5324 E. Pamela Kay Ln. BUILDING PERMIT NO.BLD2004..o2564 TYPE OF PERMIT Retaining Walls DATE: 10/15/2004 JOB ADDRESS: 5324 E pAMELA KAY LN LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 4958 LOT 60 APPLICANT: DAN ESHKOL OWNER INFORMAtiON: Terry Carrier . 5324 E Pamela Kay Ln Anaheim. CA 92807 BUILDING DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM ,BLVD. (714) 765 - 5153,' INSPECTIQN REQ\.)EST LINE: (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: 565 QUARTER SECTION: 179 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION, CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: SHORELINE CONSTRUCTION 12116 SEVERN WAY RIVERSIDE, CA 92503 'C000 BUSINESS PHONE:, 909 n8-9905 JOB DESCRIPTION:lnstaIl100 sq It retaining wall behind BBQ, SWI2004-00':13. VALUATION: 1,000.00 I OWNER-BUILOEH DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contract6~'s L:iCl;3l:'5e Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: any city or county which requ(resa permit to constnicL'.3:ter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a ,signed statement that he jsljd~nsed pursuant to the pro\i\sions of the Contracl:or's-License Law (Chapter 9)(commencing with Section 7006 of Division 3 of the Busjne~s and PfOfc~i.$:on5Code) orthat he is exempt therefror:nand the baSfs for the alleged exemption." Any violation of Section7031.5. by any applicant for.;:t permit su,0iects.thqJ~,_pplicant to a civ~ penalty of not more.than five hundred dollars ($500)., " , " " , . o I, as own~r of property, or my employees with wag6'~ as their sole com!,l~ns~tjon, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044 Business and Professions Code: The dpntractor's license ~aw: does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves ~here.on, and_who' do~s such work himself or herself or t.~!rough his or hero\A;n employep..5, provided that such improvements are not intended or off.ered for sale. If, however, ,the building or improv.emeryt is sold wJth one Y1ar of completion, tlte owner-builder wilt have the burden of proving .that he did not buKd or improve for the purpose of sale). -,~.' " '. ".' o I, as the owner of the property; am exdusively cont~cting with licensed. eontrzK:tors to construct the project (See., 704 8'Jsiness and Professions . .code: The Contractor's Li~nse L~w does not apply to an owner of propp.n'v--.vhnbuilds or improves thereon, and who oontracts for sucti, Piojects wjth ~ntr~dor{s) licensed pursuant to the C.ontractor's License Law). . U:_ i a.m e~empt under Sec~. , B & P.C, for thi$ reason: . _~,_ Date: Owner; I WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATiON I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declaratiCf\S: o I have ahci wi!lrnaintairl a certifICate of mnsent to seif-insure 'for w01ket's compensation, as, provided for, by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the-performance of t~,a \Vork for whld1 ~hi permit is issued. -.'. ".,.. I I have and will maintain worker's compensation insurance, as re:quired by' Secticn 3700 of 10/15/200 e'Labor Code, for the perfor~ance of the work for which this pefmit is iSSU1~. - My worker's Date: Compensation insurance carrier and policy are: Carrier: EXEMPT ' Policy Number. EXEf,'PT -,NO EMPLOY~ PROCESSED BY: MSM 1 LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I,hereby affjrm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000 f Divsion 3 of the usiness and' Professior.s Cod' . This section need not be completed if the permit is tor one hundred dollars {51 i)~i 0/ less. o I certlly that in the perionnailce-ofthe work for which this permit is issV~.j, I shali not employ any person in a ny manner so as to become subject to the worker's.ptmpensation laws 'of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the