500 S. Peralta Hills Dr. ....:""': "- BUILDING PERMIT NO. TYPE OF PERMIT Accessory Building (She'd, Garage".) CITY ~~.;~.~Ei~'.;,::}');~t~.: j~~""~~,, .' -,:t'$;~"> I;>/{;; '.' " 11'. .....j;;...~..~"'H. . . '<' ,"', ';'~"'''~''EI M t- ' " .:,. , r '. ~~. .'! .\j ,'-'<{~~i~<ji' i;' '1" "'-" " :::~:~~y~~~/<. ~ .., , BlilWiNG DIVISION 200 S: ANAHEIM BLVD: (714) 765- 5153 . INSPECTION REQUESTLINE' (714)765- 4626 CENSUS CODE: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 162 ,"lLD2004.02165 ~': . DATE: 6/14/2004 JOB ADDRESS:: 500 S PERALTA HILLS DR LEGAL DiO'SCRIPTION: N'TR 8633 LOT 1 ! 'iJ '. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: TIM P'ITTS CONSTRUCTIClN . .. t 1003 LAViANDA PL t PLACENTIA, CA 92870 OS,\0 - . ij . BUSINESS PHONE: 714 n~'~473 ' JOB DESCRIPTIONl\ccesso.ry Building, New Pool House, (HIH) i' ' , ,j VALUATION: 110,000,00 ~ I OWNER.8UILDE;::i~ ECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that .I am exempt from the Contractor ~-~lcense' Law for the followi~g reason (~ec; 703_1.5 Business ahd '. P~fessions-Code: any city _or couritywhich r:equi~s a permit to construG:. al~r'~-,'impj'ov~, de~olish or repair any stru9ture;.prior .to,its issuance; also, . requires.the.applicapt for such permit ~o file. a s,ignea statement tilot hei$,lic:~pSed pursuant to thepiOvisions Of-the_ Contractor's License Law (Chapter . 9)(commencing with Section 7000 "Of Division 3 of the Business and Prcfes,si~l:i;; Code) or that heis exem~ttherefrom and the_ba,$ls for the-a!leged ' ~;;(;bj~iO~. Any vi~lati.on qf Section 7,0.31.5 bY'at~y.apPI.i:ant f~r a permit su~;i:t~, theal?Plica~t to'a~.v~ .p~n~l? ~:fn~t ,~.~.r~ than ~v~ h,~~d.red ~oll.~,rs . O' I,' as ow.nerof prop~rty,or m~ ~tTlPloyees with wages as th,eir, sole COJ~:~?I;,sati.on, will do {:-Ie work. ar-:d the str~ctur~ is notl.nte_Qded ,?foffered for. ,sale (Sec. 7044 J3u~il1ess,and Professions Code: The Con~r~c~or'.:; License. i~~.:n/idoes not apply to an owner of property who Quilds or improves ther~n, and who does such wOlk himself or herself or through his or her oW~1.ar:lployees prOVided that suet' improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or irTlorovemem is sold with 0118 yet!{of completion, the owner~bullder wi!ll1ave the burden of proving that he did not"build or improve'forfhe__purp0se'Cf $!e).' [if. __I' , .-,' ". . , '. L- - ,- -_ _ " ' . o I"as the ,owner. of the. property, am ex~us.ively contr.;:ct;ng ~v;tr: licensz(.i \:c.r,t!a~ors :.p ~onstruet th,e pruject~~,~.S_,!q44' BIJ&in~,$ ,a~dPr?fe'ssi~~.~ Code: :The Contractor's License-law does not ,apply to Cln owner or plopertY:Nho bUild:: or Improves thereon;' and who .contracts fot sucn-_pro,,;;;\;~-WJtl1 Oot'ltractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contrac~or's~icense Law). .J ',-' ."" I 'am exernpt under'Sec.., , ".' : '-,6 &P.C.fcrtl1\sT€:ason: . -,i. ____ Date: Owner: . --'::.. L . WORI{ER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION ,J- .'1 hereby affirm under penalty'ofperjury one of the following declarations: ' --,J. . 0 'I have an.dwiIJ mainta[~ a. certificate of .60nse'nt to 'self-i'~sure forwofke"'; ~c.,npensatlon, as provided for by Secti.on 3700 of the Labor Code, 'for the pertor/nance' C'ftbo} work for-,whidl this permit is issued. . . " .' -.i , ,. ~..I have and will maintain warker's compensation insurance, as requiredt::~; Section 3700 of ~...ab'or Code, for. the performance of the work for which this' permit'isjs'.i~.i'l 'Myworker's Compensation 'insurance carrierandpOlic.y are: , _' .' .