457AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNI t f$ Coun o Oran i . _. ---- -- - -•-----• --------•-- ...I. .. of said county, being first duly sworn, says:—that he is a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of California, over the age of eig4teen years; that he has no 'interest in, jiar is a party to the matter herein men- tioned; that he is the PRINTER of the , THE ORANGE cQ rlv RI.{�I�Fz ni;Al, z w> .wry •newApapperr,yl�I ted, putilis$ed anil cii'crila ed in,, e:said'Grounty, of 1pfang�e; that said THE ORANGE COUNTY PLAIN{ DEAIAM is a newspaper of general circulation with a fist of paid subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and general news and intelligence of a gen- eral character; that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it has been printed and pub- lished in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, for or than one year next preceding the first day cif t lication hereto attached; that the LEGAL NOTICE the word "YES" shall be co `nte as a vote in favor of and to auth orize the incurring of a bonded in OADINAWCM No. 467 debtedness for the purpose se, AN ORDINANCE CALLING ANDS. Orth in the proposition opposit ,hick said cross (X) is stampe PROVIDING FOR AND GIVING and each :.ross (X) stamped in th NOTICE OF A SPECTAI. F1_r. voting square to the right of th SUBMITTED TO VOTE OF word "NO" shall be counted as ELECTION: 'fusa Shall the City of Anaheim f s Incur a bonded debt to the k �yc �!io Pur itipl amount of Two Hundred Forty Thousand ($240,000.00) (� Dollars for the construction and completion of a certain e municipal improvement by elv the City of Anaheim, to -wit: + :1reat The acquisition, construction' oar( and completion of a power plant for supplying electri-$ y, o inct; city for said City and its in- '-" .. an( t goarc habitants for purposes of YES light, --heat and power, con-th- sisting of extending and re- S47)ppop Mvnpa ajouy o: �i modelling a certain munici-ap building p712 aiout up heli ?SLI p):, V > , de pal in said City for '- Ad the housing of machinery and equipment of said powerows Sdaaps .6U up.giunps :rite plant, the acquisition and in- 0417q IQ o, stallation of engines, and en- p 2 f $p r gine auxilaries to operate el- ectric generators, and the acquisition and installation '�)Lb©CY6 d2�j of electric generators, ex- citers, switch boards and NO 18ZV G221p S?) pnJ11114 pu'p pP11 auxilaries for supplying el- ectricity for said City and its inhabitants for purposes - of light, heat and power. fi"I apPOq 10 SECTIONS. Any qualified elec- UW p'14 'p for of the City of Anaheim may vote at said special election for or against the proposition here- with submitted. To vote in favor +authorize t a 9JD s.la(at)a� L$01(l �q pa of and the incurring of b d papv •.. .....•....................................... on e e or a purpose set forth in the proposition herein of which the acne d is a printed c was publis ed stated, he shall stamp a cross (X) � in the voting square to the right s a dOgd a�� 111"o2E1$80 �7 apn c of the word "YES" printed oppo- p tY` in said newsp r at least_V site sulch proposition, and to vote ....... against and refuse to authorize the incurring of a bonded debt for the commencing on the .__._ y Purpose set forth in the said pro- p ttfvaj` V aq ppno.1($ '4, 9WOa ... da of � . position herein stated, he shall - stamp a cross (X) in the voting 192 , and ending on the e�__ y of. square to the right of the word -. .; --- -- _ � .___ � "NO" Printed opposite position. Fach oss(X) ch Prp_ aanuatu 21 S2 9at67)pp13Q pvcvuc ,( Stam 109w-..., and that said ________ ____________. _rG/� _ ed in the square to the right of --i was pub:h., `hed on the following / / .... •----- =--------------------------------------_-- — TI ------------------------------------------------- _ H u io 1111du aq} sluana,zd 11 .101 a:ifs Subscribed a)ad sworn to -be ore- me this _........ x-_ ap alt} `.ae� a do s}til xab�l[ Pq.L •fsad day of .... .............. 1 3n 4aIT 1u@Plsaaa Ixan 9111 9900ria 111.9 aluuag 91111 3'eg1 aq Bnur 11 •946aq-;noq'e-u1qul 'e '91 11*0 -- -x.---------z --- ------ — ----- --- ----= -- ---- lnoq',-ueuT n .filuanbaa; faaA Notary Dublin. sae art 401se; au} •a.zaq; s;ag 0T1 ueges op 01 9131[ aq ssat atTL - •2utAnq dols dlatata .,gul4ouas dols,, orl.M Au'3111 Ooy •2u1)aa aql Al 1T .Cl.I'rad I.'N:II,' ITtUT.. AT" To Igal Aux- . •fiz(a.cn�n �o s�aa,$ 6uzaia:s� 9UlAjOAUL `jaijJTDOa j AIa n 3OI pneads sl Juk gill '4anwtc ga�At ,uotlipilcia st?YI a -aa}ut pun go,iliquif ,pattltoc aoj $tvaas `atgissasitiit s 'HOT101aa�o sit 3 tuaaA tuaanaS Sq notl.ap IUTQ; 191011 of �laazoj act ptnoy d aq aZnra [aA;niq4 nog , Zng epn ? 3� JUU014uaA,z411 uiutu pliRON1tputu �tIOUITi uL- up, atlawl M, a to s Tau�la rod a i:4t gi suotladdo d 11a01 10 sb:w . LEGAL NOTICE; and completion of a certain ed persons,, each of whom is m j ©RDINANCH NO.`'41i7, _' The acquisition, construction AN ORDINANCE CALLING AND i PROVIDING FOR AND 0IV1NQ plant for supplying eleetri- NOTICE OF A SPECIAL 'ELEC- city for said City and- its in- TION TO BE HELP IN THE CLOY habitauts for purposes of YES 1191A, heat OW ANAHEIM, STATE OF CALI and power, con- FOItNIA, ON SATURDAY, THE listing of extending and, re- 18th DAY' OF OCTOBER, 19%4, modelling a certain rnunici- THE OBJECT BEING TO SUBi�11Y pal building in said City for TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS the housing of machinery and equipment of said power OF SAID CITY THE PROP081- plant, the acquisition and in- TION TO INCUR A BONDED stallatton of engines, and en- DEBT BY SAID CITY FOR T.LiR hire auxilaries to operate el- FOLLOWING PURPOSE: THE AC eetric generators, and the QUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND acquisition and installation COMPLETI0N OF A POWElt of electric generators, ex- PLANT FOR SUPPLYING ELEC citers, switch boards and NO TRICITY FOR SAID CITY AND i ITS INIABITANTS FOR PUl.