2032 Midwood Ln. '~'4 BUILDING PERMIT NO. BLD2004'Q1840 .-;.. - , ,~~(~~}f~~,~,'~~~;,:;. ',c.if' _ /' :',"'-';;'</~ ~EiA~A;H" ElM \\""~- .."'....'.~..;;' \\' \~,"-- ~;.'?~- :'-r-Z}~:. j: \~-, :~)~~ " '\r~ v'" ~"~~~~!-'r~>"~ , BUILDING DIVISION' 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765 - 5153 " it)lSPEC;T10N REQUEST LINE: (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: . 434 QUARTER SECTION: 43 . CONTRACTOR INFORMA~ION: GALKOS CONSTRUCTIO;., INC, 5412 BOLSAAVE #G HUNTI NGTON BEACH, CA 92649 1056 BUSINESS PHONE; 714 37J-S545 JOB DESCRIPTION patio Cover ICBO #2228P,.17' x 20'. (HIH) VALUATION; 5.100.00 .1 OWNER-BUILDER':lECLARATION I hereby ,a~ir(l1 under penalty of perjury that I am exemptfro~ the Contractor"f .~icense Law for the following reason (Sec. 703,1.5 Business and, Professions Code: any city or county which requires a- permit to 'construct, i:lIF!-i, improve. demolish or repair any structure,.prior to its issuance, also' requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed stater11e:nt thathe is lice/lsed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's_License Law (Chapter 9)(commencingwith Section 7000 of Division _3 of the Business and ProfesslqlS Code) or that heis exempt therefrqm and the basis ,for the aHeged exemption. MY violation of S~tion 7031.5 by any' applicant for a permit suoj~;cts the.;a:pplicaht to a dvll penalty of not more tha n five hundred dollars ($500).' . '. i o I, a$ owner of property, or'my employees with wages as their sOler,comp!'lnsation, wUt <to thewcirk" and tns structure is_notintended or__offered fot. ' sale (Sec. 7044 Business and Professions Code: -Th~ Contractor's License Uw does not apply to an owner of property who bui!ds'~r improves thereon', and who does such work himself or herseffor through his 'or ner,owp:employees," provided that such improvements,are riot intended or offered for sale. If, however; the:building or i~provement is sold wjth.cn~ ye~;r of oompJetion, the owner-bJJilder will have the burden of proving.that he . did not build or improve forthepurpose'of sale). ..', " _ : '- . '.. o I, as theowner,ofthe property,arri exd.usively. contraciing with Iic~nsed,;~ntract:ors to construct the project (See. 7044 Businessand Professions' . Code: .The Contractor's license Law does not applY to an owner Gf property.';~ho b'unds or improves thereon, an.d who contracts for such projects with " ~ont~actor(s>-lic~nsed pursuant to the Contractor's license. Law);' . U I am exempt under Sec. . '; B &' P.C..for this reason: _ ___ Date: Owner: . ~ WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I_hereby affin.n under,penalty of perjury,on'e of the following declarations: .\ D, ' I.tiave'and will'maintain a~certificate of oonsent to self~insure for worker'dcolr,pens;ation, as provided for by Sedion _37000f-theLaborCode; for the'performance oftt.<: work for which . . this permit is issued. \ Prnfesslo ~O I have and will maintain worker's compensation insuranc~, as r:equi!'r;:!O b~~ Section 3700 of _ 5/19i200 . the Labor. Code, for the perf9rmance of the work fOf which this permit is issue:~. Myworker's Date: , Co~pensafion insurance carrier and poliOf.a.r.e: Carri or; STATE FU ND TYPE OF PERMIT CIT.Y Patio Cover DATE; 5/19/2004 JOB ADDRESS: 2032 W MIDWOOD LN LEGAL DESCRIPTION: . N TR 2689 LOT37 APPLICANT; DAVIO BORANER OWNER INFORMATION: Sandra J Jones 2032 W Mldwood Lri Anaheim, CA 92804 ARCHITI;CT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: PROCESSED BY: PMK Policy Number. 046-04 Ui.JIT 0009439 . . .' , '.. This section need ~ot be completed if the pe~it is tOr on~ hundred dollars .(~1 00}_ or less. :~~~': :0 I ,certify that in the performance of the wor~ forwhi,ch this permit is isSued, I shallJi6t' . employ-any person in any manner soas to beco ubject to the workers compensatlon laws of California. and agree that in should become.subj ct to the worker's compe'ns,ation ",c'._' , provisions of Section 3700 of the ~.e.1 Sha~OmPIY with th~'e provi.