201 S. Peralta Hills Dr. TYPE OF PERMIT New Residential Construction BUILDING DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765 - 5153 INSPECTION REQUESTLINE: (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: 101 QUARTER SECTION: 163 BUILDING PERMIT NO. "BLD2002-00789 DATE: 1/18/2005 JOB ADDRESS: 201 S PERALTA HILLS DR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: APPLICANT: MATTHEW THARP OWNER INFORMATION: JOHN THARP " 54(lO S OHIO YORBA LINDA. CA 92886 , JOB DESCRIPTION New SFR (plan check approved under BLD2000-03836) \\1i'1 attached garage.Re-issued for 6 months. Exp 7/18/2005. VALUATION: 616,490.00 PROCESSED BY: MJF L OWNER-BUILDERifJECLARATION I hereby atfirm.under penalty of perjury that! am exempt from the Contractors L!t:enzo Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031;5 Business and Professions Code<; any city or countY-which requires a permit to construct. Cc!?:::r, Improve. oemolish or repair any structure. prior tb its issuance, ~lso requires thA applicant for such permit to file a signed statement tha':.he:s:ic::;~sed pursuant te the.provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Ch?pter 9)(I?C'mment;ing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and ProfeSSi~I!1S COdS} or !hat he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any viobtion aT Section 7031.5 by any applicant tC\r a perr.-iit sub!er;is the applicant to a evil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500). "". i " " "" ; ~ I, a::> owr:er of property, or my .employees with wages, as their sole c:)n;Pi~nsation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended.or off.erpd for sale (Sec. 7044 Business and Profession~ Code: The.Contrector's Ugense Lflw a06S not apply to an OWner of property who builds or improves thereon, c!(1d who does such.work hImself or herself or thro:.Jgh his cr her 0\....,: employees, provided that such improvemef"lts are not intfdnded or offered for sale.. If,however,the building Qr ;rnpr:)verhent fs 3cld with one y<cir ofwniPleti6n, the owner-builder will have ths burnen of provrngthat he did pot bu i!d or improve for the pu rpose of sale). ,~ . o I, as. the owner of the property, atn exdusivelyo::;oi"ltl'dcliii with I1cens.;:d ,~.tmtrad:ors to con::;truct th6 project (Sec. 7044 Bus:nftss and Professions Code: The:'Cuntr8ctor'::; License Law does not appl~/. an nCi Of r>ropclbl ~"'iho bt'illd:::o or improves thereon, arId who ctJntr!':lcts for Stl('i'1 project3 \';"ith ~nfractor(:)} lic~n<.::ed pursuant to the Contrac\or's I('e ' Law) ,. " . _J I am exer:1pt under Se~. , " B & PC.. L JI<" '2~ 11: -~~--s :___. i~- ~~~~<;" -- WOR~';;~ Olli NSATi DECLARATION -1..___; UCENC!:D ~ONTRA.CTORS DECc.~.~-l : herfl,l)v affirm ~ln1er penalty Of perjlJry one of t,",e f owing declarations: thereby affirm unclei ael!i3lty of peljury that ~ [] I"have and .",jiU.ma"intain a certjficat~ of OJn~~nt to self~insure'f';;r ....iorker..i.:-;0'11P~n5-ati.;.i-., iiGensed under pr.ovi~kms of chapter 9 (t..:olTlrnenclng as proi,,~ide.d for by secl.ion 3700 of the Labor Code, for the perforrt!ance ofthr;. \'\i0.'\( Tvf wt:"oich t with Secticn lOOO) of DlvslCn 3 of the Business nnd t;,I$ pelmit is issued. 