Sister City 2012/09/24 CITY OF ANAHEIM SISTER CITY COMMISSION MINUTES September 24, 2012 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Anthony Al-Jamie, James Dinwiddie, Ann Gallagher, Lisa Gin, Debbie Juliani, Russell Lahodny, Laurie Leonard, Linda Newby, John Nguyen, Kyndell Paine, Anna Piercy, Pat Pina, Jennifer Vaughn COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Cynthia Coad STAFF PRESENT: Office GUESTS PRESENT: None Agenda Posting: A complete copy of the Anaheim Sister City Commission Agenda was posted at 3:30 p.m. on September 21, 2012 at Anaheim City Hall. Public Input: Chairman Nguyen explained that members of the public are invited to address the Anaheim Sister City Commission and will be called upon under Agenda Item No. VII. Public Comment. I.CALL TO ORDER The meeting of the Anaheim Sister City Commission (ASCC) was called to order at 4:08 p.m. on th Office, City Hall, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., 7 Floor, Anaheim, California. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION Leonard AND MOTION CARRIED (Vote: 14-0; Absent: Coad) that the Anaheim Sister City Commission does hereby approve the minutes with the exception of specifically stating each of the two transactions separately. Specifically, the two donations were from Anaheim University in the amount of $500.00 and The Gas Company in the amount of $1,000.00.  Anaheim Sister City Commission September 24, 2012 Page 2 III. $13,814.00. Funds wired from Mito for the student exchange program were received in the amount of $8,117.90. In addition this month, the wine tasting fundraiser event on September 12 raised $2,335.00 from individual donations and $640.00 from businesses. The total contributions for the month were $11,092.90. Lastly, an expense reimbursement of $253.32 for the Mito student Huntington Beach BBQ was deducted leaving the balance at $24,653.58. Further expenditures and reimbursements for the events are not complete so additional updates will take place as all of the transactions are finalized. Commissioner Dinwiddie suggested that the Treasurer create a spreadsheet with an additional column breaking down each specific category of funds. For example, a specific reserve for the Mito Exchange Program, so that it will earmark the specific funds available for each specific program. Commissioner Vaughn suggested that a simple cash flow budget sheet for each project be created. Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet utilizing the tabs as separate worksheets for each program. MOTION Pina AND MOTION CARRIED (Vote: 14-0; Absent: Coad) that the Anaheim IV. MITO DELEGATION VISIT 10/29/12 On Sunday, October 28 a Mito delegation of approximately 30 individuals, will be arriving at LAX at 10:45 a.m. They plan to take a tour of the Getty Museum on Sunday afternoon and then arrive at the Anaheim Sheraton that same evening. Monday, October 29 they plan to visit the Anaheim police station, fire station and other public facilities and then proceed on to Disneyland and also visit the World of Color Show at the Disney Grand Californian Hotel. Tuesday, October 30, they plan to visit a high school Japanese language class at Western High School with instructor, Joe Aihara. The Mito Mayor would like to donate some Japanese books to the class. Then they would like to visit Anaheim City Hall to meet with Anaheim Mayor/City Council. Chairman Nguyen suggests that the Sister City Commission hold a reception on Tuesday evening.  Anaheim Sister City Commission September 24, 2012 Page 3 Chairman Nguyen further suggested that a subcommittee meet to gather more information and firm up all of the details and plans. V. WINE EVENT - RECAP Commissioner Gin reported that the donation and sponsorship funds from the fundraiser event totaled $4,360.00; the expenses were $3,000.00, leaving a net profit of $1,360.00. There were approximately 46 to 55 attendees. Everyone enjoyed themselves and there were a lot of great comments about the layout and the feel of the event. Overall, this was an extremely successful networking event. Commissioner Gin suggested that the commission send out personalized thank you notes to all of the attendees. The commission talked about what they learned through the whole experience and the additional things they would do at the next event. VI. AD HOC SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Commissioners Juliani, Newby and Nguyen volunteered to join Commissioners Gin and Newby on the Fundraiser Subcommittee. Commissioner Dinwiddie reported on behalf of the Cultural and Government Exchange Subcommittee that he has checked into the airfare for the next outbound student exchange trip to Mito, Japan. He has also started to gather outside resources to assist with the student exchange and all of the events and activities that will be involved. Commissioner Al-Jamie suggested that Chairman Nguyen talk to Mr. Wang privately to suggest that since they are continuing to go through uncertainty with the earthquake/tsunami aftermath that we would not want to inconvenience them and that possibly they may want to postpone discussions regarding the Anaheim outbound student exchange program for another year. The commission discussed this idea and agreed that this private conversation with Mr. Wang would be important before proceeding any further. Erin Wahlen indicated that she would like to add updates to the Sister City website under the section entitled Meet the Commission. She would like pictures and any information about the commissioners and a PowerPoint presentation can also be added.  Anaheim Sister City Commission September 24, 2012 Page 4 Commissioner Newby suggested that the pictures from the recent wine tasting fundraiser event be posted to the website. VII. PUBLIC COMMENT None. VIII. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS None. IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:08 p.m. to October 22, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. at the Anaheim City Hall, Conference Room #2.