69R-660 RESOLUTION NO. 69R-660 A .RESOLU'l1IOi~ OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI'I'Y OF &~AHEIM Glvti~TING CONDITIONAL USE PElli~IT 1;0. 1140, IN PART. ~'JH:EH.EI\S, tile City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive an application for a conditional use permit from Western Avenue Southern Baptist Church of Anaheim, 219 South Western Avenue; AnalleirLl, California, OWner; Donald Fears! A. I.1\.., 1477 South l-lanchester Avenue , Suite 360, Anaheim, California, Agent, Portion A, only, to pernrit the expansion of an existing- churCll facility and, Portion B, only" to establish an apartment development for the elderly with a communal eating facili-ty? vlith waivers of the fol- lowing' jmaIleim Lunicipal Code requirements or limi tations ~ 1. ~"linirnurn dwelling- unit floor area (Section 18.28. 050 (3-a) . 2. JYlinimum nurrlber of off. street parking stalls Section 18.28.05G(lO-a). 3. Hinimum building site area per dwelling unit (Section 18.32.050 (2). 4. I.linirnum stora\je area per carport (Section 18.28. 050 (10. d) . 5. :'laximur,', building' height (Section 13.28.050 (S-a). o. IdnLllum :building site widocll (Section 18.28.050 (l--b). on the following described property situated in the City of hnalleim: County of orange. State of California, to wit~ P l-\lzCEL A ------~--_._, - In the Ci t::z of Z;.l1ahei:.... County or: uranse, State of California; bein(~; a portion of the South half of Section 8, 'llo\'Jns~:i!.: 4 Soutll, :t(an~;'e 10 1"Jest, S.B.B.& .LV1., described as follows_ Cor:illencing at the intersection of the centerlines of Cllippe'\/a S-treet anc. Crsscent :~vcnue f being' tl1e point of ;)eginnil~J l an(, rur:nins blence ~Jortll. 00 21' 6" ~\Jest alonG the c2nterlin~; of COO, 2. S>crec't 665.23 fce-t to t~:.c intersectior; of ~)aj_c'. ccr2'cc:;rlin2 of Chij;J:'G':/2 Street iii bl t:lO scut::ccrl:' line of tL:c":::::rarg;:; Count:::' Plood COl1-' trc.l l'l',-i'rl'C+ cl..iTr.,....;,i -:--:r'o:"i::"~'C'-";: the''-c':.l ..Ort'I".~ OC\O 1,,3' 4,:. ;.."I t:Jw \o.t ...1......_.I..ll........... ',.- ...........L ~ ..... ...1J. ,,_....4 '. U..I:l; -L ,13;0'(, l401.Cf3 :ecct alOllS t~:c: soutlwrly line of said Orange County Flood Control District property to a two...inch iron f)if',e ttlence boutl1 650 Sf 5G "t.hJst 40. (~9 feet to a tViO-. :LYlCfl irol1 ;.~iL;2J ~t~.~2l'J.("':'~: ~~:O"Ll.t: 3(;0 45 1 34~' l~~aEt 936.22 feet to a JeJc incl Leo: I i~i':c. t:tcr:cc South 660 46' 0" ::ast 175 0 4~i L~et to ac.'./cil'.cL iron -(~i tl-.i.en.ce South 710 7' 30' ,;cl:3t JU. =i:; c: .to a b'.'oinc~.. iron pipe; thence ;:outl~ <)0 :~1' ~.:CJ.;:;'C 41.13 f:-,ct to D. orJ:;-inci~ ~:)y b'io-.inch s"'ca~-:2 in tb.s cer.l.t::;j~'_lillC; of ~~~r:"::::SC\~llt. ""_:V(.2l1ue.. t112ncc Soutl^l L~) 0 43: In. La.3t a,lo:::1~ 'U.:::: c"""b,oJ::lillC of Crescent iNenu2 tal.91 i:=,:(..'1: 'CO b,e j..:oint OJ: 3_n1":3.n;; . 1. "~"r""'-"-,p'___4,_ ,~)~(~:~Ir::'L,',: ~~'=I: ,"':':~I'~J); t,"c ;:::;out:,e:Ll~i 23':'; .CiO feet of the easterly lb2. 00 fes'c thereof. "~. X~LSO L}~Cr~F'ii.'Il~C; ~~<.\._~::.{~)}~:..\.cr..~ any. r;ro}?er-t7? d.eeded to tl~.e State of California. I1L~CEL jJ ~_._-~- .-~_..._._....- .----.-- In the City of lma..neiL: County of Orange, State of California, being- tL.c souti1erly 230. no feet of the easterly 132.00 feet of a portion of the South half of Section 8, TQ\;mshi~: 4 South. r~anc;e 10 Hest, S.B.B. & l',., described as follows. Commencing at the ii1tersection of the center lines of Chippewa Street and. Crescent lwenue, being the point of beginning, and running' thence lJorth 00 21' 6:J vlest along the centerline of Chir:,oe\."a Street 665.23 feet to the intersection of said centerline of Chippewa Street with the sout:l1.erly line of the Orange Coun.ty Flood Control District channel proj)crty f thence North 890 43 I 41 ('Jest 1401.08 feet along tile southerly line of said Orange County Flood Con-trol ~)istrict property to a bvo.