- j POSES OF LIGHT, HEAT ANI; its inhabitants for purposes POWER, CONSISTING OF EX- of light, heat and power. TENDING AND REMODELING A SECTION 3. Any qualified elec- CERTAIN MUNICIPAL BUILDING for of tire City of Anaheim may IN SAID CITY FOR THE HOLS vote at said special election for ING OP MACHINERY AND EQUIP- or against the. proposition here- MENT OF SAID POWER PLANT, with submitted. To vote in favor THE ACQUISITION AND INSTALL- of and authorize the incurring of A'i ON OF ENGINES, AND EN a bonded debt for •the purpose set GINE AUXILARIES TO OPER forth in the proposition herein ATE ELECTRICAL GENERATORS stated, he shall stamp a cross (X) AND THE ACQUISITION AND IN- in the voting square -to the right STALLATION OF ELECTRIC GEN- of the word "YES" printed oppo- ERATORS, EXCITERS, SWITCH site such proposition, and to vote BOARDS AND AUXILARIES FOR against and refuse to authorize the SUPPLYING ELECTRICITY FOR incurring of a bonded debt for tine SAID CITY AND ITS INHABIT- Purpose set forth in the said pro- ANTS FOR PURPOSES OF LIGHT, position herein stated, he shall HEAT AND POWER. stamp a ero" (X) Ili the voting WHEREAS, the Board of Trus- square to the right of the ,word tees of the City of Anaheim, at a "NO" printed opposite such pro- regular meeting held on the 14th position. Each cross (X) stamp- day of August, 1924, by a vote of ed in the square to the right of rtwre than two-thirds of the mem- toe word "YES" shall be counted ber -s of said Board of Trustees __a vote in favor of and to anti.- d.d pass and adopt a resolution de- orize tiie incurring of a bonded in- U,,11ouiing that the public iitter- debteditess for the purpose set cA and also the public necessity furth in the propositlon opposite uuruands the acquisition and con- to which said cross (X) is stamped struetion by the City of Anaheim anti each,7.ross (X) stamped in the of a certain municipal improve - voting square to tine .ight or the Went, to -wit: The acquisition, con- word 'NO" shall be counted as a atruction and completion of a vote not in favor of and a refusal puv,er plant for Supplying elec, to authorize the incurring of a tricity for said City and its in- bonded indebtedness for tite purr habitants for the purposes of light, Post, set forth in t e proposition beat and power, consisting of ex- opposite to which Stich cross (X) tending and remodeling a certain is stamped. munfeiPai building in sal City for the housing of SECTION 4. For the purpose nf machiney and equipment of said power plant, the Buell special election the twelve a ulsition and installation ot" eq. voting precincts heretofore creat- g1 ►tis, and engine auxilaries to eel and established. by the Board operate electric generators, and tite of Supervisors of the County of tic uisition and installation of elec- Orange as the election precincts tric generators, exciters, switch for the said City of Anaheim and boards and auxilaries for Supply - adopted by order of said Board Ing electricity for said City and j its inhabitants for purposes of {! light, heat and poker. Anaheim at a special election held -Vile cost of the completion of on the, 29th day of July, 1924, de- Which said municipal improvement signated as "Industrial Site Ad- was estimated at Two Hundred dition " and described as follows: Forty Thousand (;240,000.00) Dol- Beginning at tl:e puint of inter- lars, which said cost was and is Section of the center lines of 11uLt too great to be paid out of the Sheet and La Palma Street tis ordinary, annual income and rev- shotivn on a reap of tine 'Gresswell enue of Said City. Subdivisiun recorded in Book C, Page 47, Miscellaneous Maps, Rc- NOW THEREFORE, the Board curds of Orange County, Calilur•• Of Trustees of the City of Ana- heim do ordain as follows: ria, and running` thence Northerly along the SECTION 1. A special election center line of Patt Street to the u:,t.cnded Northerly Is hereby called and ordered to be line of that. certt.iu Last and West held in the City of Anaheim, State alley distant' 195 Moet Northerly of California,- on Saturday, the 18th front thee center line of La Paima Street as shown on Said map day of October, 1924, the object be - of -tete Ul'—sweli Subdivision; thence 'West Ing to submit to the qualified ily along the extended Not-- 2herly line of said alle'y and electors of said City the proposi- twn to incur a bonded indebtedness along the Northerly line of said alley 1iy, the City of Anaheim to the and its extension Westerly to the amount of" Two Hundred Forty Point of intersection with the ex- tended Northerly line the Thousand ($240,000.00) Dollars for of 16 foot alley I. -Ing Northcriy of Lot,u the purpose of the construction and 1 to 7 of the Bart Subdivision as , shown "recorded completion of a certain municipal on a map in Boole 7, Page 20, Miscellaneous MapA, Improvement by the City of Ana- Records of Orange County, Caiifor- heim, viz: The acquisition, coa- {ria; thence Northwesterly along , etruction and completion of a pow- the exU,tided Northerly line of said er plant for supplying electricity alley to tine center line of Lemon Street as shown for said City and its ,inhabitants on a map of tha said ldart Subdivision; thence North for purposes of light, heat and along the raid center line of Lenton Power, consisting of 'extending and Stl'act to the Southeast corner of Lot 5 Hallos Itauuho as shown on remodeling a certain municipal building in said City for the hous- a map recorded in Book 4, Page 7, Ing of machinery and equipment Diiscellaneous Maps, Records of, Orange County. California; thence of said power plant, the acquisi-tion Lasa atoti , the extended South - line of said Lot 5, 190 feet; thence and installation of engin'-s. North parallel to the East line of., ' and engine auxilarles to operate said Lot 5 to a point on the North+ electric generators, and the acqui- line' of the Southwest one-quarter' sition and installation of electric of the Northeast one-quarter of the generators, exciters, switch boards k and auxilaries for supplying elec- tricity for said City and its in- ha'biltants for purposes of light, > heattand power, the estimated !cost of .which improvenrent:,is Two Hun- :Ired• Forty Thousand ($240,000.00y and completion of a certain ed persons,, each of whom is m municipal unpruvuirsgAnd` y the City of Anaheim 10 -wit: .tud:.zted elector of the consoli- dated election The acquisition, construction precinct in and 4or which he is appointed, are hereby and completion of Iw power appointed Board of Election in plant for supplying eleetri- Consolidated