1 . I Professions Cc.-de. !.J !. have Ctnd will maintain worker's cornpensation ins~~anc~, 2S re.a~i~'.:i ~)~?:;:sction 3700 of 1118/2005 the Labor Code, for the performance of tile work for whlcn this permit IS !S~i)~~J. Myworkar's I DC:ite~ Compensa~ion in~urance.l.7drrier and policy are: .. ,": . I Carrier: Polley NurnDer: ,; I NUMBER. This section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($10~JJ;L; iGSs. I TYPE l29 I certify that in the perfo!1Tlanca of the work for which ~hiS oermlt is issUet:, 1 sflalJ not ~ employ any person In any ma ner so as to become subJec~ tl";e worker'~ C~l()lp9n'Satlon laws of CaHfomia, and agree that if hou I tfCome su ed to e wor'r<er's con;;Jc '\~atlon provisIons oj Section 3700 of the or Code, I silo Ith comply with thC;":;,3 prO'J;Slons. Cons!rucion Types. I V N, V N , V N .._1 o.ccupancv Groups.: o ENSATiON COVER!"3E' is :13 U1,. , UNLAWFUL. AND SHALLSU JECT,AN EMP YER TO CRIMINAL PENAl.TI!"S AND C:VIl Fire Sonnklered? FINES UPTO ONE HUNDR THOUSANO OLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDI"'ION TO THE Dwellin~ Units: c6sr OF COMPENSATION DAMAGES A PROVIDED FOR iN SECTION :;706 OF THE Livino Area: LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. " Gera~e Area I CONSTRUCTION L.ENDING AGENCY I heret.y affirm under penalty of perjury that .there !sa COf1struction lending~g~~7cy for the __f:~:~%:r~~~~or~~r' Whi~~~~~",~~rmit~~~ssu:~ (S~:,:~~~~~!Y,~~~"._~~._ ___._____ ..1"_ CONTRACTOR INFORMh,!ON: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: Cor.trac~or EX?IRATION DATI'; NO 1 6,715. 746 application and state that the above information is correct. I nances and state laws relating to building construction, and of this citY to enter upon the above mentioned .~)roperty for Fees paid for Permit: Total: 10;811.64 . Date: "1118/2005 Signa re Applicant or Agent Th permit shall ex re by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not pas mal inspection 365 days from the date Qf permit issuance. A new permit is req red to commence or continue worl!- INSPECTION RECORD' ...~ INSPECTION . DATE INSPECTOR Temporary Power Pole . Plumbing (DrainlWaste Pipe) , EledricalGi'ound Electrode/lifer SetbacklFormslTrenches (Footings) Do notinstallsubfloor or pourfloor slab untilthe following applicable. items have been signed: Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) Mechanical (Groundwork) , EledricaJ (Underground Conduit) Pre-slab,(CornpactionlMernbrane.Reint. . Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders) Do not cover or conceal the work Delow until the following applicableitems have been signed: . 1st Floor Shear . Firesprinkler' (Rough). . . .. 2nd Floor Shear' .. . Roof ISheathilllllDlaphragnVFrame) Masonry (ReinfJBond BeamlPre-Grout) . Rough Plumbing/Top Out) , . Rough Mechanicale Rougn t:IectrICal\~ 7 nail) . Rough Electrical Framing (Only after Plbg.. EJec.. Mech,. and Fire) . Insulation (SoundlEnergy) Do not tape or plaster. until the. following' applicable items have been signe.d: .', Drywall . . . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical . Penetrations (File Rated) Mechanical Pen!llrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing Interior Lath Exterior Lath . , - GENERAL ITEMS Exterior Plaster ,(Brown Coal) . .. . , T -Bar Electrical . T-Bar Mechanical.. T-Bar Structural . Sewer Water Engineering Backflow Water' Service. Date Inspector ' FINAL INSPECTIONS Electrical Final Plumbing, Final Mechanical Final Gas Tes,t Engineering/Grading Final 765-51 Fire Dept. Final 765-4040 Water Engineering 765-5268 Sub.List/Business License 765-519 Zoning 765-5139 Building FinallLast Inspection-Only . After Above Complete) PARTIAL INSPECTIONS '.~J:::~tip~~ " .' _ ~~z,. - c>, l.h:;:p~t? A-7rAeU~ MechanicallnSDections Plumbinq InSDections ElectricallnSDections . . TYpeo;: PERMIT, lI;ew Residential-Constrqction. .CITY _..:..-.;.;:..."~_._~..,.:;..-....:.:. i;;i~')ii;;;~~~~:\ ....... .... . ~c '-\~~W~}-I EI M . ~"'" ,,\:ti.~i"~ll(-( \\^>,,,"~,,,,''Wj;''-'t;., :I , '';''''~{(?;G:~.m~::,:~>? / , ,'" BUILDiNQ PERMIT NO. ~ ,./ BLll2C02-00789 -. GUiLQING DIVISION . . 200 S:ANAJ-iEIMBLVD. (714)765-.5153 . INSPECTlqNREQUEST LINE.:: (714) 7.65.- 4626' CENSUS CObE:101 QUARTER SECTioN: 163 , " DATE: ,/20;OZ JOB ADi)RES,S: . 201s PERIIL T A HILLS DR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ; APPLICANT: JOHNTHARP . i OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INfORiVi;4'nON: . ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: Marda...I'Nishrno. -,!t 1780 N' Winlock St r Orange. CA 92865 . ..;1': ,. .JOB DESCRI PT10N New SFR- (plan check appr~)Ved under BLD200QRD3836) fJith-~ttached garage VALUATION: 616.490.QO \. PROCESSEDBY:CDL. .' . . . . , ',.. -,.'. ' 01'_'. .'. _ ". . '. '. . ._" . :" ::'. ,',.' ___,., ..1.... ..... .'. ........ 'QWNER-BUILD.5.f$.,l?ECLAHATiON ". ....:.. .... '.' _I'~ Iher,eby.?fflrm;unoer penaJty ot perjury that I.am eX,ernpt. from the-c;ol1tract$f'sLlcE?nse:~al{{ fOf the,foUq~';Y,!rg r~~son (Sec:J0.31;5 BUSiness aQQ.?"". _, , Profes'sion~ Code: any,City or countyw.hich requires a perm,it'toconstruct,a"~er, improve, 'd'emo1ish,'orrepairanystruct~re; prior to its i.ssuance1'4~Q' requires t11~,applfcant for sU'cQ'permit,to file a s'igned sta.tem~nt th~t heis.lic.:jn'sed pllrs~art ,to theprovisLOn.softhe Contra,<?tor's ~icense lav((-Cpapter ' 9)( comme:ncing_ with 'Section-7000 of Divisfon 3'of ,'th~ ~us!nl3ss ,a nd; Prbfass:~'~,n.~ Codef or that':h,e,is,exe,mpt .the'refrorn ~ndJhe basis~qr tI1~,~1 :eg,ed'< . "-:",, exeiTlp~on -Any' yiolation of Section 7031:5: by any appli~ant for a permit $Ui j~ds.trJ(appl~.ant tl? a,'ciyil:?enalty:offlot more,thal'l'f!v~ 'hundred;dollars, ($500) . j . . . .... . ..'..... ".' .,.... ". ~ '[], I, .~s 'own,er of prop.erty, or: my' employees with' w~~i~s'as th ejr sol e C,Ollli, ensatio~, ,:...,iil_ 4 'the, wor~; ~~d the str.i..tct~~e', is _not)~tend ~d: ci r~off13r~~J~( , "sa'le ($ec.