2�or th-- zalteratio-a-i o-Z the )o-,.mdarie,�, o-C for .- vide annelm- 17 ti0i1 Os territ0'w' to cor-:)orations, for t7ie incorporation 18 of jach mane-"-ed territory,­ in and -Z ,, -part t7f_ereof and -for the 19 �Ove=-",On-t _an :g control o" such ter- 20 ritOrV a-of roved June 11, 191x, a-,.-il_ all acts amendatoi-T t1c.lereo21 -t' ,a.nd 'hereto, and deji�nalu-ed und referroto e 22 _-'wt of notice of j,�id �jjeci I election _Tas ),ao- C e - .."�11-­iexatir-m 23 LVIa O-Ljr ­e d liol.iecL for -a ,period of -r-Lot less t7_ s"accejsivo woo'ks 24 iately .Yrecedin,,­ the date of said. clectiod' JIi `,i'nle 25 1- 7, a -iievis-,-,)aper o.-' :--lencral 26 I "'L7ffj_'_Y Of e, '- li3lied, �.,.,nd ci-cul,',ted Lii t'-e it o_ u o j, 27 " uat e o" "I al i -L"o i, -, ii-It _:,nd. outj i fie o -f 'U, e i-I'l c o:(.,-,,, or -t- e C!. 1 i ri.­� i t s o h e 28 -i i ty of sa (I 'Aaa�l i�q the af-'Ad Davit of t",e -)-i ic oi- 0* v -ic7 i 29 lle office o--'' te _L t,i- C- "i,,- notice is on ifile in 'U"L l u 0 30 'n,a-leirl CI-I Ad notice did distinctly state he e of said ', s, 31 election and the -n'.co­,osition 'to ')e ou_i)rt,,itted to t'-,le electors t7zere 32 (3) 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 at, t0-`u`dit; i:it j G .T�'a r0 ?OSet'_ GO c�lle,> t0, LicOCLL.01"ate 7.11, '..n slake a part of the Cj'ity of the territory to be an- hexer desiml ate(i Cis, rrin"a.astri-1 Site idil i0il,r' the J0uYlCiurlGa of of ich a,e hereinbefore descril)ed, na f,ich :GEA;O. -,!ere .� ,ecificall dejcri_)ed in said t10 sic ', _ i E v1 arca. sc-ii:.-iotice the electors i -n nuc,, ter tor';,' 'c,'e c ;iirecte,,, to -on uC'c 1,i�11 :Lir'i'O '1 Ciesi J ! ;.. ,-Id 1v LiGe COa]- G ai-_lec_ all, O .":�':,'... feta i1 C1 t7AIIl ':, 1 ' '1reU. J l.:w'v t 0 )r? ;i ;'@1' IUMEJ.13, there .,Taj _geld on luesoa"T, t',e 29t� d3,Y; of Jul;- 192/1, 'v l OF_,in tlae _ooLuidaa:ieo Of t' ---e terra Or E, lereinoe O t,e dES C1`1- ",ed the syid. S"IJecial el.Ctio.i and the �i7.u_'Cti L..Yl ln*�µ)eCGoi'� It "acl, election didi.licui te1Er upon t,e cloNin o _ t? e of ti t :eW at count the ballots, I;e a- cuA ti n_ seal u7_e b i.:tlot3 ..nu t�vlly o7ieet s o- t _e ba,,..11ot u c ast ::t t", _e -] •o lin � 1 _J.ce of ;.nuc?, Ele _. 1 t _ T d �i 0"1, .111 i,.:E .,��.11�1e1" .':i:"0 :li:�eQ. iJ�y � tlec.4 S 1 t.tle ,a �4te 01 s �..