1969/07/2969 -483 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES ~ July 29, 1969~ 1:30 PoMe The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular sessiono PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Krein~ Schutte, Pebley and Clark ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: Keith A. Murdoch ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY: Alan R. Watts CITY CLERK: Dene M, Williams CITY ENGINEER: James P. Maddox DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT iSERVICES: Alan Orsborn ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF D[]VELOPMENT SERVICES: Ronald Thompson ZONING SUPERVISOR; Charles Roberts Mayor Clark called the meeting to order° INVOCATION: Reverend Dorman Buttram, of the Town Church, gave the Invocatien. FLAG SALUTE; Councilman Pe~bley led the Assembly in the Pledge of All. egiancc to the I?lag. RESOLUTION OF INVITATION; An invitation to the Nati~,nal Association of Court- ties to hold t~e~r 1975 (h~n~,rence in Anal~cim was unanimously rat. i- lied by th~ C:ity ('.o~nci I.. MINUTES: Minut~,a of the Anaheim (;ily (',o,~ncil re~,.ular meeting held July lS, lq0O, were approved on motion by (}<~n~'i I. nm~ Ihtll-~3n~ :,eco~dod by Councilman Krei~. MOTION CARl,'fED. WAIVER OF REAl)IN(; - OI.'.I)INAN¢i;I",:; ANI) Rl';:;Ol~lrl'll)N,~;; /;o~,~ci Iman ,%chuttc, moved to waixc the reading i., fuli of al. 1 ordinanc~s and ro~olutions, and thai c,~nsont to the waiw~r of reading i.~; hereby gJw, n by all Councilmen, unless after reading of the title, spe~:i[ic req~m~:t i~ m~de t~y a {:o~nci Ima~ tor the reading of such ordinance or r~,s4olutL~;.~ (2~ i l,na~ I'el~l{'y ~;eco~Med the motion. MOTION UNANt- MOUS;LY CARR.I~I}. REPORT - FiNANCiAL DEMANDS AGA[NgT 'lite CI.'I'Y; Denmnds ap, ainst tho City, in the amount of $/[1,635.2/~ [r~ accordance with the I'~)')-/0 Budget:, were approved. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ~ H()USE MOVING: F~l~li{' l~earin?, o~ applica! ion submit ted by William H. Easton. f~,r per.,'i:~|~,, t~} .u~vc-,, a "l.()()l}-.~quare foot, h-bedroom dwelling from 3328 East Carver- Avenue. We;_~t Covina. to 5050 Crescent Drive? Anaheim, was continued from the meeti~,p. ,,i: ~l,~lv lb. lq6q, for further 4nves- tigation, at the request of interested ne~ghl)or:~ 4n the immediate area~ A petition containing 28 signat~res of residents and homeowners of the old Peralta Hills section of Anaheim, opposing said house moving~ was submitted. The City Clerk reported that notices of the proposed house moving were mailed to only these property owners oi record within 300 feet of the actual dwelling On the recommendations of the Assistant City Attorney. Councilman Krein moved for a f~rther cc~ntimuance ©t the p~blic hearing to August 12, 1969, 1:30 P.M., to allow proper notiti, cati..on of property owners within 300 feet of the entire 8~acre p~rcei of prf~per~.y.- Councilman Dutton seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED ~ Mr. Alan v.~ lennf.gs, 281 Orauge Acres Drive. representing the Per- alta Hills Home Owners Association. requested a list of those in the area who would be c. onsidered in dete~m~..J~..g whether c,r not a majority protest had been filed, and further req~_,~sted thca~ !1,~ ~n~i,o l'~ralt~ ltil. ls area be included because of the distinctive char.~cteri~tics of the area relating to topography, zoning, construction, etc. Provision,~ of tho Arm!,~J., M~nicipal Code pertaining to House Moving Permits were outl in~d hV th~ A~.q:is~a.t (;i,~,.V Attorney,. Mr Jenning3 ai.~c req~esteld tha'c :heir A~.:s¢:,ci,ati©D~ b~'. n,3, tified c~f C,,~mm,~l.~n c,~r City Coun~ any matters to be c~nsidered by the. Ci.[~y Pl-:~,nning ,--,' ~ .... '~. oil that would affect any of the area kn~.~wn as Paralta Hills. PUBLIC HEARING ~ PARKING REq~~E,N, TS__~._~Mi:LTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL z._?z~: Pub].ic hearing was held tc c~,~,sider an amendment t~ S~cti©n ]8o28,050 ~-~f the~. Ana- heim Municipal Code pertaining t~.:~ Site Deve:tcpment Standards f~>r Multiple= Family Residential Zc,;ne~, a.~ rec:~mmended b? City' Planning Co[~nissi&n Re~.c- lution Nc~ PC69~137~ arid Exhibit "A" attacked theret©o Excerpt ~:,f Cit-z Planr:.ing Commission meeting held Ju~e 30~ 1969~ recommending the effective date :~:;~: said pr<~pc, sed Ordinance be 4.5 da?'s a! ter 'the second ~eadi~ng ~,f the c~.rdinanc¢~ B',',.ilding Permits issued prior 5:00 P.M. cf the ~:ffe~ctiv,:? date ~pf the pr~:~p.~sed ordinance would then per= mit develcpmep:c under the t..xisting c. fi.-street parking requirements cf 1~-i/4 covered spaces per .:.~:~it.~ a~,d that developments issued building permits sub- sequent to this e.~ifective date shall be required to develop undez the new parking ~eqai. rements~ was submitted~ Mr. Jack M~lqueen=y~ City Associate Planner, briefed the study and evidence considered by the City Planning Commissi©no Regarding c~ff- street parking requirements, he noted the modifications of Staff recomo mendations cf 1-1/2 ~qa. ired parking spaces per living unit for bachelor~ single, or one-bedroom units~ !~3/4 ~paces for 2-bedroom units~ and 2 spaces for 3 or mcre-bedr?~,m units~ as ~ollcws~ Bachelor, Sip~gle, One ~nd Twc~Bedr~,om Units - 1-1/2 parking spaces per ~nit~ Three-Bedroom Units ~ 2-l/Z+ parking spaces per unit~ Further: ~"l) That one covered parking space per unit be required with the balance being open parking if the developer ~, desires° (2) That mo credit be given for on-street parking~ since streets were designed for moving vehicles and parking lanes should be primarily f~r emer- That carports as presently defined should be tained~ (4) That al.