1825-1829 W. Lincoln Ave. TYPE OF PERMIT Tenant Improvement (Limited) DATE: 6/14/2004 JOB ADDRESS: 182$W LINCOLN AVE CITY. j.<",;+.;,;:l~ :I~'":.~">> f'... ..::t' r -~~\ /f...?/flf - ~~::f1(Jll\ :', ~':' .N~)-fEIM \ ... "'".3./1 . ,', \ ---:.--"'f":"k"';'/' ;. \ il, ,i};;~</ ~'~t1;~{r~);>' BUILDING DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM.BLVD. (714) 765,5153 . INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765 -4626 CENSUS CODE: . 437 QUARTER SECTION: 46 BUILDING PERMIT NO. BLD2004-01367 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SE:C 8 T 4 R 10 S 295 FT E 400 FT APPLICANT: SANG. NGUYEN OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTORINFORMtTION: . Trust Zorayan GOLD EN lAND CONST~:U CTION .314ViaLidoNord 11121 PALMWOODDR Anaheim, CA 92801 GARD EN GROVE, CA 928.100000 .. BUSINESS PHONE: 714400.2816 JOB DESCRIPTION,enant Improvement, denial office I . VALUATION: 38,000.00 I OWNER-BUIUJFR:DECLARA nON I, hereby affH-~ under,penalty of perjury that-I am exempt from the Contractor? Lic.ense,t.aw for the follqwir~g -reason{Sec. 7031.5 Business ~nd . Professions Code: any city or county which requires a permit to. 'construct, al!ar, improve, demo'lish pr repair any structure, prior to. its iSSUance, ,also . requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed ~tate'ment that he is licr:,j,sed pursuant ,to the pl'pvisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9)(commencingwitt) Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and'Profes$~1ns Code) or that he is 'exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption.. Any violatio'n of Section 70315 by any applic'antfor a'permit sl.!t~ects the applicant to a dvil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars .($500). . ',. . .. .. . .0 I, as owner of property, or my employees with wages as their sole comp~nsation, 'will do the work., and the struc:ure is not intended or pffered for sale (Sec. 7044 Susines$ and Professions'Code: The Contractor's license :.:aw-doe!,>,nqt apply to an owner of property who builds or impr:)Ves there,on, and who does suCh work himself or herself or through his or her 0wi, employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or . offered for sale. -If, however, the building or improvement-is sold with one yc~r of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he. did notbu'ild or improve: for the purpose-of sale). .: ' <'. ' ' ' . o _ I,as the owner-?fthe prop'erty', am_exdusively cont~cting with licensed ;:On tractors to construct the project (Sec~-7044 Business and Professions' Code:_ Th.e Contractor~s License law does not apply to all owner of prope1t}'Who builas or improves thereon, and whq contracts for such ,projects,with aJ(.on~ractor(s) licensed pursuan~ to t~e Contractor's license law). I::. . LJ I am exempt under Sec., -,8'& P.C. for this reason: Date: Owner: '. I WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION .1 I ,h~reby affirm under penafty d 1J€~ury one of th~ following declarations: ' '} . . :: 0 ,I have and will ma intain a certificate of conserit tc? self-insure for worker'j cof!ipsnsation, . as provided for by Section 3700, of the labor Code, for the performance of (hi) work for which this perm.it is issued. . . . . 1, o I havea'nd win maintain worker's,~ompensation insurance, as required t..:) Section 3700 'of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this -permit is isSu,:d, -My worker's' Comp.ensation insurance car.lier .and policy are: '. _ , Carrier: EXEMP 'Potic.y Number. NO EMP',_OYEJ:,S -This sec . need not' be completed. i! the pennit is for one hundred d~lIars ($1 O? or.'ess. certify that in the perforrnance'ofthe work for which this permit is:issi'!':"::r,.fshali-hot employ. any person in any manner so as to' become subject to the worker's .-..;~pensationlaws . of Califomia, and agree that if I should become subject. t~rthe,worker's cOr11~~ri'saHon provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I, shall fort with'comply, with.;t;-'.""I .provisions. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: PROCESSED BY: ODC LICE;NSED CONTRACTORS .DECLARATION , hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed.' under provisions of chapte.r 9 (comm~ncing with s.ection 7. OOO) of DiVS.~. 3 ofthe.Business and. . . : :/~:~sos~~n57:-- _.....~ Date: . Contractor NUMBER 596833 TYPE B EXPIRATION DATE 6/30/2004 Date: 6/14/2004 Applicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKER'S CO PENSATlON COVEflAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL . FINES UPTO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADC'mON TOTH;;: . COST OF .COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECT/0I" 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. .. I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY , c' I hereby affirm u-nder penalty ofperju,y th::lt there ~ a c;onstruct.Lonl~.Ddil1g_5~~encrf.Qt;1be_._.: -~~orinance Of me worK. lor wnicn tr:l$ permit !S Issu-ea (~ec. 3OY7 .eiv.C): lenders Information:, ' Construcion.Tvpes: VN, , . - . Occupancy Groups: B, , , , Fire, Sprinklered7 NO l-certify that I have re this-application and state that the above informatiOn is correct. I agree to comply w' all city ordinances and state 'laws relating to building construCtion. and ~ereBy ..authO. ..r.iz epresentiV,h:. f this_ city to..enterupon. the above mentioned p.roperty for Inspectlo pu ses. '. ... . -". . .. .... .. .~. .. Dale: 6/14/2004 Signature of Appli,cant or .Agent '_ .' The permitshallllxpire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of Permit issuance. A new permit'is required to commence or continue work- Fees paid for Permit: Total: 983.88 INSPECTION RECORD .. . . INSpECTION. . DATE . INSPECTOR. . . . T etrlporary Power Pole . ..... .. . Plumbing (DrainlWaste. Pipe) . Electrical GrOund Electrode/urer .. . . ., ,. SetbacklForl1'l$lTrendles (Footings) . . .. . '. H 00 not. instal I Subfloor or pour flooq;lab until the ... following ~pplic~ble items have been signed' Plumbing (Water Plpe.Sprinkler Valves) .' '. . Mechanical (Grauildwork) :,. " .' .. . Electrical(UndergroundConduit) . . , . I're,slllb (ColnpactionlMemlJrane.Reinr'l '. . Underpinning (RoorJOIstlGinlers) . .. H .D<l not cover'oroonceal the Violl< below until the 'followlng. ~pplic~ble items h~ve been signed:. . . 1.stFloorShear . . .' FiresprinkJer (RQugh) . '. . . . , . . 2nd Floor Shear' .... . . .ROof (5heathiilafDillDhragnv'Fraine) Masonry (RlliinfJBond BeanlPre-,GJout) . . . . .... RoullhPlumbing (Top Out) . . Rough Mec,hanical . . ... Rj)ugh BllCtric '~111 . . . " ' . Rough Electrical. . . . / . ' Framing (9nty Ilfter Plbg.: Elec.: t,;lec.11 and Fire, ~"ov. . InSlJlalion(~ndlEnergy)' . ~ ,. Oo'not tape or.plaster until tne follOwing applicable ..' items have been signed:' '. ,.' ... .~. . Drywall '. . .'. , , .....' -1.0-1 -~ ./ .Pen!!tral;ons (Fire fUted) Electrical '.. .. . Penetrations (Fhe Rated).Mechanic:al, Penetrations (Fire, Rated) Plumbing . . , . .Interior-'Lath .. ,. ... Exterior Lath, . . .. . . .' " GENERAL ITEMS ExIeriorPlaste, (Brown Coat), . , . T .Bar Electrical .. . . . . '.. T .Bar Mechanical .' T.Bar Structural ' . . Sliwer Watlir Engineering Backflow . . Water Seriice '. .' . . I, FINA~ INSPECTIONS '. Electrical Final Plumbing final. II/Iechanical Final . Gas Test Engineering/Grading F.inaI76S-S126 Fire Dept. Fina1J654ci40 Water Engineerinl1 765.52li8 . Sub List/Business License 765.519 .I . Oaie Inspector. Zoning 765.5139 Building Final (Last Inspection. Only . .... -After Above Complete) " PARTIAL INSPECTIONS BUildinq'lnspections ~.... l..---r r -:t . Mectlanicallnspections Plumbina Inspections . ElectricallnsP8ctions "--f ~ -. .'. '.'CEAtt'FICATEOF OCCUPANCY . . ". . . ., . "CitYPfAha~eim. ,.. > ", . '.'~ .' --' . ~- .'. '. :Thisstruc;turehS$ beeninspectedpUrSlJantto amended by The City bfAnaheim.' .. ..... . '.' . .... .... ". . . 4, Any chaoge in the Charactero! occupanc' . or groupqf oc.cupaoCies requires a new :' .' .... ....... >-. . DESCRIPTlONOi='OCCUPANCY:. 118 .' -. -, - ." " 'n ' lace the bijiidingina different division .. O~CUPAN?Y CLflSSIFICATION:' B NO. OF STORIES: 1 CON$TRLJCT'I~NTYPE: ..'V N '.' . h .6UiLDINGOWN~R: "Trust Zorayan '. 'O(j '. ~UILDIN.G ADDR7S$: H325..W LINCOLN A . AI Di 0 . DATE OF. ISSUANCE: 4/8/2005. .' - . " L.'_ .,.. ._" . PROCESSED BY: '.Jose Jirnenez ' : .' . '. . IT: '. BLD2004-01367 . EA; t,746" .. '. , . . . . OFF'JC:E COPY' :9'1G&~1'sr!v~tt: .. '. BUILDING Of'FICIAL. .... . Ibid",,!o .".... "'. . .,' ~' '. < " .., '.: :'. " ~ --