70R-082 ,- ._, RESOLUTION NO. 70 R- 82 . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FIXING RATES FOR GENERAL WATER SERVICE AND CONNECTIONS, AND FIXING CHARGES FOR THE INSTALLATION OF WATER MAINS FOR WATER FURNISHED TO CONSUMERS AND FOR ALL SERVICES RENDERED IN CONNECTION THEREWITH, AND SUPER- SEDING RESOLUTIONS NUMBERED 64R-214, 65R-41, 65R-505, 65R-721 AND 66R-348. WHEREAS, the City of Anaheim maintains a water distri- bution system for the furnishing of water to residents and inhabitants of the City of Anaheim; and WHEREAS, the City sells water outside of the City limits; and WHEREAS, it is desirable and necessary that certain rules and regulations be established and that charges for in- stallation and service be fixed; and WHEREAS, Section 10.16.420 of the Anaheim Municipal Code provides that the City Council shall, by resolution, fix installation charges and establish rates to be charged by the City of Anaheim for water installation and water furnished to consumers and services rendered in connection therewith. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the following rules and regulations for water installations heretofore or hereafter made and rates for such installation and for water furnished and services rendered in connection therewith be, and the same are hereby established as follows; to wit: DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE SCHEDULE W-D ----- ---,_._-~-- .._-~ --.'.-...-...-. Service; ApplrcaEte to all consumers of water wi thin the ci ty limits of Anaheim. For general domestic and house- hold purposer in a single family accommodation. Metered Rate Monthly First 750 cubic feet - $0.285 per 100 cubic feet Over 750 cubic feet - .16 per 100 cubic feet Minimum Char~e: 5/B II x 3/4'" Meter 1" " 1 1/211 2" 1/ $2.00 3.00 4.75 7.00 per month " .. II II II II " _.~-'..... Special Conditions: This schedule subject to commodity adjustment and rules and regulations of the City of Anaheim. -1- ~...- DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE MULTI-FAMILY ACCOMMODATIONS SCHEDULE W-DM -.-- ~--"_._..--...--,....------ Service: Applicable to all consumers of water within the city limits of Anaheim. For general domestic use to two (2) or more independent consumers using water through a common service and occupying premises held under one ownership such as apartment houses, housing courts, mobile home courts, also to planned units and condominium developments served through a common service. Metered Rate Month~(Independent Consumer) First 550 Cubic feet $0.285 per 100 cubic feet AllOver 550 "" .16"""" The above rate blocks shall be multiplied by the number of dwelling units in excess of one served. Minimum Char~es: (Independent Consumer) 1. For meter services through: 5/8" X 3/4" Meter $2.00 111 " 3.00 1 1/2" " 4.75 2'; If 7.00 3" " 11.00 4" 6" 8" 10" $16.00 32.00 55.00 75.00 Meter II II " 2. The above minimum charges shall be increased by 75 cents for each dwelling unit connected in excess of one. Minimum Charge Monthly The monthly charge shall be the monthly minimum charge. ~cial Conditions: 1. For purposes of this schedule, laundry rooms will not be counted as a dwelling unit. 2. This schedule subject to commodity adjustment and rules and regulations of the City of Anaheim. 3. A customer shall not resell water to another person at any charge higher than his pro rata share of the total charges as rendered by the City of Anaheim. This para- graph shall not apply to a flat rate charge as a portion of the rental of the premises or space occupied. 4. For the purpose of computing charges, each meter upon the consumer's premises shall be considered as a separate service and no readings of two or more meters shall be combined for billing purposes. GENERAL WATER SERVICE SCHEDULE W-G ".'----.-.----- Service: Applicable to all consumers of water within the city limits of Anaheim for all water service not covered by other specific schedules. -2- ~~ Met~red Rate Monthly Customer Char<]e per Service ~er Month 5/8" X 3/4" Meter $1.00 3 Meter $10.00 1" " 2.00 4"" 15.00 1 1/2" " 4.00 61f II 30.00 21f II 6.00 8i1" 50.00 10" " 75.00 Rate Blocks- Inde~endent Consumer (Commodity dharge 1n addition to customer charge.) First 50,000 cubic feet $ .16 per 100 cubic feet Next 50,000 .. " .14 II " " " Over 100,000 II II .135 11 " " II Minimum Charge Month~ 1. Independent Consumer 3/4" Meter $2.00 3" Meter $18.00 llf " 3.00 41f " 25.00 1 1/211 If 6.00 611 .. 50.00 2" " 9.00 81i " 75.00 10" II 100.00 2. Multi-Occupancy Services When two or more independent consumers are using water through a common service the first block of the commodity charge shall be increased 700 cubic feet and the minimum charge increased by $1.00 for each independent consumer. Minimum Char~e Monthly Shall be the minimum meter size charge plus $2.00 for each independent consumer in excess of one. ~ecial Condi 1:ions :_ 1. This schedule is subject to commodity adjustment and rules and regulations of the City of Anaheim. 