1118 S. Pointe Premier BUILDING PERMIT NO. BLD2004-00471 TYPE OF PERMIT Retaining Walls ..... CITY , DATE: 2/26/2004 ,JOB ADDRESS: 1118 S POINTE PREMIER , LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT1376~:LOT ,11 POR OF LOT APPLICANT: SCOTT DOUCETTE OWNER INFORMATION: Premier Pointe 1118 S Point Premier ',. Anaheim, CA 92807 CONTRACTOR INFORMAfiON: i AMERICAN PACIFIC HDr,:ES, INC 4959 PALO VERDE ST #B10' MONTCLAIR, CA 9176300:)(' I certify that I h~ve readtAis application and state that the above informatio.n is correct. I agree to oomply with all city ordinances and state laws relating to building cOllStruction, and .herebyauth . e r: tives of t is city to enter upon the above mentioned propertyfor ~~. pur Date: 2/26/2004 atu cant or Agent The permit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if thli building or work has, not passed fi nan nspection 365 da~ from the date of pernli! ,issuance. A new permit is required to commence'or continue work. ~. BUILDING DiVISION 200 S, ANAHEIM BLVD, (714) 765 - 5153 INSPECTION REQUESTLINE: (714) 765 c 4626 ' CENSUS CODE: 565 QUARTER SECTION: 287 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: DALE L FORBES 1800 E, 16TH STREIOT SANTA ANA, CA92701 " I LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION here ya irm und~r pen~lty of pF'rjury that I am ItCenS,ed under provic:on~apter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Di~,on Th tl". usiness and Professio~ C~ 2/26;2004~,~' Date: NUMBER 785551 TYPE TYPE Construcion Tvpes: VN, , Fire Sprinklered?' Con tractor S HIC EXPiRATION DATE' ,10/31/2r.P4 JOB DESCRIPTION Retaining walls: 267 sJ. VALUATION: 2,670,00 ',. PROCESSED ay: CDL " j ,c, ',' OWNER-BUILDER,),ECLARATlot.j' , 1 hereby affirm under penq.1ty of perjury that I am exemptfrom the Contracto:-'h:L:cense Law {or: the following reason (Sec. 703_1.5 Business and . Professions Code: a.nydty or county Yth!ch requires a permit to construct, al~:\::; irn;>rmfe. demolish.';)r ~epair any structure, priolo to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such'permit to file a signed statement that he is lice'r~;=;:e.Lt ~ursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's L:(:enst;l La_w (Chapter' 9)(commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professid'.sGode) ()r that hp. is exempUherefrom and t:'e basb-forth_e'alleged exemption. An~' violation cf Section 7031.5 qyany applicant fQr a permifsui;;~cts the applica_nt to a civil penalty of not more t.han fjv~ hundred dollars ($500), ,I. " " , o I, as owner of property , or my employees with wages a3 their, sole comp~i~C:;l3tio'n, will de the work, and the ~truc~re is not intended 'or.offere-d for sale (Sec. 7044.Bllsiness and _Professions CocIe: The Contractor's Licp.nsei-,_~!V' does not apptyto all owner of property who builds or improves .' thereon; a.....d who does sudl.work himself or herself or through his or her f)\w~cm~,jOY6eS, provided that'suchhnprovements are r;A ,intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement !s _mid with one }'>:'-7 -=:'f ',,':'I'J'lfJtetio:1;the .owner~~uilder will hav~ the ~urden .)f proving tha't-he . did not build or imprcvc for the purpose of sale). '.' '. f, _ . .: . ; o "I, as the 'owner of the property, 'am exclusively contr-3cting with licensed,i..'1r.traci.:.:HS to cO:nsJru~t the project (Sec.-: 7044 Business and Professions Code: The.contractor's License Law does not apply t9 an owner. of property;'~k;'o OUn(Js' cor impro~s t,heroo!). and who co~triJ::.L. for slJdl projects \\'ith' a contractor(s).Iicense<.l pursuanttotheContractor's:.License Law}. ;' . . D .I am. exempt under Sec., " , ,B & P.C, (c)r th!s rea'5on: ___~" ! ,DalE>: WOR~;:~ COMPENSATION DECLA~T!