1961/04/11 4757 . The city Council the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: ABSENT I PRESEIffI COUNCILMEN: Cha ller, Coons, Fry, COUNCILMEN: None.. CITY MANAGER: Ke. C ITY ATTORNEY; P CITY CLERKs Dene' DIRECTOR OF PUBLI ACTING CITY ENGI ACTING PLANNING D Thompson and Schutte. A. Murdoch. ston Turner. . Williams. RKSI Thornton Piersall. I James Maddox. CTORI Richard A. Reese. Mayor Schutte cal the meeting to order. RiSOLUTI9N~.. 6792: and a.- ption. Councilman andler offered Resolution No. 6792 for passage Refer A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C THE PAtMENT OF DEMANDS AGA ' 11554 to 11812, both inclus IL OF THe CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND DIRECTING THE CITY AS OF APRIL 11, 1961. (Warrants No. , totaling $785,855.03) On roll call by the following vote: qregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUOCI COUteI COUNCI Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None. None. 6792 duly passed and adopted. POLICE FACILITIES SITE: Council 'n Chandler moved that the meeting be opened for public discussion pertainin 'to the location of the police facilities. Councilman Thompson seconde the motion. MOTION CARRIED. if anyone wished to address the Council. Mr. Ulvestad addr ~sed the Council in opposition to the Harbor Boulevard and Santa Ana Str 't location, and presented a petition of opposition to said site purportedly co taining 809 signatures, and also filed a statement which he felt would indicat a real need for additional study of said matter. Mr. A. J. DeMayo, representing the Orange County property Owners Association, recommended th site at Harbor and Santa Ana Streets, as this location would not interf~ <ith traffic in the downtown business district. Mr. Leo Friis, At orney appearing on behalf of many business people in this city, as well as himse f, addressed the Council, relating early experiences and trials of Anaheim gover . ent and the downtown merchants, which challenges were successfully met by th complete understanding of all issues and the cooperation of everyone inv Ived. He was of the opinion that to locate the police facilities on the Ha bor Boulevard site, would predetermine the location of the balance of he civic center buildings by subsequent City Councils. He noted the pro Qsed location and advised of the possible acquisition of property on he east side of Harbor Boulevard which would result in the civic center ite being bi-sected by one of the more heavily travelled arteries in the C ty. At the request of Councilman Chandler, a map of the traffic plan, showing proposed freeways a freeways already in the City, was placed upon the bulletin board for all 0 review. Mr. Howard Loudon President of the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce, presented and read in full, a Resolution passed by the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce, re dmmending that the police facility not be located at the corner of South Harb r Boulevard and Santa Ana Street, or any other location, at this time; and that a comprehensive master plan for the City be adopted during the calendar ~ear of 1961, and that the main public buildings associated with the civic cnter be located in accordance with the master [) o n 4756 1a - plan, Mrs. Rq 721 North Helena, former member of Cititens Committee for ne" uildings, objected to the police facilities bei.... erected adjacent the library site. f] Mrs. of opposition to citizens, properi oberta Kendrick, 640 North Helena, presented a petition e Harbor Site location, purportedly signed by 170-175 owners and merchants in downtown Anahe im. I Mrs. CO e2 Hoskins, 320 West Alberta, advised that her f..lings of opposition to e Harbor Site have already been expressed by previous sPeakers. Regarq 9 the rumor pertaining to the original cost and proposed sale of their prQ rty to the city of Anaheim (Kramm: Building), she advised that the property as not for sale and has not been offered for sale. She further advis tha t downtown properties have been purchased and leases signed predicated !n the fact that the city Hall was located where it is. Mrs. Do 'lthY Ulvestad, property owner in downtown Anaheim and member of a pione Anaheim family, requested and noted the need for further study and' uggested the civic center be located at or near the present City Hall nd that the Broadway property be developed as a cultural center. ' in favor e R. Lybarger, 622 South Indiana, addressed the Council bor-6anta Ana site. Mr. Da against the Harbd He referred to t~ very little contr real estate near ollins, realtor, stated he was not necessarily for or anta Ana site, but felt that a decision should" ..d.. survey that stated that the location of the City H8ll _de ution to the downtown merchants and further advised that city center was not nece.sarily in an extreme demand. n,' i , - Mrs. ElJ Citizens Committ. purpose of build I the City, and do~ presen,t city hall Counci~ an additional 20 Broadway. abeth Day, 420 South Beach Boulevard, member of for_I" was of the opinion that the bond issue was for the the building on the Harbor-Broadway property, owned by ad adequa te parking facilities would be available a t the oca tion. I I n Thompson asked if Mrs. Day was aware of plans to purCha.. res adjacent to the east of the 10 acre site on Hlrbor and Mrs. D the 10 acres pre as of the opinion that all facilities could be built on tly owned by the City. Mr. eaL n J. Andrews, 927 Nutwood Street, addressed the Council, favoring the Harb -Santa Ana Street site, and advised that in his opinion, the question to considered by the Council was how much efficiency could the police facil~ es acquire from the two locations presented. n '~J Mr. S. zoning plan for Harbor-5anta Ana need to move the Freedman addressed the Council, urging the adoption of a City, stating that he was neither for or against the te, however, felt that at the present time there was no lice facilities since the whole issue is so unsettled. . Mr. Ro Harbor Site, call Franklin P.T.A. a containing 83 sig protest was becau t Graham addressed the Council in opposition to the g attention to protests filed by members of the Benjamin Freemont'P.T.A., in addition to petitions of protest tures filed at the previous meeting. He reiterated their of the safety factor and increase in traffic. Mrs. Ru Preemont P.T.A., they definitely 11 Renner, speaking on behalf of the Executive Board, ported the remarks made by Mr. Graham and s ta t.d tha t opposed to the Harbor-&anta