-7044 Busi"es,S andProfessions <;ode: The Contrac~or's License~ ,_aw does not aopplyto .a:1.,owner of prop~rtY'"Y~l?builq-,i-or_impr9yes", , th!ereon, a~d who 'ooessuch 'work himselfbr l1efS81f orthroug h his or her OY-: 1 emproye~s, provid.elj' th.u such,'~mprove:iJlents a Fe not' intended ~r , " _ . '.offered,for Sale, If, ~however. the'building or ii-'nprovementis sold with oney~ 'lfof Cxsh;pll:ltion~ theowrier~builderwjll h'ave,the,bUrc.ertof-lJrO\/ingthat't1~ ~;~de o~~~~;~~~h~r:~O~~~:~s~ =:i~'eIY c~ntra6tingWith nC€.riseJ;x"'trict~r3 loo";,,truclthe project (See 70';"BU~inOcs~andP;9fessibJ. ,Code:\the Contractor's licel'lS€f Lpw'does not apply,t~ :an OWr;1~r of !::,](OPf.lcrt~: 'Nt~o tu;l,j::; or-!rnprlwes, Ihe~~on. ,and whp contract~:d()r;sllth,Pf9Jects''!Nittl' ");" ' "'I_.Q.o.ntr~;ct..'~}~s.~,'.i~~ns..e?p~r~U~l')t.t.o:thec,o~tractor;'S.Lice.n" Law.),.::, ..' . , , ,", ',. '~'~,' , ,.,~mf.x~mp.lJnderS~~" . ,.B&P _"f ,.s. . ,n, _._,_ __.;.._~__..:......:.-...__.;...~_______--+-___~_____~~';....;~. .~ :'(;:~a.t~E~::.:'~',:, " .'Owner: ,. ..... ,~__...;_____._..__ _ _ _' '. '_ ..... -. ....:. '_. WQRKER'S CO PENSATION DECLARATIOH-~~~~':"c..:~-~-] . . L~~CEN.l3ED CONi'R~CTORS DECLARATION.': I" ,.': I-:he,r'?byaffirrn p;:der. pepa\ty af.perju:y ~>ne.ofthe_following declarations: ,.I "j' ',;. I hereby;a.ff.irrn :u,ntJer pena!ty;,of:. perjury ~hat 1_:al1) C] .rhave'a~d w;!: n',;jintain a certiftcate:of-'oonsent to'se!~-lnsure forwcrkor; cOlnp~~r~~t~t;(;'r< -., Jiceosed,un(jf)rpfOV!sjoh.sQf.ch;;lpter-9 {commencirl.~: . "as provided for by Se'ction 3700 of'the-Labor Code. fcirihe porfvrman~~-.ciftt\ worl< fo(,\vhk..... 1;::~vitlt'~S,ec~ld~i 70~O}-'of Divsion"3 qU.h.e Busin~ss'_and , I 'Professions Code,' " . this p_ermit is i~s,ued,',' " " ,,', " :', ' . "".1 "[J 'I, havepn9' wili maintain,wQr',(~r's compl?:nsationin:;>uran~e,_as required !Jj Section 37.00 of 3/20102 ,.th..e .'La. bor..c. _<?,de,f.O r.th.epe rformance,of.the.. .w. ork~.o.r".'hiC.h. ,ttii.S perm. it is j~.l!~f..'M..Y"."-o:rr.e~s. Date:; Compensaticn insurance carrier'and policy are:' '. '" , ' ' ",' -' . Carrier:, ~ ,', " ':'. . P.olicy'N~mber:.' .."'. ;. . i. '. ;-.JUMBER . . Thi~ sectibn neednOl be comple\l!difthepennitis for one hundred dollars ($10'0 orleso.. ( TYPE '~p;~~e:~i~~;~~ :~:~;::~;~:ool~ht6~~~~:~~:~~~~c;~~ fh"e'~~r~~;~Uc~(~ki~:~,~o~ I.W~ .... ofCalifomia,.and agree .that if I-shOUld become Subject to the worker's Comp2_h~atjqn ~': - - .provisions of Section _3700 oOhe .LClbdr Code..l.sli o~ ' om h' _lthih~ls:e"prOvi$L6ns, , --',' ", '. -,', ',',".,"""'<"'- ,-' ", EXPlf<ATION DATE C\)ntr~ct6r , Con'strucion'TVpes':' VN. VN .VN . Date: 3/20/02 Applicant: , ' fir~ ,Sprinklered? . WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE ORKE'S COMPENSATION.COVEf";OEiS .'. ........ LivinQ Area: . UNLAWFUL. AND SHALL StJBJECT AN .EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENAL rlES AND. CIVIL I G~raQe Area FINES UPTO ONE HUNDR!=D 1HOUSAND DOLlARS ($100,000). IN AlJDt,iON TO TEllo I-Jumberol Stones COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SEC1Xifl 3706 OF-mE LABORCODE,lNTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. . :, " ';'-,,, t 1- CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY , :- . ___ \ I hereby affirm under penatty of perjUry that there is a constructjo~ndins ~ \ncyfot the~ , , performance of the work for which this permit is Issued (Se~3097~V C):' , . " ,__--Le!1d~rsJ.n[O!1X'_~w.n:_ ~ _ ___,-~__ ~ ________ _~__,__- _ a.