84R-275 - .""....... A RESOLUT OF ANAHEI AND PARCE ING MAINT CONTRACT FOR THE IMPROVE ENSUING -- RESOLUTION 84R-275 ON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY LEVYING AN ASSESSMENT ON EACH LOT OF LAND CONTAINED IN STREET LIGHT- $ANCE DISTRICT 1981-6 FOR THE AR JULY 1, 1984 TO JUNE 30, 1985, ,UNT ESTIMATED TO BE NECESSARY TO STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM FOR SUCH RTRACT YEAR. (TRACTS 2228 and 2705) WHEREAS, be City Council of the City of Anaheim has established a stre t lighting maintenance district designated "Street Lighting A eessment District 1981-6:11 WHEREAS, the amount necessa the ensuing contra .6,341.65. the City be Superintendent of Streets has estimated y to improve the street lighting system for t year, July 1, 1984 to June 30, 1985, to be FORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of as follows: 1. The ity Council does determine that the amount necessary to impro e the street lighting system for the ensuing contract year is $ ,341.65. 2. That the cost to each lot in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by each lot or parcel of land is determined to b , and each lot and parcel of land is assessed and levy made agai at each such lot and parcel of land as follows: 3. That improvement of the contract year, fro declared to be a 1 Assessment Distric taxes on the said ..--. 4. That Anaheim be, and he with the County Au August 10, 1984, a certified copy of hereby confirmed: requested to enter um of $33.73 for each of the 1 numbers listed on the attached all sums for the cost of maintenance or street lighting system for the ensuing July 1, 1984 to June 30, 1985, are hereby en upon the property in "Street Lighting 1981-611 and shall be collected with the roperty. the Director of Finance of the City of is hereby, authorized and directed to file itor of the County of Orange on or before certified copy of this resolution and a he report of the Superintendent of Streets nd the County Auditor is authorized and each assessment in the County tax rolls - -- ,........ opposite the parce of land and add the amount of the assessm~nt to the next regula tax bill levied against each 'of said ~arcels for municipal purp sese THE FO~G JNG RESOLUTION is approved and adopted'bY,the Ci ty Council of th City 6f- Anaheim this lO~h day ~f July',! l~. 'I , ATTEST: CI /jh (0394L) 6/7/84 f. ,~ -2- "..... - STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITYbF ANAHEIM ) I, LEONORA N.. SO.HL, City ClF..rk of th. eC~ty of A.na. hei.m..., ~o. hereby Certi.fY that the foregoing R,solution No~ 84R-275 ~s intro~uced_~n~ !~op~!d"tt~ :~ular meeting provided by law, of! the City Council of the CIty of 'Anaheim held on the 10th day of July, 1984,!by the following vote of the members thereof: ! ~, AYES: COUWCIL MEMBERS~ Kaywood, Bay, Overholt, Pickler and Roth i COUNCIL MEMBERS ~ None NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None AND I FURTHER certify that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed said Resolution No. 84R-275 on t.e 10th day of July, 1984. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have .ereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 10th d4y of July, 1984. ~/!~ · I ERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ( SEAL) I, LEONORA N. SOHL, City Cl~rk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the origin~l of Resolution No. 84R-275 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City ~ouncil on July 10, 1984. ~a~ ) i i - - .-.., "-, 1 1 CITY OF ANAHEIM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1981-6 ,-\ MAY 1984 ~. .\ 6ESSOR'S PARCEL NO. AMOUNT ASSESSOR'S PARCEL N I.C 10- 1 7 CC 18- 25 CC 1 0- 1 7 1. 126-252-02 $33.73 2. 126-252-03 3. 126-252-04 $33.73 4. 126-252-05 5. 126-252-06 $33.73 6. 126-252-07 7. 126-252-08 $33.73 8. 126-252-09 9. 126-252-10 $33.73 10. 126-252-11 1. 126-252-12 $33.73 12. 126-252-13 3. 126-252-14 $33.73 14. 126-252-15 15. 126-261-13 $33.73 16. 126-261-12 7. 126-261-11 $33.73 18. 126-261-10 19. 126-261-09 $33.~ 20. 126-261-08 " 21. 126-261-07 $33.73 22. 126-263-08 3'. 126-263-07 $33.73 24. 126-263-06 25. 126-263-01 $33.73 26. 126-263-02 27. 126-263-03 $33.73 28. 126-263-04 29. 126-232-24 $33.73 30. l26-232-23 31 . 126-232-22 $33.73 32. 126-232-21 33. 126-232-20 $33.73 34. 126-232-19 35.126-232-18 $33.73 36. 126-232-17 ~-,.,26-232-16 $33.73 38. 