70R-255 c-::........... RESOLUTION NO. 70R-255 A RESOLUTr:ON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM F NDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST D NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCT ON AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC UTILITY EXTENSION AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, CONSISTING OF ELECTRIC ~IGHT, HEAT AND POWER LINES AND WORKS, IN CERTAI~ PORTIONS OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, BY EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS OF CERTAIN PROPERTY OF SOUTHEtN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY IN SAID PORTIONS OF SAID CITY. BE IT RES0LVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM: SECTION 1. It is heribY found and determined that the public interest and necess ty require the acquisition, construction and completion of a pub ic utility extension and public improvement, consisting of electtic light, heat and power lines and works in the City of Anaheim: as hereinafter more particularly described in the appendix attach~d hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, to be used tor and necessary for: (1) The trans.ission and distribution of electricity for the purpo~e of furnishing and supplying electric light, he~t and power to the City of Anaheim and certain or the inhabitants thereof; and (2) The propet development and control of such use of such electricity, at this time, and the future proper de~elopment and control thereof, as a part of the el~ctrical system owned and operated by the City of Anaheim for furn~shing and supplying electrical energy to said City and certain of the inhabitants thereof. SECTION 2: The publiC interest and necessity require the taking and acquisition by the City of Anaheim for said public utility extension and publip improvement and use of the electric light, heat and power dist~ibution and communication system of the Southern California Edison Company located within said certain portions of the Cit~ of Anaheim, as shown on Appendix 1, Sheets 1 to 20, both inclusi~e, attached hereto, including: ITEM 1 ACCOUNT NUMBER 364- POLES AND FIXTURES Quantity Unit I Pole, wood, G, 80 ft. ( .25 interest) 1 each Pole, wood, G, 85 ft. ( .25 interest) 1 each Pole, wood, G, 85 ft. ( .26 interest) 1 each ..~ Pole, wood, TFL, 30 ft. (.50 interest) 2 each Pole, wood, TFL, 35 ft. ( .50 interest) 1 each Pole, wood, TFL, 45 ft. ( .50 interest) 1 each Pole, wood, TFL, 45 ft. ( .60 interest) 2 each Pole, wood, TFL, 50 ft. ( .33 interest) 1 each Pole, wood, TFL, 50 ft. ( .65 interest) 1 each -1- ----....-"""'_._,~,..<. , " Q,uant i t~ Unit ~ ACCOUNT NUMBER 364 - PqLES AND FIXTURES (Coot 'd) +- --- . ----.... -- 1 each 2 Pole, wood, TFi~50-fit. (.67 Inteiest) 1 each Po 1 e , wood, TFL, 55 fit. (.25 Interest) 1 each 3 Pole, wood, TFL, 55 fit. (.33 interest) 8 each Po Ie, wood, TFL, 55 ~t. (.34 Interest) 2 each 4 Pole, wood, TFL, 55 ~t. (.50 interest) 1 each Pole, wood, TFL, 55.t. (.60 interest) Pole, wood, TFL, 55 ~t. (.70 interest) 23. " each 5 Pole, wood, TFL, 60 ~t. (.08 interest) I each 4 each 6 Po 1 e , wood, TFL, 60 ~t. (.25 Inte~st) 1 each 1'ole, wood, TFL,60 t. (.33 interest) I each Pole, wood, TFL, 60.t. (.34 interest) 7 TFL, 60 fit. (.75 Interest) 6 each Pole, wood, 22 each Pole, wood, TFL, 65 ~t. (.26 Interest) 8, Pole, wood, TFL, 65 fit. (.33 Interest) 7 each 91 Pole, wood, TFL, 65 ~t. (.50 interest) I each I Pole, wood, TFL, 70 fit. (.40 Interest) 2 each II TFL, 70 ~t. (.50 Interest) 9 each 10!! Pole, wood, Pole, wood, TFL, 70 fit. (.67 Interest) I ~ach , I TFL. 75 ~t. (.20 Interest) 3 eac.;h 11! Pal", wc;IQd, ..