2. For the purpose of computing charges, each meter upon the consumer's premises shall be considered as a separate service and no readings of two or more meters shall be combined for billing purposes. 3. A customer shall not resell water to another person at any charge higher than his pro rata share of the total charges as rendered by the City of Anaheim. This paragraph shall not apply to a flat rate charge as a portion of the rental of the premises or space occupied. GENERAL WATER SERVICE SCHEDULE W-O .""'_-'--~~-_._.,---_.,-----_.- - Service: Applicable to all consumers of water outside of the City limits of the City of Anaheim for domestic purpose, in a single family accommodation. -3- .- Metere~ Rate Monthly (Independent Consumer) First 750 cubic feet $0.3l per 100 cubic feet Next 3,000 I: II .25 " II " " Next 7,000 II " .21 " " " " All over 10,750 " II .16 " " " II The above rate blocks shall be multiplied by the number of independent consumers in excess of one served. ~i~!-:m~Char9~ -- Monthly (Independent Consumer) 5/811 X 3/4" Meter $3.00 111 II 4.50 1 1/211 II 7.50 2" Meter 3" " 4" II 6 Ii II $10.00 18.00 30.00 45.00 The above minimum charge shall be increased by $1.00 for each independent consumer connected in excess of one. ~ecial Conditions: 1. For purposes of this schedule, laundry rooms will not be counted as a consumer or unit. 2. This schedule subject to commodity adjustment and rules and regulations of the City of Anaheim. 3. A customer shall not resell water to another person at any charge higher than his pro rata share of the total charges as rendered by the City of Anaheim. This paragraph shall not apply to a flat rate charge as a portion of the rental of the premises or space occupied. 4. For the purpose of computing charges each meter upon the consumer's premises shall be considered as a separate service and no reading of two or more meters shall be combined for billing purposes. 5. In territory capable of being annexed to the City of Anaheim where proceedings have been commenced in good faith for the annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim, and where a petition for annexation is filed with the City Clerk for the City of Anaheim, signed by a majority of the registered voters registering and re- siding in said territory proposed to be annexed to the City, and by the owners of 51% of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed, as shown by the last equalized assessment vote, and said proceedings are diligently advanced, then in that event, the water rates in such territory outside the city limits, shall be the same as the rates within the city limits, for a period of not to exceed six months. If said proceed- ings are not diligently prosecuted to completion within said period of time mentioned, or such further time as the City Council may grant, the rates for the sale and delivery of water outside the City of Anaheim shall be put into effect. -4- -"-.-..,-.--,-_.,, ..........-., '-.., GENERAL WATER SERVICE SCHEDULE W-O-G Service: Applicable to all consumers of water outside the City limits of the City of Anaheim for all water service not covered by other specific schedules. Rate: --- Metered Ra~e Monthly Customer Charge per Service per Month 5/8" X 3/411 Meter $ 2.00 3" Meter $18.00 1" " 4.00 4" 11 25.00 1 1/211 II 7.00 6" " 50.00 211 if 11.00 8" II 75.00 10 Ii " lOO.OO Rate Blocks - Inde~endent Consumer: (Commodity Charge 1n Addition to Customer Charge) First 10,000 cubic feet $.29 per 100 cubic feet Next 40,000 " " .25 II " II " Over 50,000 " tI .20 " " II " M~nimum Mopthly Charge: 1. Independent Consumer 5/8" X 3/4" Meter $4.00 3" Meter $ 27.00 l" " 6.00 4" II 50.00 1 l/2" II 9.50 611 II 75.00 2" " 15.00 811 II lOO.OO 10" .1 150.00 2. Multi-Occupancy Services The above minimum charge shall be increased by $2.00 for each independent consumer connected in excess of one. ~ec:ial Condi~ions: 1. This schedule is subject to commodity adjustment and rules and regulations of the City of Anaheim. 2. For the purpose of computing charges, each meter upon the consumer's premises shall be considered as a separ- ate service and no readings of two or more meters shall be combined for billing purposes. 3. A customer shall not resell water to another person at any charge higher than his pro rata share of the total charges as rendered by the City of Anaheim. This paragraph shall not apply to a flat rate charge as a portion of the rental of the premises or space occupied. 4. In territory capable of being annexed to the City of Anaheim where proceedings have been commenced in good faith for the annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim, and where a petition for annexation is filed with the City Clerk for the City of Anaheim, -5- ........,.