2528 W. La Palma Ave. BUILDING PERMIT NO. BLD2004-00583 BUILDING DIVISION 200 S.ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765. 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714)765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: 437 QUARTER SECTION: 25 TYPE OF PERMIT Tenant Improvement (L,imited) CITY DATE: 7/19/2004 . JOB ADDRESS: 2528 W LA PALMA AVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION:SEC 7 T 4 R 10 POR NW1/4 APPLlCANT:.DAVID KOO OWNER INFORMATION: In C Chu rCh 11428 187Th St Artesia..CA 90701 , JOB DESCRIPTION:renant improvement, re 'odel restrooms for ccessib~:it;:::;0;r.pfian('..e VALUATION: 7,500.00 c' PROCESSED BY: ODC I.____~__'._ OWNER-BUIL!)~;;:!ir;CLARATION " I hereby affirm under penaity of periury that I a(11 exempt fr0m,th~ Contrc:.:d,il:';~:fLicerlse Law for the following rcason (Sec. 70:~1.5 Business and . professions Code: a;'y city or Cf)untywhich reqLiires a perml, to (;0nst"_=:Jc,t':.:f\\~~!-, knp'rovt:!, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its'issuance.,also. requires tf1t:' applics.r.t for suct:l permit to file a signee! s1atemt.-:r.t tho:Jt hels ir.'~>'sed pursuant to th~ provisions of the Contradorls License Law (Chapter .9)(commancin ith Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Busino$s ar.d P:"ofe'}~,;~);;S Code) or tnat he is. exempt there.from ;;'Incl theb?sis for,the alleged exemp'!ian ny violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for d perm:i s:/':]::-:;'5 the. :3pplicant to. a civil penalty of not more ~han five'hundred dollnrs ( 500 /. 'i' . . . , as O'.lvner of praperty, or my employees wi~h wages ~s.HI~ir sO!t'Uj'o:-r:~~-'i:'i-<>at!or.; wiil de the work, and th~ structure is not !nt~nded Or offered fo:-' sale (Sec. 7044 Business and Professions Code: Th:3 ContiactOf's U.::enf:~>,a.v ,j,:)cs not'::ipplyta a::. owner of property who t,uil~s o.r Impraves thereon, ~Jd. who. daes such work himself ct' herself o.r through his ar.,h~r:~\;i:,;,h~r!1::lrJie~s;'Grcvided that such ilr:provemcnts are hot intendeq 9r affared. for ~le. !f, however, the building. or improvement is sClld witrl 0:113 :r~J; qt. wmptetion, the owner~t.u;lde-r will have the olJrdGn of pro\'~g that h~ ~Hd notiJuild or improve for the pur~ose af 5aie). . ..:..." :!' . ., . ,[2]1, <::I$'the owner afthe property, am e?,dusively contracting wiih !:'(;e:':~8d',;:...(mtr<.cta(s to Gon.,ttUCt th~ ~Iroject (See. 7IY...a., 3usin('...,s and Profbssic-r;:? Code: The Contractor's License Law does not al3pty to 3n owner of p'0r)'.:lI~"l; '/lio bl..;!lds or Irnpro"€!s thereon, ~nd who .ccrtt;acts for such projectz wit-h Jj~ 1omractor(s) lIcensed pursuant to the'" tract':)('s Ucen~e LclW}. '~te:hi;?mmnderse~wnee- ,~P.C. cor.th." ,a~on: -~~~J~-~-:----- ----------:-- ~~ WORKER'SCO PE SA ,C). ECtARATIDr. .;.__--1J I'" LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATlON-l I hereby affirm u'nderpena!ty of perjury one of the fo!lowing cecl'3rat\c,ns: , t I hereby 3ffi,rm urider penarty of pefJurj that I am- o I have and will maintain a ce~ifJcate Of. consent to:;e. If-insure fOi' vv6rk,:.,;,\ ~(O;1:c.c;:r,satjon, I licensed undfr provision~;'of chapter ,9 (commencing aspr()vided for.by Sectian 3700 aHhe labor Code, for the performan~, .::fI:l.~ work fo; which. with Section 7000) of Divsion 3 of the Bu.siness and this permit is issued. .. .. j . I Professions Cc-de. o I have "nd will maintain worker's compensation insurance, as ft9:qL;;!l-).;J I~Y Sect\')P. 3700 011 7!19f20"04 theL<.Jbor Cade,. for-the performance of the workior which this p.l:'r!""lit is i~~i>d. r..