126-232-15 ~6-232-14 $33.73 40. 126-232-13 41. 1.26-232-12 '$33.73 42. 126-232-41 43.126-232-08 $33.73 44. 126-232-07 COUNTY F . O. SHEET 1 OF 5 AMOUNT CC 18-25 - ~ $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 1 2 o ORANGE SPECIAl. ASSIISSMENT INPUT FORM ,- - CITY OF ANAHEIM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE . DISTRICT 1981-6 MAY 1984 SHEET 2 OF 5 I"'-! jESSOR'S PARCEL NO. AMOUNT ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. AMOUNT CC 10-17 Ce 18-25 eCl 0- 1 7 CC 1 8- 25 - · 1. 126-232-0 $33.73 2. 126-232-05 $33.73 $33.73 4. 126-232-03 $33.73 $33.73 6. 126-232-01 $33.73 7. 126-23 -0 $33.73 8. 126-231-10 $33.73 $33.73 10. 126-231-12 $33.73 11. 126-231-1 $33.73 12. 126-231-14 $33.73 13.0 126-231~1 $33.73 14. 126-231-16 $33.73 15. 126-262-0 $33.73 16. 126-262-06 $33.73 17. 126-262-07 $33.73 18. 126-262-08 $33.73 19. 126-262-0 $33.7"9 20. 126-262-02 $33.73 21. 126-262-0 $33.73 22. 126-262-04 $33.73 23.. 126-231-01 $33.73 24. 126-231-02 $33.73 25. 126-231-0 $33.73 26. 126-231-04 $33.73 27. $33.73 28. 126-231-06 . $33.73 29. $33.73 30. ~26-23l-08 $33.73 31 . $33.73 32. 126-245-10 $33.73 33. $33.73 34. 126-245-12 $33.73 35. $33.73 36. 126-245-14 $33.73 $33.73 38. 126-245-16 $33.73 ~6-255-06 $33.73 40. 126-255-07 $33.73 41. 126-255-08 "$33.73 42. 126-255-09 $33.73 43. 126-255-01 $33.73 44. 126-255-02 $33.73 COUNTY OF ORANGE S:PECIAL ASSESSMENT INPUT FORM r"\ :SESSOR I S PARCEL NO. I..C 10- 1 7 1.126-255-03 3.126-255-05 5.126-245-02 7.126-245-04 9.126-245-06 11 .126-245-08 13.126-244-10 15.126-244-12 17.126-244-14 19.126-244-16 21.126-254-09 Z3.126-254-11 25.126-254-13 21.126-254-02 29.126-254-04 31 .1.26-254-06 33.126-244-01 35.126-244-03 6-244-05 6-244-07 41..1.26-243-01 43.126-243-03 COUNTY OF ORANGE SPECIAL ASSIISSMENT INPUT FORM ,~ - 1 CITY OF ANAHEIM AMOUNT eC 1 8- 2S $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.71- $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 '$33.73 $33.73 . TN. 81-6 MAY 1984 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. CC 1 0- 17 2. 126-255-04 4. 126-245-01 6. 126-245-03 8. 126-245-05 10. 126-245-07 12. 126-244-09 14. 126-244-11 16. 126-244-13 1S. 126-244-15 20. 126-254-08 22. 1 6-254-10 24. 126-254-12 26. 126-254-01 28. 126-254-03 SHEET 3 OF 5 AMOUNT ec 1 S- 25 - $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 30. $33.73 32. $33.73 34. 36. $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 3S. 126-244-06 40. 126-244-08 42. 126-243-02 44. 126-243-04 . ,-.. - . ',--, .,......." CITY OF ANAHEIM S ~ET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1981-6 MAY 1984 5ESSOR'S PARCEL NO. AMOUNT ASSESSOR'S PARCEL N loA. 10-17 CC 1 8- 25 Ce 1 0- 17 . 126-243-05 $33.73 2. 126-243-06 . 126-243-07 $33.73 4. 126-243-08 . 126-243-09 $33.73 6. 126-242-15 7. 126-242-04 $33.73 8. 126-242-03 . 126-242-02 $33.73 10. 126-242-01 1. 126-241-0' $33.73 12. 126-241-07 3. 126-241-06 $33.73 14. 126-241-05 5. 126-241-04 $33.73 16. 126-241-03 7. 126-241-02 $33.73 18. 126-241-01 9. 126-253-08 $33.7~ 20. 126-253-07 1. 126-253-06 $33.73 22. 126-253-05 3. 126-253-04 $33.73 24. 126-253-03 ' 5. 126-253-02 $33.73 26. 126-253-01 7. 126-251-12 $33.73 28. 126-251-].1 9. 126-251-10 $33.73 30. 126-251-09 1 . 126-251-08 I $33.73 32. 126-251-07 3. 126-251-06 $33.73 34. 126-251-05 5. 126-251-04 $33.73 36. 126-251-16 26-243-10 $33.73 38. 126-243-11 '~6-243-12 $33.73 40. 126-243-13 1. 1.26-243-14 "$33.73 42. 126-243-15 3. 126-243-16 $33.73 44. 126-243-17 . o. SHEET 4 OF 5 AMOUNT eC 1 8- 25 - ~ $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 33.73 1 3 5 9 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 COUNTY OF ORANGE SPECIAL ASSESsMENT INPUT FORM ,.. -- ,-., CITY OF ANAHEIM T LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1981-6 MAY 1984- 1 SESSOR I S PARCEL NO. AMOUNT ASSESSOR'S PARCEL N \.C 10-17 CC 1 8- 25 ec 10-17 126-243-18 $33.73 2. 126-243-19 126-246-01 $33.73 4. 126-246-02 126-246-03 $33.73 6. 126-246-04 126-246-05 $33.73 8. 126-246-06 126-246-07 $33.73 10. 126-246-08 126-246-09 $33.73 12. 126-246-10 . 14. 16. 18. ... 20. . . 22. . 24. . 26. . 28. . 30. . 32. . 34. . 36. '"', 38. 40. '> . 42. . 44. . o. SHEET 5 OF 5 AMOUNT . ee 18-25- $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 $33.73 l. 3. s. 7. 9. 11. 13. 15. 17. 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 3~ -:: oJ 41 43 COUNTY OF ORANGE SPECIAl. ASSESSMENT INPUT FORM