Votin , Precinct "A", city for said City and- its in- to serve in the capacity herein des- habitauts for purposes of YES 1191A, heat rgnated and to conduct said elec- 'therein and power, con- tion is required by law; listing of extending and, re- lnspector- j. H. Enearl. modelling a certain rnunici- Judge—M. O. Hensley, pal building in said City for Clerk€a—Freda Janss, Charles Fay the housing of machinery and equipment of said power The„ following named persons, each 'of;.wlion, is plant, the acquisition and in- a qualified elec- for of';i•the consolidated election stallatton of engines, and en- precinct In and for which he hire auxilaries to operate el- appointed, ado liergl� y appointee} eetric generators, and the Board of Elec�Ion in ?Monsolidat l acquisition and installation Voting Precinct "B", to serve in of electric generators, ex- the capacity herein designated and citers, switch boards and NO to _conduct said election therein as auxilaries tiur supplying el- rcggired by law; ectricity for said City and Pnspector—AsaH. Squires. its inhabitants for purposes Jddge—Fred B.. Kerm of light, heat and power. Clerks --Genevieve Fording, Susle SECTION 3. Any qualified elec- J. Jayne. for of tire City of Anaheim may The following named persons,, vote at said special election for , each of whom is a qualified elcc- or against the. proposition here- for of the consolidated election with submitted. To vote in favor precinct in and for which he is of and authorize the incurring of +appointed, are hereby appointed a bonded debt for •the purpose set Board of Election in Consolidated forth in the proposition herein Voting Precinct "C', to serve in stated, he shall stamp a cross (X) the capacity herein designated and in the voting square -to the right to conduct said election therein of the word "YES" printed oppo- ab required by law: site such proposition, and to vote Inspector --Joseph Ii'. S.angdon. against and refuse to authorize the .fudge—C. C. Lamb;, incurring of a bonded debt for tine Clerks— Ethel H. Chamberlain, Purpose set forth in the said pro- Ardis Ann Chambers. position herein stated, he shall The following named persons, stamp a ero" (X) Ili the voting each of whom is a qualified elee- square to the right of the ,word for of the consolidated election "NO" printed opposite such pro- precinct in and for which he is position. Each cross (X) stamp- appointed, are hereby appointed ed in the square to the right of Board of Election in Consolidated toe word "YES" shall be counted Voting Precinct "D", to serve in __a vote in favor of and to anti.- tate capacity herein designated orize tiie incurring of a bonded in- and to conduct said election therein debteditess for the purpose set as required by law: furth in the propositlon opposite Inspector—,vV. P. t4 ebb, to which said cross (X) is stamped Judge --Chas. E. Barr, anti each,7.ross (X) stamped in the Clerks—Harriet K. Boyd, Lenora, voting square to tine .ight or the E• Williams. word 'NO" shall be counted as a The polling place in and for Con - vote not in favor of and a refusal solidated Voting Precinct "A' shall to authorize the incurring of a be at the Anaheim Union High bonded indebtedness for tite purr School, at ---the ,Tortiaweat corner Post, set forth in t e proposition of the intersection of West Center opposite to which Stich cross (X) and Citron Streets. is stamped. The polling place in and for SECTION 4. For the purpose nf Consolidated Voting Precinct' B,, Buell special election the twelve shall be at .he Central Schodi voting precincts heretofore creat- Buildinei luc[tl,d on. the North side eel and established. by the Board of East Chartres Street between of Supervisors of the County of North kindly Sttaett and North Pru.- Orange as the election precincts iadelphia S,reet. for the said City of Anaheim and Thu Polling place in ano for adopted by order of said Board Consolidated Voting Precinct of Supervisors, together with the shall be at the Citron Stieet school territory annexed to said City of at No. 124 South 'Jitroi. street. Anaheim at a special election held '114 T,ulluiK D,a-7,, in and for on the, 29th day of July, 1924, de- Vo,ing Precinn« '•D' signated as "Industrial Site Ad- shall be at t',e City Hall Building dition " and described as follows: at No. 204 East Center Street, Beginning at tl:e puint of inter- The City Clerk is hereby direot• Section of the center lines of 11uLt ed to procure iii supplies that ratty Sheet and La Palma Street tis be necessary to properly and law- shotivn on a reap of tine 'Gresswell fully condu�tt said spec,al electron; Subdivisiun recorded in Book C, Page 47, Miscellaneous Maps, Rc- When the polls are 'clu ed tt:r officers of e.lortion shall' coup the curds of Orange County, Calilur•• ballots cast at Stich special eltc= ria, and running` thence Northerly along the tu,n and canvas.,, the vot. R c":,t center line of Patt Street to the u:,t.cnded Northerly respectively #or and t;gain.,t pto,,o„tiun hc., In katc.. a._u line of that. certt.iu Last and West return thereof to the B r d alley distant' 195 Moet Northerly ur Trustees of the City of front thee center line of La Paima Street as shown on Said map Ail tui.., io.n, and for the of -tete Ul'—sweli Subdivision; thence 'West counting, _crrtYasa ,,„ a .:. returning- of votes cast at her ily along the extended Not-- 2herly line of said alle'y and o special municipal eiuctiurts L�..l e, along the Northerly line of said alley raid City ofAnaheim. SECTION C. 1i, i,t ar and its extension Westerly to the cit sp 1:;i election, it shall appear tl:vi t o - Point of intersection with the ex- tended Northerly line the thirds of all the V(,Let$ vct!nt et of 16 foot alley I. -Ing Northcriy of Lot,u such election are. in f;ivor of ar.ci authorize the incurring of a bud= 1 to 7 of the Bart Subdivision as , shown "recorded ed debt for the purpose set tui Lir on a map in Boole 7, Page 20, Miscellaneous MapA, ire the proposition herein statei;, then Records of Orange County, Caiifor- such proposition Shall be deemed to have been accepted Ly {ria; thence Northwesterly along , the electors and bonds will Ile ie_. the exU,tided Northerly line of said sued to defray the cost of the tri,-' alley