485Affidavit of Publication In the Superior Court of the County of Orange State of California Plaintiff vs. t 1 t t Defendant STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange, ... ••• ........ 714.. .• ......being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times hereinafter mentioned, he waa a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a resiaenc of said county, and was at and during all said times the printer, publisher and proprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, print ed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Anaheim Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dis- semination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general char- acter, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding the first publication of the notice herein mention- ed; that the .....&....�................................. ........of which the na anexed is printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least .......................... ................timed commencing on the .day of.... ..192.. and endinNnel the ........day of .....\•..192. ... ,bo'th days ive, and as often during said time assaid newspaper was regularly issued; that is to say, on the following dates, to -wit: �.. . /..... ...�............... 42$Oa 191A auo a K1 el aAlap fspunS a� The to Anaheim do ordain as fo ow . Section 1,'hMt.,a $endral :municipal n#*;E election sltitii 16 held at: and within the and re City of. Anaheim on the seoond btobday .eltiea of in April. 1499, to -wit: on the 12th day ,'proved; of April, 1926, Yor the purpose of elect- ., ing the following offic" of cold City, ail resg� to -wit: of the ` 1. Three mbthbers of&e Board "of be• .ileld Trustees for the full term of four years. with ' th Section '2 At such election :there Sta4te 01 shall lna�?�e voting precincts, each of m which i`f5u Bf cons3ect of the, regiflftr election precincts' Atab- moat b lighed in 4*14 City for holding -Stats of e'dlwk, County elt0tions, .as fotlo s, day of Conso$i"I%d 'Voting ' f"teci l tip ui "Anab helm ] place Union corner Center ^ 3 CG Ni/!kL ilk intersecti tt ot, ` Creby. i Cron Otr4ts:Ae - ero, iY.I %r++e�u axu piu seaAajdr a -oA a.l'l aA99 o sg os "uo ualp Idulo. , -*V-I aqj, jo uol: ejado-oa aigl a lgpatyq 1ABpuojq-1Ajjado xd tvuc aigl 4avis pVp 's,a®ssass>; SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to �ez-- before me this___ ---------- day of --------- --------192-- ........................................................ No ORDINANCE NO. 486 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE HOLDING OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN THE CITY'OF ANAHEIM ON THE SEC- OND MONDAY IN APRIL, 1926, TO - WIT: ON THE 12TH DAY OF APRIL, 1926. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: Section 1. That a general municipal election shall be held at and within the City of Anaheim on the second Monday in April, 1926, to -wit: on the 12th day of April, '1926, for the purpose of -elect- ing the following officers of said City, to -wit: 1. Three members of the Board of Trustees for the full term of four years. Section 2. At such election there shall be nine voting precincts, each of which shall consist of a consolidation of the regular election precincts�estab- lished in said City for holding State or County, elections, as follows: Consolidated Voting Precinct "A," comprising State and County precincts, "Anaheim Precinct No. 2" and "Ana** heim Precinct No. 3" and the polling place thereof shall be at the Anaheim union High School, at the Northwest corner of the intersection of West Center and Citron Streets. Consolidated Voting Precinct `B," comprising State and County precincts, "Anaheim Precinct No. 1" and "Ana- heim Precinct No. 4" and the polling place thereof shall be at the Eucolemo Soap Company Store, at 911 North Los Angeles Street. Consolidated Voting Precinct "C," comprising State and County precincts, f "Anaheim Precinct' No. 6" and "Ana- heim Precinct No. 7" and the polling place thereof shall be at the L. A. Fisher Garage, located at 709 North Philadelphia Street. Consolidated Voting Precinct "D," comprising, State and County precincts, "Anaheim Precinct No. 10" and Ana- heim Precinct No. 