1960/11/154497 City Ha!l~ Anaheim; California - COUN~L MINUTES - November 15~ 1960~ 3~OQ P~Mo The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session° PRESENT: COUNCILMBN~ Chandler~ ~oons~ Fry and $chutteo ABSENT~ CO13NCILM~N~ Thompson° PRESENTs CITY MANAGER~ Keith Ac Murdocho CITY ATTORN£Y~ Preston~Turnero CITY CLERKs Dene Mo Williams° CITY ENGINBERi Thornton Piersallo Mayor Schutte called the meetin9 to ordero LA PALMA PARK - POLICY AND FEE SCHEDUL~i At the meeting of November 22~ 1960o SUBDIVISION - PENCE REQUIREMENT~ DiscUssion was held pertaining to fence re~, quirement between subdivision property and property used for poultry or agricultural purposes° At the conclusion of the discussion~ Councilman Coons moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an amendment to Section 17o080240 "Required Improvements"~ to require~ lo A minimum six foot chain link fence or solid wood fence where a subdivision abuts agricultural use° 2. Require a minimum six foot solid wood fence where a subdivision abuts a poultry use. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIEDo SI(~ STANDARDS~ Suggested policy and standards regulating the erection of signs was brought up by Mro Murdocho At the conclusion of the discussion~ the City Manager was requested to prepare sign standards as set forth in the proposed zoning ordinance~ together with other Council requirements~ such as~ set backs~ height~ total sign area in relation to size of building or parcel of land, filing fee for requested deviation from the standards~ etco~ for further Council consideration at the next meeting° PLOT AND ELEVATION PLANS~ In the interest of saving Council time, Mro Murdoch suggested that standards be established by the City Council for the review by City Departments of plot and elevation plans prior to Council action on Variances and Reclassifications~ realizing anything that goes beyond the standards would require Council action° The City Council requested suggested standards be prepared for further consideration° DYKE WATER COMPANY $YSTEM~ Mro MurdoCh reported on the various methods and ramifications involved in the puxchase of that portion of the Dyke Water Company System within the present or future City limits~ 1o Purchase from the City of Garden Grove~ which purchase hinges upon the acceptance of the contract that Garden Grove has with the Dyke Water Company, and is subject to the approval of the Courto 2o Acquisition by condemnation from Garden Grove, assuming that Garden Grove would be in the same position as a private water companyo 3o Acquisition by purchase or condemnation directly from the present owner, the Dyke Water Company° Mro Turner ~eported on the status of the contract for purchase between the City of Garden Grove and the Dyke Water Company~ and stated that all concerned would like to know as soon as possible whether the City of Anaheim will consent to Garden Grove serving that portion of the system within the City of Anaheim. Considerable discussion was held on this matter~ however~ no formal action was taken by the City Gouncilo STREEI IMPROVEBBNTS - INDUSTRIAL AREA~S.~ Mro Murdoch brought up the matter of establishin9 a policy pertaining to street paving where it affects in~= dustrial development. He advised that in the past~ it had been the policy that when a specific development takes place~ the abutting property owners dedicate the necessary street width for street widening purposes and in- stall curbs~ gutters and sidewalks, if necessary~ and the City then paves to the curb, this not to apply to areas developed for speculation purposeso 4498 City Hall, .Anaheim,..Cali£0rni,.a '- CO_UNCIL .MINU.T. ES .- N. ove.mb..er.. !5, 1960,. A map and a particular example were submitted~ and Mr o Murdoch stated that a sketch of each case would be developed for further Council consideration o EMPLOY~NTI Employment of John Ho Dawson to assist the City Attorney in con- demnation actions, was authorized on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Chandler° MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNN~NTI Councilman Coons moved to adjourn° Councilman Chandler seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED $IGNEDI ~,. /..,~f./'-~~'~-~'~--~ / ~ity Clerk Cit.y H.a.ll~ An.abe.im~ Ca.li£o~n~.a - cOUN.CIL MINUT~E$ - Nov.ember 15, ,1960, _7,.00 PoMo The City Council o£ the City o£ Anaheim met in regular session° PRESENT: COUNCILMHN~ Chandler~ Coons~ Fry~ Thompson and Schutteo ABSENT: COUNCIIJ~N~ None° PRESENT: CITY MANAGERI Keith Ac Murdocho CITY ATTORNEY!~ Preston Iurnero CITY CLERKI Dene Mo Williamso CITY £NGINEER~ Thornton Piersallo PLANNING TECF~ICIAN~ Gordon Steeno Mayor $chutte called the meeting to ordero PUBLIC HEARING - RECLASSIFICATION NO. F~60=61-19 - TENTATIVE NL~P~. TRACT. N0o .390.9~ RECLAS.S.IFICA.TION NCo F~6.0-.61=..1..9~ Submitted by Advestors, Inco, requesting change of zone from R-A to R-3~ property looated~ briefly, on the east side o£ Grand Avenue between Lincoln and Crescent Avenues, approximately 830 feet north of Lincoln Avenue° (Tentative Tract No° 3909) The City Planning Commission~ after the expiration of 40 days, forwarded said file to the Council without obtaining a majority vote for approval or denialo Petition of protest was filed by residents on Tyler, Monroe, Coolidge and Polk Avenues in Anaheim~ and by residents of Jackson Way, Buena Park° Communication dated November 9, 1960 from Walter Ac Frome, Jro, Rinker Development Corpo~ requesting deferment of the public hearin9 on the zone change until such time as action is taken on their application for non-conforming lot sizes~ was submitted and read° TENTATIVE MAP - TRACT ~Oo 3909: Subdivider, Rinker Development Company, containing 21 proposed R~3 lOtSo Resulting from a request of Kenneth Wo Carlson, Voorheis, Trindle and Nelson, Englneers, a{ {he mee{lng o~ O¢{obor 11, 1960, action continued to this date~ to allow the tract map to be considered in conjunction with Reclassification Nco F~60~61~19o Communication dated November 15, 1960 from Voohries, Trindle, Nelson, Agents for Rinker Development Corpo~ requested that Tentative Map~ Tract Nco 3909 be withdrawn as the developer is applying for a variance and will file a new tentative map, was submitted and read° Councilman Coons moved that the Applicant°s request to withdraw said tentative map be 9rantedo Councilman ~ry seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED. 4499 City Hall, ~naheim; Galifornia - GOUNqIL MINUIES - November 15, 1960, %W00 P..M- REGLA$$IFIGAIION NO. F-60-61-19:i Councilman Coons moved the Applicant's ~equest f~r 'deferment be' 9r'anted/and that public hearing on ~-60-61-19 be continued four weeks, Decembe~ 13, 1960, to allow for the filing of the revised ten%atlve map° CounCilman Thompson seconded the motion° NDTION CARRIED. Councilman Chandler requested that the Applicant be informed that a Variance application is n~t the proper form for requesting non- conforming lot sizes° PUBLIC.H~ARING .