�if O y,i a, and -lid tlzoreu ion ueliv ear t old uaiU. 70,_.I lot ;;a:;:ld tally S__,eet s o e )allo c .s _ at tie "�ollln ?. ce u ac .L e e c l on �rla t ..,e �- �lE, re ulsriS �,i1a Ue�o�s. � �,�,:,:le ti; z��, c�,e :�lel�� d�. c"�e le��islzi,iwe Jod of 6_c d alt' 0f X11 4lei i,, and _e said le 'i l tine 0 Lk e�i�t e ir.l did L ty e , � + � i ; e ys o iae, _ coy ,._ i s re 1?l�:ur :. eeJ i Yl;'' rie,�t a after the expirat ion of t":I,•ee days ._'r0.,' 0 1""L 4-f'Ll er'5__e d,.:.t G' O1 S Lau '1 ,'� id ele ct o •s to-.vit: on the 4th d�,,Il r of An 713 1924, :sleet .--nd yJrocee to c}n u d l d c anti j j' n ),r , `. v s ' �1 0 1 � ,4 i. e t is .. _.,1.i r,,t �.,�, . i.:� �: ,11 d I � „ t �.� uG _ C ' AT1 v c::i S ' c`i.1 ' . ' �l2^1 4Ta3 complete o, t"le jai�i 4t i a,; of ,.xsV l ^:4, a le-islcal. ive )Oc;. di,. on t":c Q iCi 4th Cla"_ of cause record. "Lereo_ .;o oe °,,nd enterE c, , , u�� 0 1- o 1 a tte tz.�0�"_ 1_ �3 Ciil.1�%�e a ;� � _ lil" v__ ;i"0 0:: v• >�'�1' :'li ry' _. e . i Ci., �.-n i1 :.� .10:'1 ii^i;- ., 7 - r } � ,�, ., 1^ o e d. ,C __0_..i :[1 X lUC.. 0"� 'Ero Ge,3 C....� u thereon i_r1 �'':e �, Grw':i i;O,t � `T'0� U -o JE=_.11r1e CE:. , ,7 CL vi"-, i C. i.> '" erpinbe.-'o 'e ie �Ci:"1':)E , t'."'e nt.'li)er Of (4) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ri votes cast in favor. of a-cw", m—riew:wtion Q;,, -td t"1e n-.l:.ber of dotes cas c t"-,erein a,-winst sac'1 n 1er,atioi:�, nd f77 .' t',e s .i � .) of rl,.a tees o : the it ; o heiil, "hied is the le;islative odv o said. "'it7', dl_ i 'find i,'1e total 11.::1%1e1' Of votes cast ;-)t s')e of al ole c; ti en 1—r- �'_'.e t erri- to r ereilzbe10 re aC J ed, �o oe _ � �.>> _ �__e 1 o t:-.1 11uL!-.,)ex• o votes ea8t thlereat in s_.. -or of o t?,(., hereinbefore d e s c i-3ed territoj ;4A-,_-�,;1--t:3-+��Z--a3'--'_-•cam,-0-i„o 1e j-,_, rice e voter clinst _-..id �111ie � .boil to be 2 , -: nd t'1e _Le»alt to -)e �, - Ll rl�.�ari 7 o Erle Joy s c: � sai s-oe ial e cc on ere i f ,V, ,2 of the a '.i a aln-je >atio _ , .11..__ d, 0 1 c 4th dw of Ott :zs'i, , 1W 1 ., Su nd af"Io pt a reo0Zc2tion settill Ort _ t 1e i^e >''.a�'us 0:_ in d electiG:_ u s as cert--i12ed �`t°o :l i ti:� c_ s . _, vie �t �^,i r.ee � _ ITEC:'! L ___.. 7" �, t"�e 3oard of _'r�zutees of the it T o_. .= .e ii i a orcLailn oI10v!S . ,i_] T{T":' 1. n,1 t t" e o .rd o _'rL-w eca of re 7t of zi�'lei.l toes ?ley°e� -may, ove of te,enneasratiGl:L to �'n t I- ., i:lcor - r', t 1011 171 tI1 e l% i u -- O l lam' _'.O w ".? O t�_- t G e t c 1 "1 t o ]"r i 'u- 0:L c l.- . is hereii"iI _L :i lore rti �_ cesG.- iced "II'd does ,_eye uc c1aL,, e w11u ;:4i v_:v 't6' Of t ,e l� _ii; lit t e 0 fiGe Of l"!e .... _ .._ .. >�eCit� i_, 0.� ���c: t e 0-L L__;? �.,c�- e 0I " _.