1960/02/023894 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 26~ 1960~ 7:00. PoMo resolution expressing the appreciation of the Council and the City of Anaheim for the work that has be~n done by our retiring Director of Planning~ Robert Wo Mungallo. Councilman Fry/seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. AD3OURNM, FNT-.. CouncilmaniPearson moved to adjourn. Councilman Fry seconded -%he motion. MOTION CARRIED. · ADJOURNED, /,~ 11~'~ 40 P.M. ) . -\ ' City Clerk City Hall~ Anaheim.~ Califo.r~.ia - COUNCIL MINUTES -. Februa.rY. 2~ 1960; 7:00 PoMo The City Council Df %he City of Anaheim met in regular session° PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Coons ~ Fry~ Pearson, Thompson and Schutteo ABSENT: COUNCILMEN.. None,° PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: Ke CITY ATTORNEY: CITY CLERK: Dene CITY ENGINEER: TI ACTING PLANNING D The Mayor called ith Ac Murdocho reston Turner° Mo Williams° %ornton Piersallo [RECTORI Richard Ac Reeseo the meeting to order° MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting held Janue ry 26, 1960 were approved on motion by Councilman Coofls~ seconded by Councilman Thompson° MOTION CARRIED o CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ~ ~ECLASSIFICATION NO. F-59-60-65-. Submitted by ~tella Co Roach~ requesting! change of zone from R-A to C-3~ property located at 1753 Lincoln Avenue (north side of Lincoln Avenue, between Euclid Avenue and Crescent Way)° The City Planning Series 1959-60, recommended Agricultural, to C-,3, Heavy Commission~ pursuant to their Resolution Nco 143-A, said reclassification from R-A, Residential- Commercial, for the east 65 feet, subject to certain conditions, and that the re.~lassification of the balance of the property be denied until a better use than a used car lot is proposed for the property. The City Council, at their regular meeting held January 19, 1960, adopted Resolution of Intent Nco 5766, rezoning the easterly 65 feet to C-3, subject to conditions, and Continued said hearing on the remaining 135 feet to January 26~ 1960 and was again continued to this date for the presentation of a rendering and plan of development° Mro James Roach, Son of the Applicant, presented an artist's renderingo Said rendering, after being reviewed by the City Council, was retained by Mr. Roach., It was the opinion of the City Council that the rendering submitted was inadequate, being an ornamental facing only, and that a roof should be provided over at least one row of the used cars on display~ and the 35 foot building seiback maintained~ Reference was made to a previous application for display and sale of industrial machinery in this area~ which was denied because it was felt that outside display of tractors and other pieces of heavy industrial equipment was not in the best interest of the area~ as this would set a pattern for future 3895 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNC~ MINUTES - February 2~ 1960~ 7:00 PoMo development in thisrelatively undeveloped territoryo Mro John Conlyn, intended manager of the used car lot, objected to any change in plans and to the 35 foot building setback, as in his opinion, this would place the business too far back from Lincoln Avenue and be to his disadvantage° The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no response, declared the hearing closed° RESOLUTION NO. 5791: Councilman pearson offered Res)lution No. 5791 and moved for its passage and adoption, sustaining the action of the City Planning Commission and denying t~he request for C-3 zoning on the balance of the property, being the westerly 135 feet° Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIIY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZDNE SHOULD NOT BE GRANTED IN A CERTAIN AREA OF THE CITY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED° (F-59-60-65 - ~ortion - westerly 135 feet) On roll call the foregoin9 Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote:" AYES: COUNCILN~N~ Coons~ Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutteo NOES~ COUNCILMEN ~ None° ABSENI~ COUNCILMEN~ None o The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted° PUBLIC HEARING - REGARDING SPECIAL USE PERMIT NOo 345 Submitted by Southern California District Church of the Nazarene (west side of Loara Street, approximately 1000 feet south of Broadway)° Public hearing was scheduled to consider a request for clarification o£ Items Noo 5 and 10 of Resolution Noo 5329 with reference to the construction of a wall and extending the time limitations for the erection of the wall and ultimate completion of the buildings° The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council° Mr° Nicholas Hull~ 1423 Westwood~ Santa Ana, California, District Super- intendent