500 Peregrine Pl. -- - , TYPE OF PERMIT Reroof' CITY BUILDING DIVISION 200 S, ANAHEIM BLVD, ,(714) 765 - 5153 , INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: ,,434 QUARTER SECTION: 113 BUILDING PERMIT NO, (~. 81..02004-00313' ,,' DATE: 213/2004 JOB ADDRESS: 500 S PEREGRINE ST, LEGALDESCRIPTION: N TR 1987 LOT 31 CONTRACTOR INFORM,'TION: SANTIAGO ROOFING IN,C , 417 ASSOCIATED RD #A215 BREA, CA 92621 0000 ',' , " 1. __',,' BUSINESS PHONE: 714523-0440' , JOB DESCRIPTION:Replace eXisting shake with 50 year comp shingle, Incluces attachea garage, 26 squaree, , VALUATION: 7,000,00 PROCESSED BY: CAL I ' , OWNER.BUILDEll DECLARATION t hereby affirm u1)der penalty of perjury. that I am exemptfrorn the Contractc_r':s, ~jcer1Se Law for the following rea~on {Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions. Cod e: aITt city or county Which requires a, permit to construct, a~!\ci'r,jinprove, demolish or repair any structure,_ prior to its isslJance, also requires the appl1a:1nt for such permit t'o me a signed sta'tement t,hat he Is jjc'4n~.;1?ursuant. to the pro'visionsof the Contractor's License l~ (Ch~Pter 9)(commencing withSectjon 7000 of Divisiqn 3 of the Busihessand Profes3ibns (Jade) or t~t. h~ is exempt therefrom and the basis for the all~ed.. .... ~;;~\tion, Anyviolation of Seclion 7031 ,5 by any applicant for a permit sut!.eCl"lheapplicant to a dvUpana~y of not more than live hunared a?"ars o .' I, as owner of property. or my emplQyees with wages as their sole cOIT!t:ensatiof), ~i11 dO,the work,. ~ndthe s~ructureisnot intended or offered fQr . sale (Sec. 7044 BusineSs .and Professions Code: The Contractor's Ucensl~ l:aw does.nat apply to an owner of property who builds or improves,'-- , thereon, and who. does ,$uch work himself or herself or through his.or her ow:'. efliployees,provided that ~such improvements are natlntended or offered fO~ ~Ie.: .If,'however,. the building, or improvement is sold:,\Yithone y.t'~rof"~lJlPletiar1' the owner-builder will ,have the burden of proving t~at he did not budd ortmprove for the purpose of salel, . .'( . "'-.'~::'. . . " '. ' o . I, as the owner of the property, am exclusively contra cting with Iicense(~l ~corit"'cldars to construct the proJect (Sec. 7044 Business and Professions Code: The'Contractor's License law does ,not apply to an owner.of property\vho builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such projeCts with ~ontr:actor(s}licenSed,pursuant to the Contract~s Lice.nse Lav.:).' lso::'. . U I am exempt under Sec, , ' "B & P.C. for this'teason: ;; Date' OWner:'" APPLICANT: DEBORAH ELIASUN OWNER INFORMATION; Thomas'T'Bressler' . 500 S Peregiine St Anaheim, CA 92806 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: I WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION ,_ I hereby affilin under penalty of perjury one of the following, declarations: 1, o I have and Will maintain a certifici,Jte ot'consent to selfch1surefor workel!~ compensation>," as providecHor by Section 3700 of the' Labor Code, for the petformanoeot tt-.1ewol'k for Which thIs per.,' IS issued. . . " . .' ',. "~,I ." ~ve and will main~in worker's compensation insurance, as required l,', Section 3700 of 'a~6r Code, for the perforrnance.ot'the work for which this perm'it is iss\.i.K!, My worker's' . . pensatioli insurance carrier and pOlicy are: . . . .,.....; .,~ arrier: STATE COMPENSATION INS FUND Policy Number.285'D90;:2(jUq9~' '. . " . '. . :'. .1:"~t>0: ~,t.~.:::::, This section neEl!l not be oompletea if th, pannil Is for one hundred dollars (~1C~1 or"as.., ,,' ' o I certify that, in, the performance of the, work for. which this permit-Is iSS~(:d,:j":S~.IFnot , employ any person in a ny manner so, as to become subject to .the. worke~s c':,~rTIp'en,sati6n'aws of .california, anctagree'that if I 'should become. sUbject, to. the work.er's'9pmp,::ri~ation"":;'" ? ,_ provisions of Section, 3700 ofthe labor Code, allf ,rth 'th ~p~y ~it~~r~5,.