1961/01/17 4614 The of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session. PRESENT. Chandler, Coons (entered the meeting 3145 P.M.), Fry, Thompson and Schutte a Noneo R: Keith A. Murdocho EY. Preston Turner. t Dene Mo Williamso ERa Thornton Piersallo NERt Mkrtin Kreidt. ABSENT . PRESENT I te called the meeting to ordero s APP C Neon Sign Company , Avenue and placing and 15 feet from t submi tted and rev!" FA LS ICE RINK~ Application submitted by Santa Ana uesting permission to erect sign at 211 Wo Katella id sign 42 feet from the centerline of Zeyn Avenue centerline of Katella Avenue~ together with plans, was d by the City Councilo I ! representing Santa Ana Neon Sign Company, ~ddressed er explained the plans and locationo r' was held by the Council, and on the grounds that this hip case only, Councilman Chandler moved the request ! be granted 0 Councilman Thompson seconded the motion. Mr. Agne the Council and fu' Discussi is a particular ha for sign applicati II>TIOO CARR lED. R PARKa Request from Mro Bill Feistner, on behalf of ia Baseball Association,to use La Palma Park ebruary 12, 1961 for the purpose of staging their t Baseball Game, was submitted 0 RecoDlDend ~ions from Mro William Bo Stronach, Director of Parks and Recreation, wet' l submitted, reconmending the facilities of La Palma Park be made avails fLe on an tat costO or similar basis as the proceeds of said game go into t ~ medical fund of the Southern California Baseball Association. [] It was m ~d by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Fry, that said request b 19ranted, subject to the recommendations of the Park and Re'creation Depa fmento MOTION CARRIEDo UEST - DRIVEWAY AP at 1014 West Centet by the City Council I Ha Request of Mro Ro Wo Royce for driveway approach treet, together with plans, was submitted and reviewed On the re +nmendations of the City Engineer, Councilman Chandler moved that said req.st be grantedo Councilman Thompson seconded the motion. ~T ION CARR lED. HE ., Request of Kendall Lo and Carolyn Mo Despain for +quirement at 2775 Wo Wilberta Lane (Variance Noo 1293) n On the re +mmendations of the City Engine$r, temporary waiver of sidewalk requiremen lat 2775 W. Wilberta Lane was granted, on motion by Councilman Thompson :seconded by Councilman Fryo MOTION CARRIED. R s IA the request of G. extension of time 0 83, be granted for motion. MOTION CAR lME Councilman Thompson moved that Garrison, CODll1andert VFW Post Noo 3173, for an Jthe improvement of the alley, Special Use Permit No. isix month periodo Councilman Chandler seconded the ~EDo 4615 P.M. ES - J anuar ENCROAC p. MIT - 1922 ODI P Request of Milton Sherm~n for permit to allow ~ncroachment .f approximately one foot on utility easement at 1922 Lodi Place, to allow the construction of a covered patio, was submitted. The City Manager r torted that the encroachment request has cleared all City Departments ;as well as the utility companies; that the request is for one foot encr .chment upon an existing five foot public utility easement. (] It was moved by c~ 'cilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Fry that the Mayor and City Cler . be authorized to sign a license to encroach upon the easement, as reque$ td. MOTION CARRIED. EK;ROAC Request of Arthur M. David fO:r permit to allow encroachment f four feet on a five foot public utility easement at l268 Florida PIa. (Lot 74, Tract No. 1254) to allow the con- struction of a garage, was $ ~mitted. The City Manager r ~ommended that a 2t foot encroachment be granted and reported that th iencroachment has cleared all City Departments and utility companies; that . David was contacted and he indicated his plans Gould be reviSed accor lngly. . (COUNCILMAN COONS ENTERED TH It was moved by GO .cilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Fry that encroachment upon 2t fe t of the existing 5 foot public utility ease- ment be granted, and the Mayf and City Clerk authorized to execute a license to encroach. MOTION~ARRIED. POLICY OF COUN;IL - ENCRO T PERMITS. Councilman Fry moved that the Council policy regarding ene achment permits be amended, as followsa That encroachment trmits not involving the erection of buildings and/or permanent $ tuctures be handled as an administrative pro- cedure, not requir.g Council action. That those encroachments involving the erec ion of buildings and/or permanent structures be referred to the ~ity Council for authorization of an agree- ment and license t encroach, upon investigation and report by the City Manager. That a $10.00 license fee be established to cover the investig tion and the preparation of said license. [) Councilman Thompson seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. The City Manager reported on ! purchase of two 1500 KVA transformers and transformer, as fOllows, and recommended the acceptance of that of Parks & Gompany in the amount of $20,268.