to tine center line of Lemon Street as shown pruvement specified in such pro - on a map of tha said ldart Subdivision; thence North position and to the amount stated therein. Stich bonds shall be of tt,2� along the raid center line of Lenton farm and character known 4� Stl'act to the Southeast corner of Lot 5 Hallos Itauuho as shown on "Serials" and at hast ohe-fo`rtret I part of the principal sum of such a map recorded in Book 4, Page 7, ltidebtedness will be paid each ut,,' Diiscellaneous Maps, Records of, Orange County. California; thence every year until all of the sa;; bonds shall have been pail} priii� Lasa atoti , the extended South - line of said Lot 5, 190 feet; thence cipal and interest shall +beti 'pain, in gold coin of the United' Status North parallel to the East line of., ' of America. said Lot 5 to a point on the North+ SECTION 7. The i#oakct of Tett^- line' of the Southwest one-quarter' 'tees shall meet at their usual" of the Northeast one-quarter of the place of meeting,, to -wit: the Conn.. ., iouthwest one'-uuarter 'or Section- Ch—h— — rr,.� �•,«.. v:, n tom.... i --••� ""w -• .a5ta:aa, r�YpL'aai Wiese �iVii lite iwtlflti *'R ve ecr �,ao «,,,eR4F8'F. ♦3CRnnl tr,°, eitgipriieat,;o1 said power plar}#,� t 0, votins precincts heretofore orre*ii* B411 1I)i Icteattd oil the 14-o' side ` s uI itisn and' instslIaEion ® - fir cd and established. by the .$card of +` t Chaftr" Street betweert -'' 8 s, and engine auz laries #� of Sup erwisors of the County, 'of North JK m0y SbSest' and North {�1i1- pip ate electric generators, and 'the Orange as the election precincts iadelphia Srieet. a ` d uisition and installation of sloe- fur, the said City `of Anelm and Tho polling place in anti foe - 41 a `tric generators, exciters, switch adopted by orderof said Board Consolidated Voting Precinct boards and auzilarles for supply- of Supervisors, together with tits shall be at the Citron Street school' Ing electricity for said City and territory annexedto said City of at No. 124 South Citr'or, Street. its inhabitants for purposes of Anaheim at a special election, held ' The 15-1hiwK pia a. in ar:d for it4ht, heat and power, on the 29th day of July, 1924, de- .C�nn !Iflai� d Vodug Yrec!nct "D°' 1 Ills cost of the completion of signated as "Industrial Site Ad- shall b4 of t',e City Hall Building which said muaiclyal improvement d+tion,"and described as follows* at No, $04 East Center Street. Wax estimated at Two Hundred' Beginning at the point, of inter- The City Clerk is hereby direotF Forty Thousand ($240,000,00) Dol= section. of the center lines of Mutt ed to procure 441 supplies that mtyl. Lars, which said cost was and is Street rind La Palma .Street 40 be. IleCessar t9 properly- and law- tea great , to be paid out of the shown on a reap of the 'Gresswell fully Gond i}• Bald speo,al elective l s ordinary, annual income and rev.- Subdivision recorded in Book 6, When the polls are ''closed thri I •; enue of said City. Page 47, Miscellaneous Maps. Rs. officers or election shall' ccunt th't, NOW THEREFORE, the Board cords of Orange County, oaitior-• ballots cadt at su%:h opec,al el., J of Trustees of the City of Ana- iiia, and running thence Northerly tion anti canvaso-: the vut _, csst, heitn do ordain as follows: along• the center line of "Pact respectively, Or and again t ?z SECTION 1. A special election Street to the extended Northeriy pru.rosrt,on ire: t in , iate u a,.ci , Is hereby called and ordered to be line of that certain East and West return thereof to tl,e li rid oL 1 held In the City of Anaheim, State alley distant 195feet Northeriy Trustees of the City of Ana tilt, ! * o1 California, -on Saturday, the 18th from the cviiter line of La Palma iu t,i,.•., iui'n, and at,,,,.r I s d4ij' of October, 1924, the object be- Street as shown on said map of for, tht-_ counti'iir- cahvasssing av ; l 2 `r*Q a Ing to submit to the qualified :Lite rsre; swell Subdivision; thence rr.turning of votes cast nY other t i' gjec.tors of said City the propos,- Westeily along the extended i1'or•- special municipal e;ectiulis k* torn to incur a bonded indebtedness therly line of said alley and along sand City of Anaheim. k Vyl the City of Anaheim to the the Northerly line ofsaid alley SECTION 6. r;'; at :itch sp^c;:L amount, of Two Hundred Forty and its extension Westerly to the election, it shall' appear that iv.o- Thousand ($240,000.00) Dollars for pont of intersection with the ex - thirds of all the vuteis voting et • the purpose of the constructionani tended Northerly line of the 15 such election are, in favor of rind` completion of a certain municipal foot alley l : ,ng Northerly of Lora authorize the incurring of r bond= improvement by the City 'of Ana- 1 to 7 of tine Ilar-t ,Subdivision as , ed debt for the purpose "t rortir� helm, viz: The acquisition, con- shown on a map'reeorded in, Boole in the proposition herein stated, etruction and completion of a Dow- 7, Page 20, Miscellaneous Maps, then such proposition shall be er plant for supplying electricity Records of Orange County, Calitor- deemed to have been accepted Ly for said City and Its,. inhabitants }ria: thence Northwesterly along. the electors and bonds will be is=, for purposes of light; heat and the extended Northerly line of said sued to defray the cost of the Im-'t "power, consisting of extending and alley to tine cerrter line of Lemon ° Provement specified in such pro remodeling a certain municipal Street as shown on a map of the position and to the amount stated. building in said City for the hous- sand Mart Subdivision; thence North therein. Such bonds shall be of thd` 4' Ing of machinery and equipment along tine said center ling\ of Lenion focal and character known &X of said, power plant, the acquisi- Street to tine Southcast'corner of "aerials" and at least one-fortieCi tion and installation of engiraus. Lot 5, \iillts dtalicho as shown on part of the principal sum of such: and engine auxilaries to operate a map recorded in Book 4, Page 7, ludebtedness will be paid each ar,,!