3340 E. La Palma Ave. (4) ___IC_" "f .~-.....;. BUILDING. DIVISION , 200S. ,;~i\HEIMBLVD (714)1'65-5'53, , ' INSPECTION REQUEST LINE' (714) 765 - 462& CENSUS CODE'4~7 QUARTER SECTION: ,145 BUILDING PERMIT NO. BLD?002-01331 . TYPE OF PERMIT, Storage Racks . ,:<,~-.~~i~~;i;h;~~;~." , . .' ' .!;:~~:~,,,l"im"\:~rI'~~~, '~'H" E'I'M' ;- j ~~-;;Iit.I. ,,], ' IV '. ~:: :.. ' ,i , y",jf'i ' ,', -;i~~'-~"Il' .~~ , ""/,,,:1/{),/" - '-'~~~~e.}~~~~::-,:1:-J/ , ' ' ,I ORANGE GROVE ACRES LOT 9 POR OF LefT i CITY , " DATE: 11i1212002 JOB ADDRESS: 3340 E LA PALMA ,AVE LEGAL'DESCRIPTION: : APPLICANT: TONY :LANDEROS owNER INFORMATION:,CONTRACTOR INFORMt:110N: Kilroy Realty Filiance Partnership L s6 CAL MATERIAL I'W'l')CiNG EQUIP 3340 E La Palma,Ave ' 500 WALNUT AVE Anaheim, CA 92606. ANAHEIM, 926020000 CA.', JOB DESCRIPTIONlhStall warehouse storage racks VALUATiON: 30,000,00 PROCESSED BY: MJL I ',,' , ,--'- ' .' OWNER.BUILi)EPi.m~~U~.RATION', ,,', ',' , ' I ne~obyafnr!ll dnO&r pen~lt'iof perjurythet I am exe'nptfroiY'! the'Contracto(~_ License Law for the following .reason (SeG:J031.5 Business-'::lnd Professions Code: any dtyOI c.ounty which f~qUlres a permit to con::;trl,lcI. alf;:i: impr.ove, de,lj,ulish or ,repair-any"stfucture, prior ~oits jssli~nce-,a!5o , requires the applicant forsuch permit t.o rite asignedstateme'lt thathe islii:;(r.lsed pursuant, to the provisions ofthe-Contra~or's Llcens(d..aw (Chapter, 9)lcomme(lcing w.ith Section 7000 of DivisioQ 3: of the 'Business an~ Pr0f€.ssi~~ns Code) or that r,e Isexernpt therefrom and thGbasis'for .the:alleged, axel1lption,; (my violation'ofSectlon 7931 5 u~ran'I'a?p\icant for a permit"su!.?;~cts the appH?ant to a civil p~nalty ~f not mor~ than five hundred d.oll~rs. ($500)" ,,' :',' ,,' ',' ' , ,;._:i,; , ',' , ", . ',' -. ," . 'D ,I, aso,<<ner ofproper:f.Y-, or my empl.oyees witt' 'wages -as their sol,e ccriJS:;~l1Sati.or.t;' will d.othe work, and the-st;:uctur~ is not int&nded nr offere.d fqr sale (Seq, 7044 Busji1e$sa:1dProfe~si.ons: Gode~ The. Contractor's License l;?w dees'flct applyto.an-own~r ofpn;>perty\.vho builds or:improves th~rp.on, and ,who ,d,oe8 such'work ,:iimseJf or herselfcr thr6ug.h his or-her 0'111" el1!ployee..~, provided that suchirnprt:ive:me:nts are not intcnde~ o~ ' offered:!.or sale.. If,h.owever, the buiiding or improvement is sol.d withone ye1~r of cXHr,pJE'!ion, the owner-buifder will ~a,<~ tf"le bljr'c.i~'n.of provlng',that he dldn.otbIHd'orimprovefo(thepurpose.ofsale).._ ':' . ',' ..., . ':,. ': ' '.-, . _ ..