~.~gYiSions. :~.O~~cion Tvpes: Date: 2/312004 APplicant: "'~'"' "'~""':" " WARNING: FAILURETO,SECUR RK '$ COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS'>"";'';! , UNLAWFUL. AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINALPENAc'tiES, I\N!iqVI( FINES UP TOONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, ($100,000): IN ADCrnOl'J TO THE'} , COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PRaVIDEDFOR IN SEGTID:-.:, 3i0691"'j"HE;',( LABORC9D E, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES,;'''',' ,~.~;':' ' . '?', '<~ .',' ;:j,: , CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm .,urider penalty 'of. perjury that ther~js. ~ construction le,nd)nd:ai~1l9Y for ~e~" . . pe,lTormance or the v{ork forwhidl this permitis issued (Sec.3097.Civ.C): Lende(s Information: - I LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION '1 hereby affirm under penaltyb perjUl:ythat "am . licensed under provisions.o,f chapter 9'(comm~ncing with Section 7000}.of.. Divsioli 3 of tt)e Business"and ::~ons (Dl (L ,', a~i;. " Date: :\ .' Contractor NUMBER . :EXPIRATIONDATE" 576276 8/31/2005 , TYPE C39 TYPE HIC ....,) i c~rtify that I have read this' application and state that the ab,ove information is correct. I , agree to comply with all city ordinances and stat~ laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representives of thisd to enter upon ,the above mentioned property for Inspection purpo ./ Fees paid for Permit: Total: 167,29 Datt!: 2/3/2004 , n u e of Applicant or Agent , ' , The per tshall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed fi 031 Inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A 'new permit is required 10 commence or continue work. INSPECTION RECORD ... DAT~ INSP~CTOR . INSPECTION . . Temporary Power Pole . . .. Plumbing (DralnlWaste Pipe) > Electrical Ground Electrode/Uter . SetbacklFormsrrrenches (Footings) I. . Do not install slJbflOor or pour floor slab until the following applicable items have been Signed: Plumbing (Water PlpeoSprinlder Valves) . Mechanical (Groundwor'k) :. . . Electrical (Ui1derground Conduit) Pre-slab (Compaction/Membrane.Rein!. Underpinning (ROot: Joist/Girders) Do not cover or conceal the worK below until the . following applicable items have,beensigned: .. ' .. 1st Flo,or Shear '. . ' . Firesprinkler (Rough)' . 2nd Floor Shear . ., I . ROof (Sll8al/lIng/OiaphragmlFrame) ry 194 iJA Masonry (ReinfJBond BeamJPre-Grout) Rough Plumbing (Top Out) , . . ' Rough Mechanical . KOugn l:Iec;trical (ury wadi . , Rough Electl'ical .. Framing (Only alterPIIlg" EIEC" Meen" and Fire) InSlJlation (SoundlEnergy) Do not tape or plaster 'lJntil the following applicable items have been signed: , " .. . . Drywall . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanic;al P!!Oetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing ",terlor Lath . . Exterior Lath . . GENERAL ITEMS Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) , ' . T .Bar Electrical . . T .Bar Mechanical . , , T .Bar, Structural : Sewer . Water Engineering BackflQw . .[ Water Service . . ~/ 'yC' FINAL INSPEOTIONS ).,. D~e, Inspector ' Electrical Final . ' . . ,. Plumbing 'Final , . Mechanical Final . . Gas Test , . .. . Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 . Fire Cept. Final 765-4040 , . , . Water Engineering 765-5268 . . , '. . Sub List/Business License 765.519 , Zoning 765-5.139 . Building Final ~ast Inspection. Only 1;/'0'$" ~5'fc..