of Southern California District Chit ch of the Nazarene, addressed the Gouncil~ explaining their request for Council reconsideration° With reference to Condition MOo 5, regardin9 the wall, he advised that the church has an option and intends to purchase the parcel of property immediately south of this site, the sale bein9 contingent on its use for church purposes~ and to construct a wall on the south side at this time would result in a wall running through the middle of their property~ if and when the purchase is consummated° He referred to the property on the north and advised that he had been informed that this was recently sold and would be developed for home sites$ that a street north of their property, running east and west will be constructed, and for these reasons, he requested reconsideration of the wall requirement on both the north and south sides of their property° Mro Piersall advised that to the best of his knowledge, the proposed street will be approximately 100 feet north of the church property° Mr. Ao Ro McDaniel, Engineer for Middlebrook Construction Co°, the developer of the proposed tract to the north, stated that there would be small cul-de-sac streets established on the south side of the street plan, to run east and west, but there is planned one lo% that will side onto the church property, and the remainders are to be cul-de-sac lots and will be both on the north and west of the church propertyo He further advised that they estimate occupancy in this subdivision within four or five monthso Mr. Hull stated that the church building would be completed within 30 days° City Hall~ Anaheim~ Califorr MtSo Donald Butler Civic Association, addresse~ tentative tract that will b, that the provisiorsof the R. maintained9 as it was only in the area approved of the It was determined was for the purpose of serv properties, therefor~ the c. be required at this time, at be deferred in accordance w a remainder of approximatel' south property° 3896 COUNCIL MINIffES - February 2..~ 1960~ 7~00 .PoMo 630 Adria Street, representing the Home Fair the Council and presented a map of the proposed to the north of the church property and requested solution granting this Special Use Permit be is result of the conditions imposed that the people orojecto by the City Council that the requirement of a wall .ng as a buffer between the church and residential )nstruction of the wall on the north and west would 'the construction of the wall on the south could .th Paragraph 10, Resolution Nco 5329, which allows 18 months to finalize the purchase of the adjacent Mr. Hull assured ~he Council that they would comply with the con- struction of the wall to th~ north and west at this time, in accordance with Council policy° Mrs° Butler refer~ed to the required 50 foot setback and plot plan that had been previously approved by the City Council, which in her opinion, if development was complete~ in accordance with the plot plan, the setback would only be 20 feet insteSd of 50 feeto Mr. Wo Fo Compton~ 611 South Loara $treet~ further explained that the present structure Was o~ly a portion of the ultimate planned building, and if the building is continued as shown on the plot plan~ there will only be a 20 foot setback instea~ of 50 feet° Those present wet9 assured by the City Council that the 50 fcc% setback from the property line will be maintained, and any future development will be in accordance with ~he established setback requirement° RESOLUTION NOo 5792; Councilman Coons offered Resolution Nco 5792 and moved for its passage and adoptioB, denying request to further consider Items 5 and 10 of Resolution Nco 53~9~ granting Special Use Permit Nco 34° Refer to ResolutiOn Book~ page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DENYING THE REQUEST OF THE SOU/HERN CALIFORNIA pISTRICT CHURCH OF THE NAZARENF FOR AN AMeNDMeNT TO CONDITIONS NO. 5 AND 10 DF RESOLUTION NO~ 5329~ GRANTING SPECIAL USE PERMIT NO. 34. On roll call the fore9oin9 Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES.. COUNCILN~N~ Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutteo ' NOES ~ COUNCI LM~N: None o ABSF_NT~ COUNCILMEN~ None° The Mayor declared Resolution Nco 5792 duly passed and adopted° Mro Hull assured the City Council that the wall on the north and the west will be constructed in time to protect their neighbors~ if it meant work stoppage on the church building° PUBLIC HEARING - VARIANCE N~o 1180~ Submitted by Robert Ho Magee, requestin9 ° 1 n ~ perm~ss'o to construct and~°perate a retail grocery store on property de- scribed Lot 1~ Tract Nco 19~0 (southwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and Gilbert Street)o The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution Nco 136, Series 1959-60~ denied saidlVarianceo Appeal from actioD taken by the City Planning Commission was filed by Mro Robert Ho Magee, Authorized Agent, and public hearing scheduled this evening° 3897 _City Hall~ Anaheim~ Ca!ilo. mia -.COUNCIL ~.INU/ES..