-' . D 'I, as the oyql')E!r'of th€!property, am exdl.Jsive:Jy c.onfmcting with licensedkj;;n lrQd.ors t~,con$tructtheproject (See.. 7044 Husirfes~ Zlfld ProfeS3io'ns Code: The Contractor'slice'nse Lawd.oes not apply to an .owner of proP'erty/,vho builds.or improves ~hereori, and wilo,contracts 'f.orsuch project3 with ~ontract6r($) fi~en$etl, pursuant to the Ci?ntractor:s -License La~).', j. \' , U ,I am exempt under Sec., ,', B & P.C.for this reason: ~J Date: ,. OWner: I I WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION ,'-L:__~J . I hEm;by,affirm LInder pen,:,lty of perjury one of the'following declarations:. _ I . o I.h?lve' and _wHi.maintain.a certificate of corsentto self-insure for worke,';, corllpefIS_:3ti.on, ~ ~.p G\,'id:,~'f,~r-b~'se :cti~n'-3~O,0 ,?f the Laoor C, .ode, S"ort'~,eperfQrm ,~nce Oftt~i? 'NO rkfor whiG!Y . ,thl, perm1trs Issued", . . _.... .' '. i .' ' J have and Wi,11 maintairi'.Vorker'~ compensat\on insurance, as,~q~!~d 0, Section 3700 of 11/12/2002' "th~.labor Code, for;~h~_performance of the work for wh,icj1 this permi~ is isst!~:l. Myworker's Date: Ccmpensation'insurance',canier .and poli~ are;" _'. .1 . Carrier:STAE FUND INS. co. ;. Policy Number., :1555230j.01 " " " " ' , ' ,I This:section need not be ~mpleted if ~e permit is.for,.C?ne: hundred doilars ($10q or 1005. .0 ., certify-th!=lt'in the' p~rforman.ce of the work for which this p~.ri:n~t iSiSSi.:~d, Lsh?!1 not employ any p€!rson in any manner $9 as.t.o-become subject t.o the work~I's:_c...,mper.sation lawe of.Califomia..and agree that jf i should become s.ubject to the'worl<erts"'-c?~j.1f.,,sation . . provisions of Secti.or. 3700 of the LaborC~de, !~forthwit~~roVisions. ' ffm~tr~cion Tvpes: Dat,e: ,11/12/2002 ,ApP!lcant: ' '" c'" ," ' __;' :," Fire Sprinklered? ' WARNING:.FAILURETO SECUREW RKER' MP SATION COV$r\GEIS, I ' UNU\WFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT EMPLOy'ER TO CRIM INAL PEl'''' TJfSANb CIVIL FINESUPTOONE HUNDRED lHOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000l,IN AJ)rHl0N TO THE COST OFCOMPENSATiON, DAMAGES AS P ROVI OED FOR IN SECT!CJi, ;3706 OF THE LABOR CODE,INTERESTAND ATTORNEY'S FEES. ,~," " ," I CONSTRUCTION LENDiNG AGENCY'" "~._ I hereby <;)ffirm under penalty of perjury thatihere is acqnstruction len~ing~~~r"~~cy for the I perforf(laoce.ofthew.orkfor;whlch this_p9rmit is issued (Sec_~997,GN.C):',:f ,_~'r~; ,:.....- . ---::..'::!.:"'~~ !:,~';:',:~:;I!!:r=: - _.____ ' .~,~".; ~"-----' ___~-..~~'_,__, ...:....--!. , ' , ARCHiTEC-r/ENGINEER INFORMATION: GARNIK ,OHANIAN 3766 LA CRESCENTA AVE, GLENDALE, CA, 91,208' NUMBER 741760 TYPE EXPIRA nm:DATE 10/31/.D03 024 YES I certify that.1 have read-this a pplicati.on and state thatthe above information is correct: I '-agreeto 'conipl_ywith all city ordina.r1ces ana state laws relating tobuifding'construction, and he~eby authorize rep '~ive$ of th:s'city to e r upon,the above mentioned property. for > .. inspecti6'~.