~r- I, hereby affirm under pe,n3lty cf p~~ury one of the following declarati9~s: ')' D I have andwillmaiiltain s 6ertificate of cx:msentto',self-insure for worKer'JcvmpE:nc51tfon, as provid-ad for by Section 3700 of the ~abor Code, for.the performance (\f~'Il; W1..,rk for which this permit is iSsl,l~. , , '- , J, ' _ . o ,I have and will maintain worker's comp'ensation insuranc~, as requi~d !'",._';;~sci.!on 3700 of : the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is'issui!.. 'Mvworker's Compensation insurance carrier and policy- are: . i Carrier: STATE FUND . Policy Number. 1643S(T' ~L~03 This section- need not be completed if the pennit is fa( one hundred dollars ($1(JN;~~";j.~ess. . D, I certify that in. the perform~nce ofthe.work for which this permit is, iSSl,l~~{::I,,~ha!l.no~ ~mploy any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Worke,r's'Q::';:1yc';:<>ationlaws of California, and agree that if I should become subj ct to er's coq,p,',,: i~ati'Jn provisions of Section 3700 oft.he La~~) G ~s I fort wit witli th~:~,C provisions. Date: 2/26/2004 ' Applicant: X. __. WARNING: FAILURE TO S,ECUREWORKER' OMPENSATION COVEFPGE is , UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIM INAL 'PENAl; !"!:8 AND. CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100.000), IN ADD,nori/ To"rHE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTIOl'i.370a OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORN,EY'S FEES, ' .. '", I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY __ I h~re~y. affirm under pen?ltt ~f. ~erj~ry tt)at ,!~~r~ is a c~~stru_~ti~o~ ~end~~~~~~. :!Efy.for~e. . ~Iollnance or lJa! WOIK (Oi wfilCll tillS pbflTnllS l$;..;ueu i",,>c"';'vv.u .vl';;.vl.- - .. , _n_.___ Lender's Info'nnation:' NO .....,.'...; > ;-.j Fees paid for Permit: Total: 181.30 --- INSPECTION RECORD , INSPECTION ' I.' 'DATE INSPECTOR Temporary Powe,r Pole ~-.' , Plumbing (DrainlWaste Pipe) , " Electrical Ground Elec,trode/Ufer ' , L ,SetbacklFormsfTrenches (FootinQ$) ""'"' tk4' .:.(r ,,' Do not install, subfloor or pour floor slab unti I the following applicable items have been signed: Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valvl's) , , Mechanical (Groundwork) , , Electrical (Underground Conduit) , Pre-slab (CompactionlMembrane.Reinf. " , Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders) , ' Do, not cover or con9"althe work ,below until the , ,', following applicable ~ems have been signed: 1 st Floor Shear, ' , " Firesprinkler (Rough) , , 2nd Floor Shear Roof (Sheathing/Diaphragm/Frame) 'J Masonry (Reinf JBond BeamlPre-Groutk 1234 [!4.; " Rough Plumbing (Top Out) , , , ' Rough Mechanical , Rough l:Iectrical (Dry Wall) , , Rough Electrical ' ' , , ' , Framing, (Onll after Plbg.. E/ec.. Mech.. and Fire) Insulation (SoundlEnergy) " , po not tape or'pla~ter until thefollowing applicable , Items have been Signed: . '.' - . Drywall ' ' " ' " PenetrationS (Fire Rated) Elec:irical', ' Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical , ' " PenetrationS (Fire Rated) Plumbing , .Interior Lath ' " .' ,,' , Exterior Lath " , ' , " GENERAL ITEMS I exterior Plaster (Brown COat) -T-Bar Electrical " , , T-Bar Mechanical , T -Bar Structural' Sewer Water Engineering Backflow Water Service ' , , FINAL INSPECTIONS . ' ,,' Date Inspector, Electrical Final " . . "... , ' , Plumbing Final ' Mechanical Final I, , ' " , " Gas Test , " , " Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 , , Fire Dept. Final 765-4040 " ' , ' WilterEngineering 765-526,8 , Sub list/Business License 765-519 ;Z:oning 765-5139 , " Building Final ~ast Inspection- Only., './d!. /.1 - ~' , " fte, Above Complete) ~ ') C;v ' PARTIAL INSPECTION~ Buildina Inspections , Mechanical Inspections , Plumbina Inspections' Electrical Inspections APPLICANT: KEN WORDEN o.WNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMA'j'ION: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: Premier DPointe' AMERICAN PACIFIC HOtiES, INC 3450 E La Palma Ave 4959 PALO VERDE ST#B10"" Anaheim. CA 92806 MOt-lTCLI,\IR. CA 91763001)0 JOB DESCRIPTION:Retainlng walls on 1158, 1169, 1188, 1198Pointe Premi.i..TotaI1978 square feet In reference to GRA2003-02095 . . .