- February 2, 1960~ 7.:00 PoMo ,, Petition of protest~ (copies of which were furnished each Councilman), dated January 29, 1960, containing nine signatures, was introduced and discussed° Included in the listed reasons for protest, was the fact that deed restrictions on this property prohibited its use for other than residential purposes° Mr° Lloyd Mount related an instance where the County of Orange had determined that deed restrictions could be over-ruled° Mr. Turner, City Attorney, stated that deed restrictions should be considered by the City Council in any application to change a zone, however, deed restrictions did not deprive the City Council of their right to rezone property for other uses° Also, deed restrictions may be set aside by private individuals by Court proceedings° Mr° Robert Ho Magee, Authorized Agents and representing the owner, Mro Ross Wo Cortese, submitted a petition of approval containing 5 signatures and advised that these were the signatures of adjacent property owners within the 300 foot radius° He related the results obtained from a survey of the area which he made, where the majority of the people within the 300 foot radius had no objections to this use, and also advised that the gentleman that had submitted the negative petition, had stated to him that he had no objections to the grocery store but felt that there would be a traffic problem created at this intersection, inasmuch as the east side of Gilbert Street had not been widened according to plano He stated that the lot has been on the market for over five years with no offers for private ownershipo He felt there were certain circumstances that would stand up in Court on a private violation of deed re- strictionso He stated there had been many people interested in this lot for commercial use of the property and that it was a very valuable piece of property for that use onlyo Mr. Robert Ro Young, 2422 Level, stated, regarding the statement by Mr. Magee with reference to the traffic on Gilbert Avenue, he had checked with the County o£ Orange and found there is no plan for widenin9 this street until development of the property, and in his opinion, to allow commercial will compound the traffic hazard already existin9 at this locationo He further advised his objections were more than traffic,there also was the nuisance situation that would be created° He reported that the lot was formerly used for the off-street parking area for the sales office of the tract and that no effort had been made to return this lot to residential use by removing the macadamized surface° Councilman Pearson asked Mr. Young if he would be agreeable to a com- mercial use of the property such as a doctor's o££ice if the building would be built compatible to the homes in the area° Mro Young replied that if there was sufficient off-street parking to eliminate any traffic hazard, he personally would not be against this use° Mrs° Edward Howard, owner of Lot 2, immediately south of the property in question, addressed the Council, favoring the grocery store use° Mro John Riley, 108 Topo, asked the Councilmen if they had read the petition of objection. He was advised that they had° Mr. Riley reiterated the objections to the variance for a grocery store° The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no response, declared the hearing closed° Councilman Coons was of the opinion that Mro Cortese, the subdivider of the tract and the present owner of the lot, being the individual who placed the restrictions on this property, should secure release of the restrictions from the people in the tract before requesting Council permission for another use° RESOLUTION NO. 5793: Councilman Pearson offered Resolution Noo 5793 and moved for its passage and adoption, denying Variance Noo 1180o Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DENYING VARIANCE NO. 1180o 3898 City..Ha.ll~ Anaheim~ Califoz On roll call the the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL~ NOES: COUNCILI ABSENT: COUNCIL~ nia - COUNCIL MINUTES - Februa.ry.2~ 1960..,.. 