84R-425 r- ~. f~. R~SOLUTION NO. 84R-425 A RESOLUTIO~' . OF THE c.... ITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~RTIFYING FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPO ~ NO. 236-G AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS IN. CONJUNCTION THEREWITH. WHEREAS, Tetcaco-Anaheim Hills, Inc. ("Texaco"), has here- tofore filed an appl.cation bt and through its agent, the Gunston Hall Company, Inc., ~or the approval of a grading plan and grading permit pursuant to tIe applicable provisions of Chapter 17.06 of the Anaheim Municipa Code to permit the grading of certain real property owned by Teaco described as Tract Nos. 10996, 10997 and 10998 within the Cit!r of Anaheim ("Project"): and WHEREAS, thI'. City of Anaheim is the lead agency for the preparation and cons deration of environmental documents for said Project as defined i the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, (h~reinafter "CEQA") and the Guidelines for the Implementation of th. Califor~ia Environmental Quality Act (here- inafter "State CEQA $uidelines"): and WHEREAS, tht' City of Anaheim has prepared, or caused to be prepared, Draft ER No. 236-G ("Draft EIR") and has consulted with other public ag+ncies, and the general public, and given them an opportunity to co~ent on said Draft EIR as required by the provisions of CEQA a,d the State CEQA Guidelines: and WHEREAS, th, City Engineer of the City of Anaheim is the decision-making bodyjof the lead agency for purposes of said Project unless such fecision is appealed to the City Council; and WHEREAS, on September 14, 1983, a public hearing was held by the then City Engtneer of the City of Anaheim to provide a further opportunity tor the general public to comment on and respond to the Draft'EIR: and WHEREAS, fo~lowin9 the retirement of the former City Engineer, William De,itt, on December 29, 1983, Gary E. Johnson became the City Engi+eer of the City of Anaheim on June 25, 1984, and, in such capacitt, has reviewed and evaluated the comments received from public agencies and persons who reviewed the Draft EIR, including the t.stimony and comments received at the aforesaid public heating; and ~. WHEREAS, said comments and recommendations received on the Draft EIR, eithe* verbatum or in summary, a list of persons, organizations and pu~lic agencies commenting on the Draft EIR, and the responses of the 'lead agency to significant environmental points raised in the review and consultation process have been attached to and made a part of said Draft EIR to form the Final EIR for said Project ("Final EIR No. 236-G") as required by Section 15132 of the State CEQA Guidelines. . J I""'" ~\ WHEREAS, sa~d Final EIR was presented to the City Engineer of the City' of Anaheim for review and consideration prior to the final approva~ of, or commitment to, said Project. c.-... WHEREAS, on/September 18, 1984, the City Engineer rendered his decision ("decision") (i) certifying EIR No. 236-G and approving the gr~ding plan of, and issuance of a grading permit to, Texaco Antheim Hills, Inc. for the grading of Tracts 10996, 10997 and 109,8 in the City of Anaheim; and WHEREAS, on. September 25, 1984, an appeal was filed with the City appealing s~id decision of the City Engineer on said Project to the City ~ouncil; and WHEREAS, on, October 23, 1984, a hearing was held by the City Council of the ~ity of Anaheim on said appeal and the City Council did receive further comments, recommendations and evidence, both oral ~nd documentary (collectively "further comments") relating thereto, together with the responses to any significant new envitonmental points raised in said further comments which furth~.r comments and responses have been made a part of said Final EiR for said Project as required by Section 15132 of the State C~QA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, sa!d Final EIR has been presented to the City Council of the City ~f Anaheim for review and consideration prior to the final approva~ of, or commitment to, said Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim as f~llows: 1. That the City of Anaheim does hereby certify that Final EIR No. 236-G ("Fina~ EIR") has been completed in compliance with the California Envir~nmental Quality Act and the State CEQA Guidelines and that 1:he City Council of the City of Anaheim has reviewed and consideted the information contained in the Final EIR prior to approval of~ or commitment to, said Project. 2. That consistent with Section 21083.3 of the Public Resources Code, the ~ity Council of the City of Anaheim does hereby find that the Final EIR was limited to effects upon the environment which art peculiar to the Project and which were not addressed as signifi~ant effects in prior environmental impact reports: and that all feasible mitigation measures specified in the prior environmental impact reports for this project have been incorporated into th. Project or will be undertaken in conjunction ".