619 S. Philadelphia St. TYPE OF PERMIT Residentialt._c.'difio';; DATE: 3/30/2004 . ~OB ADDRESS: 619 S PHILADELPHIA ST LEQAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 373 BLKC LOT.14 CITY ....c.;c ;_~- BUILDiNG DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765 - 5153 .INSPECTlON HEQUEST LINE: (714) 765 - 4626 . CENSUS CODE: . 434 QUARTER SECTION: .84 BUILDING PERMIT NO, . BLD2004-00935 . APPLICANT: SOCCORO ,SALDIVAR 'OWNI;R INFORMATiON:' SOCCORO SALDIVAR .617 .NPhiladeJphia St ANAHEIM, CA 928050000 JOB' DESCRIPTION:Renew permits to Homeowner, Relocate kitchen ari,d la.ti~~,y, add bedroom and bath. REF BLD2001~03~51 VALUATiON: . 22,638.00 '. I PROCESSED BY: ODC . .1 . .' . . OWNER:BUILDE~bECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of -perjury tha,t I am exempt from the .Contractor;s Lie_ense-La.......for the following reason {Sec. 7031.5 Busin'ess'and Professions Cod e: any dty or county which req uires a -perm it to construct, e l~i~ r, im prove, demolish or repa it any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the appnca nt for such permit to file a si,gned statement that heis !iCE~_Sed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law' (Chapter. 9)(commencin' with ,Section 7000 of Division 3 of the BusinessandProfessltr.s Code) or that he is_ ex;em"pt 'therefrom and the,basls for the all~ged exemption,. ny violatibn of Se~ti?n 7031.5 ~y any ~pplica.nt for a permit .suq.~'cts the applicant t9 a dvil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($ 00 '. '.' .... '. .' .:':. ..' . , asowner of property, or my employees'wi.th. wages'a's theirsole.c.omd~~nsation, will do.the work. ~nd the structure is .not intended or offered for sale (Sec: .7.044 Business andProfessions COde. The Contractor's ,"-icen.$e-,~:~w does not apply to an owner of property who builds or i~proves thereot), 'alJd who doe~ 5uch\",,:ork hi~eJfor-herS,elf or through,his:or',r~r 0v'/~(employees, provided that such improvements a'r.e not intended or . offered for sale. _If,-however, 'the building or. improv~ment is'sqld w!th o.,:,~__ ye~.; of completir.n" the owner-bu,ilder will have the burden <:>t proving tha,t he did not bu ild or improve-.for .the pu rposci of sal_e), _ . _', - . ~r . _ ': ',' , , , .' o ,I, as the owner .ofth'eproperty, am exdusively contractingyvith licensed ~-'cntractors ~o construcfthe project (Sec, 7044.Business an~ Professions' Code: The,Contractor's License Law does not apply tq an owner-of propertyJifho buil-ds ('If improves t.hereoh,. and who-contracts for such projects, wit-h . ontrador(s) licensed purslJ~mt. to the Contractor's License Law), .; . ,1 ' '. - '_,', ' .9 xem tunderSec; _ _ : " ,S'&P..C."for isrea's__n:.:.....~~: ~~,/ ~y;- a : . Owner: . ~/A"/ (0~/rt1dAl W. RKER'S COM ENSATION DECLAP.ATION '!'" l' LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I. I hereby'affirm under penalty-of perjI,Jry one of the following declarations:. . ."i: . I hereby a~irm under penalty of. perjury that _lam . D. 'hav~ and will maintain acer:t:ificate of Consent to self-insure for wQ'rke~i>'compensation, licensed under provi:,ions Of. chapter, 9' (commencing ,as provided for by Section 3700 of the La60r Code, for the performance ofth:~ walk for whirn with Se?tion 70~0) of Oi~ion 3 6fthe ~usiness and this permit is issued." .. " ;! . ProfeSSions Code. D I have and will maintain worker's compensation insurance. as required bj~ Sec'tion 37QO.of 3/30/2004 the"Labor,Code', for the' performance of the work for \.vh ich this permit is issu~, Myw6rker's Date: Compensation insurancec;:arrier and policy are: . ! Carrier: . . Policy Nu mber. : " '. . . . ; .t' Thi~ section_need not. be complete~ if the pennit is for one hundred dollars ($1001 o~ less. . 