874 S. Lime St. BUILDING PERMIT N9:,. BLD2004-01814 A .. t<;~-~~;;,~-V~~~~~. .' "" . , ,:(,'~\o\. /. J. '"tJ~N~. . · EI'M iv :0 '"J_:-.):;.1n' .', . ,. {'<"Ji~.4!1' \,,~ -~'::.'i;.'f.(.?!/? I. '\~ ',.<.Cl'" ~'.-.,' ..'1i,-g:~1/' '~{~~_~~',_dJ/ BUILDING DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765. 5153 INSPECTION. REQUEST LINE:. (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: 434 QUARTER SECT-ION: 104 TYPE OF PERMIT C Blockwall/ Columns . ITY DATE: 5/18/2004 JOB ADDRESS: 874 SLIME ST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 1254 LOT 33 APPLlCANT:ALVARO ROSALES OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORM.oTION:' ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: Alvaro Rosales 874 S.Ume St Anaheim, CA 92805 . JOB DESCRIPTION:lnstaIl751.f block wall 6' high to City specs. VALUATION: 1,800.00 PROCESSED BY: CAL I .OWNER-BUILDERDECLARATiON.I. I hereby affirm 'under pena.lty of perJury that ,I ~m exempt from the Contract~rt.s License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5 Business and _ . Professions CoPe: any?ity or county which requires a permit to construct, ah;,!r, irnprov.e, demolishor repair any structure; priorto itsi~uance,-also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed staternentthat he is Ib=nsed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's Lice'nse Law (Chapter 9)(commencirlg with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business <=!ndProfessi,ns Code) or that he is'exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged' exemption. Any'viOlation of Section 7031.5 by any"applicarit for a permit sllhlects the applicC!nt to a ,civil penalty of not more than ~ve'hundred dollars ($500). . .' . . .' . .... o 'I,' as owner of property, or my employees with wages as their 'solecoml=t1nsation', will d0 the work, and the structur.~ is not intended'or offered for sale' (Sec. 7044 Business andProfessions Code: Trye.Goptractor's Licens.e I/:lwdo.es n.ot apply to anowne.r of property who builds or improves . there~n,- and. who does sudl work himself or herself or through his or hero\o~:'.r employees, prOVIded that 'such i,mprovementsare not, intendedor offere for sale. If, how'ever, the bl:lilding or improvement ,is -sold with one y'ec:.r of completion, theowner':builder \o/ill have. the burden"of proving that he did ,tbU'ild or improve for the pu rpose of sale); " , , ,', ' . " ' ' I,,' as the owner ofthe'pr:operty.-am e'xdusively contracting with licensed,oontractors t6 construct-the project (See. _7044 Busines"sand Professions-, e: _ TheContractor!s Lice.nse Law :dOes not apply to an bWl)e~ of property~~ho builds or improves thereon, and, who corHract$ for sum projects with ~ontractor(s) I~~.ensed pursuant 10 the Contractor's License Law).,' . U I am exempt under Sec. , ' " ,C. ,for this reas.on: Date:.. ' Owner: WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm .under penalty of perjury one: of the following ',declarations:,_ . o I have and will niaintain a certificate of oonsent to self-insure forworKeri~ c~mp~nsation, as provided for 'by Section 3700 of the labor CocIe~ ,for the performance of tt"':e wo"rk for which this P.8rmit is issUed. . . . 01 have and will maintain worker's compensation insurance,a~ required b{ Section 3700 of the labor Code, for-the performanc'e of the work for-which,this permit is iSsu.l::i. 'My worker's . Compensation insurance carrier and policy are:' . Carrie" Policy Number.' LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION . I hereby affirm underpehalty of perjury-that I am licensed.under provisions of chapter 9.(commencing with SectiOn 7000) of Divsion 3 of the Business ,a'nd Profes$ions Code. . . 