~eys %~r private ac. cessways within 200 feet oi a dwelling unit should be included in estab- !i~'h£ng whether ~_~r net a ~nit is provided q~mte access and circulation flor pedestrian and vehicular traffic which includes emergeacy ve-~ hJcles and ~ther essential service vehicles. ((,,) That a.a accessory building may ab~t a side pro- party line between the required front setback line and the rear property line. Mr. Mu].q~et:r~ey m.'~ed that r~-:$~lts of the 1970 census may necessi~ tote a. ddltic, n~l study and m.,dificati~:~ with reference tc parking require-. ments. i)isc~;s~i ;n ~. held by th~ City C~:~,~acii and Sta£f regardlpg pos~ sible met. h:.;ds ::?f e~f.~,rcing the '.'~,tf.'-.~t.r~.;.et 'parking and Councilman ~Jrein suggested a st'udy b~. made a~ t~'~. the f~:a~.,ibillty of iden. ti£~'~ng the v,ehicles with the exact parking spac. e.~ ava~la, bl~ t.;,,, them. The May,,>r e,~l~,ed ~.t a. Dw;:,ne wished t<p address the City Ccunc. il~ there being n~.~ resp~'.~.:~.? d~-..c~ared the hearing close, do ORDINANCE NO. 2708, C~_.uncilmd?~ _kr;:zn ,.>£f. ered Ordinance Nc,. 2708 for first. reading; amending S~.~ct~.<;~m 18..28 050 of the Anaheim Municipal Code~ as recom- mended by City Planp_i.z~g C.c~mm:~ssi.c~n Res>iuti,~n No. PC69~137, Exhibit "A", e~fective date t.:, b~ ct.!, da?;s a~!~cr r. he }.inal reading of said ordinance, as race, remanded b5' ,,!~e City P]a~ning C..'~mmissi~.>n at their meeti, ng held June 30, 1909, 69 -4.85 Ci~Ha_~jj_~l 1 _A_Dahe im ~ Ca i i i ~or nia -~ C6~ i NC i L MI N [ TE~S ~ J u I v 2~ 19___k~_~ 1 ~ ZO Po M~ AN ORDINANCE OF I'HE CiTY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 ',)'I; THE ANAHEIM M'ONICI'.PAL CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER !.8.289 SECTION 18,28,050 THEREL;;F RElaTING :IO PUBLIC HEARING - ANAHEIM GENERAL PIAN~_1269~ ?,a. blic hearing was held t.~ c,'onsider the adoption of the Residential, C4'mmercial and industrial elements of the Aha.- helm General Plan 1969~ wh~kch amends and incorp<?rates two previ©usl.y~,ad.~pt~-~d General Plans and referred t.~,: ir~, tkis Pla~~' as Plashing Area "A", generally i.c- cated north ~nd we~t ~;f the 5~.~;ta Am~. RiYez~ a'nd Planning Area "B", generally located ~c,oth and east ~_~.. th~: S~nta Aha River and the Newp©rt Freeway~ as rec¢~m~ mended by City Planning C~?mmissi~ Re~,~l~i~,n No. PC69,-93, and depicte, d in. the textual material attached there.'~_~ marked Exhibit "A"~ and as reflected on the map entitled "Th.~ Geaera. 1 Pl~n~ City c~ A~aheim = 1969," posted ~n the we'~t wall cf the Council Chambers, a~d t~:., c,~n~ider the adcpti©n of the C~mmunity (Public.) Facilities Eiemen~ ~.~ ~aid General Pi. an ~ 1969 as recommended by City Planning C~:::nmissicr, Res'.~!uci~ N;.. PC69-1.47~ C,:mm~nicati~_~n dated July 29~ 1969, £r:~m Don E, Smith~ Mayor o£ the City cf Orange~ requezting a~s~;rapce that the City of Anaheim had m; i. nten. tic, n of attempting t~ exte:ed it3 ophere ~f planning influence into areas which are clearl? within the present cr £uture c?ntr,.71 ,~'~i the City of Orange, was sub- mitted and read i~ fuli~ Mr, Alan ~3r,~b~ra.~, Diractor .~.f Devel~>pment Services~ briefly explained the background and ?r~para.t_i,'n ,~?f the ~eperal Plan t~ incorporate ther,~in the curreal~ City p~,~iJ.c:.ies ~nd views and p~.~:i.l:i~ns expressed by the City C~uncii~ City Plan:oing Cc, mmissi,~n~ vari~>:_,~ Cit,¥ Department~.~ and civic gr~i~ups.. That tile Plan depicts the statu:~ <.?i deve!.~;.pment ].r> the City of Anaheim and project~ lc~ng~ range object, ives ~;.~ the cemm,.ml;~y,: pre¥~tding guide lines to aid future develop- ment. At the invzt~ti.,'>~3 ~f Mro Orsb,:~rn, the foil~3wing Department Heads ad- dressed the C~unc'ii, relating their cc, ntributicn tc said General Plan and their support :herec, f' Will.iam .j~ Gri~ff~th, Library Director; Thornton E~ Piersall~ Director o~ P2'biic Wc;~ks; Jc~,.~n J, C.ollier~ Directe~r of Parks and Recreati,m, George H, Edwards Eiectr~c..~ Superintendent - Utilities; Edward J, Stringer, Fire Chic f~ ~ Slides and ~:ral pr~:sentation s~nm,arizing che text of the Anaheim Gen- eral Plan wer~ pre'soured by ~.en Clements c,f the Public Information O~ffice~ at the request ~->f Mr, ('~rsbcrn, and attenti~;n was called t~; the color-coded pro- posed General Plan map posted ..,n the west wall of the Council Chambers~ Mayor Clark asked if any:~ae wished to address the Councii~ Mr. RoH:~ Lincc. ln, representing the Anaheim. Chamber of Commerce as Vice-President and Director ~t~f the Econcmic Cc~uncil., reported he was author- ized by the Board ?f Di~ect.,~s to ,~fier their ccncurrence and support of the General. Plan - 1969, as presented, Discussic, n was held b.v the City C~3uncil, and Councilman Schutte asked what consideration had been given t~7 those property owners cf large acreage in the ~ortheast industrial area, whc must hold their land~ paying high taxes, because they have be. et ~xnable t,~ sell for industrial purposes, and expressed c~.ocern that the ~;ew Generai Plan Map did not contain a state- ment similar to the present C~eneral Plan t<? the eifect that this dc,as not con- stitute a precise plan ncr d,.Te~ it indicate the exact zoning or land use that may be ultimately approved,. Mr. Orsb:;rp rep~;,rted cn t*he pr,~'~gress of industrial development in the northeast area a?d pre::ente, d maps indicating the undeveloped parcels and the land~;, presently <?cc~2pied ,>~ wned by, ipduatr.y fc, r future development° garding an i.nterim ~zse ,~f land pr~';jected f~.r M-1 zoning~ he felt that relietf would lle [n the State Legislature by pT;ssib!e reas~essment of the land ip~_ ac cordance with the existing City Hall, Anaheim~_Californiia ~ COUNCIL MINUTES - July 29, 1969~ 1~30 P.M. Councilman Duttc, was of the opinion that the statement of pur.