84R-241 - -- /~ RE~QLUTION NO. 84R- 241 A RESOLUTION OF ~E CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ESTABLISHING THElifANAGEMENT.PAY PLAN BY ADJUSTING THE MANAGEMENT SALAR ! STRUCTURE. ESTABLISHING RATES OF COMPENSATION AND~GEMENT.PAY POLICIES FOR CLASSIFICATIONS DESIGNATED AS EXUTIVE MAN.GEMENT AND SUPERSEDING RESOLUTION NO. 8.-385 AND ~HENTS THERETO WHEREAS, the nee~!eXists to establish the Management Pay Plan for the second year by adjusting .'...he manage~nt salary structure, establishing rates of compensation and ma gement pay policies for certain Executive Manag.-ent classifications; nd WHEREAS, as a re~~.Ul.,. t thereof, the need exists to supersede Resolution No. 83R-385 and a;.ndments thereto; and WHEREAS, the Citl:counCil of the City of Anaheim does find that establishing the Management 4Y Plan fot the second year by adjusting the managoent salary structure, .~.tabliShin. rates of compensation and management pay policies for these Execu tve Manage.ent classifications is in the best interests of the City of Anai_im. NOW, THEREFORE, .1 IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheia as follows: Section 1. Classifications !1sted in Section 2 of this resolution shall be allocated to salary ranges p ~viding annual compensation according to the salary structure listed belo : RANGE MINIMUM Ml DP OINT MAXIMUM SRl6 $ 81.607 $ 95. 08 tl02.008 $108.809 *122.410 SRl5 74,188 86, '3 92,735 98,917 111,282 SRl4 67 .444 78, 84 84,304 89,925 101,165 SRI3 61,312 71. 31 76,640 81,750 91,969 SRl2 55,738 65, 28 69,673 74,318 83.608 SRll 50,671 59, 17 63,339 67.562 76,007 SRlO 46,065 53, 42 57,581 61.420 69,097 SR09 41,877 48, 57 52,346 55,836 62,816 SR08 38,070 44, 15 47,588 50,760 57,105 ,--... SR07 34,609 40, 17 43,262 46,146 51,914 SR06 31.463 36, 07 39,329 41,951 47,194 SR05 28,603 33, 10 35,753 38,137 42,904 SR04 26.002 30, 36 32,503 34,670 39,004 SR03 23,639 27, 18 29,548 31,518 35,458 SR02 21,490 25, 11 26,862 28,653 32,234 SROl 19,536 22, 92 24,420 26,048 29,304 SROO 17,760 20, 20 22,200 23,680 26,640 l ,...., "'"" Section 2. t~ The basic compen+.tion plan for all officers and employees of the City of Anaheim designated ai.Executive Management who are now employed or will in the future be employ 4 in any of the classifications listed below shall be allocated to the fo " ~owing salary ranges effective June 29, 1984. Classification Salary Range Assistant City Manager City Attorney City Clerk City Manager City Treasurer Convention Center, Stadiua a44 polf General Manager Data Proceasing Director : Executive Director of Ada1nii_rative Setvices Executive Director CommunitYr-,velopment Finance Director ! Fire Chief Huaan lesources Director Library Director Mainteaance Director Parks, Recreation aDd Comaun~.y Service. Director Planui.. Director Police Chief Public Utilities General ~.er Section 3. X SRl3 X SRl3 X SR09 X SRl6 X SR08 X SRl4 X SRll X SRl2 X SRl2 X SRll X SRl2 X SRll X SRlO X SRll X SRll X SRll X SRl2 X SRl5 Eaployees workin~'in classifications listed in Section 2 of this reBolut.ion shall receive a. ..... gement 1>*. ckage of eight percent (8%). The employee shall have the choi . of receiving the manageaent package in City-paid contribution to thPublic Emtloyee Retirement System, or the equivalent amount in deferre, compensation or additional earnings. Section 4. Eaployees in thejclassifications listed in Section 2 of this resolution shall be covered "y the Mana.ement Pay for Performance PIan. The City Council shall authorize!~he basic $erit pool funds to be used for managqent merit pay adju.~tS. The tity Manager shall establish the Merit Pay Increase Guide in accord, '.ce with the merit pool funds established by the City Council and shall imple .nt management merit pay adjustments. Effective October 5.1984 a managementjllerit pool fund of 6% shall be established for the performance year 1983-84~ .~ f Sec tion 5. Eaployees in theiclassifications listed in Section 2 of this resolution shall be covered ij, the foll."ing management pay policies, effective June 29. 1984. To!