70R-248 RESOLUTION NO. 70R-248 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIn PP.pPOSING A CHl\..NGE OF ORG]1~NIZATION IN THAT DIST~CT KNOWN AS THE YORBA LINDA LIBRARY DISTRICT BY THE DE'I'ACHHENT OF CERTAIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SAID DISTRICT, WHICH REAL PROPERTY IS ALSO LOCATED 'iHTEIN THE CITY OF ANAHELI. WHEFEAS, the District Reorganization Act of 1965 (56000 through 56550 of the Government Code of the State of California) provides for the change of organization of certain districts, such as the Yorba Linda Library District, through the approval by the Local Agency Formation Commission of Orange County of detachments of certain hereinafter described real property from said District when said territory is also located within the City of Anaheim; and ~'mEREAS, the City of Jmaheim desires that said real property be detached from the Yorba Linda Library District in view of the fact that said territory is presently assessed real property taxes by the City of Anaheim and receives as part of said property tax assessment librar? services from the City of Anaheim; and T,JHEI'..EAS 1 the rE~quested change of organization is pro- 20sed for the Yorba Linda Librar:y District, as ~tVell as the City of ,Imahe im i and WHEREAS, the County of Orange, the Yorba Linda Library District, and the city of Anaheim would be affected by this change of organization requested herein; and WHEREAS, the present request of the City of Anaheim is for detachment of certain territory constituting inhabited terri- tory and described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein; and WHEREAS; landowners and residents within the territory described in Exhibit "]:," desire to avoid the burden of double taxation imposed upon their property described herein and wish to avoid any future liability for bonded indebtedness of the Yorba Linda Library District. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT llESOLVED by the City Council of the City of pillaheim that it hereby requests that a change of organization of the Yorba Linda Library District be approved by the Local Agency Formation Commission of Orange County through the detachment of certain real property described in Exhibit "1',", characterized as inhabited territory, in order to prevent the burden of double property taxation on said landowners. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Local l'~gency Formation Commission of Orange County be requested to order the Yorba Linda Library District to adopt a resolution to detach the territory described herein in Exnibit "An, without the necessity of notice or hearing by said Library District and without the necessity of an election on the issue of said detacb~ent. BE I'l' FURTHER RESOLVED that should the Local .Agency Formation Commission of Orange County determine that an election -1- -----,-,..._--",,"" is necessary upon th~ question of confirming an order for detach- ment of the aforementioned and described territory described in Exhibit ;'AII, that said Local Agency Formation Commission be requested pursuant to Section 56252(a) of the Government Code to determine that such election shall be called, held and conducted upon the question of said detachment only within the territory described in Exhibit "N' which is proposed to be detached. THE FOREGOING P~SOLUTION this 19th day of May is approved and signed by me , 1970. (~/w~ :.1AYOP./ OF THE CITY OF AHEIM- Pro-Tern < ATTEST: Jj ~7~'. C ~E OF THE~AHEIH STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ) SS. ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a - - - - ~ - regular meeting of the City Council held on the 19th day of May , 19 70 , by the follo~ling vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCIlJ-1EN: Clark, Thorn and Pebley NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILf.lEN: Stephenson and Dutton Pro - Tern AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor/of the City of AnaheLm approved and signed 3aid resolution on the 19t~_ day of Mav , 19 --1..!L. IN WITrmSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 19th day of Ma v 1 19....l!L- . )~~~ THE CITY OF ANAHEn~ (SEAL) ~, I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 70R-248 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on May 19, 1970. ;Q~_L k )J;;;~ City Clerk -')- ... .. ~ ',- ~-_or -:.:,-0. ::..'