- pose was not necessarily needed on subject Plan, as this General Plan is a general guide line for future development and subject to change. Mr. A. Backs~ property owner on the east side of Brookhurst Street~ north of Lincoln Avenue (County territory) advised of the hardship created by the zoning placed on their property by the County° He noted the west side was projected for Commercial Zoning and also noted that on each cot~ ner of the east side there presently exists a commercial use and ques- tioned why the intervening property on the east side was projected f~>r Professional goning instead of Commercial Zoning~ Mr, Thompson replied that the property in question was under the jurisdiction of the County of Orange and much of the area has been designated for a lighter ~se~ h~pwever, i~ this property is annexed inte the City cf Anaheim~ an application for reclassification can be £lled and processed through the normal public hearings be£ore the City Planning £~m~ mission and City Cc~ncil~ ~if successful, the zoning would be changed~ Further, some o~ the. smaller parcels in question might require land assembl? to meet Commercial Site Development standards° Mr. Backs reported that he was a real estate broker and that it was difficult to sell property, sub~ect to applying for and obtaining a different z~ne. He requested spec~[ic reasons why the east side o{ the street was projected £or p~ofes~i~onal use° Mr. Thompson reported that the General Plan is on an area-wide basis and is not intended to be a precise plan of zoning. Mr. Backs asked that his request be considered before Council action in adopting the General Plan. In answer to'. Coomcilman Schutte's question, Mr~ Orsborn adviseq that the revised Genera[ Plan has been in process of development c, ver the last ]8 t.~t, :)4 mo~th~ ~urther, il: is a General Plan and in no way a Pre.- cise Plan~ CouncJiman ,~;ch'~tte advised tl~at he could not make, a decision at. this time with only t:i~e inf~rmatJ_~3n he r~ceived in the short presentat~e~n at this meetSng~. Mr. Odra [.~ Chandler, (former Mayor and City Councilman) addres, sed the Council stating that one of the most important points of a General Plan is that it is not. a Precise Plan, but a guide line. That adopting a Gen-. eral Plan is adopting a policy and not a law. Mr. Chandler referred to the adoption of the original General Plan, wherein a statement concerning the generality of the plan and to. the effect that it ws_s not a Precise Plan and was subject to change was plac~.d on the document itselfi to remind all that the Plan was a guide only. He stressed the impc, rtance of such a statement so that in the future it would not become a Precise Plan aod strongly recommended the previous statement c~f princii~l.e be pri. n~ted ,on the new General Plan presently under considera- tion, Councilman Dutt,-~n conct~rred with the recommendation of Mr. Chandler, noting that the statement ,7[ principl..e printed on the original General Plan was at his instigation~. Mr. Orsh. rn. while n~t taking exception to the suggested statement of principle, repo~ted that the General Plan adopted in 1963 differed to a certain extent i.n that it was instigated and developed in part by a Plann- ing Proi'essional Consultant; .;ne who c ou].d not be as aware of the Cc3uncil expression of pc~,]icv as the CJ.t.y Sta]~. The proposed General Plan, in the formation ~'..f which ~-.very {~ty Department participated, truly ref!e, cts the policy a.s ~:~xl,re~,~,O by t:b~~ (i~,~cil and -.c,t that of the Planners. 69 -487 C__!it~ Hailz Anaheim,, California - COdN'CI~U__TES .- Ju'~.ff--Z_~ 1;f;0 Mr. ~rdoch referred tc the ~tatement that nhe General Plan was flexi ible and subject tc change. This, he advised, was particularly true as in per-, tains to land used in zoning~ however~ s~ome o£ the significant factors in the adoption of the General Plan is th~ physical portions of the plan which are not quite as flexible~ He gave~ as an example the determination of where parks shall be located~ which is based om the projected population in a giv~n area~ He noted also the chang~ in the~ Citizens Capital Improvement Committee recommendation on this issue from tlh~t of the 1959 Committee~ noting that the latest Committee recommended additional acreage be provided for certain exist- ing parks or proposed parks, d~e to the fact that the land use had been chefs, ged to a higher density° He reported that thi~ p~imts up that as change takes plmce, additional changes should follow in the physical plano Mr~ Murdoch noted that the proposed General Plan, now under consi- deration, includes a Park Pla~ Fir~ Stati~,>n Plan, Library, Street and Sewer Plans, and as changes in land ~se amd density are made changes must be made in these physical plans Mr. Murdcch felt particular c~nsideration sho'~ld be given to the Plan which incorporates the recommendations of the various Citizens Committ~es, and gave, as an example~ the recommemdation to acquire additional land adjac- ent to Sage Park for a garden park and t,~ provide access to West Street, as well as Loara Street~ He strongly ~rged a complete review so that in the event a portion of the Plan was not in accordance with the intent and policy of the City Coun- cil it could be changed before adoption~ Mr. Murdcch repc~rted that the Fire Station Plan incorporates some ultimate different l~cations of exist~.ng stations serving certain areas at this time, and if the Plan is adopted the assumption would be that this Plan be implemented at an appropriate time. Councilman Dutton noted that Fire Stations Nos° 4 and 7 will require relocation because of the Freeway, and that the entire General Plan, as sub- mitted and recommended, was predicated on past actions and policies of the City Council. Mr Murdoch again advised that the proposed General Plan incorporates the recommendations of the various Citizens Committees, and if endorsed by the City Council, can be adopted as presented° At tbe conclusion of the discussion, Councilman Schutte moved that the public hearing be continued to September 23, 1969, 1:30 P~M. Councilman, Krein