01 certify that in the performance of the work 'for which th~fparmlr~l~ss~~~;j, I shall not" employ, any person tn any'man':1er so,as to becqme subjectto the't./orli7,r's\1t',ITlpensation laws' of Califom.ia; and agree that ifl should become subject to the worker',5:'com~\r.sation:' provisi~ns of Sectiofl3700 of.t~e ~abor Code I shall forthwith'comp1iV?ith.t __/)i~ pr 'visions. :'t,:-': .. ( t:-6I . >T CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: <, ~ . ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: , ,. Contractor NUMBER' e.XPIRATION'DATE TYPE Date: 3130/2004 Applicant: WARN ING: FAILURE TO SECURE W KER'S'COMPENSATION'. . ()VE,"',GE IS . . UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECTAN EMPLOYER T0 CRIMINIiC;PENi\1:lJES I)ND CIVil FINES UPTOONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,OOO),'IN ADDmON TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION,DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SE'C'nON3706dF THE .LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND' ATT6RNEY'SFEES, ',' '1~,' j', I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY(~' .. , I hereb. y ~ffirm. . unde. r penalty of ~erjury that tbere is a ..0. .on.struc..t.ion l~ootng. .t..;-gi)li.CYfO~ the perforl118t)ce of the work for whi~ this permit isisslJe~ (Sec.::SQ97.Clv.C). ,/':i "'. ' Le:1der's Informatlcb.;,~~_~ :_.~-,_,_,.__ __...:_,__~,,_.__,_' .?-::..c:<_:"-'.:';__,:,L_.___",,.~,...':';";-- "'-'-0-'-- Construcion Types: VN, '. . . Fire Sprinklered? NO J_ certify that I have read this application and state that the above information it; correct. 1 agree to ,oomply with all city ordinances ,and' state laws .relating to bu "ding corstruction,. and hereby aut.horize-representivesofthi.s city to enter upon the above mentioned property for i~~C-/d~~ Dale3l30/2004 - '.' _ Signl;ltur:e6fAppJicant or Agtnt ,. , The permitshall expire by limitation and become null and void if thebuilding or work has not passed final inspection 365 days frOl11 the date of permit issuance. A new permit is required to oommence or continue work. Fees paid for Permit: Total: '0,00 iNSPECTION RECORD . DATE INSPECTqR INSPECTION '. Temporary. PQwer Pole . . .. Plumbl ng (DrainIWaste, Piper , Electrical Ground Electrode/Ufer , . , SetbacklFormsfTi'enches (Footings) .~ not install subfloor or pour floor slab until the following applici'ble items hi've been signed: . Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) , .... . Mechanical (GrOundwotk) '. . ' . . Electrical (Undergr(lund Conduit) pre-slab (ComPactior1lMembrane.Rei nl. . Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders) . . Do not cover or conceal the work belOW until the follOWing applicable items hi've been: signed: 1 st Floor, Shear . . Firesprinkler(Rough) , 2nd .F1oor Shear :' .... , . . Roof (Sheathing/Diaphragin/Framel . MasonrY (ReinfJBond BearnlPre-Grout) . Rough Plumbing (Top Out) . Rough Mechanical' ' . .. , " , , Rougn l:IectrlCal(ury wall) .' Rough Electrical .:" ' , . Framing , (Only,after Plbg.. Elee,:'Mech.. and Fire) " , Insulation (,SoundlEnerav) " Do not tape or plaster until the following applicable items have been signed: " , . ' , , Drywall '. ' . . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical . . . PenetratlClns (Fint, Rated) Mechanical . . . PllI1etrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing . lilterior,Lath . '. . Exterior Lath' . . , " . . GENERAL ITEMS , Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) . T ,Bar Electrical T~Bar Mech;mical' .: '. ' T -Bar Structural ' , . Sewer. . , , Water Engineering Bac,kfIow , . . water Service .. FINAL INSPECTIONS' Inspector' ' Gas Test Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 Fire Dept, Final 765-4040 Water Engineering 765.5268 Sub List/Business License 765-519 Zoning 765-5139 . Building Final ILast'lnspection.Only, , " ", After Above Complete) o'7"~., "PARTIAL; INSPECT,IONS Buildina Inspections' .' -'}', , '" : :'. " ",; /' , ': tf-/~I;V/ 5:0, hI( , ~ Mechanical Inspections Plumbinalnspections Electrical Inspections ,.;;; , "~.,~..,- l' :t'}' . /,~;::~~~\?1~:,'~';; "",.' - .: , ".-"," p!~o._".",{ ," .', "'C\' -'. . {~";,~>ti~~:'>.-jl';,;:~~~0;\, .' ' f;!Y2r "?.. ,tN~H EI M . ~..l~i . .. g' ---"-'" BUILDING DiVISION ~OO S. ANAHEiM BLVD... '. (714)-765" 5153 INSPECT:ON REQUE;)T LINE: (714) 76,5 "4626 . CENSUS CODE: 434. QUARTER SECTION: 84 . BUILDINO'PERMIT NO: . BLD2001-03.051 TYPE OF PERMIT Resid,mtial Addition C Iry . .DA TE: 09/26/2001 . . JOSADDRESS: 619 S PHilADELPHIA ST. lEGAL DE'SCRIPTION: N TR .373 BLI< CLOTj" APPLICANT: SAt. BERMUDEZ OWNER INFORMATION: . CONTRACTOR INFORM/nON: . .GHRIST. . INE .Furnai BERMUDEZ CONSTRUe!' iON 617 NPhila.delphia SI 6709 SMITH AVE . Anaheim, CA 92805 MTRA LOMA, 91752 0000 CiA . JOB DESCRIPTION; Relocat.ekitChen and laucory, .addbedtoom and bath:. !' VALUATION:, 22,638;00 1 PROCESSED BY; FAN I. OWNER-BUILDE~~CLARA110N . . I hereby affirm under penalty .of perjury th!3-t I am exempt from the Con rra::to:l:Llcense Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5 BUsIness and Professi~ns Code: any city or county which Jequires a permIt to COIlStruct, a,t~~, 'mprove. demolish or repair any structure, pnor: to it~ issuance, also req!..lires the applicant for such permitto file a signed statement tnat he is Ijce~'.x.'">(j pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9)(commenclng with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professi'rs COl1e~ or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the all-egM exemptIon, Any violatIon of Section.7031,5 by any.appllca~~ for CJ.permit SUbjf~Ge ~ht1 applicant tQ _a dVII penalty of not more than five hundred.doaars. . ~O~)~s own"rof p~operty.or ~yemPIO~e~switli_wage~astlieir. sole coms!nsation, will do !lie ';"o'k. andlhe struct~r~ iinbt intend~or Offered for . sale-.(Sec. 7-044 ,BUS mess and ProfessIons Code: .".he Cpntractor's Llcense::;!~vJ does not apply to an ownerof-pr<?perty wtlo' bUlf<,iS or Im,p~()ves, . . th~reon,a,nd who doessU<!1 wprk_hinlself or herself or.through.his 'or-her ow~JemPIOYt3e'3; -providedthatsuchimprovem~r.tsa're:not jrytendeddr_, 'offere-dfor sal~: _If.J1oweve~, tti~ '~uilding or.im'Rto"\:ementis,soldwlth on~,'y~~k-of ;:pmpietion, the~owner-builder will have 'the,burde.n.ofprovirig,that~e d1d':lOtl?uUdorimproveforthepllrpos:f3ofsale).. '. '.', ',_'~K;,'''' .,,'>_.,' ','. ":';_ '. .,:':..' _':-.,'~' o .1, as.the owner of"thepropert.Y; BIll_,exdusively .cpntracting with.licen.s,6!.f!(bntractor.$-to constructti)e proje:qt (.Sec::7:044,Bus,iiles~,~nd'?rofessio_ns "GOd~::.Tl)eContrattor't; Urense Lawdoes not:apply toan owner of proP~rt~/tV~bUildS ~t-i~pro."es th~reon, ana who cOntractS fQr'suchprojec~s with "! c?nt,r,acl.