Budget Investment Technology 2015/03/26BUDGET, INVESTMENT & TECHNOLOGY COMMISSION MINUTES THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2015 - 4:00 PM ANAHEIM CITY HALL SIXTH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: AB Abdulrahman, Tony Cardenas, Stephen Faessel, Danny Fierro, Laleh Graylee, Steve Martinez MEMBERS ABSENT: Helen Garner, Steve Chavez Lodge, Mark Mittmann STAFF PRESENT: Debbie Moreno, Jean Ibalio, Trevor Bennett GUESTS PRESENT: Cliff Carlson(HP), Kunal Sachdeva(HP), Wesley Fuller(HP) CALL TO ORDER Vice -Chair Faessel called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Mr. Abdulrahman made a motion to approve the December 17, 2014 meeting minutes, amended to note the meeting date for which the minutes are written, with a second from Chair Faessel. 2 AYES; 0 NAYS; 4 ABSTENTIONS The rest of the commission members were not present at the December meeting and abstained from the vote. Note: Due to lack of majority vote, the motion cannot be passed. The minutes will be presented for approval in the next meeting. PROPOSED ERP UPGRADE Staff presented the proposal for an ERP software upgrade with the current vendor, CGI Technologies. The commission members reviewed the proposed project and discussed the following topics: • Why an Request for Proposal (RFP) for a new system was not issued • What is the threshold for considering a move to a different vendor • How often are upgrades scheduled for the ERP software • Were any studies done to compare other vendors to CGI • Have sufficient monies been set aside for this upgrade The commission unanimously approved staff's recommendation of the project. ITEM NO. 03 Page 2of2 Budget Investment and Technology Commission Minutes MARCH 26, 2015 WEB REDESIGN PROJECT STATUS AND UPDATE Mr. Bennett presented an update of the Web Redesign project and provided details on upcoming milestone dates, including when commission members can expect to be involved in the website preview. ITEMS BY COMMISSION MEMBERS Ms. Moreno provided an update of the status of commission members' past requests. Mr. Abdulrahman inquired about the bond issuance and relation to current news articles. Chair Faessel requested that copies of meeting minutes for the past year be sent to new commission members for their reference. Mr. Martinez inquired about the possibility of having all materials published online, consider using less printed materials for meetings. Mr. Cardenas requested a future discussion on the financial impacts of the Anaheim Tax Protection Act proposed by City Council. Chair Faessel encouraged all commission members to attend City Council meetings as they are helpful in understanding the interests of the public. FUTURE COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULE The commission reviewed the planning calendar and future meeting dates were confirmed. Ms. Moreno discussed agenda items to be expected in upcoming meetings for April and May. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Fierro made a motion to adjourn the meeting, with a second by Mr. Cardenas. (MOTION CARRIED 6 - 0) Chair Faessel adjourned the meeting at - 5:12 pm. Respectfully submitted, Jean Ibalio, Secretary