~... ',. PQ1~. w~d, TFL, 75 fit. (.25 Inter~it) ; e~ch . 12 P9:!,e:, .wood'"...Iff~ 'iJl:~,. fit ~ < ~,~ I {\ ~ te re 5 \. j ,..1. e a c;h '(~56 ~nterest) "'7 L::), ,.of Po l,~, ..WQ9d~.,.T,f~, (: 75" fit. each 13 Po Je, wood, TFL, 80 fit. (.~O interest) 1 each Pole, wood, TFL, 85 fit. (. 10 interest) 7 each 14 Pole, wood, TFL, 85 fit. ( .22 i nte res t) 1 each Pole, wood, TFL, 85 f~. ( .25 Interest) 29 each 15 Pole, wood, TFL, 85 ft. (.50 interest) I each Pole, wood, TFL, 90 ft. (.20 Interest) I each 16 Pole, wood, TFL, 35 ft. 3 ' each Pole, wood, TFL, 45 ft. 9 : each 17 Pole, wood, TFL, 50 ft. 5 each Pole, wood, TFl. 55 ft. 3 each 18 Pole, wood, TFL, 60 ft. 3 each 19 Pavement repa i r ( .08 Interest) 1 each Pavement re pa I r ( .25 ,n te res t) 15 each 20 Pavement repa I r ( .26 Interest) 11 each Pave~nt repal r (.33 ,nterest) 4 each 211 Pavement repair (.34 t nterest) 9 each 221 Pavement repa i r ( .40 Interest) I each Pavement repa I r (.50 Interest) 2 each Pavement re pa i r ( .60 Interest) 3 each 23 Pavement repa I r ( .67 t nterest) 2 each t Pavement repa I r (.70 f n te re s t) 20 each I 241 Pavement repair (.75 Interest) 4 each -Pavement repair 9 each 25 Crossarm, wood, single, Std. 80 9 each 26 Crossarm, wood, daub 1 e. Std. 80 6 each Crossarm, wood, single, Std. 82 170 ecr.h 27 C rGssarm, wood p lioub Ie, Std. 132 54 e"c.,t 28 C r055arm, WOOd, triple, Std. 82 18 each Crossarm, wood, single, Std. 83 9 each 29 Crossarm, wood, double, Std. 83 4 each C rossurm, wood, single, Std. 86 8 each 30 Crossarm, wood, double, Std. 86 2 each Crossarm, wood, triple, Std. 86 6 each 31 Crossarm, wood, slng1~. 12' 6" 9 each 32 i _-____.,lL___-- -2- ........... 2 3 4 5 6 7 81 I. 911 loll 11!\ 121i 1311 I 141 151 I 161 1 171 I I 181 19 20 21 22 ji ., ! 1i ACCOUNT NUMBER 364 - PO~ES AND FIXTURES (Cont'd) Guy, aerial Guy, 9/32/1 down . Guy, 5/1611 down Guy, 3/8" down Guy, 7/1611 down Guy, 7/1611 S I dewa 1 k Anchor,(.Std. 64 plate iand Std. 127 rod (.50 interest) Anchor, Std. 64 plate land Std. 128 rod (.50 interest) Anchor, Std. 64 plate land Std. 177 rod (.50 Interest) Anchor, screw type (.~ Interest) Anchor, Std. 64 plate ~nd Std. 127 rod Anchor, Std. 64 plate ~nd Std. 128 rod Anchor, Std. 64 plate ~nd Std. 177 rod Anchor, screw type Cover, wood, guy wire, Std. 46 Cover, metal, guy wi re' Cover, PVC, guy wire Brace, Smith Corner, S~d. 62 Brace, vertical, Std. 71 Brace, alley arm, Std. 72 Brace, back Bracket, 3-wlre, Std. 158 Bracket, Insulator, wy~-bus, Std. 295 Bracket, transformer, pole mounting (3-transformer) Bracket, transformer, ~ole mounting (2-transformer) Bracket, transformer 1.ad Bracket, extension (for secondary rack) Rack, s~rvice, Std. 28) R.ack~ ~~~o~Qary, Std. t84 Rac.