1962/01/0953'72 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 9, 1962, 3:00 P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session° PRESENT: ABSENT: PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Coons~ Fry, Thompson and Schut%eo COUNCILMEN: None° CITY MANAGER: Keith Ac Murdocho ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY: John Dawson° CITY CLERK: Dene Mo Williamso CITY ENGINEER: James Po Maddox~ DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS: Thornton Eo Piersallo CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR: Richard A. Reese. Mayor Schutte called the meeting to order° MINUTES: Approval of City Council minutes of January 2, 1962, was held over for one week, January 16~ 1962~ on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Coons° MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 62R-19: Councilman Chandler offered Resolution No. 62R-19 for passage and adoption° Refer to Resoldtion Book° A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND DIRECTING THE PAYMENT OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY AS OF JANUARY 9~ 1962o (Warrants Nos° 15902 to 1.61349 both inclusive, totaling $1,099,953o61o) On roll call. 'the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Chandler~ Coons, Fry~ Thompson and Schu%teo None. None° The Mayor declared Resolution Nco 62R-19 duly passed and adoptedo REQUEST - OFFICE TRAILER~ 1354 SOUTH LOS ANGELES STREET: Communication dated January 9, 1962~ from To Jo Griffin, Business Manager~ McClures-Anaheim~ withdrawing their request for permission to install a trailer for sales offices in 'their used car lot was submitted and read~ Pursuant to said communication~ Councilman Chandler moved that the request to withdraw the matter be granted° Councilman Coons seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED. SIDEWALK WAIVER, 323 EAST BALL ROAD: Communication received January 9~ 1962~ from Mro Wo Ac Hu%ton~ Manchester Feed and Milling Company, requesting that their request dated December 27~ 1961~ for waiver of sidewalk requirements at 323 East Ball Road~ be removed from the Council Agenda, was submitted and read° Pursuant to said request~ Councilman Coons moved that the request · to withdraw said matter be granted° Councilman Fry seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED~ RECLASSIFICATION NO. 61-62-2'7 ~ EXTENSION OF TIME: Request of Mro Orval Mo Halvorsen for a ten day extension of time after the completion of the City's contract for the widening of Euclid Avenue to comply with Conditions Nos° 2 and 3 of Resolution No.. 7310, was submitted° Mro Murdoch advised that the City has an agreement for the con- struction of this improvement, and recommended said extension of time be granted° On the recommendations of the City Manager~ Councilman Chandler moved that the extension of time be granted to put in the improvements to a time concurrent with the performance of the contract by the City of Anaheimo Councilman Fry seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED. 53'73 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 9, 1962, 3:00 P.M. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 118 - REVISED PLANE: Request of Mr~ Do Eo Walters for approval of revised plot plan for their proposed trailer park, was submitted. Revised plans were reviewed by the City Council and compared with the original file, and Mro Murdoch read the recommendations of the City Planning Department with reference to deviations from the conditions of the proposed Trailer Park Ordinance° Mro Do Eo Walters~ 6507 Templeton Avenue, Huntington Park, addressed the Council advising that the requirements of 'the City of Anaheim are con- sidezably more stringent than those of the County or State, that the plans were prepared on the basis of other trailer parks in the area° Mro Walters was advised that the trailer parks referred to were developed under County standards before annexation to the City of Anaheim° Councilman Goons moved that revised plans submitted be referred back to the applicant to be re-drawn to conform with requirements of the proposed Trailer Park Ordinance in accordance with Condition Nco 1 of Resolu- tion NCo 6982° Councilman Chandler seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED° PUBLIC HEARING - REMOVAL OF PARKING METERS: In accordance with Council instruc- %ion~ public hearing was held on the request received from the Down%own Merchants Association for 'the removal of parking meters in the downtown area for a trial period of six months° Publicity of said public hearing was given by the local newspapers~ The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council~ Mr° Joe Farber, owner and operator of "Lucky Lady Store" addressed 'the Council on behalf of the Downtown Merchants Association, explaining that Anaheim was losing the American tradition of "downtown"~ as well as many customers to Buena Park and ?ullerton because of the parking si%uationo Although they request the removal of the parking meters for a trial period of six mon%hs~ they realize that this was not going to be the end of their problem~ and that some time in the future a request may be made for diagonal parking on the streetso He advised that in other cities where.the parking meters were removed~ the merchants had shown an over- whelming increase in businesso A petition containing twenty.-f'ive signatures favoring removal of the parking meters and stating their reasons therefor~ was presented° Mro Farber briefly reviewed the total amount collected from the meters and expenditures made for parking lOtSo He further advised that he had heard that some of the Councilmen objected to the removal of the meters because the employees of the downtown district would take advantage by parking in the now metered area° Mro Sowder of Weber Book Store reported that when the meters were capped~ their business improved° Mro Rusty Roquet requested to see the petition favoring the removal of the meterso He advised that he was opposed to the removing of the parking meters because of lack of control over the all-day parking, and suggested that buildings now existing on lots purchased for off-street parking purposes be removed~ and the lots improved~ thereby alleviating this situation. He noted the annual, revenue received from the meters~ and explained that the downtown area was presently receiving a tax relief from the County Assessor, which in his opinion was in keeping° Mro O. Go Neal of Karl's Shoe Store addressed the Council favoring the removal of the meters~ however recommending that the two hour parking time limit be maintained~ as in his opinion, two hours would be sufficient for the average customer to transact business° He also felt that this might not be the complete answer to the problem~ and that the long vacancy factor in the downtown area indicated that there was something wrong~ He stated that according to information obtained from their main office~ sales increased eleven per cent to twenty five per cent in the cities where 5374 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California .