- RECLASSIFICATION NOc Corporation, requesting change ol at 3340 West Lincoln Avenue, and Lincoln Avenue, approximately 95( The City Planning Comm~ Series 1960-61~ recommended said ..F-60-61336: Submitted by Locknil zone from R-A to C-3, property located further described as the south side of feet east of Knott Avenue° .ssion~ pursuant to their Resolution NCo 107, reclassification, subject to the following conditions~ ~ lo Development in accgrdance with plans presented with the ex- ception that a minimum setback o~ 35 feet from planned highway right-of-way line of Lincoln Avenue be providgdo 20 Preparation of street improvement plans and the installation of all improvements in accordance wi~h ~pproved s~andard plans on file in office of City Engineero 30 Payment of $2000 p~r front foot for street lighting purposes° 4o Ninety day time limitation on Items 2 and 3° The Mayor asked if anyc Attention was called tc property abutting immediately to and 0-3) had a plan submitted wi street across this property, run proposed R-3 property immediatel' apparently makes no provision fo .ne wished to address the Council° the fact that the subject property and the south (F-59-60-60~ pendin9 R-3~ G-1 ih the previous application indicating a ~in9 from Lincoln Avenue and serving the to the south° The present application plan such right-of-wayo Nlro Wo Po Mason, repre~enting the Applicant, addressed the Council, explaining the status o~ the adjacent properties and their plans for street development fron Lincoln Avenue south~ then west to Knott Avenue. Tentative Map, Tract NO. 3886, was brought forward and discussed by the City Council° Ntt. W. Co Wycoff, representing the property to be used for a bowling alley, advised of thei~ plans to take care of the drainage problems, and stated that as an alternative, drainage could be to Lincoln Avenue. Mr. Piersall called atBention to the need for drainage provision westerly to Knott Avenue° The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no response, declared the hearing closed° It was noted that the~e are six parcels of land involved, and while statements have been made as to intentions of taking care of drainage and access to landlocked parcels~ no definite evidence was before the City Council, thereupon, Councilman Chandler moved that any action be deferred until we see a complete set of plans concerning the roadway that is going to feed this area. Councilman COons seconded the motion. (Said motion failed to receive majority #aye"!vote$ Mro Mason further explained that there was a drainage thrOugh the property and that the same people were purchasing the entire parcel, both the front portion for the hdwling alley and the rear portion° That the corporation developing the p~operty cannot wait several months and %he drainage on the front will b~ directed to Lincoln Avenue° ,q 4500 City Ha!l, Anaheim, Cal.i£or.n~.a..- COUNCIL MINUTES -. Nqvemb. er .!5.;.. !.9.60,. 7:.00. P~M.. Councilman Thompson felt that action on this application shOuld not be contingent on supplying access through other property, and asked Mr. Mason if he would stipulate that in the development of the pending R-3 property a street will go through the property. Ntt. Mason answered, #yes", and stated it would drain the property to the east. RESOLU/ION NO. 6452: Councilman Thompson offered Resolution No. 6452 and moved for its passage aind adoption, authorizing preparation of necessary ordinance, changing the zone as requested, subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Con, nissiono Refer to Resolution Book° A RESOLUTION OF TH5 CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETER- MINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THH ANA~IM MUNICIPAL CODE RELAIING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMHNDED AND THAT TH~ BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SuOUL'D BE CHANGED. (F-60-61-36 - C-3) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following votes AYES~ COUNGILMHN~ Pry, Thompson and Schutte. NOE$~ COUNCILMEN: Chandler and Coons. ABSENT~ COUNCILMHNI None° The Mayor declared Resolution Nog 6452 duly passed and adopted° PUBLIC HHARING - RECLASSIFICATION NO. 60-61-371 Submitted by Robert and Mary Pitcher (George Co Rose~ Authorized Agent) requesting change of zone from R-1 to C-l, property located at 621 South Harbor BOulevard, briefly described~ as on the west side of Harbor Boulevard, approximately 220 feet south of Water Street° The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 107, Series 1960-61, recommended said reclassification be denied. Appeal from action taken by the City Planning Commission and letter of explanation was filed by the Applicon%so Also filed in open meeting was petition of consent and an agreement for the protection of the fence at the rear of the subject property° Mr° George C. Rose, representing the Applicant, addressed the Council~ stating that the peti'tion contains 30 signatures of the neighbors approving the reclassification° Reference was made to the removal of a building when used for commercial purposes applying to the adjacent property (F-59-60-21 - Dr° Kott). Review of this file was made by. Ntt. Murdoch, wherein, it was in the findings of the City Planning Commission that the building should be removed when the property is used for commercial purposes, but it was not made a condition of rezoningo Also found, was a letter from Dr° Kott certifying that the existing building will be removed when the property is used commercially° The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no response, declared the hearing closed. RHSOLUTION NO. 6453I Councilman Coons offered Resolution No° 6453 and moved for its passage and adoption, authorizing the preparation of necessary ordinance, changing the zoner as requested~ subject to the dedication of 45 feet from the centerline of Harbor Boulevard, the payment of $2000 per front foot for street lighting purposes, and further, that the use of this property, be, by deed restrictions, limited to business and profess- ional uses only, in accordance with the list pertaining to C-7 zoning as contained in proposed zoning ordinance° Further, a stipulation that the letter filed by the Applicant with reference to the protection of the 4501 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNC adjacent property fence, be made sent° Further, subject to a 90-¢ Refer to Resolution Bo~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL THAT TITLE 18 OF THE ANAH~-IM MUN] A NDED AND THAT THE BOUNDARIES ¢ (F-60-61-37 - C-1 ) On roll call the foregc by the following votes AYES ~ COUNCILMF. N s C NOES ~ COUNCI IAtEN ~ N ABSENT: COUNCIIA~N ~ N iI.L MINUTES - November 15, .19601 7100 ?'