83R-129 RESOLUTION NO. 83R-129 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ESTABLISHING TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT FOR PART-TIME JOB CLASSIFICATIONS REPRESENTED BY THE HOSPITAL AND SERVICE EMPLOYEES' UNION, LOCAL NO. 399 AND REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 80R-108 WHEREAS, the Human Resources Director has met and conferred with officials of the Hospital and Service Employees' Union, Local No. 399 to discuss wages and working conditions; and WHEREAS, as a result thereof, the need exists to repeal Resolution No. BOR-108 and the amendments thereto which established rates of compensation for job classes represented by the Hospital and Service Employees' Union, Local No. 399; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim does find that establishing new rates of co~pensation for these classifications is in the best interests of the City of Anaheim NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the terms and c~nditions of employment for part-time employees working in job classif~catio~s represented by the Hospital and Service Employees' Union, Local 399, as defined in the Memorandum of Understanding, attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein, be adopted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Resolution No. 80R-108 and the amendments thereto is hereby repealed; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the effective date of this resolution shall be the 4th day of February, 1983. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me 29th day of March · 1983'~ 4 4t. MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM - this ATTEST: --- CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVED AS TO FORM: 0563E -- -- MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND HOSPITAL AND ~ERVICE EMPLOYEES' UNION, LOCAL 399 The wages, hours and conditions of employment that are set forth In this Memorandum have been discussed and jointly proposed by and between the staff officials of the City of Anaheim (hereinafter called "ANAHEIM") and the Hospltal and Service Employees' Union, Local 399, affiliated with the Service EQployees' International Union, AFL-CIO (hereinafter called "UNION") and shall apsly to all the employees of ANAHEIM working in the classifications set forth ~n A~pendix "A", at the sporting and all other events at Anaheim Stadium and tr.e ::':;Jnvention Cent.er at Anahei~ t California. The terms and conditions of employment that are set forth in this Me'lcrandum hav~ be~~ discussed in good faith between the staff officials of ANAHEIM and the UNION and the staff officials of ANAHEI~ agree to recommend to :he Anaheim City Council that ~ll 0f the terms and conditions of employment as 3e, :'orth hereln be incorporated ~n full in a resolution of the CE.y Council. Up0n the adoption of such a resolution, all the terms and conditions of this Memorandum shall become effective without any further action by either party. ARTICLE I UNION RECOGNITION ANAHEIM hereby recognizes the UNION as the collective bargaining representati ve for all its memoers and tl.e collective bargaining agency - - 1 - .~~ '.#f"r~...' ; . ~ '-~''''''''' -. ........,.~:-.....It-.t',...- .... .,.- ,-'-~~&..~........'.' -- -- c......_, - concerning the wages, hours and working conditions of employees working at Andnelm Stadium and at the Convention Center in the classifications that are spt forth in Appendix "A", to the fullest extent allowable under California law applying to public employees. As public employees, such employees covered hereln shall have the right to discuss individual problems of employment with ANAHEIM, provided that upon request of the employee, the UNION shall be kept fully informed and have the right to be present at all such meetings between ANAHEIM and the individual. In the event any grievance with an employee involves the interpretation of this MEMORANDUM, ANAHEIM agrees to inform the U;;ION and the UNION shall have the right to be present and participate in any meetings or resolution of such a grievance. ARTICLE II HIRING AND EMPLOYMENT OF EMPLOYEES WORKING DURING SP8RTS AND OTHER EVENTS AT ANAHEIM STADIUM AND CONVENTION CENTER Job Bulletins regarding classifications represented by the UNION 3~311 be sent to the UNION juring re~ruitment periods. ANAHEIM shall be the sole judge of the testing, qualification and acceptance procedures of all applicants for employment and promotion and ANAHEIM retains the right to reject any applicant for employment; PROVIDED. HOWEVER, that no test or qualification procedures utilized by ANAHEIM or re~u3al to accept for employment snaIl be done to discriminate for or against an applicant because of union Jr nonunion memoership or because of race, color creed, national origin, religious or political affiliation or belief, sex, age or physical disability, except where age or lack of physical disability is a bona fide occupational qualification. - 2 - ~ ..... .., ~ f""'" "..,.. ....."