seconded the motion~ MOTION CARRIED~ RECESS: Councilman Krein moved ~or a 10~minute Recess,, Councilman Dutton seconded the motions: MOTION CARRIED~ (3~0 P~M~) AFTER RECESS: Mayor C]mrk called the meeting to ~rder, all members of the City Council present~ ~ DINNER DANCING PLACE PERMIT~ App]Jcstion s~bmitted by Clifton R. Bartlett, on be= half o~ Dro Roger C. $1ater~ for Dinner Dancing Place Permit for The Ramada Inn Mot~l~ 1050 West Mateila Avenue, was granted subject to the provisions of Chapter 4~16 o£ the Anaheim Municipal Code, as recommended by the Chief of Police, on motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Krein~ MOTION CARRIED° DINNER DANCING PLACE PERMIT: App]ication submitted by Richard P. Alexander for Dinner Dancing Place Permit for the Branding Iron Restaurant, 2141 South Har- bor Boulevard, was granted subject to th~ provisions of Chapter 4.,16 of the Anaheim Municipal Code, as rec~mmended by Capto Carl D. Miller, on behalf of the Chief of Police, on motion by Co~ncilman Pebley, seconded by Councilman Kreino MOTION CARRIED, 69-~88 ~i__tz._H.~l__l~Anaheim~_qCalifornia - 61)UNCIL MINUTES - July 29, 1969~ i:30 P.M, ~EQUEST - BUILDING CODE: Request of Arturo Fribourg, Project Engineer for the South Bay Club Apartments, under construction at the northwest corner cf Brookhurst Street and Broadway, for deletion of the interior wet stand- pipes in the three-story apartment structures was submitted and granted in accordance with the 1970 Building Code, as recommended by the Develop- ment Services Division and the Fire Department, on motion by Councilman Krein, seconded by Counci~lman Dutton. MOTION CARRIED. RECLASSIFICATION NO. 64-65-15 (CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 610}: Request of Robert I. Mawhinney for a refund of $1,969.40 to Judy Degan, Business Consultant, representing payment of street lighting and street tree fees in conjunction with subject reclassification was submitted together with recommendations of the Development Services Division that refund be author~ ized and requirement o£ street lighting and street trees be installed by the Developer as ~ ~or~diti~>n of d~velopment, Mr~ Odra L. Chandl. er, Attorney representing the Lessee interest of Dr. Harstead and Dr Maier, h{-~lders of a 60-year lease on subject pro- perty, reported that Dr~ Har~:,tead a~d Dr. Maier deposited the funds in an account in the name ~.~f .Iud!~ 'l)ega~, wi.~o made all the disbursements as Agen~~. in connection wit~ t[~e pr~,jec~ and tl~at they did not want the return ~f these funds, nor de they want the funds returned to a former Agent. Mr. (]handler' f~lreh,~r reI~ort~?d that Mr. Mawh. inney, the wri. tcr' ~_;.f Mr. Murd~,ct~ requcst~'-~.t a lette~~ pointing out t!~.e i~terest o~: tl;c principa'l ~>arties !...~, ~t~ c;~,,1,~ I~ made a psrt of t~he f~.]es. 'I?~ th1. s, Mr C'har~d let agreed. A res(-;tt~tJ.~i,n prev.[o,~slv elie~'ed by Councilman Peble~' tc permit requested refund $~,~d ame~d C,?:~d~.tio~s N~s.. 3 and 4. of Resolut~.>n Nc. 64R- /08 accordi~g]y, was wi~hdrawn by {~otmcilman Pebley, who then moved the request be denied. ¢~ou~,cilman Scl~utte seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. AMEND~.~NT - ANAHEIM MLINi£'If'AL CODEi~_'I'].TLE 18: Pursuant to City Planning Com- mission Resolution No. PC69-145, ~i,~'~ mot:ion by Councilman Krein, seconded by Councilman Dutt~;.'.r~, ?,.~blic IIear'i. ng was scheduled August 19, 1969, 1:30 P.M., to consider an Amendment to Title 18, Chapter 18~64, Section 18.64. 020 (2d), Definitions of Mobile Home Parks and Travel Trailer Parks. MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE TRACT NO, 7035 (RECLASSIFICATION NO. 63-64-103_~_CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 802t VARIANCE NO. 1757~:_ Request of ;merican West, Developer, to'; revert 8 R-3 zoned l,:?ts (f~rmerly Tract No~ 5688) to acreage; property briefly described as l,~>csted on the west side of Harbor Boulevard, sc, uth of Orangewood At~'enue~. w~s submitted and recommended by the City Planning Cc. remission, subje~t ~ .... the ~cll~wing conditi~ns: 1. That 3h:~uld It]is subd~visior~ be developed as more than one subdivision, each subdivisict, n there~z:f shall be submitted in tentative form for approval 2. T'hs~ ~ti_ l~ts w~_tbin t~is tract shall be served by under- ground utilities. 3~ That ti~e ~bandc~me~t ~f the existing sanitary sewer facili-- ties be i.n accordant_e7 with the requirements of the Garden Gr~>ve San4ta.~ tion Di.s tr ic. t: - 4. Tha. t t~-~* ir~tersecti,>~ ~;f the proposed east-west street and Mallul Drive have a minimum 20*f~-3~T,t radius curb return and a minimum wide s idewalk 5. !'hat drs~age st~ail be disposed of in a manner that is sat-- isfactory to, the Citk. Ertginoer. 6~ Tba~. C~c'~ndition No~. 2, 3. a, and 5, above mentioned, shall be complied with prit-~~ tc final building and zoning inspections, 7. That t.t~e owne~(s) <.~f subject property shall pay to the Citj; of Ana~eim park ancl ~.'~,,~reat~. fees ~f 575~00 for each dwelling unit, as required b,~ City C~_~'il resc~lt~tJ~n, which shall be used for park and re,c- reation pu~pc~se~ ~i,.~ amc, u~t t~:* I:~e paid at tbe time the Building Fermit is issued. 69-489 _City Hall: Anaheim: California - COUNCIL MINUTES - July 29, 1969~._ 1:30 PoM. On motion b.y Councilman SChutte, seconded by Councilman Krein, Ten- tative Tract No. 7035, reverting property to acreage was approved, subject to the conditions recommended by the Cit.v Planning Commission. MOTION CARRIED° RESOLUTION NO. 69R-442 - RECLASSIFICATIO~ NOs 68-69-81 AND VARIANCE NOo 2070: Coun- cilman Pebley offered Resolution Noi 69R-442 for adoption, amending Resolution No. 69R-311 and 69R-3!2,nunc pro tunc~ to correct typographical error in des- cription. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING RESOLUTION NOo 69R-311 PERTAINING TO RECLASSIFICATION NO. 68-69-81 AND RESOLUTION NOo 69R-312 GRANTING VARIANCE NO.. 2070 NUNC PRO TUNC TO CORRECT A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR° Roll Call Vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Pebley and Clark NOES~ COUNCILMEN~ None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN; None The Mayor declared Resolution No, 69R=442 duly passed and adopted~ ORDINANCE NO. 2709~ Councilman Pebley offered Ordinance No. 2709 for first read- ing, amending Ordinance Nc~ 2701 nanc pro tunc, to correct a typographical. error in description of property pertaining to Reclassification No~ 68-69-81o AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ORDINANCE NO o 2701 PERTAINING TO RECLASSIFICATION NO. 68-69-81 NUNC PRO TUNC TO CORRECT A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR. RESOLUTION NO. 69R-443 - RECLASSIFICATION.~ 68-69-65~.' Councilman Pebley offered Resolution No. 69R-443 for adoption, amending description of the R-3 property con- tained in Resolution No~ 69R-342 pertaining to Reclassification No. 68-69-6.5, to include an additional 27 feet at the south° Refer ~o Resolution B©ok. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 69R-342 IN RECLASSIFICATION PROCEEDINGS NO o 68-69-65. Roll Call Voteo AYES' COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Pebley and Clark NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 69R-443 duly passed and adopted° RESOLUTION NO~ 69R~444 - VARIANCE NO. 2049.L Councilman Pebley offered Resolution No. 69R-444 for adoption, amending description of property contained in Reso- lution No. 69R~343, pertaining to Variance No° 2049~ to include an additional 27 feet at the south. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUT.ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 69R-343 GRANTING VARIANCE NO. 2049° Roll Call Vote- AYES~ COUNCILMEN~ Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Pebley and Clark NOES: COUNCILMEN~ N one~ ABSENT; COUNCI. LMEN~ None The Mayor declared Reso].u~ion No~ 69R-444 duly passed and adopted. 69~490 Ci__![l__~ll, Anaheim~ California- COUNCIL MINUTES - Jul.x 29 1969 1:30 P~M~ ORANGE COUNTY ZONE CHANGE 69-29: Pertaining to 5 parcels of property~ compri, s- ing approximately 18 acres, located on the south side of Santa Aha Canyon Road, approximately 2 miles east of Imperial Highway; to change the zone from 80-AR-lO,000 "Agricultural Residential" and 100-Ci-10~000 "Local Business" to CH/35 ~'Cemmercial Highway" District, was submitted together with recommendations of the City Planning Commission,urging disapproval by the Orange County Planning Commission and stating their reasons therefor~ The City Council concurred with the recommendations of the City Planning Commission and ordered a copy thereof forwarded to the Orange County Planning Commission, on motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Schutte~ MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 69R-445 - WORK ORDER NO. 570-B: In accordance with the recom-- mendations of the City Engineer, Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No. 69R-4.45 for' adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTINC A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTikITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBI. IC IMPROVEMENT: FURNISHING AND INSTALLING TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND SAFETY LIGHTING AT THE INTERSECTION OF BROADWAY AND AGATE STREET, IN THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM, WORK ORDER NO. 570-B~ (Steiny and Mitchel, Inc~ '~- $13,115.00). Roll Call Vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN~ Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Pebley and Clark NOES. COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT~ COUNCILMEN° None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 69R-445 duly passed and adopted~ RESOLUTION NO. 69R-446 ~- LEGAL ADVERTISING INSIDE CITY: In accordance with the recommendations of the City Attorney and City Clerk, Councilman Krei~n offered Resolution Nc. 69R~446 for adoption. Refer tc Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER WHOSE BID BEST RESPONDS IN QUALITY, FITNESS AND CAPACITY, FOR ALL LEGAL ADVERTISING REQUIRED BY LAW TO BE PUBLISHED IN A NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION, PRINTED AND PUBLISHED WITHIN THE CITY. (Anaheim Bulletin ~ $2.77 per column inch for first insertion; $2.15 per column inch for subsequent insertions.) Roll Call Vote: AYES' COUNCILMEN' Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Pebley and Clark NOES: COUNCILMEN- None ABSENT; COUNCILMEN' None The Mayer declared Resolution No. 69R-446 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 69R-447 - LEGAL ADVERTISING OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS: In accordance with the recommendations of the City Attorney and City Clerk, Councilman Krein offered Resolution No. 69R-447 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. 