-pur'pq , . , ,Fees 'paid for Permit,: Total:. 726.30 Date: 11/12/2002 .' . .. , fe a. Applkant or Ag,ent .. , ,The permit sha I expire by limitation and beeol1le null and void if the building or wor has' not P~~d final inspection 365 days from the dale of permit issuance. A new pentlit is required to commence orcontinue work., ' INSPECTION RECORD '. .DAte. :'. < .",speCTIO'" .~. . '. .. I"'SPECTO~' . TE!mpQrary Power Pole ..' .. '., .'. .. . . . Plumbing (DrainlWaStePipe) . '.' ... Eleelr!cal GrOun.d Electrode/Uter ..' . . .... SiltbacWFOrmslTrenche$ (Footings) . . . . Do not install subfloor.or pourfl6or slabunlilthe. .. .following qpp,licableit,ems,have'beer;rsig"fTeq: . . Plumbing (Water Plpe:Sprinkler'Valv'es) . ..... . Mechanical (Groundwork)" '. .. . EIe.elrical (Undelground Conduit) . '.' .' . . Pn!-slal;l (Compaction/MernbraJ)e.Reint . .... .' UnderpiJining'(Floor JoisllGirders) . .. .. . . . DonolC()ver or conCE!altheworkbelow until the . following applicable items have been. signed:' . 1st Floor She.ar:.. ." .' .... .' . 'R~spJinklei'. (RoUgh) .... '.' . . '. .' .. . 2nd'floor.Shear: . .. . . :. '.. ". Roof (Shilathing/DiaphragmlFrane) . .' . Masonry (ReinfJBondBe;mlPr...GJOut) . . .... .' RoughPluml)ing fTopOut) .' .... '., Rough Mechanical .' .' . Rough E1ectrlCaI.IOry Wall) . : Rough Electril:al ". '. '.:' . . . . . .Framing' . (Only after ~lbg.,'Erec,',_ Meth:, and Fire) '.: . . .. Insulation (SoundlEnergy) '" . .'. . . '. '. . I. PO riOt tape or pla~ter unti/the fol.lowing applicable '. '. I lterns have'been Signed: . .:.... ". .' ..... . .'. ,. DrjlWall. ,< '.:' .' I . :.' . . '. I. Pen~rations (Fire Rated) Electrical. ". '. '. . "'en~rations (Fire Rated) MeChanical .' .' . Pen~rations (Fire Rated) Plumbing . '. . . Interior.l..ath :., . .'. .' . :. '. Exterior Lath: . , . '. ....:. ". .:. GE"'ERAL ITEMS .. '. ..' ..... Exterior PiaSter (Br'own COal) '. . '.' T-BarEI"ctrical . . .... .' .... '. . .' , . T;BllrMechanical . . . . ., . T-BarStructural ..... .... '.' . . ..' .: . '.: . Sewer . .' .... . . . . . .' . . Water.EnQineerinQ Backflow ". . . ". '. '. '. . WaterSe..vice' "". ,-,; - " . '. . .' .' .' FINAL INSPECTIONS .. Electrical Final Plumbing Final Mechanical'Final. Cas Test En\lineeririg/(;rading.Finai 765~12Ei'" Fire Dept. Finaf765-4040 Water Engineering .765.526& . Sub "LisilBu;;.;ness License 1:65-519 Zoning 765-5139' Building Final (Last Inspection; C)nly . . .... .. , After Abov~ Complete) PARTIAL INSPECTIONS . BuildinQ Inspections < ...... ." ...... .' D!;:~ ~!"~P-r~11Cf2. bt;PTJ(6d~O~ . _ ..G.-;.. 0,- ." '.' . A_ ~. '. . Date Inspector . . Mechlflllicallllspectiolls Plumbina Inspections Electrical Inspections PtKMIT EXPI'REtJ INS PE CTIQN NOT COMPLETED DATE:C{P7/1 f i.")/