1805 Lullaby Ln. . .;-, BUILDING RCf{MIT NO. . I) BLD2002-03274 .....-- ...&....... BUILPING DIVISION 200 S.ANAHEIMBLVD. (714)765-5153 ,~ . . ..TYPE OFPERMIT Reroof CITY . .. . l{;~~~~f:-;~~l~\ . . . ..". g,mg:'~'.;i~2}~H EI M .. <~~~fjiD~;f . . '.;; . . '. INSPECTION- F~EQI.F~.T L 1~IE: (714)765.4626 DATE: .10/9/2002 ,lOB ADDRESS: 180S W LULLABY LN tEOGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 3256 LOT 11 .. CEOl'!SUS COlJE;: . < J34. QUARTERSECTION:?.8 . ... . ,-. APPLICANT: BRAD !;.~ilB'E1{T :.OWNE8:iNFORMAT10N: CONTRACTOR INFORMAT'ON' '3h;rley J Rambeau STAR COURSE ROOFIIC,J CO. 1800 'IV Lullaby.Ln 24981 HON AVE. Anah'aim, CA 928,04" :. . .,.' LAGUNA HILLS, 92653 OOu:! eft. JOB DESCRIPTION:Replace shake w;t~.30.year comp shin910. :'. VALUATiON:.. 4,800.00. .../ PROCESSED BY: CAL . . ... . ... r .::..... ..... .'. :...: ..~ ... OwNER.BUILDEi?ij;E~L'\RATION . . .... . ... . " ..;,c...J I hJ:rebyaffi~:nllmderpel1altyof- perjury. thzt lam ~xempt frorn t~e'Cqntract(.:r~ UC811se Law for the foliowing reason (Se.c; ?O;:S1.5 Bqsi-:1e3S an? __ . . F'rpfc~sjonsCode:-any.do/ orcountyw~jch re"quire"s a permit't?' construct a't~:r, .ir:"\pfOvS;-dE'mo.\isfi-orrepair any.slructl,.lre, prlorto:'!ts i$$UG.~-'C'3"'3Is,o Tequ_\res-the applicaht for such permit to file a signed statement that-Me is lice~s~d pursut:nt 10. the provisions of the Conticctor's License Law (Chc:.pter 9)(~omm~,nc1ng:withSection lo.OQ'ofD.ivision_.3 of the .susi.ness andF.'~o.fesSl~~$ Code) Qr that' he is .exenipt'there,f~o'11aild tl1e basis ,for. tl1~,allegad ,_ 7;:~..0 p.)_~.;.o,n"..~.nY. v .iO. .I.atio..n.o fse..ct;?.n.... ..~o.. 31.5,..~Y.anY...aP.p.lica. nt I.or. .-ape.r~'it su."r"cts. tile a p. pH"ont ..to ._~ .".'V ilPe. n.~,I.IYO.t. n;.t.. m .o.'.e... 'h., a..o ".".,..'e. t..'U."d;ed dOH.a.rs 0' I; as ownero.f propefty, or my eMpl9Yee~ with wages 'as' th.eir oolc' comp- IfSation,'wiU ,do. U'o2! work,and t~e s:tr,ucture is notintr.:nded 01 utfered br saie (Se~; ,70# Business a.rid Professions:Code:; The Contracl0r~$:Uce;;$e l W do.es'not apply to an owner of pro-perty\.vho ,b.uilcts Dr improves' ," 'thereon,' and who does ,such, w6rk,hj~elfOr herself or,through his or her'ow'l emp!oyee's. provid6dthat-su.cl)'irrlprovementsarent1t intended or _ . offered for sale.,. If; h~weve'r/the ,builqipg Gri!,,'prO\J~me~t-is'.so.ld with onf:Vi:,~ir of O1mpleijon,the owner':'bU.ifden",,~jl hav~ the'burdA.n Of,Pl"?V"ir>9::tnat r.'~ did'n9tbu'i1d',oriITlproveforthepurposeo(~re);-_,:. _ ,', ~_' '", ',_ . ,"_,:- , '_ :". ':<'",_' '_"": ,', . . [j:__l~,'as'the"own~r oJ the property, :a:r. ,exciLisively contracting, 'with licen~ed, : ;ontractorsto corlftn..ict tl)e project (Se:::._ 7044'Bu;:ne.<;.$', af)(t~rofesslvns, Code,: ThcCo'!tr~ct~r's t,ic-.ensEl Law does not iiPply.to an ovv~'3r .o(-Pf?pertyl,ho. bun(JS:or.imp,oves,theieon"and"'~fho. roqtracts 'for'~u<:h ~m;ects with' , a contr:act.o:(~)-Lir.~~se:d' pursuant tot~e..Gontractoi"'.s uce.ns~_law)., . I'" . ' .., , TJ :"' am.