~~ servl~e take-off. Std. 366 COr'ldult, 1/1 pve (under arm) Conduit, 211 fibre (und..r arm) Pin, wood, Insulator, $td. 162 Pin, steel, insulator, Std. 163 Pin, steel, Insulator, Std. 164 Pin, steel, Insulator, Std. 242 Pin, steel, Insulator, Std. 247 Step, pole, Std. 34 Strip, visibility, Std. 249 Quant i ty . Un it, - 48 each 2 each 25 each 1 each 24 each 1 each 2 each 2 each 14 each 3 each 7 each 1 each 10 each 1 each 16 each 4 each I each 3 each 38 each 18 ec:::h 5 each 2 each 20 each 2 each 1 each 2 each 3 each 3 each 76 each 3 each ._-----~- . each ~ 4 each 73 each 98 each 423. each 3 each 60 each 229 each 311 each Quantity. Unit 1 ,530 feet 6,930 feet 44,830 feet 39C feet 210 feet 2,790 feet 4,920 feet 1,530 feet 3,960' feet 31 , 140 " feet 1,650 , feet 3,360 feet 15,890 feet 67 each 6 each 101. each - -- ..~-- ---. 23 .~CCOUNT NUMBER 365 - OVE~HEAD CONDUCTORS AND DEVICES 24 25 261 27.1 i 281 i 291 : 3011 31 il 321 11\ Ii II -I .._.L Wire, Wi re, Wire, Wire, Wire, Wire, Wi re, Wire, Wire, Wire, Wi re, Wire, Wire, 4 bare copper 2 bare copper ba re coppe r b wcathcrproot copper 4 weatherproof copper 2 weatherproof copper 4 aluminum cable steel reinforced aluminum cable steel reinforced aluminum cable steel reinforced MCM aluminum cable steel reinforced 2 synthetic i'nsulated aluminum synthetic insulated aluminum synthetic in$ulated aluminum No. No. 2/0 No. No. No. No. 1/0 4/0 336 No. l/O 4/0 Insulator, pin type, S~d. 134 Insulator, pin type, S~d. 135 Insulator, pin type, Std. 139 -3- :1 i! " i , ,i ,I I 11 Quant i ty ACCOUNT NUMBER 365 - OVE~HEAD CONDUCTORS AND DEVICES (Coottd) Insulator, pin type,-S):d. 142B 503 Insulator, guy strain, Std. 130 6 Insulator, spool type tJead-end, Std. 166 45 insulator, Hewlett typ~ dead-end, Std. 132 (2 each) 9 Insulator, suspension ~ype dead-end, Std. 235 (2 each) 153 Insulator, suspension ~ype dead-end, Std, 235 (3 each) 21 i 2' I 3 4 5 6 Clamp, Clamp, Clamp, Clamp, Clamp, dead-end, autom~tlc dead-end, flexi~le loop type dead-~nd, Std. insulator conduftor straight line d,ad-end 263 7 8\1 911 I! 10 II I 1111 12\\ :i 13;1 I, 14 I ACCOUNT NUMBER 366 - UNDfRGROUND CONDUIT Grip, preformed (for A~SR) Clevis, dead-end, No. .55 Clevi.s, thimble dead-e.d, Std. 48 Banked secondary Switch, disconnect, 16kv, SPST SwItch, pole top, KPF ~orlzontal, 12 kv SwItch, pole top, horltontal, 16 kv Ground assembly Vauft, 81 x 301 X 91 ~I Manhole, 41 x 61 X 71 Conduit, 4" (encased) Riser, condul t, 4" H.D!.G. Rack, cable Hook, cable rack Vau 1t ground I ng 15 16 17 18 19 20 ACCOUNT NUMBER 367 - UNqERGROUND CONDUCTORS AND DEVICES 211 221 I 2311 241 251 I 261 271 ACCOUNT NUMBER 368 - LINE TRANSFORMEK~ 281 2911 30 il i' 31 ii II 3211 II II 1_ Transformer, potential, 5 kva, 12000-120/240 volt, Westg. Serial Nos. 63SK1508, 63SK1579, 63SKI582 Swi tch, G & W No. RAD 374-MC-F3-TD, 15 kv, 400 amp. Primary bus, 12 kv . Cable, 4/0 PILC, 3/c, 12 kv Cable, 350 MCM PILC, 3/c, 12 kv Cable, 350 MCM insulat~d aluminum, lIe, 1 kv Cable. 1000 MCM insulalted aluminum, l/c, I kv Pothead, 3/c, 15 kv Hycrab, Burndy No. YM4~34 Insulator, cable rack Fireproofing Transformer, 3 kva, 12000-120/240 volt, l-phase Transformer, 10 kva, 1'2000-120/240 volt, I-phase Transformer, 15 kva, 112000-120/240 volt, CP, l-phase Transformer, 37-1/2 kva, 12000-120/240 volt, I-phase Transformer, 37-1/2 k~a, 12000-120/240 volt, tap 1 ess, l-phase Transformer, 50 kva, 112000-120/240 volt, l-phase Transformer, 75 kva, 112000-120/240 volt, I-phase Transformer, 100 kV8,12000-120/240 volt, I-phase Transformer, 10 kva, IlzoQO-240/480 volt, I-phase I -4- 123 120 3 17 48 84 12 45 4 3 9 7 26 1 . 4 5,931 165 79 120 I Quantity 3 1 I 2,316 l,l80 594 263 4 3 1)0 286 - . 3 2 2 2 1 8 1 2 3 .