7:00 PoMo foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by £N: Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and $chutte. ,EN ~ None o ~N: Noneo The Mayor declared Resolution Nco 5793 duly passed and adopted° F-59-~0-67: Submitted by Mro and Mrs° Allen Henry, RECLASSIFICATION NO. requesting that the proper~y located at 1441 South Los Angeles Street be . reclassified from R-A to M~I (west side of South Los Angeles Street, between Midway Drive and dead end)~ Public hearing w~s held by the City Council January 26, 1960, at which time the hearing waslclosed and action by the Council deferred to this date to allow for consultation between the Applicant, City Manager and City Engineer° Murdoch repo~ted that the Applicant had requested action be deferred an additional wee~ to allow him time to contact his neighbors re- garding abandonment or improvement of the streeto Said request was granted on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Coonso MOTION CARRIED. CO~IY TENTATIVE MAP - IRA~/ NO. 3439: Subdivider, Terra Casa Development° Tract located at the southwest corner of Rio Vista and South Street, and contains 65 R-1 lotso This county trac~ was submitted to the City Council at their meetin9 of January 26, 196~, and action deferred for further investigation as this area, prior to the construction of the Freeway, had originally been tentatively planned for R-0, 10,000 square foot lotso Mayor $chutte stated he had checked with Mro Gilbert, owner of property and resident in this area, who had seen the type homes proposed to be constructed in this traCt~ and Mro Gilbert favored this development° The tract map was reviewed and plans of development discussed. It was noted that the tracl met all County requirementSo It was moved by ~ouncilman Pearson, seconded by Councilman Thompson, that the City Council recommend to the Orange County Planning Commission that Tentative Map, Tract Nco 3439, be approved° MOTION CARRIED. VARIANCE NO. 1190: SubmitSed by Allen Eo Kelly, requestin9 permission to construct and operate a gasoline service station on property presently zoned C-l, located at the southwest corner of Topanga Drive and Lincoln Avenue° The City Plannin$ Commission~ pursuant to their Resolution No° lb0, Series 1959-60, granted said variance, subject to the erection of the building as per plot plan presented~ Action by the Cify Council was de{erred to this date {or the purpose of determining if this typm of servic~ gtation is allowabl~ within the City of Anaheimo Communication dated January 28, 1960, from Allen Eo Kelly, was submitted and read, whereim it was requested that the variance be granted, subject to subsequent;legalization of self service gasoline stations in the City, with the provision t~at pending such legalization, he would be permitted to operate a gasoline station on the subject property with service attendants who would serve the gasoline to customerOs cars in the usual conventional manner. s~e o pplication and the action taken by Upon further in cti n of the a the City Planning Commissi6n, it was determined that the variance granted by the City Plannin9 CommissiCn was for a service station only, and no reference 3899 City Hal..l~ Anaheim; California - COUNCIL MINUTES - February 2~ !960~ 7,00 PoMo was made either in the application or the action, to a self~service service station, thereupon, no further action was taken by the City Council° SELF-SERVICE SERVICE STATIONS~ Report of Fire Chief, Edward Jo Stringer, regarding self-service service stations was submitted by Hro Murdoch, outlining certain provisions by which self-service service stations could be operated with reasonable safety° Councilman Coons moved that the report and recommendations of the Fire Chief be taken into consideration, and the City Attorney be requested to prepare an amendment to the present ordinance, in accordance° Councilman Thompson seconded the motion° To this motion, Councilman Pearson voted "nO"o MOTION CARRI£D. R£NA~ING - HIGHWAY NO. 18 - CARSON A~ENUEI City Planning Commission's Resolution Nco 155, Series 1959=60, recommending to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the name of Lincoln Avenue be changedto Carson Avenue from the westerly City Limits of Anaheim to West Street, and that Anaheim-Olive Road be changed to Carson Avenue where Center Street and Anaheim-Olive Road join and continue easterly, was submitted and read° It was moved by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Pearson, that the City Council go on record opposing the renaming of portions of State Highway No° 18o MOTION CARRIED. RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-59-60-11: Request o£ Mr~ George Bennett for six months extension of time to comply with conditions established in Resolution NCo 5542, was granted on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Thompson° MOT ION CARR I ED. SPECIAL USE PER, II NOo 42: Request of Elizabeth Lancaster for six months extension of t~me to comply with conditions established in Resolution Nco $399~ was granted by the City Council on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Thompson° To this motion Councilman Pearson voted "no"o MOTION CARRIHD. RECLASSIFICA/ION NO. F-59-60-28.. Request of Patrick Ho O"Malley for a 