~ ; .' . . '. VALUATION: 59,340;00 'PROCESSED BY: CAL , . OWNER-BUILDEROECLARATION 1_ hereby affirm under.~enalty gf perju~,that I arn'~xempt from the Contractor',*~Lice.f!se- Law forthe {ollowing reason (Sec. ~03.1.5 B.uslness and . Professions Code: anydty o~ countywhich requires a permit to construct, a~'~l improve. demoli~h or repairany'st~~cture, priorto'its issuance-..also ~.requires the applic:int for such permit to, fife a ?ignod statement thathe is n~€I~Se~_Pllrsuant_to the provjsio[is cttha'Co/ttrador's ~,icenS:e,law (Chapter 9~(commencing with Section 70GOnf Oivisipn 3 o~ the Business and Prcfessid<nS Code) or that he is exempt'therefrom and the basis for theaUeged. 'exemption. Any ,violation ,of Section 7031.5.by any applicant for a permit subib{:ts the applicant toa evil penalty of not more tha,n five hundred dollars ($500),. ." " . """. . " ' ,L. ' " ,,', " 0, I,asowner of property, or my employees, with wages as t,heir sqle camp~f\saUon,wil\ do,the W9rk, 'and the structure is n6t intended or qffered for . sale (Se~. 7044 Business anq Pr~fessions. Code: The Contractor's' Li,cense tpVi does not apply to an owner of property w~o builds or improves" ' ther:eon, andyw'tlo does,such work, hi,mselfor he'lSeif o'r through his or her 6wn\~,mployees.provided that such irnprrivementsare not intehdedor-, , , ' . offerect'-for'sale:, If, however,. the- building 'or improvement is sold with erre yer',?f compfe,tion, th~ owner-builder will I).aye the burd~n ofprovirJg. that he did not build or Improve forthepU'lposeofsale). . " ,,' . " t::> " ", ,- ',,'_, . o I" as'the.owner Of the prop_erty, am exdusively contracting v/ith Iicensed~ntradors, to ~on::;truct theprciject,<"S,ec. 7044 Business and Professions Coda: Th'e~tontractqr's-Ucense I-aw does not apply to an owner of property !,yhO builds or improves thereon. and who .oontracts for such projects with ",,'1' , - ," ,,-' _.', ,'.' ' '. . ~on~a-~;or(s) Ii~~'nsed pursuant ~ot~e-Contractor's uce~se La~>.. ' y U 'J am exempt 1J9der Sec. .' ...,' B &,P.C. for thiS reason: J ' Date: c' '., Owner~ . i ,:WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION]" I herebtaffirm 'under penaltY'of perjurY 'one of.the '(allowing declarations: .~! ' o I haye and, will maintain.a certific;3.te of oonsent to self-insure forwbrker's.;~'.)mpensatian, as provided for by'Sedion'370b of the'Labor Code" for the performance of thE;'wotk for which i,his permit isiss.ued; '._' _, '. I . 0, I have a,nd will ma.intain worker's compensation insuranc'e, as'required by~s~ction 3700 of the Labot Code,. for the performance 'of the, work far which this permit is iS$U~~" Myworker's Compensation insurance <:a_trier and poIiCf.are: [ Carrier: ..STATEFUNO PoliCfNumber:, 1643507-2003 , . '. I This section need not be Completed if ,the pennit is for one .hundred-dollar5($10,9}~OtlesS. . OJ'certify th<;l! in t~e perfom,anceofthe work,fo~whichth.is permit.is i~_u~'J,J'_shall not , employ any persoriin any manner so as to become subject to the worker::;'::_G.qm:_P.ensatianlaws of C'~lifomia, and ~gree ,that if .I.should becom~,$llbjec::t to the worker~scom/k4rlsation . provisior:t5of Sl?Ction 3700 of the. Labor Code all forthwith comply wittj,th~~~ rovisions. Date: 4/~ 1/2004 Applicant: c..---:>.I " WARNING:FAILURE TOSEC . E ORKER'S COMPENSATION;!':QyJ;~J<(GE IS' , UNLAWFUL', AND SHAl-l- SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TOCRIMINAI(PE&ALill=S AND CIVIL ,FINES UPTO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000):lN't\I?QtTIONTOTHE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION,s706 OFTHE LABOR CODE. INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES, ' ' .',\ ' CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY" . I. hereby 2mrm under' penalty of perjury that th~re is a constr,u,cHo~ lendin9.8!;i!'lncy,for the .-~<:::Ffo-rr:!,3:nc.e---cfthe-w~r.k:,for-V','hid:t--thi!S'pa;-ffiit.fs-;S-S!da--d {S.sc-3C97,-Gi'/..G~:::"- i '- ' _ _. __.-_ Lender's Information: " BUILDING PERMITNO,' BLD~004-011~,9 TYPE OF PERMIT Retaining Walls DATE: 4/21/2004 JOSADDRESS: 1118 POINTE PREMIER LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~,' BUILDING DIVISION 200 S, ANAHEIM BLVD, '(714) 765 - 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714)765- 4626 CENSUS CODE:- 434 , ,QUARTER SECTION:~7.' LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby a irm under penalty of perjury that l.err licensed under provisionsofohapter 9 (commencing .with Section 7000}'of Oivsion 3 of the' Business and profes,~ ~. 4/21/~00 ~ Date:'.' . - . . . Contractor. . NUMBER 785551 TYPE B EXPIRATION DATE 10/31/2004 ConstrucionTvpes: VN, . I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agr~e to oomply,with all city cirdir'lances and state laws relating to buDding construction; and herebY authorize' representives of this.dty t6 enter upOn the above mentioned property Jor ins~~e---________ ' ' Date:4121/~004 - \" ..,. , Signature of Applicant or Agent The permit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A , new permit is required to' cOmmence or continue work. Fees paid far Permit: Total: 1.247,00 INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTION .' Temporary Power Pole . Plumbing (Dtain/Waste Pipe) Electrical ,Ground Electrode/Ufer SetbacklFormsfTre"ches (Footings). . Do not install subf.loor or pour. floor Slab until the fOllowing applicable" items have been signed:' -. Plumbing (Water Pipe,Sprinkler valves) .'. MeChanical (Groundwork) Electriclll (Underground Conduit) Pre-$lab.(CompactionfMembr_.Rllim.. Underpinning (FloOr JoiSt/Girders) ,.' . !'o. not cover or conceal the work below'untlrthe . '. . .' following ap~licable items. have. been signed:.. ' 1 st Floor Sheat . Fireslninkler(Rough) ",,' . . . 2nd Floor Shear . . '. Roof (SheathiI1!llDiaphtagmlFr;lll1e) MlISonry (ReinfJBorid BearnlPre-Grout) ~ Rough Plumbing (Top Out). . RoughMechanlcal.' '. ROugh eectrlcal (DrY Wall) . Rough Electrical' Framing -".(OnlyafterPlbg.; Elee.. r,;1ech ,and Fire) . Insulation (SoundlEnergy) Do not tape or plaster until the f.ollowing applicable items have been sigryed:" . '. , ' Drywall .... '.' . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical Penetrations. (Fire Rated) Plumbing . .' Interior Lath . . .' . Exterior Lath . .. DATE r I . '.~ . '. '. . GENERAL ITEMS Exterior plaster (Bra.vn Coat) , . T .Bar Electrical . . T .Bar Mechanical .. . 'T .Bar Structural Sewer..' Water Engineering Backflow . .'. Water Service . .' . FINAL INSPECTIONS Date ." Electrical'Flnal . . INSPECTOR . plumbing Final . . . . '. Mechanical Final .. '. InspectOr . " ..... cc- . . .' .' .-: . . Gas Test. . . Engineering/Grading Final 765..012.6 .... Fire Dep!. Final 765-4040 ". ..' Water Engineering 765-5268 ". '. '. Sub List/Business License 765-519 '. . '. .' ' . . '" Zoning 765.5139 ~ ;:: '. .\ Building Flnall~a"t InspeftiOn' Only" .,,&:,. "" /11..' '. A '. '. " . After..;tIovejCompletel .fY"l LIM.I. .' , '. " . . " PA~tIA~SPECTIONS~ ,U;"1{ BUlldma.lnSDectlons "~.." ". .... ." .7' . h'~itK...' - ~ /ri_ ~. . . 174.~ 4:-'~.st:PH...r~"/.e'/I./Lh.J... --- 6-7/</'0':-;..--:/...., ..~....... ..' .)(' _ 1M ..ClI/l.,p::ff"~.JI:IIWr'l~ '. ..' '. . _~_;.AU__~:B. /, :;.;0,' '. .... . . MechanicallnsD~etions . . "'-;r- '. .'. '. . '. . . '.' . ~----- .}/ . . '. . . . . . . . . .... ..' . .' .' '. '. .' .' ": . i,' . '., Plumbina hlsDections '.' . . . . ." . .. . . . . . '.' . . . . EI&ctrlcallnsDections . ....... .' . .