..'I'!'Ta...... " ~. ~.. ,- ,-,.....1.,........~_..... "'f'n,~ .,. _# .......i.... ...... .. ...,...,k.. . ~.-r Once each calendar year all employees in the classifications 113ted in Appendix A shall d~signate the jobs they wish to be considered for as openings occur. Placement in these jobs will be in accordance with Article XIII. ANAHEIM agrees once each month to furnish the UNION a list of all persons hired for events at the Stadium and the Convention Center during the p~evious calendar month. Employees hired in classifications listed in Appendix "A" of this agreement shall be subject to a period of probation consisting of fifty (50) ev~nt days worked or six (6) months, whichever occurs later. The work and conduct of a probationary employee shall be subject to close scr~tiny and evaluation and if found to be below standards satisfactory to the Stadium, Convention Center, and Golf Department, the pr)bationer may be rejected at any time during the probationary period. Such rejections shall not be subject to review or appeal. ARTICLE III CHE CK-,JF::- ANAHEIM agrees to a check-off for the payment of the regular monthly UNION dues and the regular UNION initiation fee or service charges, and to deduct such payments for the wages of all UNION members and employees when authorized to do so by said members and employees. and remit such p~/ments to the UNION in accordance with the terms of signed authorizations of such members and employees. The deduction of such dues and initiation fees or service charges by ANAHEIM, the remittal of same by ANAHEIM to the UNION, shall constitute payment of said dues and initiation fees or service charges by such members and employees of the UNION. - 3 - S~~;.. rs" ~~..,.... , . ~dI',~.J .' .. "I~\-~ ,....~,._- . ARTICLE IV ADMINISTRATION (a) UNION representatives shall be permitted to visit the operations covered herein for the purpose of observing conditions under WhiCh employees are working, provided such visit shall not interrupt the work of 3uch employees. (b) ANAHEIM recognizes the employees' and the UNION's right to elect or appoint shop stewards. The UNION agrees to notify ANAHEIM, in wr:ting, as to such shop steward's identity and of subsequent elections or appci~tments, if any. The parties agree that employees elected or appointed as 3hop stewards for and by the UNION shall, nevertheless, be required to and 3hdll work full time in thelr respective classifications. It is further agreed that employees appointed shop stewards by the UNION shall not be dis- cr ~~~3ted against in work assignments because of such appointment. (c) ANAHEIM shall furnish bulletin board space at each facility at 6 :nutually agreeable, 3pecific location for the purpose of posting notices per~alning to ~NION busIness. Cd) ANAHEIM shall annually, an or before May 1st, furnish the Unicn a list of all employees in classifications listed in Appendix "A," including date of hire. (e) It is agreed that should the City of Anaheim, in agree- .ne~_replacing those ~xpirint ~n :Jctoner 1983, grant Agency Shop to any cr '3n.zatiun representing ~mployees of the ~ity, this agreement will be reopened for the sole purpose of negotiating the Agency Shop issue with Local 399. - 4 - ~.~ . ...-'1...-'....'1'.1 ,.... '~~fN~,,_ ~ .':,... "'.........-... t;;--- v. , i . 