- j . Carrier: EXEMPT . P~lic.y Number. EXEME"'l . . . This section ~,ed riOt be completediftrle pennit.js for one hU~dreddoilar~ i$1d;~ ~~~~s. O' J.certify ~hat in the. perfom1~_nce of the work for which this permitis,;$s~~.:.j;J)~~a 11 not _employ any person in,a nymanner SQ_ astc become subject ,to th.e workei'"s e~'rnp~nsatlon laws .Q(CaUfomia, and agree that jf I should become subject tothe_~ork_er's.CQrt:.tY;,ns.a:tron provisions of.Section 3700 of the Labor Cade, Ish? a. with comply :w:lh ~.f~e^provisions. APP~ICANT: TIMP.ITTS OWNER INFORMATION: Mitchell W Lew 500 S Peraita Hills Dr Anaheim, CA 92807 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATiON: - PROCESSED BY: HRO LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby affirm under 'pe~alty of perjury that I am Ifcensed'under':Jr,Qvi$ions,ofcl1apter'9 (commencing. with Section 7000)ofDiVSion 3 of the Busin~sand .PlOfessionsp.' : ...e... 6/14/2004 A':f) ." . Date: ,.... ,..' . Contractor NuMBER 578432 ' . tYPE EXPIRATION DATE 9130/2005 ' Fl . ,. . Date: 6/14/2004 Applicant:. J.~"' WARNING: FAILURE TO SECUREW RKER'S COMPENSATIONCOVEi>'i'.GE IS, ' UNLAWFUL;-AND SHALL SUBJECTAN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENft',TIE;; AND CIVIL . FINESUPTO ONE HUNDRED TI-lOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN' ADDITION TO THIO ' CgST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTIO~"';J?06 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTERESTAND-ATTORNEY'S FEES, ' :{;;,F". ,: ,........ . '. ..' CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY.. . ,'>, Li""",:,., "';',: i:.~an:lrm undet'pehiiiY of perjury tl:1at .fhe~e.~aconsir'~'ctiorr':'~di;;~ncy foririe.- ~...::'-. performance of the work for which this permit is issued (See. 3097 .Civ .C): . Lender's Information: Construcion Types: VN, ,:- Fire Sprinklered? Living'Area:' Patio Area: NO, 350 642 " '. .~ o~O::"-" -. ...!."" ~ --. .-,-,":":'" ~ 'l_ ,~ J.e~rtify that I have read this ~:pplication and state' that the above information IS correct. I agree to romply-with all c;:ity ordinanc.es and state laws relating to buUding cO'1struCtion, and hereby authoriZe represe tives of thIS city to enter upon the above menti,oned properly for insped,ion -p . ~ ~~~~ . Signature .of Applicant or Agent . . ,The permit5hall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is required to commence or continue work. Fees paid for. Permit: Total: 11.00 - INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTION . INSpECTOR .' . .'. ..... DATE' Temporary Power Pole. . . Plumbinil (DrainIWaste Pipe) '. El!>ctric"'Graund Etectrode{Ufer ...... L? A. . . SetbllCklFOI'fl'!5rrrimChes{Footings) ~lu;.p'7/' /ki Do not install sUbflQOr or pour floor slab until the . /' ........ following applicable items have been signed,.. ; .' . {.' ./' Plumbing (Water Plpe.Sprinkler Valves) .' r.techanical (GrOundwork) '. . .... . . f . Electrical (Underground Conduit) ." ~ A 7 ... Pre-slab(C9'11Il1lCtionlMembrane.Reinf. ~"'/1.."6't:. .'~; r"f... Underpinning (Floor JoistlGiitlers) . ..1 ") .U?hQt cover or conceal the work !1elowuntll the '. (/'. 'followlng applicable .items have been signed: . .' . ... '. 1st Floor Shear .... . . . l ~ . fl. A. Firesprinkler' (Rough) " .' ; 2nd Floor .Shear . . .ROof (SheathinglOiaohl3gm'Frame)" .,~ Masonry (RliinfJBondBeamlPr&oGrout) . Rough Plumbing (Top Out) Rough Mechanic.al" . Rought:l&CUlc wall) . , III . Rough Electrical' . . . . Framing (Only after Plbg ,Elec I.~ech and F"el H II . Insulation (SoundlEnergy)' 1~11.l~ J . Do not tape or plaster' until the follOWing applicable I , items have been signed: .'. . '. .. " DryVilall . ..' '... . .. '111~'''* ". Penetratiom;(Fire Rated) Electrical Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical . Pei1etratlons(Fire Rated) Plumbing . Interi.or,lath., . '. Exterior Lath .'. . I .' "'. GENERAL ITEMS Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) .T-Bar Electrical . .' . T.Bar Mechanical . T~Bar Structural : Sewer . Water Engineering Backflow Water Service . . '. a-.