-,.... Unit ---- each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each :', .,. . ~t each each feet feet each each lot Unit each each lot feet feet feet feet each each each feet each each each each each each each each each --.,-"",--,.-. 9 loll I 11: :Sroadway Shopping I 1211 Vault 74 II 131j 14 -~ -, 2 3 4 5 61 71 8 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22! I 231 I 241 2511 II Ii 26i I 27i 281 I 2911 3011 I 311 I 32i '-..- : .. -.. ""p ; :1 Ii ii _,1.L. I Ii 1 : ACCOUNT NUMBER 368 - LIN9 TRANSFORMERS (Cont!d) Transformer, 15 kva, 1~000-240/480 volt, l-phase Transformer, 25 kva, 1~000-240/480 volt, I-phase Trans former, 37-1/2 kva, 12000-240/480 vol t, I-phase Transformer, 50 kva, 12 00-240/480 volt, l-phase Transformer, 50 kva, 12 00-277/480 volt, l-phase Transformer, 10 kva, I 00-120/240 volt, 3-phase Trans former, 25 kva, 12 00-240/480 vol t, 3-phase Transformer, 37-1/2 kva, 12000-240/480 volt, 3-phase Transformer, 75 kva, 12 00-240/480 volt, 3-phase Hanger, transformer Support, bolted transfQrmer Fuseholder, Std. 187 ' Quant i ty Unit 9 each 12 each 3 each 9 each 3 each I each I each 1 each I each 28 each 28 each 94 each 51 each 9 each 3 each 14 . each Capacitor, 50 kvar, 120bo volt, Switch, 011, type CSL Control, capacitor, autPmatlc Hanger, capacitor, 4-un.t I-phase Center r Transformer, 833 kva, ~2000-480 volt, I-phase, G.E. Serial Nos. 91~9834, 9169835, 9169836 Switch, G & W No. 3374~, 15 kv, 400 amp. Cabioet, fuse, S & c, .5 kv Primary bus, 12 kv Secondary bus, 4~0 volt Rack, cable Hook, rack Insulator, cable rack Vault grounding 3 I I 1 1 39 73 80 1, each each each lot lot each each each lot Vau I t 1 06 Transformer, 167 kva, li2000-240/480 vol t, I-phase, A.C. Serial Nos. 33Q3834, 3303837, 3303838 Transformer, 250 kva, 112000-120/240 volt, I-phase, Moloney Seri a 1 Nos. 1 759574, 1759575, 1759576 Switch, G & W No. 4374, 15 kv. 400 amp. Cabinet, fuse, S & C, li5 kv Primary bus, 12 kv Secondary bus, 120/240 volt Secondary bus, 240/480 volt Rack, ci.1ble Hook, rack Insulator, cable rack Vault grounding 3 each 3 each I each 2 each 1 lot 1 lot I lot 112 each 2)9 ead. 271 each 1 lot Vault l07 Transformer, 167 kva, 1!2000-120/240 volt, I-phase, Moloney Serial Nos. 1759313, 1759315, 1759319 Transformer, 250 kva, 1~OOO-240/480 volt, I-phase, L.M. Serial Nos. 16~36, 1688037, 1688038 3 3 each each -5- - I 31 I 41 5; i 6\ I 7! II ad II I! 911 ,I 10\1 111\ 1211 .! I " 13' I 14 15 16 1 2 ACCOUNT NUMBER 368 - LIN' TRANSFORMERS (Cont1d) Vault 107 (Cont'd.) SWltch, G r;--w No. 4374, 15 kv, 400 amp.- Cabinet, fuse, S & C, liS kv Primary bus, 12 kv Seconda ry bus, 120/240 ~o 1 t Secondary bus, 240/480 Yolt Rack, cable Hook, cable rack Insulator, cable rack Vault grounding -.<.-- ,..~... ---. ~ - Vault 296 Transformer, 500 kva, 1~000-240/480 volt, I-phase, Westg. Serial Nos. 7~73464, 7373467, 7373468 Transformer potential,S kva, 12000-120/240 volt, Westg. S~rial Nos. 6pSA630, 60SA640, 60SA644 Switch, G & W No. 3374Ci, 15 kv, 400 amp. Switch, G & W No. RAD )174-MC-F)-TO, 15 kv, 400 amp. Cabinet, fuse, S & C, 15 kv P rima ry bus, 12 kv Secondary bus, 240/480 :volt Rack, cable Hook; rack Insulator, cable rack Fi reproofing Vault grounding 17 181 ACCOUNT NUMBER 369 - SER~ICES 191 Service, 2-wire, No.6 synthetic insulated aluminum I Service, 3-wire, No.6 weatherproof copper 201 Service, 3-wlre, No.6 synthetic insulated aluminum I Service, 3-wlre, No.2 synthetic insulated aluminum 211/ Service, 3-wire, I/O