1 1 ! , ! ,.,'(,...,... .... ~ - -- ARTICLE V CLASSIfICATIONS. WAGES AND HOURS Wages and hours of work for the various classifications shall be as set forth in Appendix "A", attached to this Memorandum and by this reference made a part hereof. ARTICLE VI WORKING CONDITIONS (a) ANAHEIM agrees to furnish and maintain uniforms for its employees in classifications listed in Appendix "A" except Sweeper and Cleaner 3e~-Up WorKer without cost to the employees. The shirts shall not be considered part of the unlform and. if they are furnished. will be solely at the aiscretion and ~onvenience of ANAHEIM. (b) ANAHEI~ shall maintain suitable dressing and break quarters fo~ the use of the employees covered herein. (c) Management of the Stadium and Convention Center will. to the extent possible, pre-8etermine ~he number of parking spaces needed to take C2~e cf ~he public attenclng events at :heir facilities. To the extent there are spaces available to permIt emoloyee parKing. spaces will be made availaDle to ~mployees at no charge. Ananeim agrees to make reasonable effort to identify additional employee parking. (d) Adequate restroom and locker room facilities shall be pr v:aed ~or all employees. (e) ANAHEIM wlll provide flashlights to employees when ANAHEIM determines flashlights are required in the performance of the employees' work. (f) Upon request, the City of Anaheim will provide rain gear to employees WhO are required to work outdoors during inclement weather. - 5 - 1t-'L-" ; . ....,'"",- :t~.f".'\.--O"'-t 'io { ,-.. !""""~-. .) '"":4'''''''.' ..........~ -.;....~.4o<._...:r~ '_~.-,- ARTICLE VII HEALTH AND WELFARE -,..,.-.... Employees working in classifications listed in Appendix "~" shall be provided Health and Welfare benefits in accordance with the provisions of Appendix "B" attached hereto. ARTICLE VIII GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (a) Any grievance or dispute which may arise out of the application or interpretation of the terms or conditions of this Memorandum shall be settled 1n accordance with the procedure set forth immediately herein- below except a dispute by an applicant regarding employment. In the event the grievance or dispute requires an expeditious resolution based on a pending event at either the Stadium or Convention Center, the UNION, by written notice tc ANAHEIM, may request an immediate meeting with representatives of ANAHEIM and upon receiving such written notice, representatives of ANAHEIM shall be available to meet wlth representatives 0f the UNION with FORTY-EIGHT (48) HCURS after receipt of the written notice. (b) Any grievance or dispute as defined under paragraph (a) hereinabove shall be reduced to written form by the charging party and presented to the other party's authorized representative. Thereafter, a representative of ANAHEIM, selected by the latter, shall meet with an a~thorized agent of the UNION. selected by the UNION, in an attempt to resolve tte ~ispute. In the event that the parties cannot resolve the dispute to the charging party's satisfaction, the dispute shall, upon the request of either party be referred to an impartial arbitrator for a final and binding decision. In the event the parties are unable to agree upon the selection of - 6 - .~-~, .......-I:_'rI...............~ . ,._~,'" ..... -......... ~. .....~ .., ~. ---- Such impartial arbitrator within TEN (10) DAYS, upon request of either party an arbitrator shall be selected from a list of prospective arbitrators submitted by the American Arbitration Association. "~. (c) An arbitrator's decision shall be final and binding on both parties, it being agreed that said arbitrator shall have no powers to add to or subtract from the provisions herein, and that the laws of the State of California shall be controlling at all times. (d) All expenses of any arbitration shall be borne equally by A~AHEIM and the UNION. ART! CLE IX PREVAILING RATES FOR SUBCONTRACTORS In the event ANAHEIM decides to contract out to a private employer any of the work of the classifications herein covered for public e~ents, it is agreed that such contracting of said work shall be made by ANAHEIM only to contractors or employers whose employees are paid the prevailing rates of pay and all other applicable benefits which are provided . ~~ In this Memorandum for employees in the specified classifications. ARTICLE X NO STRIKE The UNION agrees that under the terms or this Memorandum, the UNION and/or its members shall not conduct any strikes, slowdowns or other w~rK stoppages against ANAHEIM. - 7 - " "'1 " . .,.:t.,,--"..~~I'I1t-.,;,'h ..... ....'~;..! ..:. ,A" "'....___.....:..~,...... .~. . _'_s.._~.,. '. .,~... ....