1880E AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING • TITLE 18 ® ZONING OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO A NEW CHAPTER TO BE NUMBERED 18.38. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code be, and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto Chapter 18.38 -- C-0. COMMERCIAL OFFICE ZONE, reading as follows. - "CHAPTER 18.38 ®- C -O, COMMERCIAL OFFICE ZONE. "SECTION 18.38.010 DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE. "This zone is intended to provide for and encourage the development of business and professional office centers, and further, to recognize the unique development poten- tial resources which exist within the City of Anaheim. These resources are found to have both local and regional significance due to the City's central geographic loca- tion and ideal relationship to regional markets, regional labor pools and regional access and circulation routes. These office areas and their continued development in a quality manner are found to be a resource essential to the community's economic health and preservation of a com- petitive growth potential. "SECTION 18.38.020 PERMITTED BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND USES. "Subject to the provisions of this zone, the following buildings, structures and uses, either singly or in com- bination, may be permitted in the Com-arcial Office Zone. Uses other than automobile parking lots shall be conducted wholly within a building. In the interests of assuring land use compatibility and the preservation of the development resources within Anaheim's office areas, no structure designed or intended for residential use shall be used for a commercial activity nor shall. a combination of residential and commercial use be permitted in any structure. "Office uses including but not limited to the following shall be permitted. - (1) Accounting (2) Advertising Agency (3) Architectural (4) Automobile Club (5) Bank • (6) Bookkeeping (7) Consultant's Office (8) Employment Agency (9) Engineering (10) General Offices 11) Insurance 125 Investment Company on (any field) • • 13) Law 14) Market Research 15) Medical -Dental 16) Public Utility, 17) Real Estate 18) Savings and Loan (19) Stock Brokerage Title Insurance �20) 21) Travel Agency payment or business office Association Company "SECTION 18.38.030 OFFICE RELATED USES "In recognition of the needs and requirements of office center complexes, to include supporting servkce hain&0ebokhe following office related uses are permitted wihere in- tegrated within and clearly incidental to a primary use structure,. �1) Barber Shop 2) Beauty Shop 8) Drafting Service 4) Medical. and/or Dental Laboratory 5) Prescription Pharmacy 6) Restaurant and/or coffee shop. (No drive-in or walk-up restaurants). 7) Secretarial Service 8 Telephone Answering Service 9 Tobacco, Candy, newspaper and Magazine Counter "SECTION 18.88.040 CONDITIONAL USES ,"The following uses may be permitted) in this zone subject to a Conditional Use Permit and subject to the conditions and required showings of Chapter 18.64. The site develop- ment standards of Section 18088.050 shall apply. (1) The following uses may be permitted where inte- grated within a primary use structure A) Art Gallery B) Exhibition Mall. C) Restaurant with Cocktail 'Lounge D) School offering instruction in the fine arts (E) Specialty shops, either service or retail when provided on the ground floor of a primary use structure three or more :stories ,in height, where said uses are an integral part of and secondary to a primary use complex, (2) The following uses may be permitted either separately or where integrated within a primary use structure.* (A) Commercial parking lots or structures (B) Training center (excluding trade or busi- ness schools) "SECTION 18.88.050 SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. "The following site development standards are intended to provide for the continued orderly development of the City's business and professional office areas. These office -2 areas and their continued development in a qualit manner are found to be a resource ource essential to the communityTs economic health and vital to the preservation of a competitive,growth • potential. The following provisions are intended to preserve, enhance and encourage the fulfillment of this potential. "In order to assure adequate levels of light, air and density of development, to maintain and enhance the locally recognized values of community appearance, to promote functional compati- bility of uses and to promote the safe and efficient circulation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, all of which are found to be necessary for the preservation of the community health, safety and general welfare, the following site development standards shall apply-. (1), Minimum Site Standards and Conditions (A) The minimum site area shall be 20,000 square feet. (B) Sites less than 20,000 square feet may be de- veloped only where an Area Development Plan has been adopted by resolution of the Planning Com- mission and/or the City Council and where the proposed development complies with said Area Development Plan. Where such an area plan is approved, all other site development standards of this section shall apply. (C) All site developments shall comply with the following conditions. - 1.* The size and shape of the site proposed for the use shall be adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner consistent with the stated purpose and in- tent of this zone. 2. Adequate provision shall be made for the safe and orderly circulation of both pedes- trian and vehicular traffic between the proposed site and all streets and highways and between coordinated facilities, access - ways, or parking areas on adjacent sites. 