~" Di Ej -~::.r i c t I"',~,' - Ci::~.)' of _~).r~a}12im --- S...:O\'lr.. Or, .. . ~, 'CL:e ~<ap Or: said Tract No. 5000 to an intersection wi th the north- the land described in the deed to Mervin B. Johnson and erly lin.e of Barbara :;-. ~'o:,-nson, husband and wife, recorded November 17, 1964 in Book 7304, paS0 936, records of Orange County California; thence North 700 09' 45;' East, 394.79 feet along the northerly line of the land described in said deed to an intersection with the northerly line of the land described i r: t}-"e c.:::.:cd to C. V. Chambers, eta 1, recorded September 12, 1957 in Book 4034, paS2 363, records of Orange County California; thence ~.orL-: 700 09' 45" East, 520...91 feet along the northerly line of the lar:d GescriDed in the last mentioned deed to an intersection with the easterly lir:e of Lot 21, Block 36 of the Yorba Linda Tract, as shown on a ~lap recorded in Book 5, pages 17 and 18 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Ora>:ge Cou~ty California, said point of intersection being distant Sarti'! 00 37' 20" West, 401.30 feet from the southeast corner of Lot 21, Block 36 of said Yorba Linda Tract, said point of intersection being a point ~n t~e easterly boundary of the existing Yorba Linda Library District Line a.:: cescribed in the formation of said district October 7, 1913; thence Leaving the existing city limit line of the City of Anaheim as estab- lis~ed ~y 3aid ?eralta Hills Annexation No. 2 and following along a por- tion of t~e existing Yorba Linda Library District boundary line as des- cribed in sa~d formation the following courses and distances, Sout2'. 0037' 20" East, 401.30 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 21, Block 36 of said Yorba Linda Tract; thence following along the southerly line of Lot 21, Block 36 of said Yorba Linda Tract the following courses ar:a di.c:.::a:-:ces, South 81052149" West, 1,418 feet, more or less, South 450 S2' 40" 'dest, 138 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. =="v~,_-.-~~"_"".,.,, .~_... --""'-~--------_.._'--...'-........,--..----.---.---"---..._~"-~-.-- ',"<"-'. '_l. \/, "'-,~.:J.. -i.. ;J Lcl..C...~,l.:::.:rl L. ., Iror:~ __,,':.0: Yorba Linda j="ibrary District )jy The Ci ty of Anaheim -- ~hat portio~ of the Yorba. Linda Library District located in the City of .L.na:'ceim, County of Orange, State of California, as said district was formed Cctober 7, 1913, to be detached, described as follows: 3eginning at a point in the existing city limit line of the City of Anaheim, established as the most southeasterly corner of the Northeast A~nexation Ko. 3 passed by Ordinance No. 1542, January 17, 1961, !iled with the Secretary of State July 10, 1964 and recorded July 13, 1964, records of Orange County California, said southeast corner and point of beginning being for the purpose of this description distant from the center- line intersection of La Palma Avenue (formerly known as Walnut Street) and Fee Ana Street the following courses and distances South 00 171 50" East, 2,629 feet, more or less, North 450 521 40" East, 41.58 feet, more or less, said point of beginning also being a point in existing boundary of the Yorba ~inda Library District as described in the formation of said Library District; thence l;ort:.: CO 17' 50" Wes't, 80 feet, more or less, along a portion of the existing city limit line of the City of Anaheim as established by said ~ortheasc Annexation No.3, also being a portion of the boundary line of said '':orba Linda Library Dis trict to an intersection wi th a line bearing l~'o:cch 6/'o 18 I 57" East, and having a distance of 664.61 feet, as said line lS sl;.own 0:1 a Ivlap of Tract No. 5000 recorded in Book 191, pages 28 through 30 of ~~iscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California, said point or intersection and line being a point in the existing city limit line of the City of l-.naheim, as established by the Peralta Hills Annexation No.2 to the City of Anaheim, passed by Ordinance No. 2405 August 8, 1967, filed vlit~ ene Secretary of State September 11, 1967 and recorded September 13, 1967, records of Orange County, California; thence ~eaving the city limit line of the City of Anaheim, as established bv tr,e a fore:ne:1 tioned Northeas t Annexation No. 3 and leaving the said -:':or}')a ~="i;-;da :'ibrary District line and following along a portion of the existi:;,::: ci ty limi t line of the Ci ty of Anaheim as established by said Peralca ~ills Annexation No.2, the following courses and distances, . Xortl'. 67;:) 18' 57" East, 664.61 feet along the line above mentioned as EXIBIT A """"--~"""'-"'---''"''''