847 N. Zeyn ,.~ '" '-' . . . <c~~<'-f;:I~,?> CITY(J;fitt'~N~H ElM \J~~~i~~~i>: . ., BUILDING DiVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD, (714) 765. 5153, INSPECTION REQUE;ST LINE: (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE:, 434 , QUARTER SEOCTION: '11 BUILDING PERMITNO. BLD2004-03026 '~ , TYPE OF PERMIT Residential Addition DATE: 11/19/2004" JOB ADDRESS: 847 N ZEYN ST , LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 169 LOT 9 I :;., i ! APPLICANT: GUUERMO PERALTA j OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORM'j\TlON: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: , Ruben Garcia H. M FARO 847 N Zeyn St ' I 2246 S. STANDARD AVE. Anaheim, CA 92805 '. , .1., SANTA ANA, CA .92707 JOB DESCRIPTION;Adding garage with laundry, and master becrr.om and b<.::r.. Frame new rc,~f over ex!sting house. , r' , VALUATION: ,45,900,00i PROCESSED BY: FAN I ClWNER-BUILDE~DECLARATION .:1 hereby affirm L!nc;ler pen(3lty of perjury that I am exempt from the C(}ntraciy~'s License Law fer the fol16wing reason (Sec.07031.5 Business t::nd Professions Code::any city or county which requires a 'permit to construct, 4l!Jer, improve, ~emolisi1 ()r repair any structure, prior,to its issua:nce,::itso requiies th,e 13ppli,cant for su'ch permit to file a signed state!J1ent that he is iic#nsc;d ,pursuant ,t(,l'theprovisions of the C~ntrgdor's License Law (Chapter 9}(commencing with Section 7000 of DiVision 3 of the Business and Profe~s~')ns Code) or that he is eX,empt therefrom and the bC3sis for the alleged exeruption.. Any.vioJatfcn of Section'7031.5 by any-applicant 'fer a permit sut'1ects the applb::mt to Cl dvll penaltypf not mere then five hundred dollars t:$ 0).' , ,I' . ., , 'I' ,1, as owner_ofp~opertYI or my em~lo. yees with wages as thei,,-so:e c(J!I':~.~n~~tionl will do the work, and th~ structure ~ nc, t,i.ntend~d or offe~ec~.for . ala(Sec~ 7044 Busrness and ProfeSSions Code: The Contractor's Llce:nSE:~aw does not apply to an owner of property wno bUilds or Improves thereon, a!1d who'does such work himself or herself or through his or her I)'.~,h empioyees, provided that such improvements are not intended or : o,ffere~i for sale: If', hcwev~r, the bUil,d,ing 'or improvement is sold with one y~r: ofcompietior.; the .6wner-builder w.ill have the burden Qf proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale).' , .~'.' . '. . '.',.,,;' O. I, as the c:wner Of,th.~. p:operty, a~ exdusively contracting wit.h'lid;msedl::ontra~ors t~~ons. truct the prOjā‚¬:ct (~3eci.-7044 Busines,sand Pr~f~ssio~s 'Code: The Contractors Lrcense LaN dbes not apply to an owner of propert~, who budds or Improve$ th,ereon, ancwlJo.oo~tracts for such projects with EJon~radOr(S) licensed pursuant to the Contractor'S,~i~~se Law). . .~: . " ... ' ' I m ~xempt under Sec.. _ _ a & p.C..fq;..ttJls raason: ~~' Dr:ite I -,,_ Owner: '~~~ -;;~--:--'-~ c: . WORKER'S CO PENSATION DECLARATION~, J I he~eby affirm;onder pelldlty of perjury one of the follcv.,Iing decfaratiens: 'I' , P I have ar..,d w!ll maintain a certificate of consent.to ~e~-insur,;; for'WOrkGI-lcoinpensdior:, I as provid~.for by Section <3700 of the Labor Cod~, fqrthe performance of F",;; wor\< fc,r.whiC'l1 this permit is issued. " :A I o " have :3l1d will maintain wark.er'~ compensation 'in. surance,a:s required ~tSection 3700 or' 11;19/2004 the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for ....ttJich this permit is iSSi...''r;d. Myworker's Daie: Compensation insura'rice carrier and polic.y are: .. . ..~ ., I ~m" . . eo" ,,_C I. I """CO" ihi section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred c!oll3i's {~109. ~ :<ss. "TYPE I. certify.tha. tin !he pert:ormance ofthe work for whi~h t~is perm." ;t ,,' iSSU~p,.':.'.iSI,"i1 not . '. em !aY'any person In any manner so as tb become sub;ect to the workers cq.opensatron laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the'Worker's comp~I,1sation ' provisions of Section 3700 of the labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with t:;~;se provisions. Iconstiucion Types: Date: 11/19/2004 APPlicant'X.."'"T_ ~ 'r:;~V .' '~c~~ ~n(;YGroups: WARNING: FAILURE TOSECU;rE~KER'S COMPENSATION COVEr;~GE IS. R3, 81, , ~ UNLA\iVFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENAUTiES AND CIVIL Livino Area: FINES UPTO ONE HUNDREDTHOUSANb DOLLARS ($100,OOOl, iN ADqiTiON TO THE Garape Area 'COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SEC-"!ON)706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES.' '" 8 I .'. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY . . ':--== I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construdio" lending d\:,nCYfor!he. , performance ofthe work for whiq, this permit is issued (See. 3097 .Crt.C): ,I;'. . Le!1d~~~.~nfor~~~r~:__ __~____ ___' ___#_~______. ___._L-___ ,____________~----:-~--:...... -----'--__-------'-___,__ ---, L1CENS.!:D CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I I hereby affirm ~,"dar p~nalty of perjury that I"am lICensed under provislons of chapter 9 (comm6nc!flQ with Section 700Q)of DlV$1on,3 of i1le BusineSs and Profesf;.iol'!S Code, Contract6'r EX'PIRATION DATE 420 556 I certify that I have-react this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to romply with all:City ordinances and state laws relating to bui!drng constn,.;ctioll, and hereby authoriZe representives of thi~ _city to enter upon the above mentioned property for ~.ns . ecl:ion purpOses. . ~, ',' -,.., -," , -r- ~PyUi"~<r Date: 11/1912004 . " ,.. Signature of Applicant or Agent The permit shall expirE> by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is required to commence or continue work. Fees paid for Permit: Total: 1.512.96 ",*', 'INSPECTION RECORD FINAL INSPECTIONS Electrical Final ..J;late-" Inspector INSPECTOR INl\PECTlON . DATE . . Plumbing Final . Mechanical Final Gas Test . Engineering/Grading Final 76505126 Fire Dept. Final 765-4040 Water Engineering 765-5268 . Sub Ust/Business License 765-5 Z"ning 765-5139 Building 'Final fLast Inspection- Only __. > . Alter Above Complete) I . PARTIAL INSPECTIONS BUildina Inspections 3 - ~-~. :R,bt7F flAtfl,tH6 " Temporary Power Pole Plumbing (OlllinIWaste Pipe) Electrical Ground Electrode/lifer. ^ 0 r Setback/Formsrrrenches (Footings) I~, d'7 Do not ins.tall subfloor or pour floor sl.ab unt I the following applicable items have been signed: Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) Mechanical (GroundWork) . Electrical (Underground Conduit) Pre-sllib (Compactlon/Membrane.Rei nf. :' Underpinning (Roor Joist/Girders) . Do not cover or conceal the work below until the following applicable items have been signed: 1st .Floor Shear ". . Firesprinkler (Rough) .2nd Floor Sh,ar Roof (SheathinglDlaphragmlFrame) Masonry (ReinfJBond E!IlamlPre-Grout) Rough Plumbing (Top Out) . RoughM,chanical . Rough aectrlCaI all) Rough EI'ctrical' . Framing (Only after Plbg.. Elec.. Meth..' ana Fire) Insulation (SoundlEnergy) . Do not tape or plaster until the following applicable items have been Signed; '. . Drywall '. .6'b/dr no rl.l. . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical' . I Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical Penetrations (Fire Rated) PI!lmbing Interior Lath . . Exterior Lath . , 11/fA7 IA~ . . . . , ,'.1~ I Mechanical hlspections I . ~/ . _/1 ""',AltrlX .Y-/l'1/I GENERAL ITEMS . . Extllrlor Plaster (Brown Coal) j(.Jor .vLSI.' ~ T .Bar Electrical , I T-Bar Mechanical T-Bar struc.tural. .. Sewer Water Engineering Backflow Water Service Plumbina Inspections Electrical Inspections . . '- S.v. Moreno Inspection Service 8214 California Ave. WhittierCA 90602 '0 562 882 8589 Re istered Ins ector's Dai! Type of Inspection: Project Location: Contractor 0:51 I I Specs: (Y) (N) Archftect Subcontractor Engineer Material Description: ~""'I t- .? -_...-'" ~~ Inspector: Inspection Summary: tVe:~--n\.S) H 1) =-;/-, (Slc,,'1 '17 Il eY\ 7C~D~iC"'J"'-) I i\.rt.-;>T~~((Gn e Z- ~r)c'-~<Jl'fo!S .~~ &-..?:-I n (If~ c-~ 1- L- At.!- If'f)C1f~ f..( !1rf',..J l' P-4't .?f=- ,?r:':..$Z.P-f i!:<'Z" , .,--" 'r,!"" . Type of Sample ,..... Slump . ...- Quantity'- .,Time.!n '," I, ,Time Out Reg. Hrs. O.T. Hrs. I . I .. I . '. , . ' - --. .-_.-. . -- 'A'" -,-,-_. . '-r;r'l~i;:~lrX...._m- --. All .I...~on based ~ a minimum Of,4 hours and over r:." I ~o hoursbnimu~. In addition, any inspection I Weather: Temperature: extending past noon hour 1M1I be an 8 hour minimum. , , ' II APprove~d A Certification of Compliance , r:' I, I J/ /," - C;;' /. ~ ' I do certifythal I have observed to the best of my knowledge all of the abblll>le~o~an~6i6di?d,thi ~k to compiyWth the approved pians, specifications and appiicable section of the governing building law.' Unless other1Mse noted In deficiency report. ! 5t ICC Certification Number 0868219-49 Ag'8~(C~Z-{q _L/~ I Cc..-