worker's cOrrlpi'nsation provisions of Section 3700 of the labor e, I f, rthw.th 0 IYWi,th~tt,::>se provisic..ns. NUMBER 742331 TYPE TYPE Construcion Types: VN, , Date: 10/15/2004 Applicant: WARNING:' FAILURE TO SECURE UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJEC AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALflES AND CIVIL FINES UPTO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN,ADDrnON TO THE' COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE. INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES, , '. I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY . Ihe.r~~y. Clffirm under pel1a1ty gf perjury that-there..is.,,3 con-structipn '_e(4)[H=i ~CJ.5!_ncy tor the - performance o(th-ework for which this permit is is,sued {Sec.'309? .Civ.C}: . tender's Information: 1 certify that I il:ave rem1thisappJication and state that the.above information jl) correct. I agree to comply wi all city or'dinances -and ~1ate taws relating-to building constructi.on;::a~ ~er~ by ut rize re resen~iv 5 f this city to enter upon the above mentionee:propertyfdr' mse.pr s ,-. . . , ' Date: 10/15/2004 Signature of Appli nt or Agent The permit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspeCtion 365days from the date of perrrJt issuance. A new permit is required to comme,nce or continue work. EXPIRATION DATE 11/30/2005 B C53 '-.-.~-' < .. Fees pai~ for .Permit: Total: 72.45 INSPECTION RECORD' , " INSPECTION' , " , 'DATE INSPECTOR Temporary Power Pole Plumbing (DrainlWaste Pipe) . " Electrical Ground Electrode/lifer SetbacklFormslTrenches (Footings), , Do not installsubfloor or pour floor slab, until the following applicable items have been signed: ' Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler ValVes) - , Mechanical (Graundwprk) , , Electrical (UndergrOUnd Conduit) Pre-slab (Compaction/Membrane.Reinf. UO....pinning (Floor Joist/Girders) , Do not cover or conceal the work below ulltij tlle following app.Jjta"le items have been signed: . , 1st'Floor Shear' , FireSprinkler (Rough) " , -c- 2nd Floor Shear , , RQof (SheathinglDiaphragrn'Frame) Masonry (ReinfJBOnd BeamlPre-GlO\It) , , Rough Pllimbing(Top Out) , Rough Mechal)ical , ROugh eectriCaI (Dry Waif) Rough Electrical Framing {On1rafter PJDg.. EJec..MeCh. and Fire) InSulation (SoundlEnergy) , Do not tape or plaster until the following applicable items have been signed: . . Drywall " Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical , Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mech3l1ical ,Penetrations (Fire' Rated) Plumbil!9 . , Interior Lath Exterior Lath ,-' , GENERAL ITEMS " ' Exterior Plaster (Brown Coal) T -Bar Electrical ' , T -Bar Mechanical , T -Bar 'Structural , Sewer " , , Water Engineering Backflow Wat..r Service , FINALlNSPECTlONS , Date, ,Inspector Electrical Final , " " Plumbing Final , , " , Mechanical Final " , " , Gas Test , ' Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 " ' Fire Depl. Final 765'4040 Water E,ngineering 765-5268' , , , '" Sub List/Business License 765-519 , Zoning 765-5139 ' ' , " Building Final ~ast Inspection- Only', 11I16,{(ft.'- I' fter Above Complete), PARTIA!-: INSPECTIONS 'ilL :1 . I BUlldrnq Inspections ~~'~'~ :~y , ' Mechanical Inspections ,Plumbinq Inspections Electrical Inspections APPLICANT; DAN ESHKOL OINNER INFORMATION; CONTRACTOR INFORMi,1"ION; Terry Carrier, ' SHORELINE CONSTRUCtiON 5324 E Pamela Kay Ln ' 12116 SEVERNWAY' {,I' 'Anaheim, CA 92807 RIVERSIDE, CA 925030ncii/. ,BUSINESS PHONE;'909i3il'~905 . JOB DESCRIPTION:lnstaIl100 sq fl retaining wall around pool equipment. SWle004-00113, " . '..