~he extent that these policies are inconsistent with any other City of Anahe~ Personnel Rules. the terms of these policies shall prevail. b..T J "~ l ,~ ,"""" ,,,,,",, 5.1 Hfnagement Pay Plan Impf..-ntation A. Salary Structure Upon 1mplementationi~f the bas~c salary structure for the. Management Pay Plan on June 29t 1984. current incumbent management employees will be placed in t...ir recommended classification and salary range, at their current sa .ry rate. B. Incumbents Below a.t.e Minimum A management emplO~.' whose c~rrent actual salary is below the minimum of the rang · for his c~assification. and whose performance is c..potent, vUl be ~ced at t"e 111_ rate of the ran.. on Jun. 29. 1984 at the tithe salary structure is implemented. &.ployees Below thejiE" Step A management emPlOa' ~. who was not at the "E" step of his former salary range on Oct,"er 7. 1988. and who is below the midpoint of the October 7. 1983 ma ,ement sal.ry range, is eligible for an additional adjustme t of up to 5%, on his former merit step anniversary dates fqm October 21. 1983 through October 4. 1984. under the following I ~ondi tions: c. 1. Such additionalE.'.......alary adj~stments cannot place the incumbent's salary beyond t . former "2" step adjusted upward by the amount of the base sal .y percentage of the merit pool for 1982/83 performance yea. Such additional~!..~alary adj~stmen.ts may bring the incumbent's salary no highe. than the aidpoint of the October 7. 1983 management sala . range. 2. 3. No employee sha~l receive an adjustment under this section. if he received a secotfd adjustmeat in April. 1984. 5.2 Hiring Pay Policy Newly hired management loyees shall be compensated at any rate within the lower third of the lary range for their job classification as authorized by the appoi ~ing authotity. When economic conditions, UDusual employment cond _ions. or exceptional qualifications of a candidate for employmenindicate a higher rate would be in the City's best interests. the Cit Manager may authorize hiring at a higher rate in the salary range but th s higher rate generally shall not be above the midpoint. . ~ 1 T ~ ,,,,",, 5.3 Promotion ,...-... An employee who is promtited to a ..nagement job class shall be placed at a salary in the managem .. t salary range which provides a 10% pay increase, as long as itctoes not exceed the midpoint. If a 10% increase would place the employe1.s salary beyond the midpoint, the employee shall receive a minimum of 5%Tincrease ot an increase between 5% and 10% in order to bring the eapl+tee to the midpoint. 5.4 n,-otion from a Managemt~t Job Cla,s A. An employee rejecte~", .."dUring th'. probationary period from a manageaent job shall be return 4 to the classification in which he has regular status and to his f tmer salary level. unless the reasons for his failure to complete!probation would be cause for dismissal from City service. B. An employee, who taij~s a volun~ary demotion or who is demoted as a disciplinary action!from a ma~gement job class to a management job class, shall be Plai-d at a rate in the lower salary range which provides at least aj]O% reduction in pay. An employee, who ta1~s a voluntary demotion or is demoted as a disciplinary actionf,rom a man.gement job class to a non-management job class. shall be placed in the highest step of the lower salary range which provide~at least a 10% pay reduction. 5.5 ~off from a Manageaen~IJob Class An employee, whose posiq~on has been abolished due to lack of work or lack of funds and who i~reassigned to another position, shall be placed at a rate or step in th~new salary range which does not provide an increase in pay. i 5.6 ~obationary Management ~PlOyees A probationary managemet't employee will be evaluated prior to completion of his probationary per ,d. based upon the six month performance contract established at the date~f his app~intment to the management classification. Such aqemployee $&y be eligible for a pay increase of up to 5% based upon his !performance evaluation. 5.7 Reduction in Pay for Ma~ement Emtloyees A management employee ~y", receive a reduction unsatisfactory work per~rmance or conduct. in salary on the basis of .