� electric "generators, and the acqul- Miscellaneous 3daps, Records of every year until all of the saill> sition and installation of electric Orange County California; thence bonds shall have been paid prin-' getlerators, exciters, switch boards Last alone; the extended . South cipal and interest shall .bet,.'pa!6 and #uxilaries for supplying elec- line of said Lot 5, 190 feet; thence in gold coin of the United' States` tricity for said City and its in- North parallel- to the East line of; c:f America, i habitants for purposes of light, said Lot 5 to a point on the'Nortlf SECTION 7. �'he board of Trus-` hea,Oand power, the estimated volt line` of the Southwest one-quarter tees shall meet at their usual;`, of wahieh improvemeiit.,is Two Hun- of the Northeast one-quarter of the place of meeting Lo wlti the Coun - Ored Forty Thousand ($240,000.00) Southwest ono -quarter 'of Section cil Chamber ,n tfie`City Hail Build Dollars in gold coin of the United 3, T 4 S., R. 10 W., S.B.B. 8i bl., ins, &t ,Nn. ll4 i�v'at Conte SLrect, States of America, said sum of Two tilenee last along said North line iu said Aty on the Iv4uri lay no Hundred Forty Thousand ($240,- Ela the Southwest corner of the succeeding •staid eisbtion, to vvlt: nit 000.00)', Dollars being the amourit Northeast ane-yuarter'of the North blorrday, the 20ti day of October, of the principal of the indebtedness east one-quarter of the Southwest 1924, at the hot r of seven thirty to. be incurred therefor, the: rate of one-quarter of said Section 3; o'clock p.m., then end there to can - Interest to be paid on said 'indebt- thence North along the -West line- vass'the returns and ascertain, de edness will .be not to exceed six of the Northeast one-quarter of ternrihe and declare the results of Pel, cent (6(Ja) per annum, payable the Northeast one-quarter of the said election. serol -annually, the principal ana Southwest one-quarter of said Sec- SECTION 8. This Ordinance shail 'interest of said indebtedness to be tion 3, to a point on the East and be published once a day for at ,paid in gold coin of the United West center ime of said Secti,•n least seven days in the Orange 'States of America. 3, thence East along said center County Plain Dealer, a newspaper' SECTION 2. The special election line to the center of said Secti n of p,eneral circulation, published is hereby called and ordered to be 3, thence along the North and said City of Anaheim, and this Or held shall be held and conducted South center line of said Section dinance and such publication shall and the votes thereat received and , to the center line of Orange- be the Notice of Election. canvassed, and the returns thereof thorpe Avenue: thence Last ai-iK SECTION 9. This Ordinance shall made and the results thereof as- said center line of Orangethorpe take effect immediately. certained,.determined and declared, Avenue to the Northeast corner of The above. and foregoing Ordin as herein provided and according tae NVest- one-half of the Northeast ance No. 457 is signed and ap to the laws of the State of Cale- one-quarter of said Section 3; proved by me, this 11th day of fornia, providing for and governing thence South along the East line September, 1924. elections In the City of Anaheim, of the West one-half of the East E. H. METCALF, and the polls for such election one -,half of said Section 3 to the Prestdent of the Board of Trustees•.. sliall be and remain open durilyo. center line of La Palma Street; of the City of Anaheim = the time required by said laws,'. thenc til est along said center line (SEALy ' and as foilows o1 La Palma Street to the point Attest:Yx From seven o'clock A.M., when of beginning, shall be and are EDWARD B. MERRITT t said polis shall be opened, and said hereby consolidated into four con- Clerk of the City of Anaheim polis shall remain open until seven solidated election precincts, as fol- STATE, OF CALIFORNIA, s u'eloolt j P,\I. of said day; when they lows, to -wit:' , , COUNTY OF ORANGE, Ss s� Shall be closed, except- as provided Ananeiiin Precinct No. 1, Ana- CITY OF ANAHEIM. - by Section 1164, of the Political hewn Pi inct No. 2 and Anaheim I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk Code of the' State of California. I;;&cinctYNo lY :shall be and the of the City of Anaheim, do "hereby The ballots to be used at such sarn%, €} e hereby consolidated and certify that the foregoing Ordin- election shall be such as may bes„ail',, 7n own and designated as ance No. 457 was introduced at aa: required 'by law to be used there "Conso,b lidated Voting Precinct "A"." regular meeting of: the Board of at and. in addition to any other Anaheim Precinct No. 3, Anaheim Trustees of the City of Anahein% matter required by law'to be print- Precinct No. 4, Anaheim Precinct held oil the 28th day of August; ed thereon, shall appear the fol- No. 12, and the territory annexed 1924, and was finally passed b,. lowing:. to said City of Anahzim at a spe- more than a two,thirds vote of ".SIUNICIPAL TICKET" tial election held on the 29th day said Board of Trustees at a meet - To vote on any proposition here- of July, 1924, designated as "In- Ing of said Board of Trustees held %lnaiter set forth,- stamp a cross dustrial Site Addition," heretofore on the 11th day of September, 1994, (?i'.), in' the voting square after the particularly, described; shall be and, and that the vote on the pass€«ge word "YES" or after the word the same .'are` hereby consolidated of the said Ordinance was as fol- "iCO". All marks except the cross s.nd. shall pe:ltnown and designated .laws: (Y) are forbidden. All distinguish- as ' 'Coir;olidtled Voting Precinct AYES: Trustees Metealf, Hasson, ing marks or erasures are forbid "B"," , - Knipe, Slaback and Stock. den and make the ballot void. If,, <Anaheitn Precinct No. 5, Anaheim NOES: Trustees, none/ you wrongly stamp, tear or deface''' Precinct No. .6 and Anaheim Pre- AFyla` l' AND NOT VOTING: this ballot, return it to the Inspec tinct No. 7 shall be and the same Tius(ees,' none, tor of Election and obtain ano- are hereby consolidated and shall 1N WITNII,SS tiVIiEREOP, I hate tiler. be known and' designated as 'Con- hereunto set my hand &rid af.fixad QUESTION AND PROPOSITION solidated, V4tin'g-Precinct "C"." tite,;seal`of the City of Ahaheir., SUBMITTED TO VOTE OF 'Anaheim Preldirict No. 8, Anaheim this lith day bf September 1924. ELECTION: Precinct' Ni., 9 rind Anaheim Pre- (SEAL) i Shall the City of , Anaheim turret No, 10 shall be and the same _ EDWAR15 B. ' MERRITT. incur a bonded: debt -to' then are . hereby consolidated and shaft Clerk of the City of Anaheim amount of Two Hunilved be known and- designated as "Con Publish Sept. 13, 15 le;' 11% 14. 