-inch iron pi..pc:. thence South 650 9' 56" Hest 40.69 feet to a tV\i"O .incIl iron l?ipe; tlJ.ence South 560 45' 34p East 93C.22 feet to a two. inch iron pipe; thence South 660 46' 0" Last 175.45 feet to a tvw.. incrl iron pipe ( thence SOUbl 710 71 30'; East 90.55 feet to a two..inch iron pipe; t:hence South 00 21' 6;; East 41.13 feet to a one- inch by two..inch stake in the centerline of Crescent TNenue: thence South 890 43 I 41" l:.:ast along the centerline of Crescent Avenue 411.91 feet to the point of lJeginnin9. EXCEPTIi~G 'I'ULHEFl<.Oj\ any pro?erty deeded to the State of California. l\ND WEEIlliAS, the City Planning Corrunission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim upon said application on October 20, 1969, notices of which said public hearing were duly given as required by law and the provisions of Title 18, Chapter 18.76 of the Anaheim Munici- pal Code; and ITdLHEAS, said Commission, after due inspection, in- vestigation and studies made by itself and in its behalf and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing did adopt its Resolution No. PC 69-213 Series granting Conditional Use Permit lio. 1140 in part, subject to the conditions therein set forth; and HHEREAS, thereafter, within twenty-two (22) days from the date of the adoption of said resolution, the City Council did elect, upon its 0\'111 motion, to review the action of the City Planning Co~nission in granting in part said conditional use permit and did thereupon fix the 18.th day of November 1 1969, as the time and the Council Chamber in the City Hall of the City of &'1alleim as the place for a public hearing upon said conditional use permit, and notices of such public hearing were duly given as required by law and the provisions of Title 18 i Chapter 18.76 of the Anaheim .:unicipal Code; and --2- ",-^".>",,,,,~,"'~..---_..-~ ..- ~';BEPJ:;AS, at the th1e and place fixed for said. public ~Garins, the City Council did duly hold and conduct such hear- iI1c and di6_ ci Vr=.: all r;.ersons Lc:.ter':c:stec. tl-;.erein an oDDortuni tv .J ~ "'"' .... .... ..... to ],)e 11fJarCl a.n(~ (lie. r,'~cc;~L vc 2vic.:CIlCC: (:lTt{; r:.?r)or.ts; anc1 . ~ ~;,.r t .Jc~',~ " L~ \~~curJ.cil fj_T1C:.S i after careful COIl.... <:J-L. Yclt:.ioD of t..t2 :::-ecor.~r>,:::r;_c:_av.tio~-~D ()f t~"l:3 (~i.t1'" r'lanrlin9~ (~ori1w ;,USSlon ane' all evidence and reports off'cered at said hearin~;; -i:}';.a t 1 ..... The F'roposeec use is t.ro?,:::rl:...: ons for ,'lhich a concH tional use :c.crni t i::-., authori zed by the i\naheil ~.;unici=)al CoDe. L . Tile proposed use ':.Jill not adversely affect the adjoinins.r lan6- uses ar::.c -[:118 grovit:l and develop-- Elent of -tIle area in ~-'7hicll it is proposed to be locate(~ . 3. Th(~ size and snape of the site lJroposed for the use is adequate to allo'w the full developm.ent of the proposec.. use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety and general welfare. 4. The traffic generated by the proposed use will not impose an undue LurcJ.en u:)on the streets and high- ways designed and h1proved to carry the traffic in the area. ::>. 