~ 5.8 Ac,ting Pay An exempt management em~,oYee may be appointed by the City Manager to serve in an acting capa ity during an unplanned absence from work of thirty calendar days or . . re of another exempt management employee. MsDagement eaployees wh ., are granted acting pay by the City Manager shall receive a 5% increase i ,. payor the minimum rate of the higher salary range while in an "actiqg" capacity. L J ..-- "'"" 5.9 U..rade to a Management1Glass ~loyees temporarily U1araded to a management increase or the minimum ~ate of the management accordauce with current,~pgrade provisions. class shall receive a 5% salary range, in i~' 5.10 Reclassification After implementation ofl,~he Manage$ent Pay Plan, future reclassifications for management employee~ Jwll1 occur as follows: A. B. An incumbent. who i~ :, ,.reclassif~ed with his position to a management job class at a high~ range, w!ll be considered to be promoted and covered under those!provisions. An incumbent, who i~reclassif!ed with his position to a management job class with no c~ge in salary range, will retain his rate of pay. An incumbent, who i~'.'".reclassifted with his position to a management job class at a lowe . range, shall retain his rate of pay in the new range. If his curr t rate is higher than the new salary range. the rate of pay shall bEjidentifie4 as a "Y" rate. An employee compensated at the 11" rate shall remain there until such time as the "Y" rate is within ~e salary range for the position. C. 5.11 Pa ent of Premium Pa 10 ees Under Certain Conditions Management employees in ~xempt job classes may be compensated for overtime work authorizeq 'by the appropriate department head at the rate of one-and-one-half tim~ their reaular hourly rate of pay provided that such employees have bee~assigned by the appropriate department head to perform work normally p~formed by employees in non-exempt job classes. Section 6. Employees hired to 1:.rk on a P4rt-time basis in any of the classifications listed in Se ~ion 2 of this resolution will be compensated at the rate of pay established .,r the full-time classification in Section 2. Section 7. The letter "X" prec~ing a salary range number indicates that employees working in that jO~hclass are exempt from overtime provisions as provided in Personuel Rule 6.j04, Premium Pay. Section 8. ,~ I The regular hourly ~te of pay for employees working in job classes listed in this resolution sh~ be computed as provided in Personnel Rule 5. Hours of Work and Pay Day. ' 5 I J r- ~ Section 9. The provisions of tqis resolution shall supersede Resolutions No. 83R-38S. , .-..... BE 1':1' FURTHER RE$OL~D that th. effective date of this r.soluti~tf. { , ' '1 ' shall ~ June 29, 1984. : '. this i THE FOREGOING RE~O~IttION is ap,roved and adoptep. by th~ ~ity Council 26th day of .2n~ 'c , 1984. ' ~~K~ MAYO~ OF THE CIty OF ANAHEIM ' APPIOVID AS TO FORM: ~~TYot~M f" I ; , . ~ ~~ I ; . , 1966G ."~ 6 L ,- -, STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY 0' ANAHEIM ) ) ) ss. I; I, LEORORA N. SOHL, City Cle~k of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify'that the fo,~going ,Resolution No. 84R-24l was introduced and adopted at a regular meetinj provided by law, of he City Council of the City of Anaheim held on the 26th day of June, 1984, y the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: [.Kaywood. Overholt and Pickler NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS:! Bay , ABSTAJiID: ceuNCIL MElOnS: jRoth ABSENT: OOUN(HL .~:. ~None. AND I PURTllER CERTIFY thst t~e Mayor of the City of Auaheim Resolution No. 84R-24l on th1 26th day of June. 1984. IN IIITlESS 1lllERE0F. I have h~.eunto set my hand sod affixed City of Anaheim this 26th dat of June, 1984. signed said the seal of the ~ ~SdL CITY CLERK OF THE CITY 0' ANAHEIM, ( SEAL) I I LEONORA N. SOHL, City cIeri of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify the fo....going is the origiua. of Resolution No. 84R-24l duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City "ouncil on June 26, 1984. that 1 k