Ana Street site. Mrs. Be opposition to the increased traffio Routh, 842 South Helena, addressed the Council 1n rbor Site, and presented a petition, objecting to the at would be created in emergency type traffic in the 4759 in the close proximity of schools. Mayor Schutte as~ be made and Mr. Friis repl~ plan of the City, to be use felt that most people were in the civic center, and for Harbor-6anta Ana Site, woul center. Mr. Friis what kind of study he felt should he felt the Council should first make a master ito determine the civic center location. He , the opinion that the police building should be hat reason, to locate these facilities at the predetermine the location of the entire civic A YES I NOES & ABSENT I Councilman Coons Fry seconded the motion. lved that the hearing be closed. Councilman ION CARRIED. At the conclusion Councilman Coons moved that Harbor Boulevard and Santa facility building_ Counci by the following roll call f further discussion by the City Council, he City Council designate the property on a Street as the location for the new police n Fry seconded the motion. Said motion carried tel Coons, Fry and Schutte. Chandler and Thompson. None. The Mayor declar i Ithe foregoing motion carried. I RBCESSa Cot.1ncilman Chandler mo seconded the motion. MOT I to recess to 7130 P.M. Councilman Coons (recessed at 51l~ P.M.) ~~ ~111- Mayor Schutte ca ~d the meeting to order, all members of the Councl1being present. ! Rev. Charles Cox, of the Friends Church, gave the Invocation. Mayor Schutte led ~e Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Public hearing was scheduled 9, publis~ed in the Anaheim Bulletin, March 31, ative to the proposed abandonment of a portion of ted, briefly, east' of',Loara Street, between ta Ana Freeway, lying along the Santa Ana Freeway. p~u..t to Resolution No. 1961, and notices posted, r public utility easement 10 Manchester Avenue and the S The Mayor asked i lanyone wished to address the counCil, there being no response, declared ~he hearing closed. RJ:;iPL'IIOtJ 00. 67931 Counc lfnan Chandler offered Resolution No., 6793 for passagt and adoption. Refer to Resoluti A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C AND ABlNDONIENT OF THAT PO ' ALONG, OVER AND THROUGH THE IL OF THE CIlY OF ANAHEIM ORDERING.THE VACATION N OF AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES UPON RE INAFTER DESCR IBED REAL PROPERTY. On roll call the by the following votel regoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted AYl!Sa NOES : ABSENT a Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None. None. The Mayor dec1ar 6793 duly passed and adopted. NT VARIA. NO. 1~47J Submit questing permission to cons on property located on the Orangewood Avenues. (Condi A by Melvin L. and Donna D. Scharnweber7 re- ct single story, semi-private deluxe apartments st side of Haster Street, between Katella and ~onal Use Permit No. 98) Variance No. 1347, Submitted by Melvin L. and Donna D. SCharnweber, [] [] [] 4760 requesting permis projects in an R~ as tosetha~,ks, h on the west side l' on to cons truct a group dwelling development and zO,ne, and reques ting waiver of certain ,COde requirements ght limitation, garages, etc. on property located Haster Street, between Katella and ,Orang9wood Avenues. I I Iplanning Commission, pursuant ID their Resolution No. ~, granted said conditional use permit No. 96, subject I Iplanning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. ~, granted Variance N~. 1347, subject to the following: i n,', (J The Cit 15?, Series 1960~ to conditions. 209, nt of $2.00 per front foot for stre&tlightingpurposes. nt of $25.00 per dwelling unit Park & Recreation fee to be f building permit. sions for adequate trash storage and pickup. Collection on all be arranged with contractor. 1. 2. Prd accordance with 0 3. Oed Haster Street (3Q 4. Pr~ improvements in a of the City Engiry 5. Pa\t 6. Pa)t collected as part 7. Pro private property opment substantially in accordance with plans presented. sion of garages 9* feet by 20 feet in size and in , e requirements. ation of 45 feet from the monumented centerline of eet exis ting). ration of street improvement plans and installation of all ordancewith approved standard plans on file in the office Public on Conditional Us hearing on Varian aring was continued from the meeting of March 21, 1961 Permit No. 98, to be considered in conjunction with the No. .1327. n, I,] Communi! operator of farm solid 6 foot maso : 1'tion dated April II, 196, I from Hiroshi Fujishige, owner- the west boundary of subject variance, requesting a y, was submitted and read. ,~ asked if anyone wished to addre'ss the Council. i ~m the Variance file were reviewed by the city Council. Mr. Bob were in agreement however, would ra that the plans su the west boundary stipulate to volu recreation fee. nger, Agent, addressed the Council, advising that they ith the conditions imposed by the city Planning Commission, er provide carports instead of gar~ges. He stated itted made provision for a five foot masonry wall along ine. Further, that if the Council desired, he would ~ary payment of the $25.00 per dwelling unit, park and there ~ asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, *onse, declared the hearings closed. R SOLUfION NO. 61 passage and adopt Councilman Chandler offered Resolution Noo 6794 for denying Conditional Use Permit Noo 980 Booko A RESOLUfION OF T OF MELVIN L. AND , CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DENYING THE REQUEST NNA D. SCHARNWEBER FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 980 n u ~a,ll the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted qtel , . by the 4761 Git and subject to the recommendati exception, that Condition No. 2 .garages., further, subject to park and recreation fund, as st the building permit. 