~ --~~~. _~."__ " -~_....;..~...;::.;.'t.'o.,,'~"'"'<_ .... NO '.6,715 746 2' ~~"""~':,,:~~;:c::; . . certify that 'I have read this application 'and state that the aoove informatlOnbcorrect. I' " -agree to Comply with all crty 'ordinances and.state-I'aws, relating to bu'ilding cot,struction, and hereby authorize rep ntjve this city t9 enter upon the above meQtiohed proPerty for inspect!on. purpose , ' " , '~ ,r , Fees paid for Permit: Totai: .. 7.696.45 . . Dat.: 3120/02 Ignature Q Applicant or Agent " . . "The pernlit'Shall el<pire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection ~5 days from the date of permit issuance. A . new permitiS requiredto cominence or continue work. . "'''':'. "{ =,:'~:~'::;Eo:rJQNS · ..... ....' < ,.....--!'..._.;~ 1NSPECTIONRECORD '. INs~!,ci1oir - . , . . DATE .' INsPECTOR i TemporaryPoW'er.F'<1le IC '. , . .. , . J F'~mbing'(DrahilWa$le Pipe~ . ..' ,'. " '. , . .'.\ . EIec:trical"Ground Electrodell.Jfer . . 1l(;.'C.::o" UL!V& "'. Setb;jCklFprmslTrenches (Footings). .1!.!1-c.L \)\:,WS 'c ". I)() Aot!nstallsubfloor o~ pour floor slab until the '. '. following applicable items ~aVe. be'en~igriedi.. . '. . F'lWnbing (Water Ape.Sprinkler Valves~ . Mechaliicat(Grouhdviork~ '. , '. '. '. " Electrical (Underground COnduit) .' , , -:-. F're's,lab. (Comp.ac:tIOrl/Mernl1rane.Rei /if. 14-'1.\)'1- ,\ijL-""S: '""', ,.' Underpinliilig(FJoor"oistJ<?i~ers) . ." .. ..' . . Do not cover ot.concealthe work belowcuntll.the' fOllowing'applicable iten]S haYl1.beery' signed... ~. " '1s(FloorS/lear ....' '. .... . '. .l{;.O~ Firesprinkler (Roilgh)'. . . . ..:' .... . .. 2.nd Floor Shear ". -4~iJ'I, ~#,/y,;:. '. ~of (Sheafhing/Diaphtagni/Fraine) . :... . " MasOnry' (Reinf.IBorid: BeamlPre-Grout). (.../ :. Roug/l PI~nibirig (Top Out) .. . .. 'Rou9h M"ch"oical '. . . ." .' . . : ROugh ElectricaHDry Wall),. . . '. . " . / , Rough Electrical ' .:, . . . 'A "_ / ' Frainlng' (OnIYp~erPIbg,Eiec Meth""dFire)' ;-if:'OJ~ Insulation (SoundlEnetgy)' '.~<l-03 .' .. .00' notfap" or plaster .untillhe'following' applicable . iterns have. been signed.. . . . ":. t., . '.' DrYwall' , . . , .. . " ',171 IIf'> \.\. 'AbV" . , Penetratipns(Fire Rated) ElectriCllI It . , !,enetrations(Fire.Rat"d) .Mecl1anical. c. . Penettations' (Fire Rated)Phil'nb'Ag' , ., . .' Interior Lath . '. .. .: '. Exteri~",Lath . .' .~ . 7-J..-a: .'7> '" .c.- I. . . " . GENERAL ITE MS . _.. Ai, .' . , Exterior Plast!lr(Brown C<!3l)- .. . 7r~ . T'B.ar Electrical . . . " \",.... f T.Bar Me,cha,riical.' . .. . T-Bar Structural, . , , : '. . Sewet .... , '. . .'. Water EngineeringBac~flow '. . .' Water SerVice. .' .' . .. '~Date' '. J,nsti?C(~t\~. '" .. Plu",blng FinM Mechanic~IFin~i . GasTest ',' , ' Engineering/Gra<\ing FI~iol '76i;,s1~6 . Fir~ Dept. Fin~1 765-40~O.. WaterEngineering'765.526~. Sub.list!Bu$ine$~ License 765.519 _ Zoning.765-5139 Building Final. ILasllnspectio.;.Only , . . . . ",.. After A~ove,Complele), r ". .'PAR'rIj\L.INSP!SCT( BulldinalnspectionS , . ,.' Me.chanicallrispectioris ,,' PIOmbiria in~pectio~s' Electricallnspectioris" . . PERMIT. EXPIRED "INSPECl'ION. ~NOT.. COMPLETED , bAlE: J 9-J.a:qLt>y -"ftf