- ..' ~ , . I . ' , . .... II I 1-1eW . I ." '., ~ I.... .:C- , '. '.. . ".,' . FINAL INSPECTIONS Electrical final ;.,,~ Plumbing Final MechaoiCal Final Gas Test Engi,""ril1gfGrading Final 765-5126 Fir..D~pt. Final 765-4040 Water Engineering 76.5-5268 ' Sub 'L;stfBush,ess .License 765-5,19 ~ Zoning .765-5.1~9 . Building Fi'nal lLast Inspection-Only . ,," ;lIfter Above Complete), . Plumbina Inspections Electrical Inspections 1 ~~ ;; ;:t~(:i;~d . . ..H'. ':A . J" ,:>jHEIM -\)0" ~ :~~:.:i<~rf~' .:~jr ~~~f~:jIl%:~'}~O' , , , 'I I: 'I '_ (f CONTRACTOR 1NFORiv1i;TION: TIM PITTSCONSTRUCTi,JN 1003 LAWANDA PL . J . PLACENTIA, CA 928700QiJ BUSINESS PHON~: 714720-4473 JOB DESCRI\TIQN:KitC~~Q remodel. Drywall & Slider, windows no opening 'fange. VALUATtON:" ...) '40,000,00 .. .'. .11 I' . '. . OWNER-BUIL!)E}~bECLARATION ,.1 hereby affirm under penalty or perjury that I am exempt fro'll t~e Ccntrc'~8::: License Law fOt: the following reason (Sec. 7031.6 B.usiness and Professions Code: any city or fountywhich requires a t>~rrnlt to construct,~:!~_~, improve, demolish or repair any stlucture, prior to i,ts issLlance, also requir.es th9 a-pplicaflt for sucl-; permit to. file C! signed stst<::lme:11_that he is}.,i~&'sed Fursuant tl? theprovlsfons of the Contractor's License ~aw (Chapter 9)(commencing with Section 700u ofDiviGiofi 3 of the DLi~in_e~s -lnd Profess:tns Code) or that he is exe,Tlpt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any '\.-ioi:3tion cf S;3Ctlon 7031.5 t.y anY'~OPfioarli.fOI'a permit su..t.:ff;:C'ts the applicant to a dvn pen.:;jltyof not mc~e than five' hundreddoUars, . ($500). .' . . . ....~. . . o I, as owner of property, or my employees with wages as,th~jrsoje comilrlsstion, will do the work, and the structlire is not intend 6(1 or offered for: sa:e (Sec..7044 Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's licens.?~,' aw does not apply to an 'owner of property who builds or improves' . thereon, and who does such work himself or herself or throughhis or her.O\,\.',ernployess, provided that such improvements are notintenc!ed or offered.for :381e'. If, howeve'r, the bullding or irnprovemerlt is sold with or)e xi, L'l" of completion, the o'''mer~_i?uilder Will have the burden of. provin.9 that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale) " ~'l ' , - \ . o I, as the owner of the property, am exclUSively comracting WIth llcenselj ntractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044 B~siness and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an oVvoer of oroPdlt'iiNhO builds or lITIproves thereon, and who contra,:;ts for such projects 'J\oith P-J:ontractor(s) Iicel1Sed pursuant to the Contractor's License law). U I am exempt under Sec. , G ,'t P.C. for thi!:> reason: _~__ Date: Owner: . _ -L_ I . . WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION '1) 1 I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury' one of the fOllowing declarations; o I have and will mai!Jtain.acerti.ficate of ccnsent!o seff.insulefer wc.r~e' ,c~!T1per'sat;on, as provided for by Section 3700 of the LabOr Code, for theperforr:;1CJllce ::-f ~h -: \".!orkfor which this permit is 'issued. :. Ii' o 1 have a nd will maintain worker's compensation insurance, as refluioe'd cJ Sectiqn 3700 'of the Labor Code. for the performance of the work for which this permJt is-issl,;t.€J. Myw0rk~r's Compensation insurance carrier and'poiicy are: . .oJ, . Carrier: :EXEMPT ' ,Policv Number: EXEMP}v :'f.". his section need not be Completedif tfle pennit is for one hundred dollars ($~,bnf"!" les_s. . certify that in the performa~~_e.Ofthe work for which this permit is issli~~, : shall not . e ploy any person in any manners"O as to become subject to the worker's ~~;npenSation laws " ' ", "'~~'.." .j~ of Califomia, and aQreethat if I should become subject to the 'Nol1<.er's corn~nsailon provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall fo with comply wit~' Ub-;"e-provisions. Date, 7/26/2004 . Applicant . .0_F.. . . WARNING, FAILURE TO SECURE WORKER'S COMPENSATK'N CQVEP~;C1E IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PEN,:t';'II';'SAND CIVIL .,FINESUPTO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADDll.lONTO THE "COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTIOi-;',370e OFTHE LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES, .:'.!i . .1' . .'. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY .._~ .).1p;7' ~ ..Jj;~b~","~@-'Jcd..21" ....t<,':?,I+~ ('~_::,."r~..'-:' fh~f +~r~~~::,:: ^'::'~~.:-:;>:~:~';"': ':-:!.'~>.... ;.~:'"'^Y5; . ..-~:-._ P' ,." .)'".)-->- performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Se0-3097 .Civ.C): Lender's Information: TYPE OF PERMIT Residential Remodel CITY BUILDING DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765- 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765 - 4626 BUILDING PERMIT NO, . BLD2004-02900 DATE: 7/26/2004 .JOB ADDRESS: 500 S PERALTA HILLS DR CENSUS CODE: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 162 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 8633 LOT 1 APPLICANT: TIM PITT OWNER INFORMATION: Mitchell W Lew 500 S Peralta Hills Dr Anaheim, 'CA 92807 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: PROCESSED BY: CAL LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION-l I hereby affirm wnder penalty of perjury that! am licensed under provisions of chapter9'~comrnenclng with Section 7000) of Divsion 3 of the Business and . . Professions Code., ~' 7/26/2004 . '-l . Date: . Contractor NUMBER 578432 .TYPE EXPIRATIONDATE 9/30/2005 B Construcion Types: VN, , Fire Sprinklered? NO .fjf , .~~..,-.-~~ ;;1;7- .' I certify that-I have read this application 'and state that the above information.50 porrect. I agree to comply yiith all city ordinances and state laws relating tq building cO!lStruction, and hereby authorize representives of this dty to enter upon the above mentionec.' property for jn~peCt~on purpose~ . Date_ 7/26/2004 Signature of Applicant or Agent The permit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of perrrJt issuance, A new permit is required to commence or continue' work. Fees paid for Permit: Total: 577,78 INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTION . DATE INSPECTOR Temporary Power Pole Plumbing .(DrainlWaste Pipe) . Electrical Ground.ElectrodelUfer .' SetbacklFormsfTrenches (Footings) . Do not install subfloor or pour floor slab until the following applicable items have been signed: . Plumbing'(Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) Mechanical (Groundwork) . Electrical (Underground Conduit) . Pre-Slab (Compaction/Membrane.Rei nt. Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders) Do not cover or conceal Iheworl<below untillhe following applicable..items'have been signed: 1 st Floor Shear Firesprinkler' (Rough) .' 2nd Floor Shear Roof (Sheathing/Diaphragm/Frame) . .' Masonry (ReinfJBond BeamlPre-Grout) . Rough Plumbing (Top Out) '. Rc,,~gh Mechanical .' KOugh Bectrical (Dry Wall) . . . Rough EI."trl"al . ,--.... Ftaming (Only after Plbg.. Elec".Mech.. and Fire) :I'/2.s/D'" ./ . Insulation (SoundlEnergy) /' Do not tape or plaster until the following applicable ( " items have-been signed: . . . Drywall . . W..J.. ,1 '-"" Penetrations (Fire Rated)Electrical . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical Penetrations (Fire "Rated) Plumbing Interior Lath' Exterior Lath . , GENERAL ITEMS' .. Exterior Plaster (Brown Coal) T -Bar Electrical . ToBar Mechanical. . . T-Bar Structural . Sewer . Water Engineering Bal'kflow . . Water Service FINAL INSPECTIONS Electrical Final Plumbing Final Mechanical Final Gas Test Date' Inspector Fire Dept. Fimil 765-4040 Water Engineering 765-5268 . Sub List/Business License 765-519 ) Zoning 765-5139. Building Final fLast Inspeetion- Only . After Above Complete) PARTIAL INSPECTIONS Buildinq Inspections Mechanical Inspections Plumbinq Inspections' . Electrical Inspections