3100 P.M. ~s of the City Planning Commission, with the ~hereof be amended to read .carports. instead of e payment of $25.00 per dwelling unit to the ,ulated by Mr. Unger, to be collected as a part of Refer to Resoluti ~ Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI IOF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING VARIANCE NO. 1347. I On roll call the fore+ing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following votes I PUBLI AYES, NOES. ABSENT I COUNCILMEN, COUNCILMEN; COUNCILMENt The Mayor Mr. Leonard SmithiAgent, addressed the Council, explaining their proposed planso He referr 1 to the standard C-l deed restrictions, and requested that they be pe . tted to erect a fence along the alley portion of the property and also a 'ng the westerly sideo The Mayor asked there being no response, RESOLUTION NO. 6796. passage and adoption, and operate a service stat the plans presented, and a south and west sides of th entrance from the adjacent Refer to Resoluti lanyone else wished to address the Council, .lared the hearing closed. j'ilman Thompson offered Resolution No. 6796 for ng Conditional Use Permit Noo 105 to construct n, subject to development in accordance with roving the erection of an eighteen inch wall on the iproperty, with an entrance from the alley and an ~-l property to the west. A RESOLlTfION OF THE CITY C~CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 105 TO ROBE t L. CLIFFORD TO CONSTRUcr AND OPERATE A SERVICE STATION ON THE PROPERTY HE tINAFTER DESCRIBED. On roll call the by the following votes AYES: NOES: ABSENT : was duly passed and adopted Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None. None. Noo 6796 duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING - VARIANCE NO. Submitted by Sunkist Homes, requesting waiver of front, rear and yard setback requirements on proposed sub- division lots (Tract No. 3 ;0) located, briefly, on the west side of Rio Vista Street, between La P ~ma Avenue and Anaheim-Olive Road. The City Planning ~ommission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 208, (] n n n,; tJ nf,;"':~,.,: f : f n I ~ ,,J .Cit the file were reviewed by the City Council. 4762 ifornia - COUNCIL MINUTES 00 PoM. Series 1960"'61,~nYing Variance Noo 1346. I om action taken by the City Planning CODlDission was filed .cant and public hearing scheduled to be held this date. I dence dated April 3, 1961, with attached sketch, from ther explaining their requested variance, was submitted n furnished each Councilman) 0 Sunkist (copies asked if anyone wished to address the Gouncil. Mro Me~ "II Butler, Sunkist Homes, addressed the Council, advising that last year t y were granted a similar variance for development of Tract No. 2767, ich tract is adjacent to subject property and developed with the same t~ of homeso Mr. Ra nd Cross, 8059 Taormina Drive, addre.ssed the Council in opposition to s~. variance, as in his opinion, all Code requirements should be mainta" ed in the development of new residential tractso there if anyone else wished to address the Council, declared the hearing closed. 7 Councilman Chandler offered Resolution No. 6797 for .on, granting variance No. 1346, subject to development plans presentede A RESOLur ION OF VARIANCE NO. 134 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING by the all the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted ote: I C~~CILMENI Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutteo COUNCILMEN. None 0 COUNCILMEN. None. AYES I NOES I ABSENT I declared Resolution Noo 6797 duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING - REC IFICATION NO. 60- 1-70 Submitted by Robert H. Miles William Ao Syl ter, Agent) requesting change of zone from R-l to R-2, property located t 315 South Citron Street (west side of Citron Street, between Broadway nd Santa Ana Street). I The Cit IPlanning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 197, Series 1960 1, recommended said reclassification, subject to the following condit. 10 2.. 30 substantially in accordance with plans presented. nt of $2000 per front foot for street lighting purposes. jlimitation of 90-days for the accomplishment of Item No.2. Communi ~tion of opposition, dated April 8, 1961, received from Jason A. Griesel " owner of property at 323 South Citron Street, was submitted and re I i The May .~ asked if anyone wished to address the Council, there being no respons ,~ declared the hearing closed. Agent, was present. 8 Councilman Coons offered Resolution Noo 6798 for on, authorizing the preparation of necessary ordinance, as requested, subject to the recolllRendations of the ission, and development in accordance with plans pre- 4763 Cit sented, and further subjec Ito the payment of $25000 per dwelling unit for park and recreation pu ;oses, to be collected as part of the building permit. Refer to Resoluti A RE90Lt.rrION OF THE CITY a DETERMINING THAT TITLE 18 ZONING S~ULD BE AMENDED ~ BE CHANGED. (60-61-70 - R ~regoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted On roll call the by the following vote: AYES; COUNCI NOES. COUNCI ABSENT . GOUNGI Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. Noneo Noneo Noo 6798 duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HE IN - RECLASSIFICAT Unger, Agent requesting 0 on the South side of Orang Haster Street.. 0-61-711 Submitted by Rupert Ault (Robert S. nge of zone from R-A to R-l, property located ood Avenue, approximately 1030 feet east of The City Planning qommission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 198, Series 1960-61, reco ~nded said reclassification, subject to the following conditions: 10 Dedication of 45 feet from the monumented centerline of Orangewood Avenue (20 feet existing)o 2.. Preparation 0 Istreet improvement plans and installation of all improvements in accordance ~ith approved standard plans on file in the n office of the City Enginee ~ 30 Payment of $2~0 per front foot for street lighting purposes. '_ 40 Time limitatin of 90-days for the accomplishment of Item Nos~ 1, 2 and 3. Correspondence fr d Mro Unger and Mr. Ault, requesting waivers of curbs, gutters and sidewalks and 1reet lighting at this time, was submitted 0 Plans were review 4 by the Council and the Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Coun !lo Mr. Unger address 4 the Council, advising that there are no street improvements in this immed 4te area on the south side of Orangewood and to require said improvements .uld disturb the irrigation lines serving his property. That they would install said street improvements at such time as the improvements to the west of subject property are installed. The Mayor asked i anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no response, d 41ared the hearing closed.. ~lman Coons offered Resolution No. 6799 for tizing the preparation of necessary ordinance, $ted, subject to the recommendations of the City ~e provision that Conditions Noo 2 and 3 thereof er until such time as required by the City Engineer, +ment be executed by the Applicant for recordation factory to the City Attorney, insuring in- .ntso RESO~urION NO. 6799: passage and adoption, changing the zone, as requ Planning Commission, with