.M.' a part of the file and a part of the con- lay time limit° ,k. OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING ~IPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE M CERIAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED. in9 Resolution was duly passed and adopted handler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. one. one. The Mayor declared Rest Councilman Coons reques this reclassification with no re that any requirement that may hay lution Nco 6453 duly passed and adopted. ted that the records show, ingranting quirement for the removal of the house, e been attached to Dr. Kott's property, by virtue of the letter he wrote indicating that he would remove the house from the property, be stricken from the record~ and he no longer be held to this agreemento Councilman Chandler fel~ that Dr. Kott should be permitted to withdraw said letter on condition~that he also furnish iron posts for the protection of the fence behind his propertyo (F'59-60-21) PUBLIC HEARING =.. VARIANCE .NO. 1303.: S~bmitted by William and Genowefa Hurley, requesting permission to operate~ television sales and repair shop in garage located at 1703 Crone Aven~e (northwest corner, Crone and Euclid Avenues). : The City Planning CommiSsion, pursuant to their Resolution No. 100, Series 1960-61, denied said variaDceo Appeal from action takeD by the City Planning Commission was filed by the Applicant and public hearing scheduled. Petition of approval containing 20 signatures, as well as letters of approval, filed by Mr. and Mrs.. Mo Ro Karjala, 1707 W. Crone Avenue; NM. and Mrs. Ira Hayes, 1785 Crone Avenue~ Mrs. Laurence M. Williams, 1684 Chateau; Mildred and Warren Feener, 907 KeDmore Street; Ntt. 3ean Trouche', 1844 Crone Avenue! R. Ac Davis, 1748 Crone A~enue~ Dr. Clarence Co Wiess~ 1717 Siva° Letters of protest werei filed by Oo Co Goforth, 1724 W. Crone Ave., and Ethel and Paul Jenik, 1742 SiVa Avenue° The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. Ntro Hurley addressed th~ Council, urging the granting of the variance, and related the present uses in the immediate vicinity. He stated they had purchased the property as R-l, but it was no longer R-1 property, and that the use he requested %o put the p~operty to would have no smoke~ odor~ etc. Mr. Don Cannon, 744 FalDon, requested the area be considered as a whole, as apartments and commercial uses were slowly encroaching without protection of a buffer or even a Wall between the commercial and residential homes° Mr. Dave McMaffie, 17021Siva Avenue, felt that nothin9 new had transpired since the former request, except the cementing of the front yard. Me felt this use would lower the Property values in the general area and doubted if the Applicant could me~t the four requirements necessary for a variance. Others addressing the C~uncil in opposition were~ Myron Appel, 1703 Siva~ Sherman W. Garland, 1763 Niobe$ Cecil Eo McCaul, 1715 Crone Ave. 4502 City Hall; Anaheim.~ California - COUNCI% MINUTES - Noveg~er..15~_. 1960~.. 7;O0. P.,Mo Mrs. Hurley called attention to the traffic on Euclid Avenue, and wondered if the people in opposition would still oppose their request if they knew definitely their intentions. The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no response~ declared the hearing closed° RE~O~UTION. NO. 645A.~ Ceuncilman Coons was of the opinion that there had been no change of conditions that had not existed at the time of the pre- vious hearing, and thereupon offered Resolution Nco 6454 and moved for its passage and adoption, denying Variance Nco 13030 Re{er to Resolution Booko A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DENYING VARIANCE NO° 1303o On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the followin9 votes AYESt COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Coons and Thompson. NOES: COUNCILMEN: Fry and $chutte. ABSENT~ CO.UNCILMEN~ None° The Mayor declared Resolution Nco 6454 duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING = VARIANCE NO~ 1307~ Submitted by Sunkist Homes, requestin9 waiver of front and rear yard setback requirements in Tract No. 2767. Briefly described as located on the east side of Sunkist Street, approxi- mately 1710 feet south of La Palma Avenue° The City Plannin9 Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 104, Series 1960-61, granted said variance, subject to the following conditionsl No° 2767. 1o The completion of all improvements provided by final Tract 2o The provision of adequate side yards on Lots 58 and 63. 3o Development in accordance with plans presented° Review of action taken by the City Planning Commission was ordered by the City Council and public hearing scheduled° The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. Ntro Clark Wingert, representing the property directly to the south, addressed the Council in opposition to the Variance, as this would place the houses very close to their property and could affect the future sale of their property° Mr. Moskonyi, 207 Sunkist Avenue, addressed the Council in opposition, and advised that the model homes are already constructed. Mr. Jack Cochran, representing the developers, explained their center-patio house and stated that they had used the only method possible at this time for obtaining a variance to the setback requirements, and until such time as the Council establishes some alternate method of handling these cases, he felt they had an obligation to process their request° ~ro Cochran then came forward to the Council table and pre- sented plans o£ the development, which were reviewed and d~scussed by the City Council° /he Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no response, declared the hearing closed° ~.ESOLUTION .~0~. 6.455!. Councilman Thompson offered Resolution No° 6455 and moved for its passage and adoption, granting variance No° 1307, subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission, excepting therefrom, 4503 City Hall~ Anaheim, California - COUN( the rear yard setbacks on. Lots 48 Refer to Resolution Boc A RESOLUTION OF TM~ CITY COUNCIL VARIANC~ NO. 1307o iIL MI. NUIES - November. !5,. 1960, 7~00 PoM. , 52, 54 and 56. ~ko OF THE CIIY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the £ollowln9 vote~ AYES~ COUNCILM~N~ ( NOES~ COUNCILMEN~ [ ABSENT, COUNCILMEN~ 5 The Mayor declared Rest RECESS; Councilman Chandler moved for seconded the motion° MOTION CARP AFT.ER .RECE.SS..: (9,50 P.Mo ) Mayor Sch% members of the Council being pre.