~xempt:un.der Sec.:~ ---.:..-.~" ,"8: &,P.C. forthis reason".. '-____._ Date: O"Yfler: '. ",. .1.:.;_ . L. WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION :' .c:r....1 . I-herel.)yarr.rm'.un~er penalty-of perjury,6n~ofthe f~noWing decla:ratio'ns:' -.- . .'\- " '. , 0' ,i ,have and will inaint~jn a" <;?ertificate ~f consen't to ,i~lf-insu,r~.iorJi.~0~ke;;'l cvrnp~ns~~ion, ;< p(ovidSd for by' Section 3700 of the Labor Code,' for the:performanoo e,f t!~'~ werk for which t1ls,permlt-is issued..:" " "".,.""" '_. . , '{ ,. ' ~ave G! 'nd wUI m~,intain worker's compensation insu.ranc~, ElS requirsd b;~ Sectien ;:S70p__of e L.abo.,r. .co~e,fo"r-the perforr,nanc. _e Of,th. e w. ark 'for., WhiC. h_thi.S pe.rrnit i~ iSSl.!;i-J. My wo.rke(s I. Cqmpensation"jnsurancecar~er a~d" polic;y are: '.,' ", . ,1: ',' . CarrJer.::"STA1EFUND, . .., , _, Policy Number._ l37916~f2 . i 'This seCtion ~_eed'li~t-becom~h~tedif~e pe,rrnitisJ9~ onehU~dr~ d?Ua~s ($;?;:,r~F.,'.~_,~i-),~~' I D. .I ce.rtifythat"in ,the perfonnanc.e of the work _ .' . _ ' rmiti$ i~~~~+-:!::"~h~It?Qt,'_ . ." emploY'any persanin_a0Y manner_so as t. _ .come s'ubject tooth , orke~;G,:::-'~p~~n~tti(:,'-l,l&,WS ,cf CaLifo~fa.__and agrl3_e that if I shoul ,~come, subject to the rker~sGof"Ri?..;~?Jro~;;~:-:\V{ provisions,of SeCtion 3700 ofttie or Code, I 'mply with'fi,l:,~-e--proV{,siorls-~' Construcicn Tvoas: Dat~;'~~/9f20-02" _ - " ,,' . .' _' _~~::-:',;-i~>:~~, ~r~;$prinklered? WARN IN-Q: "FAILURE TO , ,',5 COMPENSAT,!ONGO~"i;~h'~2~,_Ii{~~~~,:::,f>;' " UNLAirVFUL,ANb SHALL S JEeTAN . ,~OYER TOCRIM'INAL pIt&:-i,;"~Aj:;J06WIL' . '''''"'"0 '" ""'"' " OO~~'''""=J, "''''''''''''''''''1 COST OF COMPENSATION. DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR)N SECJ;t~-"l qz05~\11"-THE .. ., LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. . ... -."J F'7));;;;.;,5 -C.>'. ~. . ....... .. · CONSTRUCTION LENDlNGAGE;NCY;t.:~!"''0'~ .... ... ... .. l,hef,eox,,~ffiqn'.under ~nalty of,perj~ry- that ~h~r~, i~a"C9hS~iUctj0!1le.r.,~:!!1~p~e@~~--f.?:~';i~~ .- _ ";, .-. :'::~~~~~D;~'.'i~~~~2~,,~ork f~r_w~:~"t~",:.per~'t~~.::~_~~is_~,~.~_?fJ!\C~~/:_~~~'~y.'~L.:~;'i:~?6'_~1 ~'~___ _._._____, _ ARCHITECT/ENGIN~E'R INFORMATiOi": c39 HC EXPIRATION DA TEi . 61~012004 NO ~.-.:..-_.~- Fees' pa_id tOI:" Permit; -Total: 135,13 Date: 10/9/2002 Sign , ,Applicant oj-Agent, " ,,': The p . pire by Iimit;'tion arid become null lind void if the building qr work ... passed finatinspection365 days from the date of permit issuance. A newper_mitis ~equired to commence Dr c~ntinu.e work. .'i . . . . '.' -' '. . '. INSPECTION RECORD. . '. , ...,....... FINAL INSPECTIONS . > Inzpeclor: .'. .Dale.' . '. 'INSPECTION . '. Electrical Final . . DATE INSPECTOR. , , '. .,:' ,.' . .. .' , Temporary Power Pole .... . '.': , .' . . '.: Plumbing Final .... .. . '. '~.:,,-\ ~. ~ - . '.' ,'. , Plu'mbing (DrainlWastePipe) . . ..... . '.. -M~chj,"ical Final. .' . . : EledriealGroundElecti'OdelUfer . .