702 S. Lemon St. ElUILOING PERMIT NO. ~1.!>2004-0359Q /~~~~:~~~~0, CITY Qif$~A~~HEIM \:~~~~~S~f;,/ LEGAL' DESCRIPTION: N TR 23 BLK F LOT 30 , BU!L()jt--1G DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIMfsLVD. (714) 765- 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714)765~ 4626 CENSUS CODE: . 434 QUARTER SECTION: 71 1'J- TYPE.OF PERMIT Residential Addition DATE: 12/1/2004 S. JOBADbRESS: 702.>' LEMON ST . APPLICANT: PRIMO. HUFANA OWNER INFORMATION: ~Monica Aguirre ,702 N Li;:mon St "\- Anaheim. CA 92805. $; JOB DESCRiPTIONAdd 371sf to exist. SFD new bedroom, laundry,bzthroom 2hdnew 400St"9a16ge , I f I '. . .. OWNER-BLJ!l.DER IJECLARATION " . ~ I hereby affirm unde~ penalty of perjury that I am '4x~mpt from the Contractor~ Utense Law for the.f9ltowingreason {Sec. 70315 Business and. P:'Cfp.ssions Corle,: i;lny city or co~ntywhich reql~jres. a, permit to constnxt, aa~::f' lmprove.demoli~h or repaii any structure, prle!" tv. its issu2nce,also. rec;uires tne applit:;a nt for such pern:nt to file a, siQncd statement that he is I:cerlsed piJrsuant. to the provisions of the Centract.or's License Lcow (Chapter 9j((".ommencin~ with Section 7000 of Division 3.of the Business and ProfE'.ssio~ls Code) or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption._ Any violaticn of Sectio~ 7031.5 by &n).' cpp!i;;ant'fcr a,!)ermit subj5c<s tile applicant to a dVil-pgnaltycf !10~ more than five hur;ared dol1a-rs . ($500),;. - . " '_ --".Ii., _ ' __ _ ,. _. r-~c c""fler of pfoperty, ,or my empl.oyees with '.\rages a~ l~eir soi~ c,:)(:~t:)5fi3',)t~on, v.iUdo the work, _and the ShLiC.t~Ji~ !S not in t3nded or off~red for sale (Soc, 7044 Business and P.rofessionsCcde: The Cantri:1ClCrr'o:: Uc""r;::;eL~';'/,do9S :1ot apjJ~yto an 'Jwner of. property who ,builds or improv6s Iher,:;,on,l:3nq who does such w()rk himself or hers03lf or throUgtl h!s or (-,ef oW:I:_kmpJqyee~, provided that 'suchimproverT,/:mts arg, not intended or offered/or taJe~ If, .however, the building.ol'iiTIprovE::rnent [~ scI6.......1~h ~;"V~ y~et of (:':':(j!:Mi~\cn, the m\r.er-blJilderv,mhave the burden of proving that he '.did-net build. or improve for the pyrpose of sale), ... -~ >... . _ ..... . '~ . .~J 'I, 'as the owner of-the property, am exdlls~ve:y con~ractil1g witr: !!CGf'S~3d c;,n~fadors ~v consIl:tictthe prqjl?ct (S~c 7044 _Busil1essand Professio!'",s COdp.:Th!3,Gontrc.:ctQ~'S Uccnse L~W does not ;?,pply to an owr;e: cd prope:ty -rl),'.b.l.!ilds c'"'i:T'pro....es t;,ereo~,anrJ whc cor.tracts fOi suCh project'S '.....i~h ~Jfontrac:.or(5)-liCef!5ed.. persuant .to tho ,~tnlctcr's Licer,se L.. <'iw)". ' . ...!. . L) larr..examP%"derJiec. _ ~C.~,~~_,~ .' . _.....;......-._ . l!~~-l2::~ ....0/1-. Owner: _,---.-!- ----: ===--=1= ... L~-:~' . . WORKER'S COMPc..:'lS!,-TION DF.\,:LAP.ATiqJJ. . 4---'--___-1 j herebY,2ffirm tinder pcna:ty of perjury cne of the fo!lovving,deelaratifJns: ~ [J_ I h3ve andwiU r~(lintain a certificatG.of ronser.t'to self.insurefO., r WGrkef'3Y:)miJen~dtion, I as provided for by Sectio:137QO of thG Labor Codc:, fer the perform:'lf!1",..t;! oft"'!,1-J1;J=Y.. ff)r which this pnrmtt,.isissued, - '/_ .. . ._'. . ." . l. -! 