29 (20) Public Comment From:Charles Debbas <charles@debbasarchitecture.com> Sent:Tuesday, November 24, 2020 12:04 PM To:Public Comment Subject:Support for Covenant House at 632 N. East St. Attachments:CH Council.jpg To the distinguished and esteemed members of the Council I would like to offer my humble words of admiration for the Covenant House and the work they do. I have been privileged and blessed to work with the organization for a few years now. In helping them brighten the lives of so many my life was enlightened in ways I never thought possible. The youth they serve and care for so selflessly, are our kids, our sons, our daughters, our future. The dignity, love and care they provide is essential, now more than ever in bringing them all back into our embrace. I urge you all to visit and meet some of them. You will find as I have, a longing for love, for acceptance and for relevance. I hope that you will allow Covenant House to bring pride to the county. Pride in helping these youths, in making a difference in their lives, theirs and our future and pride in knowing that we can all leave our apprehensions behind and embrace the precious humanity that binds us all. Thank you Bill, Steve and the entire Covenant House family for allowing me to be a humble part of it. Thank you Charles Debbas Architect *Please see attached formal letter Principal DEBBAS ARCHITECTURE 2550 9th Street Suite 210B Berkeley CA 94710 510-5491497 Cell. www.debbasarchitecture.com Lecturer STANFORD UNIVERSITY Architectural Design Program Civil & Environmental Engineering Y2E2 Environment & Energy Building 473 Via Ortega, Room 265 Stanford, Ca. 94305-4020 Phone 650.725.7488 debbas@stanford.edu 1