- COUNCIL MINUTES - January 9~ 1962~ 3:00 P.M~ parking meters were removed~ Mro Neal further advised that when parking meters were originally installed, there was a definite purpose and need for them; however now that the off.-street parking lots have been purchased~ he felt the Council would be justified in removing them° Mro Joe Hurst felt that if this was to be an experiment, that all restrictions should be removed° Mr. Farber further reported that a meeting is contemplated by the merchants within the month for the purpose of considering general instructions to be given to their employees regarding the removal of the parking meters and requesting them not to use the parking stalls previously metered. Mr~ James Morris asked if the parking meters were removed and 'the revenue therefrom ceases9 would this also stop the purchase and improvement of the parking lots~ Mro Murdoch advised that it is within the perogative of the City Council to author expenditures from the general funds, and that another means of acquiring additional parking is by the establishment of a parking districto Mr° Morris felt Lhere is an additional need for four or five tlmes more parkin9 in the downtown area if the downtown area is to compete with the Broadway Shopping Cen%ero Mr~ Earl KaltenOach, Architect and designer of shopping centers, reported that in some areas ~he "Mall" type development had been successful~ Mro Joe Whi'te~ 809 West Broadway, asked the area considered "downtown district°" Mayor Schutte replied the area considered is between Harbor BouJevard and Olive Street~ and Cypress and Broadway° Mr. White felt ~he downtown merchants should ascertain how many parking spaces are needed to meet their employees~ requirements° The Mayo~ asked :if anyone else wished to address the Council, there bein9 no response~ declared the hearing closed° In answer 'to Councilman Thompson's inquiry, Mro Heath~ District Commercial Manager of the Pacific Telephone Company, stated they would do everything possible %o encourage their employees to cooperate in this effort° Councilman Coon~ referred to an accounting made by Miss Beatrice MiJiez~ Finance Dzrectoz for [he City, noting the total revenue received from the installation of meters to be $451,294o02, and the total expendi- ture and incumberances ~o be $1~091~668o24o RESOLUTION NO. 62R-20: Councilman Thompson offered Resolution Nco 62R-20 for adoption, removing all parking meters for a trial period of six months~ the six months trial period 'to commence February 1, 1962~ Said resolution was read in full by Mro John Dawson, Assistant City Attorney, Refer 'to ResoJution Book° A RESOLUIION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUIHORIZING AND DIRECIING THE DIRECIOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SUPERINTENDENI OF STREETS IO REMOVE CERTAIN PARKING ~EIERS INSTALLED PURSUA~ TO ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 14~44o020 AND 14o44~,030o 53 v5 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California ,- COUNCIL MINUTES - January 9~ 1962~ 3:00 P.M. On roll call %he fobegoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILP{EN: Chandler~ Coons~ Fry, Thompson and Schutte~ None~ None° The Mayor declared Resol. u'~ion No. 62R-20 duly passed and adopted~ ORDINANCE NO. 16'72: Councilman Thompson offered Ordinance No~ 1672 for final reading° Refer to Ordinance Book~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF' ANAHEIM REPHALtNG SECTIONS 14~32o080 AND 14.,32,,090, CHAPTER 14~32, TITLE 14~ OF THE ANAHEIM ~aUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO PARKING. After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance Nco 1672 and having knowledge of the con~ents therein~ Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived. Councilman Fry seconded the motion° MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call 'the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNC I LMEN: Chandle~ ~ Coons~ Fr¥~ Thompson and Schutte. None None Mayor Schutte declared Ordinance No. 16.72 duly passed and adopted~ HEADqUARIERS FIRE STATION .- PRELIMINARY PLANS: Mr, Earl Kaltenbach, Jro, Architect, presented a colored rendering and preliminary plans for the Fire Headquarters Station, Such plans we:re reviewed ah the Council Table by the City Council~ City Manager~ and Mro Edward j,, St.:ringer~ Fi:re Chief° On the recommendations of {.he Fi~e Chief', Councilman Coons moved thaz fhe preliminary plans be acoep'zed with ihe exception %hat the small bath:room ne×{ to the Batalllon Chief,s Off~ce on 'the second floor be eliminated, and two pay telephone ~ooths be ~nstalled in that space. Councilman Fry seconded f:he motlon, MOTION CARRIED. Mro Murdoch read communication dated January 9, 1962~ from Earl G~ Kaitenbach~ Jr.~ AbicA,, and Assoc[at:es, regaxding the addition of the basement fall-out shelter ~o the ~l:~e Headqua~.ters Station~ and requesting approval of Zhe increase zn fee fo~ said addition :in the amount of $~,~17~00. Mr~ Kaltenbach briefed the preliminary cost estimate which they prepared, and copies were gLven ~o each Counc[i.mano Action on the requested fee fox-add.i. Lional services was held over for one week~ January 16~ t962, ~o a!low for study of the cost estimate and recommendations from the Civy Managex~s Office~ }.EASIBILrIY STUDY - CITY HALL RESTROOMS: P,{r,, Robe:[ Davis~ Assistant City Manager~ reported on the feasiOili%y study made by the firm of Botich - Munns~ zegard~ng additional restro0ms ~r~ the iiqht well off the City Hall; tha'~ basically it does appear from thi~ s'Ludy t~a% we can proceed at this tlme~ tearing 'the jail facllrhy in the light well~ to construct two floors of reszrooms, and at a later date add three floors of office area to fill in the light well, ~f it is desired; and recommended that the Architect be author[zed to proceed with the deta:led working drawings and plans for the construction of %he two fi. bors of restrooms~ and that the office area be deferred until a later date° 53'76 City Hall, Anaheim, California .