1960/12/204571 Ha!l.:. Anaheim;.Cali.fornia - COUN( The City Council of th~ session° PRESENT: COUNCIL~N: Chandler, ABSENT ~ COUNCILMEN: None o PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: Keith Ao CITY ATTORNEY: Prestor CITY CLERK: Dene M. Wi CITY ENGINEER: Thornt¢ ACTING CITY PLANNING D] Mayor $chutte called t? ;IL MINUTES - December 2~., 1~60.:. 3~00 PoMo City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutteo Murdocho Turner. lliams. ,n Piersallo RECTOR: Richard Ac Reeseo ~e meeting to ordero SIGN APPLIGATION - F. W. WOOLWORTH COMPANY: Application submitted by F. Wo Woolworth Company, requestin9 permission t9' construct a non'conforming sign at 134 South Western Avenue, was submitted at.the meeting of December 13, 1960, and held over to this date at the request|of Mr. Rosenberg, representing the A-B Sign Company° Plans were reviewed by the City Council and Mr. Larry Martin, presenting the Sign Company, addressed the Council, explainin9 the type, size and location of the requestgd sign; that the sketch was presented by Woolworth Company and was one or,their standard types of signs° Further discussion waslheld by the Gity Gouncil, at the conclusion thereof, Councilman Thompson movgd that said sign application be granted as requested° Gouncil~man Fry seconded the motiono Councilman Coons and Councilman Chandler voted "no". iThe Mayor declared the MOTION CARRIED. AWARD OF CONTRACT - JOB NO. 558: Mr. iPiersall reported on bids received, as follows, for the construction of!Fire Station Nco 5 at 1154 Dowling Avenue: BIDS RECEIVED (Ail bids accompanied bY a bid bond in the amount of 10%) Ben F. Marrow Co° 1525 E. Wardlow Rdo Lon§ Beach 7, Cslifo $55,468.00 Harris & Denner 14172 Newport Avenue Tustin, California 49,418,00 Monwill Construction 1380 Wo Cypress Redlands, Calif. 50,301o00 J. £. Barrington 715 Wo Center Anaheim, Califo 54,023.00 Sonnenberg Builders 2602 Grivey · Orange, California 52,561.00 Fred Beck Consto Co. 436 Flower St. Costa Mesa, California 60,293.00 John E. Backman Co° InC. 1704 West First St. Santa Ana, California 50,890.00 Larry & Jack Builders, 13131Brookhurst St. Garden Grove, Calif. Inc, 48,248.00 4572 City Ha!l: Anaheim: Califorr Charles To Smith General Cor.tractor 1340 West Princeton Ontario, California Leonard Vo Bouas 163 Evelyn Drive Anaheim~ Califo Crosby Construction Coo 10332 Chapman Ave°, Garden Grove, Califo .ia - COUNCIL MINUTES - December 20~ .1.960:..' 3~00 .~.oMo $ 53,700°00 49,022000 47,700°00 RESOLUTION NO. 6545: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 6545 and moved for its passage and adoption° ~ Refer to Resolutidn BOOko A RESOLU/ION OF THE CITY COl PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CON] FURNISHING OF ALL PLAN-f, LA~ UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATIO~ FORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY IMPROVEMENT: FIRE STATION JOB NO. 5580 (Crosby Cons ~CIL OF TH5 CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED 'RACT TO TH~ LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE fOR, SF. RVICF_S, MATFRIALS AND £QUIP~EN/ AND ALL ~ INCLUDING POWER~ FUEL AND WATERy AND PER- 0 CONSTRUCt AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC [0. 5 AT 1154 DOWLING AVENUE~ ANAHEIM~ CALIFORNIA, :ruction Company) On roll call the ¢oregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~ AYES: COUNCILMt!NI Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutteo NOES~ COUNCILM~N~ None° ABSENTt COUNCILMt!N: Noneo The Mayor declare( Resolution Noo 6545 duly passed and adopted° AWARD OF CONIRAC/ - 30B NO.~528(a)I Mro Piersall reported on bids received for the construction of a s~orm drain in Cerritos Avenue, 3ob NOo 528(a)~ and recommended the acceptance of the low bid~ BIDS RECEIVED (All bids accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10%) Gerard Knutson Contractors 13322 Flint Drive Santa Aha, Califo $21~361o35 Goudeseune ConstrUction Inc. 14450 Hoover Street Westminster~ California 20,016o40 Famularo-Stromberg, Inco 4521 Wo Bolsa (BoX 299) Santa Ana~ Calif 24,094°75 Howard Sewer Company 9855 East Kale St' South E1 Monte, Califo 21~941o28 James Warner Construction Co° 2950 Allesandro S~reet Los Angeles 39~ California 20,662°70 Barkley Pipeline Construction, Inco 2059 Newport AvenUe Costa Mesa, Calif6rnia KoEoCo Company i 22018 So Norwalk Blvdo Artesia, California 19 ~ 243o 48 22,348°54 4573 Oity Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUIE$ _ December 20t 1960~ 3~00 poMo James Ac Moran Construction, Inco 1202 East Washington AVenue Santa Aha, California $18,331o55 RE$OLU/ION NOo 65461 Councilman Chandler offered Resolution Nco 6546 and moved for its passage and adoption° Refer 'to Resolution Book° A RESOLUTION OF THE CITy COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR~ SERVICES, MAYERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTAT- ION, INCLUDING POWER, 'FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLEYE THN FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: CONSTRUCYION OF A STORM DRAIN IN CERRITOS AVENUE, PROM APPROXIMATELY 359 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHERN PACIWIC RAILROAD TO APPROXIMATF-LY 198 F55Y WESY OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, 30B NO. 528(&). (James A. Moran Construction, Inc.) On roll call the foreBoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. NOES: COUNCILMEN~ None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 6546 duly passed and adopted. AWARD OF CONTRACT - JOB NO. 1199: ~r. Piersall reported on the following bids received for the Olive Street Sewer Improvement, Job No. 1199, and further reported that the Barkley Pipeline Company had requested relief from their bid due to a clerical error in the bid~ that upon his investigation, it was found that the error was in fact a clerical error, and not that of judgment, and thereupon he recommended said request to withdraw the bid be granted as requested, without forfeiture of bond, and that the bid be awarded the second lowest bidder, that of Orange County Construction Company. BIDS RECEIVED (All bids were accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10%) Barkley Pipeline Construction, Inc. 2059 Newport Avenue, Costa Mesa, California $15,610.68 Orange County Construction Company 1506 North Clinton~ Santa Aha, California $21,414.80 deLeon Construction Company 131Coffman Avenue, Anaheim, California $24,502.53 West Coast Sewer Company 8077 Westminister Boulevard, Westminister, California $25,518.50 Request of Barkley Pipeline Construction, Inc. to withdraw their bid was granted on the recommendations of the City ~-ngineer, on mo~:ion by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 6547: Councilman Thompson offered Resolution Nco 6547 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE SECOND LOWEST R~SPONSIBLE BIDDER 4574 City Hall, Anaheim, California FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRA! PERFORMING ALL WORK NECES! I~ROV~T: THE OLIVE COUNCIL MINUTES - December 20, 1960~ 3~00 P M. . _-- , ---_ _~ · PLANT, LABOR, S~-RVICE$, MATERIALS AND ~QUIPMENT ~$PORTATION, INCLUDING, POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND ;ART TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC ~REE-F SEWER IN~ROVEMENT FROM LA PALMA AVENUE TO CO~CIAL STREET IN THE ITY OF ANAHEIM, JOB NO 1199 On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. NOES~ COUNCILMENI None. ABSENT: couNC I 5MS]N. None. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 6547 duly passed and adopted. SIGN: GLACIER FALLS ICE SKATING RINK: Request of Mr. Morey Cameron of Santa Aha Neon Company for deferment of action to December 27, 1960, on their request concerning the re ocation of the Glacier Falls Ice Skating Sign was submitted and granted on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Council- man Coons° MOTION CARRI~ HOUS5 /RAILER: Request of Peter Zito was submitted~ asking reconsideration of 'ac-~o~-~previously taken b~ the City Council denying the placement of a House Trailer at 2060 Los~Angeles Street for use as an office and living quarters for the manager° Mr. Murdoch reported that upon investigation by the City Council~ it was found that the houste trailer had been removed~ and that Mr. Zito was no longer there. It was moved by ~ouncilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Chandler, that action be d~ferred two weeks (January 3, 1961) and that the City Clerk write Mr. Z~to to determine whether or not he still wished his request processedo ~ION CARRIED. PROMOTION CARNIVAL - LUCKY MARK~: Request of Ac E. Alevy, K & K Show of Shows, fo~ Permission to h~ld a market promotion carnival, on the Lucky Market property~ southeast corneri of La Palma Avenue and Citron Street, was sub- mitted and explained by Mrl. Alevy. Discussion was held by the City Council regarding this request, taking into consideration ~he proximity of residential property, parking facilities, and the formeripromotional carnival recently conducted by this organization for the Dow'si Market, Lincoln Avenue and Brookhurst Street~ at the conclusion thereof~! Councilman Coons moved this request be denied. Councilman Chandler seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ANAHEIM-FULLERION MUNICIPAL COURT - OFPICE TRAILER: County of orange request for extension of time to the permit granted for the placement of Trailer No. 2 on the parking lot of the Anaheim-Fullerton Municipal Court~ was submitted. It was moved by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Thompson, that a one-year extension Of time be granted for Tra,iler No. 2, and that the permit for Trailer No. 1 also be extended to the same time. MOTION CARRIED° URBAN R~DEVRLOPMENT AGEMCV: Reques~ o~ {he Anaheim Chamber of Commerce, dated December 13, 1960~ to appoint five members to serve an an Urban Redevelop- ment Agency, and put the agency into effect as soon as possible, was submitted. Councilman Coons moved that the request be received, and action deferred until a report on'the Urban Redevelopment program is received from the City Attorney. COuncilman Chandler seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. 457~ Hall; Anaheim California - COUNCIL MINUTES - December 20; !960; 3:00 P.M. DANCE PERMIT~ Application of Water ~heel Restaurant for dance permit to conduct dance December 319 1960, was submitted, and on the recommendations of the Chief of Police, said permit was! granted on motion by Councilman Coons~ seconded by Councilman Thompsonoi MOTION CARRIED° VARIANCE NOo 12145 Request of 30 30 Franklin for a six months extension of time to Variance Nco 1214, was SUbmittedo On motion by Councilman Coons~ seconded by Councilman Ihompson, said request was denied~ and the City Clerk instructed to notify Mro Franklin that said Variance ihas expired and under the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code~ said variance application cannot be renewed~ and therefore, a new filing wili be required° NK)IION CARRIED. RECLASSIFICATION NO....FTE.9.-6OT.9~ Reques't of Go Howard Robertshaw for a 90-day extension of time to ReclassifiCation Nco F-59-60-95 was submitted~ and granted on motion by Councilman Fry~ seconded by Councilman Coonso MOTION CARRIED~ RESOLU/ION NO. 6548~ Councilman /hompson offered Resolution No° 6548 and moved for its passage and adoptiono Refer to Resolution Beoko A RESOLU/ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ESTABLISHING A FIFTEEN-MINUTE PARKING ZONE ON THE NORTH SIDE OF CENTER STREET NEAR THE IN~ TERSEC]T!ON OF CENTER AND PHILAD~LPHiA STREETS, On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the followinq votm : AYES~ COUNCILBEN~ Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutteo NOE$~ COUNCILNEN~ None° ABSENTs COUNC!LNtEN~ Noneo The Mayor declared Resolution Nco 6548 duly passed and adopted° PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT =, TRAVELING CRANE, Mro Bob Davis reported on informal bids re- ceived for the purchase of one traveling crane~ as follows, and recommended the acceptance of the low bid~ that of Crane Hois~ Engineering Corporation, Crane Hoist Engineering Corpo Califo Crane and Equipment Corpo American ~onoRail Coo $5,366°00 6,737o28 7~71'7o00 Councilman Thompson moved the low bid be accepted and award be made to Crane Hoist Engineering Corporation in the amount of $5,366°00° Councilman Coons seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED. PURCHASE OF EquIPN~NT - V-8 S/ATION ?AGON~ Mro Bob Davis reported on informal bids received for the purchase of one V-8 Station Wagon to be used by the Fire Department, as follows~ and recommended purchase be made from McCoy Motor Company in the amount of $2~467o88~ ~cGoy ~otor Company Lo Do Co££ing Coo Malcom Dodge $2,467088 (net cost) 2,~87o 79 2 ~ 494 o 55 Councilman Chandler moved that it be the finding of the Council that the bid of McCoy Motor Company is the lowest and best bid and that purchase of V-8 Station Wagon be made from McCoy Motor Company in the amount of $2~467o88o Councilman Coons seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED. CANCELLATION OF COUNTY TAXES~ On motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Chandler~ the Orange County Board of Supervisors was requested to cancel County taxes on property acquired by the City of Anaheim for municipal purposes~ pursuant te Resolution No° 6476, from Macario Do and Tabita Co Pena, and recorded December 2, 19609 as document No° 210532~ 4576 C,ity Ha,,ll: Anahe,im~ CaliforDia .:, COUNCIL MINI/rES - December 2,0,~ ,1960~, 3~00 in Book 55329 Page 58.~o MOTION CARRIED. REPORI ,- STATE COMPENSATIONt INSURANCE FUN~.D~ Mr o Murdoch reported that a '~ivid'e'n'd' in the ~moun~lo~ $28~469o59hao ~eenreceived for the year ending November 29, 1959, whitch is equivalent to 43°5% of the premium paid° DEEDS OF EASEMENTS~ Counci Nos 65599 both inclusi Refer to Res RESOLU/ION NO. 6549~ ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GR REAL PROPERTY FOR AN E (General Foods Corpora RES___O_LLr?TON NO,., 65505 ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GR REAL PROPERr'¥ FOR AN E lman Coons offered Resolution NOG 6549 to Resolution ve~ and moved for their passage and adoption° olution Book° A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN ASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. tion) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COJNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN ASEMENT FOR A SANITARY SEWER LINEo (AG Wo Prell) RESOLUTION NO. 6551: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED C~NVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC IFflLITY PURPOSES. (Elizabeth Lancaster) RESOLUTION NOG 6552.· A RESOLUI!ON OF 'THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEFIING A GRANI DEED CONVEYING IO IHE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Deon Steele) RESOLUIION N, Oo 6553~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CI/Y OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN £ASBMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Lillian Pietzke) RESOLUTION NO. 6554~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANI DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILI!Y PURPOSES° (Jo Warner Hopkins) RESOLUTION NO. 6555~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERLY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES° (George and Dorothy Bennett) RESOLIrfION NOG 6556~ ~ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~NAHE'I~ ACCEPTING A' GR~NT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEI~ CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (D~ Mo and Mar%ha Mo Gardner) BESO,,LUT.,ION NO,. ,6557~ A RESOLLrrlON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES° (Standard Oil. Company iof California) RESOLUTION NO. 6558~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AGGEPIING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEI~ CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR POLES AND £LECTRIC POW£R LIN~S. (Carmen Post Longstreth) RESOLUTION NO. 6559~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND ANAHEIM UNION WATER COMPANY C£RTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES° (William Gutosky) On roll calli the foregoin9 Resolution Nos° 6549 to 6559~ both inclusive, were duly Passed and adopted by the following vote~ AYES~ COUNCILMEN~ Chandler9 Coons9 Fry9 Thompson and Schut%eo NOES~ COUNCiLMEN~ None° ABSENTI couNCILMEN~ None° 4577 City Hall, Anaheim, California c~ COU~.CIL MINU/E$ - December 20, .1.960 The Mayor declared Resolution Nos° 6549 to 6559, both inclusive, duly passed and adopted° ORDINANCE, NO. 15Sl, Councilman Thompson o££ered Ordinance No. 1531 £or ~inal reading and moved for its passage and adoption° Refer to Ordinance BoOk° AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AkiHNDING TITLE 6 OF THE ANAFEIM NFONIC!PAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO A NEW CHAF~ER, ENTITLED "CHAPTER 6o17~ CLEANLINESS OF PREMISES--ALTERNATIVE PROVISIONs, '~ AND INCLUDING TREREUNDER SECTIONS 6017o001 TO 60170120, BOTH INCLU$iVEo After hearing read in'full the title of Ordinance No. 1531 and having knowledge o£ the contents ~herein~ Councilman Thompson moved the reading in full of said ordipanGe be waived. Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED~ On roll call. the £oregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL~EN~ Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutteo NOES~ COUNCILMEN~ None. ABSENT~ CClJNCILBEN: None. The Mayor declared Ordinance No. 1.531 duly passed and adopteco ORDINANCE NO. 1535: Councilman Coons offered Ordinance No. 1535 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption° Refer to Ordinance Bo,ko AN ORDINANCE OF THE CiTY OF ANA~IEiM A~ENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM BUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING. (F~60=,61~22 ,- C~2) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1535 and having knowledge of the contents therein~ Councilman Coons moved the~ading in full of said ordinance be waived° Councilman Chandler seconded the motion° MOTION UNANimOUSLY CARRIED° On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly pa~sed and adopted by the following vote~ AYES: COUNCILNIEN~ Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutteo NOES~ COUNCiLMEN~ None. ABSENT~ COUNCILgEN~ None. The Mayor declared Ordinance No. 1535 duly passed and adopted° ORDINANCE. NO..1536.: Councilman Chandler offered Ordinance No. 1.536 for final readin9 and moved for its passage and adoption° Refer to Ordinance Book° AN ORDINANCE OF T~ CITY OF ANAMEIM A~NDING TITLE 18 OF T~ ANAN~IM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING. (F-58~59-106 - R-3) Af%or hearing road in full th~ tit. lo of Ordinanco No. 1536 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Chandler moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived° Councilman Coons seconded the motion° MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYE$~ COUNCILMEN~ Chandler, Coons~ Fry, Thompson and Schutteo NOES ~ COUNCILMEN~ None o ABSENT ~ COUNCILMEN ~ None o The Mayor declared Ordinance NOo 1536 duly passed and adopted° 4578 C_ity Hal,!,: Anaheim~ Califorqia .~ COUNCIL MINUTES - December 20~ 1960,:,,, 3~00,PoMo ORDINANCE NO° 1537~ Council reading and moved for Refer to OrdJ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI[ 1ol. 2o010 OF /HE ANAHEII COUNCIL MEETINGS° (ea¢ .man Coons offered Ordinance Nco 1537 for final ,ts passage and adoption° .nance Book° 'Y OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 1~ CHAPTER 1o12.~ SECTION T N~N!C.~.PAL CODE RELATING TO THE TIME AND PLACE OF h Tuesday at 3~00 PoMo -- regular meeting) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance Nco 1537 and havinq knowledge of th9 contents therein~ Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of saig ordinance be waived° Councilman Thompson seconded the motion° MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRiEDo On roll. call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following voter AYES: coUNcILMEN~ Chandier~ Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutteo NOES~ COU~CILMEN~ None° ABSENT~ COU~CIL~AEN: Noneo The Mayor dedlared Ordinance Nco 1537 duly passed and adopted° AD3OURN~ENT: Councilman Chandler moved to adjourno Councilman Coons seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED° SIGNED~ , . City Clerk City' Ha, ll~ Anaheim~ Califorqia - COUNCIL MINU/ES = December 20, 1960, '7~00 PoMo The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session° PRESENT: COUNC!LMEN.~ Chandter~ Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutteo ABSENT ~ COUNCILMEN ~ Noneo PRESENT: CITY MANAGERt Keith Ac Murdoch~ CITY ATTORNEY~ Preston Turner° CITY CLERK~ iDene Mo Williams° CITY ENGINEER~ Thornton Piersallo ACTING CiTY gLANNING DIRECrOR: Richard Ac Reeseo Mayor Schutte called the meetin9 to ordero ~!NUYES: Minutes of the adjourned regular and regular meetings held December 13, 1960, were approved on!motion by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Council- man Coonso MOTION CARRIED~, CONTINUED ,pUBLiC HEARING = ~ARI.~NC_~E NO_.~o 1305, Submitted by Clarence Ho and Florence Minery, reqUe~:ing~ ~ permission to waive single s~ory heigh~ require- ment to permit construction of two story apartments to within 7~ feet of R-A zone o The City Council ordered review of action taken by the City Planning Commission and public hearing was held December 6~ 1960 and continued to this dare,to allow time for further notification of property owners within the areao The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No° 102~ Series 1960-61~ granted said variance~ subject to the following conditions: lo Subject to final approval of the R-3 reclassification now 4579 City Hal.l~ Anahgim~ California .:~ C~.I~.CI~INUT~S -.Dgfem~gr 20, 19.60., pending on subject property° 2o The provision cfi20 garages as required by the Anaheim Municipal Code° 3o Dedication and improvement of 20 foot alley contiguous to to southerly property lineo 4o Preparation of s'~reet improvement plans and installation of all improvements in accordance!with approYed standard plans on file in the office of the City Engineer° 5o Payment of $2oO01per front foot for street lighting purposes on Stinson Streeto 6o 90-day time iimi~ation on Items 39 4 and 5o Petition of protest by property owners in the area was submitted and read° The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Coun¢ilo Plans from the file were reviewed by the City Council° Mro Minery~ Applicant, addressed %he Council, urging the granting of his requested variance and explained his proposed development° Me further advised that the protesting properties were more than 150 feet from the proposed two~story development° Those addressin9 the Council in opposi4ion 4o two~.story development were Mro Robert Gland, 26~1Serano Plafe~ and Mro George Bonham, 2648 Serano Placeo Mr° Jo Ac Stinson addressed the Counc~l~ favorin9 said Variance~ Mayor Schutte declared 'the hearing closedo RESOLUTION NO. 6560~ Councilman Chandler offered Resolution Nco 6560 and moved for its passage and adoption, upholding the action of the City Planning Commission~ and 9ranting said Variance, subject 'to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission and further subject to the submission of complete final plans of deve].opment to the City Council for approval° Refer to Resolution Book° A RESOLI~ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING VARIANCE NO. Nco 13050 On roll call the foregoin9 Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the followinq vote~ AYES: COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Coons, Fry and Thompsono NOES~ COUNCILMENI $chutteo ABSENT~ COUNCILMEN: Noneo The Mayor declared Resolution Nco 6560 duly passed and adopted° RECLASSIFICATIQN NO. F~60~61~43~ Submitted by Glen Ko Tomlin, et al, requestin9 change of zone from R-A to C=3~ property located on Orange and Western Avenues~ its rear property line abutting the northeasterly boundary of the Orange County Flood Control Channel° The City Planning Co~mission~ pursuant 'to their Resolution No° 126, Series 1960-61, recommended said reclassification be denied° Public hearing was held on December 13, 1960 and action resulted in a tie vote of the Council and said matter was ordered back for further consideration° Petition of protest ~rom the Mount Calvary Lutheran Church was submitted, however, was not considered by the Council as the public hearing was closed and a representative from the Church had been heard at the last meeting° RESOLUIION NO. 6561~ Councilman Thompson offered Resolution Nco 6561 and moved for its passage and adop~ion~ authorizing the preparation of necessary ordinance, changing the zone as requested~ subject to~ 4580 City,..Hall~ Anaheim~ Califoz 1o Dedicati 2o Dedicati 3o Prepare in accordance with apF City Engineer° 40 Payment on both streetso 5o Provide ,nia ,:. COUNCIL MINIffE$ ~ December 20, 1960, 7~00 on of 45 feet from the centerline of Western Avenueo on o£ 57 £eet from the centerline of Orange Avenue° street improvement plans and install ail improvements roved standard plans on file in the office of the of $2000 per front foot for street lighting purposes for drainage into the Flood Control Channel into the proposed pipe at the 6o Filing service station only Refer to Res A RESOLUTION OF THE Ci MINING THAT TITLE 18 BE /B4ENDED AND THAT TH (F~,60-61-43 - C3~ serv Mr o T oml in, development of the C-3 kridgeo cf deed restrictions limiting the C-3 use to a olution Book° 'fY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETER- F THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD E BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED. ice station only) Applicant, was present and stipulated to the ~ service station only, and no other #C# uses° On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~ AYES~ COUNCILM£N~ Fry~ Thompson and Schutte~ NOE$~ COUNCILMENt Chandler and Coonso ABSENT ~ COUNCILMEN o Noneo ~ayor $chutte declared Resolution Noo 6561 duly passed and adoptedo ADJOURN~ENTt Councilman Copns moved to adjourn 'to December 279 1960, 3~00 PoMo, and also moved waiver of further notice of said adjournmento Councilman Chandler seconded the motion° MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ADJOURNED: i(.v:55 Po Mo) City Clerk