~61 Par ks & Compa ., Garland-Affol tr - Line Material Maydwell-Hart ell - Wagner Electr ct Allis-Chalmers Moloney $20,268.56 22,120.80 no bid 22,198.80 24,653.20 Kuhlman Wagner It was moved by Co purchase be authorized from of $20,268.56. MOTION CARRI RESOLUTION IJ>. 66001 . Councilman and adOption. seconded by Councilman Fry, that Parks & Company, in the amount o offered Resolution No. 6600 for passage Refer to Resolutio Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COU IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ELECTING TO EXERCISE THE OPTION FOR THE PURCHASE I' REAL PROPERTY FR~ JACOBO MALER, CLARA MAUiER AND IS moRA MALHER. On roll call the f .egoing Resolution w~s duly passed and adopted 4616 . rI""" tJ by the following V ~e. I AYES. ~OUNCIIJIENI Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutteo NOES a OUNCILMEN, None. ABSENTt ,OUNCILMEN. None. The May()ldeClared Resolution Noo 6600 duly passed and adopted. RFL~I,* NO. 6601 t G, ~ncil.an Thompson offered Resolution No. 6601 for passage and 8dopt~ ~. I esolution Boole. A RESOLUf ION OF T IltWEDIATE PAYMENT HOMES, INC. AND A CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ELECTnI) TO MIKE ER A(iiEEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY FR. ALlSO RIZING SAID PAYMENT. (Kelso property) ,11 the foregoing Resolution was duly passed'1md ae ptecJ ,et OUNCI LMENI Chandler, Coons, Fry~ Thogapson an,dSc,hutte. OUNCILMEN. NoneD OUNCILMENI Noneo by the AYES I NOES I ABSENTt , !declared Resolution No. 6601 duly pas.sedan(l,:adoptedo I SUbdivider, Rosa Brothers Roofing Corporation. east side of Placentia Avenue, 997 feet south of contains 26 R-l lots. [J The City ngineer reported that final map, Tract NOD, 3912, conloras substantially with he tentative map previously approved; that ~.quired fees have been pai Jand necessary bonds posted, and SUbjec,t to Council approval of house ~ans, recomended said tract be accepted. Discuss1 a gentleman repres alley and the poss was held by the City Council, City Engineer and' ting the subdivider, regarding the locatiol')" of' the Ie extension thereof. Councilaa accepted, subject Thompson seconded Chandler moved that final map, Tract No. 3912, be the recommendations of the City Engineer. COuncilman emotion. *>rION CARRIED. Mr. McDanitl, McDaniel Engineering. pr....t. hou.. 1ewed by the City Council. Councilrn accepttd, it being layout in the even and side yard setb included in the ap the motion. MOT I Coons moved that the houle plans, as pre.ented, be nderstood that this approval doe. not include t,he !there is any deviation to the Code as to front, rear les J that approval of any such code deviations" 1s not oval of these plans. Councilman Chandler seconded ,CARRIED. The City Engineer certified that R. J. Noble compl. the Western Avenue street improve.ent in accordance spa ~fications, and recommended the work be officially o Councilman Chandler offered Resolution No. 6602 tion. A "RESOLUTION OF T THE Cc.PLETICtl AND AND EQUIPMENT AND AND WATER , AND PEa FOLLOWING PUBLIC :II FRC* APPROXIMATELY, ICITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPI'ING HE FURN ISMING OF ALL PLANT, LAB~, SERV ICES, MATERIALS L UTILITIES AND TRANSPCmTATlOO INCLUDING POWER, FUEL ING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRt:er AND CCl(PLETE THE OVEMENT, TO WIT t THE IMPROV~MENT OF WESTERN AVENUE 300 FEET SOUTH OF LINCOLN AVENUE TO APPROXIMATILY 4617 Cit 17 624 FEET NORTH OF ORANGE AV IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, 1'ROJECT NO. 87. On roll call the .regoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote1 AYES. NOES, ABSENT t '." Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. .. None. $t None. Resolution No. 6602 duly Passed and adopted. RESOLt<<I~ NO. 6603, Councilma Coons offered Resolution Noo 6603 for passage and al'optlon. R~fer to Resolutl . Book. A RE58LtITIOO OF THE CITY Qj) CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT I'UBLIC CONVENIENCE AND> CESSITY REQUIRE THE CONsrRUCTION AND CCNPLETIa.t OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO. IT t THE IMPROVEMENT OF GILBERT STREET, FRCJ4 CRESCINT AVENUE TO LINCOLN'tENUE, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, JOB NO. '562, AND APPRCJlING THE DESIGNS, PLAN t PROFILES, 1J(AWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR. THE CONSfRUCfIOO THEREOF; AUfHO ~ZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PL $, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC., AND AUfHORIZING AND DIREGrING THE CITY CLERK TO tUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED' PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. ~pen bids February 9, 1961, 2,00 P.M.) On roll call the by the following vote. c>regoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted AYE S t COUNCI NOES. COUNCI ABSENT t COUNCI Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None. None. The Mayor declare Resolution Noo 6603 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTIOti~Noo 6q04t Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 6604 for passage and .option. A RESlLUfIOO OF THE CITY CIL OF TiE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND CESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSfRUCTION AND C(JIPLETION OF A'UBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO tlIT t THE MILLER STREET SEWER IMPROVEMENT, FRCN ANAHEIM ROAD TO ORANGETfI)R! AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, JOB NO. 1208, AND AJtPROVING THE DESIGNS, . NS, PROFILES, IJtAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FCB THE C~STlucrION THEREOF I AtJI' JZING THE CONsrRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMBNT IN Ac::IC(EDANCE WITHS\ID PLAN t SPECIFICATIONS, ETC., AND AurHORIZING AND DIR2CI'ING TIE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSI'RUCTICtt TIfJRECF. (Open bids Februa V 9, 1961, 2.00 Polio) On roll call the bregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote, Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. Non e . None. AYES, COUNCI NOES. COUNCI ABSENT I COUNCI Resolution No. 6604 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTICN NO. 6605. Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 6605 for passage and aG opt ion. Refer to Resoluti Book. A RESf)LlIfION OF THE CITY , CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CClNENIENCE AN ~ECESSITY REQUIRE THE ~srROCTION AND CXJAPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, T WIT I THE CHERRY WAY SEWER IMPROVEMENT, FRCM RCllNEYA DRIVE TO GLEN DRIV IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, JOB NO. 1209, AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLA " PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND 5PECIFICATIOO5 FOR l) [] [) 4618 c a- L THE tnlSTRUCfION TREOFt AUfHQRIZING THE, OONSfROCI'ION OF SAID~IC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCCR~ CE WITH SAID PLANS, S'PECIFICATIONS,ETC.r AND AUfH- ORIZING AND DIRECfING HE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE Call RUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be opened February 9, 1961, 2100 P.M. f] i On roll .. ~ll the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the follow ;9 votet AYES. . .F'. CILMEN.' Chandler, Coons~ Fry;. Tho.pson and Schutte. NOES. WCILMENa None. ABSENT * ... CIIJIEN t None.. The Mayq IdeClared Resolution No. 6605, duly ,pasMd anG aiopihd. c CODlDunio ion received from Mr. Robert W. MacMahon, Attoa\ey representing most the traile:f parks within the City of An aheia, r." questing adequate . e at a public hearing fot the presentation of argument concernin ,the proposed trailer park ordinance, was submitted and read. f] Council set a date for pu~ parties thereto. that the City Clerk be authorized to hearing on said ordinance, and notify all interested neilman Thompson seconded the motion. ACTION CARRIED. D.DS OF EASEMENT I Cou for passage and ad .lman Fry offered ResolutionsNos. 