syrthetic insulated aluminum I Service, 3-wlre, 4/0 synthetic insulated aluminum 2211. Service, No.6 aluminum triplex II Service, 1/0 aluminum triplex 231 Service, 4/0 aluminum triplex I Service, No.6 aluminum quadruplex 24!i Service, I/O aluminum q~adruplex II Service, 4/0 aluminum q~adruplex 25 Service, U.G., 2 - No.2 and I - No. It, lIc, I kV, : synthetic insulated aluminum 261 Service, U.G., 2 - I/O and 1 - No.2, l/c, 1 kv, I synthetic insulated aluminum 27 i Service, U.G., 3 - 350 MCM, ltc, kv, synthetic i insulated aluminum 28! Service, U.G., 3 - 700 hCM, ltc, kv, synthetic I, i nsu lated a lumi num 29 i,,' Service, U.G., 3 - 700 hCM synthetic insulated'aluminum and 1 - 4/0 thermopl.stlc Insulated copper 301 I, 3111 32 ---= Riser, conduit, 211 H.D.G. Riser, conduit, 311 H.D.G. Riser, conduIt, 411 PVC Grip, Kellems Support, service drop glrlp Clamp, dead-end, fl exl bile :1 :j II II ,""iL_. ~6- j.- Quantity 1 2 1 . 1 I 76 187 206 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 39 100 101 357 1 Quant i ty 1 1 16 30 13 ;11 '4 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 97 29 70 1 15 4 Unit each each lot lot lot each each each lot each each each each each lot lot each each each feet lot Unit each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each feet feet feet each each each', L ii I :1 111 Ii Ii 2 ii 3 :1 " 4ii ,i 5 II 611 Ii I' 7. !I :1 I: 8il 9 II ,I ., Ii 10 Ii d 1111 II 1211 il 13[\ ,! 1411 15 16 17 18 19 , 201 2111 II 2211 I I 231 24il I 25 I !I i , ACCOUNT NUMBER 370 - ME~ Meter, 5 amp., 120 volt, I-phase Meter, 15 amp., 120 vollt, l-phase Meter, 2.5 amp., 240 ~lt, l-phase Meter, 15 amp., 240 vollt, I-phase Meter, 30 amp., 240 vollt, I-phase Meter, 50 amp., 240 vo~t, I-phase Meter, 2~5 amp., 240 vplt, l-phase, Indicating demand Meter, 30 amp., 240 vo~t, I-phase, indicating demand M~~er, 50 amp., 240 vo~t, l-phase, Indicating demand Meter, 2.5 amp., 240 v~lt, 3-phase Meter, 15 amp., 240 voJt, 3-phase Meter, 30 amp., 240 vo~t, 3-phase Meter, 15 amp., 480 vo)t, 3-phase Meter, 30 amp., 480 vo)t, 3-phase Meter, 50 amp., 480 vo't, 3-phase Meter, 2.5 amp., 120 v~lt, 3-phase, indicating demand Meter, 2.5 amp., 240 v~lt, 3-phase, indicating demand Meter, 30 amp., 240 vo~t, 3-phase, indicating demand Meter, 2.5 amp., 480 v,lt, 3-phase, indicating demand Meter, 30 amp., 480 vo't, 3-phase, indicating demand Meter, 50 amp., 480 volt, 3-phase, indicating demand Meter, 2.5 amp., 120 v~lt, 3-phase, reactive Meter, 2.5 amp., 240 v~lt, 3-phase, reactive Block, test., 2-pole, S~d. 340 Block, test, 2-pole, Std. 342 Switch, test, Std. 325 Switch, test, Std. 346 Switch, test, Std. 347 Switch, test, Std. 348 Switch, test, Std. 400 Cover, test switch, Std. 329 Transformer, current, 1!00/5 amp., 600 volt, indoor type Transformer, current, ~00/5 amp., 600 volt, indoor type Transformer, current, ~00/5 amp., 600 volt, indoor type Transformer, current, 11200/5 amp., 600 volt, indoor type Transformer, current, ~000/5 amp., 600 volt, indoor type Transformer, current, ZPO-200/5 amp., 600 volt, indoor type Transformer, current, 4P0-400/5 amp., 600 volt, indoor type Transformer, current, SP/5 amp., 15000 volt, outdoor type Transformer, potential, 100/1 amp., 12000 volt, outdoor type Conduit and wire (for pirimary metering) Transformer, phasing, 480 volt, Std. 402 Support, current trans fbrme r, Std. 33~ I 26 ACCOUNT NUMBER 373 - STR9ET LIGHTING AND SIGNAL SYSTEMS 27 28 29 301 31' / 32 / 'I ,I !I ,_.