- .' ARTICLE XI EMPLOYEE-EMPLOYER COMMITTEE A committee shall be formed to discuss employee-employer problems. The committee shall consist of one UNION representative, one employee from each building, one management employee, and one Personnel representative and shall meet quarterly, or more often as necessary. The UNIJN may have present at such meetings other off-duty employees who can contribute to the discussion taking place. ARTICLE XII STADIUM ROCK CONCERT SECURITY ANAHEIM recognizes its responsibility to assure the safety of employees represented by the UNION at Stadium Rock Concerts and assures the UNION that reasonable security measures will be taken at such events. ARTICLE XIII WORK ASSIGNMENT In the interest of maintaining an efficient system of operations at Anaheim Stadium and Convention Center and to facilitate the assignment of part-time employees in classifications listed in Appendix "A" to the various events, ANAHEIM and the UNION agree that appropriate consideration shall be given to the following: (a) Work opportunities required to maintain an adequate, in~erested, trained, available part-time work force. (b) Employee's record of performance, availability, and seniority (Stadium, Convention Center & Golf Department Date of Hire) in that order. - B - ~ ". .,'- ..... "~fII(' ............ """'( . .~ '~- ."... .. !...'-~...~.."" ",~~ . . :." '>>.w.:'~",'",-~", _L ARTICLE XIV PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS When ANAHEIM's payroll system can provide for voluntary additional tax deductions, this service shall be provided upon request to employees working in classifications listed in Appendix "A". ARTICLE XV MILITARY LEAVE Military Leave and compensation therefore shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Hilitary and Veterans Code of the State of California. ARTICLE XVI VACATION BENEFIT Employees working in classifications listed in Appendix "A" who work eight-hundred (800) or more hours in any calendar year shall be paid three percent (3%) of his/her gross earnings as vacation benefits. The calendar year shall be defined as the period for which wages earned are reoorted for tax purposes. ARTICLE XVII SAVINGS CLAUSE The resolution of ANAHEIM shall provide that if any provisions of this Memorandum or the resolution is at any time, or in any way, held to be contrary to any law by a court of proper jurisdiction, the remainder of this Memorandum and the remainder of the resolution shall not be affected thereby, and shall remain in full force and effect. - 9 - !,.;,~,.,~\ .. '-~ ~ .... , . . ""-'''ff <k'_~', ..._~ '~." ," - T .," v._~ ...-.. ........ ~. . '".. . ," ........-.~..... . .1L~t._-..;.,r.... ARTICLE XVIII DURATION ,"-"-- The terms of this Memorandum are to remain in full force and effect until the 11 th day of February 1986, except that either ANAHEIM or the UNION shall have the right during the sixty (60) days preceding February 1}. 1986 to give written notice to the other of its desire to meet and confer with re5pect to the terms and conditions of this Memorandum. If new terms and conditions cannot be agreed upon by February 13. 19B6. this Memorandum shall become null and void. Upon adoption of a Resolution approving this Memorandum and the terms hereof by the City Council of the City of Anaheim, this Memorandum shall be in full force and effect. By , -:7 By ,~$f-4-~~-~- '4 By By By By "~ YAf1 By By Dated: ~!~~ AX 1~l5j / By ?:h~ 7/- .waf: B~vfaP{:,tDj.7/i "rt../ By By By By Dated: -; t~ ~ .c2?J /f'~ ( f - 10 - ~:.,.',",,,, ~ 'ii;_"~.~~'~""-' .... " , . .'. ........... t'." ;, -..,~.;~-a;~~' ....;. , ~. /-L.,r.\-..r~V"~ .~'- "....-'..:.. - ....~ ..;.~tl"~,,, APPENDIX "A" ANAHEIM STADIUM CLASSIFICATION HOURLY PAY RATES 2/04/83 2/03/84 2/01/85 L'sher 5.62 5.77 5.92 Director 6.02 6.17 6.32 tsher Captain 6.61 6.76 6.91 Press or Employee Gate Attendant 6.49 6.64 6.79 Ticket Taker 6.26 6.41 6.56 Gate Captain 6.61 6.76 6.91 H'~ad Usher ( Shr. minimum) 8.22 8.37 8.52 Head Ticket Taker (5 hr. minimum) 7.82 7.97 8.12 Ticket Seller (G.A. ) 7.02 7.17 7.32 Ticket Seller (Res. & Box) 7.40 7.55 7.70 Ticket Seller (Exchange) 7.28 7.43 7.58 _"!oney Counter (5 hr. minimum) 8.25 8.40 8.55 Elevator Operator 5.69 5.84 5.99 Part-ti:ne Janitor 5.77 5.92 6.07 Sweeper 5.62 5.77 5.92 '!aid -- .., r- ...,....,. 5.92 ).0... 