64-482Park & Rec. Acctg. Off. ~, ~]~_~ OF zrIE ~.T~. bOUNCIL OF THE CITY .... ~T..-u)J.,_on.,_NG A SCHEDULE OF FEES TO CRA ~Gi',D FOit THE 12., PJU~Pii STADIUM z~ OTHER FACiliTIES AND 2d'~ND!NG ~iESOLUTION e o u, ,.- :'~,pF:,~c :.J. 'the City of Anahe:im .H~ ...... z.,.~, the Ci[:y i]ounc~ of did adopt ;ts .)c!:lcv 'for '~e ~ o ~ ,- -. fee schedule :ut:: ~.e use ~.t_..eo.:. 'by solution No. c4o~: and ~,.:'iq'F ~P2 S ,..~,,..~., invest-:_ .:/:~':-:_ !_on has 'been mad. e by the Park ~:ncl .!ecreation D,_p~,.z en~ connect ;.on wi~h ~he charges for one use of ]'.,a ~:a;.m~ ot~d!_~mt and :'_n connection ~,L,_~h the expense of the u~"-~-T~.on o_ncr :),::,~ facil:r.t!es by different or- '~'~:[z,~t:/.C,~S, alld S~CJ Par'::t an~ !Lea.,.e~,. .... t. on Department. has zezommende( zhe ,~dr,~ion ~f a zevised schedule fo~ the use off ..... ,_ ..... 8;:ad:,.uz0 ant 'has :':eco~'~ende5 a schedule of charges for ~he use of other .'~ac'Li~i::'.es' rand Lite .?rcv:!s.lon cf oar'. ond ::ecreat:!on racJ__.,.ies a suitable ~nd essen~:;al f'.J. ngtf.c~.t o17 ~he ' .... ...... / and ii~HE~.,'\S~ ~:i. ta abe :orov;.sion of such facilities the C::ty has an ob] ::. ja h '_on tc, m~ke certain these facilities are for the re~reat(ona~ .zse c.f ,hi! the people and must be ore- served and acJmT_n:.s;:eTed in suuN ? way ~s i:o satisfy this :: e c u i r eme n ~.:. ,, .,._,z, uLi7:.D by the City ?'TOV, J. H~,. ,;= ...... ~-,, .... cf the._ "~" '~ '"-'- :- 3' cf ,irtahe'~.~._ as fo!].o~s: Theft :he s:::hedu]e :70:c '.:he fees to be charged for ......... ~. u~.eso.LuO:Lon No 6455 ~..m.~.oec /:o con::o~x:~ w?.i:h Olio fc~}_!ow:}'.n,j ~Aeneral principles ' ~-'~' . .... edule: set 'for;ch :_n ..... , ,.,.,_~_ e,.~,_e:: ~icn izhe municipal · p J.t/n::e and , ...... e ,-~-,-,,,'d ,>a..e svai]_ab!e for the :ene:c~] ::e.?::eat';.on~s! use of the people of .}[naheiP, ~i:h-rr,!n.tm. um char:~es for said use, 'Fha[: ]eases, .d:~nts of !and, or any !e[~;al al;reer.'~en'z ?b,!ch ;'tot'.Id tend. to il;rant the Leaseho].der ,? de2ree of autonomy and weaken ......:-'-~,._ (.! --eta :es ~n~ uo:t. lJ.~y of uae'~' City :;ove. rn- m. en~: ;1o Lhe oeo:)!e as a whole should not ~e 'oerm:/[:ted; aha;: exclusive and/or pe~anent use of buitdLn3s and areas by l.~m~ued interest :.,roups be o :oh:Vz :ii: ed ~ * ;-, I. '' APPLICATION OF GENEi%iL PRINCIPLES _L~:c~ ._c and 2.e:....e.i:f. on .uac.;.l.Laies are -'~ be :~..~o }r;_mar:,~ty ~ ' ';:he oeople o.: Anaheim: -i- (I) informally, (2) throu:~;h the activity pro- :5~:am of the department, and (3) in conjunc- t ion wi'ch the joint schools and. City recrea- zno_'~_ ~ne ~.ac.~.!..ties when not in use for the o.vo-~,rams sponsored by 'the Department of Park and [tec::eat:.on ane/or in joint a~'~reements, should be ~va-:~able to other Anaheim groups for recreation. That, :.n f~ene~:a!, the recreation events which ere for ?ublic recreation use, open to ail, end ~,~f ..... ~hout i~a~ent of an admission zee = and s~_, sponsoreS, or~]anlzed and. conducted, as to be consistent with the aims of the ~epartment, should 'be el.lowed use of the facility. Thar~ charges should be made for the use of f~:ci]..i;:ies by other groups v.fnere certain or unususi main~:enence and operation costs above the normal main~:en~nce of these facilities That -' ..... certa:_n acc:..v:,.c;*_es which have no immediate relation to the ;;eneral purposes of 'the public wecree, tlon Oro;~ram should be discouraged from the use of ~.;.e re,_.,eac.t, on facilities. ~'.~en use :is ]z:anized, such use should, have low p:c!o:;i;zy, be char~sed a fee comparable to comme:::::lal rates, have temporary use only, and should not compete without or detract from the community recreation program. · Gracious!FICa, ziON OF USES AND BASIS FOi~ CPh!IRGES ~C~h~a~ Group A Park and. i~zecreaCion Dept. prozrams None Park and iiecreation Dept. co-sponsored pro;l!;zams Group_B_ liecreation, education or wel- fare ori.