~. COUNCIL MINUTES - January 9, 1962, 3:00 P.M. Mro Davis further reported that the estimated budget cost for the restrooms is approximately $38,000~00, and the estimated cost for the 3300 square feet of office area, approximately $64,800°00. On the recommendation of the Assistant City Manager, Councilman Coons moved that the feasibility study be accepted, and that the Architect be authorized to proceed in the preparation of detailed plans and specifi- cations for the construction of restroom facilities only, and to brin9 this to contract shape as soon as possible. Councilman Thompson seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. MAJOR MEDICAL INSURANCE - BLUE CROSS: On the recommendations of Mr. Roy Heissner, Assistant Personnel Director, Councilman Coons moved that the City keep the current contract with Blue Cross in effect until April 1, t962, so that the next three months can be used for negotiation. Councilman Chandler seconded 'the motion° MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 188: Submitted by Wischnack, et al., (John B. Kilroy Company) Authorized Agent, requesting permission to establish a planned unit shopping center including restaurants, service station, bank and retail s'tores~ on property located on the east side of Dowling Avenue between Anaheim Road and La Palma Avenue, was submitted to the City Council for their information° The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No. 185, Series 1961-62, granted Conditional Use Permit No. 188 for a restaurant and cocktail lounge, subject to conditions. Mr. Richard Reese, Plannin9 Director, reported that the application is a portion of property included within Application 6I.-62.~61, and is requested for the re-location of previously approved Conditional Use Permit Noo 163 for a Hofbrau Restaur- ant on Anaheim Road, 'to a site south of Coronado Street, extended, on the east side of Dowling Avenue~ taken. File was reviewed b'y the City Council, and no further action RECESS: Councilman Chandler moved to recess¢ to 7:00 O'Clock P.M, Councilman Coons seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIED. (5:00 O~Clock P.M.) AFTER RECESS: PRESENT: ABSENT: PRESENT: Mayor Schutte called the meeting to order° COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. COUNCILMEN: None.. CITY MANAGER: Keith A. Murdocho ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY: John Dawson. CITY CLERK: Dene M~ Williams. PLANNING DIRECTOR: Richard A~ Reese. CITY ENGINEER: James P~ Maddox. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR: Thornton E. Piersallo FLAG SALUTE: Mayor Schutte led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. RESOLUTION NO. 62R-21: On the recommendations of the Traffic Engineer, that said resolution be adopted, so tha[ turns can be made from the left ~urn lane~ Councilman Coons offered Resolution Noo 62R-21 for adop~iono Refer to Resolution Book, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ESTABLISHING A NO PARKING AREA ON LINCOLN AVENUE IN FRONT OF 2123 WEST LINCOLN AVENUE. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Chandler~ Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutteo None, None, The Mayor declared Resolution No. 62R-21 duly passed and adopted. 5377 City Hall, Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 9~ 1962~ 3:00 P.M. CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY: Claim against the City filed by Robert B. Mclnroe in the amount of $17.63, due to damage to transistor radio, was submitted. Councilman Chandler moved said claim be denied and referred to the City Attorney's Office and Insurance Carrier. Councilman Fry seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED. CANCELLATION OF CITY TAXES: Cancellation of City Taxes was authorized on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Coons, on property pur- chased by %he Anaheim School Dis%tic% as recorded in Book No. 5926, Page 382, Official Records of Orange County, on November 29, 1961. MOTION CARRIED. TRANSFER OF FUNDS: Transfer of $12,500~00 from State Contingency Fund, Project No. 107, Unit No. 4, to Project Nco 94 (La Palma Street Improvement) was authorized on motion by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Coons° MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 62R-27: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No 62R-22 for adoption. · Refer to Resolution Book~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY FOR THE WIDENING AND IMPROVEMENT OF A PORTION OF CERRITOS AVENUE. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and $chutte. None. None. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 62R-22 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 62R-22: Councilman Thompson offered Resolution No. 62R-23 for passage and adoption, accepting grant deed. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES. (Marcellino Herrera, et ux.) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and $chutte. None° None. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 62R-23 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 62R-24: Councilman Chandler offered Resolution No. 62R-24 for passage and adoption, accepting deed° Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES. (3ce L Lane, et ux.) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and $chutte. None. None. 5378 City Hall~ Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 9~ 1962~ 3:00 P.M. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 62R-24 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 62R-25: Councilman Thompson offered Resolution No. 62R-25 for passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book° A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DETERMING THE NECESSITY FOR, AND DIRECTING THE ACQUISITION BY EMINENT DOMAIN OF, REAL PROPERTY F OR HIGHWAY STREET WIDENING AND WELL SITE PURPOSES (Steam Realty) · On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~ AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None° None. The Mayor declared Resolution No~ 62R-25 duly passed and adopted. VARIANCE NO. 1434: Submitted by William A~ Sim, requesting permission to waive minimum front and rear yard setback requirements on property located at the southeast corner of Orangewood Avenue and Loara Street (lots 1 through 4, Tract 4417)o Said variance was granted by the City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution Nco 181, Series 1961-62, subject %o conditions. No further action was taken by the City Council° CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS: Submitted for Council information were the following: Conditional Use Permit NCo 170 - City Planning Commission's Resolution NCo 186, Series 1961-62, amending Resolution Nco 148, Series 1961-62, granting Conditional Use Permit No° 170o Variance No° 142] - City Planning Commission's Resolution No. 187, Series 1961-62, amending Resolution Nco 152, Series 1961-62, granting Variance No~ Conditional Use Permit Now 154 .- City Planning Commission's Resolution No. 188, Series 1961-62, amending Resolution No. 73, Series 1961-62, granting Conditional Use Permit No.154. No further action was taken by the City Council on the above° CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING~ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 180: Submitted by Delos and Goldie Patterson, requesting permission to establish a 37 unit Motel on property locaked at the southeast corner of Lincoln and Dale Avenues. Public hearing was continued from the meeting of December 26, 1961, to allow the applicant an opportunity to revise plans of development to conform with setback and parking requirements. Correspondence dated January 3, 1962, submitted by Mr. Delos Patterson requesting that all action on Conditional Use Permit No° 180 be terminated, was submitLedo Mro Stuhley, Authorized Agent, explained to the Council the reasons that Mro Pa%terson requested these proceedings be terminated, RESOLUTION NO. 62R-26: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No° 62R-26 for adoption° Refer to Resolution Book° A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TERMINATING ALL PROCEEDINGS WITH REFERENCE TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 180. 5379 ~.ity Hall~ Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 9~ 1962~ 3:00 P.M. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutteo None° None. The Mayor declared Resolution No~ 62R-26 duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING~ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 186: Submitted by Leo Freedman, requesting permission to construct a theater,-convention hall on property located on the east side of Harbor Boulevard, between Katella Avenue and Midway Drive (approximately 1205 feet north of Katella Avenue)° The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No. 155, Series 1961-62, granted said Conditional Use Permit subject to the following conditions: 1~ Development substantially in accordance with Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2, with the provision that parking area be provided on the basis of one parking space for every five (5) seats in 'the assembly building° 2o Dedication of 60 feet for the proposed road from %he Convention Hall site to Harbor Boulevard~ 3~ Preparation of street improvement plans and installation of all improve- ments for the proposed road from the Convention Hall site %o Harbor Boulevard, subject to the approval of %he City Engineer and in accordance with the adopted standard plans on file in the Office of %he City Engineer. 4. Installation of street lights on the proposed road from the Convention Hall site to Harbor Boulevard in accordance with a street lighting plan approved by the Director of Public Utilities° 5o Dedication of a roadway sixty (60) feet in width to provide access from [he subject property to the freeway frontage road easterly of subject property, the alignment of said roadway %o be subject %o the approval of the City Engineer. 6. Posting of a bond for the period of two (2) years to insure the prepar- ation of street improvement plans and installation of all improvements for 'the access road, subject to the approval of the City Engineer and in accordance with the adopted siandard plans on file in %he Office of · the City Engineer° 7o Installation of street lights on the proposed access road in accordance with a street lighting plan approved by the Director of Public Utili%i~ at the time of development of subject property. An appeal was filed by Mr. Freedman to a condition established by the City Planning Commission and public hearing scheduled° The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. Mro Leo Freedman addressed the Counczl stating that because of the City Planning Commission:s objection and 'their apprehension regarding the flow of traffic to Katella Avenue, they have re-designed the. parking area~ He further reported 'that bids for the construction of the Standard Station would be opened Januar~ ll~ 1962, which station is to be located on Harbor Boulevard, and what has been requested by his associates to be named Freedman Street. He further advised that part of the Shirley Irvine Ranch, which is eleven and one-half acres north of subject property~ will be utilized for parkingo ' Revised plans referred to were submitted 'to the City Council for their review° Those interested came forward to the Council Table and dis- cuss~on was held. Revised plans indicated an access along the south side of the Charterhouse Hotel property~ 5380 City Hall, Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 9~ 1962, 3:00 P.M. Mr. Richard Reese noted that the revised plans included property on which the Planning Commission did not act° Mr. Murdoch reported that if Code requirements are to be followed it would require additional parking facilities to accomodate the restaurant as shown on the revised plans° Mr. David Cadwell, Attorney for the lessees of the Circle Theater, introduced Dr. Tesman, President-Manager of the future lessee corporation. Mr. Cadwell asked if the Council