'J. / I ? ,) r t e r 5.62 5.77 5.92 Ticket Clerk 6.3.3 6.48 6.63 Ticket Seller 7.70 7.85 8.00 '.drse 8.85 9.10 9.35 L. All classifications listed on an hourly basis shall be paid such rate f)r hours worked with a four-hour guaranteed minimum per event except as noted above. Said work period tS not restricted to any specific hours. ~ut shall be a 3 required by ANAHEIM for ":'ach !'vent. Pay for more than the minimum shall be cJmpensated in fifteen (15) minute increments. , Personnel newly :1ired into 1n" classification in Appendix "A" on or after 3/18/33 will be paid an entry level rate amounting to 50 cents per Ilour less than the rates set forth in the Appendix. This reduced rate will continue during the first 200 hours of employment. Thereafter, the rate payable shall be that rate set forth in Appendix "A". :-1ewly hired personnel shall be defined as those individuals who have no hours or work in the classifications outlined in Appendix "A" for a period of one year. All classifications listed ~bove except for Part-time Janitor, Ticket ed, and Ticket SelLer ',hall ,1150 ,)e ,'ntitled to the following: Major League Baseball World Series - Time and one-half American League Baseball Play-off Games - Time and one-half Major League Baseball All Star Games - Time and one-half National Football League Pro-Bowl Games - Time and one-half National Football League Division Playoff Games - Time and one-half National Football League Conference Championship Games - Time and one-half National Football League Super Bowl - Time and one-half - 1 - ~ ':.\-:,-- . .' '.~1i""""'-.ri _.. "'Ki1:;. "_ '~',-:lI!"9i'1i..,("oIIr._'P~.- . .-.~." f',,~'~'...~.. .'J- ~. On New Year's Dav, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, T:ldnksgiving Day and Christmas Day, employees working in the above ~~.Issifications shall receive pay at a rate of one and one-half times the rate specified above. - 5. In case of rain-out or cancellation of event and if ANAHEIM does not give reasonable notice, either personally or through public communications, the above classification employees will receive TWO (2) HOURS' PAY if the e~ployee reports for work and FOUR (4) HOURS' PAY if the gates are open. h. For the events where the four-hour minimum rates are applicable for Crowd Control employees, they shall be paid for such four-hour minimum rate f0r each separate event which they work in any day. 7. The classification and rates of "Part-time Janitor" above shall apply only to employees regularly assigned to perform janitorial functions at specific office locations at Anaheim Stadium. Janitorial-type functions or s'c-rvices rendered in all other areas shall be performed by Porters, Sweepers and :!aids and they shall be paid at the applicable rate for their respective C~-]ssifications. In the event A.'JAHEI~l assigns Sweepers, Porters or Maids to perform janitorial type work in the same specific office locations, employees so assigned shall be paid the "Part-time Janitor" rate of pay for each hour or q':arterly fraction thereof that they perform _.fOrk in these specific locations. 8. If leadworkers ale used by .-\NAHEI:1 in any of the a bove hourly classifications, they shall receive an additional FIFTY CENTS (SOi) per hour. q In the event At~,\,fi;::I~l assigns Sweep~rs to operate Scrubmobiles and Power S~eepers, employees so assigned shall receive a premium in the amount of FI?TEEN CENTS (15i) per hour above their regular hourly rate of pay for each hcur or quarterly fraction thereof that they perform such assignments. ,. Employees ,.rorking in classifications listedin ADpendix "A" shall be p.id at ~ rate one and one-half times their re~ular \ourly rate for ~ll hours ir: ~xcess of eight (8) dt a single event or forty (.'.0) in dny one ',",ark week. 11. Employees assigned as Fire Door Attendants will be paid the Usher rate Gt pay. 12. Employees assigned to protect exhibitors' property shall receive the Director rate of pay. 13. Ticket Seller classes listed above working on an event basis shall r ceive an additional $3.00 per event for national competition professional ; : hl(~ h,:;aders. l~. At such times as ANAHEIM determines that it is in the best interest of the City to assign supervisory responsibility over leadworkers receiving the additional fifty (50) cents per hour as provided in the ~femorandum of Understanding, ANAHEIM and the UNION agree that such supervisory employees shall receive fifty (50) cents per hour more than the leaaworker supervised. - 2 - 'I ".......;-,&...........J.9..1 i;~' ..... .,""'.-f' ~1"~:.... ~;;'" ~_:'t.'>\~:!I'f: " APPENDIX "A" ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER CLASSIFICATION HOURL Y PAY RATES ........... 