be granted a temporary wai upon condition that an agr against the property, sati stallation of said improve Refer to Resoluti A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C ~CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETER-" MINING THAT TITLE 18 OF T1ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THAT THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHAN~D. (60-61-71 - R-l) , [] n 4764 ifornia On roll ~all the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following ~otel AYES, NOES 1 ABSENTt COUNCILMEN 1 COUNCILMEN, COUNCILMEN t Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. Noneo None. ~" ;'1\ ., ,',:: ~.,~,....':,;' f ~IT Iff declared Resolution No. 6799 duly passed and adoptedo I P . F-59- 0- 071 Giacomo and Agostina Lugaro, equesting permission to amend deed restrictions filed in accordance w~ Resolution Noo 6126, which restrictions limit the C-l uses of the pro~ ty to specific activitieso Public: check requested in the C-I zone", aring was continued from the meeting of April 4, 1961 to endment to determine if all uses requested were allowable Mro Tur reported that Mr. MacMahon, Attorney representing the Applicant, verba y requested that this matter be again continued, as he could not be pr~ nt at this time and he wished to submit still an additional list of proposed mended useso " , ,~ Dorsch, adjacent property owner, requested permission to list of uses, prior to the date of any continuance. I Counci]4n Coons moved that the hearing be continued for one week (April 18, '61, 3.00 PoMo}o Councilman Thompson seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIEDo review SIFICATION NO 0- 1-72. Submitted by Paul Turner in, Agent requesting change of zone from R-O toG-I, t 1565 West Katella Avenue (north side of Katella yless and Carnelian Streets)o The Cit!Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 199, Series 1960 .,41, recommended said reclassification, subject to the following conditinsl 10 opment substantially in accordance with plans ~...nted. 2" sion of 13 improved parking spaces in accordance with Code requirements ubject propertyo 30 ation of 60 feet from the monumented centerline of Katella Avenue ( feet existing). 40 Pre 'jration of street improvement plans and installation of all improvements, ',', n accordance with approved standard plans on fIle in the office of the Ci Engineero 50 Pay nt of $2000 per front foot for street lighting purposes. 60 Tim Ilimitation of 90-days for accomplishment of Item Nos. 3, 4 and 5. n~""", , 70 Con west property li where said wall 80 Fil limiting use to any modification approval 0 90 Tim subject resoluti determination on alteration to co iruction of a six foot masonry wall on the east, north and ~s to within twenty-five feet of the south property line all be reduced to three and one-half feet. g of C-l, Neighborhood Commercial, deed restrictions, *ofessional offices only, and including the stipulation that ~f the building be subject to Architectural Committee ilimitation of five years from the effective date of the i, subject to review within said period of time, for he necessity for either removal of the building or ercial standards. Plans f +m the file were reviewed by the Council. Jr i The May t asked if anyone wished to address the Council. ! Dr. Car contingent on rt as he does not W time, and the 0 IEo Remelin advised that he was purchasing the property, tning, and requested that the wall requireent be W,aived n to use the rear of the property for parking at this .rs of the property to the east and west have agreed to ant, addressed the Council, urging favorable consideration of his reque i for rezoning and referred to a communication on file, which he received~rom the California Bank, Real Estate Loan Officer9 dated March 25, 1959, advi ~n9 that due to the location of subject property, ,1.... .... it was ineligible as secur. ;y for an insured mortgage. He also submitted a letter from Mrs. Florence ,enig, neighbor at 1207 East Vermont, approving said rezoning. 4765 Cit. California 'COUNCIL MINUTES 3100 P.Mo said waiver of the wall re ~irementQ Discussion was he ~ regarding the City Planning Commission condition of review within ~ive years and also the wall requirement. Mr. Crowl, reside ~ across Katella Avenue from subject property, felt that there should be iprovision controlling the outside appearance of the building_ The Mayor asked there being no response, janyone else wished to address the Council, qlared the hearing closed. _ I I I j.lman Chandler Offered. Resolution No. 6800 for izing preparation of necessary ordinance, ted, subject to the recommendations of the Oth the exception that Condition No.9 thereof isubject to the provision that a temporary waiver ents of Condition Noo 7 until such time as ~, subject to the posting of a bond, satisfactory ~ng installation of said walls when required by RESOWJTION NO. 6800, passaqe and adoption, chan~ing the zone, as requ City Planning Commission, be eliminated, and further be granted the wall requir required by the City Coune to the City Attorney, insu the City. Refer to Resoluti A RES()llTfION OF THE CITY a CIl OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETER- MINING THAT TITLE 18 OF T ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THAT THE BO DARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED . (60-61-72- C-l) On roll call the by the following vote: was duly passed and adopted AYES: NOES, ABSENT I Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. Noneo Noneo Noo 6800 duly passed and adopted. RECESS a Councilman Coons seconded for a fifteen minute recess. Councilman OTION CARRIED. (recessed, 9.25 P.M.) AFTER RECBSS a Mayor being present. the meeting to order, all Council members PUBLIC SIFICAT 60-6 -7 I Submitted by James Co and Marg~et Huebsch, requesti change of zone from R-I to C-l, restricted to professional offices on j' property located at 1203 East Ve'I'mont Avenue (northeast corner, Vermont 'enue and East Street). The City Planning 200, Series 1960-61, reco ommission, pursuant to their Resolution No. ~ded said reclassification be denied. The Mayor asked i lanyone wished to address the Councilo Mr. Murdoch repor 1961, covering a 24-hour East Street, that from sa. living at this intersectio on results of a traffic survey taken April 4, ,iod, at the intersection of Vermont Avenue and report, it would appear that residential would be very undesirableo The Mayor asked there being no response, !anyone else wished to address the Council, :lared the hearing closed. o o ~ n n 4766 ifornia - COUNCIL MINUTES - A RESOLUfION NO. passage and adop changing the zon filing of deed Jt limiting the usa that the front y Councilman Fry offered Resolution Noo 6801 for on, authorizing the preparation of necessary ordinance, as requested for professional offices only, subject to the trictions, to remain in force for a period of 10 years, o professional offices only and also including therein, d area shall not be used for parking purposes. Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND 1>ETER- MINING THAT TIT 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CO~ RELATING TO 20NING SHOUI..D BE AMENDED AND 11 T THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED. (60-61-73 - C-l, rofessional offices) , by the all the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted otel COUNCILMEN, COUNCILMEN, COUNCILMEN I Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. Non e . None. I , declared Resolution No. 6801 duly passed and adopted. SIFICAT - 4 Submitted by Edward P. Backs, of zone from R-A to C-l, property located at 224 North west side of Placentia Avenue, approximately 630 feet reet) . The Ci~IP1anning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 201, Series 196Q ~l, recommended said reclassification, subject to. j 3 and 4. 10 Oev 2. Deq Placentia Avenue 3. Pre all improvements office of the Ci 4. Pa 5 . T ill opment substantially in accordance with plans presented. ation of 53 feet from the monumented centerline of 50 feet existing). ration of street improvement plans and installation of n accordance with approved standard plans on file in ttle Engineer. nt of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. ,limitation of 90 days for the accomplishment of Items 2, I 6. Pro ~sions made for the protection of the irrigation pipeline, referred to in t 1 letter from the Anaheim Union Water Company dated February 27, 196 Ion file with subject petition, to the satisfaction of the Anaheim Wate ,Company. ' Plans f ~m the file were reviewed by the City Council. The May .* asked if anyone wished to address the Council. pipeline the declared 4, Applicant, advised that they would try to eliminate Ito, if at all possible. i tse wished to address the Council, thereupon, the Mayor ~ng closed. I so UrION NO. passage and adop granting the zoo Planning Commiss Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 6802 for on, authorizing preparation of necessary ordinance, as requested, subject to the recommendations of the City ;no i jResolution Book. A RESOLlTII ON OF CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETER- MINING THAT TITn 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOIJLD BE AMENDED AND 1 T THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED. (60-61-74 - C-l) On roll qall the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the followingiotet 4767 California iOOUNCIL M NUTES - A ril 11 1961 3 00 P.Yo AYES. NOES I ABSENT t COUNCI COUNCl COUNeI Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None II None. 6802 duly passed and adopted. RESOLlJIIott, NO. 68031 and adoption. ICoons offered Resolution Noo 6803 for passage Refer Booko A RE9()LUfION OF THE CITY 0 Aur~IZING THE EXECUTION TR L TAN W TER DISTRI WATER DISTRICT, COASfAL M FULLERTON AND SANTA ANA, C OF TIE PROP ED EAST ORAN CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, ORANGE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CIPAL WATER DISTRICT, AND THE CITIES OF ANAHEIM, ERING THE CONSTRUCfION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COUNTY FEEDER NO.2. On roll call the by the following vote; qregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES, NOES. ABSENT I COUNCI COONCI COUNCI ~I Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. t None.. ; None. IResolution Noo 6803 duly passed and adopted. REQUEST TQ SOLICIT FUNDSa Requ for permission to solicit from residents within the May, 1961, was submitted, seconded by Councilman Tho 4t of Sto Jude Hospital, Fullerton, California, ~ntributions for the current expansion program ~ty of Anaheim during the months of April and ~d granted, on motion by Councilman Coons, *sono MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMEtg - LIBRARY BOARDs A Ithe request of the Library Board and on the reco~endations of Council ~n Fry, Mayor Schutte appointed Mr. C. B. Miller, Member of the Library Boa~ lfor the ensuing term, commencing May I, 1961. Said appointment Councilman Chandler, secoo. ratified by the City Council on motion by by Councilman Thompson. MOTION CARRIED. CORRES~N~NCE: Correspondenceteceived from Mro Jo Po Webb, dated March 30, 1961, protesting the new D~neyland Monorail system, was submitted and ordered received and filed ~n motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Chandlero MOTIK CARRIED. SPECIAL USE PERMIT NO. 82t Req .st for further extension of time on Special Use Permit No. 82 was held ove 'from the meeting of ApTil 4, 1961, for further investigation.. Mr. Murdoch repor ~d that Mr.. Grover, Applicant, apparently is still the owner of the pro .rty, pending negotiations of sale, but that he did not intend to devel ~ a social club as originally requested. That the proposed purchaser, Mr iJohn Waller, intends to file application for the establishment of a res home on the property. Councilman Coons .ved that no further action be taken on the request of Hazel Dascenzi .r an extension of time to Special Use Permit No. 82. Councilman Chandl * seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. SPECIAL USE PERMIT NO. 791 Methodist Church, for to Resolution No. 6252, wa seconded by Councilman Coo August 30, 1961, was grant ,st of Robert Co Borklund, Minister, St. Mark's $ion of time to improvement bond filed pursuant submitted9 and on motion by Councilman Thompson, ., one year extension of time, commencing 4 said improvement bond. MOTION CARRIED. LI UOR APPLICATION - 431 SOUTH application for new on-sal been withdrawn from the De the Applicant, Ray Go Fris No further action MaN STREETt The City Manager reported that jbeer license at 431 South Lemon Street, had +rtment of Alcoholic Beverge Control Board by .eo +as taken by the City Council. o n n 4768 ifornia ... COUNCIL MINUTES -A ril 11 1961 00, .1.11. SIGN PPLICATION - F sign to be erec1 GQorge N. Watts, Boulevard, toge1 and reviewed by IA -PARK Application for billboard type by Forest Lawn Memorial-Park on property owned by r. at the northwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and