~ons. Dele; 5/19/2004 APplicajJIk"'..:::iJ.. ". '''''. WARNING; FAILURE TO SECUREWORKER'S COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS.) UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EM PLOYER TO CRIM INAL PENAll'IES AND CIVIL FINESUPTO ONE HUNDRED lHOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADijr00N "f_9THE COST OF COMPENSATION. DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION~7080l"'THE . LABOR COOE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES.' '" I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY'.' . I hereby-affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a 'construction lending ag'JntW.for the p€.rt"(.;;f;T,a.-::cv ~nh;:'~;br:({c:" ~'.!~kh-th:s-p-~f~1+. i~ j~~'!"'~ {Si;>,;.30Q7_<>..C)'_ lender's Information: 1 certify that I have, read this application and state,th~t the above information i3 corr~t. I agree to oomply h all city ordinances and sti:!te_laws relating to building'construction, and , hereby-authorize r reSf.mtives of this dty t6.~nter upon the,above mentioned property for '~n ~rpose . . . . Dale: 5/19/2004 . 19nature of Applicant or Agent The Pe.:mit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final Inspection 365 days from the dale of permit issuance. A new permit is required to commence or continu~ wOrk. I ":? Contract?,. . NUMBEH 492715 TYPE TYPE TYPE B C17 HIC EXPIRATION DATE 11/30/2005 Construcion'Types: VN, , Fire_ Sprinklered? NO, , Fees paid for-Permit: Total: 0.51 / INSPECTION RECORD r'7 .'OATE .. INSi"ECTION . . . . INSPECTOR' ." ". Temporary.Power Pol..; ,. . .' . Plumbing (Drain/Waste Pipe) >. .' - Electrical GrOund ElllctrodelUfer.. . . . ", .' .' Selbac;k1FormslTrenches (Footings) '. . . . Do not install subfloor or pOUr floor sl~b until the . fol/o\'ying appricabl~, items _have been signed~ . . Plumbing (Water Pipe,Sprinlder Valves) . MilChanic:a1 (GrilunclwlJtk) '. . '. . !:lectrlcal (Underground Condu it). . '. . Pre-slab (CompactiblllMembrane.Reinf. Underplnlling (RoorJoistlGinlen;) . . . .~ no.t Cover.orconcealthe INorl<bel.ow until the . follOWing apphcable.tems have been signed: . . '., '.. .... 1st Floor Shear.' . . . ..... Firesprinkler (Rough) '. >' . 2nd.Floor shliar . .... '. . . . . .ROof ISheathina/Diaphragrn'Frane)" . .; MasonrY (ReiitfJBond BeanlPre-GJOllt) R.ol1ghPlumbing' (Top Out) R.oughMlIchanical . '. .' .... . RDugn l:Il!Ctrical \UFy walll. ..' . Rough Electrical.. .' '. . .... . . Frllming tPnty"afterPlbg" Elec:. Mech: and Fire) .. . . . In$lllation (SoundlEnergy) . Oil nOt tape Or plaster until the foll!>wiRg applicable . items. have been signed: ,". . . . .., DrYwall . '. '..:'. . '.' PeneCralions (Fire Rated) Electrical . . PeoeCratlons (Fire Rated)..Mechanical . ..' 1 . . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing . ., Interior.Lath . . . Exterior Lath .' '. . . . GENERAL ITEMS :.Exterlor Plaster (Brown Coat) .. . .'. .' .T.Bar Electrical" . . . . . . .T-Bar Me<:hanlcal '. .' . '. '. . . . IT.Bar Structural. . . '. . S.wer '.' .' . . I Water Engineering Backflow '. . . . . . . Water Servicl> . '. . .' .'. .' . '. ..".-'1 .I{..{" FINAL INSPECTIONS :c:- Oale'.' '.. .I~spector .. Electrical Final '. '. . . .;~.;., plumbingFin~1 ". .' . .' ..... . .' . Mechanic~1 Final - .' r . Gas'T est . . .... .' , .' '. Englneerll1glGrading Fj~1765.s.126 .' .C .... FiniOept Final 765-4040 .; . . .... Water Engineering 76S.5268 . ..... I' Sub List/Business License 765.5.19 - . Zoning 765~513!i . . . .... ;. BlIilding ~in;ll ~ast Inspettl~ti. Only . . .' . f1erAbove Complete). .' . PARTIAL INSPECTIONS. . ." . Buildinalnspections . . Mechanical Inspections '. . PlurnbinQlnspections ElectricallnsDections' ~ERMJllr-fEmPfREID _llf~,P:)ftfJCJm rC:"1 .' '.' ~([T' 1'7}\11wt[) L ~ ~me:: Cfv1DF -r.