19, Forty Thousand ($240,00D.0(1l} solidated Voting° Precinct "D"." 20. 'Dollars for the construction SECTION 6. The following nam- z W0 4 W U Z 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ;r -1,r:16 6- ORDETANMEJ TITY1111JIy" -7 C_1VJ.11TrS' AILD q1LOVIDING INE MT -j GItrllry NoTICE OF A 3PE- CIAL F, 15ECTMN TO BE, 101D IN TH111 CI -TY OF ANATTEIM, 3TA.21 7 OF CALIPO'R- 20B - TTIA* ME 18TH JXY OF OCT 1 0 19 2 4 * T M_"' 0 B X.,; 0 T I El 71, TO y41TJBZiT TO THE, 1.',_Tj_'1j'CTCRS OF 3<1ID CITY TH1111 TO 1 IT CUR A '301MI "'A D 0 l3'7' BY 31 AI 1) C I T Y F (1? 171,11 !%L(.YJ1 JIG PITR P 0 iE: TM ACQUISITIO-11, COTTSIMUCTION AND COMPLETION (V A PWR PLAIM FOR SUP - '17 PW r .�ILVL I 71T IT .-..TJ.:..., ", (1,711P 1 (01 1:'77 F OR S.41L I :) C I TY AMID IT .3 TIM T �03 IT All T j FOR I R S OF LIGHT, TWA.' AND 1:'0,'JMR* CONST 3TIM 0-'," "WETTDING AND REMODELING A M,a RTAIN Ii, MT IML .3TJ1LT)ITT" 17T 3"'1 D CI TY Y(11 TH' ROM ING 0? MACHIN- BRY AND QUI71"El-ITT OF 3AI 1) PLANT, TTF, A CQUISI TION AND ITTSTALL,� ATION 0.", 1"JIGIN114J, AND '-17R)ITE AU&TjA_RJ7",3 '20 02EPATE !-,fZ3CTRICAL GFIRT- JIS TTIRIVOIR3. AND TR*V". AC QT� ITIOTT AND TTSTVAL,-VIOM OF ELRCTRIC GETTIMATOi B,.CIT r3RJ* 3WITC11 Boz' J-; ATID POR SU-nET"LYING M1:1CURI CITY FOR O)AID CITY AND IT T1`MJV1ITJVF1V3 FOP 7TRE08E8 OF LIGHT, HEAT AND Er, the �3oard of Trustees of the City of J'xaheim, at ,3. regula-1 i-aeotin- held on the l4th day of Augiwt, 1924, by a vote of more t1v.M two-thirds of the members of said Board. of "gyrus- tees, aid paija and adopt a resolution determining that the Imblic. Interest and also the public necessity demands the aoqaiuition and construction by the City of Ar.,-aieim of a cortain municipal ir.fiprove. ment, to -wit: The acquisition. construction and completion of a povier plant for su-) lying eloctricity for said City and its inhab- itants for the -,purposes of lij,,t, haat and :power, 00w3isting of ex., tending said a cort-rIL-1 buildintr, in Said City for Vie )1.ouoin!7 of -,.vchinery and equipment of said povier plant, the acq,aloition and iii tallation of onGine-,3, and engine auxilaries to o)mrato olactvic -,enerators, and the acquisition and in'-:,)tallation lof electric grenerators, e,-coiters,, switch "boards and auxilariea for 3upplyiii�­ eleutric:lty 1"or said City a -ad its inhabitants for purpose 0 �o.,-L light, haat -nd power, The cost of the completion of which said municipal Im- 11 1provement vva3 estimated at Two 11midrod Forty Thousand (240,000#00 11Dollars, which said cost was and is too great to be pad out of t dinary annual inoorm and revenne of said City. Nal; TTEPORE, the Board of Trustees of the City of Ana. Im do ordain as follows; (1) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 > W4J 14 Z M U W 0 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 ii 24 25 6 27 28 29 11 30 II 31 3z it .1 1 6 SECTION 1. A special election is hereby celled and or. dered to be held in the City of Anaheim, State of California, on 3aturday, the 18th Jay of October, 1924. the objeOt being to submil to the qualified electors of said City the r ,zoposlti6n to incur a bonded indobtednesby the City of Anaheim to the amount of Two 11liundred Forty Thoimand (,1240,000,00) Dollars for the purpose of construction and completion of a certain municipal improvement by the City of Anaheim, via.: The acquisition, construction and com- pletion of a power plant for supplying electricity for said City �and its inhabitants for pur-pOSCS Of light, heat and power, consist. be not to i Jng of extendin- and remodeling a certain municipal building in said City for the hoiasingof machinery and equipment Of said power plan the acquisition and installation of engines, and engine auxilariesi !to operate electric generators, and the acquisition and installati I �of electric generators, exciters, switch boards and auxilaries for "PP171?1,sT elecatricity for said. Cit7 And its inhabitants for purpo& as of light, heat and power, the estimated cost Of which improveme: is Two Rundred Porty Thousand (0240.00000) Dollars, in gold coin , the United 3tates of America, said sum of Two Tlftmdred. Forty "L%ousa ($240*000000) Dollars bein the amo7int of the principal of the in» debtedness to be incurred therefor, the rate of interest to be psi on said indebtedness will be not to exceed six per cent (6%) per annum, payable semi-annually, the PTIndlpal and interest of said i debtedness to be paid in gold coin of the United States of Amerioa 3ECTION 2. The special election hereby , called and orde to be held shall be held and conducted and the votes thereat re- ceived a-nd canvasbedf and the returns thereof male and the results thereof ascertained, determine,! and declared# as herein provided and accorain^ to the lavis of the 3tato of California, providing fox and 7 .,overning elections, in the City of Anaheim, and the polls for such election shall be and remain open during the time required by said laws, and as follows: i From seven o'clock A. 14,,, when said polls shall be opene (2) 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 iz d 13 W Z M U 14 W W 15 I < Z 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 nd said polls shall remain open until seven o'clock F, 11, of said Ay, when they shall be cl000d. except as provided by Section 1164 f the Political Code of the Mato oi California. !J7.'he ballots to 'be used at such election shall be such as -a*,,T be reTaired by la.T.;t.t to be -lx�od thereat and in addition to any ether matter roij:aired by law to be minted. thereon, ehall appear ;he follozing: 711MIUCIPAL TICKEY" To vote on any "proposition hereinafter set forth, stamp a cross (X) in the voting square triter the word 11YBl or after the word "NO", All Marks except the ci.oss (X) are forbidden. All die tinguishing corks or erasures are forbidden and make the ballot i �void, If you %trongly a tamp, tear or deface this ballot, return it I Ito the Inspector of Flection