~ '. . . . .,: " .... Gas Tesl' '. . . .: . . ". '.' . . SetbacklFormsrrrenches(FootingS) , .' ~ . ':..' . .. .... . '. . . .'.' OQnoUnstallsubfloqr(lrpOUrfldorslabutillhe. .' .... EngineeringfGr<icling FinaI765:S1~6' . .... .: ..... ., followmg apphca.blelle[l1S have been. signed: :. ....... . :,.... . '. Fire Cept. Fi~a'7~5-4040. . . . .....: . .' .. Plumbing (Water Plpe:Sprinkler Valves) ..:.... . , ..... Mech;lniCat (GroundwOrk) , . . .. '. '. .' .'. Water Engineering 765-5268 . ..: :. .,....... Eledrical (UndergroundCondu it) . .... ..' . .. Pie-sJab (CompactionlMlln1brane.ReI~. ..' '. . '. Sub List/Busi!less Licen~e765-519 :' ". . .....:.. .... .' Underpinning (FJ"", J!)ist/(;itders) .,. . .' : :.. Zoning 765-5139 .' . .... . .' .::. . : Do nOlcove.r orconceallhe wo.'" below.untll.tne ..' Building Final~asllnSpeCtiOn.OnIY . . . .:. :' follow.ingppplicable items have been signed: :. .' ..:. . . . .: " Iter Above GOl)1pletel . . . . '." "". 1st Floor Shear, . ..... . . '. PARTIAL INSPECTIONS' . .:. . . ..' FiresprinkJer (Rough) .' '. . . . . . . . . ". ... . . Bufldinalnsp&ctions .. . 2nd Floor .Shear . . ". 4 RoOf (SheathinglDlaPhragmlFrame)' (n~/I-tf) ~ '. . . : .'. ." '. " Masonry (RilinfJBOOd BeamlPre:.Grout) .: .' .... . . '.' .' .. :'. . .' .... ..... ." .' Rough,Plumbing (TopOut) . .. : .' . '. '. .:.' , Rough Mechanical ...... . . . . . . . . '.. oo . ." Rough I:lectnea/ (1.lI'y wall) . '. ..:: ... ...... '. . ..' Rough Ele.ctrical . .' . .' ". . Framing (Only after Plbg.: Elec:. Mech:and Fire) '.' . . . ',.. .. Insulation (SoundlEnergy) . .. .. '., . ..' . '. .', M&chanicallnsl,lectioils .- Co not lapeorplasler until the foUowingapplic;able " items have bllensigned:' .... . .' .,. . . :.' . . .... . :' 1lry'",aU' : . ,. : .' .' :.' ..' ..... . . '., . .' . .. ..... Penetrations (Fire Raled)Electric;l1 . .... , . '. ..,'" ..' '. .... .':'. Penetrations (~reRatedJ jWechani.cal .. .....:..... '. . .... Penetrationis(Fire Rated) Plumbing . ' .. . .- .... . .' . . ,o, .' "," Interior Lath : . . . , . .. .' Exterior Lath. .... .' .' Plumbinalnspections . . : '. . 'o, . . '.' GENERAL ITEMS .... . . :'. '.. Exterior f'laster (Brown COal). . . .' I. \' .' . .' : T-BarElei;trical . . . '. . . . .' . ' . ...... .. T-Bar.Mechanical' . . . .' :". .... . .' '. .., .... . T ,Bar Structural , . ..' . . . .' . .. .... . . .'. Sewer .... . '. . . . . . . ... Water Enginl>ering Backflow ..' . .'. . '. . ". ..' . '., . o, . ElectricallnSDections . Water Service . . . . . '. '" '. '. . . PERMIT EXPIRED' INSPEOTION. . ',' . . . '. '. .' . '. . '.". - -,',.,.' NOTCOMRLETED' BUILDING PERMIT NO. BLD2004-01249' --- /<~ .!':,~.._~:L~ ..: .... }/ ~. i.$'f?' ,- ''''-~>>~~\ ....: l;~~~'~~r /.-)1~~~)~.... - .. CITY ~i~J}!~HEIM ~, ,~~"i,tH/",~P'/' .. \'~:..!>{~;:2'!"'...ri(,,/./ ~""fr;:Ji7ft;;.---,^.::'.,,,)'":,,~"!.