2/04/83 2/03/84 2/01/85 Usher T0nant Security Director Usi1er Captain Ticket Taker Gate Captain H~ad Usher (5 hr. minimum) Ticket Seller (G.A.) Ticket Seller (Res. & Box) Assistant Box Office Treasurer hr. 5.29 5.44 5.59 5.70 5.85 6.00 6.20 6.35 6.55 5.98 6.13 6.28 6.25 6.40 6.55 8.03 8.18 8.33 6.62 6.77 6.92 6.93 7.08 7.23 55.40 56.15 56.90 (per 5 hr. ( per 5 hr. (per 5 shif t) shift) shif t) 60.44 61.19 61.94 (per 5 hr. (per 5 hr. (per 5 shift) shift) shift) 41. 75 42.50 43.25 (per 5 hr. (per 5 hr. (per 5 shift) s hif t ) s hif t) - ,.? 5.77 5.92 ,).0..:... 5.77 5.92 6.07 5.62 5.77 5.92 5.62 5.77 5.92 5.95 6.10 6.25 7.49 7.64 7.79 8.85 9.10 9.35 Box Office Treasurer :1~ . ~oney Room Attendant hr. C_caner Set-Up Worker P~rt-time Janitor Mai.d P'.)rter Ticket Clerk T :c:ket Seller " _,urse , All classifications listed on an hourly basis shall be paid such rate for hours worked with a four-hour guaranteed minimum per event except as noted above. Said work period is not restricted to any specific hours, but shall be required by ANAHEIM for each event. Any pay for more than the minimum shall be compensated in fifteen (15) minute increments. ~ Personnel newly hired into any classification in Appendix "At. on or l ::er 3/l.'~/83 will be paid ~ entry level rate amounting to 50 cents per hour - s 'h:tn the rates ser ,'orth in the Appendix. This reduced rate will :'ltinue during the tirst 200 hours of employment. Thereafter, the rate payable shall be that rate set forth in Appendix "A". Newly hired personnel shall be defined as those individuals who have had no hours of work in the c Llssifications outlined in Appendix "An for a period of one year. 3. On ~ew Year's Day, ~emorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, employees working in the above classifications shall receive pay at a rate of one and one-half times the rate specified above. - 1 - -~,.."" .'".,.....,'~ "~~""" ,'.~........I.:"e ~ ':-.1 ... _, "...,. '. ", .....1.. ......11... _"!:""..-..~...a~ ,'_ .u:~ ~, I' ..~."" ....~-..4{~....-,.,-II!:....... ~ In case of cancellat ion .)f event, and l f AI-JAHEIN does not give reasonable ~o[ice, either personally 0r through public communications, ANAHEIM will pay to C )wd Cnntrol employees as follows: TWO (2) HOURS' PAY if the employee reports fur work; and FOUR (4) HOURS' PAY if the gates are open. ~ For the events where the four-hour minimum rates are applicable for Crowd Control employees, they shall be paid for such four-hour minimum rate for each separate event which they work in any day. Y). The classification dnd rates of "Part-time Janitor" above shall apply c'lly to employees regularly assigned to perform janitorial functions at specific office locations at Anaheim Convention Center. Janitorial-type functions or services rendered in all other areas shall be performed by Cleaner Set-Up workers, Porters, and ~laids and they shall be paid at the applicable rate for t~eir respective classifications. In the event ANAHEIX assigns Cleaner Set-Up Workers, Porters or ~aids to perform janitorial-type work in the same specific locations, employees so assigned shall be paid the "Part-time Janitor" rate of p.lY for each hour or quarterly frac tion thereof that they perform work in these specific locations. 7. If leadworkers are used by ANAHEIM in any of the above hourly classifications, they shall receive an additional FIFTY CENTS (50t) per hour. ,__ Employees r.rorking in classifications listed in Appendix "A" shall be paid 'it a rate one and one-half times his/her regular hourly rate for all hours in excess of eight (8) for d single event or forty (40) in anyone work week. ~ Emplovees assigned as Fire Door Attendants will be paid the Usher rate of PlY. 1J. Employees assigned to protect exhibitors' property shall receive the Tenant Security Director rate of pay. .~. At such times as Anahei-n rietermines that it is in the best interest of the City to assign supervisory responsibility over leadworkers receiving the additional fifty (50) cents per hour as provided in the Memorandum of Under- standing, ANAHEI~ and the UNION agree that such supervisory employees "hall receive fiftv (50) cents per hour more than the leadworker supervised. 2 - ~_L", i"'I'"',...-.....r..'t"'{,...-:- .~ .-.>oIIIif!I.":" . tW'~\~':'r' < .of': ..... ...Jo'"....~_,...~_ APPENDIX "B" HEALTH AND \{ELFARE 1. 0 This APPENDIX expresses the understanding between ANAHEIM and the UNION concerning payments to the Building Service Employees Health and Welfare Trust Fund on behalf of event-time employees working on a part-time basis during sports and other events at Anaheim Stadium and Convention Center within the classifications specified in this Memorandum of Understanding. 