6606, 6607 and 6608 ion. ! I I A RESOLurI~ OF THE CITY COONCIL OF THE CrtV OP DEED OONVEYING TO TIE CITY OF ANAHEIIIClRTAB EASEMENT F~ ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. V. Van Natta) A RESOLtJI'ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF .THE CITY OF NT DEED CcmEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM C2RTAIN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPoSES. A RESOLl1f ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0' ANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN EASEMENT FCR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Lyman H. ooth) On roll ~ t. 1 the foregoing Resolutio~Nos. 6606, 6607 and 6608 were duly passed am I adopted by the following vote. AYES. NOES a ABSENT, Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None. Non e. n The MayoX' ~eclared Resolutions Nos. 6606, 6601 and 6608 duly passed and adopted. \ r Minutes of the Orange County Boundary January 9, 1961, finding and determining that tM a and Cerritos Annexation - Revised are reaaonably definite and certai ~ and further notifying the Cities of 'Stanton and Anaheim that the we 1erly 20 feet of lots along the west boundary of Tracts Nos. 2115 an 13104 will be in the City of Stanton and theeaste'rly portion of the lots vtill be in the City of Anaheim, were ordered received and filed on motion ~y Councilman Chandler, saconded by Councilman Coons. MOTION CARRIED. 4619 RESIGNATIQNJ Resignation of Ca ;on ThoMas V. Taylor from the Anaheim Police Force, effective February 1, 11961, was submitted. Councilman Coons regret, the resignation of to prepare a Resolution of service to the Anaheim Polie the motion. ltDTION UNANIMO ed that the Council receive and accept, with , tain Taylor, and the City Clerk be authorized reciation and CODlnendation for his valuable Department. Councilman Thompson seconded Y CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 1543. Councilman reading. andler offered Ordinance No. 1543 for first AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ING. (F-59~60-55 - R-3) After hearing read ~n full the title of Ordinance No. 1543 and having knowledge of the cant ~ts therein, Councilman Chandler moved the read in, in full of said ordi~nce be waived. Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMO LY CARRIED. Refer RESOLUTIQN 10- 6609t Councilman .ons offered Resoluti. on No. 6609 for passage and adiption. A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL f THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT TIlE PUBLIC INTERESf AND $ECESSITY REQUIRE THE A~UIS!TI<J.l, OONSTRUCTION AND C~PLETION OF A PUBLIC LITY EXTENSION AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT CONSI5I'ING OF ELECTRIC LIGHr, HEAT AND , R LINES AND WORKS IN CERTAIN PORTIONS OF THE CITY 0' ANAHEIM, AND THE A~ ~SITI~ THEREFOR BY THE CITY OF ANAHEIM BY EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS OF CERT AI PROPERTY OF SOUfHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON C<.J4PANY IN SAID CERTAIN PORTIONS OF AID CITY, AND RESCINDING RESOLUfION NO. 6577. On roll call the f 'tegoing Resoluti.on was duly passed and adopted by the following voter I AYES, NOES. ABSENT, Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None. None. No. 6609 duly passed and adopted. VARIANCE NO, 1330. Submitted by minimua front yard Tract No. 3840. c1id Berger Company, requesting waiver of .rd setback requirements, certain lots within The City Planning ._1ssion, pursuant to their Resolution No. 154, Series 1960-61, granted Vari_ce No. 1330 for the waiver of minimum front yard setback requirements to permt twenty foot front yard setbacks for Lots 1. and 2, wai.... minimum rear yard s iback requirements to permit rear yard setbacks of 18.7 feet for Lot No.1 and $.2 feet for Lot No.2, subject to the development substantially in accordance lth plans presented. (Tract No. 3840) Plans from the fi1 were reviewed by the Council and no further action was taken by the Coun 11 at this time. ORANGE ~y PpMP TAXt Payment f Orange County Pump Tax for the period July It 1960 to December 31, 1960 on the total of 8,189.0 acre feet and in the total amount of $45,039. was authorized on motiQn by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. AMI Mr. Murdoch advised that arrang.ments th Mr. Richard A. Mitchell from the Housing and tteld February 14, 1961 at noon. A 1M C. OF G a meeting has been schedule Anahei. Chamber of Commerce that the l [) Q n [] 00 P;M~ r 4620 Drnla -COUNCIL MINUTES - Januar 17 1 R~LurION NO. 6610. and adoption. ncilman