1617 W. La Palma Ave. -.....'. ~.~ .r'- >:-,.. CITY ~~~(~'~~)-t ElM \,',V _" J~ffJ~i} - -"":,,'''''-c:'t.'-,>;'::'./",\ 1/ ~".'~~,::j1~jt ~:~f9/ BUILDING DIVISION 200 S, ANAHEIMBLVD, ' (714) 765, 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: 437 QUARTER SECTION: 51 aUll.DINGPERMIT NO, Blp::004-00807 TYPE OF PERMIT Repair DATE: 312312004 JOB ADDRESS: 1617 W LA PALMA AVE LEGALDESCRIP,ION: SEG4 T 4 R 10 PORS SW1/4 ,APPliCANT: ALOLFO, IBANEZ OWNER INFORMATION:, Kingsley Gates PO 80x 130548 Houston, TK 7721.9 CONTRACTOR INFORM/,TION: .ECONO AIR 3366 LA PALMA AVE ,ANAHEIM,CA 92806 OOOL',' BUSINESS "'HONE: BOO 50:' 2566 JOB DESCRiPTlONlns!all slucco on exlerlor duct chase ARCHITECTIENGINEI;:R INFORMATION: .VALUATION: 500.00 PRQCESSEOBY: ODC I ., , ' ' , OWNER-BUiLDER: DECLARATION ' , " I her.3by affirm under pena.lty of perjury that I am exempt from the. ContrA.G~c:fsL.rcer',se Lc:rw for the following reason (Sec. -703<; .&-Susiness and P;of~s:Sions Code: any city or county which requires a permit to -.:::onstrur.t. ait;i;', improve, demOlish or. repa ir ,any structure, prior to its issuance', a~o, requires the,applicant fo~ such' permit to me a slq,nscl statement that h€-is;j'C-1":'S2.~ pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law(Ch'apt~r 9)(commencing wi.h Section7000 of Division 3 of tne Business and Pr-:.fe;.;si'?!"!S Code),Qr that he is exempt therefrom z:nd the basis for the alleged exemption, Any violation of Sectlo;l7031.5 b'l ar>y a;Jplicant for a per~it,!:;u(_~ec1$ the a:pplicant to a 'CivU penalty of not more tha!1 five hundred doHars ($500)..' .' ' . . ,,'. i . , , ".',',., . 0' l. as owner ofprope;t:;r,or my employee<J wtt" W€ges 8S theIr 3'::t)corn~~ncatH,", WIll do the work, and the structure 's !lot:ntended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044 ,Business and Professiol1:? Code: The Con~tacj')r's U....enst'. :f:'iW aces nntapplyto an ow-ner of pro pelt,' who buHdsor improves thereon,'and who does such wock himself or h€!l-self or thrcl!gh :1is or her 0'\0\) ~rnDl.oyee~, provided that spch ImplOveme~t~ are not intended or,' offered fOr, Sal!;:'. If, however, the building 0rimprovement ~ s:ofd withc',~B ye-f,,. 0: -:ompletion, the owner~buijder wUl have thO:: burden,of proving ttl8thoa . did not build at improv~farthepuiP~,s,e of 'sale). _ ' ;- , o I,Cls,the OWn~r of the property,:am ,8xduslvely c(.ntractir,g with licen$(;.!f(~..x'ltr3ct91':; io constructth_e prole~t(Se~. 7G44~Busjnessand-Professlons Cede: The Contractor's License Law does not ::'pply tt} an owner' of p(operty~who cui:ds or improves th~reon, and who contracts for such projects with ~_~ontrsct,or(s)nc.epsedpursuant to the ?Oi1tractor's Ucen~e Law).' 1" , L-.} I am p.xempt under Sec. ,8 &.P.C..for this reason: ,!._ Date' Owner~ r WORKER'S cOllipENSATION DECLARATION :.~~-"-- I h~reb'i B:ffi~!!l,-unde(pe(lalty of perjury One of the following de~lar~tion$~' . o i have aMd"~villmaintairl t<lcertificate of oonsenl to l:>elf..insuie tor wcrkcr:'~ ":orr1penEation, as providE0 for, by section 3700 of the Labor- Code, for the performance of tt-~ 'NOli, :orwhich _ thiS perml: is issued. . ' .' " ," . ' .. ,';. _.:' ,'. o I havo and wiil maintain worker'scompens&tioninsuranc~, as rEoC:~Jire:o !;of 5e:ct!oI1 ~iO,G6[ the labor Cod,$, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issu';,J. My\vcrl<'er's Compensation insurance carrier and'policy are: ' ,;. Carrier: STATE AJND . PoliCy Number. '171)700~~03 . ( This section,need nCJt be cOmpleted if Ule permit is for one hundrP.d dollars ($1C(~'~ ('I" !ess. [J I certitythat in the performance of the w9rk for which t.his, perr1i(~ i&ju4,:.:i. I Sr:OI! not , ,employ -any person in any ~anner so as tc become sut?lect Ic, thewor.