Parks and Recreation 2012/09/26PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Brookhurst Community Center, 2271 W. Crescent Avenue, Anaheim, California September 26, 2012MINUTES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:Chairman Crawford CommissionersVadodaria,Brennan, Huitt, and Lappin COMMISSIONER EXCUSED:Vice Chair Manes and CommissionerNavarro STAFF PRESENT:Lynn Smith –Community Services Manager, Larry Pasco –Parks Manager, Wendy Solorio –Community Services Supervisor, Eleanor Granflor –Sr. Secretary CALL TO ORDER–Chairman Crawford called the meeting to order at 5:32p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE–Chairman Crawfordled the Pledge of Allegiance. INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Written Communication –Email from Monsour Family Larry Pasco presented an email from the Monsour Family regarding two parcels of privately owned land that are located adjacent to Deer Canyon Park.The two parcels of land are for sale and the Monsour Family is advocating for the City to purchase them. Larry stated that the land south of Santa Ana Canyon Road and north of the park boundary is all privately owned, including a parcel owned by the Pullman Family. The Pullman property is located adjacent to the north park gate. The City does have a covenant for a roadway access to Deer Canyon Park through oneof the properties that is specified by the Monsour Family. However, at this time the Pullman Family has declined the City’s request to have access through their property to enter Deer Canyon Park.Larry advised the Commission that the City will continueto seek an easement from the Pullman Family which will enable public access from Santa Ana Canyon Road. Larry Pasco stated the City does not plan topurchasethe two parcels of landas advocated by the Monsour Family primarily due to the lack of available funding. Additionally, the acquisition of the land will not significantly enhance the existing parksince the parcels primarily consist of land that is steep and relatively inaccessible. Chairman Crawford made a motion to allow Larry Pasco to respond to the Monsour Family. Commissioners concurred. Motion passed. Unscheduled Oral Communication from the Public –None B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES–Chairman Crawford presented the August 22,2012Minutes to the Commissioners for changes or corrections. There being none, Chairman Crawford accepted the minutes as presented. ACTIVITY REPORTS A.ParksActivity Report–July/August–Larry Pascopresented the reportand explained that July and August are the “hot” months of the year.The extreme heat presents various challenges for the maintenance perspective which includes water issues, turf issues, and vandalism. B.Recreation and Human Services Park Ranger Report –June/July–Lynn Smith presented the report and answered questions regarding curfew, disturbance, andthe number of park patrons. C.Parks Capital Project Progress Report–Larry Pasco presented the report and provided updates on the following projects: Anaheim Outdoors Connectivity Plan–A community meeting was held at Pearson Park Theatre on September 22where input was received. City staff will finalize the Master Plan and plan to take it to City Council for nd approval in November. ï Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes September 26, 2012 Paul Revere Park –The final Master Plan will be presented by the consultant and City staff to Parks and Recreation Commission. Palm Lane Playground –The project is moving along and is anticipated to be completed by the end of October. SCE Dog Park –The property is not large enough and there are restrictions by SCE which will not allow enough usable space to build a dog park. Larry Pasco stated Disney contacted City staff to plan another playground equipment project with KaBOOM! for 2013. Commissioner Lappin suggested a community garden project, Commissioner Huitt suggested includingequipment that can also be used by senior citizens, and Commissioner Brennan suggested John Marshall Park since the school is currently being renovated. Larry stated the project site is yet to be determined and all suggestions will be taken into consideration. D.Senior Citizen Sub-Committee Report–None NEW BUSINESS A.Role of Senior Citizens Sub-Committee –Commissioner Huitt stated the Sr. Citizens Sub-Committee would like clarification of their role. Ordinance No. 6176 states the Sub-Committee “shall advise the Commission as to the needs of the senior citizens within the community and make recommendations to the Commission of possible City or community projects which would benefit Anaheim senior citizens.” Commissioner Huitt asked for clarificationon whether the Sub-Committee’s primary role is to advise the Commission on programs that would benefit senior citizens. If so, then Commissioner Huitt did not feel the Sub-Committee would be of much benefit to the Commission since City staff has the primary responsibility for selecting and coordinating programming for senior citizens at the community centers. Commissioner Huitt asked if the President of the Anaheim Senior Citizens Club should have the position of advising the City onprogramming ideasfor seniors. Chairman Crawford stated the Sub-Committee should work as an advisorygroup; the Club President can bring programmingideas to the Sub-Committee;the Sub-Committeecanforward the ideas to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Commissioner Huitt stated that she along with City staff and the Club President attendedthe county-wide Senior Citizens Advisory Council (SCAC)meetings where programming ideas are shared.The meetings rotate around the county and are held at a different senior centereach time.She stated that no other City requires their staff to attend the meetings. Commissioner Huitt stated she participates on the Health & Nutrition Committee and that she reports to the Commission what she learns at these meetings, but if City staff attends and are already provided the information she would report to the Commission, the purpose of the Sub-Committee becomes questionable. Lynn Smith stated City staff was asked to attend the SCAC meetings and it has been beneficial for staff to attend, and she will discuss with staff if it is necessary to attend in the future.Commissioner Huitt also stated that she had attended a City Council meeting several months ago to inform the Council on the potential loss of free senior classes from the North Orange County Community College District, and the Mayor asked the City Manager to meet with her on the issue. Subsequently, a meeting was held with Commissioner Huitt, Senior Club President and City Senior Program staff with the Deputy City Manager to discuss the issue. From this initial meeting came monthly meetings with Commissioner Huitt, Senior Club President Madeline Jensen and Senior Program staff to discuss programming and other topics. Commissioner Huitt stated the Council Agenda Report, the OrdinanceNo. 