-..., wi th the Project. 3. That the City Council of the City of Anaheim does hereby find that changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into th, Project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant envitonmental effects as identified in the Final EIR. A description ~f each of said significant environmental effects ("Impact") a1l1d a brief explanation of the rationale of the aforesaid finding ("Mitigation") as to each are as follows: -2- L ..f"'" - a. Impact excavation of ridges Modification of actual topography and .,.-..., Miti a ion: Erosion control measures specified by the engineering geol gist and/or soil engineer will be required to be incorporated into: the Project to reduce the potential of erosion and depositipn due to grading. Grading slopes will be replanted and maintained in accordance with requirements of Chapter 17.06 of theiAnaheim Municipal Code. b. Impactp Geologic environment will involve in- creased susceptability to ero$ion and deposition in areas where grading occurs. Miti a ion: No grading will be permitted between October 15th and. Apr 1 15th of any year unless all required offsite drainage fac Ii ties have been installed and are operative. Culverts! shall be installed beneath major fills to channelize ground wa~er to existing drainage systems. Inspection shall be provided by'the soil engineer and engineering geologist during site grading to observe cut slope construction, exposed bedding attitudes, r~moval of unsuitable foundation materials, general fill procedutes, as well as provide an opinion on the degrees of compactio~ being obtained; and, determine that all necessary engineerin, requirements are being met. Building pads located in areas of ,xpansive soil (the La Vida Matter) will be overgraded and mater~al replaced with non-expansive soils excavated during on-.ite grading. c. ImpactF Disruption to natural drainages, increased surface runoff, and increased sediment loads in runoff waters. Miti a ion: Subdrains will be installed beneath fills placed in the .,astern canyon of the project site. Culverts will be installed in'drainage areas where major fill is proposed. The culverts will be designed to accommodate the maximum antici- pated drainage withi~ the canyons. A system of down drains, culverts, storm drai~s, check dams, and desilting basins will be designed to complete~y accommodate the maximum expected runoff and flow within the site'area. All drainage facilities and systems will be designed in .ccordance with City of Anaheim standards. Installation of drai~age and erosion control features will be completed prior to tbe rainy season. .~ d. Impact, Potential loss of topsoil due to grading operations and incre.sed erosion resulting from steepening of slopes and removal of vegetation during grading. Miti a ion: A survey of the site will be con- ducted by the develo er to identify soils which should be stock- piled for use during landscaping activities subsequent to final grading. Slopes sha~l be replanted and maintained as required by Chapter 17.06 of the'Anaheim Municipal Code. Erosion controls will be implemented .s hereinabove described. A soil fertility test will be conduct_d on the site prior to grading. -3- ,-. ~\ f''-'" e. Emissions associated with equipment operation and veh1cl s during grading (including those associated with the transportat~on of excess material) would produce a minor, short-term adverse i~pact on air quality. Construction-related dust generated during grading activities would also result in minor to moderate, short-term effects on air quality. Miti a ion: Grading-related dust will be con- trolled by a mandato y watering program during grading operations. f. Impactl: Grading of the residential lots and construction of home~ will require use of heavy equipment and trucks. Noise gener~ted by those sources will increase onsite and offsite sound levels~ Use of this equipment have a moderate short-term, adverse ~mpact on nearby areas during the construction period. Noise level~ should not be sufficiently high so as to constitute a health hazard. Transportation of excess cut material by truck will cause a short-term increase in local noise levels primarily along Serr~no Avenue, between Hidden Canyon Road and Canyon Rim Road. MitigattOn: Grading activities will be restricted to weekdays (Monday rough Friday) and normal working hours (7 a.m. to 5 p.m. maximbm) to reduce grading-related noise impacts. All heavy equipment ~tilized during grading will be equipped with current noise attenuation devices. g. Impacti' Grading of the 78-acre site will be limited to the formation of he internal road system and building pads for home construction an. will result in the disturbance of approxi- mately 49 acres. Tht' remaining area (29 acres) will be retained as undisturbed open pace. In areas where grading occurs, grading activities will caus~ the onsite elimination of some individuals of animal species, w~ile individuals of