1345 S. Petal Pl. TYPE OF PERMIT BJockwall/Columns CITY DATE: 1/13/2004 JOB ADDRESS: 1345 S PETAL PL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 2637 LOT 29 BUILDING DIVISION . 200S. ANAHflM BLVD. (714) 765 - 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 85 BUILDING PERMIT NO. l3LD2004.00084 APPLICANT: RAFAEL BUENROSTRO OWNER INFORMATION: Rafael BUenr(lS~ro 1345 S Petal PI Anaheim, CA 92805 JOB DESCRIPTION:lssue permit for 47 If block wall 6' high and 45 If block wa'14' high to city specs. VALUATION: 2,208.00 I OWNER-BUILDER OECLARATlON I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the ContraCto(s License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: any oty or cOuntywhicD requires a permit'to cOnstruct, alt~r, improve. 'demonshor repainmy struc~re, prior to its issuance. also . requires the"applj~nt forsuch permit to file;a signedstaternent that he is I}censed pursuant to the provisions of the, Contrac:tor"s license law (Chapter 9}(commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Profess;ons Code) or that he ,is, exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any appliCant for a permit suii6Cts the applicant to a dvn penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500). '. ;' ...... : ~~s..,owner of property, or. illY employees with wages a. s their sole com R;!nsation, will do the work, and th~ structure is not intended or offered for . , ~-(~c. 7044 Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License l:.<:lW does not apply to ~m owner of property who builds or improv_es . thereOn: and who does such :work himself or herself or through his orher _o_wh employees, provided that such improvements are not intet'lded or . offered for sale. If, however, the .building or impr6verrient is sold with one yel~r ofoompletion, the owner-builder.will have-the burden of prov!ng'thathe did not buUd or improve for the purpose of sale). .':) '. . . D I,' at? the owner of the property, am exdusively contracting with license<t,:ontradors to construct the proj~t (See. 7044 Business and ProfeSs19ns Code: The Contractor's Lice.n~ law -does not apply to an owner of propert~ \:iho buUds or improves thereon, and who oontracts for such projects' with ~~rad::or(s) .licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). . U"amexemptunderSec. . . B& P.C. for this re on: Date: Owner: . CONTRACTOR INFORMAflON: . . ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: PROCESSED BY: CAL. WORKE S CO PENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: o I have and will maintain a certificate of ron-sent to self-insure for worker",: compensation,. as previdedfor by Section 3700 6f the Labor Code, for the ~rformance of tt':~ wolk for whidl this permit is issued. " . . o I have and will m3'intain worker's compensation insurance, a~ required'b, Section 3700 of the.LaborCode,'forthe performance.ofthe work for which this permit is issu.:u. Myworker's Compensatio~ insurance .canier and policy are: Carrier: .. Policy Number: This section need not be completed if fhe ""omit is for one hundred dollars ($10c.:. or less, '~tib:..that in, the perfQnnBnee of the work forw.hich this. permit is iss~ed.1 shaU not ~ any pers()n in any manner so as to become SUbject to the worke(s.'c~:mpensation laws of CalWomia, and agree that ff I should become subjecllo thewbrkefs comPensation. prov~ions'of Section 3700 ofthe Lab:or Code, I shan forthwith comply with th?se provisions.. Date: 111312004. Applicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECU RKER'S COMPENSATION COVEEI\GE IS . UNLAWFUL, AND S~ALL SUBY:;OCTAN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENAI.TIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDREDlHOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADO:T1ON TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY . r herepy.affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a- construction lending a~encyfor the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec.3097.Civ.C): l.ender's I.iformation: . - . . , LICENSED CONTRACTORS. DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I <:1m licensed under provisions of chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Divslon 3 of the Business and ProfessionS.Code. 1/13/2004 Oate: Contractor NUMBER TYPE EXPIRATION DATE Construcioil Types: VN" . I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agr~e to oomply With all city ordinances and state laws relating to buijding' construction, and hereby authorize representives of this city to enter iJpon the above mentioned property for . .inspection purposes. . .V~-<( /"':./?,__~ ..' Date, 111312004 _____ \"" Signaltjre of Applicant or Agent The permit 5001.1 ~xpire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of pernut issualCe, A new permit is required to cOmmence or continue work. Fees paid- for Permit: Total: 196.04 INSPECTION RECORD . INSPECTION . DATE INSPECTOR . T empQrary Power f'ole . f'lumblng (DrainlWaste Pipe) . Electrical Ground Electrode/uter . . . . Setback/FormsfTrenches (Footings) Do not il1!;tall sub floor or pour floorslab unlillhe following applicable ilems have been signed: . Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) Mechanical (Groundwork) . .. Electrical (Underground Conduit) . . Pre-slab (Compaction/Membrane.Reint. . . Underpinnin\! (Floor Joist/Girders) . . !J'?nol cover or conceallhe.work below unllllhe following applicable items have been signed: 151 Floor Shear. . Firesprinkler (~Ugh) . 2nd Floor Shear' . . . . '. Root (Sheathing/Diaphragm/Frame) Masonry (ReinfJBond BeamlPre-Groul) . . Rough Plumbing (Top Out). Rough Mechanical .' KOugh l:Iectncal (ury wall) . Rough Electtjcal Framing (Only aherPlbg.. Elec.. Mech ana Fire) Insulation (Soul1d1Energy) . .' Do not tape or plasler. unlillhe following applicable items have been signeq: _, _ -. . . Drywall' . . Penetrations (File Rated) Electrical . Penetrations (File Rated) Mechanical Penetrations.(File Rated} Plumbing . Interior Lath . I' Exterior Lath . . . . GENERAL ITEMS Exterior Plaster (BlOWn Coat) . T -Bar Eiectrical o' T -Bar' Mechanical' . . T -Bar Structural . Sewer . . , Water engineering Bacldlow Water Service FINAL INSPECTIONS. 9ate .Inspector . Electrical Final . . . Plumbing Final . Mechanical Final Gas Test . .' . .' . Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 . . Fire Dept. Final 765-4040. . .. Waler Engineering 765-5268 Sub List/Business Liceose765-519' . Zoning 165.5139 , i . Building Final ~astlnspectioil. Only ~/~/o+ RRr ;t,1'J(11J~ fter Above Completel PARTIAL INSPECTIONS . BUildina Inspections . Mechanical Insoections . Plumbina Inspections Electric:allnsoections. JcJhl/l 7/'1 -11 (rtt~'D ~i 1,' ,,' 6,,~ , 7~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT D TEAP R ~~ED "'I. \ 0 ING ACTION BY ( FLOOD Z!CJNE.rc l (lnitial~) H~,DISTRICT, R,EVIEW: fA . ee stamp tf-Ol'; :JA.~e ( IrGle O-ne on a6~-::-e-'line~- SEE BUIU:JlNG PERMIT FOR '-- . ANY C 'ND-!-f+ONS J 9'\"'"1' f";~ES MOlE ---- , ' C' tl"5 pr.",. 'NfOF ill --------- Tilt \e~~M~fo, ~~I~N O.rrlH~ 1I0l0EU AC~~~\\QP~lp~irM",~'~\~ Q'!:<< R1S ~ '"1$ f'(ftM, , JAM 1 :3 Z\J\J4- /, Of ANAHEIM I '"=::r&""!lJ4,--- L/ r 100AA <jU i( ~ _wUfv~_ '- fSW ~~~~ 01 G. IF "" I Vc, <h W' lu 'z0 ~CC-c:\c. j 10 ~) ~l~io~ lJ\s ~ Vl s fv-n 76s-;.. 5/ .J '/ j( :;ltJ C/ ;t14 K 31 ( fJi) - j"- /' ( I I ! ! ! J Y' [ / / {~ 1? / ( I / I , ~ VJ-( ~ s- ('Il ----