1976/06/23 7f.448 ~anarement Control Center, 114 South Claudina Street, Anaheim, California C()lE~CIL HPTUTES - June 23, 197f1, '3:no P.~f. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session for the purpose of conducting a work session with the Anaheim Public Library Board. PPf.SPIT: Kaywood, Seymour (arrived 3:1S P.M.), Kott, Roth and Thom COU!ìCIL 1'1Et-!BERS: None LIBrARY BnARD: Schultz, Dahl, Callen, Stanton, ASSISTANT CITY ~-!ANAGER: Hilliam n. Talley DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY: Frank A. Lowry, Jr. DEPUTY CITY CL~P~: Linda D. Roberts BUDCET NìALYST: Ron Rothschild LIBRÞ.RY DIRECTnR: Hilliam Griffith FI~ANCE DIRECTOR: '1ichael ~1oore ASSIST^~T LBRARY DIRECTOR: ~1ary Lou Rowe PRINCIPAL LIBRARIAN: Colleen Boshell and David cmmCIL HE}fBERS: l\ RS f.'1T : I'RESE:-n : Mayor Thorn called the meeting to order at 3:nO P.N. GfJ1RGE HASHINGTON COMffiJNITY CENTER LIBRARY: Urs. Schultz advised that the pri- mary reason the Library Board called for this joint meeting was to discuss pro- posed budget cuts. She introduced Mr. Amin David to discuss the George Hashington Community Center Library. Mr. David stated that he had been charged with the responsibility of reviewing this program and that an attempt "Tas made to evaluate the situation through a questionnaire promulgated in the immediate vicinity of the Communty Center Library. Addressinf, the comments presented in the Arthur Young and Company Audit Report that the f',eorge Hashington Community Center Library, as a traditional library service, is not cost effective, Mr. David stated that it is apparent this facility is providing a useful social service. In reviewinr the history of the program, a social outreach into the minority community, "1r. David felt that a cost effective relationship is difficult to apply in this situation. He related that toere is much apprehension in that particular serment of the community and this would be a particularly unfortunate time to discontinue the library service. He reported that the Library Board has considered his comments and supports the recommendation that the City Council be asked to continue for at least one year the allocation to the George 1Jashington Community Center Library in the amount of ~ 17 ,486, which was deleted from the proposed 1976-77 Budget. It was pointed out in discussion that the Library Center is a cooperative venture between the City and the Anaheim Elementary School District, the District providin? the physical space, furniture, telephone, utilities and cus- todial services; that toe facility is used primarily by the Mexican-American co~unity in the vicinity for childcare during English as a second language class and family film nights; and that it circulates between QOO and 1,000 books per TIonth. Ms. Boshell reported that circulation statistics have increased minimally at the library, but with the present circulation system it is not possible to determine whether or not the goal of transitioning these people into the main Library is being accomplished. Councilrmn Seymour stated that he empathized with the Board's position and also wished to maintain the soci~l benefits derived from this library program, but stated that he feared continuation of it in its present status would lead to its ultimate destruction because its detractors would be able to point out that it is not a cost effective library service and, therefore, how mirht its continuation be justified. He suggested that perhaps the solution would be to provide a better social outreach program for that community. 'fro Talley commented that one of the factors taken into consideration in the deletion of the George Pashington Community Center Library appropriation from the budget was the fact that many of the services described as available at the Center are already bein8 met by professionals located four blocks away at the City's Social Services Center. He commented that the statistics they received ",ould indicate that the library function at the George Hashin8ton ~enter is servicing some sixty to seventy families at the cost of ~17,nOn per 1í ,.~...,..~~._~.-.,.~.,~. ._-- 7 f. ¡. L C '1anagencnt Control Center, 11 I, South (laud tna Street, Anaheim, Californill COUNCIL HrJUTES - June 23, 197f1, 3:00 P.H. ~~ar. If the remainder of library services were to cost the City in that sane ili1Foitude it "Tould amount to <;¡R,()OO,OOO a year for libraries. In addition, he noted it has been reconmenderl this year that the Parks and R.ecreation Depart- r:1pnt, topether with the Redevelopment fgency, locatp a downtown facility which 1.-TOuld be a more appropriate center for social services. !Ie pointed out it is difficult for the City to staff such peripheral activities when the City is openinR two new branch libraries and has included appropriations for recreation centers in the bud~et. Mr. Dahl stated that he is the lone dissenter on the Hoard; that he agrees with the Assistant City Manager; and that as a library, this facility is an inefficient unit and cannot be justified as such. To provide the specialized library services needed in the community served by Ceorge Hashinp,ton, he sug- gesteò that the City enhance the Spanish lanpuage contributions to the collec- tion at the Hain Library and provide a Center framework there which emphasizes the importance of ethnic p;roups. Jv1rs. Stanton and ~fr. Callen stressed that it is the timing which is pre- carious in the removal of these services. ~frs. Stanton felt particularly, because of the questions raised in the minds of the people relative to rede- velopment, that the City should try to retain these services for them. At the conclusion of discussion, Councilman SeYITlOUr sugp,ested that the Council consider includinp: a budgetary appropriation which would provide for six months' operation at the Georf!e Hashington Community Center Library, with the understanding that during this period the Library Board would investigate Hhere these types services