- fter Ab.oveCompJele) PARTIAL INSPECTIONS .. '/ Buildina Inspections , Mechanical Inspections Plumbiria Inspections '- ElectricallnsDections TYPE OF PERMIT. Residential Remodel CITY DATE: 12/2212004 JOB ADDRESS: 500 S PEREGRINEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 1987 LOT 31 t!f~;~~j~~J?2,\ " " -!HElM j, . ., BUILDING DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM .sLVD. (714) 765 - 5153 INSPECTION REQUESt LINE: (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: 434 QUARTER.SECTION: 113 BUILDING PERMIT NO. BLD2004-04477 APPLICANT: THOMAS BRESSLER OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMA.T10N: Thomas T Bre~ler 500 S Peregrine 8t Anaheim, CA 92806 JOB- DE~CRIPTION:'New door. one window and drywall to existing,garage. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: VALUATION: 700.00 .-" r OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION :=J I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the CC'lltractor;b UCF:!r1r..e Law.forJhe foHowing reason (SeG. 7031.5 Busjnes~ a;:d . Professions Code: a~y city or CQuntywhich requireS81?ermTt to construd,al~~-;rih;pr0ve, dei'l')()lish or repair any str,uc:tufe, pr!c;r tcits iesuance. also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is jf('e:H:.ed pl;rsuant to the proviSIons of the CcntraGt.or!s license ltilw,(Chapter 9)(commencing with Section 7000 of Division ~ of the Busines'S andProfessic;:s C~El) or that he'is exe'rr.pt therefrcmand tile-bC'l.!'>isfor ihe alleged " exemption. Any violation, of Sectiqn, 7031.5 by any applicant for a perrr.i! SUbJ.~;:;ts the 8!=,plicant to a civil penalty of not lTiore thm'l tivehlmared dcllarq. ~~ . ... .. . . . rxtJ, as owner of property, or myemployees with.wages as their sote c:om!J~:'hsCit,ion, wi:! do the work, and the strl,.lcture is not in,i~r,d"ed of'offered for laIe (Sec. 70M'Business and Professions Code: The Contraetor'sl;censEl L~~\i does not apply to an owner of property wh? t..:uild~ cr imp;oves thereon, and'who does such work himself or herself or through his or her owr;err';-ri0~lee8, provided that such i~.r:ovements (:'Ire not intended or offered for sa'le. If, however, the buildiIJ9 or :mprovement is &old witn ':Ine yecl" of ccmpiet!on, the oWiler.hlJild~r will have tneburden of ~r~vinH that he did not buildor improve for the purposP. ot-sale). '; '. . .' _. .' . '. . o "I, a,s the owner oithe property, am ~xdtlslveiy contractirlg w;lh-!j'.;ens:;d (':~ntrabtor~ to constrLir.t the projed(Sec. 7044 Busin:ess a~d Professiqm Cod~: The Contract"r's License Law does not apply to an owner of prop'?1y ,\-ho builds O( improves thereon, snd who oontr3cls fo: sud! r~!o.iects with .8ontrac:tor(s) licensed plJrsual1t to the Cc etor's Lice. e Law). ) . "~lam exemJ2! undei Sec. P :C. for . eas': ___~}, te:_ -;.,.l:- Ow -1::..: WORKER' MPENSATiON DECLARATION. _,_~~ ~ ,'LICENSED C;:~jTRACro-;:;S-DECLARA:riCNJ I hereby affirm under penalty 0 erjury one of the following declarations>. r:--I hereby aftir(rr under panal.t;y C'f perjury that I am I ,have and will maintai .a c~rtificate'of oonsent \oselHnsureior WOrl\.er',:3;~Q-r;i~;6n!';atiG'1, I iicensed Ullder.lJfO'v1Sionsof chaoter 9 (comrn_eilc.in.g as pl'ovlded fer by Sedlo 3700 of the labor Code. for ths perforrnanc-,E' of !::'~'~'~~ri; :c;r ~'lihlch with Section 7000) at Divsion 3 ofthe, Business and this permit is issued. . Ii'. . Professior..s SOOb . o j have and will' maintain worker'$ 'compehsation insl.!:rance,;lS l-equired c)';:';oct:on 3700 of I 1212:!12u04 the labor Code, for the performancecf the work for which this :')e'rmit 15 i~",u~!j-. MY"'.lorker's Date: Compensaticn insurance carrier and policy are: . " , Carrier: -' . . Policy Number: ; . l' NUMBER This seCtion need not be- Completed if the pem"!it ;5 fcrori; '~~mdre'd' dollars ($10c:,'N ie&s. ..' I TYPE 'Wf r' certify that in the performance of the work fo~ whir.h this per;itis i8Sueq,'I.. s~aH:-~ot I ~plqy. nr.y personinany manner so as to become subjeetto'~~le:\horKer's c(;'bpen~,<:!tion IS\vs of,C~I.