~, .. ,_~,~o;-:(:::",;7" '. -':;...c-,.Y' BUILDING DIV'oSION 200 S, ANAHEIM BLVD, (714) 765- 5153 , ,INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 49 TYPE OF PERMIT Blockwall / Columns DATE: 4/19/2004 JOB ADDRESS: 1805 W LULLABY LN LEGA~ DESCRIPTION: N TR 3.:256 LOT 11 APPLICANT: SHIRLEY RAMBEAU OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: ',Shirley. j Rambe~u 1 BOO W lullaby In Anaheim, CA92804 "" JOB DESCRIPTIONSlockwall 6" x 6 ft. hi9h, 2971in. ft. and (4) Plasters per cir, standard spec's VALUAT'ION: 7,928.00 PROCESSED Ely:pMK IOWNER-BUILDER bEClARATION ' . 'I I hereby affirm under penaIty.of perjury that I am exempt from the Gontractor~rUcense Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5 Busines,s and Professions COde: any.dty or county which requires a permit to construct, altJr.," improve. demoli"sh or repair any structure, prio.rto its issuance, also' requires the. appllca I")t for such permit.to'fiIe a signed statemel)t.that he,is j..i.cer~seq'pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor,'s'License Law (Chapter 9)(c"ommencing with Section 700.0 qf-:l?ivision 3 of the BusineSSa[l~,p.rof~SiorS Code) or.that he is'e~empt therefn?m,and the ba$is for the alleged exemption.. :Any.vialation a.fS.ection'V031.5 by any appli<;:antfor a p~ermit);ubj~cts the applicanUo a Civil penaltY,of not more thanfiv~ hundred.dollars. ($500). , ' ", . .,,' , ' ,/'<~' I . '. , " . . . O' I, as riw':1er of pr~perty, or my employees with wages as.thejr'si;J-'e"c-ci~~~i1Sation, will do the wor~,', and the structur~ is n()tintended or offered for. . sale (Sec;-7044.Bu~j,he~sand.P:rpf65:sion$ Code: The. Cbntractar's .ii,ceq.se Lt:.w does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and whodoes suer' worlUiimsel(otherselfor through tiis or her'owf'l\~mptoyees,.pravjded that such improvements are o.at intended or ',' , . '." , , " j' , , , . . ' , , offered for sale.. If, however, the- building or improvement is s~!d with bne ye3t of oompletion,'~he owne:r~builderwill have the ~rden of proving that he. ~J~otbuildor'improveforthepUrp6~eofsale)~,~ " .' , L.,,'. ','. ", '. . :&JI, as t11e owner of.the property, am exdusively c'ontractingwith Iicensed~ntractors t6con~truci the project (~eC: .7044 BUsiness'and Prof~ssians Code:, The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of propertyJ.'ho builds or improves therecn, and who oontracts for such proJects with fU(ontractor(s) Iic~n.s'~d pursu~nt to the 'Go.ntract.or's License Law): i,' . . . ,,". ".IU I am em t under Sec.. . . ..' ,B .C. fo his rea,s n: ~ '--Oate: Owner: . WORKER'S COMPENSATION RATION I her~by. affirm under penalty of perjury qne ofthe following declarations: 'i 0, I h'ave.arid wil!maifltain a certi.ficate ofoonsent to self-insure for workel',~.