-.",-...,.."""111' - signed by a majority of the registered voters registering and residing in said territory pro- posed to be annexed to the City, and by the owners of 51% of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed, as shown by the last equalized assessment vote, and said proceedings are diligently advanced, then in that event, the water rates in such territory outside the City limits shall be the same as the rates within the city limits, for a period of not to exceed six monti1s. If said proceedings are not diligently prosecuted to completion within said period of time mentioned, or such further time as the City Council may grant, the rates for the sale and delivery of water outside the City of Anaheim shall be put into effect. IRRIGATION WATER SERVICE SCHEDULE \'1- I .----.---...---..-.---...---- -,.._--~ Service: Applicable to all areas served by the City of Anaheim for irrigation of agricultural, horticultural, or floricultural crops produced primarily for the market, and shall not be supplied for combined irrigation and domestic use. Rate: ____-...-..___ c 1. Annual Service Charge Service charge will be based upon size of serving meter. 2 inch 3 1/ 4 " $30.00 45.00 60.00 6 inch 8 II $ 90.00 120.00 Service charge is payable in six equal monthly installments during the months of May to October, inclusive. Annual irrigation year will be from April to April. 2. Metered Monthly Commodity Charge In addition to service charge. $49.00 per acre foot .l125 per 100 cubic feet Commodity charge will be adjusted to reflect any change in water rates as established by the Metropolitan Water District from base date of January 1, 1964. Minimum Use Commodity Any month in which meter shows use, minimum billing for commodity shall be ten (10) dollars. Special_ COESl~tions_:_. 1. This schedule is subject to rules and regulations of the City of Anaheim. 2. Prorating service charge (a) No adjustment of service charge billed to date of change. -6- ,.~ (b) New customers starting service after April and before October will pay a pro rata charge of 1/6 for each month left in the season. After October, customer will pay no service charge until the new season starts. (c) Not less than one full year's service charge will be billed for any fraction of a year. 3. A customer shall not resell water to another person. Each meter point will be considered as one customer. Water associations or companies taking delivery of water hereunder must take delivery at one point, and distribute and account for each of their members' usage. PRIVATE FIRE LINE SERVICE SCHEDULE W-P.F.L. ---=----..--..- .._--- "-"~'~-'--'----'----'. Service: Applicable to all consumers of water within the area served by the City of Anaheim for private fire lines used exclusively for fire protection whether said lines are connected with automatic sprinkling system or hose attachments. Rate: Monthly Charges Service Charge Based on pipe size of service Within City limits $1.00 per inch size of service Outside" Ii $2.00 " "" II WCl!-~r ^ Ch~r~_ : For all water supplied (as recorded by the detector check valve by-pass meter). .27(;, per 100 cubic feet Minimum Charte: The month y service charge shall be the monthly minimum charge. Sp~cial Conditions: Th1S schedule is restricted to use for fire extinguishing purposes. If consumer, who in the opinion of the City, is using water in a volume that cannot be recorded on the by- pass meter, the City will discontinue service until a meter is installed (at consumer's expense) to record all water used. TEMPORARY OR CONSTRUCTION WATER SCHEDULE W-T ~'--'''---<''''-'--~------'-,---"._-,,--~ Service: Applicable to area served by the City of Anaheim. All rate charges quoted herein are for use within City limits of Anaheim; all water used outside the City limits is to be double the quoted price. Rate A: Subdivision Construction. _.,--~.-,._._----~_._- -7- All water used in construction for compaction, flood- ing of ditches, sprinklingi etc. shall be paid in advance to the Engineering Department prior to tract approval at the rate of $30.00 per acre. Service is to be rendered out of existing fire hydrants nearest tract or development. Eddy valves are required and permits must be obtained from the Water Division. Time limit on this service 90 days. The Utilities Department Water Division shall have the authority to stop all irregularities that might affect the use of water or fire hydrants. Rate B: Spacers Upon application of a tract developer to the Utilities Department Water Division, a permit may be obtained to install spacers in meter boxes in tracts in lieu of meters during construction of houses. Maximum period of use 90 days, subject to extension upon approval by the Utilities Director. This permit must be presented to the utilities Department Customer Service Division stating tract and lot numbers, and time period of use. The rate charge shall be $1.50 per month per lot for a single unit. Each unit in excess of one per building shall be charged 25 cents per unit. The Water Division shall regulate these spacers and if they are not removed by the time period of permi t, the City shall have the right to remove and charge developer for removal. A meter must be installed before any landscaping is done or the house is occupied. Rate C: Tanker Wagons ----All spray rigs and tankers shall obtain permits at the Water Division office for a time period of 30 days to fill rigs and wagons at the rate of 4 cents per 100 gallons. The Water Division will regulate this type of service. ~ec.