~cmia, a,nd ~greeJhat if'ls ,uld om subject t<?t~e 'o~:~~r'.s c.o.mpc~~~atiui1-", ,'-,. ~', . proVISIons of Section 3700 of.the ,Go Sha.'.'.fortn OO:;~'~ ",tn tho". prw:s>ons. I eo~~tr~cion Tvoes: Date: 12/22/2004 , Applicant: _. ~..~ ~__ Fire sprinklt;:red? WARNING:. FAILURE TO SECUR. RKER'S <::OMPENSATIQN COVEI~':(;[JS ... . I'. .UN.L. AWFUL, AND SHALL.SUBJ~ T . EMPLOYE.-R TO C.R1M.1N.f>...'.L PENAL'f.'.E._~A.;;"..[).... (.;] V.'L FINESUPTO ONE HUNDRED OUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADD'TIONTO THE I COST OF COMPENSATION,.D AGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN.$E:CTION .j706T,F T.HE . L:R CODE, INTERES~~s~;7u~i7~:~:~6i~G AGE~~~ . ~L:... ,. I hereb~ affirm.u9oer pehaltyofp6:rjury that there_ !s:c,-,r:onstructi?lJ-kmding a:;~,:-t.:yf9r-ttJft..' : r;~dorm.inte'of1H~'work f6'(~/hiGh tf\is pen:lit is iss'ued tSeC:309i.C-~v~(::': ..." ." ...- I j:..~i1d&i's'{I;foli11ci'ijon: - '.. -- -- -- . - . r PROCESSED BY: ENO Contractor EXPiRATION DATE NO c.-:'t Date: '!2/2212004 Fees paid for Permit: Total: " .196.19 " Signature of Applicant or Agent T e pe it shall expire bY limitation and become null and void if the',uiiding or w k has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issu8!1Ce. A w permit is. required to commence or continue work. .', " INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTION . . . DATE. INSPECTOR Temporary Power Pole .. . Plumbing (Drain/Waste Pipe) Electrical Ground Electrode/Ufer . SetbacklFormsfTrenches (Footings) Do not install subfloor or pour fl00r slab until the. following applicable items have been signed: Plumbing (Water Pipe;Sprinkler Valves) . . Mechanical (Groundwork) , .'. . . Electrical (Undergrollnd Conduit) Pre-slab (Compaction/Membrane.Rei nt. Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders) Do not cover or conceal.the work below until the following applicable items have been signed: 1 st Floor Shear . Firesprinlder (Rough) 2nd Floor Shear . Roof (Sheathing/Diaphragm/Frame) . , Masonry (ReinfJBond BeimlPre-Grout) Rough Plumbing (Top Out) Rough Mechanical Rough Electrical IDry Wall} . Rough Elec1r1cal. . Fra,ming (Only after Plbg.. Elee.. Mech. and Fire) '. Insulation (SoundlEnergy) . Do not tape or pfaster until the following applicable items have been signed: '. . Drywall . , Peneti'ations(Fire Rated) Electrical Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plun'lbilig . . Interior Lath . . exterior Lath . . . .. GENERAL ITEMS . Exteri9l' Plaster (Brown Coat) .' T .Bar Electrical' . T .Bar Mechanical T .Bar Structural '. . . Sewer .... Water Engineering Back.flow . Water Service . FINAL. INSPECTIONS. . Date Inspector Electrical Final . . : Plumbing Final '. . .. Mechanical Final Gas Test ". . . . . Engineering/Grading Final 76505126 ". . Fire Dept. Final 7654040 . . Water Engineering 765.5268 Sub List/Business License 765-519 . . , . Zoning 765-5139 . Building Final ~ast Inspection' Only 7-/-<>)" -:Z:I Leo fter Above Complete) c7 I PARTIAL INSPECTIONS 'Buildina Inspections Mechanical Inspections Plumbina . Inspections Electricallospections ~. . / - , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ~ 1 ' ,.", t '0' '0' 2 .,iTHk rJ8uk.NCE'9F'~HI~ ~ER~rTj Ode-Sf 3 .~~O-T-.~r,~~Ov;E-'f'oIiAr.loN'OIf-ANy.roFi. , , i :::;::::;::.!:::!:::F:~::~:'{p~r~~~:f~~j~(~~~~K~i:.::~:::~:::f.: ::!::::tufn.. 9'1' 1~ :H<J:..I...rFJj:..~. +cr~]?:.{oo}...I...j...:..I....,.]...J....,..:.I.:: 11 [ j ! ! 8uiLdlN~ diVI!SI6N tOFt Af'AJ,E1l,\, i f fi! 12 , , , , , , , , , , , , , I~ l:r . 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