3167-71-73 W. Lincoln Ave. -,_.----. BUiLDING PERMIT NO. BLD2004'03947 .!i~~~'~~i\f~;:i!, " CITY ~~~~~l}!~H ElM . . ''.,~~R~j~g0j. BUILDING DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765- 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714} 765 - 4626 ' CENSUS CODE: 104 QUARTER SECTION: 8 lYPE OF PERMIT Tract Housing' DATE: 11/10/2004 JOB ADDRESS: 3167.71.73 W LINCOLN AVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ./;. CONTRACTOR IN~':MA'~ION: . ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: BROO. KFiELDSOUTHLAliiUBUILDERS IN03EORGE RI.CHARDS 3090 BRISTOL ST #200 . .'. . 555 ANTON BLVD. SUITE 850 COSTA MESA, CA. 92626 0"00 . COSYA MESA, CA . BUSINESS PHONE:' 71,442i[\Je88 JOBDESCR~PTIONNe>'(TfipleX-BldgTypell-BLDG 10 .:. .' .....'..f...:,.. . .'. VALUATION, ,329,800.00 . "... "::'~ PROCESSED BY. FAN . J. . .: . '~. -:-,'. .' . _-, ' . . - OWNER~BUILDER::~~'ECt;\~J<\TiO'N, . C,'.' '. , . .. '. -, _' .', . I herp.by affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt frol\l th~_ Contrac:t~yc~nt::e_,law for thefclloY"irig reason (Sec. 7031.5 Business a;~d Professions Code:.any city or county~hich requires aper!'nit ,to COi,lStrUct; 3Iftr:in1Rrove:,:de~(l01i~,[1.Prrepair any f'tructure, prior to !ts, f::.s,uance.'alsc""' .requires:Jhe applicant for'such permit to ,file a signed statement that he_ rs Ik:~~t~~; P.lf!SU~dft9 th~ provisions ofth~, Co.ntrador's"Ucense Law (Ctlapter 9)(comm.~ncing with Sectio!17000~Of Division 3 of the Susiness a ~9)?rOfess~j~:s Code) or ,ttiat h0 ise>:empttherefro~ and t~G ~asisfor the ,alleged . :"emptiCp...f'OY violation of Section 70315 by any applicant far" P",,"it su'r:{cts,t~~~'PPlicanl to a dVllpenalty of not morethan five hurdred doH",,,, [j. 50?!.'.~s. .DW. fler of p'rope.1ty. ,0; my employe~s with wages..o.::r.,th.eir-,.SO.liCo"';;fl~atiO,.,.w...'i!ia:{;;,ewbi~".ind me slruc~;re is not '".tend~. or oirerad. fl)..' sale (Se~. ?044,SLlshiess and Professions Code: The CQnt(actor'sU,~.er'se-t;,',-v'cOssnotaptiyto an owner of pmperty who bwkJsor improves':-', , there::ln, ;;j'nd, who does such vv9tk ~lims'9if or herseif.,.or through h'is 'or h~r (;~v~mp!oyee.s. provided that such implovements are not:ntend3d OJ,'~>':_' cff~red frx sale; If, however,' the building or improve::mer..t is sold with;cne Y';l' of CCI:loi~tion. the owner-blJiidet will have the burden'of proving that hr; dId not build or improve for the purpose of sa!e}, . > J . [J I as the owner of the property, am eXduslVe!y contractIng wltn licensed' '{,ent:-<S:1cr:? to construct the project (See. 7044 Busll1~s and Prcf€;ssic~,s Cede: The Con~ractor's License....Law.doe's not apply to an O'Nn~r of rr(;oe,tY'l~hv builds or improves thereon. -ehd who rontr"-\cts fer suc.., proj"eo'i.s, WIth 'MOl1tractor(S)~IICe!1Sed pursuant to the Co"nlri3.ctor's Ll('..ense Law). '1 . .,,' _ - - '-. I am eXE;mpt under Sec. I B & P C. for thrs reaSl1ii: ~ ~ .-- Date:'.,.-.." - Own.,: ',.. --;:f-:---;-'_u I .... :'~\i, .c:\NORKER'S COMPENSA"i9N(;ECLAR-;OO;~-.3- '_ ~ _' -j ;_ICENSEO<:ONTAACTORS DEClARATION -I I hBmb~':_~fflml 'Jnder_I)~~aity'of pe~ury Oi'_e of the folio....,!ng d8C1aratjon~:. ',';:'rr" ' . I l.hE:reby-alfirm under pe:-;alty of.perjury'""that i am 0,1 h~ve and .Wjii rha~ntain} certi,fic;atB ~f .oonsen-t to seif~ins~fefor ";vcrk~t'si::p:~t-',?riS:'jti?n, ! licensed unde:" provisioi"!sof <;haptcr 9 (comrt.er,Cing' ta.~ rov:j~~f?r ;.lY SectiOJl 3/00 oftha Lo?9rCode, for t!'1e pertornl~nce.0:..' t~_~.:;\.'\i(HK ror "f!hlm I w:th Section: 7000) of Divsion' 3 of the Rusines::> and t permit ISlSeued. ' '. . .'~. ,l. ....' ' Professicns Cooe. . . '" -'. . ' I hav., e a.,:j will r(lairltain.WOrke.r's -compensation insu,r.an. ee, as (e'q~lire(!~>f,-::~',~.i.iOn 3700 of I' 11i10/2004 ~_. .~~. ". : the Labo,r Code, for the performance of the work for which,this pern~;t,is is=;'J~~.