90 day extension of time to comply with Resolution of Intention Nco 5569~ was granted by the City Council on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Coons° MOT I ON CARR I ED o SIDEWALK WAIVER: Request for waiver of sidewall( requirements at 2300 East Katella Avenue, Anaheim, by Redel~ Incorporated, was 9ranted by the City Council on motion by Councilman Pearson, seconded by Councilman Fry° MOIION CARRIED. REFUND~ On motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Thompson, refund of $50°00 business license fee, paid by Eo Ac LeSage £1ectric~ 715 East Hyde Park Boulevard, Inglewood, California, was granted, as job for which business license was obtained was found to be outside Araheim City Limits° MOIION CARRIED. .FINAL CO~PLETION - WORK ORDER NOo 1695: Ihe City Engineer certified that Fairbanks-Morse Company has complete~ the furnishing and installing of one deep well submersive turbine type pumping unit in Well Nco 26~ Work Order Nco t695~ in accordance with plans and specifications~ and recommended the work be officially accepted° RESOLUTION NO. 5794: Councilman Thompson offered Resolution NCo 5794 and moved for its passage and adoption° Refer to Resolution Book, page ... A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIP- NtENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER~ AND PERFORMI~G ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVENtENT, TO ~VIT~ FURNISHING AND iNSTALLING ONE ELECTRICALLY DRIVEN~ DEEP WELL~ SUBNtERSIBLE TYPE PUMPING UNIT~ INCLUDING CONCRETE BASE~ IN WELL NO. 26 ON THE WEST SIDE OF PLACENTIA AVENUE IN THE CITY OFANAHEIM, WORK ORDER NO. 1695o 3900 City Hall~ .Anaheim, Califo.~nia - COUNCIL MINUTES - February 2, 1960, 7~.00...p.M. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the £ollowin9 voter ' AYES~ COUNCIL~IEN~ Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. NOES~ COUNCIL~EN~ None. ABSENT The Mayor declartd Resolution No. 5794 duly passed and adopted. COMPLETION OF WORK ORDER N~. 1696~ The City Engineer certified that Wintroath Pumps has completed %he furnishing and installing one deep ~ell submersible turbine type pumping unit In Woll Nee 20, Work Order Nee 1696, in accordance with plans and specificatipns, and recommended the work be officially accepted. RESOLIYi'ION NO. 579B~ Coun~iloman Fry offered Rosohtion Nee 579B and moved for its ~--~s~e ~ adoption Refer to Resolute. on Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY THE GOMPLETION AND THE FUR AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTIL WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEME DRIVEN~ DEEP WELL; SUBMERS WELL NO. 20 ON THE SOUTH ORDER NO. 1696. On roi1 call the the following votet )UNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING ;ISHING OF ALL PLANT~ LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS TIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND IORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE ~T, IO WIT~ FURNISHING AND INSTALLING ONE ELECTRICALLY [BLE TYPE PUMPING UNIT~ INCLUDING CONCRETE BASE, IN [DE OF ROMNEYA DRIVE, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, WORK fore9oin9 Resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYES: COUNCI L~N .. NOE$~ COUNCIL Ns ABSENT: COUNCIL N~ Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutteo None° None o The Mayor declared Resolution No. 5795 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 5796~ CounCilman Pearson offered Resolution No. 5796 and moved for its passage and adoption° Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLU/ION OF THE CITY C~UNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF A~AHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. ~(3ohn Bo Kilt. y) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~ AYESI COUNCIL~EN~ Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. NOES ~ COUNCI .IAiEN .' None° ABSENT ~ COUNCI L~N ~ None o The Mayor declared Resolution No. 5796 duly passed and adopted° RESOLUTION NO. 57975 CounCilman Pearson offered Resolution No° 5797 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A ~-SO~.UZION O~ Zm C~¥ CpUNC~. O~ ~U~ CZ~¥ O~ ANAU~.Z~ ACC~ING A S~AN~ CONW_¥IXG ZO ~U~- CItY O~ A~A~Z~ C~ZAZN ~A~. ~RO~RZ¥ ~ ~ ~-i~P~f ~Eff PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. !Mother Colony Buildinqs, Inc.) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following ye%el 3901 .C..