69-491 City Hal.l, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL~ MINUTES -Suly 29~ 1969~ 1.:30 PoM~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TOTHE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER WROSE BID BEST RESPONDS IN QUALITY, FITNESS AND CAPACITY, FOR ALL LEGAL ADVERTISING REQUIRED BY LAW TO BE PUBLISHED IN A NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION, PRINTED AND PUBLISHED OUTSIDE THE CITY, BUT WITHIN THE COUNTY OF ORANGE. (The Placentia Courier - 51.50 per column inch for first insertion; $1o25 per column inch for each subsequent insertion°) Roll Call Vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN; Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Pebley and Clark NOES~ COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN~ None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 69R-447 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 69R-448 - WORK ORDER NO. ~ Upon receipt of certification from the Director of Public Works, Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No. 69R-448 for adoption.. Refer to Resolution Book~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY' OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND THE PERFORMANCE OF ALL WORK NECESSARY 'Il) CONSTRUCT AND COM- PLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: THE RED GUM-WHITE STAR STREET IMPROVEMENT, IN RED GUM STREET FROM APPROXIMATELY 7.50 FEET NORTH OF LA PALMA AVENUE TO LA PALMA AVENUE, AND IN WHITE STAR AVENUE FROM LA PALMA AVENUE TO BLUE GUM STREET, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, WORK ORDER NO. 370. (EoLo White Company, Inco) Roll Call Vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Pebley and Clark NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN- None The Mayor declared Resolution No:. 69R-448 duly passed and adopted. WORK ORDER NO. 204 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 1: On the recommendation of the Assistant City Engineer, Change Order No. 1 to Work Order No. 204 - Anaheim Police Build- ing Addition, increasing the amount of the contract $2,748.78, was authorized on motion by Councilman Pebley, seconded by Councilman Dutton. MOTION CARRIED. WORK ORDER NO. 6005 - CHANGE ORDER NO. 5: On the recommendation of the Assistant City Engineer, Change Order No. 5 to Work Order No. 6005 - Anaheim Filtration Plant, crediting the contract price in the amount of $80.00, was authorized on motion by Councilman Krein, seconded by Councilman Pebley. MOTION CARRIED. FINAL MAP~ TRACT NO. 6819 - RECLASSIFICATION NO. 68-69-87 AND VARIANCE NO. 2078: Developer - Mc Michael Company; tract located on the north side of Pearl Street, west of West Street~ and contained 10 proposed R-2 zoned lots. On motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Krein, Final Map of Tract No. 6819 was approved, subject to the recommendations of the City Engineer. MOTION CARRIED. PURCHASE - TRACTOR WITH BACKHOE - SPECIFICATION NO. 2700: The following informal bids received for the purchase of one Tractor with Backhoe were reported: 69-492 Ci__ty_Hall.~ Anaheim, California _ C__OUNCIL MINUTES - Jul~ 1:30 P.M. VENDOR TOTAL PRICE..~ INCLUDING TAX Milo Equipment Company, Santa Aha International Harvester Company, Anaheim Mc Coy Tractor, Anaheim Harron, Rickard & McCone, Norwalk -$8,393.70 -8,529.15 9,286.20 9,721.95 On motion by Councilman Pebley, seconded by Councilman Krein, purchase of Tractor with Backhoe from Milo Equipment Company (John Deere) in the amount of $8,393.70, including tax, was authorized. MOTION CARRIED. ~U__RCRASE - TRACTOR WITH BACKHOE - SPECIFICATION NO. 4000: The following in- formal bids received for the purchase of one Tractor with Backhoe for the Water Division, were reported. VENDOR TOTAL PRICE~ INCLUDING TAX International Harvester Company, Anaheim ..... $9,352.35 Milo Equipment Company, Santa Aha 9,494~10 Mc Coy Tractor, Anaheim 10,240.65 Harron, Rickard & Mc Cone, Norwalk 9,721~95 On motion by Councilman Febley, seconded by Councilman Krein, purchase in the amount of $9,352.35, including tax, from International Harvester Company, the low bidder, was authorized° MOTION CARRIED. PURCHASE - 100 URD TRANSFORMER GRATES: The following informal bids were re- ceived for the purchase of 100 URD Transformer Grates° VENDOR Supergrate Open Steel Floor, Maywood Taywood Steel Products, Cudahy Pressel Brothers, Anaheim TOTAL PRICE, INCLUDING TAX $6,510.00 7,003°50 NO BID On motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Krein, purchase in the amount of $6,510.00, including tax, was authorized from Supergrate Open Steel Floor Company'. MOTION CARRIED° PURCHASE - 17 MARBELITE STREET LIGHT STANDARDS: The following informal bids were received for the purchase of 17 Marbelite Street Light Standards: VENDOR Consolidated Electric, Anaheim Graybar Electric, Anaheim General Electric Supply, Anaheim E.D. Johnson & Company, Anaheim TOTAL PRICE, INCLUDING TAX $4,223.78 (2% - lOth) 4,244.63 (Net) -4,199042 (Net) NO BID On motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Krein, purchase of 17 Marbelite Standards was authorized from Consolidated Elect- rfc, in the amount of $4,223.78 (2% - 10th), the low bidder. (Councilman Pebley abstained from voting on this issue°) MOTION CARRIED. RECLASSIFICATION NO. 68-69-53 - ACCESS RIGHTS: On motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Krein, dedication by Ewr~tt M. and Crace F. Koontz of access rights to Echo Place was accepted and ordered recorded in the office of the Orange County Recorder. MOTION CARRIED. CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY: The following claims were denied and ordered referred to the insurance carrier, on motion by Councilman Pebley, seconded by Coun- cilman Krein: a. Claim filed by G.Go Lemacks, of Task Corporation, on behalf of 63 employees purportedly suffering damage to their automobiles, caused by paint spray blown over and upon cars while painting a City building ad- jacent to claimant's property. 69-493 Ci__!ty Hall, Ana~e_!m~ California - COUNCIL~M!NUTES- Ju1~29~_1969, 1~30 PoMo b. Claim filed by James L~ Avery, for purported damage to vehicle resulting from a bolt dropped from a utility poleo MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 69R-449- Councilman Krein offered Resolution No. 69R-449 for adop- tion. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM REQUESTING THE CALI- FORNIA HIGHWAY COMMISSION TO PERMITTHE SANTA ANA FREEWAY TO BE CROSSED BY AND CONNECTED BY INTERCHANGE RAMPS TO STATE COLLEGE BOULEVARD-MANCHESTER AVENUE° Roll Call Vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Pebley and Clark NOES' COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None The Mayor declared Resolution No, 69R-449 duly passed and adopted~ RESOLUTION NO. 69R-450: Councilman Kreim offered Resolution No. 69R-450 for adop- tion. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM REQUESTING THE CALI- FORNIA HIGHWAY COMMISSION TO PERMIT THE SANTA ANA FREEWAY INTERCHANGE RAMPS TO BROOKHURST AND LA PALMA AVENUES TO BE REVISED~ Roll Call Vote: AYES~ COUNCILMEN~ Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Pebley and Clark NOES~ COUNCILMEN None ABSENT. COUNCILMEN: None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 69R-450 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 69R-451: Councilman Krein offered Resolution No. 69R-451 for adop- tion. Refer to Resolution Book~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AUTHOR- IZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA WITH REFER- ENCE TO MODIFICATION OF A TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL SYSTEM AND SAFETY LIGHTING AT THE INTERSECTION OF LA PALMA AVENUE AND STATE HIGHWAY ROUTE 90 (IMPERIAL HIGHWAY)~. Roll Call Vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN.. Dutton, Krein~ Schutte, Pebley and Clark NOES ~ COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT' COUNCILMEN' None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 69R-451 duly passed and adopted~ APPOINTMENT - PARK AND RECREATION COMMISjION; Appointment of Mr. Robert Bark, for the four-year term ending June 30, 1973, representing the Anaheim Union High School District, and replacing Mr. Irv Pickler, was ratified by the City Coun- cil on motion by Councilman Pebley, seconded by Councilman Dutton. MOTION CARRIED. 69-49A C-J~2~2 AnaheiM: California - COUNCIL MINUTES - July 29_, 1269, 1:30 P.M~ CORRESPONDENCE: The following correspendence was ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Schutte: a M.W.D. Resolution No, 7191 - Establishing Rates for Water Sold and Delivered, effective July 1, 1969, July 1, 1970, and July 1, 197][. b. Before the Public Utilities Commission - Status Investiga- tion as to safety, maintenance, use and protection of crossings at various crossings and at grade of lines of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail- way Company, the Union Pacific Railroad Company, the Southern Pacific Com- pany, and the Pacific Electric Railway Company. c. Minutes - Anaheim Parks and Recreation Commission Meetings, June 11, ].969 and July 2, 1969. d City of Brea Resolution No. 69-38, regarding State-imposed programs for local government. e. City of Orange - Excerpts from the minutes of a regular meet- ing of the City Council held July 8, 1969, denying Change No, 548 (R-3, vicinity cf Anaheim Stadium.) f. Utility Report for the period of May-June, 1969. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 2'710' Ceuncilman Pebley offered Ordinance No. 2710 for first reading. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 14, CHAPTER 14.56 OF THE ANAl{ElM Mb~ICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO SECTIONS 14.56.050, 14.56.060, 14.56.070, AND 14.56.080, RELATING TO CONTROL OF TRAFFIC TURNING b~VEMEMTS (No L~ft Turn Re~trictions '- Ball Road.) ' ORDINANCE NO. 2.~!!- -~ reading. ' C;uncilman Du~tcn offered Ordinance No. 2711 for first AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 14, CHAPTER 14.32, SECTION !Z~. 32~ 190 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO PARKING. (No Park':ng at Any Time - Portions of Lincoln Avenue and Brookhurst Street.) ORDINANCE NO 2712_Z Councilman Rrein offered Ordinance No. 2712 for first read~ rig. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING. (68-69-53 - C-1). ORDINANCE NO 2713: Councilman Pebley offered Ordinance No. 2713 for first r cad ing. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING. (66-76-61(33) - C-R). ORDINANCE NO. 2714~ Councilman Krein offered Ordinance No. 2714 for first reading. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM bIUNIC'iPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING. (61-62-69(33) - M-l). ALCOHOLIC_~EVERAGE LICENSE APPLICATION: Application for Off-Sale General, Person- to-Person Transfer, by Edw-~r--d L. Vincent and Carl G. Gamble, for "Wolfy's Liquor Store", 1200 South Brmokhurst Street (C-1 zone) was submitted for Council information. No further Ccuncii action was taken. AMBULANCE RATE SURVEY: Survey of rates charged by ambulance companies in this area was deferred from tho meeting of 3uly 22, 1969, to allow further Council study. 69-495 ~itM. Hall~ Anaheim., California - COUNCI~ MINUTES - July 29, 1969, 1~30 PoMo Mr. Carlos Palidini, repr!esenting Schaefer Ambulance Service, re- ported that the rate noted in the survey for their company was correct° He presented charts (not filed for the record) illustrating a case comparing these charges with that of Southland Ambulance Company, including charges for base rate, resuscitator, contagious~ disease, emergency, night charge, and mile- age, totaling $60.00, compared to their charge of $37°00. He then compared a Police Department call on an accident case involving three patients, including charges for base rate for the first patient, second and third patient, emer- gency, resuscitator for one of the three patients involved, vehicle off the road, mileage, and oxygen for one patient, totaling for the three patients involved $159~00, compared to their fee of $74.00. At the request of Mayor Clark~ standby time was explained, and it was reported by Mr. Paiidini that this would not apply to Police calls. Mr. Palidini felt the two cases noted by the charts were ample proof of the differences in charges made by the two companies° Mr. Leon Ninburg, representing Southland Ambulance Company, referred to a former inquiry on rates involving Crane Ambulance Service, made in Janu- ary, 1967, wherein it was determined that the rates charged were justified, and that they, today, charge