~e,~-?,~~A:r,;peI1S0~ion laws of Califomia, and agree that if I should become subjecfto the worker's~pn:};f~'r~sation , provisions Of.~ectiotJ.3700 of the L~b6r Gl')de, I shan ~orthWith c;o~~_~~~~t:;~se p:ovisions. ," , Date: 3/23/2004 APPllcancX ~. ',,".' ~ WARN ING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKER'S G~PEN SA TION coVl;?t4\<3E 1S UNLAWFUL,AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PE~iA.~nES AND CIVIL F'''ES UP TO ONE HUNDRED TIiOUSAND DOLLARS'($100,r,oO), IN,ADc..-nON TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECT(ok ~706 OF THE. LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. .j . ,.".. L CONSTRUCTION lENDING AOENCY ,c,{ _, I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction l.endirr!J ~~,cncyfor the~" performance 'of the work forwhich this,permit isissued (Seq.3087;Ci\'<C)~-; , ~~~~~o:-'-?- It.fC'rrir:.tion~ ' ',' ~ ~ ,-,.;-- - - ~ -;:--..._-'- . ..~"'"" '~... , - LICENSED CONTRACTORS'DECLARATiON.J I ,hereby :affi~m under psnalty ot peijury that I am licensed under provisions of chapter 9 (commencing ;~;,~~~~~,~,;Of~e~~.d ____. ' , 3123i20U~ I'> , Date;-~-:'..... . . ContrJ3ctor" . .' , ' NUMB2R 445220 TYPE TYPE TYPE EXPIRATION D'" TE .. 212812006 ClO C20 HT AC HIC Construcion Types: VN, , Fire SDrinklered? NO i Ged,ifi-ii'iat I have re~d this applicatIon and Slate that the above inTorma":l n ;.~---:correcL'1 agr~eto-complywith all city orpinances an:1 state laws relating tobuilding cDr::;truction, and hereby authorize representives-of this ci to enter upon the above mentione,:1 property fOI i spection.po' sas, - ;?:: Fees paid for Permit: Total: 58:45 Date: 3/23/2004 . nature of Applicant or Agent The p,ermit sh expire by limitation and beCome nu r and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is required to commence or continue work. INSPECTION RECORD . INSPECTION Ol!TE .INSPECTOR . .Temporary Power Pole Plumbing (DraiJllWaste Pipe) .... ElectriCal Ground Electrode/uter 5elbacklFormsrrrerichtlS (Footings} .' Do.not install sub floor or pourIloor slab until the following appliea.ble items h~ve been signed:. Plumbing (Water PipeoSprinkler Valves) MechaniCal (GrOUndwork) . Electrical (Underground Conduit) . '. Pre-slab (CompactionlMembrane.Reinf. .' . Underpinning (Roor Joist/Girders) p"not~ver or conceal the wOrk below until the following applicable items have been signed: 1 st Floor Shear .' . . Firesprinkler(Rough) . . I 2nd Floor Shear '. . Roof (SheathiI19'DiaphragmlFr3lJ\e) Masonry (RelnfJBond BeamlPreoGR!tit) . RoughPlumbing' (Top Out) Rough Mechanical '. . ROugh l:Iectncal au) Rouch Electrical ~ Framing (Only aft.er Plbg: Elec.. Mech andF'ire) Insulation (Soundi!:nergy) . po not tape or pla'?ter until the following applicable Items haVe been signed: . , . Drywall . . . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical '. Penetrations IFireRated) Mechanical Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing Interior Lath' . . . , ......"'" Exterior lath ' 1<",117.11- GENERAUTEMS . . Exterior Plaster (BlOWn Coat) . T -Bar Electrical . . "' f T -Bar Mechanical . . . T 'Bar Structural . Sewer . . Water Engineering Baekfl.ow . Water Service FINAL INSPECTIONS . r , " Date Inspector , Electrical Final . . Plumbing Final AlA '. .~ .;-. I Mechanical Final , ~''2.)~O'' . \..J# ,L .' Gas Test #/J, . . ". .' , Engineeril19'Grading Final 7~-5126. " Fire Dept. Final 7654040 '. Water Engineering 765.5268 '.' Sub 'list/Business license 765-519 Zoning 765-5139 . ,f Building Final Itast hispection.Only . 1j/~ft( "/~II . I ft.r Above Complete) , PARl:IAL INSPECTIONS Buildind Inspections ktfrJfJv Mechanical Inspections '. Plumbina Inspections, Electrical Inspections