2.0 All payments referred to in this Appendix shall be paid into the Building Service Health and Welfare Trust Fund, 1390 Market Street, Room 1018, San Francisco, California 94102 between the 1st & 10th of each month. It is understood that all questions concerning eligibility of employees for coverage, including the commencement and termination of coverage, shall be determined by the Trustees of the Trust Fund in accordance with paragraph 8.0 below. The payment of such Health and Welfare Funds and eligibility shall be governed by the Declaration of Trust (as amended) entered into on May 1, 1951, at San Francisco, California, creating the Building Service Health and Welfare Trust Fund. 3.0 For the eligible employees working in the classifications listed below, A~AHEIM shall submit to the Trust Fund a list of such employees: Part-time Janitor Sweeper Maid Porter Ticket Seller Cleaner Set-Up Worker Ticket Clerk 4.0 A month for purposes of this section shall be defined as the two or t;lree pay periods sub-sequent to the last Health and Welfare month that tncludes the 15th day of the calendar month. Eligibility for Health and Welfare Benefits will be based at that time on an average of 40 hours worked per pay period during the defined month. 5.0 ANAHEIM will, commencing 4/1/83, pay to the Building Service Employee's Health & Welfare Trust $38.17 per month per eligible employee. 6.0 The parties agree that during the three year period of this agreement, ANAHEIM will not pay more than $55.00 per month, per eligible employee to the Trust. 7.0 Should the Trust require a payment higher than $55.00 per month, per eligible employee, Article VII, Health and Welfare, shall be reopened and negotiated. - 1 - ~. . 'iF18 .~'.:'}''',t,...',.:,:';. ,"' :tE'," ;aM!IL.ift.. - . 0.0 Eligibility for coverage will be as follows: ~ 8.1 During dny calendar quarter, an employee must accumulate 80 hours of work in each of the three months of that quarter. (Jan., Feb., March - April, May, June - July, August, Sept. - Oct., Nov., Dec.) 8.2 Coverage under the plan will commence beginning the first day of the first month of the next quarter and will stay in effect for the three months of such quarter, provided the employee has not been terminated from the City's payroll. 8.3 Coverage will continue in effect each quarter so long as the employee continues to accumulate 80 hours in each month of each quarter. Failure to accumulate said hours will result in a loss of coverage during the next quarter. 8.4 These new eligibility rules will become effective 4/1/83 in order to transition the new eligibility provisions. Those employees who accumulated 80 hours of work in each of the months of January, February and March 1983 will be covered for the calendar quarter, commencing 4/1/83. 8.5 Anaheim will notify each employee eligible for Health and Welfare benefits quarterly at the beginning of the period of eligibility. 8.6 Any person in any Classification already having coverage in this Plan who does not work the required number of hours may, in order to maintain continuous coverage, make payment direct to the Trust Fund for not longer than THREE (3) CONSECUTIVE MONTHS. - - 2 - . -~-Q.~~' '~t --.-.~.. .....-.........i'III'!IiiIIIS',,'I".M~,..v..."J~'t oi' -~~~......~.::-r;...._rrJ . '~.Ot",_2'..' " STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SSe CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I. LINDA D. ROBERTS. City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 83R-l29 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim held on the 29th day of March, 1983, by the following vote of the members thereof: -" AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Pickler, Overholt and Roth NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSTAINED: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Bay ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed said Resolution No. 83R-129 on the 29th day of March, 1983. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have h~reunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 29th day of March, 1983. cK'J..J~ CITY CLEU OF THE' TY . ~AHEIM (SEAL) I, LINDA D. ROBERTS. City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 83R-129 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on March 29, 1983. a~~ CITY CLERK --.,-