'rJ Ih::lve and will maintainworker'e (.omp.ansation jn3lirar.';3~ as requit...,j ~y:;3e~1i0!: ::';;'00 d I the l.dbor Code, for the performance of the "'fOrk for which this perr,ut ls issue{L MyiNorker's CCi1~pensatjon insurar,r.e carrier and po!iO)' are: 'J l. Carri~r: POliQv Nu~ber. ~~ ~JUM3ER CONTRACTOR INFORMf..-'ION: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: VALuA:rION: 46,000.00 PROCESSED BY: MJL. . ~L!CENSED CmrrRACTORS DECLAR...T!ON 1 . _ I hereby affirm IJr.de'r penaity of perjury that I. 3m licensEld under prov;sion:: of t;hi)ptsr 9 (c0mmer.cing , .with Sec~ion 7000) C'f Divsion3 of th~ -Busincs'g and Professions Code, .12/1/2004 Date: Cortracfor EXPIRATION DATE This~jon need not ee completed if the permit is for one hundred doll~rs {$100, ~"'lesS> .. TYPE ff l certrry that in the performance of the work for whlC'h this ;:ermlt IS :ssuet1. i shall not employ any p.:?rson II"' any manner so as to become subject to Ihe worker's co~~:~en!:>:-!tlon :aws I of Caltfomla, and agree tnat If 1 should become subject to the worker',;. con pe'~$ation I provisions of Section 3700 of the Lab~~~_~all :':hW~ith comply With thc:e p,ovlsions. S~~~tr~cicn Types. Dat.e: 12/'1/2004 Applicant: v~nrv-v ",. ._ - , .. .. Fire Sprinklered? 'WP.RNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKER'S COMPENSAl!.. N. C6VEPP.:~E IS' UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMIf\JAl' PENAL"~"!ES AND C!VIL FI~ES UPTO ONE HUt-iDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS (~1CO.OOO), !~I ACOITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SI;:CllmJ ;<706 OF THE' LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. . .,' J I I . .. CONSTRUCTIOttlENDING AGENCY'-;"::-'_ --1 I hereby.afflrm under penalty of'perjury that there s ~ constructi~:-:: ~::r-l~iqg,3.gs,:"(':Y for the . . performance ofth~ work fcr Whim this permit is issued (Sec.309~:Ck,C): :.,. ----L-~r:~p.r'~Jr:f0rn)::::.tb~:- _' _,....'~-'~~. . ___ _. _-~ -_.i:..:~_~_~,-",,: NO 'I certify that 1 have read this applicatio'n and state that the above information is correct. .1 agnee to comply with all city ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby ,authar~e representives of this-city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inSPedio~ses~' ..' r~_ . '. ~a~.of~~PIi6fnt~rAge~t Date ~211/2004 The permit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the blJildingor work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is,required to commence or continue work. Fees paid for Permit: Total:' . 3.090.93 INSPECTION RECbRD . . DATE I!'ISPECTOR INSPECTION . . . Temporary Power Pole Plurnbing (DrainlWaste Pipe) . Electrical Ground ElectrodellJfer . SetbacklFormslTrenches (Footings) J 7.7.' Do not install subfloor or pour floor slab untilth, following applicable items have been signed: . Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) Mechanical (Groundwork) . Electrical (Underground Conduit) . . Pre-slab (Compaction/Membrane.Rainf. Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders) Do not cover or conceal the work'bel.ow until tne following applicable items have been.signed: 1 st Floor. Shear . . Firesplinkler (Rough) 2nd Floor Shear Roof (Sheathina/DiaphragrlVFrame) . Masonry (ReinfJBond Beam/Pre-Grout) .' . Rough Plumbing (Top Out) . . ;z.9".<>tS....