~.ty Hall, Anaheim, California - COI~CIL M.INUTE~S -.Fe.bruary 2, .1960~ 7,00 .poMo AYES: COUNCILMEN~ Coons~, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. NOES~ COUNCILMEN.. None. ABSENT~ COUNCILMEN, None. The Mayor declared Resolution Nco 5797 duly passed and adopted° RESOLUTION NO. 57985 Councilman Pearson offered Resolution No° 5798 and moved for its passage and adoption° Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 'OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Bank of America National Trust and Savinqs Assoc) On roi1 call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES~ COUNCILMEN: Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutteo NOES ~ COUNCILMEN ~ Noneo ABSENT~ COUNCILMEN~ None° The Mayor declared Resolution No° 5798 duly passed and adopted° RESOLUTION NO. 5799: Councilman Pearson offered Resolution No° 5799 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RE~D LUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. ~Southern Counties Gas Company of California) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the followin9 vote: AYES1 COUNCILMEN: Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and $ohutte. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSIiN/: COUNCILMEN~ None. The Mayor declared Resolution No° 5799 duly passed and.adopted. RESOLUIION NO. 5800~ Councilman Pearson offered Resolution No. 5800 and moved ~or its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY ~URPOSE$. (Interstate En~ineerin9 Corpo) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYFS: COUNCILMEN~ Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. NOES: COUNCILMEN~ None. ABSENT8 COUNCILMEN8 None. The Mayor declared Resolution No° 5800 duly passed and adopted° RESOLUTION NO. 5801: Councilman Pearson offered Resolution Nco 5801 and moved for its passage and adoption° Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Raymond Eo Perrier, and Paul Spehar and Victoria Spehar) Citv Hall, Anaheim~ Calif¢ On roi1 call th~ by the following vote~ AYES ~ COUNCII NOES ~ COUNCII ABSENTt COUNCII The Mayor decla] 3902 r~n..i..a -. COUNCIL MINUTES - February 2, !9.60t. 77.00 PoMo foregoing Resolution was duly.passed and adopted MEN~ Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. N[EN~ None° ~tEN: None. ed Resolution Nco 5801 duly passed and adopted° RESOLUTION NO 5802~ · Councilman Pearson offered Resolution No° 5802 and :moved for its passage andiadoptiono Resolution Book, page Refer to A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ~OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ~NAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES. (Florence H. Spencer) , On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopt'ed by the following vote~ AY£S~ COUNCI~EN.. Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutteo NOES~ COUNCI%~&ENI None° ABSENT~ COUNCI~EN~ None. The Mayor declared Resolution No° 5802 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1437~ CounCilman Thompson offered Ordinance No° 1437 for final reading and moved for its 'passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book~ page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ~F ANAHEIM A~ENDING ARTICLE III~ CHAPTER 2~ $EG~rION 3256, SUBDIVISION "(d)" OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE' RELATING TO PARKING. After hearing r~ad in full the title of Ordinance Nco 1437 and having knowledge of the cqntents therein~ Councilman Pearson moved the reading in full of said oXdinance be waived. Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~ AYES: COUNC I ~MEN ~ Coons NOES~ COUNCI ~;[EN t None° ABSENT~ COUNCI~NtENI Noneo Fry, Pearson~ Thompson and $chu%te. The Mayo. r declared Ordinance Nco 14~7 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1438~ CounCilman Thompson offered Ordinance No° 1438 for final reading and moved for i~s passage~ and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book~ page ..... AN ORDINANCE OP TN~ CITY ()F ANANEI~ A~NDING ARTICL~ IX, C1qAPT~R ~ O~ TN~ ANAHFIM MUNICIPAL CODE REI~ATING TO TH5 ESTABLISF~NT OF ZDNES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND TheREIN REGUL~TING THE USE OF LAND~ HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A MAP SHe)WING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES! DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PROVIDING F()R ADJUSTNMNT, ANMNDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AMD REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. (F-59-60-47- C-l) After hearing r~ad in full the title of Ordinance No. 1438 and having knowledge of the contents i therein, Councilman Pearson moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived° Councilman Fry seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIE~. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~ 39O3 _City Hall~ Anaheim, Californ. i.a - OO.~NCiL MIN..UTgS - February 2.