11" and the polling place . thereof shall, be at the Anaheim Valencia Growers' Association building, located at 805 East Center Street. Consolidated Voting Precinct "E," comprising State and County precincts, "Anaheim Precinct No. 9" and "Ana- heim Precinct No. 12, and the polling place thereof shall be at the "A" and "B" Auto Top and Paint Shop, located_ at 415 East Center Street. " Consolidated Voting Precinct "F," comprising State and County precincts, "Anaheim Precinct No. 5," "Anaheim Precinct No, 8"' and„"Anaheim Precinct No. 13, and the poising place thereof shall be at the City. Fall, at 204 East Center Street. Consolidated Voting Precinct "G," comprising' State and County precincts, "Anaheim Precinct No. 14" and "Ana- heim Precinct No. 15," and the polling place thereof shall be at the Anaheim Batt#ry and Electric Company Store, located at 301 South too Angge�les Street. Consolidated Voting Precinct "H," comprising State and County precincts, "Anaheim Precinct No. 16" and "Ana- heim Precinct No. 17" and `the polling place thereof shall .be at the Anaheim - Intermediate School, located at 616 West, Center Street. Consolidated Voting Precinct "I," comprising State and County precincts, "Anaheim Precinct No. 18" and'"Ana- heim Precinct No. 19" and the polling place thereof shall be at the J. H. Whitaker Garage, located at 211 Walnut Street. Section 3. Said election shall be held and conducted and notice thereof shall be given in accordance with an Act of the Legislature of the State of Cali- fornia entitled "An Act to provide for and regulate municipal elections in cities of the fifth and sixth class," ap- proved May 27, 1919, and all acts amendatory thereof; provided that in all respects not provided for in said Act of the Legislature, such election. shall be held and conducted in accordance with the general elections laws of the State of California insofar as the same may be applicable. Section 4. At such election the polls must be opened at the hour of seven o'clock in the forenoon of said 12th day of April, 1926, and must be kept open until the hour of seven o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at which time the polis shall be closed. Section 5. The compensation of the persons composing the election board to hold and conduct said election is hereby fixed in the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) each. Section 6. The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, and the same shall take effect from the date of its final passage. The foregoing ordinance is signed, approved and attested by me, this 25th day of February, 1926. PERRY W. MATHIS, (Seal) President of the Board of Trus- tees of the City of Anaheim. Attest: EDWARD B. MERRITT, Clerk of the City of Anaheim. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE, as. CITY OF ANAHEIM, I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 485 was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- heim held on the 11th day of February, 1926, and was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 25th day of Feb- ruary, 1926, by the following vote: AYES—Trustees Mathis, Miller, Graf- ton, Franzen and Stock. NOES—Trustees, None. ABSENT AND NOT VOTING—Trus- tees, None. And I further certify that the Pres- ident of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim signed said Ordiance on the 25th day of February,. 1926. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City of Anaheim, this 26th day of February, 1926. EDWARD B. MERRITT, (Seal) Clerk of the City of Anaheim. 3-4-1t 0 R D I Y A r 0 E 11 (D. 4F 5– AN OR I1 AirCE PROVIDING FOR THE..", OLD I!.1G OF A GK,�EIRiiL !�,.',J­ �,T ELECTIOl I1` THE CITY OF ANAHEI" 0',':,T THE Sj 'r�oyDAY IT APRIL, —FIT: -TE 12TH DAY OF APPRIL,lc26. 