PC 70-165-ARESOLUTIObI N0. F•:;?0~' ~~-p, A RESOLUTION OF THE CIZ'y pTANNING COMA7ISS7CN OF iHE l.:iTY OF ANAHEIM A,U:ENDING COND1T10hS OF RESOLUTIOId :d0, 145, ~~f?1t=S 1957- 56 p,ppROVING VARIaIJCE NQ. 8$7, T}i'cRETO WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planni~g Comm;Ssiu^ o•~ ~,ublic hearir,g on September 10, 1970, considered a variance petition that proposed a~, a'.~~tion~l ciwc~lling unit on the same property upon which Variance No. 887 has been approved, uhicn ~er;i,it~~d the establishment of a beauty salon in one room in an existing residence; ar:6 WHL-REAS, the Planning Commission determined that ~t ;-..~ additional dwellin9 unit is to , be developed o~ the property and the old variance (Varianr,e No. 887) exercised, the use of -; the property would be intensified to the point where specific limitatiens should be imposed ~ upon the number of customers that should be permitted to patronize the premises at zny one time in order to avoid a critical traffic and parking situation that would be created by the dual use. WHEREAS, it was determined that a maximum of two customers at one time should be permitted to patronize the beauty salon, since a total of only 5 off-street parking spaces would be supplied to the rear of the structure for all iis~s on the property, and no parking was permitted on Harbor Boulevard. ' NOVJ, THERF.FORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Comrriission does hereby amend conditions of approval of Variance No. 687 granted in Resolution No. 145, Series 1957-58 to establish a beauty salon in a portior. of an e.cisting struc±ure, by limitin9 the maximum number of patrons to two on the premises at any one time, to minimize the possibility of shortage of parking spaces fo: ~dditional ratrons. , 1'HE FOREGOI~ ;~[SOL'JTION is signed and aporoved by me this '_7th day of Seotember, 1970, -- -~~ ~ ~~ • ~ ~~~ _~_ -- ~C:lAIRMAIQ ANAHEIFA CITY P AVNING CCNMISSIQd ATTEST: SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITy pLAIJNING COMNISSION STRTE OF CAL?fORNIA ) CAWTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEI~A ) I, Ann Krebs, Sc-cretary of the Cit}' Planning Co:nmission of the City of Anaheim, dc hereby certify that the foregoing resolution tie~s nassed and adopted at a meetina of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, hAlr~ on SE;.,tember 10, 1970, at <:00 0'Clock P.h1., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSICfJERS: Farano, Gauer, Kaywooo, Seymour. NOES: COh~VJISSIOfJERS: Herbst. A~ENT: COMMIS,:IOIJERS: Allred, AESTAIN: CONV,i155lOVERS: P.owi~~nd, Ihd WI7NE;',5 VJHr?REOF, I have hereLnto c,et ^.y 7and this 17th day of September, 1970. SECRET.4RY aJAHEIPA CITY PLANNING COAIMISSIOJ 9 w ~~ ': .4X