~ .1960:7,'00 P.M. AYES: COUNCILN[EN: Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. NOESz ODUNCILNtEN ~ None. ABSENT: COUNCILMENz Noneo The Mayor declared Ordinance No° 1438 duly passed and adopted° ORDINANCE NO. 14395 Councilman Coons offered Ordinance Nco 1439 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page .... AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AN~NDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM N~3NICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTA~LISHNENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, JEIGHT OF BUIIJDINGS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS-USED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR AD3USTN~NT, AN~NDMENT AND ENFORCEN~ENT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR V O .^ ION S C OXS IX CON .IC (F-59-60-32 - C-l) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No° 1439 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Pearson moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived. Councilman Fry seconded the motion° MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCI~N: Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutteo NOES-. COUNC[LMEN ~ None. ABS~T~ COUNCILNMN~ None. The Mayor declared Ordinance No. 1439 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1440~ Councilman Fry offered Ordinance No. 1440 for corrected first reading and moved for its passage and adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM A~ENDING ARTICLE IX~ CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHNI~NT OF ZONES IN THE CITY' OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID NONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTN~NT, ANMND~ENI AND ENFORCENIENT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLIC/ THEREWIIH. (F-58-59-87 - ~-1 ) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance NCo 1440 and having knowledge of the contents therein~ Councilman Pearson moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived. Councilman Fry seconded the motion° MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 1441~ Councilman Coons offered Ordinance No. 1441 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX~ CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACE§ ; ADOPTING A Nl~P §HOWING T~{E BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR ADJUST~E~NT, A~NDMENT AND ENFORCEN~NT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SEC/IONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. (F-59-60-37 - R-3) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance Nco 1441 and having knowledge cf the contents therein, Councilman Coons moved thereading in full of said ordinance be waived. Councilman Fry seconded the motion° MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ,.ORDINANCE NO. 1442: Councilman Coons offered Ordinance Nco 1442 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoptiOno AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ANMNDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEI~ 4----% City Hall; Anaheim; Calif{ NR3NICIPAL CODE RELATING T( AND THEREIN REGULATING TH! ADOPTING A NtRP SHOWING THt THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR AD. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION A5 CONFLICT THEREWITH. (F-5~ After hearing rt having knowledge of the c( in full of said Ordinance MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIE] ORDINANCE NO. 1443: Coun¢ reading and moved for its AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ( ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE REi OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN RET YARD SPACES; .ADOPTING A NL /HE TERMS USED THEREIN; P~ PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THERi After hearing rl 3904 ,mia - COUNCIL MINUTES - February 2~ 1960~ 7:00 PoMo THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES; BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED us'rMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT; PRESCRIBING ID REPEALING ALL SEC/IONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN -59-110 - P-L and M-l) ad in full the title of Ordinance No. 1442 and ntents therein, Councilman Coons moved the ~eading be waived° Councilman Fry seconded the motion. ). ilman Thompson offered Ordinance Nco 1443 for first passage and adoption° )F ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE !X, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ,ATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY ;ULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND kP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES~ DEFINING ~OVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT; VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF !WITH. (F-58-59-120 - ~-1 ) .