~r(s) Iie_e,nsed :pursu~n(to, th~_s;ontract~rlsiic~r.l:e ,~aw-), ",\. ,; .'l' ' . 0, I am exempt~under S~C. _ -" . .. ",8.& P.C. forthls reason: ...:_.......,..~~;~-: Datt;}:--':'_, Owner' . .:,~', I .... ~ORKER'$COMPENSATION DEC!.ARATlON -~J~-~-l, I IherebYi';iffirm,uncer penalty.ofperjury one ofJhe_~Ollowing declarations;, -, it, '" _. ,_, o .1 have and will maintain a\:ertificate' of-consent to self-jIlS~re for \-\'crket'di_c.ompe~;snti.o;',' _as provided .101: by SeCti~n 3700' of ttle'Labor Code" for theperforma~c.:) of t;J;r wqrt<'ior whrch. ,thiSpe(,ll?itfsissu~d;.. _'_'- ._.' _,-.'. _ .' ," :..," 'Y.,'_. "",,,., " OJ,have.and wiU maintai,n worker's- compens;~tio.n ,:nsuran,?e;as requim.d b~lrsectiori.3700,of the ,Labor Code, for the perform"ance_of the, work for which,thisperr:n-Jt is ISSUe!~1. Mywork;;r's Compensation insurance' carlier aildpolicy are: ' . .~. Carrier.: Policy Number. ,EXEMPT\ ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: ., LICENSED. CONTRACTORSDEClARATIOr[:J I hereby affjrfTl underp;;naltyof perjury :thClt 18111 . licensed under proyiSions,of ci1,a~te':9 (conir,lencing ,'with S~ctio.n 70'OO)--ofDivsion .3'qrtlie Business and . ~:;:;;~~~Srd-d'~J1. ..2> . -- ..!"'" . Date: . . . . , . COhtractor This section ,need not' be -completedifthe pennit is-for one hundred dollars {$1 00; .'cot. less. ' . ~ .1'6_ert!fy that in the perfonna_!lc~~ ofthe'.wor~ forwhich this permlL,~ rs~ui~:,:~-"~haJl~r.'?t':: ;'. ' ';employ any perso,nin ~ny manner so_as to~eco.l1le subject'to the wbrk~r's,'9E~~1)::elJ~~~j9~ la:us ,of Califomia, and agree that if I'should become'subj~ct to,the worker\s.co.rn~~:,jsa[j()tf:.':'. ' , pro. vis i.-o.ns_~f,s.ecti.on370 O'Ofth'e.Lab:C7jd I s~all fo With:COJn.PI:~_:-W, j.th.....-~,tt~.~.~:J.>p.r.O.'iisi.ons.. . Date: 09/26/2001 APPlicantX.', . .' i."-,....~~ . ,,' '. , .'. '.. .'-,-'';'-' -~ "-~' . WARN ING;FAllURE TO SECURE' ORKER'S COMPENSATION COYEf!.',GE)S<i. . U.NLAWFUl, AND SHALL SUBJECT A.N EMPt.OYER TO CRIMII',IA):'PE"ll\~TfE$.A;f'iD CIVil . FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000),IN AD"'.T10~! TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION,DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FORINSECTfOI'~'W'06'Q~ THE LABORCODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. .,..,'.... .'\; I CONSTRUCTI.ON lENDINq AGENCY, "\~~~,k I-h~reby affi~ni under penalty of perjury ,that there is a_construction l~ndinga9'\~'I~ A:or t~e' p~rformance.ott.he work forwhiq, this.permitis issued (SeC.3097 .Giv:C):,:',;~ :::;,~~""'. ,;,. , :._1, ...n:!pr',c:i:n~.!"m:..-:)+j6o..-'--." ___'_ ~:_"._<;>.;.. ,,~:.....:..:....,.:-;.,__:~: "_"'7"-~~~'..c:.~...:.~",..:...:::.:~,~:~.'-~-,:;{i-:.:c:..'~ NUMBER 622094 . TYPE . TYPE a f'lIC EXPIRATiON DATE .10/31/2031 Constnicion'Types: Vf\J, , Fire Sprinklered? . LivinQ Area: NO 343 ----'-'--.~---.~.. 'I C!3rtify that I have readthi~'appncatio!lahd state that the above informa'tion i:~ corrept. I. agree to 'comply with all citY ordinances and state ~ws relaling to build~ng- con$truction, and, .:'hereby au~horize representives of this city to ent,er upon the above mentioned property for inspectioil'plir s ' Fees p.aid for Permit: Total: 96.8.31 . Date; ()~/26/2001 _ignature of Applicant or A .nt The permit shali expire by limitation an(f become null and void if the .:>uilding or work hasnofpassedfinatinspection 365. daysfrlim the date of permit issuance. A new permit is required to commence or continue ,,",ork. . INSPECTION RECORD" FINAL INSPECTIONS Date . Inspector :1' .... . iNSPECTIQN . , '. ~ '1 Electrical final . '.' . , . " '.: . ..' 