\ ' VALUATION; 1,000,00' 'iI " j OWNER-BUILOER)IECLARA TION . I her~by'affirm under penalty of p,erjury that I ~m exempt from the Contrackii':i{ Lic'ens,e,L~w. {prihe.following-reasor:' (Sec..7.C31.5 Busin,ess and: Professions Code: any dty or c9unty.whichrequires a permit to construct. art~~, improv~, de_~.Jjsh or,repairany structure, prior to its issuance, .also requires the applicant for suqh permit ~o, mea: signed s.tatement that he 'is IICE':Hsed pu~suantto the provisions of the 'Contractor's License Law (Ch,apt~r 9)(commenclng W!th Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and professi~~sCOde) or, that he is exempt ,thero~rom and the,basls'for: the alleged . exemption. Any viOlation o.f Section'7031.5by any appllcant for a permii suLi;~cts the applicant to a ciyit penalty of no-t more than five hund~ed doUats '. ($500) . ." . '. ,'3" . . . '. ..' .' '. , . o I, ~s ow~er of ~rop'~rty, 9rmy employees with wages as the~'sOle.t.~m~7~t~atj~il.wm do,the work, :and the structure_ i$ nOtint~nde.dor offered:,for. sale (~ec. 7044 Business and Professions Cod8:: The Contractor's UJ:ense l~w does nut ~~""i-"i'y to an owner of prop'3i-tY,whobuilds o'rimproves' ,,',; thereon, cimdwhodoes such work himself or hers_elf or through his or,her ow~,'employees, providedthatsuchjmp~vementeal'e not intended or. . offered for sale. If, however, the build ing or hnprovement is $old with cine Yt7'~~r:,of completion, the-owner-builde" wm have the burcien 'of proving that he' did-not build or improve for the pUlPOse of sale). , ",', l" ',_ ,". ,"", _, \ '_ " ,,' 01, as the. owner of the property, amexdus'iveJy contracting,with iicensed,~ntrad.ors to cqnstruct the project (See.. 7044-.Bl..isines~.and,Professions Code: THe Contracto~s Li<;et1se _law does no~ apply to an owner.of propeltY',~lfhobuilds, Dr improves thereon, and who con1racts'for such :l?roj'ects with ricontract~r(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's license law)." r U I am _exempt under Sec.. ;,8& P;C. for-thisreason: < Date: . OWner: -:;L_ I " WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION _1' I' I hereby affirm und,er penalty of perjury one,of the following declarations: (1,'_: , ' . , , 01. have and will' maintain:a ceiiificate.of consent, to self-insure for wor:';'~rj~ cOr:ipe,l}sation, . as praV; ed for by Section 3700 of the labor Code, for the perfotmance.ofth:~,'i..yort<. f~rwhich thi' rmit is issued. . ' ' , , "(... . . .1 have and will ~aintain w()rk~r's 'Compensation insurance, as reqUl/l?-" bfSectio.,n3700o( the a,bor Code, for the performance of the work for Wh.i?h this permit i5-1s..,mid. MY'1?tke.r's.' ....ompensatioh insurance ,carrier and policy are:_ '. .' _?i :,' ..'~:~,'.. :;~> ' Carrier: EXEMPT' >'. Policy Number. EXEMP1i,NO ~w:~C?y~ : . -.. - ,. . '.""', ,:1:0,: "-:::::c'~, This section need not be completed ifthepennil i.s for one hundred doll.rS'($~90) or les"::/' " . 0 I c~rtify that in th'e performance o.fthe- work for which this'permit'is i~u~:n_sha-!L~6t ',.:>:: employany per-son, in any manne~ $0 astobecome subject to the wor~r's, c1~ns~tlon laws of California, and agre~ ~at if I shOUld become subject ,to t %rker' , .co~?ation'>~::," provisions of Section 3700 ofth:t~ Code, I shall with IY w' ).ttfse prc;Vi~~ns, ~~~N~~:2~~LURE T~P;~~E~ORKER'S COMPENSATION COvE~GE ,;~f; UN'LAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENA;:T1ES'AND CIVIL FINES UPTO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADQi110N'rQT!ciE . COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTIOt,f 3,06 96i[l:1I;:,' LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES, '..:" '::\ '( ":;"%i,;Y< I. , CONSTRUCTION lENDING AGENQy'.,ti~'~" . ".J'ii."J>'?",' ~-hi.:.i:~:.~'~ff,;:: :.,-~;"'.::lhr--Fi;-;.:;lt~'.c4j;?~~ti-',-i:;~.~:-;.:t~':G.o ...:.c:;,:.tr ~:.:;...-i\"';i:';~'-;"i;'';;~;~;;'': :,:,-; [::,: -rr,c-.-:-----,'-..-~ - -~-~---------.-,--.;.,..,,----.