was including in their approval the Key Club operation which is tied into the theater operation° Provisions of Ordinance NCo 1665 were read by Mr. Dawson~ Assis- rant City Attorney, who reported that if the Council wanted to take action upon the theater-restaurant, being a subsidiary use, and presented on the revised plans, it could be allowed under the provision of the present use permit° The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council, there being no response, declared the hearing closed° RESOLUTION NO. 62R-27: Councilman Chandler offered Resolution No. 62R-27 granting Conditional Use Permit NCo 186, and also for %he subsidiary use for a restaurant as shown on revised plans submitted to the City Council this date, and further subject %o the following: 1. Development substantially in accordance with Exhibit No. 1, revised, submitted %o the City Council, signed by Councilman Coons and dated January 9, 1962, and Exhibit No. 2, with the provision that parking shall comply with the Anaheim Municipal Code for any use or incidental use made of 'the property. 2. Dedication of sixty feet for %he proposed road from the convention hall site to Harbor Boulevard° 3. Preparation of street improvement plans and installation of all improvements for the proposed road from the convention hall site to Harbor Boulevard~ subject to the approval of the City Engineer, and in accordance with the adopted standard plans on file in the office of the City Engineer,. Installation of sidewalks shall be temporarily waived until demanded by the City of Anaheim. 4. Installation of street lights on the proposed road from %he convention hall site %o Harbor Boulevard, and in accordance with a street lighting plan approved b'y the Director of Public Utilities. 5o Said permit is granted for the incidental use~ %hat is a restaurant and cocktail lounge and//or private club containing the same facilites, as shown on the revised plans marked "Exhibit No. 1" dated January 9, 1962. Refer ~o Resolution Book~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 186~, On roll call the forego[n9 resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNC I L~IEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Chandler~ Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None~ None. The Mayoz declared Resolution No. 62R-27 duly passed and adopted~ STREET NAME: Council action on proposed street name was withheld pending further investigation and zecommendation from the City Manager. 5381 City Hall~ Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 9, 1962, 3:00 PUBLIC HEARING~ RECLASSIFICATION NO. 61-62-54: Submitted by Ernest N. and Renee J. Kaye, et al, requesting a change of zone from R-A %o CL1, property located on the north side of La Palma Avenue between Brookhurs% and Columbine Street (2141 West La Palma Avenue)° The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No. 170, Series 1961-62, recommended said reclassification subject to the following conditions: 1. Development substantially in accordance with Exhibit Nos° 1 and 2. Installation of a six (6) foot masonry wall along the east boundary of subject property and the installation of a six (6) foot ornamental masonry wall along the north boundary of subject proper%y~ Provision of %zee wells in the parkway portion of the subject property abu%tin9 La Palma Avenue and the provision of a six (6) foot land- scaping strip abutting the front property line of subject property, plans for said landscaping %o be submitted to and subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Parkway Maintenance and said land- scaping to be installed prior to Final Building Inspection. 4. Recordation of C-i, Neighborhood Commercial, Zone deed restrictions limiting use of subject property to business and professional offices only. Dedication of 53 feet from the monumented centerline of La Palma Avenue (50 fee% existing). 6. Payment of $2°00 per front foot for street lighting purposes on La Palma Avenue. 7. Installation of sidewalks and driveways on La Palma Avenue in accor- dance with %he adopted standard plans on file in %he Office of the City Engineer. 8. Provision of a five ($) foot utility easement along the westerly boundary of subject property to adequately serve the subject property and other properties. 9~ Provision of %rash storage areas as determined by the Department of Public Works, Sanitation Division~ which are adequate in size, accessible to trash-truck pick-up, and adequately enclosed by a solid fence or wall~ 10. Time limitation of one hundred eighty (180) days for the accomplishment of Item Nos. 47 5, 6, 7 and 8. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. Mr. Richard Reese~ Planning Director, noted the location of subject property and the uses in %he immediate vicinity. He summarized the findings of the City Planning Commission resulting in their recommending approval of said reclassification subject to condi%ionso The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no response, declared the hearing closed. RESOLUTION NO. 62R-28: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 62R-28 for adoption, authorizing preparation of necessary ordinance changing %he zone as ~equested, subject to the conditions of the City Planning Commission, and further subject to 'the applicant or owner dedication of access rights to Lotus Street and Glen Avenue on %he north side of subject property° Refer to Resolution BOOko A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF IHE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETER- MINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THAT THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGF_D (61-62-54 - The foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None~ Noneo The Mayor declared Resolution No~ 62R-28 duly passed and adopted. 5382 ~.ity Hall, Anaheim~ CaIifornia - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 9~ 1962~ 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING, RECLASSIFICATION NO. 61.-62-,55: Submitted by Moritz Mo Loitz, requesting a change of zone from R-O %o R.