~yworkc!"'s . uate: . Compensation insuianee canier and policy are: .., ; I Carrier: PollOI Nwml'er. ..j NUMBER ; CONTRACTOR INFCRI';',ITION: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: .J Contractor E:XPIRATION DATE Thisscction nee::l.nOt be completed if the pennit is fer one hundrEd doll~~s (11C~;...:;;r less. Ii ; I certify that in the perfonn~nce of the work for which th~.~ermit.:$'i~;J,;.j,.t~hGl:J not employ'any perso/') in any .manner so as to become subject to 'the wg-~~E;t~':-.<~~:np.ensafion ,laws of Califomia,.and agree that if,J should become f:ubjed to.the worker's'cql'~;~~n5:;:ticn . provisions of Section 3700 of.the L. ab ar e, hall faw ~~ Ply......w.i.'.~'t..i1,,;Sj p.ovt;ions. Date: 7/19/2004 Applicant: . . . ~._:... WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORK 'R;~ OMPENS TIONX:OiiEfiAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIt,1INA('PEN,,'..TIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE: HUND RED TH OU SAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ..;6s; nON :ro THE' CQST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTIOi 3~06' OF THE . LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES.' ., I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY F I hereby affirm under penalty of pe:"jL!ry that there is a construction lenriio1g::~~>:.:-tcyfor the..... "performance,ofthe work for which this permit is ::;;sued (Sec.3097 .C:v.,Cj: ~~: _ -~~...~""""-;-::"'!~~,;:;!-;;'~'.-.-:----------:---- - - ...~..~. - ... ..... '.- -. TYPE .Canstrucion Tvoes: V 1HR, . . Flre Sprinklcred"? T.1. Area: YES .310 I certify that I have read this application and state that the above informaoon is correct. , i3gree to. 00 y' h all city ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, arid hereb ere resen' es of. t is cit)/to e'nter upon the above mentioned property for insp rlX> Fees paid.for Permit: Total: 308.79 Date' 7/19/2004 ignature of Applicant or Agent ThEi permit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed.final ,nspection 365 days from the date of perillit issuance. A new permit is required to commence or continue work. INSPECTION RECORD - INSPECTION . DATE. INSPECTOR Temporary Power. Pelle . Plumbing (Drain/Waste Pipe) Electrical Groun.d Electrode/Ufer SetbacklFormsfTrenches (Footings) . . Do not install subfloor or pour floor slab until the folloWing applicable items have been signed: Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) . . . . Mechanical (Groundwork) . Electrical (Underground Conduit) Pre-slab (CompactionlMembrane.Reinf. . Underpinning (F1oor.J.oistlGirders) . Do not cover or conceal the work below until the following applicable items have been signed:. 1 st Floor Shear . Firesprinkler (Rough) . . 2nd Floor Shear . . Roof (SheathinalDiaphragmlFrane) Masonry (ReinfJB'ond BeamlPre-Grout) . . . Rough Plilmbing (Top Out) . Rough Mechanical Rougn t:Iectrical (ury Wall) . . Rough Electrical . . . . Framing.' (Drily after PJbg.,_EJec.. Mech,. and Fire) I~ ~A'- Insulation (SoundlEnergy). . ~ Do not tape or plaster until the following ppl/cable " items have been signed: " _ , . . Drywall ~lIqJD~ .r- PenetrationS (Fire ~ed) Electrical , . .. Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing . Interior Lath Exterior Lath GENERAL ITEMS . Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) T -B" Electrical . T -Bar Mechanical . . T -Bar Structural ~ Sewer ' , WaterEngineerirlgBackflQw Water Service . . . FINAL INSPECTIONS.. . Electrical Final Plumbing Final Date Inspector Mechanical. Final Gas Test Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 Fire Dept. Final 765-4040 Water Engineering 765-5268 Sub List/Business License 765-519 Zoning 765-5139 Building Final (Last Inspection- Only After Above Completel . PARTIAL.INSPE.CT ON .?fd~~ti~.~ p~)N(~ . '. F{~mM&fI~7;~1~'t:~ Mechanical Inspections PlumbinQ Inspections Electrical Inspections