~ PUBLIC HEARING - SPECIAL USE PERMIT N.( questing permission to build a pi development on a parcel of land ~ north side o£ Westmont Drive, bet The City Planning Comm~ Nco 105, Series 1960-61, denied Appeal from action tak~ filed by the Applicant, and publ~ :cons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. :handler° Ioneo .lution Nco 6455 duly passed and adopted. ten minute recess. Councilman Thompson ~I~-D. (9,40 PoMo ) itte called the meeting to order, all .ent. · 855 Submitted by David So Collins, re- anned unit, low density, residential ,88 feet by 752 feet, fronting on the ~ween Car]eton Avenue and Loara Street. .ssion, pursuant to their Resolution ~aid Special Use Permit. ~n by the City Planning Commission was ,c hearing scheduled. Mr° Leon Rudeman addre~;sed the COuncil, explaining the project! that this is to be a management :orporation and developed under Section 213 of FoH.Ao Mr° Robert Alexander, ~rchitect, explained the design of this project, size of units, communit~ recreation facilities, roadways, etc. Mr° Alexander took exception to ~he facts found by the City Planning Commission, point by point,, and ~tated , in his opinion, this project would improve the surrounding arSao Dro Wheeler, 615 No° Gl to the grantinq of Special Use P~ being, that the semi-public swi~ Carleton property lineo He advi~ of explainine this project to th~ such explanation, the neighbors He felt that this .development cot effect on the surrOunding proper~ ~rleton, addressed the Council in opposition ~rmit, stating his reasons therefor. One' ~ing pool will he within 25 feet from the ied of the meeting held for the purpose neighborhood, which, as result, after ~ere even more opposed to it than before° ~ld not help hut have a depreciating values° Mr. Coupland, 621Nort~ Carleton, was concerned with the size o£ the property and noted that t~e 5.4 dwellings per acre included swimming pool, recreation area amd roads° He also called attention to the problem of trash collection.! Others add. ressing the Council in opposition were, Mrs. Marion Henry, 1212 Westmont Drive, Dr. Bouchel%e, 1416 Birchmont Drives Mr. Howard Poulsen! Dorothy Beale, 406 No° Wedgewood Drive! 'and Mr. Nell LeVecke, 1226 Westmont Drive. Attention was also called to the planned narrow streets and the dangers involved in the event of!fire. Mr° Dave Collins advised that the trash would be picked up by contractor, and that the plans hsd been checked with the Fire Department. The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the COuncil, there being no response, declare¢ the hearing closed. 4504 Ci. ty H.all, Anaheim, Ca!iforn%a - COUNCI.L. MINUIES - November. 15, 1960, ..7~00. Po~.. The consensus of opinion by the Council was that this develop- ment was nice and should have a place in the community, but this particular R-O area was definitely not the place for such a project. That in an R-O area there are approximately 3 lots per acre and with this plan, there would be approximately 5~ units per acre, thereby, nearly doubling the land densityo RESOLUTION NO. 6456: COuncilman Coons offered Resolution Nco 6456 and moved for its passage and adoption, sustaining the action taken by the Planning Commission, denying Special Use Permit No° 85° Refer to Resolution Book° A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE. CITY OF ANAHEIM DENYING THE REQLMS/ OF DAVID S. COLLINS FOR~SPEGIAL USE PERMIT NO. 85. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vo%e~ AYES~ COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. NOES: COUNCII345N: None° ABSENTs COUNCILMENs None. The Mayor declared Resolution No0 6456 duly passed and adopted. PUB~IC.i..HECRINq = PRp~OS.£D ..A~DN~.NT TO ,,CODE. - UNCLCfSIFI~D US.E~, Public hearing was held for the purpose of considering a change to Iitle 18, Chapter 18064 of the Anaheim'Municipal Code, by adding a use, to wit: "any other uses not specifically p~ovided for or authorized in any other zone or zones herein"~ and to further consider changes in procedures in said chapter, and to consider adding othem specified uses to said chapter. At the request of the City Attorney, Councilman Fry moved that said public hearing be continued for one week (November 22, 1960)o Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED A~E~DNENT TO CODE - P-L ZQNE...I. Public hearing was held for the purpose of considering the establishment of a P-L zone along highway frontages of the following described properties~ lo Those properties lyin9 on the.north and south sides of and along Cerritos Avenue extending from Los Angeles Street to the easterly City Limits° 20 Those properties lying on the East and West sides of and along Lewis Street extending from Ball Road to Katella Avenue. At the request of the City Manager, public hearing was con- tinued for one week (November 22, 1960) on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Fry° MOTION CARRIED. REFUND~ Refund in the amount of $17000 to Blue Haven Construction Company~ 1221 North Palm Street, Anaheim, California, was authorized on the recommendations of the Building and Electrical Inspectors, on motion by Councilman Fry~ seconded by Coucilman Coons. MOTION CARRIED. BUSINESS LICENSEs Request o£ the Martin Luther Hospital pertaining to waiver of business license was ordered held over to November 22, 1960, for report from the City Engineer° ANAHEIM CHAblBER OF CON~RCF. - HIGHWAY SAFETY CQ~. ITTE.~ Recommendations of the Mighway Sa£ety Committee pertaining to the re-naming of Center Street and also pertaining to ~reeway signing and the placement of Welcome. Sign stanchions, was submit%ed, and re£erred to the City Manager, on motion by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. UNITED CSRBRAL PALSY CAmPAIgN: Request to change the house to house campaign date £rom December 1, 1960, to January 12, 1961 was submitted, and granted on motion by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Coons. NK)TION .. CARRIED. 4505 City Hall.~ Anah.~im~ Califprnia - COUNCIL MINI/rES - November 15~ 196.0,. 7:00 P.