78-594 "'" ~ STATE OF CALl:FOBNIA ) COUNT! OFOBANGI ) CITY tFANAHEIM - ) , , . , SSe t ! I ) I, L.IID....A .D.. ROBER. TS...,. C.ity..Ct.....~...rk....Of. thei..C.....i.t.y. of An.' .ahe.im.,.do..herebY.....c..e.r.t...if...y that the ~e80ini Resolutio1\\No .~78.R-59~ +s ~ntraduee~a~dad~PtC!d ~t. ~regu1ar meeta.g prodded by law, (of . e City cpunci1 of the CitY of Anaheim held on the 12th day of September, 78, by t~ following vot~ of the members thereof: . i--i ' AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: 4*erho1t, Klaywood, Kott, Roth and Seymour ; I NOES: COUNCIL MJDmERSr: .ftne ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: 1t~>ne AND LFUR'm!R ClRTIFY that ~.. e Mayor oif tile . City 'o~ Aaahei~ s.igned said Resoatlott!llb. 18R-594 on~~ .12th day! of SepteUtber, 1978. . . .. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,. I have ~~reunto seit my hand and Cl~ of Mlaheim.this 12tb d~t of Sept$ber. 1978. . ! I I affixed the seal of the ~ I t j ;'C~~;j (SEAL) f i I' j t ~~ I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City C~,rk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the f'regoing is the orlgin~ of Reso14tion No. 78R-594 duly passed and adopted by th, Anaheim City Counci1!4m Septem'bar 12, 1978. . ... .._-_.~. ...~_._."~ r ~~)N~ I . . CITY CLE . t I ) . .S:j.:):)v ~0:j.:)<U1a a:)U'euJa ~ f'" "...... ~ RESOLUTION NO. 78R- 594 A RESOL tON OF TflE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHE ~ APPROV+NG THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AN A iDMENT T~ AGREEMENT WITH PRICE WATERHOU . & COMP1NY BY AMENDING THE DATE OF PRESENTA ON OF T$E.' FINANCIAL STATEMENT, AND AUTHORIZ G THE MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE ID AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. , - ~REAS ,I 1; he City of Anaheim and Price Waterhouse , company" Certif1i',. ,.PUbliC '. Accountants, entered into an Agreement for an ual fin~cial statement dated April 11, 1978, pursuant to . solution No. 78R-221; and WHEREAS, i ~ursuant to said Agreement ,thedateof presentation of ani~riginal clean copy of the annual financial statemen1. suitab1e f'or deli very to typeset,t,er was to beSeptembe~ 15, 1978; and WHEREAS,,~t is th, mutual desire of the parties to amend said agre'~ntbY amending the date of presentation of said statement *~ October 6, 1978. [ NOW, THEHFORE, Bt: IT RESOLVED that the terms and conditions of an A ndment to Agreement between theCit,Y of Anaheim and Price.. ...terhouse & Company dated April 11, 1978, amendin.gthe date~t presentation of an O,rigina,l cleancopy of the annual fin cial sta~ement, suitable for delivery to typesetter to OctotI' 6, 19't8 be, and the same is hereby, approved. BE ITPU*1HER RESQLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby a,1;horized to execute said Amendment to Agreement for and +n behalf of the City of Anahe-1m. THE FORE~" ING RES$LUTION is approved and adopted by the City counei.! of the Uty of Anaheim this l2.tI1.. day of SADh>mhAr ,197 . . ATTEST: M /~. JiOF:jh