'l'he granting of the conditional use permit under the conditions imposed will not be detrimental to the peace, health f safet:i and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim. LOVJ I 'J.'HE1:lEFOP...L, BE IT Rt;SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the action of the City Planning Com- mission granting said conditional use permit be, and the same is hereby sustained, and that Conditional Use Permit No. 1140 ~e, and the same is hereby, granted in part permitting on Por- tion A only, the expansion of an existing church facili tj;' and on :::?ortion D, only; the establishnent of an apartment devel- opment for the elderly with a cmlTwunal eating facility, on the property .hereinbefore Qescribed, wit: waivers of the follmdng :~aheim dunicipal Code requirements or lirhitations subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth. 1. unaer ti'le authority of Section 18.64.070 waiver of minimum dwelling unit floor area (Section 18.28. 050(3-a) is granted in part on the basis that the proposed units are to be occupied by elderly people vIT10 require less livins area, and that tile unit sizes as proposed Dy t.i:~e petitioner are deemed adequate in size for their intended purpose, provided that the area of the 0achelor uni-t shall be a minimum of 425 square feet as stipulated to };)y the petitioner. 2. Z... waiver of minimum nunlber of off-street parking stalls (Section 18.28.050 (lO-a). -3- ..........,....,,-..--.-,..... 3. i\ viai ver of minimurn building site area per d~'lelling unit (Section 18.32.050(2). 4. A waiver of maximum buileiing height (Section 18.28. 050 (5--a). 5. a v-laiver of minin.um building site width (Section 18.28.050 (l'b). 'I'hat said conditional use pern~i t ~C~ granted subject to the :Eollovlinq conditions. 1. 'rhat this' conditional use permit is granted subject to the con~letian of Reclassification No. 69-70-20. 2. 'That subject property shall be developed sub- stantially in accordance wiri: plans and specifi- cations on file \lith the Cit:i of Anaheirn, lnarked Exhibi ts J:~os. 1.. 2 I 3, 4! 5, and 6, provicled, hm'lever: that all oac:tlelor uni.ts s.nall be a miniLuL of 425 square feet{ aDd furJcher provided tnat eac.i~ unit shall be provided vii th 100 cubic feet of ston.lC:,e s~:)ace 2i tl'.cr '~Ji tLin the apartment develo};n"ent or car~)Ort;3 1 as stij)ulated to in both instances b:{ tLc ~-,,~t.i t:i_o::-:cr. ~. '._~'llat -'CT.~;ro s'a"C2E: ~~ \-~"icLc er~ollS~~ fOl"' 2F~8r'~~feIlcy fire vehicles i be :~;rovic,ed in ti.~e G-foot hig:;:: chain li~: fence proposed to be erected adjacent to t:i:2 exL3ti:n~. allc:y alc;::.S t>2 v7C,:;.t );jropcrt::/ line of: su.:j set l.)ro:}crt~.. <;aic.i. qates I specifications to be approved by the Fire Department. The City Council hene:DY reserves the right to revoke suc~ Conditional Use Permit for gaoC cause or failure of said m;ner tits l:,.eir~::;; suecc;ssors or as,3ig-ns to eOfl1.ply vd th the ,'\na:'leilJ :Iunieipc.l Code a.nc~ rE::gula tiom; anc the conditions Llsre ll1 . 'll}iB J?()::'::.i~(;OI~,:G ~::-~~~~OLurrIO~,~ is ar)proved al1d signee! }):'!" "le tnis 18th day of Love1ij,jer f 1959. nT ~F--"n7\--~'IT'" .~~ L~'HliL d '.\.rI~~:~2:):.L " . ){_?J~___h'__" CL:8 ~\l:~, OF ':.:L~2: CIrl~Y OJ? }~...S.i\IIL; Il~~ . 4~' ....-...-._& -'- STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ) ss. ) I, DENE M. WI~LIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the !foregoing.Resolution No. 69R-660 was intro- duced and adopted at a ~egular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of 4naheim, held on the 18th day of November, 1969, by the following vote o~ the members thereof: AYES: COUNCI~: Dutton, Schutte, Pebley and Clark NOES: COUNCI~: Krein ABSENT: COUNCI~: None AND I FURTHER [CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed sai4 Resolution No. 69R-660 on the 18th day of Nov- ember, 1969. IN WITNESS ~OF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of th~ City of Anaheim this 18th day of November, 1969. L)r 1J~ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, DENE M. WI~LIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 69R-660 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on Nov- ember 18, 1969. \.k I ~I N)~ . City Clerk -,