~Conditi2~: In terr~tory capable of being annexed to the City of Anaheim where proceedings have been commenced in good faith for the annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim and when approved by the City of Anaheim, charges for outside service may be as quoted for service within the city limits. RULES AND REGULATIONS #1 WATER -----.'---...-..------.----- Commoditx... Adjustment Clause -"Appliccilile to all areas served by the City of Anaheim and all schedules except irrigation. -8- Since it is the policy of the City to purchase 50% and pump 50% of the water required to serve its customers, water charges will be based on this ratio for future increases in charges reflected by increased costs of water to the City. Base year: 1963-64. Orange County Water District Tax per Acre Foot $11.00 Metropolitan Water District Cost per Acre Foot $30.50 Gross Cost Use % Pwnpin~ Tax % M.W.D. Cost per A.F. Rounded - -_.- 100% $11.00 0% 0 $11.00 $ll.OO 75% 8.25 25% $7.63 15.88 l6.00 50% 5.50 50% 15.25 20.75 21.00 25% 2.75 75% 22.88 25.63 26.00 0% 0 100% 30 .50 30.50 30.00 Schedule rate charges will be adjusted when gross costs per acre foot rounded are above or below the base year as follows: Gross cost adjustments between $ 0 and $ 2.99 per acre foot No change .14<: 3 " 5.99 plus .01<: .15 6 If 8.99 " .02<: .16 9 " 11.99 H .03<: .17 12 If 14.99 I; .04<: .18 15 " 17.99 Ii .05<: .l9 18 " 20.99 ~ i .06<: .20 21 " 23.99 I; .07<: .2l 24 " 26.99 II .08<: .22 27 " 29.99 If .09<: .23 RULES AND REGULATIONS #2 WATER ..__.--~~-,,----- -- Maximum De~osits: As require (See Municipal equal to twice the average Service Division Utilities Code 10.16.120) deposits shall be billing (as estimated by the Customer Department) . Minimum Devosits: Single Family Accommodation MUlti-family Accommodation $10.00 2.00 per unit or $25.00 whichever is greater General Water Service Min~um deposit $10.00 Services larger than 1 1/2" will be twice the monthly minimwn. Flat rates and other services twice the amount of a monthly bill. Above deposits apply to use within the City of Anaheim; outside the city limitsr twice the above. -9- - RULES AND REGULATIONS #3 ~ijATER _..~...._.,-.~_._c___._._______._,"___ Meter Readings and Billi~~: 1. All rates call for monthly charges, however, the City at its option may have meter readings made and bills rendered bi-monthly instead of monthly. 2. The charges for service rendered bi-monthly shall be computed by doubling the monthly rate blocks and minimum charges. 3. When no reading can be obtained on damaged or stuck meters, billing will be rendered on an estimated basis for not to exceed two billing periods. 4. Bills for metered service will be based on meter registration. Normal billing periods for monthly accounts will be on a 30-day basis; bi-monthly periods on 60-day basis. No pro rata computation will be made unless there is a permanent change in reading dates. No more than 12 bills on a monthly basis, or 6 bills on a bi-monthly basis will be made in any 12 month period. Pro Rata Compu~ation 1. Closing bills, opening bills, and special billings only will be computed in accordance with the appli- cable rate schedule, but the size of the rate blocks and the amount of minimum charge or service charge specified will be prorated on the basis of the ratio of the number of days in the period to 30 days on monthly, or 60 days on bimonthly, or as otherwise stated in rate schedule. 2. When the total period of service is less than 30 days, no prorations will be made, and the bill shall not be less than the monthly minimum. Time and Manner of Payin~ Bills Bills are due and payable on presentation and become delinquent 15 days after presentation (see Municipal Code 10 .16 .140) . RULES AND REGULATIONS # 4 WATER -------'"---~--~_.~~ ._-- '._<---'-- '-.---.- Meter Test an~djustments of Bills for Meter Error: 1. Demands for Meter Tests Charges: See Municipal Code 10.16.360. 