~, -Myw?rkt,:,r's Date:. .... - '-~.:_: ...:: .-"_ c. ;;:;;~.--- '. Compensation insura nc:e ca rrier and policy are:'. .. 'I .'. '.' . ..' . Carr:ier:, OLD R.EP~BLIC INS: CO," ,- . ' poaty Nu:,:ber., -i\W-r~~_1;~-;V 4?O -,', NI,JMBER ' EXPIRATION DATE This.seetio'l .n~~ not be completed ifu,e pennit is for' onehun.dred dull2rs I~~'?,?JH:~:-iq3~' :,;. I 8.i~~~'d B 9t30i20G5 o _I certify that in the performance ofttle work for which this perm!tis is=.,u:2_<{') shaJ: n.o~ r employ anyperson.in any manner so as tooecome subject to the worlffi,r's, c6,h;Jens;:Hlori i:aws ,':'-', of Califomia, andagre;e that if I.should become subjeCt to the worx.er's'cn'rr.c~:~sat:on ".', I . ,provisi.on~ of Section 3700'oftbe Labor Co~e,,1 ,shall forthwith comply iiiith thst~C pr'Jvisiqns. :,,-," Const,(~don TYDe~:'. , , _ -. '"' VN, '.,. . Date:. 11/~0/2004 App~ican,t:', ,-' ~<\A~,;. -_ ~'~L...__ IOccupancv_Groups: WARNING:' FAILURE TO SECURE WORKER' COMPENSATIONC..YERV,!"IS,. '., IH3, U1", . UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMP YER TO CRIMINAL PE;NA;,'I'iES _\NqGlVI,L Fire Sprinklered'> FINE..SVPT.. 0. O. NE HUNDR. ED. THOUSAND DOLLARS ($. 100,00. 0.>. '..I~. J .ADDI./ON '. TO.TH E../;'IVInQ Area: COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTiO,'1.1705 OF. THE '.. . Gara",e Area. . . . LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND.ATTORNEY'S F!"ES. . . i Balconv; Deck Areo: /.' . , . . CONSTRUCTION L~NDING AGENCY' '.'1~--.::::_._ '. ". . _.I heoiliy.affj;:m.JJ(1d€'q:::E'c..~~Ld~~r:ury3b~~ tI:<9r.'!:1"'....,_';Dr'l.<..tr;ll~ti!l,n.._!t"~!i1C_!!;;:~h,.,~..r" ;;.....==1 <-, . perfo.rmar:ce _of the work for which this pe(mit is issued (Sec. 3097 ,Civ .C): Lender's'lnforrnation: APPLICANT: CHERYL STUMP' OWNER INFORMATION: . Robert C Timms PO Box i'?,7 Cypress,CA 80530 hiO 4,347 1,352 23 ,-,-"-,-",-,:,,, ",. " ,~ . .. I,certify that! have read this application and state that the above jnformationj~ correct. 1 agree to comply with all city ordinances and state laws relating to building'com,truction, and hereby .authoriZe representives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection-'pU(pose5, Date: ';1/10/2004 Fees paid for Permit: Total: 11.243,34 ignature of Applicant 0' Agent The permit s I expire bY. limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not paSsed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is required to commence or continue work. . 5 " INSPECTION RECORD '. FINAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTION' DATE INSPECTOR Electrical Final.' Temporary Power Pole '. Plumbing. Final Plurnbing (Dl3inIWaste Pipe) t-H4 Mechanical Final Eledrical Ground Electrode/Ufer: '. .' SetbacklFormSlTrencheS (Footings) . . .. Gas Test . Do not install sub floor or pour floor slab unti I the , Engineering/Grading Fi[llll 7 following applicable, items have been signed: - . I . Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) 2.4 -Nt- Fire Dept. Final 765-4040 .' Mechanical (GrOUnclwork) I. I Water Engineering 765-.5268 Eledrical (Underground Conduit) , . . preo.slab (Compaction/Membrane.Rei nt. 12fNJ-t4. Sub List/Business License Underpinning (Floor Joist,lGirders) , . Zoning 765-5139 ' Do not cover or co.neeal the work below until the Building Final ~astlnspectio~ following applicable Items have been signed: fter Above Co 1st Floor Shear ,( : 11)..---W'o/1 1::>,' PARTIAL I Firesprinlder (Rough) . .. , 2nd Floor Shear 3!'t.o&.< .-,.,; Building InsDections . Rpof (Sheathing/Diaphrallm'FrarJle) V." , Masonry (ReinfJBond BearnlPre-Grout) -// . ,. Rough Plumbing (Top Out)',' Rough Mechanical, ' . /" . Rough E1ectrlC.a1IDry wall) . , Rough Electrical ." e ~/7.n , '. ,Framing (Only after Plbg.,E:Jec.. r...1ech.. and Fire) 1'1 Insulation.