--- , performanceofthewOrkfor Which this permit is issued (Sec.3097.Civ.C)_: . Lender's Information:' . . BUILDING PERMIT NO, . BLD2004-02564 ..' TYPE OF PERMIT C'ITY' . Retaining Walls. DATE; 6/24/2004 JOB ADDRESS: 5;l24 E PAMELA KAY LN" LEGAL DESCRIPTION; N TR 4958 LOT 60 . '.{ } BUILDING DIVISiON . 200 S:ANAHEIMBLVD, (714) 765 - 5153 .' . iNSPECTION REQUEST LINE; . (714)765: 4626 CENSUS CODE; 1;65 QUARTER SECTION; 179 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER iNFORMATION; PROCESSED BY: CAl . LICENSED CONT~C70RS DECLARATI.Q!Lj . hereby affirm ul1l.ier penalty 0.1 perjury .that l.am " " licensed uooer provi~ions ofchapt-er 9 (comm,:n:~. a with Section 7000) of Divskm 3 the BY . es~o'" :/;:~;;~o~s' _~ ' .' '::' __' Date: Contractor NUMBER 742331 TYPE TYPE. Construcion Types: VN, , . B C53 EXPIRATION DATE 1.1130/2005 . 1 certify that r have' read this applJcation and state that the above inforination is correct. I agree to. comply with all city ordinances and state laws 'reJati'ng' to ,btiilding construction, and ~er. ebyauthorize representives of I ' . 10 enter uP9n,~re menlionat' property for . IJ)sp . n purposes..', .p'. _ ' . . . /,,". Date. 612412004 'Signi3ture of Applicant or Agent , The permit shall expire by limitation and become null and.void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the mite of permit issuance, A new permit is, required to commence or continue work:, . .~--,~'--- . Fees paid for Permit: Tolal: 72,45 INSPECTION RECORD {', . . INS"l!Cricm . . .... O/>.TE .INSPl!CTOR' ,., .'" . Temporary Power Pole . >. . . '. . '.' j' Plumbing (DrainlWa$te Pip!') ." > . .' .. .' Electrical GrOUnd ElectrodelUfer . .' '. , /1...;, .' : ~backlFormslTrenChes (Footings)' rJ.i~lI\:l 'fY.~...' , [)(,) "pt installsubfloor or poor floClrs.lab'imlillhe t) .. following applicable)lems .have been'sigb.ed! . .' ! Plumbing (Water f'Ipe.Sprlnkli!r Valves) ." Mechanical (GrOundwork) .... .' "leettieal (Underground Condu it) .' . '. . t'1l!-5Jab (Compact br_.Reint. , ,'. . . '. '.' -' Underpinning (Floor JolstlGlnlers) '. . . . po noq:overorconcealthe \(lor!< bel.owuntll the . '. '. follo\l\llng'apphcable .tems have been signed:. ' " ~ st FIClor Shear .' . . .'. Firesprinlder (Rough) . '. 2nd Floor.Shitar' .... '. .' . ',il . , , ROOf.($heathing/DiapbJ3!1in'Frame) .\ :-/.J~'-+"1J7 r, '-I Masonry (Relnf./Bond BeamlPre,GroutL Ii . '. .,. . If".. , .. R.ough Plumbing (Top Out) .... .' . '. . . RClullhMeehanieal ..,. . .... '. . '.' .' . Rough l:Iectncal (Dry Wall) . '..' . .' , . . Rough Electrical . ...... . .', Framing . (Gilly a1reIPlbg.. Elec,. Mech.. aodF"e} '.. . . . I. Insulation (SOOndlEnergyJ . . , Do not tape or plaster until tne following applicable : i.tem~have.been,$igned:':, ,':', ".: - ....- . -. : . . "'.' DrYwall . : . . .' . '. Penetrations (Fire Rlited)"lectl'ical ,. . .. Penetrations IFire Rated).Mechanical . '. Penetratlons(Fire Rated) Plumbing . . . .' " 'Interlor.Lath ." . .' . " . . Exterior Lath . ...... , . . '.' '.' . . . GENERAL ITEMS . '. ~rlorPlaster IBl'OIj\fn Coal) . '. . T -Bar Electrical .' " '. .... '. . r:Bar Mechanical . ,', > . '., .' r -Bar Structural .' . S"wer. ". .' . " . ,. '.' Water ~n'gineering'BackflClw '. . .' .... . '. Water Service ..... . , . . . . ..... ~ " .FINALINSPECTlONS . Electrical Final P1Ul!1bing .flnal . Mech~nical Final Gas Test . Engineeri"gtGrading Final 765-6126'. ,pale . Inspector . ..."~ " . . . Fir~ Dept. Final 76S.4040 WatetEiigineering .7,65.5268 Sub List/BlisilfessLicense 765-5,19 .' Zonirlll 765:5139 , BUiiding Final' fl. 3$t '."spe. clion. Only /, .f, .' '.' .' , '. .Afte, Abov.e Compyete). II II . PARTIAL I.NSPECTIONS . . , I " ~ . '-. ., Buildh1alnspections . .', ,'. ." . Mechanicallnspectlons . . Plumbina Inspections . Electricallnsoectiol1s'