~. REQUEST - LINBROOK HARDWARSt ReqUest of Linbrook Hardware for permission to conduct a Christmas Circus for a~ eleven day period commencing December 8, 1960, was submitted. · In accordance with pre~ and read suggested standards whi( events, including carnivals, exhi used in such promotional adverti~ would require a change to the MUr for promotional advertising even1 by the City Council~ would be Those events which do not fall wi ,ious Council request, Mr. Murdoch submitted ;h would regulate promotional advertising .bitions, rides and other amusement devices lng, and advised the adoption of such standards icipal Code Section 3.32.020, whereby requests s would fall within the standards as approved ~ected to the City Manager for processing. .thin the accepted standards would be sub- mitred to the Council for their ~onsideratlono Discussion was held by capacity, music~ and a formula t( Mro Murdoch advised th~ not include oircuses~ that aotua~ Council° One, the suggested sta~ events, which necessitates amend] Two, the request o£ Linbrook Har~ Further discussion was Hardwareo Mro Jim Chavos, 1903 E~ the granting of the request for ~ Hardware store did not have suffJ that they conduct during the holJ that was previously allowed by t) warehouse° Third, he felt this shopping area, not in a neighbor~ Mro /evin addressed th~ opinion, there should be a public Reference to former re. the City Council pertaining to seating determine adequate parking. t the suggested standards as submitted, did .ly there were two matters before the City ~dards ~or regulating promotional advertlsln9 ~ent to the Anaheim Municipal Code, ands lware £or permission to conduct a circus. directed to the request o£ the Linbrook ~bassy Street, addressed the Council, opposing circus, as, in his opinion, the Linbrook cient parking facilities for the business .days, and, second, the parking facility ~e City Council is presently used as a ~ctivity should be conducted in a general ~ood facility° City Council, advising, that in his hearing on this request. uest of Linbrook Hardware was made, and Councilman Coons remembered that ~ermission was granted, provided that additional parking could be secu~'~edo As result, they rented space on the west side of the building~ levelled it off for parking and provided for the control of dust° Mr~ Murdoch reported that this particular event would be entirely within the area presently used aS a garden center, with the exception of the Santa Claus ride, and felt, in this instance, replacement of parking area would not necessarily apply* Mro Chavos again addressed the Council, urging the request be denied, stating his reasons therefor° At the conclusion of tRe discussion, Councilman Chandler moved said request be denied° Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Coons felt that if the Council proposes to grant carnival requests, that perhaps %he suggested standards could be approved, however, some provision should also be made reqarding noise. FINAL MAP - TRA.CT NO. ~7941 Subdividgr, Go Do Buccola. Tract located on the west side of West Street, 175 feet south of North Street, and contains 22 R-O lotso ~ Final map, Tract Nco 3794, was approved, on the recommendations of the City Engineer, and plans for development were reviewed and approved, on motion by Councilman Thompson~ seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. ~ 4~06 City Hall, Anaheim, California = COUNCIL MINIfrEs - Novem.be.r 15,..!960, 71DO p.M. VARIANCE NO. 130.82 Submitted by Marko E. Botich, requesting permission to waive rear yard setback requirement to permit encroachment to within ~ feet of rear yard on property located at 2134 Romneya Drive. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 109, Series 1960-61, denied said variance° No action was taken by the City Council. VARIANCE NO. 1310: Submitted by Harold Eo Hull, requesting permission to operate a restaurant with a cocktail bar at 2295 West Ball Road~ north side of Ball Road adjacent to new theatre (Var. 1216)o The City Planninq Commission, pursuant to their Reso~tion No. 112~ Series 1960-61~ denied said varianceo No action was taken by the City Council° VARIANCE NOo 13115 Submitted by James Do Ross, requesting permission to waive rear yard setback requlrement to permii encroachmeni to wiihin 14 {eet of rear property line for the addition of a family room, property located ai 2118 Wesi Forest Lane° The City Plannin9 Commission~ pursuant to their Resolution Nco 121, Series 1960-61, granted ~aid variance for the waiver of rear yard setback requirement to permit encroachment to within 14 £eet of rear pro- perty line for the addition of a family room, subject to: 1o Development substantially in accordance with plans presented. 20 Installation of sidewalks per Ordinance No. 9570 No action was taken by the City Council. VARIANCE NOo 1312~ Submitted by Richard Ac Hermann, requestin9 a waiver of minimum floor area requirement to permit construction of dwelling con- taining 927 square feet~ property located at 815 Topeka Street, west side of Topeka between La Palma and North Street° The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No° 113, Series 1960-61, granted said variance for the waiver of minimum house size requirement to permit construction of a house containin9 927 square feet only, subject to replacement of damaged and/or hazardOus sidewalks. No action was taken by the City Council VARIANCE NO. 1313~ Submitted by Robert David Hampton, requesting waiver of g-2 storage limitation, property locatedat 2~' North ManchesterBoulevard. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No° 114, Series 1960-61, granted said variance for the waiver of C-2 storage limitation, subject to the following conditions~ 1o Revision of plot plan to conform to the Code requirements for parking spaces° 20 Dedication of 45 feet from centerline of Manchester Blvd. 3. Preparation of street improvement plans and installation of all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in ~he o££1ce o£ ~he City ~ng{neero 4° Payment of $2°00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. No further action was taken by the City Council° SPECIAL USE PERMIT NO. 88~ Submitted by William and Fini V. Van Natta, requesting permission to operate a nursery home in an R-O zone on pro- perty located at 1597 Katella Avenue° The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 115, Series 1960-61, granted said special use permit, subject to: 1o Construction of a 6 foot masonry wall on the west property 4507 City. Hall, Apaheim;..California - COUN(;IL MINI/rES - November 15~ 1960~ 3~00 P.M. line of subject property to withJ.n 25 feet of the front property line. 2. The provision and >avin9 of parkin9 area in accordance with the requirements of the Code° ~ 3o Dedication of 60 f~ 4o Preparation of str~ of all improvements in accordanc, office of the City Engineer° 5o Payment of $2°00 pE No further action was SPECIAL USE PERMIT NO. 90: Submitted requesting permission to erect a 4014 West Orange Avenue (south s Holder Street). let from centerline of Katella Avenue. ~et improvement plans and the installation with approved standard plans on file in the ~r front foot for street lighting purposes. :aken by the City Council. by Church of 3esus Christ of Latter Day Saints church building on property located at de of Orange Ave., between Knott Ave. and The City Plannin9 Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. ll7, Series 1960-61, granted sai~ Special Use Permit, subject to: lo Provision of a 6 f¢,ot masonry wail along the southerly property line. 2o Development substar presented° 3o Dedication of 45 ~ 4o Preparation of strE ments in accordance with approveC ,tially in accordance with the plot plans as ,et from centerline of Orange Avenue. ,et improvements and installation of all improve- standard plans on file in the office of the City Engineer° .1 ~ Payment of $2.00 p~r front foot for street lightin9 purposes. 