should be housed and what it might be expected to accomplish, which is meaninrful to the community. ')n motion by Counc ilnan Seynlour, seconded by Councilwoman r:aywood, the Citv Council approved a budget of approximately ~8,RnO for the continuation of library services at the Cieorfe Hashington Community Center Library for six n,'nths, with revie~.J of the prorram hy the Council in January, 1Q77. '.fOTIOH CARPP~:), It was the understanding of the Library Board that they would present a recoT'IDlcnnation to the Council prior to January 1, 1977, ,nth a report on what direction the George Pashington Community Center Library would take. REDUCTI();! Pi ALLOCATION FOR ß(ì()::S, HAGAZ INES AND PERIODICALS: Nrs. Schultz pointed out that they had originally requested an allocation for books, ma¡~azines and periodicals in the 197f1-77 Budßet of ~2f1n, noo predicated upon the fact that the City was opening two new branch libraries. She noted that this anollnt '.Jas reduced by S20,nOO, to ~240,OOO, and stressed that the Library Board feels the books, mapazines and periodicals are of high priority because of the size of the collections in the two new branch libraries. :1r. Talley recalled that durin~ the 1975-76 Fiscal Year, the Council enhanced the book budget by 542,500, and that set a new historical high amount of money spent for books, magazines and periodicals during any given fiscal year. In determining the appropriation for the coming fiscal year, last year's total figure, including the extra appropriation granted by Council, was ll1creased by the consumer price index percentage to compensate for inflation. This led to the recommendation that $240,000 be designated for this purpose, ,,¡h teh is a 20~~ increase over the amount spent during the last fiscal year. Based upon these fip,ures and the fact that the Library is not going to increase its book processing staff, he did not feel the recommendation of a $260,onO budget for books, magazines and periodicals would be logical. In response to Councilman Seymour's comment that it appeared at the last joint Meeting the Library Board was satisfied with the increased allocation granted for library materials, Hr. Callen pointed out that the amount requested at that time was limited due to the ability of the existing staff to process the books prior to opening dates of the branch libraries. Councilman Se~our stated that the Council has clearly demonstrated its concern for library services with the increased allocation last year, but called attention to the fact that the City Council does not have an open check- book. He indicated that if the revenue projections in the budget prove to be IT ~,~~~~~~.",..-. -"'"'~., 7F,- 45() ~anB~ement Control Center, 114 South Claudina ~treet, Anaheim, California rOlNCIL 'mn:TES - June 73, ]Q7(¡, 1:()0 P.~f. low ~n~ the City receives more revenue than estimated durin~ the first six months, then perhaps the Council mi~ht consider a request for an additional appropriation in January. ~!ayor Thorn indicated his ap:reeMent with Councilman Seymour in regard to this natter, noting that the Council does have to draw the line somewhere. He stated that he would be willing to consider an increased book bud~et request as a priority for mid-year revie~v in January. CETJ'. FU'JDP¡G FOR PART-TUm I'ERSO~m[L AT 1ITf,T,J ßRNTCHES: Hayor Thorn introduced this suhj ect for discussion, and '1r. T;:tlley pointed out that thf'se fi¡>ures do not reflect any reductions, and that the Library nepartment will be ~70rkinr: durinr, the corling year on a circulation syste1'" Mechanis1'1 to provine for netter schedulinr of personnpl in the libraries. ."'lso discussen ~ras the provision of I1hrary services on Sundays, anc1 ~'r. f',riffith ind icated thRt trerp is no recent cost analysis. ~()11ncill'1an SeY1"our su~i'ested that the J ibrary investip:ate the ~'Jork scr~eòuling prop-ram recently instituted in the Parks, Recreation and the !\rts j)epartMent ~vhich enableJ then to t.e open six days per ~'7eek, ten nours per (1ay, with existin? personnel, for possible adaptation to the libraries. ')Tì'IT' ITI:~!S DIGCeSSED: 1. 'frs. C;chultz requesten assurance froT" the ~ouncil that the intermediate sedan would he provided for lihrary use fro~ t~e City car pool, in lieu of the station Hagon >.mich ~.]as rleleted from the library hud~et. She noted that with- out this vehicle the library '.voule1 not l)e able to imp] enent the .^rthur Young anJ CoMpany recommendation. 7. ~'rs. Schultz called attention to the fact that the 1Q75-7h Library Buñpet contained t,25,0()() for architectural services to perform a space analysis of the Central Library, recommended by Arthur Young and Company, ~.mich has not yet coT"Jmenced. She requested Council's perMission to encumber this aMount for this purpose and carry it forward to the 197(,-77 Budget. By general consent, the City Counc il indicated ap;reement to carry this aMount fonvard. ). It was reported by Mr. Griffith that, although the Sunkist Branch Library is open, there is no lighting in the parking lot. Initially, it was planned that Parks, Recreation and the Arts Department woulò have coMpleted the parl~ and parking lot prior to openinp, of the library, but, inasmuch as the situation is reversed, he felt that it is important to install liRhting as soon as possible. !j. \1r. Talley advised ~ouncil ~fembers of t"ro supplementary requests received from outside agencies and indicated these would be brought before the Council during budget deliberations on June 79, 1976. 5. Councilman Kott introduced brief discussion relative to a problem in the Collections Division of the Utilities Department pertaining to collection of a commercial account, and '1r. Talley gave verbal report on the manner in which the matter was handled. AD,rnUR~IME!'TT: Councilman Roth moved to adjourn. motion. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Thorn seconded the Adjourned: 4:20 P.M. ALONA H. HOUGARD. CITY CLERK By: ~Á;. xft~, Deputy 11