less without any so-called competition than was charged at that time. Mro Ninburg reported that Schaefer Ambulance Service refused certain Police calls in Santa Aha on the basis that they could not make any money on them, and has asked for subsidy. In his opinion, the cases used by Mr. Palidini, as an example, in- cluded everything except those items on which their charge is greater. The rates purportedly charged by Schaefer Ambulance Service are the rates charged in Los Angeles County, and are lower because their unpaid bills are subsidized by the County of Los Angeles. Mr~ Ninburg reported that Schaefer Ambulance stations in Garden Grove and Orange were abandoned because they could not be supported, and he questioned whether they could provide the same service as Southland and remain in business here. He stated that Southland Ambulance was in business in Anaheim more than ten months before receiving any Police work and that two of seven ambulances are maintained in the City of Anaheim at all times, while Police work would probably only support one, the deficit is made up from private and other sources, such as doctor calls, hospital calls, etc. In answer to Mayor Clark's inquiry, Mr. Ninburg replied that their average call would be approximately $43~00. He then read from a report wherein it was estimated that a city-owned service, based on 1,541 calls in 1966, would require a charge of $61.00 per call, this not including the 30% non-collectible factor. He stated that they estimate $1,000~00 per week per ambulance station for expenses Mr. Ninburg noted that they have never refused any calls, nor pre- sented a bill to the City, and have never asked, nor do they seek any subsidy from this or any other city. Mr. Ninburg felt it was unfair competition to allow a service to come into the City, cutting rates for the sole purpose of reducing their efficiency and possibly putting them out of business. Mr. Palidini advised that the Orange station was closed because it was poorly located and not getting necessary calls, as another ambulance ser- vice was located closer to the bospita]o He further advised that they have been a licensed service in the City of Anaheim for approximately 5 years. He reported t¼at their reque~t for a portion of the Police ca]is was based on the fac[ that tPey w~r,~ ~ tk~, ~r~a and that most cities have more than one amb~!ance , ':~t~;~z~v a?,d r,.,~;~t~', ,,,Jl,~, if their request is granted, they would 7l~.~ca~e a s,~?~t~ '.~ ~v~ /knz?}~.~7. a~,, A~ ~ f ~q~2w, t'hc~ir closest station is at Orange- thorpe: and Ma~n~-! ;a ..:,,,?~ t~,.,~:.~ ~, ~t(,~! [}~ti (~,i.s '-;amc. rcquest~ for tile same 69-496 ~y__Ha__lj=.Anabeim= Californi_~COUNCIL MINUTES - July 29~ 1969~ 1:30 P.M~ reasons was made by b~r. Ninburg in 1963. Mr. Palidini reported that in the Cities of Fullerton, Santa Aha, Newport Beach and C<~sta Mesa, where two companies rotate police calls they were satisfied with the service. He also rcpcrted that their personnel take a 73-hour National Ambulance Training Course, taught by practicing medical doctors at U.C.L~A~ He explained their more advanced equipment and operation policies, includ- ing working hours~ etc., and suggested that rates for Police work be es- tablished between the two ¢¢mpanies serving the Cit~. Mr Ninburo with reference to the petition submitted requesting an ambulance ~t t¼e fire station on Euclid Street, south of Ball Road stated tha~ they presently have a station on Euclid Street, one-half ~lc, ck nerth ~f Ball Road, and that the circulator of the petition recently re- ceived their service which responded within less than three minutes on a most critical situation. Mr. Ninburg stated thst if the City Council felt their rates were tc~ high they would be happy to make adjustments accordingly if this was the problem~ In answer t~, a question of Councilman Krein, Mr. Murdoch reported that the 1966 Study indicated there would be little to gain by the City operating this service and that this Stud~ could be updated in the event the situation has changed Councilman ~rein stated he would like to have the Study updated, and if it was found feasible for the City to provide this service, it would at least eliminate apparent ill feelings° At the conclusion of the discussion, the City Manager was requ.~st- ed tc contact the Cities of Santa Aha, Fullerton, and others to determine their ~xperience in this area, and also to update the former analysis to determine the estimated cost should the City provide this service. This matter to be rescheduled npon completion of the reports requested. ~RESENTATIONS ~EFORE THE CITY COUNCIL - TIME LIMIT: Mayor Clark was impressed with the effectiveness of the alarm signifying time limit placed on pre- sentations before the City Council at the public hearing held on Condi~. tional Use Permit No. 1120, and suggested it be placed in effect om all public hearings and presentations before the City Council. Mr~ Murdoch reported that many cities have adopted similar limi- tations and that the alarm did signify to the speaker the expiration of his allotted time, and did provide the speaker an opportunity to s~m up his presentation. It was agreed that this procedure would be tried, and if found effective, would be incorporated in the Policies of the City Council. LITIGATIO~2 At the request of Councilman Dutton, status of pending litigation involving the R & B Development Cmmpany and Royal Inns was reported upon by Mr Watts. Also reported by Mr~ Watts was the Superior Court ruling on the suit brought against the City by Mr James Townsend, regarding a dinner given by the City in appreciation of services rendered by the Citizens Capital Improvement Committees. ADJOURNMENT. Ccuncilman Pebley moved to adjourn. Councilman Schutte seconded the m~tion. MOTION CARRIED. (6:00 P M.) S I GNED ' City Clerk