and, obtain anothero Q-TE3TION AMD MW'.103ITIOTT 3W311ITT11,J) TO V071'. OF HLECTIOTT-. ihall the City of Awhoim incur a bonded debt to the amount of T^ro Uundred Forty Thousand (t)240, 000# 00) Dollars for the construction and completion of a cer- tain municipal improvement by the City of Amaheim, to. vit: The aepisition, construction and. completion of a power plant for sap�)lyinp; electricity for said City and its inhabitants for pnrp-o_-ej of "liVght,heat and � power, consistinc of emea nding and remodeling a cer- tain municipal buildinl- in said City for the, holle- in- of i,,aach.inery rmd. equipment of said power plMt, the acquisition and installation of engines,, and en,,71rie auxilaries to operate electric -enerators, jand the ac(misition and installation of electric generatora, exciters, switch ba) rds anti anxilar- lies for supplyin- electricity for said. City and I 'its inhabitmito for purposes of light, heat and 1power. (3) CE 4 5 6 7 L. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 > W Z V 0: U Id 0 15 4 W < t > 1 16 U Z 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 SECTION 3. Any qualified elector of the City of Anaheim may vote at sa-Id special election for or against the proposition herewith submitted. To vote in favor of and authori�ze,,the incur- rin,,r of a bonded debt for the purpose set forth in the proposition herein stated, he shall stamp .a- cross (X) in the voting square to the ri,,cAit of the word 'IMS" -printed opposite such proposition, and to vote a,-,ainst and refuse to authorize the incurring of a bonded debt for the purpose set forth in the said. proposition heroin sta- te,do he shall stamp a cross (X) in the votinc., oquare to the right of the word "NO" printed opposite such proposition* Each cross (X stamped in the square to the right of the word shall be coup ted as a vote in favor of and to authorize the incurring of a indebtedness for the purpose set forth in the proposition opposite to which said cross (X) is stamped, and each Cross (X) stamped in the voting square to the rir7ht of tile cord "ITO" shall be counted ae U C. is vote not in favor of and a refusal to authorize the incnrrin,--,, of * bonded indebtedness for the 1 a .�urpose set forth in the proposition opposite to which Ouch cross M is stamped. SECTION 4. For the purpose of such special election the �twelve voting precincts heretofore created and established by the Board of Suwy;rvisors of the County of Orango as the election pro- ciubts for the said City of Anaheim and adopted by order of said Board of Supervisors, together with the territory annexed to said City of Anah-cim at ,) special election held on the 2Vth day of July, 1924, designated as "Industrial Site Lddition.1 and described as fol Iowa: Beginning at the point of intersection of the center lines of 2att Street and La Palma Street as shown on a map of the Gross - Nell Subdivision recorded in Book 6, Pa,", 47, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California, and running thence Northerly along the center line of 11att Street to the extended Northerly line of that certain East and lest alley distant 195 feet Northerly from he center line of La Palma Street as shown on said map of the 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 > zW M U 14 W 0 < W 15 Z 16 17 18 19 zo 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Gresswell subdivision; thence 7esterly along the extended Norther- ly line of said alley en d along the Northerly line of said alley and its extension Wlesterly to the point of intersection with the extended Northerly line of the 15 foot alley lying Northerly of Loto 1 to 7 of the Fart "lifodivision as s1107M On a map recorded in Book 7, Page 20, Miscellaneous Maps, Records Of Orange County, Cal. ifornia; thence TTorthweaterly along the oxtended northerly line of said alley to the center line of bemon 13)treet as shoan on a map of the said Hart 3ubdivision; thence North alonf the said center line of Lemon Street to the Southeast corner of Lot .5, Milles Rancho as shown on a map recorded in Book 4, Page 7, Mlis cell ane ous Maps, Rec- ords of Orange County, California-, thence East along the extended South line of said Lot 59 190 feet; thence North parallel to the Last line of said Lot 5 to a point on the North line of the South. west one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 3, 12. 4 ;,, E, 10 1-4,1, thence 'past along said North line to the Southvieut corner of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of the Southyest one-quarter of said Section 3; thence North along the arrest line of the Porth-. east one-quarter o -.L:' the L-lortheast one-quartor of the Southwest one. quarter of said section 0 to a -,,vint on the ,;taut and '.'est center line of said rection -'L3; thence East alon; said center line to the center of said Section 3; thence i-tlong the North and South center line of said ,ueution 3 to tl-,.o center line of Orann-ethorpe Avenue; thence Ba.,;A along, mid center line of Orangethorpe Avonae to the Northeast corner of the '`lest one. -half of the Northeast one-quarter of said 3ection 3; thence South along the 'Past line of the Vlest one-half of the East one-half of s,,,Ad Section 0 to the center line of La Palma Street* thence lest along said center line of La Palma Street to the point of beginning, shall be and are hereby oonsoll- dated Into four consolidated election precincts, as follows. to-wip.. (5) 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 zo 21 zz ?_ 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 M Anaheim Precinct jjo, 1. Anaheim _'Precinct No. 2 and -kna- heim Precinct No. 1". shall be and the s=e are hereby Consolidated and shall be knovin and designated as "Consolidated Voting Precinct luu:Lheim Precinct No, 4, Anaheim Precinct No, 142' and the territory annexed to said City of Jlinaheini at a special election held on the 29th d ay of July,, 1924, desig- nated as "Industrial- :site Addition," heretofore particularly des- cribeel, shall be and the same are hereby consolidated and shall be 3 fmovm end designatod as "Consolidated. `Toting �Irecinct rt�tr; rt Aimheim, .12'recinct No. 5, Amthoim Precinct ITO, 6 und A-na- �heii:i _?reoinct- No. 7 shall be .