-3, property located at the northwesterly corner of' Citron and LaVerne Streets (911 North Citron Street). The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No. 171, Series 1961-62~ recommended said reclassification be denied° The Mayor asked if anyone wished 'to address the Council. Mr~ Richard Reese~ Planning Director, explained the location of subject property noting the uses and zoning in the immediate vicinity~ Mro Philip McGraw~ Attorney representing the petitioner, called attention to the proposed plans of development and pictures in %he file showing the present state of %he property° He explained their plans were %o develop nine single story units~ He called attention %o the commercial development on La Palma Avenue~ the R-3 development to the North~ and the two churches in the immediate area° In his opinion, this development would increase property values and be a definite improvement to the entire area. He could not conceive of this property being used for single family development considering the continuing development along the adjacent streets~ He further sta~ed :[% had been reported to him that the objections voiced at the City Planning Commission were on two story construction, and in his opinion, the basils of the City Planning Commission:s denial was unsound° Plans were reviewed by the City Council, and it was noted that if the property was split into lots~ 'the lots would face on %o LaVerne Street facing 'the back yards and a so]id fence of %hose lots on %he south side of LaVerne Stree%.~ xl~zam Morris, 915 Autumn Drive, spokesman for the residents in 'the neighborhood immediately adjacent to the subject property~ presented a petition of opposition pt~rpor[ed]y containing 160 signatures of residents within a two block area° '[he reasons for their opposition to the R-3 zoning were, briefly: Decrease of their property values° 2o Increased traffic condi'tion at the in'tersec%ion of LaVerne and Citron Streets° A possibill'ty of greater density than nine units after the rezoning is gran%edo 4o Ihe establishment of a precedent for the rezoning of the remaining property on the west. side of Citron Street northerly to La Palma Avenue° 5. The possibility of acquiring transient-type tenants if economics made necessary the reduction in ren't,~ 6. Over-crowding of' schools~ Mro Morris further reported that almost all of the construction within a five block area of subjec~ property within the past year has been within the $28~000.00 to $40,000000 single family dwelling price range, and that this neighborhood was over-whelmingly R-i~ He suggested that the subject property be spl. i~ into R~] lots for the development of single family dwell[ngso Discussion was held regarding the statistics pertaining to the number of children ~n R,-3 projects compared to R~i developments. Mr~ Murdoch reported tha~ statistics, so far, show the multiple family residential areas inclade a considerable lower number of school children or children per acre than the single family residential; however, the statistics that apply at the present 'time may not continue as the demand for apartments lessens~ 5383 Gity Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - J~ang,ar¥ 9~ 1962, 3:00 gr~ Mcgraw further advised that it was his understanding 'that %he petition of opposition was circulated on the basis that there would be twenty-two units in the development, and that they would stipulate that this be restricted to nine units, single story structure~ Mr. Mcgraw requested the matter be continued for ~wo weeks, Mr~ Malcolm LocKwood~ 916 Win'te~. Street, stated in his opinion~ the area by the block wall on Citron Street could be planted so %ha% i% would not be offensive if R,-,1 lots faced i't~ Mr,, Lockwood stated he was opposed to the rezoning and that he was one who circulated the petition, and the people were informed that there would be nine units constructed with a possibility 'that 'they could go as high as twenty-two unitso Mrs~ Howard Olson~ 912 West Citron Street, addressed the Council in opposition fearing that development would not be in conformance with the present plans~ and stated she wo'u:d favor an R--2 Zoning° 'The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, 'there being no response, declared the ihearing closed° Further discussion was held by the Cit'v ounc~~; at 'the conclusion C ~* %hereof, Councilman Yhompson moved [hat the public hearing be reopened and continued for two weeks (January 23, ]952) for further investigation° Councilman Chandler seconded the motlon,~ MOl'ION CARRIED, RECESS: Councilman Chandler mo~ed for a zen'-mfnu[e recess~ Councilman Coons seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED. (9:50 P~M.) AFTER RECESS: Mayor Schutte called the meetlng %o order, all members of the City Co'uncil being present. PUBLIC HEARING, RECLASSIFICATION NOg 61-,62-56: Submitted by Richfield Oil Corpora- tion (Leonard Smith, Authorized Agent)request:lng a change of zone from to C.-I and C-3¢ two parcels of property located at the southwest corner of Euc!ld Avenue and Broadway (30i,-32! South Euclid Avenue)~ The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No~ 172, Ser~es 1961.~.62, recommended said reciassi, fication subject to the following conditions: 1~ Development substantially-in a(;cordance wi'Lb Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2, with the installation of a m;nimum '~ix (6) foot s~zip of landscaping along the Euclid Avenue and Broadway St:feet f:ronLages of the proposed Neighborhood Commercial,. portion of subject proper'ty, plans for said landscaping to be submi~i:ed to and subject to the approval of the Supezinbendent of Parkway Maintenance and to be installed pr:for to Final Building Inspection., 2~ Installation of a six (6) foci masonry wall along 'the south and west bodndaries of subject property f~om L:he grade level of the abutting properties prior to ~:[nai. Building Inspection,, 3. Recordation of commercial deed restr:[ctlons limiting 'the proposed C-3, Heavy Commercial¢ Zone proper'fy to service station use only, or any C-l, Ne:~ghborhood Commezcfai~ Zone use. 4o Recordation of standard deed res[r:i.c[Jons llmi'ting the maximum height of any' buildings on subjecz proper-fy [o one (1) story,. 5o Dedicatzon of 45 feet from the monumented feet existing)., z~zne of Broadway (30 6. Dedication of 53 feet from the monument, ed centerl, ine of Euclid Avenue (30 feet existing)~ 7. Preparation of street improvement p~ans and installation of all improve- ments for Broadway and Euclid Avenue~ sub~ect [o 'the approval of the City Engineer and in accordance wit;h the adopted standard plans on file in 'the office of 'the City Engineer. 