\bonJpensatian, as provided.fc;>r by Section 3700 of the.Labor Code, for the pelfarmaJ'"lee of th€lwork for which this permit is jssued~' .' .1, . ' D I have and will maintain wotker~s compensation insurance, as required by;Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work "for whic,h this Permit is i~llei;. My worker's Campensat ioninsura nee' ca rli er and po 'licy are: Carrier:' 'Policy Number: LICENSE!;} CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby affi~n1 under penalty of perjury that. I, am licensed under provjsions of cb,!pter 9 (co,mmencing with Section 7000) of DivsiOn 3 of the Bt,lsiness and Professions Code. . 4/19/2004 Date: (fontractar i This se<:tion need not be Completed if the p.el11lit is for one h"yndred'dollars($100}'~r less. O' L certify. that in the ,perfolT11ance of the work for which this permitis'i~ue,-l, ! shaU. not emp.loy any persol} in,any manner so 85 to become subject to the workers cctrlpensation laws of C~ljfomia, and. agree that if I should become subject. tothe wOJ1<er's c~mpe-~sation . pravis~ans 'of Section 3700 of the La'borCode shat forth"Yith co" "with th;:i'5.z provisions. i :~ NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE TYPE Date: 4/1'9/2004 Applica , , " WARNING:, FAilURE TO SECURE WORKER'S ,NSATlON COIlERJ'GE IS ' UNLAWFUL, AND SHAll SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAt,PENAllieSAND CIVil F'INES UPTO ONE HUNDRED TI-lOUSANO DOllARS ($100,000), IN~.fuDI'1.0N TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION. DAMAGES ASPROVI DEDFOR IN SECTloN 3706 OF THE lABOR COD E, I NTER"ST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. ,':If)' 't~ CONSTRUCTION LENPlNG AGENCYYi,S,; i r hereby_ aff~rm ,unPe.rp~na\ty of. perjury ~hatthe~e is a const(~ctiQn lent1,iryfj~:?gcryCY for the . performClnce of the workfor which this permit isissued (Sec.3097 .Civ.C):'iIf::'. ' Lender's Information: . ,<;;;~ . . ~~~ ~;'v"_''';'<' Cansfrucian Types: VN. , Fire Sprinklered? NO . . . . ,.', ., . ""., '., ' ...,-.....,.. i-certi1Y-i~t IEa\l~ read'U1IS appJlcalionandstatet!1at th-e aDOV€!. inTorma-thri is currec{ <;tgree to oompty with all city ordinances'and state laws relating tobu.ilding construction, and hereby authorizerepresentives of thi.s ciT to enter u~n the above mentioned property for inspection pu s. . 'I " Date: 411 W2004 Fees paid for Permit: Total: . O.7~ Signat e 0 p lieant or Agent The permit 0;1laI1 e Ire by limitation and become null and void if the'l)uilding or worli hao; not passed final ino;pection 365 days trom the dateot permil i!;o;uancll. A new permit 10; required to commence or continue work. . . . INSPECTION RECORD INl!PECTIQN . ... DATE INSPECTOR ..... '. Temporary Power Pole " . . . . Plumbing (Drain/Waste Pipe) Electrical GrOund Electrode/Uter' '.1. A " SetbacklFormsrrrenches (FOQtings) . I'n rr II, Do not install sub floor or pour floor. slabn I the.} . following applicable items have been signed:' .' . . Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) . . . . Meehanical (Groundwork) '. .' . '. '.' . . '. Electrical (Underground Conduit) : . . Pre~lab (CompactiorvMembrane.Reint- . Undei"pinning (Floor Joist/Girders) . ',' . . . Do. nolcover or conceal the wo(k bel.ow until the . . following appliyable. items haVe been signed: . . ,. 