192,13, 10 ON TTLJI The Boarc. of Trustees of the City of AnE-121eir," do ordain as follOTTS: Section- 1. Th , -t a rrereTal niun-2, ci-ov,l eicc-4U.L or, shall be held rn.t -,nd Titf-ir, the City of -_,,cj6jj. on the second y in April, lq*,6, lo–i,-JIU: on the 12t1l day of Aril, 1926, for the U a to-77it: purnjose of electing- the -f o 111 Ov- i n g 0 f f i c S -r S Of s id Oil 1. Three -menibers of t7l).e Board of Trustees for the fu17. ter -,"i of four years. Section 2. At such elect -ion, there, 'be nine voting; 7- recincts each of which shall consist of _-1 consolid- ation of the U -_nT elect -ion lDrecir-cts esteblished in said City , foi, "-olfanc- State or 04ouv nt, elections,, fOI10-s: for 1__ Consolida,teC, Vot-in--- Precinct "All, comn-orising State and precj,,�St naheim PT e- ,cts, precinct 11�0. p.r, C, , e, 11 ) e a., t t- h e _1c 001 _L _1 cinct '.,o. ,, U L ?1ac ArL "I"I i 11. U I]. `L On Hi c h o o ",e ?,'o-thv.rect corner of the int- ersection of `v est Center Citron Streets. Consolidated Voting 'Precinct "B", com�-)ricins Stpli-c E,nd C I f ;,",0 U YO 'ei`,' P ec'-Ict u--rity nrecincts PTeoinc' To. 4-11 e Euc.31el 0 )ollin­ -o,�,ce ')e �,t �Ii M U SO_0 CO,I ,pn y Store t c-11 Ne th Lop Angeles Street. ConsolidF,ted. Vot-i-la,-, precinct "Of' State P -d. U County "AnFhei,.,,-a PTecinctu Precinct 1,70. 711 rn,f the c? -t t1ae L. A. Fisher CTc r F Yort-h i Street. Consolidated Voting Precinct "D" cor.1�.:�risina State a.nd County precincts "Ana,heirn Precinct No. 1011 and "Anaheim Pre- cinct No. 11f1 and, the -polling place thereof shall be at the Anaheim Valencia, Grorere Association building located at 805 East Center Street. Consolidated Voting,,, Precinct "Er' comprising State and County nrecinets "An: helm, Precinct 1 o. 01f and "Ana;neirn Pre- cinct leo. 1` " 2nd the -oollinp place thereo:' shr.11 be at the "A" and "1" Auto Top and P a,int Shon, located at 415 East Center Street. Consolidated Votinr° Precinct 11.711 coy-m�xi.-it State a,nd County nrecinc t g 11An"'hO1r.i Precinct 170. 511 , "Anaheim Precinct o. G 1 mnd. 11Anaheim Precinct 170. 13", ?.n d- the r�o11_ing place thereof shall be at the City Hall, ,t ?(.;r East Center Street. Consolidated Votir< Precinct "G" State and'. County -oreci nct c , "Imp11eim Precinct No . 1,0 and. "Ana:neizq Pre- cinct Yo. 15"A at the Anaheim Battery e,nd Electric Co?u-oF:ny Store; locates_ at 301 South Los Angeles Street. Consolidated Voting,- Precinct "H" cmmnrisin, State and County Precincts, "Ana heir.. Precinct- Yo. 1.811 and "Ana:,hei:.m Pre- cinct "o. 17t1 and t le nollin2 nle.ce thereof shat] 'Oe at the Anaheim Tater :eU i =.te Sc, -1001 located at "S ti est Cera Ur Street . Con,olic_ete: not Drovided for in said Act of the Legislature, such election sha.11 'be held -i,nd conducted in accordance P,-i+.h the general elections lays of the State of California insofar as the same -mary be a:pplicable. Section 4. At such election the -polls must be opened_ at the hour of seven o'clock in t -1,1e forenoon of said lPth "-Lc?y of April, n6 must ke-ot opezeii un -Gil the hour of seven o'clock in the afternoon n -ernoon of said day, at rhich time the rolls shp,11 be closed. Section 555. The cop.per-sa-lu-iozi of t -h -e -,-)eTsons composi-n`' the elec-`U-ion 1-o@,rd to hoIC, and. conc-,uict said election is hereby fix -ed in 'U'lie sumof Five Dollars '.k- ) each. Section -0. The City Cler.h. of the City of A - u -L.y - to the r)assage of this �)rdir-::--,nce and naheim shall ce ti-CU U cause- the sFi-,,1e t -o be -published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a daily ne-,,-,s-pa�per of 'general circ,,:.lw--.tioj-j , ntrinted, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, anC, the same shall take effect from the date of its final passage. The foreE,;oin,- ordinance is si--ned, an-oroved end attested by me, this :2S day of 1926. ATTEST: CLERX-6F T5r--O-j—TY 1TY-5A17 [1111-17 -4 — TRUS3TE4 JOF THE CITY OF Al;AHEIMI. 3. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE) SS. CITY OF ANAHEIM; L) Edward B. nerTitt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. ljjJ-- j� '�� 9 was introduced at a meetinS of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held on the 114 day of 1996, and was duly passed and adopted at a regular meetinE of said Board of Trustees held on the ;zor day of 1923, by the foiloTinE vote: EYES, Trustees 711 gQQ NOES, Trustees ..Quon.- ABSEYT AAD NOT VOTIYG, Trustees AM I further certify that the President of the Board. of Trustees of the City of knaheim signed aaid Ordinance on the 2 if 1926. _Qy of LIT 7,"ITITESS �7-,EREOFI I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City of Anaheim, this 20 day Of 1926. CLERK OF THE CITY OF AY Ems. 4.