78-559 I"""" .-.. RESOLUTION NO. 78R- 559 A RESOLU~ION OF THE CITY COm~CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHE~ ESTABLISHING SANITATION CHARGES. /~. , WHEREAS, [the City Council of the City of Anaheim has established a poliqy to adopt all fees and charges to be collected within tHe City of Anaheim by resolution; and WHEREAS, lit is desired by the City of Anaheim to establish new sani~ation charges. NOW, THE$FORE, BE IT RESOLVED by theCi ty Council of the City of Anaqeim that the following fee charge schedule be, and the same i~ hereby, adopted for sanitation charges in the City of Anaheirrf: 1. RESIDENT~ SOLID WASTE COLLECTION CHARGES (a) (b) For ]standard collection (available to all res~ential dwelling units) consisting of one Isolid waste collection per week from dis~sable or reusable containers, the sum of ~o Dollars and Twenty-Five Cents ($2.25) per idwelling unit per month. For ~ulk collection (available only to apa~tments, condominiums, and mobilehomes whidh use the e1ree cubic yard bulk contain- ers !supplied by the City's solid waste col~ection contractor), the basic fee sum of ~o Dollars ($2.00) per dwelling unit per mon~h. In addition to the basic fee, the con~ractor is entitled to charge, by direct bil~ing to the owner or manager requesting such service, an additional fee in accordance with the following schedule: Class of Service Freque~cyof Collection 1 per \V'eek 2 per week 3 per week 4 per week 5 per week 6 per week Hon1;hlycharge $12.00 20.00 28.00 36.00 44.00 52.00 ",....-.." A B C D E F (c) For !special collection (available to residen- tia~ dwelling units which generate solid waste of ci character or quantity which requires spedial collection), the charges shall be the rea~onable cost of the removal thereof as det~rmined by e1e Director of Public Works of the iCi ty of Anaheim. -1- " !"" ~, 2. CO~~lliRCI~ AND INDUSTRIAL SOLID WASTE COLLECTION CHARGES .,'-'" Solid wa~te collection services are available on a regularly schedule~ basis to all commercial and industrial establishments. Sr'Ch establishments include motels, hotels, recreational vehic,e parks, restaurants, professional offices, club houses, place$ of entertainment, manufacturing plants, private schools, ~d any other organization or business whether of a servi~e, wholesale or retail variety, including nonprofit organizations. (a) For,standard collection (available to all co~ercial or industrial establishments) con$isting of one solid waste collection per customer per week from a maximum of fout disposable or reusable containers, the sum of Two Dollars ($2.00) per container per month. (b) For bulk collection (available only to est4blishments which use the three cubic yar~ bulk containers supplied by the City's sol~d waste collection contractor), the following monthly fees shall apply: , - Class of Servi<te A B C D E F FrequencyofCollect~on 1 per week 2 per week 3 per week 4 per week 5 per \V'eek 6 per ~leek MOhi;hly _ C.harg~s $23.50 30.50 37.50 44.50 51.50 58.50 (c) Forispecial collection (available to est~blishments which generate solid waste of a character or quantity which requires speqial cOllection), the charges shall be e1ereasonable cost of the removal thereof as determined by the Director of Public ';'JorJ~s of the City of Anaheim. 3. RESIDENT1AL SEWER HAINTENANCE CHAr~GES ~ (a) For each residential dwelling unit located within the City of Anaheim to which a sewer main, owned and/or maintained by the City of ~aheim, is available, the sum of Twenty Cents ($.0.20) per dwelling unit per month. -2- I"'"' ~" ~ (b) For each residential dwelling unit lo~ated outside the corporate limits of th~ City of Anaheim but which is connect- ed,to the City sewer system and which re~eives water and/or electric service frt'm the City of Anaheim, the sum of One Do,lar ($1.00) per dwelling unit per month. (c) Fot each residential dwelling unit located outside the corporate limits of the City ofiAnaheim which is connected to the City serer system but which does not receive wat.er and/or electric service from the City of 1 Anaheim, the sum of Twenty Dollars ($~O.OO) per year. Said fee is nonrefundable, in whole or part, and shall be paid annually, in , advance, to the Director of Finance of the Ci~y of Anaheim. 4. COMMERCtAL AND INDUSTRIAL SEWER MAINTENANCE CHARGES (a) Fo* each commercial or industrial establish- me,t including, but not limited to, motels, ho,*els, restaurants, professional offices, cl~ houses, places of entertainment, ~Ufacturimg plants, public and private sc Qols, and any other organization or b .iness whether of a service, wholesale or:retail variety, including nonprofit organ- iz~tions (but excluding recreational vehicle pa*ks), a fee of Forty Cents ($0.40) per month fot each water closet located therein. (b) Fo~ each recreational vehicle park, a fee of Fo*ty Cents ($0.40) per month for each water c14set located therein, and an additional fee of 'Forty Ce:m.ts ($0.40) per month for each re~reational vehicle space equipped with a s~age disposal connection. 5. STREET ~LEANING CHARGES For ea~residential dwelling unit and each connnercial or industrial es . .. lishment located wi thin the City of Anaheim, a fee of Forty C ,ts ($0.40) per unit per month. /...-....; BE IT FT1RTHER RESOLVED that the provisions of this Resolution shall *e deemed effective September 1,1978, and that Resolution Nq. 77R-486 shall be deemed repealed effective as of such date. -3- ~ ~, ~"~, THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the Ci ty counc~l of the City of Anaheim this .29th. day of Au2U.St , 1~78. ATTEST: CI~~~~EIM JLW: jh ,~~ ! -4- .......' ~ ) STATE,OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTI OF OHANGE ) 8S. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City C~erk of the I City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No~78R-559 w~ introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of' the City C~uncil of the City of Anaheim held on the 29th day of August, 197$, by the f~llowingvote of the members thereof: 't AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: (pverholt, I4ywood, Kott, Roth and Seymour NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: !fone AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed said Resolution No. 78R-559 on tije 29th day of August, 1978. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have ijereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 29th d~y of August, 1978. CI~~~ (SEAL) I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City C1erk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the fo~egoing is the original of Resol~tion No. 78R-559 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on August 29, 1978. ~->&~ ') HPnv '9 . Aaame.:UIo.:l([ a;)JA.:IaS .:tamo~sn::> .~uJIIH ~aa.:l~S ..:I1a s~.J:o~ ;)J1qnd