~ad in full the title of Ordinance Nco 1443 and having knowledge of the contentsitherein, Councilman Pearson moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived° Councilman Fry seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIE]). Councilman Coon~, having a personal interest in the above application for reclassification, took no part in the action by the City Council. ORDINANCE NOo 1444.. CounCilman Fry offered Ordinance No° 1444 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoption° AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CMAPTER 2 OF TME ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RF~ATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE U~-~AN--ND~ HE-~~-BO-~LDING$ AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A NU~P SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT~ PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SEC/IONS IN CONFLICT THER]=.WI/H. (F-58-59-105 - G-l) After hearing r~ad in full the title of Ordinance Nco 1444 and having knowledge o£ the cDntents %herein, Councilman Pearson moved 1:he reading in full of said Ordinance be waived° Councilman Fry seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. CORRESPONDENQE~ Correspondence not requiring vote of Council was ordered received and filed on motEon by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOII ON CARR I ED. CRONE AVENUE PUMPING PLAN~ It was moved by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Coons, that a~Proval be given for the disbursement of funds and termination of Crone AveF~ue Pumping Plant Agreement° MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 5803: CoUncilman Pearson offered Resolution No. 5803 and moved for its passage and adoption° Refer to ResolUtion Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ENDORSING SENATE BILL 1106. (water needs of Oz On roll call th by the following vote: anGe County.) e foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted 3905 _City Hall~ Anaheim, California - CQ1~NCIL MINUTES - Febr.uary 2, 1960, 7~O0.P.M. AYES: COUNCILMENt Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutteo NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMENt None. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 5803 duly passed and adopted, BOND ISSUe: Mr. Murdoch reported on the meeting with the bond attorneys, who recommended that the proposition be placed on the ballot as separate items, beingS Proposition E - Electric Bond Proposition Proposition W - Water Weks Proposition P - Police Building Proposition L - Library Proposition PS- Park Sites Proposition F - Fire Station Proposition S - Street Improvement Proposition D - Storm Drains He further reported that the amounts would have to be determined by the City Council no later than February 16, 1960, and also, that the Chamber of Commerce Committees were forming to stddy those portions of the bond program, which should be studied prior to determining the amounts to be placed in the propositions. RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION - R. W. MUNGALL: Councilman Coons offered the following Resolution of APpreciation and moved for its passage and adoption° Said Resolution was unanimously adopted by the City Council° RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WHEREAS, Robert W. Mungall has served the people of Anaheim in the capacity of 'Planning Director" continuously since May 16, 1949, and by reason of State Retirement regulations must terminate his active service effective February 1, 1960, and WHEREAS, Bob has also served Anaheim community as Member of the City Planning Commission since his original appointment November 18, 1946, and will continue such service beyond the date of his retirement, and WHEREAS, tho members of the City Council are mindful of the tremendous value his talents and services have been to the City and the people of Anahei~m in pursuance of his work of planning and zoning a well balanced city° The benefits of his helpful guidance will be reflected in our future activity, growth and development for years to come. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Anaheim, on its own behalf and on behalf of the Officers, Employees and Citizens, does hereby express appreciation for the fine services rendered the Anaheim community these past several years and wishes Bob continued good health, happiness and success in all his future endeavors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 2nd day of February, 1960o ATTEST: /s/ Dene M. Williams City Clerk of the City of Anaheim //:// Ac 3o Schutte Glenn Go Fry /s/ Joe Re Thompson Chas A° Pearson It was moved by Councilman Pearson, seconded by Councilman Fry, to confirm and continue the appointment of February 24, 1959, of Re W. Mungall to the City Planning Commission. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNN~NT: Councilman Coons moved to adjourn° Councilman Pearson seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED, ~q)40 P.M. -~ City Clerk