1965/05/06 M I NUTES ANAHEIM STADIUM COMMISSION ':~ DATE: May 6, 1965 PLACE: Anaheim City Hall, City Council Conference Room PRESIDING Harry Knisely, Chairman Pro-Tem r~ OFF I CER : The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pro-Tem Knisely at 1:45 P.M. PRESENT: ALSO PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS Harry Knisely, Chairman Pro-Tem Rex L. Coons, Chairman Charles Currier Dick Glover PauJ"H~ghes Tom Liegler, Stadium Manager Alan Watts, Deputy City Attorney None Dick Walsh, Los Angeles Dodgers Phil Cullen, Affiliated Parking Phil Hanf, Anaheim Bulletin APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of April 29, 1965 were approved as written and mailed. REVIEW OF RENTAL INFORMATION The Commission briefly discussed rental fees but will have further discussion at the next regular meeting when Mr. Liegler will present a report on the Dallas Memorial Auditorium. The report will be an analysis of the rental fees, cost figures, etc., of the Dallas Auditorium, since this facility is most comparable to our own Convention Center. Chairman Coons said that Mr. Doug Farley of the Anaheim Area Vistors and Con- vention Bureau will be in attendance at the next meeting to participate in the discussion of rental fees. Commissioner Currier suggested that with the permission of the Commission, Mr. Cai Winfrey be invited to attend the meeting also. The Commission was in agree- ment. Mr. Watts had just returned from San Francisco and said that most of the paper work is completed concerning the bonds for the Convention Center. He said that he hope to present a proposal to the Community Center Authority at their meeting of May 24th. ANAHEIM STADIUM COMMISSION MINUTES May 6, 1965 GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONIES - CONVENTION CENTER Chairman Coons reminded the Commissioners of the coming weekend activities for the groundbreaking ceremonies for the Convention Center. GUESTS Mr. Liegler intcoduced Mr. Dick Walsh, Vice-President, Los Angeles Dodgers, and Mr. Phil Cullen of Affiliated Parking to the Commission. A question and answer period followed with Mr. Waish pointing out various experiences with other tenants and Mr. Cullen reviewed their parking lot operation. One point Mr. Walsh brought out, was the fact that they do not have a fixed rental fee, but negotiate with each tenant invididuaily. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Hughes moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Commissioner Knisely. Motion carried. Adjourned: 3:25 P.M. Respectfully submitted, BARBARA TANNER, Secretary