2. Adjustment of Bills for Meter Error (a) When upon test a meter is found to be in error in the amount of 3% fast or slow, a correction based on meter readings over a period of six preceeding months will be made and customer will be given a credit or billed for the amount of the undercharge. -10- -'-"'*'-""-'--.""" .,- -. (b) When upon test a meter is found to be not registering, the customer will be sent an estimated bill based upon prior use. (c) When it is found that the error in the meter is due to causes, the date of which can be reliably established, the overcharge or undercharge will be computed back to that date. RULES AND REGULATIONS #5 WATER -'-..--.'- Water Main Extensions The City of Anaheim may install or extend water mains to customers. The cost of all water mains installed or extended shall be borne by the owner or owners of the property abutting such mains according to the following policies. 1. Water mains installed or extended on dedicated streets and serving property within the City limits as they existed on May 20, 1924, at the time of election on waterworks bond issue, shall be laid at the expense of the City of Anaheim. 2. The total cost of water mains installed or extended in the Helen and Lynch Industrial Tract and Commer- cial Street Annexations shall be borne by the owners of property abutting such mains since said annexations did not participate in the waterworks bond payments. 3. Cost of installing or extending water mains on dedicated streets and serving property within the following annexations shall be borne as shown below, based on the degree of participation in the water- works bond payments. Annexations % of Cost to Property Owners % of Cost to City -_._- #7 Kirven Annexation #8 East Anaheim Extension #9 So. Palm Street Annexation #10 Manchester Avenue Annexation #11 So. Spadra Annexation #12 Kennedy Annexation #13 West La Palma Annexation #14 Manchester Avenue Annexation #2 #15 South Palm Annexation #2 81.5% 85.2% 85.2% 92.6% 92.6% 92.6% 96.3% 96.3% 96.3% l8.5% 14.8% 14.8% 7.4% 7.4% 7.4% 3.7% 3.7% 3.7% 4. All water mains installed or extended on streets dedicated or annexed to the City of Anaheim sub- sequent to January 1, 1950, or on any street in new subdivisions, shall be paid for by the owners of property abutting such installation or extension. The cost to each property owner served at the time of extension or installation or at some future time shall be based upon acreage served. -11- ,- ..... Such cost shall be; Parcel Area Residential Commercial Industrial _.,--~- ----------~_._,-----~ 1/2 acre or less Between 1/2 & 1 acre (prorated) Full Acre $80 $100 $120 120-235 235 80-155 155 100-195 195 RULES AND REGULATIONS #6 WATER -------------._------,._..----,~ Service Connections (From Ci tymalIiS-at consumers' premises) 1. Connection Charges (a) Connection inside City limits: 1" service with 5/8B X 3/4" meter 1" service with 1" meter 2" service with 1 1/211 meter 2" service with 211 meter $ 65.00 90.00 l80.00 300.00 (b) Connection outside city limits: 1" service with 5/811 X 3/4" meter l" service with 1" meter 2" service with 1 1/2" meter 2 ti service with 2" meter $ 50.00 50.00 75.00 75.00 (c) Connections within subdivisions: The City shall deduct $l5.00 from above charges per connection where developer's contractor installs services. (d) All connections larger than two inch and any special service, including fire lines, shall be made at a charge equivalent to the cost less labor, but including cost and handling of materials, rental of equipment, and miscellaneous and incidental costs. 2. Application for Connections in Excess of Two Inches, Special Services and Fire Lines Request for such services shall be made to the Utilities Department, Water Division, who shall estimate the cost of said installation. Customer will be required to advance the amount necessary to cover this estimate subject to refund or charge if estimate is under or over actual completed cost. 3. Connections Requiring a Cast Iron Meter Box Cover. There will be charged $25.00 in addition to charges under (a) and (b). 4. Title to All Equipment and Materials Installed. Title shall remain for all time in the Ci ty of Anaheim. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Resolutions Numbered 64R-214, 65R-4l, 65R-505, 65R-72l and 66R-348 be, and the same are hereby superseded. -12- THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 10th day of February, 1970. JOe- d JJd / iA (!}~ MAYOR ~ C OF ANAHEIH ATTEST: ~, ~~~. C ; CLERK OF THE CIT OF ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the ~ day of February, 1970, by the following vote of the members thereof. AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Pebley and Clark NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 10th day of February, 1970. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this lOth day of February, 1970. ~, )r /J~ C Y CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL). I, DENE M. WILLIAMS City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 70R-82 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City €ouncil on Feb- ruary 10, 1970. ~?~ )x )2~ City Clerk -13-