'DAtE INSPECTOR '.. . . . '."" ,."mporary ~ower I'ole' .'. '. I'lumbing Final. . ". . . . . -:-, .' : , '. .. ... Plumbil19 (DrainlWa$te Pipe) . .; . Mechanical Final .. ". : . '. '. ....... , ,. . ' ',. Electrical Ground Electrode/uter . '. ...; - . '. . , Gas T~st '.' . . Sel;backtFormsrrrenChes (FOotings)' ~y..q, ~". ~. ..' .' .. . '. "'" . .. 00 not install subfloororpourfloor slab until the A'. Engi\'ll!!!ring/G~adingF'inal 765-5126. = .... . . .'. fOllowing applicableitems,haye been .signed:,. . .... .... '. .' '. . .... ...... .. .Plumbing (Waf!!r Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) .' . ~ Fire Dept. FiI;a1765,4040 ;- .:." Mec.haniCaI(Grouridwork) ". . ,.,'.: . Water Engineering 765~5268 '. . '.' . . . .' ..' ElectriCal (Underground Conduit) . .' Sub List/Business License 765-519 . '. .: . .'. Pre-slab (CompactiorilMembrane.R,"nf. . . .' .' ." , .;' .. U"c;lerpin!1ing (FlOor Joist/Girders) .':. :. .' . z;oning 765-5139 . , .::: .: 00 nor cover or.concealthe'wo* below until' the ., ~.' .'. : following.,applicable items have been signed: '.' Building Final. ~ast Inspection- Oilly . ,. ,I " . . '. .,,, . Iter Above Complete) . 1st Floor $hear '. '. . I ' : " , PARTIAL INSPECTlO~$ . "'. l'iresp,;nkler (ROU!lI;l) , . . , " , " BUildinalnspections ',' 2nd Floor $hear' "" .' '.' , ::;.; '" ' . ", . / , . . '," ". ROof (SheathiilQ/DiaPhr'agnilFr.,me)' II"D/1I1 74-.' . /' :' ' '. ,,' .' Masonry (ReinfJBond aeanJPre-Grout) , : '. '. :7 '. " " .' , '; .' - ,: Rough Plumbing '(T opOut) . 1I~<i()1..-- "I. v " ,', '. . , Rough Mechanical .' . ',', p/ . ,," , , . ': ,." ",. . .. " Rough Electrical (Dry W"II) -~ ~.',. . '. . ,.' '. . " " . Rough Electrical:" ',' " , ,.' . ' .' " " , .' , . 111Ib'l.-'~ .., . '. ',',' , ',' Framing", '(Only ,after Plbg.. flee., "t!iech...and, Fire,," ' . '. 0 .:. , . ' . Insulation' (Sou ndlEnergy) , , . . . . . ...f~' k' . . . .. . ponottape,or plaster until the. following applicable " . Mechanical"lnSDection~ . .temshave been signed: . , '.' ,.'.". _". . " ., . . . , . Drywall '. i ....: . .. ~'I,'~l-. ~ .' , .. .. Penelrations.(Fil'l! Rated) Electrical . . '. .' . , . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical. . . .., . . . . . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing . ' , .' '. '. : Il\terior ~th..' . .... , ~O '.. ..;.. . ..'. ". ..... '.', '. .. .. Exterior. Lath :. .' . "4''''/0-''' .' Plumblna InSDectlons . I3ENEAALITE ~S .' A . '.' . .' . .... " ; . ElrteriOr Plaster (Brown Coat). . Po '''''',/.'' .. '. < . . ..'. T,BarEleCtrical' ". , - .. ". ': , .. .' , . T-Bar Mechanical , . . . . . '... ' . , T.Bar Struct~ral.: . '. .' . .', '.,' .$ewer ........, , , . . '. . . . .... ...., . 'WaterEngineering Backflow. '. . .ElectricallnsDections . Watet Service . ,. . . ,--:-;. .' ' '." . ", . l '""...:\It"",B,\'\[fDr'.. . L' ,.I:.J,\"\' "" , . C.." \.. ' , . .... ' ; '.- f' '_,j" \. , . " _ , l 'i"_ ~~ ,""'- '''',' .'.. '1.' t !', ....., . . .._',,-, ," C> . .L..," ,~, 1<-. I. '" 'j' , L......".....""'. ___ t::. . ...~~ ' <:"':r- n ... m\',-\! Fji":'~' .c"",' -Cu; -, -, f" t..:..):..~,t'~i\:,.-". .i_' f: t,. ,.-:;_~' r~.f~ 1 \'tJ' t, ,-\.J \,!i . DATE: ~ ~. ''''.\.-,',.."foD. .,' ,'.