6176, and the email provided in the packet all give different information on the role of the Sub-committee and that it was confusing. Lynn Smith stated for the Sub- Committee to follow the language used in the Ordinance, all other documents such as the Council Agenda Report are a summary of what is in the Ordinance.Lynn Smith stated the Ordinance does not restrict the Sub-Committee to only suggest possible programs. Commissioner Huitt stated the Sub-Committee did notreceivethe Ordinance until the recent Parks and Recreation Commission packet was mailed outand that she originally only received the Council Agenda Report from the City Clerk’s Office.Commissioner Huitt stated confusion of the Sub-Committee’s role may be because the Ordinance was not received. î Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes September 26, 2012 Commissioner Huitt stated it is upsetting to be reprimanded for reporting information at the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. Lynn Smith clarifiedher previous discussion with Commissioner Huittand the Sub-Committee where she informed them that they may bring up any information, not just programming, to the Commission. Lynn also clarified that she was not reprimanding CommissionerHuitt, but was recommendingthat it is not necessary to wait until the monthly Commission meeting to report operational or maintenance issues when these issues can be directly reported to City staffat the Community Centers at any time.Lynn also stated that the Sub-Committeewas clear in their communications with her two months prior that they preferred to bring up the topics or issues at the Parks and Recreation Commission meetings, at which point she agreed that they should go ahead and bring up anything they wanted atthe Commission meeting including programming, operational or any other topic. Lynn stated the Sub- Committee should not narrow their role to only suggest programming, but be more flexible with their role and bring informationto the Commission that the Sub-Committee feels is important asthe Ordinance does not limit the Sub- Committee’s role to recommending programming. Commissioner Huitt stated the Sub-Committee would like to be spokes people for seniors of Anaheim and was told that the committee is not serving as representatives of the Senior Club or the Senior Center, although some issues may cross over to involve the facilities where programs and services are provided. Lynn Smith stated the Sub-Committee represents the entire senior community, not justa single focus such as reporting only on the senior center. Commissioner Brennan recommended workingout the roles of each group/committee. Commissioner Lappin stated that City staff and the Sub-Committee work hard to provide for the seniors. Commissioner Huitt stated the Sub-Committee is happy to serve the seniors and would like to continue serving them, but if they do not have information to report each month, they are not interested in continuing their participation on the Sub-Committee. Madeline Jensen, Sr. Citizens Sub-Committee member, stated the committee is the only avenue to report any senior issues to the City.Lynn Smith stated that any senior issue can be brought to the Commission. Commissioner Brennan questioned why the Senior Citizens Commission was dissolved. Lynn Smith stated the significant staff reduction in the City caused some Boards and Commissions to dissolve. Commissioner Brennan questioned why the Sr. Citizens Sub-Committee was placed within the Parks and Recreation Commission. Larry Pasco stated there is a significant relationship between the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Senior Citizens programs.Lynn Smith stated the previous City Council felt placing the Senior Citizens Subcommittee within the Parks and Recreation Commissionwas an appropriate placement. Commissioner Huitt stated the Sub-Committee has made suggestions to the City in the past and does not receive proper credit through the Minutes or Agendas. Larry Pasco stated if there are any discrepancies inthe Minutes, to report them before the Minutes are approvedso that corrections can be made.Lynn Smith made the distinction for clarification purposes thatany issue presented by the Sub-Committee to the Commission will be reported in the Minutes, whereas the Activity Reports provided by City staff report on programsconducted over the past month or so and does not include issuesreported to staff.Lynn encouraged the Sub-Committee to report any requests to the Commission so they can receive credit in the Minutes. B.Senior Programming in East Anaheim –Wendy Solorio reported senior programs are offered at Brookhurst Community Center, Downtown Anaheim Community Center and East Anaheim Community Center. Wendy stated City staff is working hard to provide more services in East Anaheim as requestedby seniors in that portion of the City. A calendar has been put together for seniors to be aware of what resources or activities are being offered in East Anaheim and will be placed in the Anaheim Bulletin and will be delivered to senior living complexes. Wendy stated the City continues their ongoing partnerships with the North Orange County Community College District and Rancho Santiago Canyon College to offer resources and expand into East Anaheim. Wendy stated staff will be attending various activities in order to make more face-to-face contact with the seniors. Shereported events that will occur in the future will include Halloween treats, flu shot clinics, and a winter wonderland. í Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes September 26, 2012 C.Paul Revere Master Plan and Park Naming –JJ Jimenez, Planner, of Community Services Department, Parks Division, and consultant,Tomas Munoz with NUVIS, presented the Master Plan for the park. JJ Jimenez and Tomas Munoz answered questionsregarding hand sanitizer and cleaning of exercise equipment, location of park, scheduled completion of project, parking, trees, usage of the gazebo, open play area to play sports, lighting, and wall art.JJ Jimenez requested theCommissioners to concur with the naming of Paul ReverePark. Chairman Crawford made a motion to concur and name “Paul ReverePark.”Commissioners concurred. Motion passed. D.November/December Parks and Recreation Commission meeting date –Chairman Crawford mad a motion to schedule the November/December meeting on November 28, 2012. Commissioners concurred. Motion passed. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS–Commissioner Vadodaria announced a club called “Krafts for Kids” that isgearedtowards elementary aged kids will be forming soonat Canyon High School. This clubwill help benefit the children who cannot afford to participate in recreational activities. Chairman Crawford reported it was difficult to purchase “Fab Four” tickets online and the will call line atthe venue was a long wait.Lynn Smith stated City staff is working on an upgrade with the online system. Lynn will forward these concerns to City staff and will look into the online system. ADJOURNMENT–Chairman Crawfordadjourned the meeting at 7:14p.m. ì