other species would relo- cate to adjacent undJsturbed habitat primarily to the south and southwest. Human activity, mobile noise sources, and other construction-related activities will tend to permanently discour- age some species of *ildlife from utilizing habitat adjacent to or near grading portion~ of the site. However, some species would be expected to return otce grading and construction-related activi- ties have been compl~ted. Grading operations will result in the loss of six of the 1$3 oak trees present on the project site. Miti a ion: Landscaping with native vegetation will contribute to m1n1m1 lng onsite water requirements, and partially restore habitat that can be utilized by some species of indigenous ,~. fauna. The six oak trees eliminated will be replaced with appro- priate specimens sel,cted from a list provided in Chapter 18.84 of the City of Anaheim $unicipal Code. After grading is completed, all exposed slopes will be replanted with appropriate vegetation (ground cover shrubs. trees) to prevent erosion, in accordance with Chapter 17.06 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. Native vegeta- tion will be left intact wherever possible. -4- (" .~ ,~> h. Impact,: During site grading, heavy equipment movements and dust wftll be visible to offsite viewers from Tract 7587. Site grading ~ill result in the formation of the internal road system and builbing pads, while the remaining area will remain as natural sp~ce. After grading is completed, the site will be characterizeb by level building pads, the internal road system, and natural ~egetation. Graded areas will appear as manu- factured unvegetated! areas on the landscape. Miti a ion: Grading-related dust will be con- trolled by a mandato y watering program. After grading, planting of the graded slopes! with trees, shrubs, and ground cover will serve to reduce adve~se visual effects of the graded areas. Required slope plant~ng and landscaping of the individual resi- dential lots will re~uce possible adverse visual effects from the proposed project. ~ree new tree breaks will be planted by the developer at locatiops as shown on the View Impact Studies pre- pared by David A. Botle Engineering to minimize the visual impact from the floor of the canyon. i. ImpactF Grading and construction activities are not expected to directly; affect Archeological Site ORA-32l because: I) grading activities ate not expected to occur on the site, and 2} no new facilities ar, expected to be constructed on Site ORA-32l. Mitigation: A qualified paleontologist and archeologist will be!present to monitor grading activities. If any cultural resourc,s are discovered during site grading, the find(s} will be eval,ated by the archeologist and appropriate mitigation measures ~mplemented (e.g., salvage or preservation). A list of any archeotogical findings shall be provided to the Juaneno Indian Band representatives. The property owner shall offer to dedicate to the County of Orange an open space easement covering the area of Site ORA-32l which easement, if accepted by the County, will ins~re the preservation of said Site from future development. j. Impact. Clearing and grading operations within the proposed project Sit! will remove burnable vegetation on or near the proposed interna road sY$tem and building pads for the homes, thereby reducing the brush-fire potential in the vicinity of those areas. Although bru.h-fire potential may be reduced onsite, the incidence of a fire igniting from human causes may be increased by the introduction of .ore people into the area. Miti a ion: During grading, all construction ,~ vehicles will be equ pped with appropriate spark arrestors and no smoking signs will b~ posed in appropriate areas and enforced. k. Impact * After the development of the property and the construction of ijouses, the upper portions of six houses in the project will be ~isible from the floor of Weir Canyon. -5- L -9- va/a/01 . .}~z~tt mJ : M'I-f" Wr~HVN\(.3:0 U,I:> >!UJ. ~. :1'1:). ~AaLI~. ~ . ~S){ " :J.S:ilaLaL~ .!O ^aLr~ :3: ~ oi?861 '~aqo JO .h'ep P~(Z $'J:q:j. m'J:aq"Qt1y JO.h:j.'J:~ aq:j. 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SOHL, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 84R -425 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim held on the 23rd day of October, 1984, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Bay, Overholt, Pickler and Roth NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None AND I FURTHER certify that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed said Resolution No. 84R -425 on the 23rd day of October, 1984. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 23rd day of October, 1984. i � / G� ° `y` CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF A1XHE MIMI (SEAL) I, LEONORA N. SOHL, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 84R -425 duly pastsed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on October 23, 1984. ' %' -' CITY CLERK