__."...... .~.J1__ Controller, photo-electric Relay, auxiliary Riser, conduit, 1-1/2" H.D.G., incl. wire Riser, conduit, I" PVC, incl. wire -7_ Quantity 2 I I 72 8 7 15 11 7 1 9 3 39 4 2 2 5. 3 21 13 4 1 4 86 434 26 3 13, 3 1 38 2 \, 37 10 2 2 15 7 2 2 ) 5. 2 2 2 30 33 Unit each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each Jot each each each each feet feet ITEM 2 All rights of w4Y, easements, interests, licenses, fran- chises, and rigijts pertaining to any part of the distri- bution system o. said Southern California Edison Company now held, owned~ or used by said Southern California Edison Company *or the erection, construction, maintenance, or operations o. that portion of the distribution and communication systems to be taken by the City and described above in Item 1. ITEM 3 All commercial 4nd engineering maps and records of said Southern Califo~nia Edison Company used or useful in locating, ident~fying and operating the above described properties or a~y part thereof, sought to be condemned, meter records, 1t.ransformer records, billing records, service records, consumers' service records, and all other records n~cessary or convenient in recording, billing or col14cting for electric service in said certain portiona of the City of Anaheim and for main- taining said di$tribution system and each and every part thereof, sought to be condemned. The City C~uncil hereby finds that the taking of the property described a~ove is necessary for the said public utility extension and public improvement. Section 3. Said publi~ improvement is planned and located in the manner which will be!most compatible with the greatest public good and the least ptivate injury. Section 4. The City A~torney of the City of Anaheim is hereby directed to bring an 'action in the Superior Court of the State of California, for the <tounty of Orange, in the name of the City of Anaheim to condemn bt eminent domain proceedings the property described in Section 2 hereof. Section 5. For the pu~poses of bringing such an action, the City Attorney is hereby ~powered to incur, in the name of and on behalf of said City, all obligations and expenses incidental thereto. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 26th day of May, 1970. ~ v69~ MA, OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ATTEST: ~~~~ . ./ ..' d/~" ....--' . E . F T~OF ANAHEIM JHD/ms-5-25-70 -8- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) -- I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that t~e foregoing Resolution No. 70R-25S was intro- duced and adopted at . regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 26th day of May, 1970, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNG:ILMEN: Clark, Stephenson, Pebley, Thorn and Dutton NOES: COUNG:ILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNQ:ILMEN : None AND I FURTH~ CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed s.id Resolution No. 70R-255 on the 26th day of May, 1970. IN WITNESS waEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of tbe City of Anaheim this 26th day of May, 1970. Jl- ~. ~,,:_-' CiTY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 70R-255 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on May 26, 1970. 4L- 'x. ~ City Clerk -- ''-'~___'''''o_.'..~...,"",-...__,,"_.......''''''-'.. .;'._