8. Payment of $2~00 per fz'ont foot for street lighting purposes on Broadway and Euclid Avenue. 9. Tzme limitation of one hundred eighty (180) days forthe accomplishment of Item Nos~ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8~ 5384 Ci'__2~y Hall, Anaheim, Californ'ia, COUNCIL MINUTES - January 9~ 1962~ 3:00 P.M. 'The Mayo:r asked if anyone wished to address the Council~ Mz~ Richard Reese no[ed the location of subject property and summarized the evidence pzesented befoze the City Planning Commissiono Mr, Leonard SmLth, Authorized Agent~ addressed the Council advising of theiz willingness to comply with condit:ions ~ecommended by the ~' ~[y Plannl. ng Commisslon~ and f~rther s[azed he was prepared to present a signed deed of aedlca~ion foz street w:l. dening,: [he Mavo~ asked .~± an,;one else wished to address the Council~ 'there being no retponse, de;:ia:ed the bea~lng ciosed. RESOLUTION NO. 62R 29: Co..n~;'[iman Coons offezed Resolution No~ 62R-29 for adoption~ autlhorlz:~ng !.~',e prepa~a!:~on of necessary Ordinance changing bne zone as ~eq'ue~[ed~ s.~bje,'~ to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission° Refez zo Resoi,.;~ .or', Boo~ A RESOLUI-ION OF' FNE C~IY COUNCIL OF' [HE CITY OF' ANAHEIM FINDING AND DEtER- MINING IHAT IIILE i8 OF iiSI: ANA~{Efh~ MUNfCiPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AME}~DED AND FHA[ ['HE. ~OUNDARiES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED On loll ca~' :r',e fs:'ego'ing re~oi'at[on was du.'£y passed and adopted by zhe ol_o~:ng AYES: COUNC ~ LMEN: NOES: COUNC [ LMEN: ABSENF: COUNC i LMEN: Chand ie.t ~ Coons~ P~W~ Thompson and Schutte None, None, the ?~a~or, de~ ~are:d Reso~,'.ion. No. 62R-29 duly passed and adopted CORRESPONDENCE: 'The fci.io~':ing corre?ondence was received and ordered filed on motion by Counc;lman Coonh. '~econded sy Councilman Fry° MOTION CARRIED. Ha~.~y Milier~ :egar'dlng News~ehter, W:iil,.am f, Kouz~ D.D~S,, cop'~ of ieh[er sent to Pr'esiden% of Anaheim Chamrre~ of Comme~re~ Gienr~ B Van{e, State Fire Marshall.~ copy of letter senh to A, Bepr s[.:~ ,a, Bes:',:Lls~ copy of letter sent Fire Marshall° Ca! :{o:rnia State 8ca:id o± Equal'[zaLion~ distribution of local sale_ tax au;i. ng :_~e 4~h quart:e:r~, ORDINANCE NO. i668: Co,.n~:~ima;: l:.r~ offered O~d,nance No, 1668 for final reading° Refer AN ORDINANCE OF [H~ Cf[¥ O~- ANAHEIM AMENDING lILLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RFLA[iNG iO ZONiNS, (59 60-93 AfLet hea~ng earl f'~[i :2lhe tltle of Ozdinance No~ 1668 and having knowledge bt :,ne o~e:nL~, in.,e~iet..~, Councilman Fry moved the reading [n full of said Ordinance :;e ~a:ved Councilman Coons seconded ~he mo~ion, ~40IiOH UNANIP{OUSLY CARRf~D (Counc~;man C~',andie-r tempora~iPy absent.) On roi.l ~,aii tFe foregoing Ord"nance was duly passed and adopted by the follo~:ing vote: AYES: COLJNC i L~v1EN NOES: SOUNC [ L~,,IEN: ABS ENi': COUNC I L~4EN: ABSTAINED FROM Coons~ F:ry~ Thompson and Schu%te. None~ No n e, COiJNC iLMEN: Chandler, Mayor ScButLe deccan, ed Ordinance No,~ 1668 duly passed and adop~ed. 5385 City Hall~ Anaheim, Californla - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 9, 1962~ 3:00 P.M. ORDINANCE NO. 1669: Councilman Coons offered Ordinance Nco 1669 for final reading. Refer to Ordinance Book, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING, (60-61.-60 .-. M-l) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No~ 1669 and having knowledge of the contents therein~ Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waivedo Councilman Fry seconded the motion MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ' ' On roll call [he foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Chandier, Coons~ Fr'y~ Thompson and Schutte, None° None, Mayor Schutte declared Ordinance No,:, 1669 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1670: Councilman Chandler offered Ordinance No~ 1670 for final reading° Refer to Ordinance Book° AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING I'!TLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNI- CIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING~ (57-58-52 ~ R-3, Tract Nco 25.17) After hearing read in fuji.[be title of Ordinance No~ 1670 and having knowledge of the con[ents therein~ Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived~ Councilman Fry seconded the motion~ MO[ION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED~ On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNC I LMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Chandler~ Coons~ Fry, Thompson and Schutte, None,, None° Mayor Schutte declared Ordinance No., i670 duly passed and adopted° ORDINANCE NO. 167]: Councilman Schu~te offered Ordinance No~ 1671 for final reading° Refer to Ordinance Book~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING [ITLE 18 O~ THE ANAHEIM. MUNI- CIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING, After hearth9 read in full 'the title of Ordinance Nco 1671 and having knowledge of the con%er~%s 'there:[n~ Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said Ordinance Oe wa2ved~ Councilman Fry seconded the mo%iono MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED~ · On roll call the foregoing Ord[mance was duly passed and adopted by 'the following vote: AYES; GOUNGILMHN: NOES; COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Chandl@r, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schu~te~ None. None. Mayor Schutte declared Ordinance No, 1671 duly passed and adopted~ 5386 City Hall, Anaheim, California- COUNCIL MINUTES - January 9, 1962, 3:00 P.M. ORDINANCE NO. 1673: Councilman Chandler offered Ordinance No. 1673 for first readin9. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 14, CHAPTER 14o32, SECTION 14o32o190 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE~ RELATING TO PARKING, (No Parking Any Time - both sides of East Street from Water to South Streets) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance NOo 1673 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Chandler moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived° Councilman Coons seconded the motion° MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. FINANCIAL AND OPERATING REPORT: Financial and Operating Report for the month of December, 1961, was ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Chandler~ seconded by Councilman Coons° MOTION CARRIED. ANAHEIM BUILDING DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT: Anaheim Building Report was ordered received and filed, noting that 1961 was the second highest year in building in the history of Anaheim~ on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Fry° MOTION CARRIED. SIDEWALK WAIVERS: Discussion was held by the City Council on the possibility of changing the Anaheim Municipal Code pertaining to sidewalk requirements wherein a policy could be es'tablished allowin9 waiver of sidewalk ins%alia- %ions to be handled administratively under certain circumstances° Request of Mr° William Jo Wesolek considered by the City Council at their meeting of January 2~ 1962, was used as an illustration° Alternate methods of handling similar requests by the postin9 of a bond to guarantee said instal=az~on were discussed° ELECTRICAL VAULT~ CENTRAL LIBRARY - POLICE FACILITIES: On the recommendation of the City Manager~ Councilman Fry moved that Smith, Powell and Morgridge, Architects for %he Police Facilities Building, be authorized to prepare plans for an underground e!ectrical vault under the police properiy storage room° Said vault to provide sufficient electrical capacity for the Police Facilities Building, the Central Library and for possible future building or buildings on the site~ and to be inter-connected with underground conduit to serve the Library and from the power source on Harbor Boulevard at an estimate additional cost of $25~000.00o Councilman Coons seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED~ Mr° Murdoch further explained that the Architect for the Library and the Police Facility Architect each would show on his plans bringing the conduit to a mid-point° AGENDA ITEMS: Mro Murdoch referred to a previous discussion with the City Council wherein the Council expressed a policy that they would like to follow regarding requests for hearings or presentations by individuals or groups, wherein such requests submitted would be in writing~ stating the purpose of the address or hearing before the City Council~ so that the Council could determine whether or not this was something that had been exhausted previously, or whether the request should be scheduled on the Council Agenda° He further explained that this is brought to the City Council at this time as it has come to his attention that a request had been filed which would come under the provision of this policy; that a request has been filed by Mrs° Rogers for a hearing on the crossing guard issue at Euclid and Crescent Street° Discussion was held by the City Council; at the conclusion thereof Councilman Chandler moved that the City Clerk be requested to write Mrs° Rogers informing her that if she had new evidence to present to the City Council~ the nature of the new evidence should be set forth in detail in a letter to the Council so that the Council is prepared with reports from proper departments° Councilman Coons seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED° 5387 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 9, 1962~ 3:00 P.M. POLICY OF THE COUNCIL: Councilman Coons moved that it be the policy of the City Council that when people want to appear to make an oral presentation before the City Council, that they submit their request in writing and 9ive a brief summary of the nature of their presentation so that the Council can determine if the area has been previously discussed and exhausted. The decision to schedule such requests to be at the discretion of the City Councilo Councilman Chandler seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ZONING CODE: Councilman Coons moved that the City Attorney's Office prepare an amendment in the proper form to remove the height limitation restrictions in that area bound by Harbor Boulevard on 'the West, Olive Street on the East, Santa Ana Street on the South~ and Sycamore Street on the North° Councilman Fry seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED, ADJOURN: Councilman Coons moved to adjourn° Councilman Fry seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 10:25 P.M. SIGNED: ~~ City Clerk City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 16, 1962, 3:00 P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: ABSENT: PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. COUNCILMEN: None° CITY MANAGER: Keith A. Murdoch. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY: Joe Geisler° CITY CLERK: Dene M. Williams. CITY ENGINEER: James P. Maddox. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS: Thornton Eo Piersall. CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR: Richard A~ Reese~ Mayor Schutte called the meeting to order. MINUTES: Minutes of the Anaheim City Council meetings held January 2, 1962 and January 9, 1962, were approved on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Thompsono MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING, HOUSE MOVING PERMIT: Submitted by Joe Anton, requesting per- mission to move a dwelling from 414 West La Palma Avenue to 843 Yvonne Place, Anaheim. Petition of protest containing sixteen signatures of property owners within 300 feet of 843 Yvonne Place, was submitted and read, Application file and plans showing proposed improvements and the front elevation were reviewed by the City Council. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. Mro Joseph Anton, 414 West La Palma Avenue, applicant, advised that he built this home eight years ago at an approximate cost of $18,000~, that with the addition of the proposed improvements, ~he dwelling would contain two thousand square feet of livable area. Also, that an air condi- tioning system would be installed and the exterior of the home improved with rock facing, and the landscaping will be maintained by a professional gardener. Mr° Anton further advised that he has taken his plans to a local loan institution and was advised that the move-in of this dwelling with the improvements proposed, will not hinder the loan values of homes in the area~