78-595 ,.,... ~ ,~ RESOLUTION NO. 78R-595 A RESOLUfON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHE . ORDERING THE VACATION AND ABANDON- MENT OFRTAIN PORTIONS OF STARLING WAY AND RIVERDAL AVENUE. 1 WHEREAS,~the City Council of the City of Anaheim did, by resolution dulyosted and published, give notice of its in- tention to vacated abando,n the pub lie street or alley herein after described; a WHEREAS'~On the 12th day of September, 1978, a public hearing was held tallow interested persons to submit evidence concerning said pr osed vacation and abandonment; and i WHEREAS ,~the City Council of the Ci tyof Anaheim does find, from the evi nee submitted, that the public street or alley hereinafterecifically described is unnecessary for pres- ent or prospective ublic street purposes. WHEREAS't.he City Council does determine that the public convenience and ne ssity require the reservation and exception of the easement(s) an right(s) of way hereinafter specifically de- scribed. . NOW, THE of the City of Ana donment of the pro and southwest corn specifically descr FORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council 1m does hereby order the vacation and aban- arty line returns located at the southeast s of Starling Way and Riverdale Avenue, more ed as follows: /...-...., That certain 'rtion of dedicated road for street and highway purpo EtS lying within Tract No. 5332, as shown on a map recoed in Book 192, pages 36, 37 and 38, Miscellaneous aps, records of Orange County, Califor- nia, describe. as follows: Parcell: sw!cor R:1.verdale & Starl:1.ng Way Beginning at point in the northerly line of said Tract No. 533 J distant S 740 33' 24" W, 164.83 feet from the most northeasterly corner of said Tract No. 5332, said po nt being in a curve concave southwest- erly and havi g a radius of 25 feet, a radial line bearing N 550 31' 31" E passes through said point; thence Southe sterly along said curve through a cen- tral angle of 1110 48' 36" an arc distance of 5.15 feet; thence ~ 220 29' 53" E, 18.74 feet to a point in a curve coticave southwesterly and having a radius of 27 feet, a ~adial line bearing N670 20' 07" E passes througIi said point; thence Northwesterly along the last ment:Jtoned curve through a central angle of -1- 17-25A ~ ~ ~ 820 46' 43" an arc distance of 39.01 feet to an in- tersection Wit~. the north line of Lot 20 i. n said Tract No. 5332;, thence N 740 33' 24" E, 23.26 feet to the point 0, beginning. ~ , Parcel 2: SE por Riverdale & Starling Way Beginning at Tract No . 5332 from the most 5332; thence S southeasterly a central angl 45.81 feet; t an intersectio of the north thence N 140 beginning. Reserving untol the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company an ea ment to construct, place, maintain, operate, insp ct,repair, replace and remove such aerial and un rground telephone, telegraph and com- munication st cture as the Company from time to t1me require nsisting of poles, anchors, wires, cables, condu s, manholes, markers necessary fix- tures and app tenances over, under, along and across the no herly 5 feet of both Parcels 1 and 2 above descr ed. point in the northerly line or said distant S 740 33' 24" W,73.18 feet ortheasterly corner of said Tract No. uthwesterly along a curve concave nd having a radius of 27 feet through of 970 13' 17" an arc distance of nce N 220 39' 53" W, 30..64 feet to with the southwesterly prolongation ne of Lot 21 in said Tract No. 5332; 3' 24" E, 30.64 feet to the point of BE IT FU HER RESqLVED that the City Clerk be, and she is hereby, authori ad and directed to cause a certified copy of this Resolution an Order, attested by her under the s~al of the City of Anaheim, t be recorded in the Office of the County Re- corder of Orange C nty, California. THE FOREdoING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the City Council of th~~City of Anaheim this 12th day of September, 1978. I ATTEST: /''--''', ~; ANAHEIM MES : fm -2- - -.. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUITY OF ORAllGE ~ )' CI. OFAlWIBIM } ! sr.' t ." I, LINDA D. RaBEllTS, City Clerk of the City of~abelll, dohe~~bJ certify that the fo~goitig Resolution . 78R:"'S9S waS introdu(led and adopte.dat a regular mee'tin* previded by law, t' the 'City Council of the Cit,-ofAnaheim held on the 12th day of 'Septe1ltbe 1 1918, by the folIowing w:'te of the members thereof: AYES: cOtmCIL MEMBERS:I Overho.1t, ~yw8cxi" lCott,' Roth and Seymour NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS:, None ! ABSENi: COuNCIL}!EMBERS:1 ~ N0ne ! . , , ~ c AND- I l'UR'l'HER CERTIFYthak the Mayor of the City of Anaheit!1'$i.gned said Reselution ~o~ 78R-595' o1Jthe 12th day of September,~9}8.. .. . ,. ,. ; t . . IN WI"l'DS.' S WHEREOF, I ha'" hereuI\oto. set my h~IU:l and affi~d, the 'Seal of the City of Anaheim this ~th/. day ((If September , 1978~ .' . I , . ~L)~ CI .. EB: OF'lHE . . -OF ANAHEIM (SIIJ.) . t I, LINDA D. llOBERTS, Cit~'Clerk of the City of~aheim, c;lo hereby certify that the forego1ngis the ori" . a10f Resolution No. 78R-.595 d:U1YD~sed arrd adopted by the Anaheim City Coun. 1 on September 12, 1978. --,-.. -- --~ .~..._..... - ---.4.: ~:f)~J~ CITY CLERK ) _.. _, _'_,' -v. .._,_.... .__ ~ _._..__._-...~ -,- .-......--... '.,...~--- ----,-,^..,-_._-