3® The proposed development shall not limit or adversely affect the growth and development potential of adjoining lands or the general area in which it is proposed to be located. (2) Yards and Setbacks (A) An open ground floor building setback area shall be provided for the full width of property abut- ting any arterial highway® Said setback area shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet in depth measured from the planned highway right of way line as designated on the circulation element of • the General Plan "Highway Rights of Way." (B) An open building setback area shall be provided for the -full width of property abutting any local street. Said setback area shall be a minimum of five (5) feet in depth measured from the planned right of way line as designed on Plan 1000 "Standard Details for Street Improvements. -3- • (C) Setback areas may be used as part of an automobile parking area; provided, however, that a three (3) foot planting strip shall be maintained adjacent to any right of way line. (D) There shall be provided an open setback area along all site boundary lines not abutting streets or highways as follows - 1. A minimum of ten (10) feet, provided however, that for any building over 3 stories in height the setback area shall be increased in width 2 feet for each story 'by which the building exceeds 3 stories in height. 2. Where property abuts an alley, one-half the width of said alley may be applied in measur- ing the setback. 3. To further encourage a varied and interesting arrangement of buildings and to provide for a more flexible and desirable relationship be- tween buildings, the yard provisions of (D) above may be reduced according to the angle of the building with the side lot: line as follows-. ANGLE OF BUILDING WITH INFERIOR LOT LICE O-15' 16-25' 2635° 36x45' No re- ft. per 3/4 ft. per 1 ft. per duction story over story over story over three (3) three (3) three (3) stories stories stories (E) Landscaping-. Except where otherwise provided, said setback areas shall be landscaped with lawn, trees, shrubs, or other plant materials and shall be permanently maintained in a neat and 6rderly manner as a condition to use. Fountains, ponds, sculpture, planters, walkways, flag poles for dis- play of national, state or company ensigns only, light standards, and decorative screen type walls, 30 inches or less 'in height, where -an integral part of a landscaping scheme comprised primarily of plant materials are permitted. Entrance and exit drives and walks may be provided into park- ing areas. Said drives shall not exceed thirty (30) feet in width for each curb opening. In addition, a minimum of 2 percent of all parking areas shall be landscaped. Required landscaping shall be subject to the approval of the Develop- ment Review Committee. (3) Building and Structural Height Limitations. The height of any building or structure within 1,50 feet of any single family residential zone boundary M shall not exceed one-half the distance from said build- ing or structure to the zone boundary, Streets or alleys may be included in calculating distance. (4) Off -Street Parking. (A) The following minimum off-street parking -spaces shall be provided 1. Professional, and general business offices - 4 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area or fraction, thereof' 2. Corporate or headquarters offices riot provid- ing direct service to the general public - 3 spaces per 1.000 square fest of gross floor area or fraction thereof. 3. Medical and dental, offices - 6 :,spaces per, 1000 square feet of gross floor area or frac- tion thereof. 4. For other uses as provided in this Chapter, parking shall, be provided in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.04, 5. Where a combination of uses are proposed the parking requirements shall, be the sum of the requirements of the 'individual types of uses. (B) Where parking -is provl' d,,E-!.d on tither than the site of the use served, said site shall be within 750 feet of the use to be served, and either under the same ownership as the use intended to be served, under joint ownership, or under lease agreement approved by the City Attorney. A recorded docu- ment stipulating the reservation of the property for said property for 6aid parking purposes shall be filed with the Buildirig and Planning Depart- ments prior to the issuance of a building permit. (C) In recognition of the murnicipal parking lot pro- gram, Center City area parking, when approved by the City Council, may be provided in the form of an in -lieu payment to the Municipal Parking Fund or to a Parking District, in an amount per space as specified by the City Council. (D) All off-street parking shall, be designed and im- proved in accordance with the requirements of the "Minimum Dimensions for Designing Off -Street Parking Layouts" on file in the City Planning Department. (5) Access. Public alleys shall be required on all parcels in this • zone in accordance with Section 17.08.070 of the Ana- heim Municipal Code and improved in conformance with City standards as set forth in Plan 1000 "Standard Details for Street Improvements" on file in the office of the City Engineer. The alley requirement may be waived where the proposed development site is surrounded by public streets or where the Planning Gonurzission has -5- recommended, and the City Council has adopted, an Area Development Plan as provided for in Section 18.38.050 (1). • (6) Walls. Where the Commercial Office Zone abuts upon any resi- dential zone, there shall be provided a solid masonry wall not less than 6 feet in height on the zone boundary line except that said walls shall be reduced to 30 inches in height within a setback area adjacent to a street or highway. Said wall shall be measured from the highest finished grade level of the subject property or adjacent properties, whichever is the highest. Where a development is contiguous to an existing alley which serves as access to residential properties the wall requirement may be modified or waived by the Development Review Committee or the City Council. (7) Signs. This section of the Commercial -Office Zone is in- tended to provide for the identification of office centers and their individual tenants. The absence of walk-in trade as a major element in the conduct of this type of business is recognized by limiting said signs to the identification, of the