Beach r with attached sketch and colored photo, was submitted e City Council. tee, representing the Applicant, addressed the Council, *e of sign requested and the proposed location. I l;n was he,ld by the Council rega, rding billboard type signs, ted that pursuant to Resolution of Intention No. 6109 n No. F-59-60-36, C-l and C-3 zoning is still pending on ich the proposed sign is to be erected. ved by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Coons, lication be granted for a two year period on~y, subject er by the City Council. MOTION CARRIED. n Mr. Ch~ explaining the 1 Discus$ and it was also in Reclassificat the property on It was that said sign a to review there a n Subdivider, Chanticleer. T~act located on the west at Chanticleer, and contains 51 R-l lots. The Act stantially with have been paid a a wall along the' said tract, subj On the moved that fi nal seconded the mot. i commendations of the City Engineer, Councilman Chandler ap, Tract No. 3882, be approved. Councilman Coons MOTION CARRIED. of wall foot in adjacent property owner to the west, asked what type ed to be constructed and requested that the wall be six of masonry construction. Mro Kel. to fence the yar wished to partie willing to discu I I I', representing the SUbdiVider,' advised that they p,lanned with six foot redwood fencing. That if Mr. Stehly ate in the construction of a block wall, he would be it with him. fence that a six foot redwood fence or chain link provide protection to the adjacent property. RENEWAL - INSURANC City Attorney, r that renewal the C PREHENSIVE FIRE AND T FT Mr. Dawson, Assistant that he had reviewed said policies and reco.ended authorized.. It was ved by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Chandler, that United Paci .c Policy No. AC 306180 and Aetna Policy No. C 36-87-95, (City Fleet) Co~ ehensive, Fire, Theft and Combined Additional Coverage, be renewed and p iums authorizedo MOTION CARRIED. AW BIDS RECEIVED OF CONTRACf - J received for the feet east of Car and recommended the amount of $2 NO. 12161 The Acting City Engineer reported on bids rritos Avenue sewer improvement from approximately 130 tta Avenue to approximately 18 feet west of Florence Ave. e acceptance of the low bid, that of A. Ho Famularo in 344090. n (All bi ~ accompanied by a bid bond in Ao Ho F ularo deLeon nstruction Company Cook & rletta Jo S. Brett, Inco Orange unty Const. COD the amount of'lQ%) $28,344.90 35,271.38 37,895076 42,505.82 43,040.44 Councilman Chandler offered Resolution "No. 6804 for esolution Booko 4769 Cit 6804 duly passed and adoptedv A RESOLUf ION OF THE CITY 0 SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARD FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL MENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT t THE C MATELY 130 FEET EAST OF C FLORENCE AVENUE IN THE CI CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER ANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIP- ANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, SARY TO CONSTRUCf AND CClttPLETE THE FOLLOWING RITOS AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT FROM APPROXI- ~TA AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 18 FEET WEST OF lOF ANAHEIM, JOR NO. 1216.. (A.. Ho Famularo) On roll call the by the following votes regoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES, NOES I ABSENT 1 Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. Noneo None.. The Mayor declar RESOLUTION NO. 6805: and adoption. I ICoons offered Resolution Noo 6805 for passage ! RESOLUTION NO. 68061 Councilma !Coons offered Resolution Noo 6806 for passage and adoption.. Refer A RESOLUfION OF THE CITY CIl OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETER... MINING THAT PUBLIC CONVEN E AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND CClAPLETION OF A PUBLIC 1M EMENT, TO WITI THE IMPROVEMENT OF HARBOR BOULEVARD, FROM APPROXIMA 100 FEET NORTH OF MIDWAY DRIVE TO KATELLA AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF ANA 1M, PROJECf NO. 79; AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS D SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AtrrHORIZING THE CONSTRUCfI OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCOODANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICA ~ONS, ETC; AND AUfHORIZING AND DIRECfING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A N neE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be open 'April 28, 1961, 2:00 PoMo) On roll call the :regoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES. ABSENT a Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. Noneo Noneo 6805 duly passed and adopted. Refer to Reso luti Booko A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C tiNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETER- MINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENI E AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND CC>>APLETION OF A PUBLIC IMP EMENT, TO WITs CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF A WATER MAIN, UNIT NOo 3, LA PALMA AVENUE, FR~ EAST STREET TO RIO VISTA STREET, IN THE CITY OF ANA IM, WORK ORDER NO. 4006, AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS :n SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AlITHORIZING THE CONSTRUCfI OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS ;ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECfING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE NVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be open d May 4, 1961, 2:00 PoMo) On roll call the ~regoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following votes AYES. COUNCILM~: Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. NOES: COUNCILt-fa None.. ABSENT: COUNCIL ~t Noneo The Mayor declare IResolution No. 6806 duly passed and adopted. o n o n.J tJ ,., J n 4770 .11. OT CES OF FINAL CC14 the contractors have accordance with plans accepted. IONt The Director of Public Works certified that mpleted Jobs Noso 528, 1203, 1204, 1209 and 5000 in nd specifications and recommended the work be officially ! Councilman Fry offered for passage and adoption. . 