50 No further action was ~aken by the City Council° TENTATIVE MAP - TRACT NO. 3987: Subd~vider~ Mart. Mercuric. Tract located on the north side 'of Ana heim'R°ad, apprqximately 1600 feet east of Dowling Avenue, and contains 20 proposed M-1 iota. Letter from Orange Cour this property, was submitted° The City Planning Commi tract, subject to the loll.win9 c 1o Subject to flood cc 2. Pertinent plot and Council for review° ty Flood Control District, pertaining to ssion recommended the approval of said onditions: ntrol approval. building plans to be submitted to City 3. Require that should this subdivision be developed as more than one subdivision, each subdi¥ision thereof shall be submitted in tenta'tive form for approval. Tentative map, Tract NOo 3987, was approved as recommended by the City Engineer, subject to th~ conditions of the Engineering Department, on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Chandler. MOTION CARRIED. TENIATIVE MAP - TRACI NO..3988~ SubdiVider, Mart. Mercuric. Tract located on the north side of Anaheim Road, approximately 2500 feet east of Dowling Avenue, and contains 12 proposed ~-1 lots. Letter from Orange Counity Flood Control District was submitted. The City Plannin9 Commission recommended approval of said tract, subject to the following c~nditions~ 1. Subject to flood co 2. Pertinent plot and Council for review. 3. Require that should than one subdivision, each subdiv tentative form for approval° ntrol approval. buildin9 plans to be submitted to City this subdivision be developed as more ision thereof shall be submitted in Tentative map, Tract Nq. 3988, was approved as recommended by the City Engineer, subject to thetconditions of the Engineering Department on motion by Councilman Coons, seDonded by Councilman Chandler. MOTION CARRIJED. 4508 City Hall.~ Anaheim~ Oa.lif0r~ia - COUNCIL MIN. UIE$ - November 15, 1960, 7z00 P.M. RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-59-6Q-115 - 5X/SN$ION OF YIME~ Request of 3o C. Whitman ~or 120-day extension o~ time to comply with conditions imposed pursuant to Reclassification Nco F-59-60-115, was granted on motion by Councilman Coons~ seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. SIDEWALK WAIVER~ Request of Linbrook Hardware Store to defer installation of sidewalks at this time, was submitted° Councilman Coons moved that temporary waiver of sidewalk re- quirements at this time be granted, it being understood that sidewalks are to be installed when the property on the east or west is developed. Councilman Chandler seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIEB. APPOINIMENT - PARK AND RECREATION COMJ~$SION: Letter of recon~nendation was submitted by the Park and Recreation Commission~ recommendin9 the appointment of 3chh Wright° Councilman Coons moved to concur in the recommendation of the Park and Recreation Commission in appointing 3ohn Wright to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mro Richard Lower. Councilman Fry seconded the motion° ~OTION CARRIED. Mayor $chutte made said appointment which was unanimously ratified by the City Councilo The City Planning Commission was requested to submit a recom- mendation to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Clarence , Mauerhan, to represent the City Planning Commission on the Park and Recreation Commission° CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY~ Claim submitted by Harold Whitten for damage to 1960 Chevrolet Camper in the amount of $295°20, was submitted. Councilman Chandler moved said claim be denied and the matter referred to the City Attorney° Councilman Fry seconded the motion° MOIION CARRIED° SIGN APPLICATION - FED-MART OF ANAHEIMI Application of Fed-Mart of Anaheim to erect one 10 foot free standing "V" sign at 1861 Lincoln Avenue, was submitted° Mr° Post~ General Manager of Fed-Mart, advised that this would be a temporary sign° Councilman Fry moved said request be granted for a period of six months and under the terms set forth in the application, and further, that the lights of the sign be turned off at 9~00 P.M. Councilman Coons seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIED. REQUEST: Request of Jerry Marten to cut wood on City Park site property at Broadway and Magnolia~ was submitted° Recommendations of the Park and Recreation Department were read. Councilman Thompson moved the request be granted~ on condition that adequate insurance, as approved by ~he City Attorney, be provided for the protection of the City° Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. RA.BIE¢ CL!NI~ Further consideration was given to the consent previously granted Orange County Veterinary Medical Association to conduct Rabies Clinic in La Palma Park. Dfc Wise addressed the Council and read a letter submit%ed by Ho Don Mahan, Executive Secretary of Southern California Veterinary Medical Association. Dr. Dean advised that they would be willing to conduct the clinic in the same manner as previous years, the nsf profit therefrom to 4,509 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINlfrES...- November ..,15,..lg.6.0,.. 