Coons offered Resolution No. 6610 for passage Refer A RESOLtTfION OF T DEPARTMENT OF FIN THE INCREASE IN ITY COlJNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUl"HQiIZING .TE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO MAKE AN ESTIIlATEOF ATION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. by the 1 the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted t AYES I NOES, ABSENT. JNCILMEN. Chandler, Coons, Fr-y, Thompson $nd Schutte. CILMEN, None. UNCILMENt None. I The. Mayot' ~eclared Resolution No. 6610 duly passed and adopted. I . CQlRESPONDENCE. Letter ~ appreciation for water and sewer improvements; received from the C ~izens of Freeway Park, was submitted and read. by the City Manager. i . i ~. councilma~.,. ~oons moved to adjourn. Counc ilmanFry seconded the mot! on. MOT ION cAt fED. f] C' P . ~uncil of the City of Anaheim met in regular s..sion. PRESENT, ABSENT. PRESENT, COUNCILMB COUNCII...MB CITY MANA CITY AT! . CITY CLE~ CITY ENG~ SENIOR Pt Chandler, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. Coons. . Keith A. Murdoch. Yt Preston Turner. Dene M. Williams. R. Thornton Piersall. R. Martin Kreidt. te called the meeting to order MI~ESt Minutes of theegular meeting held January 10, 1961 were approved on motion by Councilma ry, seconded by Councilman Thompson. MOTION CARRIED. - T CT I Public hearing was held purs~ant to Resolution No. 6562, uly published in the Anaheim Bulletin January 6, 1961, and posted notices, , the proposed vacation and abandonment of an easeent for road and public 'ili ty purposes, as described in said Resolution No. 6562. n.....!.........'..... ~; j The Mayor ked if anyone wished to address the Coun~il. Mr. Piers ~,City Engineer, explained that a condition of approval of the tentative ma pf this tract, as submitted, necessitated abando~nt of the roadway prio ~o the recordation of the final tract map. Councilman Thompson offered Resolution Noo 6611 for The Mayor being no response~ d ked if anyone else wished to address the Council, there lared the hearing closed. R SOLUTION NO. 66 I' passage and adoption 4621 Cit California - 7 00. P.M. Refer to Resoluti A RESOLUI'ION OF THE CITY AND ABANDONMENT ..OF AN EAS ACROSS, ALONG ANI) THROUGH T~ SERVING AN 'EASEMENT FOO PUB OF SAID PROPERTY. (Tract N . IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ORDERING THE VACATION FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UfILITYPuRPOSES UPON, OvER, HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED REAL mOt'ERTY; AND RE- ~ UfILITY PURPOSES OVER, UNDER AND ACROSS A PoRTION 3946 - Gum Road) On roll call the by the following vote, was duly passed and adopted AYES a NOES. ABSENT. Chandler, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None. ., Coons. Noo 6611 duly passed and adopted. FINAL MAP .. TRACT NO. 3946. Su north of Orangewood Avenue 37 R-l lots. ider, Farrow and Sons. Tract located 660 feet 235 feet east of Euclid Avenue, and contains A carbon copy of letter filed bv Robert L. Farrow received January 16, 1961, was submi led and read, certifying that he, as subdivider, will bUild no structures on ~aid subdivisionJthat this subdivision is being constructed for the sale of ~ots onlyo Discussion was he regarding the present minimum house size re- quirement in the area, in a effort to establish some regulatory provision to maintain the highly desi cibleresidential development already constructed. [] At the conclusion Qf the discussion, it was moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Counc']man Fry, that final map, Tract No. 3946, be approved, on condition that qeed restrictions be executed by the owner of rJ the property and covered by the map and be submitted to the City Attorney for approval, which restric :iions shall contain a provision that the minimum l",: square footage of the livin area of the houses be 1600 square feet, and a provision for an architectu al committee to review the house plans. Further, that said restrictions be f Jt a period of twenty years and be changeable on a majority of the holders 0 property, and, further subject to the recordation of the abandonment proceedi gs prior to the recordation of the tract map. MOT ION CARR lED. PUBLIC NG - RECLASSIFICATI lNO. F-O- 1-461 Submitted by Ernest N. Kaye. requesting change of zone f dm R-A to C-l, property located on the north side of La Palma Avenue bet en Euclid Avenue and Brookhurst Street, and further described as 1751, 155 and l7~9 West La Palma Avenue. The City Planning qommission, purs4ant to their Resolution No. 139, Series 1960-61, recommended said reclassification, subject to the following conditions. 