-Ind the same are hereby consolidated and shall be Iciown and dosi,-nated as "Consolidated Voting, Precinct Anaheim Precinct No. 8, laiaheim 1:Precinct No. 9 and jlna- heim Precinct To. l() W11 -all be ,uid the same are hereby consolidated xid ohall be knovin and designated as "Consolidated 'Toting Precinct SEC710N 5. The follavrixV, named persons, each of whom is a qualified elector of th,e consolidated election TyTecinct in and for which he is 'Ip -,,,)tinted, ire hereby appointed Board of Mec- tion in Conaolidatod Volu-iik,,, Precinct "A", to serve in the capacity herein deaig:aated Lind to conduct said election therein as required by lar: Inslxctor I'Mearl Judge 0. Hensley Clerks Preda Janse, Charles Fay The followin,, named persons, each of whom is a qualified elector of the consolidated election Precinct in and for which he 14; appointed, fire hereby appointed Board Of 73lection in Consoli- dated Voting Precinct "B", to serve in the capacity herein desig- nated and to conduct said election therein as required by law-. Inspector Asa 11. Squires Judge !sI red. *3. Efern (6) 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 i 13 W J Z < 14 W 0 a U r 15 4 W > 0 Z 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Clerks Genevieve Fording, Susie J. Jayne The followincy, named pergons9 each of whom is a qualified 0 elector of the consolidated election precinct in and for which he is appointed, are hereby appointed Board of Election in Consoli- " anted Voting Precinct "C", to serve in the capacity herein desig- nated and to condAet said election therein aa required by law; Inspector 9- Judge C. C. Lamb Clerks Ethel 11, Chamberlain, Ardis Ann Cha The follmvin,-,, named persons, each of whom is a qualified ielector of the coxwolidated election precinct in and for which he lis appointed, are hereby appointed Board of -Election in Consoli- jdated voting i'recinct *11)", to serve in the capacity herein dosig- inated and to conduct said election therein as required by lease: Inspector Wo P, 'debb Judge Chas. E. larr Clerks Harriet K, Boyd, Lenora Es Williams* The polling place in and for Consolidated 'Jotin- Preoina "A" shall be at the Anaheim 'Union llirh School, at the Northwest co finer of the intersection of ,gest Center and Citron Streets. The pollin,-,, place in and for Consolidated Voting P'recinct "B" shall be at the Central School '3uildin,-. located on the North side of East Chartres Street betvieen North7,,mily Street and "Ilorth D'hiladelphia 3treet. The polling place in and for Consolidated Voting Precinct �"C" shall be at the Citron 3troet School at No, 124 South Citron 3treet. The polling place in and, for Consolidated Voting Precinct "I)" shall be at the City Hall Building at No, 204 East Center Stree The City Clerk is hereby directed to procure all supplies that may be necessary to properly and lawfully conduct said special lection. When the polls are closed the officers of election shall 31 �oount the ballots cast at such special election and canvass the 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 WJ z < 14 % U. W 0 r 15 > U Z 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 vote3 cast respectively for and a;�,'a-lnst t1u- Woposition herein stated -and mace return thereof to the 'noard of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, in time,, form and manner -required for the count- in,'P. canvassing and retiarniir,, of votes cast at other special muni- cipal elections 'held in Mild City of Ana*-Ileir-q, spacial at such s7 J. 3ECTIOIT 5. If, election, it shall ap- pear brat two-thirds o-cL' all the votors voting at such election are IM favor of and aittlior 17,0 t' 0, inCurrim7r of a bonded debt for the -purpose set forth in the nroposition 11-orein stated, then such pro osit ion ahall ba dooTilet3. to 'nave been accepted by the electors and bonds will be issued to defray the c),I-3t of the im7zovoment speci- fied in each -pronosition and to tho araount stated therein, Such bonds shall bo of the form and c"Ifiracter knovin a�-,,, "Serials" and at least one -fortieth part of the -principal sum of ouch indebtedness Drill be ,)aid w-c*i and car until all of said bonds shall lia�r !been psi. d, pTincipal nnd interest shall be paid in ;fold coin of tai United '.')tato3 of erica. 3*"X',7I_T0IT 7. The to aril of Trustees shall meet a, their usual place of mootinr, to -wit: the louncil Chamber in the City 19,aildin'-:', at 'To* 204 '°'.ast Center Street , in mid City,, on the 'Monday next sacce�'di.ivv said oloc'Uion, to -wit: on Monda7, the u 20th day of October, 1924, at the hour of seven thirty o'clock 1.1,, then and .-here to canvass the returns and ascertain,, deter- ., i Ane ani'.. declare the re,.,.'3ult-. of .,jai election. 33jf%.'0TIO'IT, 8. This Ordinance shall be pnblished once a day for at least seven days in the Orm,-e County rlain Dealer, a news- paper of general circulation, published in said City of Anahoia, !j and this Ordinance and such publication shall be the Notice of Elect ion„ SECTION 9. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately The above and foregoinr, Ordinance No* is signed 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 and, approved by m, thio 11th da r of Sept Er. ber * 1924, I_ �Attest; Clerk of the My o? Ahah—el* esenof the Boarof gyrus oos 02 tho City of Anclieiri. (9) W Z W W > Z 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 zz 23 24 25 26 27 28 Z9 30 .Tett OF C -AL IFOE 11 CO"JY'.L'Y CE 01iAlr!]" CITY (1' �Ta TWIT. I,, ' ' "d-M-Ld 1. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do herelay oortify t't the -"L*ore,roiiVp, r1rdinwice No. S-:7 was in- troduced at a ra;' it �nieotin- of the -30aod Of "r-astees. of the City A 0-7 Anaheim held on the 28th of U t 1922, us and was said C) -Linally pajacd lby n1oro than a tura-.thirds vote of id B ard of Trus toes at a m.otin,,, of said 30a -rd of Trustees held on the 11,thday of September 1924, and t1lEtt t,:1,3 vote oil the pas --age of said Ordinanoe was as IL'ollmvs: AY -J13: Trustees A3:1137TT AND 110T 'VrOTII,!C;-; Tr7wtoesI.- IN 'hiIT ME., 3 1 have heroiLito jet my hand an afl:ixed the :mal of the City of Anaheim. this 11th du Of 3e]2t- ember 1 19240 c lerk ate' City_5 Ap4eim, (10) I