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PIING THE CXJMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, TERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UI'ILITIES AND TlWtIPORTATIQf UEL AND WATER, AND PERF(]UIING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CON... E THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVeMeNT, TO WITt THE tM- os AVENUE, FROM LOS ANGELES STltEET TO APPROXIMATELY 540 STREET, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, JOB NO. 5280 (Ro J. R NO ANAHEIM FINALLY LABOR, SERV ICES, INCLUDING POWER, STRUCT AND COMPL AVENUE SEWER IM DRIVE TO APPROX] ANAHE IM t JOB NO. A RESOLlITION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIII HE ca.tPLHTION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT t LABOR, AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL trrILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION IN- L AND WATIER, AND PERFORMING All WORK NECESSARY TO CCIJ- E THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WITt TtE WAGNlR" PROVEMENT, IN WAGNER AVENUE FROM PLACENTIA AVENUE STA STREET, AND IN RIO VISTA STREET NORTHERLY TO ANAHEIM- , CITY OF ANAHEIM, JOB NO. 12030 (J. S. Barrett, !nc.) A RESOLtrrION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PrING THE CCI4PLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, TERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION UEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO COO.. E THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT I THE WESTERN EMENT, FROM APPROXIMATELY 42 FEET NORTH OF STClfiBROOK TELY 19 FEET NORTH OF TERANIMAR DRIVE IN THE CITY OF ~204o (de Leon Construction Coo) R N.'O A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY PTING THE CCIlPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL Pt.ANT, LABOR, SERVICES, TERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATICIf INCLUDING POWER, UEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO OON- ' SfRUcr AND (X)MP E THE FOLLONING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT. THE CHERRY WAY SEWER IMPRO'J NT, FROM RCMNEYA DRIVE TO GLEN DRIVE, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, JOB NO. ~2090 (Plumbing Contractors, Inc.) R SIN NO . A RESOLUT ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY CEPrING THE CCMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL 'LAllI't LABOR, SERVICES, TERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL trrILITIES AND TRANSPCIlTATICIf INCLUDING POWER, UEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CON- STRUCT AND COMP E THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT * CONSTRucrI~ OF A STORM DRAIN N BALL ROAD, FROM ANAHEIM-BARBER CITY CiANNEL TO APPROXI- MATELY 217 FEET ST OF THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FE RAILROAD, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, JOB NO. 50000 (Martin Fo Kordick-R.E. Crane) On rollqall the foregoing Resolutions Nos. 6807 to 6811, both inclusive, were ~ly passed and adopted by the following vote. AYES, NOESr ABSENT a COUNCILMEN. Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Sohutte. COUNCILMENt Noneo COUNCILMEN, Noneo The May, declared Resolutions Nos. 6807 to 6811, both inclusive, duly passed and opted 0 IT PLANNING C N I EMS Actions taken by the City Planning Ca.m!ssion April 3, 1961, P taining to the following applications, weresulRltted for City Council nformation and consideration. 4772 Cit ifornia - oOuIClL MINUTES · A AND CITY CLERK] ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM WITH THE RANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT AND THE COUNTY OF ORANGE FOR THE a STRUCfION OF A CULVERT AT DOWLING STREET. by the all the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted oter [] AYES, COUNCILMeN I Chandlert Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutt.. NOES. COUNCILMEN, None. ABSENT Jl COONeI LMEN 1 None. declared Resolution Noo 6813 duly passed and adopted. IESOLUTION NO. 68141 ouncilman Chandler offered Resolution No. 6914 for passage and ado~ esolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPrING. A ~ DEED CONVEYING HE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FeR AN SMIMmrr F<Ji ROAD AND P lTfILITY PlIiPOSES. (Charles A. & Helen 110 Hunt and Dorothy Hunt Be. and) by the AYES. NOES. ABSENT I II the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted tel ~" OUNCILMEN. Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. UNCILMEN, None. UNCILMEN. None. declared Resolution No. 6814 duly passed and adopted. n The Ma . RESOLUTION NO. 68151 uncilman Chandler offered Resolution No. 6815 for passage and ado, . n. esolution Book. A RESOLUI'ION OF DEED CONVEYING T FOR ROAD AND PUB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A mAN! HE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASBMEIfT UTILITY PURPOSES. (Giacomo Lugaro and Agostina Lugaro) by the 11 the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted tel AYES. g. OUNCILMEN, Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. NOES. OrrNa LMENt None. ABSENT: OUNCI LMEN a None 0 i n declared Resolution Noo 6815 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 6816. and adoption. uncilman Coons offered Resolution No. 6816 for passage A RESOLur ION OF r DEED CONVEYING T PURPOSES. (Luis CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AQ;EPTltIl, A GRANT HE CITY OF ANAHE IM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FCIl MlllJeIPAL pez Lemus & Gloria A. Lemus) . ! On roll ~ll the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopt811 by the following pte: AYES, ~'UNCILME~ Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. NOES: OUNCILMEN. None. ABSENT t UNCI LMEN t None. I The Mayo j declared Resolution No. 6816 duly passed and adopted. 4773 Cit PURCHASE Of PROPERTY, On motio Chandler, the City Manager for the Carmon Gonzales pr on the east side of Parry y Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman as authorized to enter into escrow negotiations rty (portion of Lot A, Tract No. 97) located eete MOTION CARRIED. ORANGE C Y AMENIJIENT TO SECT! The recommendations and fi Commi$sion, pertaining to Map 7-4-9 of Ordinance 351, and explained by Acting Ci AL DISTRCT MAP 7-4-9 EAST ANAHEIM AREA 1 ings, as follows, of the City Planning nge County amendment to Sectional District las amended by Exhibits H and I, were submitted Planning Director, Richard A. Reese. Findings and rec their meeting of April 3, of the City Planning Commission at -I. AR(O), with the exception corner of Lincoln Avenue ( the exception of the R-l S" south of Lincoln Avenue ( and best use of the subjec, the Anaheim Planning COllJllt heaviest zoning that would development. Furthermore, rounding areas by a minim I 'sification of the subject properties to AR and the 18 acre parcel located at the northeast aheim-Olive Road) and Rio Vista Street