-p; 'rh" Rough Mechanical' . ~ 3/.e>S' "1" P'I-,., :> Rougn l:Iecttical(Uty Wall) .' ~ Rough Electrical ';-/-" 'J../;'f;;j/ Framing . (OniyafterPibg..Elec:: Mech. and Fire) -7-. ,~ Insulation (SoundlEnetgy) Jj , 7- e> 7'''' Do not tape or plaster. until the following applicable . '). items have .been signed: " ~. Drywall' -/tOC: FI. -i." : Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical. Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical Penetrations. (Fire Rated) Plumbing Inte.rior latli. . Exterior l;Ith . . .' . GENERAL ITEMS Exterior Plaster (BlOWn Coat) T -Bar Electrical T-Bar Mechanical . T -Bar Structural. . Sewer . Water Engineering Backflow Water Service . . " I. . . . . . . . FINAL .INSPECTIONS Electrical Final . Plumbing Final Mechari"ical Final . Date Ins~tqrA ~1c.~t?j ~ ~tO~~Ir. /lZ6<:. t '-.'0:'''" . ~ ~ I- ~ ~~~~ t'/./ ~'. /./ ./ Gas Test '. . Engineering/Grading Final,765-5126. . Fire Dept; Final 765-4040 Water Engineering 765-5268 Sub list/Busi.ness License 765.519 '1 .' . . . Zoning 765-5139 ". Building Final (Last Inspection' Only .~/P oj; ./71/.. " n...~ . . .' After Above Complete) ,... , '-..., (/.., ~ PARTIAl.INSPECTIONS. . '--./ Buildinalns[lections ') I .,':;/) /..' 1/"10"'1' r.., cJ'It'r 1lYl-5o/pJf-(M c>(q4.V(~~ 3'73{~pS' '=i2.4.-n.IN6@" !,...",,? "7(/4.. .3 -3t.cg I zr -rCogtL~tIf2-~ 1I0~ .'~ ,pit 4! . --r: n..... . :; t~o_~ V Mechanical Inspections .. ' . . . Plumbina Inspections . . . . Electrical Inspections l' - Vj_oS /I.t>!l:S€ ~~~~ o~ ~~ .,..... Co ",;.. ....,.. ,,~.. ';' , . -' :-,';:';':"...::':.: ';"4'f' '_ d.... ':':_' ': _-.:',.. '.' ,. '.' "..' ',:--'. ..:,:,.", <_.: '. _...,..;:-....'.-'--.:,:.."..:...,~ APOLLq Ib!SfECTI01V;SER,l1ICE' -4~PUty 1[l~ectionReport . ............. .' concrete__masonry _post 1914 S. Pacific Coast Hwy. #208 Redondo Beach, CA 90277 (310) .316-0019 Ole (310)316;0047 Fax (310) 225-1949 pgr' . tenslon__gunlte-,-_welclln9__other ]g.zA__~ 'R ',::~;-:J ' ,~ OWNER ::::>FtMb ADDRESS . PHONE . ARCHITECT . -::; A-(V\ E' . . ADDRESS PHONE ENGINEER -/h::::TOT2.0 (}!Ll.Ai..\UeVA ADDRESS PHOttE PROJECT" 1(\.0'\ 0 ADDRESS b. ~ PERMIT # F"w"'" "Z.L;t")'F- 03sct 0 CONTRACTOR nCA) "-\ F.:'-.2- ADDRESS, . PHONE SUBCONTRACTOR ~t;"J 1; , ADDRESS '. PHOttE BILL TO: ADDRESS MIX DESIGN' SLUMP_ADMIXTURE PSI was Inspected and found tll be in compllan e". approv~ plans and specifications:, f )U.J0LLS b '3: ~. ffl..LTI-I ('2 t::-.Yl 'D t..{) g ';', )"51...1.; I:P<N 'i::>A-\,2. '""&J OW 1\.( C ;;:'f.\A.j K\T 5'/\.(?-:;;,ON " ""5(;-~'2'?-t: PO"-' . e:=-J;C CODE:' 11\->-'1'1::, {\;\("C .r"'<(6)v I/cel\Ae:--'Nc.$". INSPECTOR! OM. M ((It:'Y2..... SIG~..tb.~.. . DATE /2 ?&C~ L1C. NO. :5 Z-~4~5 '.<If 5ct.c \. ,.... REG. HOURS '4 OJ. HOURS_CYLINDEli~ TYJIE . ,~~. SUP'T. SIGN 7Yhrkl/f) /,11, 7~~ ~ NOTE :INSPECTIONS ARE BASED ON A MINIMUM OF 4 HOURS-OVER 4 WILL BE AN 8HOUR MINIMUM .IN ADDITION INSPECTION EXTENDING PAST NOON IS AN 8 HOUR MINIMUM. OVERTIME HOURS ME TIME AND ONE HALF AND ARE HOURS OVER 8 AND SATURDA YS. THERE IS A.SHOWUP CHARGE FOR JOB CANCELLATIONIFOFFICE IS NOT NOTIFIED IN ADVANCE ~ p x . )-y -k I ~^ J>- p v~ {' !\ "X l>l r-,-N s;: ~ (:) ~ "IV 0 ~ 0 l.;...- ~ r ~ - ~ 't "C Ql :-i -; () . ~-J" z:OjG >~- :i=- .:t UT In () - . _.1 r 3: IP :+ (>~!: ~ \) ~ ~ ~ -I r