�Oi..tll•:l 0"� C, L,rt- e,.. GG;ti�-J 0i -shis (i1--din=.'nce, i ivi'P. (':te dl- te 0 ..,"'-:,e, the :Milne_ -:at i 0n of suc: territG� _,mss �l �e__oreescJ i+�ed I :i e <e ei e <l to iJ e i1d > all )e Go11 l(te :.11CL, -U*- Iie-nc ef o t,`': si)cl <=4_lilc "F,'•d territor-:,- 'I_"_icf2 is _lerc �y.ae o �e o e11� te" � t� d��de;3cribed all ij1t 0 :le vll, ., . 0w -i _e1'.:, e.:Ce";G onl- u_.t� 20 -.oro-perti,.,'- Z:iu in s _G': n11exed. tem °it0_r"-_ eve_ ?ae t;:ecl. to �10tian o= :n.r i,lk.:.)tedne3s or 1i,, .)ili ,-7 o zo. :,._ . eir:l 00�_t- i :.0'.ec _;rior n Or e S 1 1 c1 v time 0"s_ �1G.Ylnllf ,.i?t1Gi"', e_Ce �' Ot"1C 1',1 e i7 -�fiC'ir o 7 -ho �%it7 nlerli of the 'mit 0_" t1 «'leim is _iert e= (5) IL > Z 0 4 w a: > Z 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 V 28 29 30 31 32 r , by Arected to c-1 'ze ,:-.nd cortify -Luader t' "_e o` t",le "it y of tot L u �L, _L lll� D ' C ,ieii,�i, and tra�risait to 3eCretcr,-,T Of of "'.',e .'tLfLe of I - _ J_ -1 " �, I -P -ie i iau el or ii,, , a certi '�iu- co - -- of s 0 (i _ua c e i,, t cy e thereof. 7, e t--1 C, 1 e r l: o �_,` t 11 e i ty o f ♦',n C2,�,_e ini i s ­Iereby direct ue k'I to -1 is'i ti,is Ordin&-ice vlit'- 1-7-e ', 0 e "nasu u-ees vol-i-n"or or a-ai­wt t7 -e ussLa`-,e of s,,a..,ne, once L C-- he "Ora­�� 'o"cua-", -De ale r", a of _;liner al circ.­ tu i oaa , p r i i i tu e d ,,C,) 11 i j i e i c i 1 t P_ d i a `6 7', e i tu y OJ _-L i a: e i i . 170. o in� - d, -.,,.e re,-,oJLi -:., Ordin,�_mce a ­o and zi-t`5ejted�1 Lac t" -.)i;,3 d o -f 21 4C 45, A�t 7`l";3T` ­)­,TTOl .0 67 ' o the C'it­ o-' E) St ,ity �, r' o" 'he of - wei!:i. oi (6) IL Z 0 Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 0 ''LID I 1-'T 'r:r 0-,-,l ti 1r V'-33. �T-T r r4 I + �_u 73. ".e---citt, it e7j, I: o t'-, e y of An - do certi-Zy tl�-at the fore ,,-Ioin, ,l 0 -,L- d i ],,L uice "T o v.Ta s ed at a re *alar ,Idj ouy, e. -k Imeetin-r:,- o --Z t' -,,,Le -­Do-rd of r; tees f ull "ity of Ai -z:- im, :geld on the 9,2, L e -day 0 ;u -L d tl,4at t:e same was assed m, d a(lo.at ed at a 2 e s t w: 7 i) c tijjt of Uu 'the 0a'd o--" "­u.jtc.es of said "ity he-ld on "e 4L Y 0f 192,1, b 0 l'! ow i it vote U I YE, j s t e e s TO:, tees -2i<- ABSMTIT L I T'ruit(l,es And I of ­,eof 72 d lr-,Illstees of 0ity of Li si-neu L�iiu, L-,-Y)rovOd said 0-1,din,,mce TTo 1924. 0, _on tl,,e I'T JI 1 av e ',,ereimto set iii, ha— J �and a--"* J.A !.1, 9 -- - u fi xe d 'U-Iic 3e a1 tllie City off I a�_ e i 1,1 , 4-'_ ey is AA u'a y o —IL7 1924. L177 vler?� of the Citi a -,.� e i m (7)