1. 20 perty line. Development s bstantially in accordance with plans presented. Provision of mini~um 60 foot building setback from the south pro. 3. Installation f sidewalks. 4. Payment of $2 CPO per front foot for street li9~ting purposes. 5. Dedication of $3 feet from centerline of La Pa1ma Avenue (50 feet existing). 6. Ninety day ti limitation on Items 3, 4 and 5. Correspondence da ,d January 9, 1961 from J. C. Neighbors, was submitted, advising of no o~ections to the change of zone, providing the sa.. conditions imposed on ~eir property (Variance No. 775) applied to this application. The Mayor asked i anyone wished to address the Council. Mr. Louis Dising. t Authorized Agent, addressed the Council, -stating he had contacted Mr. Neighb ts w1threference to the ten foot rear yard n 4622 CIL MINUTES - Januar 17 setback require.en Jwhich was made a condition. of var, ia.nce No. 775, and that Mr. Neighbor$ ,ad felt the ten foot requirement was excessive. I I The May~ 1asked if anyone else wished to 'address the Counoil, there being no re$ Inse, declared the hearing closed. Discuss! ~ was held and it was noted that the tentative map on the property to tij !north and abutting subject property, had provisions for a full alley. I l] Plans the file were reviewed by the City Council. EL ON NO. passage and adopt~ changing the 2one~ Planning Commissia Refer to A REfDLUfION OF T DETERMINING THAT T ZONING SHOuLD BE /1j BE CHANGED. (F -60 Councilman Chandler offered Resolution No. 6612 for , authorizing the preparation. of necessary ordinance, s requested, subject to the recommendations of theClty '~ esolution Book. CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND LE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO DED AND THAT THE BOlJNDARIES OF GERT AIN ZOOES SfI>tJLD 1-46 - C-l) On roll by the following ~ the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES t NOES: ABSENT. Chandl~r, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None. Coons. ~ 'i reClared Resolution No. 6612 duly passed and adopted. N 3 0 Submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Baas.ff, to extend a six foot wall into the required side yard lot to within five feet of the side property line. 30 Brentwood Place (southeast corner of South PBten two od ood Place). The City Series 1960-61, gr in accordance with anning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 137, ed said variance, subject to development substantially ans presented. I Review 0 :~ction taken by the City Planning Commission was ordered by the City Council!~nd public hearing scheduled. ~sked if anyone wished to address the Council. Mr. Bass improvements and r addressed the Council, explaining his plans for ested the Variance be granted. , the file were reviewed 'by the City Council. The Mayor ~sked if anyone else wished to address the COuncil, there being no res rse, declared the hearing closed. n J Councilman Thompson offered Resolution No. 6613 for plssage and adopt! granting said variance No. 1320, subject to the ':re- comMendations of th City Planning Commission. Refer to ~solution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE ~ITY CX)UNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING VARIANCE NO. 1320. On roll c ~l the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vo f' AYES a NOES, ABSENT I Chandler, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None. Coons. 4623 7100 P.M.. and adopted. IT N . 