center and its tenants only. Flags, flashing or unusual lights, sound or mechanical, devices are specifically prohibited. (A) The aggregate area of all signs, intended to be viewed from off-site locations, on any one build- ing face shall not exceed 15% of the area of that building face. In measuring the area of the building face that portion of any exterior wall which extends above the roof line shall not be included. (B) All signs intended to be viewed from off-site locations shall be limited to the identification of the center,, its tenants, and their types of business only. (C) All signs shall be attached to a 'building face and shall not project more than four (4) feet therefrom. (D) No single sign shall exceed two hundred and fifty (250) square feet in area except as provided in (E) below. (E) Roof signs, free standing signs, or any sign in excess of two hundred and fifty (250) square feet shall be in keeping with the nature and scale of • the proposed development and shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Council. (8) Standard Refuse Storage Areas. Refuse storage areas shall conform to the standards as shown on the document "Minimum Acceptable Trash Collec- tion Areas" on file in the office of the Director of Public Works. (9) Development Review. In order to promote the continued quality develop- • ment characteristic of Anaheim's office areas to safeguard and enhance both potential and established community values through the encouragement of com- patible developments, both structurally and archi- tectarally, all development plans shal, be subject to review and approval by the Development Review Committee of the Building and Planning Departments. Appeals from the action of the Conrzittee shall be to the City Council in written form, stating the reasons for said appeal. (10) Street Dedication and Improvements Required. Anticipating that changes will occur in the local neighborhoods and the City generally due to the in- crease in vehicular traffic, increase in pedestrian traffic, increased noise and other activities associated with the City s development and growth, the following dedications and improvements are deemed to be necessary to prevent congestion and the other hazards that are related to the intensified use of the land and to be necessary for the preservation of, the public health, safsty and general welfare. These requirements shall be inet or complied with before any building shall be 'finally approved and accepted for use and occupancy. (A) All, required streets and alleys, both local and highways, which abut the subject property, shall be dedicated to the full. width designated on Plan 1000, and the circulation element of the General Plan - "Highway Rights of Way" as adopted and amended from time to time. (B) All street, highway, and alley improvements shall have already been installed and in good repair or street improvement plans shall be prepared to City of Anaheim standards and said improvements constructed. A Faithful Performance Bond in a form approved by the City Attorney and in an amount to be determined by the City Engineer may be posted to assure the construction of the streets which may include but not necessarily be limited to excavation, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, pavement, drainage facilities or any other engineering requirement. (C) Street lighting facilities shall be installed in accordance with the official street lighting stan- dards on file in the Department of Public Utili- ties, or street lighting fees in the amount per front foot specified by the City Council for any abutting street or highway, shall be deposited with the City of Anaheim for the installation of • said street lighting. (D) Tree wells shall be installed in accordance with the official parkway development standards on file in the Department of Public Works, and street tree fees in the amount per, front foot specified by the City Council for any abutting street or -7- highway, shall be deposited with the City of Anaheim for the planting of said trees. (E) Public utility easements necessary to serve the is subject property and/or area in which the sub- ject property is situated shall be dedicated to the City of Anaheim in accordance with the re- quirements of the Director of Public Utilities. 0 (F) The Building Inspector shall not grant final release of occupancy to any structure constructed upon any property covered by this ordinance until the City Engineer has certified to the compliance of the conditions set forth in (A) and (B) above, the Director of Public Utilities has certified to the compliance of the conditions set forth in (C) and (E) above, and the Director of Public Works has certified to the compliance of the con- ditions set forth in (D) above." SECTION Z. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this or- dinance and shall cause the same to be printed once within fifteen (15) days after its adoption, in the Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in said City, and thirty (30) days from and after its final passage it shall take effect and 'be in full force. THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE is approved and signed by me this 6th day of ATTEST-. X_ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM am STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM � •I. DEME M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City -of Anaheim, held on the 30th day of July, 1963, and that the same was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 6th day of August, 1963, by the following vote of the members thereof-. AYES,. COUNCILMEN,. Chandler, Kreim, Schutte and. Coons. NOES,. COUNCILMEN,. None. ABSENT,. COUNCILMEN,. Dutton.. AND I FURTHER. CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said ordinance on the 6th day of August, 1963. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 6th day of August, 1963. (SEAL) 1 C 1 CLERK OF THE CITE' OF 1, DENE M. WILLIAMS, CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE NO. WAS ?U3LISHED ONCE IN THE ANAHEIr.1 BULLETIN ON THE R Ma