and with Ie Family Residential Tract No. 3959, located eim-Ol i ve RCB d), would cons ti tute the highest ropertyo However, as an alternate recommendation, ion considers the County MR(O) zone to be the compatible with the existing proposed residential at any "M" uses should be buffered from sur- .fifty foot building setback and landscaping zone. 2. That the high would be reclassified to any single development be vided further, that the p accordance with an officia center indicating the ulti immediate and future devel and best use of the aforementioned 18 acre parcel County C-! Local Business District provided that , ited to a 10 acre minimum size parcel, and pro- rty be restricted by Ordinance to development in adopted .Precise Plan" for an integrated shopping e development of the project, and that all ent be in compliance with the official pIano Il 30 That the Coun I Master Plan of Arterial Streets and Highways n be _nded to establish t !proposed secondary highways in accordance with the U study prepared by the PIa "g Department and that said study be forwarded to the Orange County Planning ommissiono Commissioner All adoption, seconded by Comm" Department transmit to the of the Anaheim Planning C subject to the review and offered a motion and moved for its passage and sioner Marcoux and carriedi that the Planning ange County Planning Commission the recommendations ssion as outlined in the aforementioned findings, roval thereof by the Anaheim City Council." Discussion was h& noted on the map, together Planning Commissiono City Council and the area under consideration suggested changes recommended by the City Councilman Chand!' moved that the City Council concur in the recom- mendations of the City PIa "ng Commission, and that said recommendations, tog..er with the map pert. illg thereto, be forwarded to the Orange County Planning Commission. Coun man Coons seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. FINANC L PERATING REPORTS March were ordered by Councilman Fry. and Operating Reports for the month of on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded ANNUAL RE T- ANA IM FIRE Department, was ordered re seconded by Councilman Fry. Annual Report~ 1960, of the Anaheim Fire ived and filed, on motion by Councilman Coons, MOTION'CARRIED. CANCELLATlQN OF COUNTY TAXES I Thompaon, the Orange Count, taxes on property acquired pursuant to Resolution No. in Book 5668, Page 768; an 1961 as Document No. 17178-, Northwestern Pacific Railr motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman oard of Supervisors was requested to cancel County the City of Anaheim for municipal purposes, 12, recorded March 27, 1961 as Document No. 17177, jpursuant to Resolution No. 6317, recorded March 27, ~n Book 5668, Page 772 (Southern Pacific Company and , Company property). MOT ION CARRIED. [] f] ~,.':,', l ~j ! , ! ' n, ",~,~,', r ,~j 4774 It was moved by Councilman Fry, seconded by , that cancellation of City taxes on the following rizeda Orange . Geo Doc Carbi MOTION CARRIED. nty Flood Control District - formerly assessed to Eo Sibbett, et ux, recorded March 9, 1961 as t No. 5678 in Book 5651, Page 219 (Project No. Bl, Creek Channel, Parcel Nos. 1209.01 and 1209.11) CORRESPONDENCE. The llowing correspondence was ordered received and filed by the City Cou -Ion motion by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Coonsi. )()TION CARRIED. (a) 0 e County Mosquito Abatement District - Minutes of ting held March 17, 1961. (b) .can Society for Public Ad~inistratlon - Warren and stra Awards. (c) er River Project Association CRDINANCE NO. 1~661 reading 0 ncilman Chandler offered Ordinance No:. 1566 for flnal rdinance Book. AN ORDINANCE OF CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 1, CHAPTER 1.04 (If THE ANAHEIM MUNICIP, ODE BY AMENDING SECTIONS 1004.350, 1.04.360 AND 1.04.370 THEREOF!, NO BY ADDING THERETO SECTION 1.04.361. (Planning Corrmission - Oft rs) by the 11 the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and acJopted tel After h: having knowledge reading in full the motion. MOT [ ing read in full the title of Ordinance No.1'" and the contents therein, Councilman Chandler moved the . said Ordinance be waived. Councilman Coons seconded UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. AYES. NeE S. ABSENT. r ~' OUNCILMEN, Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. OUNCILMENt None. OUNCILMEN. None. I declared Ordinance No. 1566 duly passed and adopted. ncilman Fry offered Ordinance No. 1567 for first readieg. ORDINANCE NO. 1567. AN ORDINANCE OF r "AN ORDINANCE OF OF GARDEN GROVE CITY OF ANAHEIM REPEALING <E.DINANCE NO. l5,54ENTITtED. CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA, COOSENTING TO THE CITY NISHING WATER SERVICE TO INHABITANTS OF ANAHEIlM". After he having knowledge reading in full 0 the motion. MaTI ing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1567 and the contents therein, Councilman Coons moved the said Ordinance be waived. Councilman Chandler seconded UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. FOR CONY, RS ION Property, filed valued at $29095 Department, was s was ordered refer Chandler, seconde PER ONAL PR PERTY, Claim for Conversion of Personal Alfred Eo Standeford, for return of transitor radio ich was in a vehicle impounded by the Police mitted and denied by the City Council and said claim d to the City Attorney, on motion by Councilman by Councilman Coons. MOTION CARRIED. A URY P N I Notice of Levy by the U. S. , against William R. Spencer, "Robins Sign Service, , Anaheim, was submitted, and ordered referred to the for appropriate action, on motion by Councilman Councilman Chandler. MOTION CARRIED. 4775 1961 3:00 P.M. RESOLUTION NO. 6817: Gouncilma offered Resolution No. 6817 for passsfe and adoption. Refer to Resoluti, Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF THE CITY ATtORNEY TO C LITIGATION. IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DIRECTING AND INAY:E TO ISSUE WARRANTS AT THE REQuEST FILING FEES AND COURT COSTS FOR CITY On roll call the by the following vote: egoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES! NOES; ABSENT: Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None. None. No. 6817duly passed and adopted. ADJOU~NI, ! Councilman Coons ed to adjourn to April 12, 1961, 10100 A.M., and also moved waiver of f, her notice of said adjournment. GounciAllan Schutte seconded the motio I MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CAIIIIED. I SIGNEDI ADJOURNED I o o o ~