~an!zaizions ~,fnere no char..;es are made to those who attend.. Examples: ~oy Scouts, Campfire, tarded Children, Little Lee[~ue, Pcp Uarner, /~m~erican Le~ion Jr. Baseball: etc. ~enever a facility is used requirinS Park and Recrea- tion personnel to be oresent when they are not normally scheduled, there is an hourly charge. Other costs are charged if appropriate, such as provision of PA system, flood lights, kitchen, c!eanu__qR, special preparation,. . _ special~ e_qU~_p- ment, return of facilities to proper condition. -2- P, ecreat~i~on, education or wel- fare or~i~anizations sponso~ing~ prog~rams which are open to the public. Examples: Garden Clubs, Doll Shows, Square Dance Clubs, etc. if there are fees or collections, they are limi~ ed t o minimum essential expenses. Pro..~rams where paid leadership involves monetary '~ain to the individual. o Ori~anizations usinS Par[i and iiecreation facilities to raise money for recreation, education or we_zare grams. Example.: Kiwanis l%odeo Organizations: City-co- sponsored City-wide events. Examples: Halloween, Hi Neighbor Day, etc. Organizations using the facilities for their own members (no money raised over amount necessary to put on the activity). E__xamp les: i%oc ~.~ounds, Service Clubs, fraternal organizations, etc. Group C Organizations using the facil- ity to raise money for non- public recreation, education or welfare purposes. Examples: organization's bUilding fund; benefit to its members only; opera- tional funds of the organ- ization. Group D Nonresident groups which fall. into Groups B or C. Same as Group B, No. 1 An additional fee may be charged. a=.me as Group B, No ! Charges at the discretion of the City Council Same as Group B, No. 1 Pay same as Group B, No. 1 plus 15% of gross monies derived from the use. Pay double the fee in whichever group they fall, plus 15% of the gross monies derived, from all sources -through the use, if fund raising. if said use is determined by the City Manager and -3- the Director of Park and Recreation to be bene- ficial to the City of Anaheim, good for busi- ness, etc., the resident rate may be used for the .~roup in which it falls. Group E I. Commercial uses. Pay a flat rental rate based on comparable com- mercial rates. If said use is determined by the City Manager and the Director of Park and Recreation to be bene- ficial to the City of Anaheim, good for busi- ness, etc. the rate may be adjusted. BE IT FUi~THEi% i~SOLVED that the specific cost figures appropriate in the schedule of fees to be charged shall be deteznnined by the Parl~ and i%ecreation Director with the ap- proval of the City ~Iansger and shall be fozm~arded to the City Council fo~3 their approval by minute motion, such schedule to be amended ~en necessa~3y to reflect changes in costs and each change to be approved by minute motion of the City Council. th i s THE FOrGOiNG ~SOLUTION is approved and s i.~ed by me 7th day of July_ _, 1964. ltAYOR OF THE CITY OF AI~AHEIM ATTEST: CITY CLEP~ OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM $YATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 64R-482 was introduced and adopted at a regular meetin9 provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 7th day of July, 1964, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pebley, Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 64R-482 on the 7th day of July, 1964. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 7th day of July, 1964. CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (S AL)