7:0.0 p.M. go to any Orange County charity f the Council's choice. George Comroe advised ~hat the Association was a non-profit organization and could handle th9 entire project, and requested the Council to allow the Association to perfCrm this service° Councilman Coons state¢ he could see no reason to change the previous action taken, and no fu~%her action was taken by the City Council° RECLASSIFICAIION NO. F-59-60-1..01,. Sul C-1 zonin9 on an irregular parcel of Placen%ia Avenue and Vermont Public hearin9 was hel hearing was closed and action de: )mitted by Joseph Do Huarte, requestin9 l of land located on the northwest corner ~enue o August 16, 1960, at which time said erred to allow for the correction of descriptiono i Mro Huarte came forwar¢ and discussion was held around the Council table° ] RESOLUTION NO. 6457~ CoUncilman]Chandler offered Resolution Nco 6457 ~ f~r-i~ssage and ad+ption, authorizing the preparation of necessary ordinance~ changing th9 zone, as requested, subject to.the map, and further subject to: ,~ 1o Dedication of 53 feet from centerline of Placentia Avenue (exist 50') 2o Install sidewalks 9n Placentia Avenue° 30 Prepare street imp{ovement plans and install all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in office of City Engineer on Vermont Avenueo ~ 40 Payment of $2000 pt on Vermont Avenue and Placentia 5o Denial of access r: 6° An alley access be by Mro Huarte for the flow of tr~ 70 90-day time limit° ~r front foot for street lighting purposes %venueo ights on Iyrolo let and agreement of easement be given ~cks through the subject property. Refer to Resolution BoCko A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO~qCILiOF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETER- MINING THAI /IILE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELAYING IO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THAT THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED. (F-59-60~101 - C-l) On roll call the foreg¢ing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~ AYES~ COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. NOES~ COUNCILMENI ~ None° ABSEN/: COUNCILMEN~ None° The Mayor declared Res)lution No. 6457 duly passed and adopted. SPHCIAL USE PER~IT NO° 84: Submitted by Cinderella Construction, Inc., re- questing permission to construct a commercial development consisting of two small~ one story hospitals i~ conjunction with a market~ service shops~ medical-dental offices and a professional office building. Property pre- sently zoned R-A&C-!o Parcel 1 l~cated on the north side of Ball Road, east o{ Beach Boulevard. Parceli2 located on the east side o£ Beach Boulevard, north of Ball Road° Public hearin9 was hel~ November 8th, 1960, at which time said hearing ~as closed, and action deferred to determine if the adjacent parcel, not a part of this requeSt~ could be improved in conjunction with the improvements of the subject Mro Piersall reported and stated with the storm drain the necessary dedication and imp: the developers work with the Ci% an effort to improve this fronta )ropertyo )n the status of the parcel in question, Ln the area, the City certainly desired ~ovement of this parcel, and requested and the owner of the small parcel in eo 4510 ~it¥ H.91I~ ~naheim~ California ~ COUNCIL MINUTES - November 15t..1960.~ 7:00 RESOLIfflON NO. 6458: Councilman Thompson offered Resolufion No. 6458 and moved for its passage and adoption, granting Special Use Permit No. 84t subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission, as follows: 1o That the project be developed in accordance with the plot plan submitted° 2o That a wall be provided on the north and the east property lines where it abuts the R-1 zoneo 3o Dedication of 92 feet from centerline of Beach Boulevard° 40 Dedication of 53 feet from centerline of Ball Road. Preparation of street improvement plans and installation of improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in office of City Engineer° 60 Payment of $2000 per front foot for street lighting purposes on Beach Boulevard and Ball Road° '70 Approval of State Division of Highways for ingress and egress on Beach Boulevard° Refer to Resolution Book° A RESOLUI!ON OF TH5 CITY COUNCIL OF TH5 CITY OF ANAF~IM GRANTING SP~-CIAL USE PERMIT NO. 84 TO CINDERELLA CONSTRUCTION~ INC. ~ TO GONS/RU~ A COMMERCIAL IMPROVEN~N-f CONSISTING OF TWO HOSPITALS ON T~ PROPERTY HERE INAFTER DESGRIBED. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote': AYES: COUNCII~N: Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None° ABSENT: CoUNCILN~N: None° The Mayor declared Resolution No° 6458 duly passed and adopted. RECLASSIFICATION NO..F-60-~IF~i..~ Submitted by Oo W. and Mae Eider, requesting a change of zone from R-A to C-I, property located on the north side of Ball Road between Beach Boulevard and Gaymont Street, with a frontage of ~00 feet on Ball Roado Public hearing was held November 8, 1960, at which time said hearing was closed and action deferred to this date, in conjunction with Special Use Permit Nco 84o RESOLUTION NO. 6459~ Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 6459 and moved for its passage and adoption~ authorizing the preparation of necessary ordinance, changin9 the zone, as requested, subject to the following recommendations of the City Planning Commission~ 1o Dedication of 53 feet from centerline of Ball Road. 20 Preparation of street improvement plans and installation of all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in o£fice o£ City Engineero 30 Payment of $2o00 per front foot for street lighting purposes on Ball Road° 4o 90~day time limit on above items° Refer to Resolution Booko A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAH~-IM FINDING AND DETER- MINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AN~ENDED AND THAT THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED° (F-60-61-31 - C-l) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~ AYES: COUNCILMEN~ Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. NOES: COUNCIL~EN~ None° ABSENT~ COUNCIL~NI None° The Mayor declared Resolution Nco 6459 duly passed and adopted. 4511 CitY Hall~ Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINIfrES - November 15~ 1960.t 7.:00 PoMo RECLASSIFICATION NO. F~60-~61-18: Sub: zoning, 501 South Knott Avenue° Public hearing was hel was deferred to allow for a surv at the request of the City Plann motion by Councilman Fry~ second nitted by Kirby and Helen A o Hair - C-1 October 11~ 1960 at which time action of the entire area, and again deferred ing Commission, to November 22, 1960, on ~d by Councilman Chandler. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLIfrION NOo 6460~ Councilman Chandler offered Resolution Noo 6460 and moved for its passage and adoptiono · Refer to Resolution Bo A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL TENTION TO VACATE AND ABANDON AN OVER AND THROUGH THE HEREINAFTER PLACE FOR A HEARING THEREON; DIR THE PUBLICATION OF THIS RESOLUYI ~ko OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING ITS IN- EASEMENT FOR SEWER PURPOSES UPON, ALONG, DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY; FIXING A TIME AND !CIING THE POSTING OF NOTICES THEREOF AND DN. (Public hearing December 13, 1960) (Portion of Lot 2~ Tract 2517) ~ On roll call the £ore~ing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote:~ AYES~ COUNCILNMN~ ~handler, Coons, ~ry, Thompson and $chutte. NOES~ COUNCILMEN~ None° ABSENY~ COUNCILMEN~ None° The Mayor declared Re~olution NOo 6460 duly passed and adopted° RESOLUTION NO. 6461~ Councilman Coo~s offered Resolution Noo 6461 and moved for its passage and adoptiono i Refer to Resolution Bc A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIl ROWLAND, ARCHITEC/, TO RENDER A~ THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUC/ION OF t IN TH~ CITY OF ANAHEIM; AND PRO~ ,ok o OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM EMPLOYING DAN L. :CHITECIURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR 'IRE SIATION NOo 5 AT 1154 DOWLING AVENUE~ 'IDING FOR COMPENSATION THEREFOR. On roi1 call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES-~ COUNCILMEN ~ NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT ~ COUNCILMEN .. Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None o None ° The Mayor declared ReSolution NOo 6461 duly passed and~optedo ORplNANCE NO. !D2~: Councilman Coons offered Ordinance Noo 1522 for final reading and moved for its passage and a~optiono Refer to Ordinance Boek o AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANA~IM ACCEPI ING THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 13522 OF THE CALIFORNIA PENAL CODE RELATING TO TRAINING OF LAW ENFORCEMENT O~ICER5 · Upon hearing read in full the title of Ordinance Noo 1522 and having knowledge of the content~ therein, Councilman Coons moYed the reading in full of said ordinance be waived° Councilman Chandler seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNC I LMEN .~ NO ES: COUNC I LMEN ~ ABSENT: COUNC ILM~N ~ Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None o None o The Mayor declared Ordinance No° 1522 duly passed and adopted° 4512 City Hal!,. Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINIffES - November 15~ 196Q~ 7:o0. P-M. ORDINANCE NO. 1523~ Councilman Fry offered Ordinance Nco 1523 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption° Refer to Ordinance Book° AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING° (F-59-60-43 - C-l) After hearin9 read in full the title of Ordinance Nco 1523 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Fry moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived° Councilman Chandler seconded the motion° MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: GOUNCILMEN~ Chandler, Coons, Fry~ Thompson and Schutte. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None° ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None° The Mayor declared Ordinance No° 1523 duly passed and adoptedo ORDINANCE NO~ 1524~ Councilman Chandler offered Ordinance Nco 1524 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING. (F-59-60-113 - C-1 & C'3) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1524 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Chandler moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived° Councilman Coons seconded the motiono MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ORDINANCE NOo 1525: Councilman Coons offered Ordinance No° 1525 for first readin9 and moved for its passage and adoption° AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING. (F-59-60-71 - C-l) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance Nco 1525 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Chandler moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived° Councilman Coons seconded the motion° MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 6462~ Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 6462 and moved for its passage and adoption° Refer to Resolution Booko A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RESCINDING RESOLUTIONS NOS. 6284 AND 63140 (duplicate authorizations of purchase - Santiago Land Co) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES~ COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. NOES: COUNCILMEN~ None° ABSENT: COUNCILMEN~ None° The Mayor declared Resolution Nco 6462 duly passed andadopted. RESOLUTION NO. 6463.~ Councilman Fry offered Resolution Nco 6463 and moved for its passage and adoption° Refer to Resolution Book° A RESOLU/ION OF THE CITY CO~NCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR £AS~MENTS FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES. (Santiago Land Co) 4513 City Hail.: Aoaheim~ California - CO~ On roll call the fore, by the £ollowin9 vote: AYES: COUNCILN~N NOES ~ COUNCILMEN ABSENT ~ COUNCILMEN The Mayor declared Re: RESOLU/ION NO. 6464: Councilman Thor for its passage and adoption° Re£er to Resolution A RESOLUTION OF THH CITY COUNCIl DEED CDNVEYING TO THE CITY OF A1 CIPAL PURPOSES, AND CERTAIN REA] PURPOSES. (Santiago Land Coo) On roll call the fore~ .by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILN~N: NOES: COUNCILN[EN: ABSENT: COUNCILN~N: ~CIL MINU/ES - November 15~ 1960, 7:00 ~oing Resolution was duly passed and adopted Chandler, Coons~ Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None° None° ~olution Noo 6463 duly passed and adopted° ~pson offered Resolution No. 6464 and moved >ok o OF THH CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRAN/ ~AHHIM CHRTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN FFE FOR MUNI- PROPERTY FOR EASEN~NTS FOR MUNICIPAL loing Resolution was duly passed and' adopted Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None o None o The Mayor declared Re~olution Noo 6464 duly passed and adopted. CORRESPONDENCE~ Correspondence not ~equiring vote of Council w~ ordered re- ceived and filed on motion by C~unciiman Coons, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED.~ RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-56-57-30~ O~co Commercial Properties - C-1 & C-3 zonin§ (Ordinance No° 1459")'n°rthwest qorner, Winston Road and Soo Los Angeles Street° Mro Frankford Bush, or~e of the owners of that lot limited to C-3 service station use only, addre~;sed the Council, submittin9 plans for a coffee shop and requested that ihe deed restrictions be removed to allow the use of the property for a r~staurant or coffee shop° Mro 3oseph Giesler, As~sistant City Attorney~ explained the pro- ceedings in this file, and Mr. ]'urner, City Attorney, further advised that it would be necessary to get al~ the property owners effected by these restrictions to agree to a cancellation or modification of them. After this has been accomplished, a new application for rezoning would necessarily have to be filed° Plans were reviewed bY the City Council, and said plans were re- tained by the developer° ADJOURNMHNT~ Councilman Chandler mo~ed to adjourn to November 22, 1960, 3:00 and also moved waiver of £urthe~ notice o£ said adjournment° Councilman Coons seconded the motion° MOI]ON UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ADJOURNED:,~i:O0 AoM~) SIGNED: