1960/01/123849 Ci,%y Hall~ Ana.heim,,~, California -,C., ..~UNCIL MINUTES. - January 5,~ 1960. 7~,00 P.M,.. RESOLUTION NO.' 5740~ Councilman Fg¥ offorod Rosolution. No. 5740 and movod ~for its passage '"and adoption Refer ~o Resolution Book A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL O] CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEI~ C] ROAD AND' PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. On roll call the foregoi by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILN~N: Co NOES: COUNCIL~N: No ABSENT: COUNCILN~N: No The ~ayor declared Resol1 AD3OURNMENT ~ Coun ci lman Fry movedi -the motion° NK)TION CARRIED° page . ,, THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED .~ , -iRTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR Robert Do Moore, Jr:) %g Resolution was duly passed and aJopted )ns, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. . Tee ition No. 5740 duly passed and adopted. to adjourn. Councilman Coons secOnded ADJOURNED: /{ 11 ~ O0 P. ~ o )~ City Clbrk City Hall, Anaheim, California - 00.. CIL MINU/ES '- January 12, !96-0~ 7:00 P.,M.. ..... The City Council of the Ci! PRESENT: COUNCILNEN: Coons, Fry, ABSENT: COUNCI L~N: None. PRESENT .. .CITy MANAGER ~ Keith A. M CITY ATTORNEY~ Preston T CITY CLERK: Dene M. Will ASSI~I.ANT..~ CITY ENGINEER~ CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR~ ty of Anaheim met in regular session. Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. urdoch. urner. lams. A1 McDougall. R. W. Mungall. Mayor Schutte called the ~eeting to order. MINUTES: The minutes of the regula~meeting held January 5. 1960 were approved --on motion-, by Councilman 'Coon$~ secor~ed by Councilman Thompson. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 5741: Councilman Thc~npson offered Resolution No. 5741 and moved -~or its passage an~' adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, ~page iAHERE~SOAy~~INiONoFOFDIE~EANCDIsTI CAOiNUNsiCIiL EO~O~~~ CI/Y OF ANAH5tI~ APPROVI. NG AND DIRECIING G H AS OF JANUARY 12, 1960 (Warrants No. 5027 to 526~7, bOth inclusive, $589,600.9~) On ro-~l call the foregoin~ Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the £ollowing vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Coons, Fry, Pearson,. Thompson and SChu~te. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCIL~N: None. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 5741 duly passed and adopted. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING - RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-59-60-39: Submit%ed by Russell Oo -and Dote'thy Bi" Roque%', requesting c~ange-~ of zone from R-1 to C-l, property located at 429 North Placen%ia Avenue (west lside of Placentia Avenue, between Center Street and Redwood Avenue). : 385O _City Hal.!, Anaheim., .Cali..fo ni.a-.CQUNCI. L MINUTES - Janu. ary 1.2, 1960, 7~.00 ..PoMe. Ihs City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 91, Series 1959-60, recommended said reclassification, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the owger of subject property place of record standard City of Anaheim C-1 Deed Restriqtions approved by the City. Attorney, which restrictions shall limit the C-1 us.es tq business and professional offices as permitted under future ~zoning of the City Of Anaheim in the proposed C-7, Business and Professional Office Zone. · 2. Any sign to,be erected to be governed by the provisions as found in the proposed C-7, Busingss and Professional Office Zone. · ' 3. Dedication'~o the City of Anaheim of 53 feet from the center line. '4. Prepare strge% improvement plans and install' all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of City Engineer. ' 5. Payment of ~2.00 per front foot for street lightingpurposes. 6. 90-day %ime:tlimit for completion of above conditions~ Public hearing ~as continued from the meeting of December 8, 1959 and the Applicant was requOsted to submit~i:-plans of development. The Mayor asked jif anyone wished to address the Cofincil. Mr. Russell RoqU~t addressed the Council and referred to the sketch filed with the original application, which Was again reviewed by the City Counc i 1. He explained his plans of remodeling the existing dwelling; that the front porch will be removed and commercial type door and windows installed° The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no response, declaredi the heaing closed. .. RHSOLUTION NO. 5742: Counciilman Coons offered Resolution No. 5742 and moved , . for its passage anda doption, authorizing the preparation of necessary ordinance, chang~n~ the zone, as requested, subject to the recommendations of the City Plannin9 Commission~ and a further stipulation that these proposed plans of development be included as Condition No. 7. ' Refer to Resolutiion Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CODlqCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN A CERTAIN AREA OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLf IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE ANIENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZDNE. (F-59-60-39 - C-l) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by th~ follo~in~ vote: AYES: 'NOES: ABSENT: COUNCII~NI Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. COUNCI~NN: None. COUNCI : None. ' The Mayor declared Resolution No. 5742 duly passed and adopted. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING - VARIANCE NO. 1178: Submitted-by ~ira Flores, Inc., -r'equesting permission %o construct a 1,200 unit hotel, restaurant, coffee shop, ball room, banquet and convention rooms, cocktail bar~ 5,000 capacity stadium for aquacade shows and nine hole 9elf course, on property located, briefly, on the west side of West Street~ between Ball Road and Cerritos Avenue. The City Plannin~ Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 125, Series 1959-60, recommended said reclassification, subject to the following conditions ~ 1. The dedication of 53 feet from the center line of Ball Road to the City of Anaheim. 2. The dedicatiPn of 57 feet from the center line of Walnut Street to a point 1320 feet southerly from Ball Road to the City of Anaheim. 3851 Cit Hall Anaheim California - C013~ 3. The dedication of 45 fee to a point 1320 feet northerly from Ce 4~ The dedication of 45 fee to the City of Anaheimo 5. The dedication of 45 fee the City of Anaheim. 6o Prepare street improveme accordance with approved standard plan Engineer on Ball Road, Walnut Street, 7o Install sidewalks on Wes 8o Payment of $2o00 per fro Ball Road, West Street and Cerritos Aw 9o Erect a four foot .block 'CIL MINUTES - 3anuar 12 1960 7:00 PoMe t from the center line of Walnut Street rritos Avenue to the City of Anaheim. t from the center line of Cerritos Avenue t from the center line of West Street to nt plans and install all improvements in s on file in the office of the City West St~reet and Cerritos Avenue° t Street° nt foot for street lighting purposes on er~ue o Nall on Ball Road and Walnut Street with landscaping° lOo Erection of buildings and other facilities essentially the same as per plot plan and rendering presentedoi Public hearing was continued~from the meeting of January 5, 1960, to allow for a meeting of a committee to be appointed by the Mayor to work out answers to questions raised at the 3anbary 5th public hearing° Communication from Mro Franki Sennes, dated January ll, 1960, explaining proposed type of shows, and commonicat~on from Mro Loren Wagner, President, Mira Flores, Inc., also dated January ll, 1960, clarifying the project proposed in accordance with Variance Nee 1178, were submitted and read Mr. Murdoch reported on the questions previously raised pertaining to the type and method of parkin~l, particularly pertainin9 to the parkin9 lot on the west side of Walnut Street, which is to be devoted primarily to hotel guest parking, the cars to be parked by attendants. The possibility of rearrangement of parking locations was considered, and the architect was requested to make an analysis of a parking rearrangement to encourage traffic flow north to south, rather than from east to west. Consid*ration was also given to entrances, the moving of the center entrance on the ~alnut Street side to be directly across from the street entrance. Landscapin9 and wall requirements were also con- sidered~ and l~r. ~urdoch reported that tho developer pre~erred a six foot ~all on the ~alnut Street side~ which in hiS opinion~ would be a b~tter separation between the residential section and the parkin9 area° Mr. Powers, representative of the architectural firm, presented and explained the revised parkin9 plans, as referred to by Mro Murdocho The plans were studied by the City Council and then placed upon the bulletin board for all to review. Mr. Marvin Wendt, 210 Floret~e Street, addressed the Council in opposition to the 9ranting of the variance, and briefed the early history of Anaheim, comparing the problems of today with those of the early Anaheim settlers. Barbara Verrinder, 942 South Flore Street, requested the development be consistent with that already in the area, and requested the wall be extended around the corner of West Street. The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, there bein9 no response, declared the hearing closed. Mr. R. W. Mungall, Planning Director, called attention to the Neubauer dwelling presently located on Ball Road in the area. proposed for a parking lot, and asked if this dwelling is to be removed° It was noted that plans o-f development indicate the land to be clear° Mr. Wagner advised that the dwelling will remain, as Mr. Neubauer has a life tenancy in the property. In refiguring the parking spaces, it was determined that to allow the house to remain,at this location would ~reduce the parking area approximately 35 spaces. 3852 City Ha!,l~, An. aheim~ Califo~n.ia - CO, UNCiL ,MINUTES - January 1,~. 19~0~ 7.~00 Po_~o Councilman Pear~on stated he would feel. more at ease if he knew who the operator of the ho_~el would bec He explained his reason 'for this was because a hotel operation of this size would be very jealous of the type of operations around them~ and he would like to know who could be held responsible for the general operation of the area. Councilman Coon committee meeting and stat, terrific asset to the City major hotel owners in the the community~ and help pr ~ briefed the many items considered at the .~d he personally felt this development would be a He related a discussion he had with one of the .rear who also felt this'projec%..~would, be'.an'aSset to )vide a year around economy by providing additional entertainment and recreati)n for our visitors. That this, with the convention facilities~should hold our visitors in our community lon~ero He stated he would personally like to see the variance granted and have the letters submitted this evening mad~ a par% of the applica%iono Councilman Fry ~nd Councilman Thompson also felt that the operator of the hotel should be known; that this was an important factor° Mro Wagner explained that they have been nego~iatin~ with three of the largest hotel opera~ors in the world and have given their 'word not to let out any news of thiS until a decision has been made by them. He ' suggested that the grantin~ of this variance be made subject 'to the approval of the City Council of %he lessee operator of the hotel° RESOLUTION NO. 5743; CounCilman Coons offered Resolution No. 5743 and moved for its passage and adoptidn,, granting Variance No. 1178~ subject to the recommendations of the CitS~ Planning Commission~ except for Condition No° 8 "Payment of $2 O0 per front foot for street which should be amended to ~read~ . lighting purposes on Ball Road~ Walnut Street and Cerritos Avenue". That Condition No. 9 of City Planning Commission,Cs recommendations~ read~ "Erect not less than a four foot Wall on Ball Road~ and not less than a six 'foot wall on Walnut Street; tha~ the wall be placed not less than 20 feet from the curb face on Walnut Street and the area between the curb face and wall be landscaped~ and on the Ball Road frontage~ the wall shall be placed on the property line and the area between the wall and the curb face be landscaped." Further~ it is Understood that Mr. Neubauer has a personal life time interest in the house that now exis%s~ and it shall be allowed remain until his decease~ and then it :shall be removed and the area converted to parking lot. In addition, no license will be issued for the o'peration of any use on the property~ excep~fling the ¢olf course, until the Applicant furnishes information to the Council and receiv,es approval~ as to the operator of the hotel o Fur,%her, that sikJewalks be required at this time only on West S%reeto Further, that t~ere be added to Condition No. 8 o£ City Planning Commission-"s recommendatio~s~ that at the Applicant's op~tion~ the street lighting may be included asi a part of the street improvement plan. Further~ development to be in accordance with the revised layout plan submitted by the Appli.~ant at this evening"s meeting~ except for the northerly curb opening shown on Walnut Stree~ which shall be omit%eric Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING VARIANCE NO. 1178o , On roll call the the following vote~ foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYES~ COUNcILL~EN.. Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. NOES ~ CO ~UNC I~NN t None. ABSENT .. COUNCI ~ None o The Mayor declared, Resolution No° 5743 dUly passed and adopted. 3853 Cit Hall Anaheim California - COUNCIL MINUTES - 3anuar~ 7:00 PoMe PUBLIC HEARING - VARIANCE NO. 1172: S,~bmitted by Ao Eidelson and Do S. Collins, requesting permission to install a delwxe trailer park on property located at 2001 South Harbor Boulevard (west sidelof Harbor Boulevard, between Katella and Orangewood Avenues). Ihe City Planning Commission~ pursuant to their Resolution No° 120, Series 1959-60~ denied said Variance. Appeal from action taken by ~he City Planning Commission was filed by Mro David So Collins and public hearing~ scheduled this date° The Mayor asked if anyone wiS~hed to address the Council° Mro Collins presented to each Councilman a copy of a plot plan of %he development, and advised that the planlhas been rearranged %o relocate the southerly driveway° Mr o Mann was introduced, and was the proposed operator of the traile plan reduced the park sites to a number the University of Michigan survey made owners~ and other factors, and advised would necessarily have to be of a highe addressed the Council~ advising that he r park, and stating that the revised of 2340 He quoted statistics taken from in 1958 relative to incomes of trailer that anyone paying the rate of this park r income bracket° He explained that it was their intention to construct a wall and retain some of the orange trees on the side next to the residential area° He further advised that they had an over-lay on this project so that it could be converted into a permanent park. The spaces~ if converted to a permanenti trailer park, would be approximately 4000 square feet. i Mr. Arthur Gray, Attorney representing the people opposing the granting ~f the variance~ residents of Iract Nee 3029 lying immediately south of the proposed trailer park site~ addressed the Council advisin9 that these people represent ownership of 35 or 36 homes, Which homes are valued on the average >f $25,000o00 each° He referred to Sec~;ion 5100o31~ Section B of the proposed addition to the Anaheim Municipal Code relative to area requirements per trailer space, and stated that based on the original plan submitted~ the sqUare foot per trailer space goes below the standards set and violates every section >f the proposed ordinance regarding overnight trailer siteso He felt no extra ~rdinary circumstances existed requirin~ the land owner to establish this use ko utilize his property effectively~ an~ related other uses that the property night be put too On behalf of the adjacent property 'owners~ he requested that ~he variance be denied. Others addressing the Council in opposition, were: Mr. F-mmett Suggs: ~r. Suggs Stated that the hOmes within Tract No. ~029 were quality homes representing an investment of approximately $800~000o ~ased on his experience as a realtor, he was sure that an invasion of this sort vould depreciate their property values° Jack Flammer: Mr. Flammer compared his tax bill of $491o representing ~pproximately one-fifth of an acre, to ~hat of a trailer park representing 5.2 ~cres and 2500 occupancy and on this basis figured he paid five times more taxes ;han the trailer park owner° He also asked if there was a possibility at a future late that the trailer park owner would ~equest the opening of F. ugene Street into :heir tract. Mr. Emil Schoening: Mr. Schoenin9 made a survey of the surrounding 'ire trailer parks within a radiUs of one-half mile and found there are now ~bout 36 over night spaces. He felt that the additional spaces requested would excessive and questioned how the park could be converted into a permanent ~ark t:o accommodate the larger trailers° John Alexander: Mr. Alexander, believed this could be very detrimental .o the superb already established, recreational area° Mrs. Jean Lewis: Mrs. Lewis ~eared that some of the trailer park esidents would become permanent and re~erred to the already over crowded con- itions of the Katella School. She fell~ that this would be an invasion of their .rivacy. 3854 City Ha !l ~ .. A.na.heim, CalifoN.n..ia _ COUNCiL Mi, NU!ES _. January 12., .1960, 7,.00 Po~. Mr~-David Colli~si advised that the-property in this area was tOO valuable for single family, t. residen,tlal development° Ihat arrangements have been for reappraisal Of the operation to determine the rent of the land and the rates will necessarily__ have to be kept high in order to retain the property. Regarding the w~ll~ the plans are for a six foot wall and if a higher wall is desired~ it ,~ould be agreeable with the developerso Mr. Pfaff addressed the Council in oppositiOn and referred to the parking arrangement ~ ~ · ~rso Lancaster dvised that all but six homes in the tract were the original owners' and th%y were very much against the granting of the variance. The Mayor asked~if anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no response~ declare4 the hearing closed RESOLUTION NO. 5744.- CounCilman Fry offered Resolution No° 5744 and moved for its passage and adoptions, denying Variance No° 1172o Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY cOuNcIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~ DENYING VARIANCE NO 1172 On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the followin~ voter AY£St COUNCI~N[ENt Coons~ Fry~ Pearson~ Thompson and Schutteo NOESt COUNCI ~N~ None° ABSENTt COUNCI~EN~ None. The ~ayor decla~ed~ the foregoin~ Resolution dUly passed and adopted° i ' PUBLIC HF-ARING - REVISION~ANAHEI~ NRJNICIPAL CODE~ SEC~rlON 9200oll "A"t Public 'heari'n~ was scheduled %0 c ~sider %he recommendations pursuant to City Plannin~ Commission's Resolution No o.i 133, Series 1959-60, pertaining to revision of~ Section 9200.11 mA"o The City Planning Commission recommended that Section 9200ollLi~ht Manufacturin~ .Zone be changed to eliminate under "A" - "Any use permitted in the C-2 Zone" land that there be inserted under #A# #N ~ o dwellin~ shall be erected in this zOne~ excep~ a single family dwellin~ ~o be used exclusively by %he caretaker or a superintendent of the. industrial use on the property and his family"° ~r. Arthur Gray, Attorney representing Bryan Industrial Propert~e$~ addressed the Council~ requesting a continuation to allow for further study. DiScussion was ~eld and it was pointed out that the suggestion of the City Planning Commission would eliminate all commercial uses unless the properties were rezoned2 Oonsideration was also given to the exclusion of certain specified uses nd ~he fact that this would be effective only until the new comprehensive zoning ordinance is adopted° At the conclusion of the discussion, there bein9 no one else present wishing to address the CounCil on this matter, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. It was considereQ that a list of the commercial uses that are compatible with M-1 uses be drawn up to be included in the proposed ordinance~ and thereupon~ Councilman P~arson moved that the City Attorney be authorized and requested to prepare sa~d Ordinance along these lines for further Council.; consideration. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. ~OTION CARRIED. ..PUBLIC HEARING- PROPOSED A~ANDONNtENT~ Public hearing was scheduled pursuant to Resolution No. 5716 duly!published in ~che Anaheim Gazeti;e.~ Docombor 28~ 1959~ and Notices posted December 30, 1959, on the proposed vacation and abandonment of an easement for public u~t.-ilities purposes of the southerly 5 feet.~ Lots 12 and 20 of Tract No. 3251. The Mayor asked ~£ anyone wished to address the Council° No one 3855 Cit Hall Anaheim California - CO~____q~L MINUT£S - Januar~7tO0 Po~o present addressed the CounciI in opposition and no written protests to said proposed abandonment were received in %he office of the City Clerk~ %hereupon~ the Mayor declared the hearing closedo~ RESOLUTION NO. 5745~ Councilman Coons offered Resolution Nee 5745 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book~ pagJe A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ORDERING THE VACATION AND ABANDONN~ENT OF AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES UPON, ALON~ ~-~-~ AND THRO-'O-G~ ~ H-'~E~NAFT]~R DESCRIBED REAi] PROPERTY, On roll call the foregoing R~solution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote.- AYES: COUNCILN~Nt Coons ~ Fry~ Pearson ~ Thompson and Schutteo NOES~ COUNCILN~N: None. ABSENTt COUNCILMEN~ None. The Mayor declared Resolution No° 5745 duly passed and adopted° . RECLASSIFICATION NOo F-58-59-120: Req est to amend condition Nee 1 and eliminate Condition ~o] 4 o~ '~e~o~u~n of Intention No° 5417 was submitted to the City Council° RESOLUTION NO. 5746: Councilman ThompSon offered Resolution No° 57~6 and moved for its passage and adoption~ authorizing amendment to Resolution No° 5417 in accordance with said request° Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLU/ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ANENDING RESOLUTION NO~ 5417 IN RECLASSIFICATION PROCEEDINGS N~, F-58-59-120o On roll call the foregoing Resolution was chly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILNEN ~ Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutteo NOES: COUNCI LN~EN ~ None o ABSENT.. COUNCILMEN.. Noneo ABSTAINED FROM VOTING ~ COUNCI LNEN ~ Coons o Councilman Coons requested the records show he took no part in the above proceedings pertaining to Reclassification No° F-58-59-1209 due to personal intereS%So The Mayor declared Resolution Nee 5746 duly passed and adopted. RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-59-60-14.. CommUnication from Charles Bo Frank, requesting six months extension of time to comply with conditions established in Resolution of Intention Nee 5567, was submitted and read° Said request was granted on motion by Council Coons, seconded by Councilman Ihompsono MOTION CARRIF. Do ~RECLASS IF I CAT ION NOo F-59-60-44: Request of David So Collins for removal of Provisions Nee 2, 4, 5 and 6 of standard commercial deed restrictions~ was submitted and read. Mr. Frank Lover Attorney, and Mr. Jack Reed, representing Mohawk Petroleum Corporations, proposed purchaser of this property~ addressed the Council~ further explaining their reasons for this request and also advising that in conjunction with the station operation~ they operate a complete premium discount house~ carrying approximately 800 items° RESOLUTION NO. 5747: At the conclusion of the discussion, Councilman Coons offered '~eSolution No° 5747 and moved for its Passage and adoption~ authorizing the elimination from standard commercial d~ed restrictions of Conditions Nos° 2, 5 and 6~ and by modifying Condition Nee 4 to ready#No building shall be used for 3856 City Hall~ Anaheim~ Ca~if.~rnia - COUNCIL ~I....N~£S .-.Ja.nuarY !.2.,..!960, .7.tO0 P.o~o residential purposes on tlhis property unless rezonedo The C-3 Use of this property shall be limited to a service station only or any other C-2 use"° Refer to ResolUtion Book, page . A RESOLU/ION OF THE CITY ~OUNCIL OF /HE CITY OF ANAHEIM AN~NDING RESOLIIrION NO. 5659 IN RECLASSIFICATION rROCEEDINGS NO, F-59-~0-44o On roll call t~e foregoin~ Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~ AYES.. COUNCILMEN.' Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutteo NOES ~ COUNC~ L~EN ~ None o ABSENT .. COUNCILM~N: None o Ihe Mayor declared Resolution Nee 5747 duly passed and adop%edo _MOD!.FICATIONS - STANDARD I~EED RESIRICTIONS~ Mro Murdoch reviewed the concl-~tions included in tho standard deed restrict-~on$ for the purpose of obtaining Council thinkinc~ relative to the proposed revision of the form° R.ECL^SSIFICAIION NO. F-58-.59-87.; Mro Murd~ch reported that a verbal request ~as made for extension of time to ^pril 1.5, 1960 in order %o c~mply ~ith conditions of rezonin9. Said extension of time ~as ~ranted~ as requested~ on motion by Councilman Fr¥~ seconded 1:~¥ Councilman Coons° MOTION CARRIED° TRACT NO. 3396: At the request of Mro Turner, report regardin9 Tract Nee 3396 relative to commitments made by Mr. S~entek prior to effective date of 'the new R-3 zoning regulations~ was pos'tponed t.o January 19~ 19600 RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-59q60-59t Submitted by Frank $ackett~ requestin9 change of zone from R-A to C-1, property located at 1312 West Lincoln Avenue (north- east corner of Lincoln Avenue and Wilshire Street)° Public hearing was held by the City Council January 5 , 1960, at which time the hearing was closed and action by the City Council deferred to determine if drainage problems can be worked out between the Applicant and the City Engineero Mr. Carl Cowles!, Attorney representing Mr. Sackett, was present° Mro A1 McDougal]~ Assistant City Engineer, reported on the engineering problems involved and the progress made at their meeting held with Mr. Sacket%o /hat Mr. Sackett agrees to! grant the maximum of six feet for a drainage easement subject to the City constructing the structure~ and for this~ the City had requested an additional 10 foot dedication on ~ilshire Avenue~ Also considered was the request for the extension of the alley and Mro Sackett advised the alley would only be acquired through condemnation proceedingso Mro Murdoch stated that additional dedication for Wilshire Street would certainly be desired in order to improve the traffic pattern in this area~ and requested that action be postponed for one week in order to give additional study to costs and extenuatin9 circumstano~s0 At the request of the City Manager, Councilman Fry moved that this matter be deferred one week (January 19, 1960)o Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. _RECESS: Councilman Coons moved to recess five minutes. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. AFTER RECESS~ Mayor Schutte called the meeting to order, ail members of the Council bein9 present° RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-59-~0-61.-.' Submitted by Mo Eo Bivens, requesting c..2han~e of zone from M-1 to M-2, p~operty located on the south side of Katella, east of Placentia Avenue° 3857 C_ity Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNqI,,L ~INI/rEs - Jant_~ry 12~ 1960~, 7:00 Public hoarin9 was hold by the city Council January 5, 1960, at which time said hearing ~a$ closed and~action by the City Council deferred for additional information relative to plahso ~r. Jess l~odaro$~ representing both *.he purchaser and seller of the propert¥~ presented a letter~ which was road in full to tho City Council~ outlining in greater detail their integt of improvement° RESOLI~ION NO. 5748~ Councilman PearsPn offered Resolution No° 5'748 and moved for its passage and adoption~ au~choriz~_ng the proparat, ion of necessary ' ordinance~ chan~ing the zone~ as reque~ted~ subject, to the recommendations of the City Plannin~ Commission~ and ft~rthor subject to architectural con'~rolo Refer to Resolution Book~ page .. . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THI~ CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT' ARTICL~-~ ~F THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AN~NDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. (F-59t60-61- M-2) On roll call the foregoin9 Resolution was duly passed and adopted by tho follo~in~ AYES ~ COUNCILI~EN~ Coons~ Fry~ Pearson~ Thompson and Schutte. NOES .. COUNCI LIClEN: None. ABSENT~ COUNCILgEN~ None. The Mayor declared Resolutio~ No° 5748 duly passed and adopted. SPECIAL USE PERMIT NO. 46 - RESOLU/ION~NO. 5749: Mayor Schutte reported that {% was agreeable with all parties concerned to have Special Use Permit Nee 46 terminated and denied° .. RESOLU/ION NO. 5749: Councilman Fry offered Resolution Nee 5749 and moved for its passage and a doption~ denying Special Use Permit No° 46° Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DENYING TH5 REQUEST OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER D~Y SAINTS FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ERECT A CHURCH. _ ~(Special Use. Permit Ngo 46) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote.. . Fry Pearson Thompson and Schut%eo AYES ~ COUNCI LN~N · Coons, , , NOES: ODUNCILMEN ~ None. ABSENT ~ COUNCILMEN ~ None. The Mayor declared Resolution No° 5749 duly passed and adopted. VARIANCE NO. 1185: Submitted by Laura Oo Wiebalk, requesting permission to construct a second single family dwelling at 3629 Savanna Drive (north side of Savanna Drive~ between Knott Avenue and Holder S%reet)o The City Plannin9 Commission~ pursuant to their Resolution Nee 145 Series 1959-60, granted said variance, subject to.. 1o /he erection of the building as shown on drawing and plot plan presented o 2° Subject %o approval of COunty Flood Con%tel District. 3. /he dedication to the City of Anaheim of 32 feet from the center- line of Savanna Street. 4. Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in accordance with approved standard p~ans on file in the office of the City Engineer. Ihe applicant to arrange wi~h the City Engineer as to when said improvements are to be ins%ailed. 5, The payment of $2,,00 per .front foot for street lighting purposes° 6° Ihe payment of $25°00 for Park and Recreation sites when building permit is issued. 3858 City H..a.ll, Anaheim, Califprnia - COUNCIL MINUTES - 3anuary No further acti VARIANCE NO. 1187: Submi' extend a six foot fence~ proposed swirmmin9 pool, o: of Ralston Street~ betwee~ }n was taken by the City Council tted by Ruby £o Burnett, requesting permission to Five feet into front yard setback~ to enclose a ]'property located at 1228 Ralston Street (east side ] Citron Lane and Riviera Street)° The City Plannit9 Commission~ pursuant to their Resolution No° 147~ Series 1959-60, granted sTid variance for a five foot encroachment into the front yard and the erection of a six foot masonry wall as per layout. No further actiDn was taken by the City Council° NO. 1188: Submitted by Walter Eo Hauptman, requesting permission to build a motel and ser¥~ce station on property located at 120 West Katella Avenue (south side of Kat~lla Avenue, beginning approximately 195 feet wes% of Master Street)o The City Plannir~9 Commission~ pursuant to their Resolution Nog 148, Series 1959-60~ granted s~id variance for' the construction of the motel on'ly~ subject to the following Conditions: 1o The erectior of the motel as per plot plan and rendering presented o 20 The dedication to the City of Anaheim of 60 feet from the centerline of Katella Aver~ueo 3. Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Engineero 4. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting ~purposeso It was moved by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Ihompson that action by the City COuncil be deferred to the next meeting (3anuary. 19~ 1960) and the Applicant be requested to furnish more detailed plans of the proposed development, including the approximate unit dimensions° ~OTION CARRI£D. REVISED TENTATIVE MAP - T~ACT NO. 3390t Subdivider, Luxury Homes° Tract located on the west side ~f Rio Vista, between La Palina Avenue and Anaheim-' Olive Road, and contains ~20 R-1 lots. The City Planning Commission recommended approval of said revised tentative map~ subject to the following conditions: 1. That "Not a Part Of" at the southeast corner be made a lot in the subdivision or the right-of-way easements and improvements be provided fronting on "Not A Part 0~". 2. That F Street be 64 feet in width° 3° B, £, and H Streets to be 60 feet in width. 4. Subject to State Highway approval° 5o Pertinent pltot and building plans to be submitted to City Council for review. O. Require that. should this subdivision be developed as more than one subdivision each subdiUision thereof shall be submitted in tentative form for approval° A gentlemen, reP~resenting the developer, advised that they were in complete accordance with the recommendations of the City Planning Commission with the exception of %he one condition pertaining to the inclusion of the improvement of that parcel noted as "Not A Part Of". He reminded the City Council of a former arrangement that if the City could acquire the easement they would improve the frontage° Former action taken by the City Council with reference to a fence as requested by Mr. and Mzi. Wingert was considered° The Revised Tentative Map, Tract No° 3390, was approved by the City Council on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Thompson, .subject to the recommendations of ~he City Planning Commission~ and further subject 3859 City .Hall,. Anah.eim~ Califor. nia - CO~N...CIL MINUTES. -.January 12~ !9..60; 7~00 PoMe %o-. 1o That the subdivider ins%ali a six foot chain link fence along the southerly boundary of the tract~ un4ess a subdivision map is filed on the property to the south prior to the ~tart of construction of Tract Nee 33900 2o The improvement of Rio Vista to the south line of the Hunt property after dedication is forthcoming. MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE MAP- TRACT NO. $6493_ Su~~divider~ Ao Po Middlebrooko Tract located on the east side of Magnolia Street 394 feet north of Orange Avenue, and contains 15 R-1 lotso ~ The City Planning Commission approved said tentative map, subject to the following conditions 1o That "Not A Part Of" ~t the northwest corner be a lo% in the' subdivision or right-of-way easements and improvements be provided fronting on "Not A Part Of"o 2o Require that should t~is subdivision be developed as more %hah one subdivision, each subdivision t~ereof shall be submitted in ~Jentative form for approval. 3. That pertinent plot a~d building plans be submitted to the City Council for review. ., Mr. Middlebrook was preseqt and advised that the revised house plans were still on the drafting board~ hc~ever~ they would be the same~ only larger, as previous homes constructed by thegn in Anaheim° The houses will be increased to 1400 and 1500 square feet o Pictures of the other homMs built in the vicinity of Gilbert and Magnolia~ between Orange Avenue and ~.Broadway~ were presented and reviewed by the City Councilo Tentative map, Tract Nee 3649, was approved by the City Council on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded b~ Councilman Pearson, subject to the recommendations of the City Plannin~Commission~ and further subject to it - being understood that the homes to b~ built will be comparable to others constructed by this developer° MOTION CARRIED. .. _REVISED TENTATIVE .MAP - TRACT N,O. 35~-® Subdivider, Jo Franklin° Tract located 660 feet east of Haster Street and 660 feet north of Orangewood Avenue, and contains 29 proposed R-3 lots (Reclaissification Nee F-59-60-55)o The City Planning Commissi~on recommended approved of said revised tentative map, subject to the followfing conditions: 1. That pertinent plot building plans be submitted %o the City Council for review° 2° Require thai should this subdivision be developed as more than one subdivision~ each subdivision thereof shall be submitted in tentative form for approval. Revised tentative map, TraCt Nee 3535~ was approved by the City Council~ subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission, on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Coons° MO/ION CARRIED. TENTATIVE MAP - TRACT NO. 3653: Subdivider, Chip Development° Tract located on the east side of Acacia Street, 660 feet north of Romneya Drive, and contains 20 R-1 lots. The City Planning Commission recommended said tentative map, subject to the following conditions:~ 1. The conditions outlined in the State Highway letter dated December 18~ 1959, a copy of which was sent to the developer° 2. That pertinent plot and building plans be submitted to City Council f¢r review. 3. Require that should th~.$ subdivision be developed as more than one subdivision~ oach subdivision thereof shall bo submittod in tentative form for approval. 3860 Tentative map,jTract No o 3653, was approved by the City Council on motion by Councilman ~oons, seconded by Councilman Schutte~~ subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission, and further subject to approval of plans pribr to final approval of the tract map. MOIION CARRIED. AWARD OF CONTRACT - 30B award of contract for 3o (January 19, 1960) to ob seconded by Councilman C~ JO. 500: On the recommendations of Mr. A1 McDougall, ) No. 500 was ordered held over to the next meeting. ain Navy approval, on motion by Councilman Fry~ on s o MOT I ON CARR I F.D. AWARD OF CONTRACT - 30B ~0. 1178: Mr° A1 McDougall reported on the following bids received for the Da~e Avenue sewer improvement from Ball Road to Ravenswood Drive, and recommended the acceptance of the low bid,. that of Barkley Pipeline Constr.~ Inc. BIDS RECEIVED (All bids accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10)~) Barkley Pipeline Constr.~ Inc. 2059 Newport Avenue ~ Costa Mesa, California ~ Howard Sewer Company 9855 F.. Kale Avenue F. 1 Monte~ California $ 2,818.80 5 ~ 000 o O0 R. J. & S. W. Shacklett 4307 State Street Pomona ~ California 4~ 757.18 de Leon Construction Co. 131 Coffman Avenue Anaheim, California 4,177.13 Pernel 1 Barnett 751 W. Chapman Orange ~ California 3,537.26 RESOLUTION NO. 5750.- Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 5750 and moved for its passage andl adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A C~NTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, ~BOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER~ FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT~ THE DALE AVENUE SEWER IMP~OVEMENT~ FROM BALL ROAD TO RAVENSWOOD DRIVE,. JOB NO. 117_8. (Barkley Pipeline Constr., Inc.) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCI~MtL'4: Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. NOES .- COUNC I I~MEN .. None. ABSENT: COUNCIr~MEN: None. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 5750 duly passed and adopted. AWARD OF CONTRACT - JOB NQ. 468~ Mr. A1 McDougall reported on the following bids received for the con~/ruction~ installation and completion of an under- ground electrical vault iR the City Park at Cypress and Lemon Streets~ 3ob No. 468, and re c onm~e nd ed t~he award t;o the low bidder~ Clark R. Elliotto 3861 7500 P.Mo Clark R. Elliott P. O. Box 164 Glendora, California Melvin C. Larson 14447 E. Gale Ave. La Puente, California BIDS RECEIVED (Accompanie~_by a bid bond in the amoun~ of (^ccomP~nied by a bid bond in thel amount of lO°/g) O'Rourke Construction Co. 2509 N. 3ackson Avenue South San Gabriel, California (Acc°~panied by a bid bond in %he amount of $1400000) Sully-Miller Contracting Company (AcCompanied by a bid bond 3000 East South Street ini the amount of lO?g) Long Beach 5~ California Hunter Construction Coo 10120 Ruoff Avenue Whittier, California (AcCompanied by a bid bond in the amount of lO°/g) $ 6,982.00 10,470.00 1 O, 9000 O0 12,451o00 8,713o O0 Nelson-Dye Construction, Inco 212 Soo Thalia Street Anaheim, California (AcCompanied by a bid bond in!the amount of 10%) 10,926o00 Pacific West Coast Corpo 2703 Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles 26, Califo (AcCompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10%) 11,630 o O0 RESOLUTION NO. 5751: Councilman Pearson offered Resolution No° 5751 and moved for its passage and adoption Refer to Resolution Book, ~age , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF iHE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND A~ARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWESI RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR~ SERVICES~ MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANS- PORTATION~ INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND }¥ATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND ODMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT~ CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION AND COMPLETION OF AN UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL VAULT IN Torte CITY PARK, AT CYPRESS' AND LEMON STREETS, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, JOB NO. 468 (Clark Re Elliott) On roi1 call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES~ COUNCILMEN~ CoonS, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutteo NOES: COUNCILMEN~ Noneo~ ABSENT .. COUNCILMEN .. None. The Nkayor declared Resolution No. 5751 duly passed and adopted° COMPLETION OF PROJECT NO. 86', __Ihe Gi!ty Engineer certified that Re Jo Noble Company has completed ~he improvement of Broak:tway~[ from Kenmore Street to Dale Avenue, Project Nee 86, in accordance with plans and speci£1ca~ions~ and recommended the work b~ o££i¢ially accep~edo RESOLUTION NO. 5752~ Councilman ThomPson offered Resolution No. 5752 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, Page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES~ MATERIALS AND ' EQUIPNtENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO ~II: THE IMPR.~VE~IENT OF BROADWAY STREET, FROM K~_NMORE STREET TO DALE AVENUE~ PROJECT NO. 86~ 3862 On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES ~ COUNCI LN~N: NOES ~ COUNCI L~N ~ ABSENT: COUNCI LM~N.. Coons., Fry, Pearson~ Thompson and Schutte. None o None o The Mayor declare~ Resolution No. 5752 duly passed and adopted ~ o COMPLETION OF 30B NO. 2475 The City Engineer certified that Cox Broso Construction Company has completed the Cerri%os Avenue improvement, 3ob No o 247, in accordance with plans and specifications~ and recommended the work be officially accepted. _RESOLUTION NO. 5753's Counc~.lman Thompson offered Resolution No° 5753 and moved for its passage and a~option. Refer to ResolutiOn Book, page ___ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COI~CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURN'. SHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILII'IES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WAT£R' AND PERFORMING AIL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WITs THE IMPROVEMENT OF C£RRITOS AVENUH~ _ FRO____~_M 1430 FEET EAST OF £UCLID AVENUE TO 1350 FEET WEST OF EUCLID AV£NUE_~__ 30B NO. 247o ~ On roll call the ~oregoing Resolution was duly passed and adofted by the following votes AYES-. COUNCILN~ENs Coons, Fry, NOES: COUNCILNtEN: Noneo ABSENT~ COUNCILMEN: Noneo Pearson, Thompson and Schutte° The Mayor declared Resolution No° 5753 duly passed and adopted. COMPLETION OF JOB NO. 481: Yhe City Engineer certified that James A. Moran· has completed the North Street storm drain~ 3ob No° 481~ in accordance with plans and specifications and recommended the work be officially accepted° RESOLUTION NO. 5754: Councilman Thompson offered Resolution Noo 5754 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY couNciL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WITs CONSTRUCTION OF THE NORTH STREET STORM DRAIN, FROM ORANGE STREET TO MAVIS STRE£~, JOB NO. 481. -- On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutteo NOES~ COUNCILMENis Noneo ABSENT~ OOUNCILMF_N.~ None. The Mayor' declared Resolution No. 5754 duly passed and adopted° COMPLETION OF JOB NO. 1158.. !he City Engineer certified that Colich Cons%ruction Company has completed 'the Ball Road sewer improvement from 955 fee% east of Sherrill Street to Miller Street, 3ob Noo 1158, in accordance with plans and specifications, and recommended the work be officially accepted. RESOLUTION NO. 5755s Councilman Thompson offered Resolution No° 5755 and moved for its passage~and adoption.' Refer to Resolution Book, page_ 3863 Anaheim California - COUNC A RESOLUTION O[ THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH! COMPLETION AND TH£ FURNISHING OF ALL P EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSP( AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CI IMPROV£M£NT, TO WIT: TH£ BALL ROAD S£~ STREET TO MILLER STREET, JOB NO. 1158. L MINUTES - Januar 12 1960 7:00 P.M. CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE ,ANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND ~RTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, )NSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IER IMPROVEMENT~ FROM 955 FEET EAST OF SHERRILI. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the follo~ving vote: AYES: COUNC I LNtEN: Coons, NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared Resolutior Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. No. 5755 duly passed and adopted. COMPLETION OF JOB NO. 1167: The City Engineer certified that Orange County Construction Company has completed the Placentia Avenue sewer improvement, Job No. 1167, in accordance with plans and specifications, and recommended the work be officially accepted. ,~ RESOLUTION NO. 5756: Councilman ThompSon offered Resolution No. 5756 and moved for its passage and adoption. ~ Refer to Rosolution Book, pa9~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THEi CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIP- BENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATI PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRI IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: ~ THE PLACENTIA AVE TO APPROXItvtATELY 955 FEET SOUTH OF KATE DN INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND 3CT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC ,~UE SEWER IMPROVEMENT~ FROM KATELLA AVENUE LLA AVENUE~ 30B NO. 1167. On roll call the foregoing ReSolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 5756 duly passed and adopted .;OMPLETION OF ,JOB NO. 1172~ The C5t¥ Engineer certified that Plumbing Contractors, Inc., has completed the Demlar Street s'wet improvement, ,Job No. 1172, in accordance wSth plans and specificationS and recommended the v~ork be officially accepted. ~ESOLUTtON NO. 5757: Councilman ThompsOn offered Resolution No. ,5757 and moved [or its passage and adoptSon. Refer to Resolution Book, page_ k RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE ;0MPLETION AND I~AE FUR~IgMING OF ALL PI-ANT, LABOR, SERVICES, t~TERIALS AN~ ~QUIPMENI AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, kND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO GON$IRUGI A~ CO~LEIE IHE FOLLOWING PUBLIC ~MPROVEMENT, TO WIT: THE DEMLAR STREET SE~R IMPROVEMENT FORM CYPRESS AVENUE 70 APPROXI~TELY 465 FEET WEST OF CYPRESS AVENUE~ JOB NO' - ,~ . 1172. On roll call the foregoing ReSolution was duly passed and adopted by :he following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and $chutte. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. /he Mayor declared Resolution No. 5757 duly passed and adopted. 3864 City Hall~ Ana.heim~ Califq.~nia - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 12,~ 1960~ 7:00 Po~o ..RESOLUTION HOe ~7~8: CounCilman .Coons. offered Resolution No° 5758 and moved for its passage and a doptiqno Refer to Resolutilon Book, page _ . A FMSOLU/ION O~F THE CITY cOUNcIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM~ACCEPTIN~ A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO .,.H£ CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL. PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Greschner~ Buchheim~ and $teinbrink) On roll call the iforegoin~ Resolution ~a$ duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYF. S t COUNCI LNtE NOESt COUNCI LME ABSENT: COUNCILME The Mayor declare Coons, Fry, Pearson, ThomPs'on and $chutteo None. None, Resolution No° 5758 duly passed and adopted° _RESOLUTIONfor its passage NO. 5759~and adoptioC°UncIlmano Coons offered Resolution Nee 5759 and moved Refer to ResolutiOn Book, page A RESOLU/ION OF THE CITY coUNcIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT D__~__~__CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL. PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITYi PURPOSES° (Lucky Stores~ Inco) On roll call the fore~oin~ Resolution ~a$ duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES~ ABSENT COUNCILM£N: Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutteo COUNCILM~Nt Noneo COUNC I LM~N: None° The Mayor declare~ Resolution No° 5759 duly passed and adopted° ORDINANCE NO. 1432: Councilman Pearson offered Ordinance No° 1432 for final reading and moved for its passage anda doptiono Refer to Ordinance Book, page _ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OFjANAHEIM A~ENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELA~ING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS A/~D YARD SPACES~ ADOPTING A Nt~P SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES~ DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR ADJUS/NMN/, AND~ND~ENT AND ENFORCEMENT~ PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICI THEREWITH. (F-59-60-12 - C-l) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No° 14.32 and having knowledge of the con~en%s %herein~ Councilman Fry moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived° Councilman Coons seconded the motion° MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED° On roll call the foregoin9 Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following voter AYES: COUNCILND~N: Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson .and Schutteo NOES: COLINCILND~N: None° ABSENT: COUNCILMHN: None. The Mayor declared Ordinance No° 1432 duly passed and adoptedo ORDINANCE NO° 1433: Councilman Coons offered Ordinance Nee 1433 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption° Refer to Ordinance Book~ page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MI~ICIPAL OODE R£LAT!ING TO THE ESTABLISHIllENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF 3865 City Hall~ ..Anaheim~ California - C,C)UNC ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USF SPACES; ADOPTING A NtAP SHOWING THE BOI USED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR AD3USTNtENT PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING I.L ~INUT£S - 3anuar¥ 12; 1960~ 7:00 Po~o OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD NDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TER~S , AN~ENDN~NT AND ENFORCEMENT; PRESCRIBING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CON- FLICT THF. R£WITH. (F-58-59-112 - After hearing read in full ~he title of Ordinance Nco 1433 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Coqncilman Fry moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived° Councilman 'lGoons seconded the motion° MOTION UNANI ~OUSLY CARRI£D. On roll call the foregoing qrdinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AY£S: COUNCIL~£N: Coons,i Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutteo NO£S: COUNCILNtEN: None° ABS£NT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared Ordinanc~ No° 1433 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1434: Councilman Fry o~fered Ordinance No. 1434 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoption° AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ANENDING ARTICL£ IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM NR}NICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISH~ENT OF ZON£S IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, H£IGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A NLAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTN~NT, AMENDNtENT AND HNFORCENiENT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH (F-58-59-97 - R-3) After hearing read in full ~he title of Ordinance No° 1434 and having knowledge of the contents therein~ CoUncilman Fry moved thereading in full of said ordinance be waived. Councilman Coons seconded the motion° MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 1435~ Councilman Pearsan offered Ordinance Nco 1435 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoption° AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM A~NDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO IHE ESTABLZSHNENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LA'ND, H'~IGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES; AD~.PTING A Nk~P SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID 2~NES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN, PRO- VIDING FOR ADJUSTN~NT, ANtENDN~NT AND ENFORCEN~NT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT' THEREWITH. (1=-59-60-48 - C-l) ...... After hearing read in full i~he title of Ordinance No° 1435 and having knowledge of the contents therein, CoUncilman Fry moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived° Councilman Coons seconded the motion° MOTION UNANI~OUSLY CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 1360: Councilman Coons offered Ordinance No° 1360 £or corrected £{mSt read{rig and moved {or its passage and adoption. AN ORDtNANCI OF TI-It CITV OF ANAt-IgI~ ANt~NDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEI~ Mb%~ICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THF_R5IN R5GULATING TH5 US5 OF I[AND~ H~IGHT~ OF BUILDINGS AND YARD $PACES~ ADOPYING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PRO- VIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AM~NDM£NT AND ~NFORCEMENT; PRESCRIBING P£NALTIE$ FOR VIOLATION AND REP~.ALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. (F-58-59-56 - C-1 and C-3 - portion t~ereof) After hearing read in full 2he title of Ordinance NOG 1360 and having knowledge of the contents therein, CoUncilman Fry moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived° Councilman Coons seconded the motion° MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. 3866 MINUT£S - Januar 12 1960 7tO0 PoM. _TRANSFER OF FUNDS! Trans£~r of $209,562°50 from the General Fund %o the Bond and Interest Redemption Fu~d to cover principal and interest due February 1'~ 1960. on the 1955 Improvement Bond~ was authorized on motion by Councilman Pearson, seconded by Councilman Coons. MOTION CARRIED. PURCHASE - /RUCK CHASSIS t the purchase of one 15,000 truck chassis, and recommen be purchased from M. R. IhH be purchased from the low b Mo Ro Ihompson, International McCoy Motor, Ford Cone Bros o, Chevrolet Robert Boney~ Dodge Said purchase was by the City Manager, on mot~ MOTION CARRIED. Mro Murdoch reported on in'formal bids received for G.V.Wo, one 21,000 GoVoWo, and three 22,000 GoVoW. ded that the one 21,000 G.V°Wo and three 22,0'00 G.VoWo mpson (International), and that the one 15~000 GoVoWo idder, the McCoy Motor Company (Ford)o. BIDS RECEIVED (cost per unit) 22~000 G oV.Wo -21,000 G oVoW. !5,000..GVW $3,778o 11 $3,558.36 $2,486o29 no bid no bid 2,467o67 no bid no bid no bid no bid no bid no bid authorized by the City Council, as recOmmended on by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Coons° FINANCIAL AND OPERATING REPgRTS: Financial and operating repOrts for the month of December, 1959, were orde~e~-received and filed on motion by Councilman Coons~ seconded by Councilman Fry° MOTION CARRIED. ANNUAL REPORT~- BUILDING DE~ARTM_F. NT: Annual report of the Building Department for the year 1958-59 was ordered r~Ceived and filed on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman CoonS° MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE: Correspondence not requiring vote of Council was ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Thompson° MOTION CARRIED. ~ RESOLUTION NO. 5760~ Councilman Thompson offered Resolution Nco 5760 and moved for its passage and adoption° Refer to Resolution Book, page_ A RESOLU/ION OF THE CITY coUNcIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM'AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 5362~_£NTITLED "A R£SOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ESTABLISHING A BASIC COMPENSATION PLAN FOR CERTAIN CLASSES OF EMPLOYMENT IN THE MUNICIPAL SERVICE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND ESTABLISHING REGULATiONs FOR THE PLACEMENT OF EMPLOYEES WITHIN THE WAGE AND SALARY SCHEDULES~ PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN FRINGE BENEFIT'S, PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS, HOLIDAYS AND VACATIONS AND REPEALING RESOLUTION NUMBER 4619 AND At~ENDMENTS THERETO". (Personnel Technician) On roll call' the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES ~ COUNCILMENI Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutteo NOES: COUNCILMEN ~ None o ABSENT: COUNCILMEN.. Noneo The Mayor declared Resolution No° 5760 duly passed and adopted. JAYCOX CONTRACT.. Mr. ~urdoch submitted a map of the area, outlined in red the territory included within the trash contract with the Warren Wo Jaycox Company, and reported on the 'current service of ~he 3aycox Company~ as follows.. 22,757 metered residences @ $ .80 $18,205 60 ° 1~372 non-metered iresidences @ $ °20 274°40 1,253 trailer spades @ $ °80 1 ~002 40 $19,482140 On the bas&s of thel above account, Mr° Murdoch ~ecormQended that an amendment to the contract be! Bade 1:o prove_de fo~ a mont, hly payment, be'g~nn&ng 3867 City Ha.ll~. Anah.e.i.m~ California - COUNC~L._MINUTE$ - Janu.a.ry 12~ 1960~ 7..I..00 P.M. 3anuar¥ 1~ 1960 of $19~500o00 per month for the duration of the contract. RESOLU/ION NO. 5761~ Councilman PearsOn offered Resolution No. 5761 and moved -for its PasS~ge and adoption~ amending~%he Jaycox contract in accordance with the recommendations of the City Manager. Refer to Resolution Book, pa. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH CONTRACT ENTERED INTO ON JUNE 1, 1958, CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING THAT CERTAIN BY AND BETWEEN Th[ CITY OF ANAHEIM AND WARREN W. JAYCOX~. FOR THE COLLECTION A~D DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE, RUBBISH AND WASTE MATERIAL IN THE CITY OF gNAHEIM~ BY INi~REASING THE COMPENSATION PAYABLE. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~ AYES~ COUNCILI~N~ Coons~ Fr¥~ Pearson~ Thompson and Schutteo NOESt COUNCILMEN: Noneo ABSENT a COUNCILMEN ~ None. The Mayor declared Resolution Noo .5761 duly passed and adopted° ADJOURNMENT: Councilman Pearson moved motion. MOTION CARRIED. to adjourn° Councilman Fry seconded the ADJOURNED: .~.. 30 A.M. SIGNED~ .~:~f_~~ City Clerk~ ~ity. H.a. ll: Anaheim~ California - COUNC~.L MINUTES - January 19~ 1960~ 7~00 PoM. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN~ Fzy, Pearson, Thompson and Schutteo ABSENT: COUNCILMEN ~ Coons o PRESENT: CITY MAN~GER~ Keith Ao Murd~cho CITY ATTORNEY~ Preston Turner° DEPU/Y CITY CLERK~ Aloha Mo Farrens o CITY ENGINEER~ Thornton Pie~sallo CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR: Robert We Mungallo Mayor $chutte called the meei~ing to order° MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting held January 12, 1960 were approved, on motion by Councilman Pearson, seconded by Councilman Fry° MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING - VARIANCE NOo 1174: SUbmitted by Robert Bo Bolster~ requestin9 permission %o waive £ence height; limit; on side yard o£ corner lot; t~o allow installation of a swimming pool~ 560 SOuth Revere Street (northeast corner of Revere Street and Chelsea Drive)° Ihe City Planning Commission, pursuant to %heir Resolution Nee 134, Series 1959-60, denied said Variance° Appeal from action taken by the City Planning Commission was filed by Blue Haven Construction Coo, and public hearing scheduled to be held this dateo The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council° Mro Bolster and a gentleman ]~epresenting the Pool Construction Company, addressed the Council~ urging the granting of the variance~ and presented a plan of construction and also photographs o£ the existing dwelling and also of a similar dwelling on Dorchester Street Which was granted a like variance