94$ Submitted by West Anaheim Methodist to conduct church meetings on a temporary basis e of Juno Place, between Empire and Agate The City Planning o~ssiont pu~suant to their Resolution No. 133, Series 1960-61, grant Isaid special use permit, subject to the following conditionsl 1. That subject for a period of one year fr of time, subject petition s upon proper application by 2. That said app the City Council of Conditi requires that subject prope ition for Conpitional Use Permit be granted effective date. At the termination of said period 11 be subject to review by the Planning Conmission 'e petitioner for an extension of time. , al by the Commission be subject to waiver by Noo 2 of Council Ordinance Noo 1067, which b$ utilized for residential purposes only. Review of action en by the City Planning Commission was ordered by the City Council because 'f City Planning Commissionts Condition No.2 pertaini~9 to waiver of de Testrictions. The Mayor asked i anyone wished to address the Council. Rev. David Deshle iaddressed the Council, and it was learned that Ordinance No. 1067 (F-55-56 ) pertaining to the R-3 zoning of this property, Tract No. 3022, dO fered from the tract map recorded. It being apparent ,at a legal Ptoblem was involved and further research would be necessary it )Vas moved Itv Councilman Chandler, seconded by Co_cilman Fry, that sai !public hearing pe continued two weeks (January 31, 1961, 3,00 P.M )Jo K)TION CARRIED. CONDITIgN~ USE PERMIT NO. 921 mitted by A. A. Shamaley, Foodmaker Company, Lessee. requesting permissi to construct and operate a drive-through restaurant in a C-l zone at ]000 South Los Angeles Street (southeast corner of 500 Los Angeles Seet and Lorraine Drive)o Public hearing waheld January 3, 1961, at which time action was deferred to this date, at the request of the City Attorney, further deferred to January 24, 196 ~ 3,00 PoMo on motion by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Fry. NOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 1542. Councilman andler offered Ordinance No. l542 for final reading. After hearing in full the title of Ordinance No. 1542 ~nd having knowledge of the ts therein, Councilman Chandler moved the reading in full of said ord. ,ance be waived. Councilman Pry seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY RRIED. Refer to Ordinanc AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OF ANAHEIM OF CERTAIN INHAB NO.3. AHEIM APPROVING TIe ANNEXATI~ TO SAID CITY D TERRITORY KNOWN AS NORTHEAST ANNEXATIOO On roll call the regoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following votel AYES, NOES, ABSENT. Chandler, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None. Coons. No. 1542 duly passed and adopted. 1] [] o 4~~4 C L MINUTES ...,Janua RG GE COUNTY FLOOD CON'TROL. DISTR ICT . .lIr. .' lttu.~doch ions with the Orange County Flood' Control District, re- e easement in the vicinity of Autonetics,required for the construct! * of a major transmission line along the Flood . Control Channel, f .m the substation located on Dowling Avenue, northerly to. . Anaheim Road, a 4.... explained t~at the proposal from the Flood Control District required ~nveyance of that City owned property (.55 acres) lying within the F~od Control Channel, for exchange for this right-of-way easement. a Discussi ~ was held relative to the fairness of such an .x~ange and Councilman Cha 4ler $uggested that the City deed in fee forthe.e)lchange of said easement 4 ~tain a reversionary clause in the .event. this property ceases to be used ~r flood control purposes, and it was agreed by the Council that furth * action would be deferred to the next ~etin9 (January 24, 1961) i AQJOURNMENT t motion. I IChandler moved to adjourn. Councilman Fry seconded the SIGNED, fJ c uncil of the City of Anaheim met in regular sesston. PRESENT I ABSENT 1 PRESENT, Ghandler, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. Coons. R. Keith Ao Murdoch. EY, Preston TUrner. Dene Mo Williams. ER. Thornton Piersall. R. Martin Kreidt. te 9alled the meeting to order. M.~SI Minutes of the ~djournedre9ular and regular meetings h~ldJanua%'y 17, . 1961, weE approved_ pn motion by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman ,Fry. )l)TION CARRIE R.LurION NO. 6614. Co ~cilman Chandler offered Resolution No. 6614 for passage and adoptio ~ Refer to ~solution Book. ' Il A RESOLUTION OF THE f;. ITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANA ME. , .'IM .APPR.OVING AD.... ~ ,DIR- ECTING THE PAYMENTf DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY AS OF JANUARY 24, 1961. (Warrants Nos 10,34> !to 10,563, both inclusive, $699,630.02) On roll"c ~l the foregoing Resdlution was duly passed and adopted by the following vo,,' , AYES. NOES. ABSENT. ~'.. CILMENt. Ohandler, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. UNCILMEN, None. UNCILM E Nt Coons. . . tte declared Resolution Noo 6614 duly passed and 'adopted. ." Mayor