1st Floor Shear. " . " '. . Fire$prii1kler(Rilugh) . .. . , '.' . '. -,-, 2nd' Floor Shear " .' ., Roof.ISheathilllllDlaphragmlFrane) . . . .Masonry (ReinfJBond BeanlPre.Grout) .. Rough Plumbing (Tol> Out) .' Rough Mechanical. . .... .' Rough Electric all) . . . . . Rough Electrical , . . " Framing. '.(Only afterPlbg.,Ele.c.. MecH.._andFire). Insulation (SOundlEnetgy) . Donat tape or plaster until the following applicable . . itemshave.been -signed:,_, _ . '. .... '. Drywall : .. ". Penetrations (Fii1l Rated) Electrical . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical ' .... . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing .' . Interior Lath .' '. . . " . i'.. Exterior Lath . : '. GENERAL ITEMS . Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) T -Bar Electrical T -Bar. Mechanical T.Bar Structural . '. . . Sewer '. . . . . . , Water Engineering Backflow , . Water Service . . FINAL INSPECTIONS' , Date . . Inspector . . Electrical Final .... .' .' . , ,...... Plumbing Final . '. '. Mechanical Final . '. .' Gas Test '. '.. , . EngineeringlGr;lding Final 76!i-S126 . " Fire Dept. Finai 76!K046 . . '. Water Engl.neeril:1g 765-5268 . .sub List/Business License 765-519 .' , . , Z~ning 765-513.9 . : .' BUildlngFinaljl-astlnspection. Only' , '. . . . . ','. fter Above Completel . PARTIAL INSPECTIONS ections . MechaJiicallnSDectioJiS , Plumbina InSDections .' EleetricallnSDections ,. , , " . PERMIT. EXPIRED' INSPECTION .' NOT COMPLETED o A 1" E:Jd 1> t!?~. .....,,- , " ~t~h ~::~:~~~ ~~~?~. 'i!l~'%;'- ,'" v , I.() 1- ~~~h~:.~~}y'\) ':-~~:'N' O! :~ 75' 1() -...] N Q2 '~.'."'" ; ~:~W(! >r /i,;A~ 'f,',. ';:<~ -b N /' ~J;;" (X) , - I i'l' :/','- I I I I 79.51\ .I'tf?;., .. :t:t.,.- '. ~~. ,. i.,1.() .'.',:.~ '.; \:~~\::l~~jr~!;o:.~}t,; co 0) ~,~~\~7\ih":,t~~r, ,;;,:,j ... ell rn'.PUlJ2', ,<it~{::Wf~F~::~{ :.tn~_1 136 51"""--'---""'''';'''''- . .iiJ/ ::,:ir"".f'!':~~"\~;'., ~{t . " '~1," 75'''' i'f;~OI. hi;... .".r;_~;~~fCj'~>..;f};;' :~,~,G'. ,il5~;-'~' /.;~. ~(~l~;J'-;'~t "'~C>.'f..<O. .,.,fl~l; ..:;..,,;,1 '. .5.) .\~;,:l..?~.~i .,"- ..: " "J., ..,..,;/{t: ;'!~~';""':"\" " ",.,,;~')r} ~ ^~j ~fHI~~:' ,,~,' / ;:.::,: -..;:;t _ i...~5;.2 -(, ....,- "" .~~r \~ t -~~~~?~,,':,1 ~.' i;_,-, f,~kt ';.~""''''~ .,1'~~,-:~~t;,~~ _:." .'. "'i~iI""'d'~:.i.&~~..I"6.,, .i'f,:i.' , f:\:..,.t, ~,'; " . ',;; 'J;::~,.,~., ._-~-: ' '.~-~t1~~~~:ri;d'H i' ~~. '~"\"" C)) 75' co" co \ 17.35' ~<:) .?"',;'r---~ 1/ Jijy}7:3 ' 8S .. .89' ~~'I',th~;;'; ',c f\f :..,;,'f.r;:t:cp.:t..\~.,,/;., :" ';",d", ,-_~>".":;'" il-~ i Jfr;,':61i; i::T " 'f > < :;,.::~~ ~r~ftJ~r~~i*&~:. ':-- . - --/. ~,N~~...::-t,~"''''$'tt5T\ 1~~kbV'fr;~vf(lG;;:!Vt~{:f~~;t~;;..1HE" BUILDING en.r,,'); v' orin"". T!1H10LDER .., r,r' v,r,-r,." ~.~ \J; ~ ,..,![.~ P~~!( OF1H!SPE:'.~.:. 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