(SouncllEnergy) Mechanicallnspectio po not tape orpla~ter until the following ~pplicabl~ (" . ,terns have been sIgned: ' .' . W · Drywall., " :'. ' . . , . , Penetrations (Fire Rated/Electrical \ , . , Penetrl!tlons (Fire Rated) Mechanical . . , Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing '"" Interior Lath' . . ( . t . n. ' Exterior Lath' . ,'- ~ '^' AlII ' . Plumbina Insnections .... " . GENERAL ITEM 'ilJY:[' V . . , Exterior Plaster (Bl'C7Nn Coal) . ' ~ X .J-: . , T .Bar Electrical. ' .' , ' T-Bar Mechanical ' , T -Bar. Structural . , ~ . Sewer I-Idr-M:- . . Water Engineering Backflow Electrical Inspections Wat"r Service . . . -71_11< A-.LJ. . ate 6506126 . 765-519 -Only " _J mplete)' .... 'Cj{ l) NSPECTIONS(".~<-'. . ....~(-, ns . :0 :u , f) .... Certificate of Insulation. 1.. f) J\ J) f) :0 :u :0 0- .... ~ Your Home has been insulated with CertainTeed Fiberglass Insulation products, which are de~jgned for today's safety standards and tomorrow's energy requirements. .... J\ OJ Fiberglass is inorganic and therefore permanently noncombustible, so it does not have to be treated with fire-retardant chemicals thaI will likely lose their effectiveness over time. It has not been treated 'with chemicals dlat can corrode wiring or metal. Fiberglass will not absorb moisture nor will it settle over time as may other insulation materials. This also certifies that Certain Teed Fiber Glass Insulation has been professionally in~talled in this home to provide the following thermal performance: Job Name: Cantada Lane Tract; 16683 Phase: . 1 l<>t #: 1 Plan, 2D_~_ Bldg. II: _____. Address: ~16? ~. Linc~!!__________.._.__....-_.- ~ J) .... :0 0- V) V) J) :u J) :.J Z -< OJ :.J Z OJ -< 0: .J OJ f) Z -< .., OJ E OJ ~ "- :0 0- f) .... f) Sl Sl :u I . ~ .... I Z OJ .., Attic Area: J.l,:!~.?!9~_..._________-__.._loterior Walls: Koee Walls: .____M___._-.--____________________. -------------- Bet",<<n Floors: Exterior Walls: R-13 Unfaced Batts Cantilevered: R-13 Unfaced Batts Garage Ceiling: R.B Unfaced Batts Party Walls: 3 112 Sounds Batts' Title 24 Caulkiog Indnded (Exterior Doors, Windows and sill plates) ./-----..,j I Subco ir dor.. OJ Insulation Co., ltlC. ~oo S. Vinet t) u. Ca 91702 (626) 812-6070 LiceD.St #4ti5709 Signed Conchita Ortiz, Secretarynreasurer --or-- R. Scott Jenkins, President--or- Lou Merola, Director of Operations Officer R- means resistance to heat flow. The higlier the R- value, the greater the insulatin~ power. Ask your builder for the fact sheet on R- values. Keep this certificate \\ith your other valued papers. If you ever sell this home, this certificate should be pa!;sed on to the buyer. 0) ru , \D '""' "- Certificate of Insulation If) "' \D If) 0) ru 0) <t '""' I'- '""' "' o f- Your Home has been insulated with Certain Teed Fiberglass Insulation products. which are designed for today's safety standmds and tomonow's energy requirements. Fiberglass is inorganic and therefore permanently noncombustible, so it does not have to be treated ",th fIre-retardant chemicals that will likely lose their effectiveness over time. It has not been treated with chemicals that can corrode wiring or metal. fiberglass will not absorb moisture nor wm it settle over time as may other insulation materials. This also certifies that CertainTeed Fiber Glass Insulation has been professionally in>talled in this home to provide the following thermal performance: Job Name: Canlada Lane Tract: 16683 Phase: 1.' Lot #: __1._._ Plan: _~_A _ Bldg. #: ._____. Address: 3171. W.!-J.,,-~~_I!!...._________________________ I'- \D '""' 0) '" "' "' \D ru \D u Z H Attic Area: ~-19 BI?~____________-_-.___-_-Interior Walls: Knee' Walls: --------------------------------- ------------------- Between Floo rs: Exwrior WaU,: R-l3 Unfaced Batts Cantile,'ered: R-J3 Unface<l Batts Garage Ceiling: R-B Unfaced Batts Party Walls: 3 1/2 Sound' Batts o u z o H f- a: .J ::J (J) Z H Title Z4 Caulking Included (EliCterior Doors, Windows and sill plate,) ..., o E: o '" LL 0) <t If) '""' SigJJed Conchita Ortiz, Secretaryffreasurer -or-- R. Scott Jenkins, President--or- Lou Merola, Director of Operations Officer If) IS) IS) ru , I'- '""' , Z ::J ..., R. means resistance to heat flow. The higher the R. value, tbe greater tho insulating power. Ask yom builder for the fact sheet on R. ,'lIlue,. Keep tbis certificate with your other valued papers. If you ever sell this home, this certificate should be passed ou to the buyer. :0 )j , ~ .... Certificate of Insulation. 1. f) :n .0 f) :0 )j :0 "" .... ~ .... :n ::J Your Home has been insulated with CertainTeed Fiberglass Insulation products, which are designed for today's safety standards and tomorrow's energy requirements. Fiberglass is inorganic and therefore permanently noncombustible, so it does not have to be treated with file-retardant chemicals thaI will likely lose their effectiveness oyer time. It has not been treated with chemicals that can corrode wiring or metal. Fiberglass will not absorb moisture nor will it settle over time as may other insulatio1l materials. i I . I This also certifies that CertainTeed Fiber Glass Insulation has been professionally installe.d in this home to provide the following thennal performance: Job Name: Cantada Lane Tract: 16683 Phase: I Lot #: ..__1.__... Plan: _~.~_. Bldg. #: ___ Address:~.173. W:_~!!t.~!>.!J..1__n_..________"'____'______'_'___ .0 .... :0 "" ") ") .0 )j .0 :..> z ... Attic Area: ~::.l_?_.B..lown_____.__..___________Jnterior WaUs: Knee Walls: --_._-----,--.~-------_. -----._-...-- Between Floors: Exterior Walls: R-13 Unfaoed Batts Cantilevered: R-l3 Unfaced Batts Garage Ceiling: R-B Unfaced Batts Party WaDs: 3 1/2 Sounds Batts ::J :..> z ::J ... Title 24 Caulking Ineluded (Exterior Doors, Windows and sill plates) -- Subcontractor.. OJ Insulation Co., fne. 600 S. Vinceat. AzuSIl Ca 91102 (626) 812-6070 LiCE:DS.f' #4l1iSi09 a: .J ::J IJ) Z H Signed e, ::J L ::J 00: "- OJ "" f) .... Conchita Ortiz, SecretarylTreasurer -or- R. Scott Jenkins, President--or- Lou Merola, Director af Operations Officer f) " " OJ , I'- .... , Z :::J e, R- means resistance to heat flow. The higher lhe R- value, the greater rhe insulating power. Ask your builder for rhe fact sheet on R- values. Keep this certificate wim your other valued papers, If you ever sell this home, this certificate should be passed on to the buyer. TYPE OF PERMIT Light! Flag Pole CITY DATE: 6/8/2005 JOB ADDRESS: 3167, 71, 73 W LINCOLN AVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ElM BUILDING DIVISION 200 S, ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765 - 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: 570 QUARTER SECTION: 8 BUILDING PERMIT NO. BLD200S-01736 APPLICANT: CHERYL STUMP OWNER INFORMATION: Anaheim Redevelopment Agency 201 S Anaheim Blvd Anaheim, CA 92805 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BROOKFIELD HOMES SOUTHLAND INC 3090 BRISTOL ST #200 COSTA MESA, CA 926260000 BUSINESS PHONE: 714427-6868 Install (1) private lighting pole per city standard- Public Works design # 742. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: JOB DESCRIPTION: VALUATION: 2,500.00 PROCESSED BY: SAM OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that am exempt from t e on tractor's License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: any city or county which requires a permn to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licenSed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9)(commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and ProfessionS Code) or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjeCts the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500). o I, as owner of property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044 Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or herself or through his or her own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold with one yearbf completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving thal'he did not build or improve for the pUlpose of sale). o I, as the owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044 Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). o I am exempt under Sec. , B & P.C. for this reason: Date: Owner: I WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: o I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self~insure for worker's compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the labor Code, for the performance of the Work for which this permit is issued. o-t. have and will maintain worker's compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of ~bor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. Myworker's Compensation insurance carrier and policy are: Carrier: OLD REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPAN'lPolicy Number. MWC111014Q0 This section need not be completed if !he pennit is for one hundred dollars ($1 00) or Jess. o I certify that in the pertonnance of the work for which this permit is Issued, I shan not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the worker's compensation laws of Califomia., and agree that if I should become subject to the worker's compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor e I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Divsion 3 of the Business and profeSSiO)2lCod " Q J._ " 6/8/2005 N)... 4- ~ Date: 0 Contractor NUMBER EXPiRATION DATE 736657 6/3012005 TYPE B Date: 6/8/2005 Applicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WO UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT A OY TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CiViL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THO AND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097 .Civ.C): Lender's Information: Construcion Types: VN, , I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspecti n rposes. Date: 6/8/2005 Fees paid for Permit: Total: 114.59 Si ature 0 Applicant 0 Agent The p mit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issull1ce, A new Dermit is reauired to commence or continue work. City of Anaheim Building Division INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR Temporary Power Pole Plumbing (DrainlWaste Pipe) Electrical Ground Electrode/Ufer SetbacklFormslTrenches (Foolings) Do not install subfloor or pour floor slab until the follOWing applicable items have been signed: Plumbing /Waler PIDeJSDrinkler Valves) Mechanical (Groundwork) Electrical (Underground Conduit) Pre-slab (Compaction/Membrane Reinf.) Underpinning (Floor Joisl/Girders) Do not cover or conceal the work below until the following applicable items have been signed: 1st Floor Shear Firesprlnkler (Rough) 2nd Floor Shear Roof (SheathingJDiaphragmlFrame) Masonry (Reinf JBond Beam/Pre-Grout) Rough Plumbing (Top Out) Rough Mechanical Rough Electrical (Dry Wall) Rough Electrical Framing (OnIV after Plbg., EIe., Alec. And Fire) Insulation (Sound/Energy) Do not tape or plaster until the following applicable items have been signed: . Drywall Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical Penetrations (Fire Rated) MechanIcal Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing Interior Lath Exterior Lath GENERAL ITEMS Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) T -Bar Electrical T-Bar Mechanical T-Bar Structural Sewer Water Engineering Backtlow Water Service FINAL INSPECTIONS Eleclrieal Final Plumbing Final Mechanical Final Gas Test Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 Fire Depl. Final 765-4040 Water Engineering 765-5268 Sub Usl/Business License 765-5194 Zoning 765-5139 Building Final (Last Inspection . Only (p After Above Complete) PARTIAL INSPECTIONS Buildina Insoections Mechanicallnsoections Plumbina Insoections Electricallnsoections