5/18/2004 Date: Contractor NUMBER EXPIRATION bATE This secti n need n_at be- completed iflhe 'pennit}sfor one hundred ~ollars ,(~1 G'~) ql," less. . ertify .that in:the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,l shall not oy any perspn in any manner so as to becom-e subject to the worker's c'.IQlpensation la\Vs ofCalif6mia, and agree. that if tshould become subject totheworker's com:)(Jnsation proviSions of .Section 3700 o{the-laborCod . orthwithco'mply with tr.o~e provisions: Date: 5/18/2004 AppUcant: . WARN ING: FAILURE TO SECU ORKER'S COMPEN SA TION COVER,XGE IS' UNLAWFU(,AND SHALL'SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENA'.TiESANDCIVIL FINES UPTO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,QOO), IN AD;'-':1l0N TO THE COSTOF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED cOR IN SECTlof. :3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST. AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. ..' . I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that thereiSa ~onstruction I~ndinga!lencyfbr the ~oerfor~n('.e bfthe-work forwhkh,this p"ermit !sissued (SeC'..3097_Civ.C): . __- ' Lender's Infonnation: TYPE Construcion.Tvpes: VN" I'certify that I have read' this application and state that the above infor'matien is correet. I agree to oomply witli all city ordinan.ces 'and state laws relating to bu"ilding construction, and herebyauthO~ritIV"S of Ihls city to enler upon the above mentioned property for . .nspectlOn pur , ~ . >{ , ~ '~ <.".../ Dale: 5/18/2004 ,/ Signature of Applicant or Agent , . The permit shall expire'by limitation and become null and void if th€ building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new per!l1it is required to commence or continue work. Fees paid for Permit: Total:, ~.50 ~, INSPECTION RECORD , I " "IN$PECTlON , , , " Temporary p,ower Pole Plumbing (DrainlWaste Pipe) ,,' , Electri,cal GroundElectrodel' SetbllCkfForms'fTrench8!(fFootingsj) ''''{2-<>,I'.3r 0- \... Do not installsubfloor or,ROlJrtloor slab until the ,/ , , following ,applicable items haVe been signed: Plumbing (Water Pipe;Sprinklervalves) , " Mechanical (Grouridwork) , Electrical (Underground Conduit) , ' " Pre-slab (Compaction/Membrane.Remf. ' Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders) Do not cover or conceal the work below until tne following applicable items have been signed: 1 st FloOr Shear' ' , FiresprinkJer (Rough) , 2nd,FloorShear ' , , ' Roof (ShelllhingJDiaphragmlFrame) , ~ '. 4 Ma$onry (ReinfJBond BeamlPr.Grout~fj-M-Q.'3 "'7T -~' Rough Plumbing (Top Out) , / "- 'Rough Mechl!nical ' " , ' ( / RQughBectrlCaJ (Dl'ywalll, ' Rough Electrical ' Framing (Only after Plbg.. EJec..J-;1ech; and Fire) Inslllatlon (soundlEnergy) , , , po not tape or pla~ter <mtil 'the following, applicable, 'terns have been sIgned:, '" ' , ',.' , Drywall " " Penetrlllions(l'ireRated) E/8!itrical ',' Pen,etratlonS (Fire Rated) Mechanical Penetrations (Fiie Rated) Plumbing, ' Interior Lath, - Exterior Lath " , , GENERAL ITEMS Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) T .Bar Electrical '" " T .:sar Mechanical' T-Bar Structural ' Sewer ' ' Water Engineering Bl!Ckflow ". Water Service ' DATE, IN$PECTOR I, , Electrical,Final ~ , ' 'Plumbing Final , , , Mechanical Final Gas Test Engineering/Grading Final 765,6126 .' ' , , , ' Fire Dept. Final 765-4040 Water Engineering .765-5268 Sub List/Business LiCense 765-519 , , , , " , , , '" , " , " Zoning 765-5139 .- Building Final ILa,SI InspeCliOn", Only '::n.:.-<' '\. I ",LV "-k . ,.<Ii.' , ',After Above Complete) - -'" ~ ~~ , PARTIAL INSPECTIONS ,," , . BuildinQ Inspections , , " , , ." , , , , , " "MechanicaJ-lnspections , , , , ' , , ' . , , Plumbinalnspections " " , " , , , , " ' , , ' Eleetricallnspections " " , 1 J: '-" u,,' r- ~) BY I Unltlald b1' vJ~ t7 ~ S I LjW\-e, i 1.1 ll) J ,I ~t\~~\~.,~~~~ "0; ~)~~. ~.~':... ~':'~S ,:~,. APPROVE: VIOl,Ai ;~;, i' AN'I OF 'THE aU\LOING cODcg v' 1,,;: ','I, 'THE MOLOER OF nits rVt}.~.r f':.:L-:'~' t.."': p:~: C-::N R~SK -tJ . ~ I;:lW Jt 8 BUI~IV\SIO tM1-,;p)' ,I I f"f APPRO VS{VG'I'no-(~ C %. OF ANAHEIM 001&: ~ J.; ~,\, f , ~ 1>\\, 'l: ' ( (,- ! ---_.~--- /// /7 L\ME.. 'S'irbb I-